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Employee satisfaction questionnaire for finding out opinions of employee about organization In this part, employee satisfaction questionnaire include questions to identify employees opinions about policies, organization itself etc. You use rating scales as (1) strongly agree, (2) agree, (3) neither agree nor disagree, (4) disagree, (5) strongly disagree. 1. I am proud to work for our company. 2. I am satisfied with the training provided for my current job. 3. I am satisfied with the amount of training offered for advancement. 4. Our company is concerned with the long term welfare of the employees. 5. I feel secure that I will be able to work for the company as long as I do a good job. 6. I feel I can voice my opinion without fear. 7. My immediate superior is technically competent. 8. My immediate superior is competent in human relations. 9. Employee policies of company are administered the same in all departments laterally. 10. I like my job i.e. the work I do. 11. My immediate superior deals with employees problems fairly. 12. My immediate superior deals with all employees fairly. 13. The communication I received from company is timely. 14. The communication I received from company is accurate. 15. Our company maintains salary levels that compare well to other companies in this area. 16. Our company maintains benefits that compare well to other companies in this area. 17. I receive co-operation from all other departments. 18. My department is well organized for the work it does. 19. The employees in my department work well in a team. 20. Company employee policies are properly and equally administered in my department. 21. I feel there is adequate opportunity for me to move to a better job within the company. 22. My superiors are concerned for providing quality product and services. 23. The employees of other departments are also concerned with quality product and services. 24. I feel the top management is committed to quality of the product and services. 25. The company recognizes the accomplishment of employees. 26. I receive regular Job performance feedback. 27. The company has adequate safety & health standard. 28. My Superior recognizes my performance. 29. I have an annual set of performance standards. 2. Questionnaire for appraising important level of organization to employee. In this part, employee satisfaction questionnaire include questions to identify employees opinions about a matter that is important or not. You use rating scales as (1) very important, (2) important, (3) unimportant, (4) very unimportant, (5) neither important nor unimportant. 1. How important to you is the performance of the Top Management? 2. How important to you is the recognition you receive from the company? 3. How important to you is the quality of good produced and customer service? 4. How important to you are the opportunities to advance in your line of function? 5. How important to you are the employee policies at the company? 6. How important to you is it to work at Company? 7. According to you how important is the work you do to Company? 8. How important to you is the job you do? 9. How important to you is the type of supervision you receive? 10. How important to you are the overall operating procedures of the department in which you work? 11. How important to you is the fairness of the way the company treats all employees? 12. How important to you is Job Security? 13. How important to you are the benefits provided by the company? 14. How important to you is the salary you receive?

15. How important to you is the performance appraisal system of the company? 16. How important do you think the quality systems like ISO, 5S for the growth of the company? 17. How important to you is the training & development provided by the company? 18. How important to you is the overall communication of the company? 3. Employee satisfaction questionnaire for appraisal of employee about organization In this part, employee satisfaction questionnaire include questions to identify employees opinions about organization related to good points or not. You use rating scales as (1) excellent, (2) very good, (3) typical, (4) fair, (5) poor. 1. All things considered, how do you rate company? 2. How do the companys employee policies compare with those of other companies you know about? 3. All things considered, how do you rate companys employee policies and procedures? 4. How do you rate company as a place to work compared with other companies you know about? 5. How do you rate company on treating employee problems fairly? 6. How do you rate the overall relationship between the company and its employees? 7. All things considered, how do you rate the overall training & development provided? 8. All things considered, how do you like your job? 9. How do you rate the companys business prospects for the next five years? 10. All things considered, how do you rate the job security provided by the company? 11. All things considered, how do you rate the companys salary structure? 12. All things considered, how do you rate your long term career potential with Company? 13. How do you rate the credibility of the top management? 14. How do you rate your immediate superior? 15. How do rate the amount of communication you receive from the company? 16. How do you rate the standard of quality with regards to material produced? 17. How do you rate the safety and health standard of the company? 18. How do you rate the total compensation you receive compared to what you could receive for similar work from another company in this area? 19. How do you rate the relationship between the amount of compensation you receive and your performance? 4. Questionnaire for appraising quality and quantity of work In this part, employee satisfaction questionnaire include questions to identify employees opinions about quality and quantity of work. You use rating scales as (1) much too much, (2) too much, (3) just right, (4) too little, much too little. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do How do How do How do What is you feel about the quantity of work you are asked to perform? you feel about the quality of work you are asked to perform? you feel about the amount of time spent by your immediate superior? you feel about the number of approvals required to get a decision made? your level of understanding of the companys Quality Management System?

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Impact of human resource practices on employee perceived performance in banking sector of Pakistanmore
by Bilal Sharif
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Bowra et al. 327

Table 2. Profile of the respondents.

Demographic Categor y Frequency Percent Type of bankPublic 65 27.5Priva te 168 71.5Level of

jobManger Grade 79 33. 6NonManger Grade 156 66.4 Qualification Graduation 50 21.3Mast ers 181 77.0Others 4 1.7 GenderMale 178 75.7Fe male 57 24.3
Figure 2.

Histograms: Total and current job experience of the respondents.

EMPIRICAL RESULTS As our questionnaire was design on likert scale, so themost suitable correlation

matrix for this scale is Spearmans correlation coefficient (rho) matrix. Spearmans correlation between all the variables whichare used in our models demonstrated

in the Table 3. Thistable shows that employee perceived performance andHR practices have strong relationship. The correlationbetween employee perceived performance and HRpractices show

positive relationship and statisticallysignificant . These results of correlation are in accordancewith our theoretical framework and previous studies(Baloch et al., 2010; Becker and

Huselid, 1998; Guest,2001; Ichniowski et al., 1997; Tessema and Soeters,2006). Another purpose for calculating correlation is toassess the potiential chances of multicollinearity

beforerunning multiple regression analysis. As correlatonbetween ind ependent variables in the model are lessthan cut point 0.6, which shows that there is nomulticollnearity problem in model.In

order to more authenticate multicollinearity problem,second method of assessing ptoential chances ofmulticollnearity also applied. The variance inflation factor(VIF) and

tolerance of independent variables is utilized toconfirm again that there is no mutlicollnearity is present inmodel. In appendix 3,values of VIF and tolerance of allindependent variables are given.

As the values of VIF foreach independent variable is less than cut point 5 andtolerence value of each independent variable is greaterthan cut point 0.2, so researchers again confirms thatthere is

no chance of occurance of multicollinearity in themodel(see appendix 3). In order to check autocorrelationin the model, Dubin-Watson statistics (d) is calculatedwhich is

1.907.This value 1.907 shows absence ofautocorrleation in the model.The Table 4 provides multiple regression analysisresults of the model which shows t hat model has three

328 Afr. J. Bus. Mana ge.

Table 3.
Spearmans correlation coef ficient (rho) matrix.

Variable EPP CP PE P P TEN GEN Employee perceived per formance (EPP) 1.000C

ompensation practices (CP)0.2450.000***1.0 00Performance evaluation (PE)0.3220.000***0.52 6 0.000***1.000Promoti on practices (PP)0.2530.000***0.50 30.000***0.509

0.000***1.000Tenure (TEN)0.1240.059*0.0750.2520.0620.3460.1270.052*1.000Gende r (GEN)-0.0520.4260.0920.1620.0130.8460.0340.6010.2060.001* **1.000

n = 235, correlation is significant at *** 1%,

** 5%, and * 10% level of significance (2-tailed). Table 4. Multiple regression analysis.

Variable Stan. error tstatistics P-value Compensation practices

-0.0297 0.0582 0.51 0.610Performance evaluation 0.3460 0.067 9 5.10 0.000***Promoti on practices 0.1147 0.05 52 2.08 0.039**Tenure 0.0265 0.0068 3.90 0.00 0***Gender 0.1374 0.1036 1.33 0.186

= 0.2386, Adj. R

= 0.2219, r = 0.4884, FStat = 14.35, and Prob > F = 0.000***. Variable issignificant at *** 1%, ** 5%, and * 10% level of significance

significant variables. Performance evaluation is significant at 1% level of

significance. Promotion practicesvariable is significant at 5% level of significance andcontrol variable tenure is significant at 1% level ofsignificance. While other two variables

compensationpractice s and gender are insignificant. The R


of model is23.86%, which means that HR practices can explain the23.86% changes in the employee perceived

performancein the banking sector of Pakistan. Adjusted R


of themodel is 22.19% and coefficient of correlation r is 48.84%in this study. Value of R


and adjusted R

improve from previous study on HRM and University teachers performance (Reisinger (1997) suggested that value ofR

is smaller in case of primary data and when samplesize is large but number of independent variables is lessin the study. Other reason is that it is social phenomenaas this study includes

behavior element. But although R


and adjusted R

is smaller model is good fit as the F testof model is significant. The value of F statistics is 14.35that significant at 1% level

of significance and model isgood fit.Performance evaluation has highest contribution inexplaining the employee perceived performance is 0.346and significant at 1% level of

significance. The result is inaccordance of previous research on banking sector ofPakistan (Baloch et al., 2010). So researchers foundperformance evaluation most important HR

practices. Ifthese practices are properly implemented by the banks inPakistan, in return they can get multiple benefits. Theprevious studies suggested that banks can get multiplebenefits from

these practices like; Prime merit ofperformance evaluation is that it can facilitate the banksto take proactive actions regarding other HR practiceslike increasing salaries

under compensation practices,promotion practices and many other incentive schemes inorder to boost performance of the bankers. Secondbenefit is that banks not only evaluate the strengths

andweakness of its employees but also can take proactiveactions like, training and development of employees.Third benefit is that performance evaluation can help

theHR department of banks to check usefulness of other HRpractices like, staffing, selection and training and

development of employees (Baron and Kreps, 1999;Bowen and Ostroff, 2004; Kalleberg and Moody, 1994;Pfeffer, 1994; Tessema and Soeters, 2006).The promotions

practices also showing positive andsignificant relationship in the model. Promotion practiceshave a contribution of 0.1147 in explaining the employeeperceived performance and

significant at 5% level ofsignificance. This shows that promotion practices canaffect positive to the performance of employees. Theresult is also in accordance of the previous study done onbanking

sector of Pakistan (Baloch et al., 2010). Theemployees in the banking sector of Pakistan are satisfiedwith having a written and operational promotion policy;seniors are preferred in

promotion and also consideredmerit in promotion (see appendix 2: questionnaire).The compensation practices show positive andsignificant relationship in

correlation but in regressionmodel is not significant. Compensation practices haveonly contribution of 0.0297 in explaining the employeeperceived performance and

highly insignificant. Thisresult is unlike to the findings of (Baloch et al., 2010). Themain reasons are; low per capita income, higher inflationrate in Pakistan, higher cost of operations for

employersand budget constraints in case of public banks. Fromfamous study of HR practices, it was proved thatcompensation practices can affect directly or indirectly onthe performance of

employees and also affect themotivation level of the employees (Huselid, 1995). Theresult in regression model shows that compensationpractice s have indirect effect on the perceived

perfor-mance of employee in banking sector. The other reasonfrom previous study concluded that most developingcountries (DCs) are famous for their economic problemsin managing

and financing the many projects regardingHR practices and programs (Kiggundu, 1989). Conclusion The rationale of this study is to investigate exact rela-tionship

and nature of relationship between the employeeperceived performance and HR practices (compensationpractic es, promotion practices and performanceevaluatio

n) in the banking sector of Pakistan. All hypo-theses are accepted. The HR practices and employeeperceived performance has positive and significantrelationship in this study. These

results are in accordancewith the previous study on the banking sector of Pakistan(Baloch et al., 2010). The regression results show thattwo HR practices: performance

evaluation and promotionpractices are significant but the compensation practicesare not significant and contradictory to the previous studydone by (Baloch et al., 2010).Banking sector

of Pakistan would quickly redefine thecompensation practices in order to boost up the performance of the employees in banks. Salaries and otherfinancial incentives of

employees should be adjusted inaccordance with higher inflation in Pakistan. The bankingBowra et al. 3 29sector also has to properly implement and maintain theother HR practices like performance

evaluation andpromotion practices. This study can help banking sectorto properly define that HR practices can produce higherperformance of the employees of the banks

whichultimately results in increasing the productivity andmotivation in employees.In this study, we adopt personally administeredquestion naire and choose only three most important

HRpractices. The future studies can be done by utilizingother HR practices like recruitment and selectionpractices, training and development practices, placementpractices,

and grievance practices.

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Bowra et al. 331 APPENDIX

Appendix 1.

List of sample banks.

S/No. Private sector S r. Public sector 1 Allied Bank Limited 1 National Bank of Pakist an2 Summit Bank Limit ed 2 The Bank of Punja b3 Bank AlFalah Limited 3 The Ba nk of Khyber4 Askari B

ank Limited5 Bank AlHabib Limited6 Faysal Bank Limited7 Habib B ank Limited8 Habib Me tropolitan Bank Limited 9 KASAB Bank Limite d10 MCB Bank Limited 11 Soneri Bank Limited 12 Silk Bank Limited13 Standard Chartered Ban k (Pakistan) Limited14

United Bank Limited15 Khushali Bank Limited1 6 BankIslami Pakistan L imited17 AlBaraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited18 Meezan Ban k Limited19 Burj Bank Limited
Appendix 2. Questionnaire:

Impact of HR practices on employees performance in banking sector (academic research survey)

12345 1. My performance is be tter than that of my colle agues with similar qualif ications 1 2 3 4

52. I am satisfied with my performance becaus e it is mostly good 1 2 3 4 53. My performance is better than that of Bank ers with similar qualific ations in other Banks 1 2 3 4 54. The performan ce of my Bank is better t han that of other Banks 1 2 3 4 55. Presence of a

ttractive compensation s ystem 1 2 3 4 56. Presen ce of equitable external salary 1 2 3 4 57. Presen ce of equitable overtime payment 1 2 3 4 58. Presence of salary that r eflects performance 1 2 3 4 59. Presence of salar y that encourages better performance 1 2 3 4 510

. Presence of salary that reflects standard of livin g 1 2 3 4 511. Presence of written and operation al performance evaluati on 1 2 3 4 512. Perform ance evaluation has a lot to do with my salary 1 2 3 4 513. Performance evaluation has a lot to d o with my personal deci

sions 1 2 3 4 514. Provis ion of feedback of perfo rmance evaluation result s 1 2 3 4 515. Performan ce evaluation is consider ed important task by sup eriors 1 2 3 4 516. Perfo rmance evaluation is kn owledgeable 1 2 3 4 517 . Presence of written and operational promotion p

olicy 1 2 3 4 518. Provis ion of priority to seniorit y in promotion decision 1 2 3 4 519. Provision of priority to merit in pro motion 1 2 3 4 5
(1) Strongly disagree (2) Disagree (3) Indifferent (4) Agree (5) Strongly agree

332 Afr. J. Bus. Mana ge. Demographics The following data is required for statistical purposes only; please do not give your name or

identificationType of bank --------O Public O PrivateLe vel of job ----------O Manager Grade O NonManager GradeTotal j ob experience (in year s) ______________ E xperience with

Current Bank (in years) _____ ________ Qualificati on ------O Graduation O Mast ers Others _________ ____ Age (in Years) _ _________________ _______ Gender ---- -- O Male O Female

Appendix 3. VIF and tolerance Variable VIF Toleranc e Compensation practices 1.655 0.604Performance evalua tion 1.671 0.598Promotio n practices 1.571 0.637Te nure 1.068 0.937Gender 1.045 0.957

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Questionnaire to HR managers

What are the main reasons to opt the HR outsourcing for your bank? What make you outsource the HR activities when you have a separate HR division in your bank? Does your employee turnover ever affected with HR outsourcing and if so does it in positive or negative aspect? What is your vision in outsourcing the HR across the bank? What are the key HR activities you outsource in your bank? How the HR outsourcing does help in improving the skills of employees at your bank? What level of training and development services are offered by the HR outsourcing vendor to your employees? What is the impact of HR outsourcing on your overall payroll system and have you observed any benefits in this regard? What are the different employee assistance programs offered by the HR outsourcing partner? How do you track the employee performance against the training and development given by the HR outsourcing partner?

Have you observed any changes in the quality of service provided by the HR outsourcing partner during the contract period and if so what are those changes? How do you manage the relationship with the HR outsourcing vendor during the contract period? What is the overall impact on the human capital management due to outsourcing the HR activities? What other HR activities you are planning to outsource down the two years? How the overall organization performance does depends on HR outsourcing and what level of positive or negative results you have observed in this context? What is the impact of HR outsourcing on the overall business value of your organization? How do the direct and indirect costs are reduced with outsourcing the HR activities? To what level the capital costs are reduced with outsourcing the HR activities? What are the key HR activities that will save the operational costs at your bank? Does HR outsourcing have ever created any new business opportunities in your bank? How do you gain the market access and business shares against the HR outsourcing practices? What are the important financial operations outsourced along with HR activities? What level of return on investment (ROI) is achieved against HR outsourcing in the bank? How do you track the financial benefits with HR outsourcing? What are your future cost saving measures with respect to HR outsourcing? What level of knowledge you have regarding HR operations in your bank? How do you feel when a third party like HR outsourcing vendor takes the control over your issues?

Questionnaire to Business development manager

Questionnaire to Employees

Are you satisfied with the training and development program conducted by HR outsourcing vendor? What unique benefits you observe with outsourcing the HR activities of your bank? What level of freedom you have with your HR outsourcing vendor while sharing your personal and workplace issues? Are you satisfied with the employee welfare activities offered by the HR outsourcing vendor? Does your HR outsourcing vendor consider your pay related issues? Are you provided with flexible working hours by your HR outsourcing vendor? Do you feel HR outsourcing can improve your career graph? Could you please share your feedback with respect to HR outsourcing practices implemented in your organization.

DisagreeD isagreeAgr e e A g r e e Stro nglySomewhatN eutralSomewhatS

tronglyI have a clearly established career path at {COMPANY NAME}............ 1............2........... .3............45I hav e opportunities t

o learn and grow ........................... ..........1............2. ...........3............4 ............5{Attrib ute masked! Becom e a client and see all

attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1...

.........2............3.. ..........4............5 If you have been here at least six months, please respond to theseperformanc e appraisal items

{Attribute masked. Become a client and see all attributes.}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 My last performance

appraisal accura tely reflected my performance ....1............2....... .....3............45T he performance appraisal system is fair................. ...............1..........

..2............3......... ...4............5 6.Your Role (Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo

mewhatNeutralS omewhatStrongl y{Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5

I am given enough authority to make decisions I need to make.............1... .........2............3.. ..........45I feel I am

contributing to {NAME OF COMPANY}'s mission....1........ ....2............3....... .....4............5I have the materials and equipment I

need to do my job well..1............2.. ..........3............4. ...........5 7.Recognition and Rewards (Please circle one number for each

statement)D i s a greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS omewhatStrongl yIf I do good work I can count on making more

money.............1. ...........2............3 ............4............ 5If I do good work I can count on being promoted............ .........1............2..

..........3............4. ...........5I feel I am valued at { COMPANY NA ME}................... ..............1........... .2............3.......... ..4............5{Attr ibute

masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {COMPANY NAME} gives enough recogniti

on for work that's well done1............2... .........3............45 My salary is fair for my responsibilities.... ............................ .....1............2.......

.....3............4....... .....5 8.Teamwork and Cooperation (Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a greeDisagr

eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS tronglyStronglyI feel part of a team working toward a shared goal..................1 ............2............

3............4........... .5{Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute

masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 Politics at this company are kept to a

minimum............ .........1............2... .........3............4... .........5 9.Working Conditions (Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a

greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS omewhatStrongl yI believe my job is secure.................. ............................

...........1............2. ...........3............4. ...........5My physical working conditions are good.................... .............1............ 2............3............ 4............5Deadli

nes at {COMPA NY NAME} are realistic........ .................1........ ....2............3....... .....4............5My workload is reasonable........... ............................

................1.......... ..2............3.......... ..4............5

I can keep a reasonable balance between work and

personal life.........1.......... ..2............3......... ...45

For more Notes, Presentatio

ns, Project Reports visithrmba.

10.Your Immedi ate Supervisor

(Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS

omewhatStrongl yMy supervisor treats me fairly................... ............................ ....1............2........ ....3............4........ ....5My supervisor treats

me with respect................. ......................1.... ........2............3.... ........4............5M y supervisor handles my workrelated issues sat

isfactorily...1...... ......2............3..... .......4............5{ Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3..

..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute

masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 My supervisor asks me for my input to

help make decisions...1....... .....2............3...... ......4............5M y supervisor is an effective manager.............. .......................1...

.........2............3... .........4............5 11.{COMPANY NAME}'s Training Program (Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a

greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS omewhatStrongl y{COMPANY NAME} provided as much initial

training as I needed.........1.. ..........2............3. ...........45{COM PANY NAME} provides as much ongoing training as I need........1.........

...2............3........ ....45{Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 12.Benefits

(Please circle one number for each statement)D i s a greeDisagr eeAgreeAg r e e StronglySo mewhatNeutralS omewhatStrongl yOverall, I'm

satisfied with {COMPANY NAME}'s benefits package.........1.... ........2............3.... ........45Specifical ly, I'm satisfied with the:

(This section will be customized to match your benefits. All sectionscan be customized.)

Amount of vacation.............. ............................

........................1.. ..........2............3.. ..........4............5S ick leave policy.................. ............................ .........................1. ...........2............3. ...........4............5

Amount of health care paid for....................... ..........................1 ............2............3 ............4............5 Dental benefits............... ............................

............................ ..1............2.......... ..3............4.......... ..5401k plan..................... ............................ ............................ .....1............2....... .....3............4.......

.....5{Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom

e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all

attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3..

..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute

masked! Becom e a client and see all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5 {Attribute masked! Becom e a client and see

all attributes!}....1... .........2............3.. ..........4............5

What, if any, changes would you like made to {COMPANY

NAME}'s benefits package?13.How long do you plan to continue your career with {COMPANY NAME}?

Less than a y earOne to tw o yearsTwo t o five years More than fi ve yearsDon' t Know

14.Would you recommend employment at {COMPANY NAME} to a friend?

Definitel y notProb

ably notM aybeProba bly would Definitel y would

15.What can {COMPANY NAME} do to increase your satisfaction as an employee?

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____ _______ __________ __ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ ___ _________ ________ The following questions are for analytic purposes only. They will not be used

to try to identify anyindividual.Ho wever, if you feel uncomfortable about answering any of them do not do so.Whether or not you leave any

questions blank, please return your questionnaire. 16.How long have you worked for {COMPANY NAME}?

Less than one year..................... .................. One year to less than two years...................

Two years to less than five years................. Five years to less than ten years.................

Ten years or more.................... ....................

17.What is your age?

Under 21........................

............................ ..

21 to 34........................ ............................ ....

35 to 44........................ ............................ .... 45 to 54........................ ............................ ....

55 or older.................... ............................ ....

18.What is your sex?

Male.................... ............................ ............. Female................ ............................ .............

19.Which of the following best describes your role in the organization ?

First-level supervisor........... .........................

Manager/supervi sor higher than first level(including senior management positions)..

Not a manager or supervisor........... .............

20.What is you r total beforetax annualinco me from this job,

including overti meand bonuses?

Less than $20,000............... ........................ $20,000 to less than

$30,000............... ........

$30,000 to less than $50,000............... ........

$50,000 to less than $75,000............... ........ $75,000 or more.................... .......................

21.In which department do you work?

Department A......................... ......................

Department B......................... ...................... Department C......................... ......................

Department D......................... ...................... Department E......................... ......................

Department F.......................... ..................... Department G......................... ......................

Department H......................... ...................... Department I.......................... ......................

The Survey Process

Questionnaire Development

We modify the questionnaire, based upon the needs of your

organization. Thi s includes the addition,deletion, and modification of questions or sections. Data CollectionI n t e r n e t

S u r v e y s P a p e r S u r v e y s

We program the survey and test it. We send yousuggested text, including a

link to the survey, for theemail inviting people to participate. Yo u invite your empl oyees to participate with

your e-mail message(or, if you prefer, we can send the email). Your empl oyees complete the online questionnaire. W erecommend that

you allow approximately two weeksfor all employees to complete the surveyYou distribute the questionnaires to your

organizationand have them returned directly to us (we canprovide postage-paid envelopes for a small additionalcost).

We can suggest a format for a cover letter, or we can review your cover letter if you wish. Your empl oyees return the

questionnaires directly to us for data entry and analysis. We recommend that youallow approximately three to four weeks

for questionnaire s to be returned. Analysis Timing For a Gold report, it takes approximately two weeks from the time we receive the last

survey response untilyour final report will be ready. A Silver report takes approximately one week less time.

Program OptionsSilver --

The Silver program is designed for organizations with a tight budget, but who don't have the

time toconduct an employee satisfaction survey from start-tofinish on their own. The program also includes

theproduction of tables and graphs, comparisons to normative data (aggregate results of other surveys), as wellas optional coding

(categorization) of verbatim comments, so you can tell at a glance what suggestionsempl oyees have for improvement. Complete

comment transcription is included.

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