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~ Common Sense Gun Laws ~ ~ Include: No Nonsense Sentencing For Violent Armed Offenders ~


A St. Louis judge deliberates.

Nearly a year ago, 18 year old Matthew Pellegrini died from a gunshot wound to his head. The offender, Kevin Beindorff, then 21, was charged with 2nd degree murder. During the initial judicial process, Beindorff admitted that he, Pellegrini, and a 3rd party were sitting in Beindorffs car in front of his home, when he placed a loaded weapon against Pellegrinis head at point-blank range and fired. Pellegrini was later removed from life support, his organs benevolently donated to others in need per his prior request. - When asked why? Beindorff responded, He asked me to. The only witness present claimed he did not recall the events that preceded the weapons discharge, but did recall discussing throwing Pellegrinis body in the river with Beindorff, while they disposed of the shell casings (evidence), before finally taking Pellegrini to the ER. - During the two hearings that have taken place in Judge Sweeneys courtroom, new information has been introduced. The infamous he asked me to defense was actually the third story Beindorff gave police. What story to believe when the only witness claims ignorance and the dead cannot speak? - Does a victim requesting death absolve the perpetrator of murder? Is taking an admitted killers 3rd, alternate testimony at face value a wise decision? Apparently, the MO Grand Jury and Circuit Attorneys office think so. They agreed to Beindorffs plea deal of Manslaughter 1, with an additional charge of Armed Criminal Action. If Judge Sweeney honors this plea, Beindorff could be could be on the streets again in seven years. He was only helping a friend out after all. Judge Sweeney is taking the next few days to consider the facts surrounding this case, and may decide to override the plea agreement. If you place a known loaded firearm directly against another human beings head and end their life, does it matter why? Murder is murder. How can the Prosecuting Attorneys office be so easily convinced Pellegrini asked for death? How does this alleged request subsequently absolve one of 2nd degree murder? The Manslaughter charge deems this senseless gun death involuntary or accidental. How can such a willful, destructive action be accidental? Beindorff was not being coerced or under duress, no one made him do it. Recognize the very serious precedent this type of defense will set, in a society already rampant with gun violence. If strict sentencing is not given, be prepared for more senseless deaths with the defense of he told me to, I was just being a good friend following in its wake. Soft sentencing & bogus plea deals sends a message of carte blanche pro murder that can be easily subverted by unquantifiable claims of honoring a request.

Court reconvenes this Friday, April 26th at 10:30am. Please help us give this victim a voice, by letting the St. Louis Circuit Courts know that:
Victim Blaming is not acceptable He told me to is not an action negating defense Voluntarily placing a known loaded weapon directly on a persons head and pulling the trigger is not an involuntary nor accidental action Judge Sweeney: Exercise jurisprudence and assign appropriate retributive justice 2nd Degree Murder charge should stand; reject soft plea bargains that allow violent armed criminals back on our streets with minimal time served. Hold killers accountable to keep citizens & officers of the law safe.

Contact Info: Judge Sweeney (314) 622-4452 Circuit Atty. Jennifer Joyce ph. (314) 622-4941 fax. (314) 622-3369

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