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Software Design Document


Asset Management System Managing Data

Naik Prajot Prabha
0101919 M.Sc (Software Technology) AIMIT, St. Aloysius College Mangalore 30-04-2012

Under the guidance of Mrs Medha Kudari Assistant Professor AIMIT, St. Aloysius College Mangalore

Submitted to


1. 1.1

Introduction Purpose

The main purpose of this document is to illustrate the overall design of the project Asset Management system. The details of this document are used by the development team i.e. the project manager and the tester to implement the features described in the Assets management system. This S.D.D will provide reliable information while implementing, testing and maintaining the system and will act as the blue print of the system. Other members can view this document to get a clear design idea of the system. This particular S.D.D will be dealing with only the data management module of the system. This document is prepared keeping into consideration the IEEE standard for Software Design Document.



The main objective in preparing this document is to help the developers and the testers to know the design of the system before implementing. Since it also acts as a blue print, the client will have some idea of how the final product will be. It is used to guide initial implementation and further extension or maintenance. It describes the necessary components that comprise the Asset management system. The document will cover the design of both the functional as well as nonfunctional requirements proposed by the client.


Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

SDD Software Design Document UML Unified Modeling Language Class Diagram - Describes the structure of a system. Use-case Diagram - Illustrates the relationships between use cases. State chart Diagram - Expresses possible states of a class Sequence Diagram - Shows one or several sequences of messages sent among a set of objects. Activity Diagram - Describes activities and actions taking place in a system.

2. References

3. Attributes of Design Entities

Identification : Login Form, Registering new users Form, Creating new assets Form, Assigning assets to users Form, view asset profile.

3.1 Login Form

Type Purpose Function : Module : This validates and authenticates the users. : Accepts the username and password ,validate the user and

display appropriate page to the user Subordinates: login.jsp Dependencies : index.jsp Resources Processing : Browser : Accepts the username and password, validates the inputs, and

matches the inputs with database.

3.2 Registering new user Form

Type Purpose : Module : provides employee id to the temporary users.


: Accepts the user details and displays it to the HR who then

assigns role, location and designation. Subordinates: workinfo.jsp Dependencies : HR.jsp Resources Processing information. : Browser : Accepts user details, the HR decides the role based on the

3.3 Creating new asset Form

Type Purpose Function : Module : required to enter new assets into the system. : Accepts the asset name and allows choosing category and the

type in which the asset falls. Subordinates: newasset.jsp Dependencies : assetmgr.jsp Resources Processing : Browser : stores the information of the new assets into the database.

3.4 Assigning assets to users Form

Type Purpose Function : Module : to assign assets to the user who have requested for the assets. : list the request for the new asset and assign the requested

asset if available. Subordinates: ReqMonAM.jsp. Dependencies : assetmgr.jsp

Resources Processing if available.

: Browser : Assigns the asset to the user who have requested for the asset

3.5 View asset profile

Type Purpose them). Function : when the user logs in, the emp id is taken and assets assigned : Module : list asset assigned to each user (able to view assets assigned to

to that emp id is shown. Subordinates: profile.jsp Dependencies : authenticate.jsp Resources Processing : Browser : based on the employee id, the assets assigned to that

employee is shown.

4. Decomposition Description
4.1 General Structure

The general structure of the project consists of the following roles. The asset manager, who is in charge of handling the assets, is responsible for assigning the assets to the user who request for the assets. The general users are the normal users who will be using the assets. The H.R is responsible for registering the users to the system. 4.2 Procedural Approach

The modules like registration of users and assigning of assets follows a sequence of steps. For registration of new users, the user should first login with default username and password. As soon as he logged in, he has to enter his personal details. When he submits these details a temporary id gets generated. The H.R on the other side will be able to list these ids. On selecting any one of the id he can assign role and location of

work to the user. Similarly while assigning the assets to the user, the user should first make a request for the asset he needs. 4.2.1 Module Decomposition

The admin of the system is broken down into various roles. Roles such as asset manager H.R, approver and maintenance in charge have a higher priority than the general users.

4.3 Object-Oriented Approach 4.3.1 Login Use Case Diagrams

Registering new users

Creating new asset

Assigning Assets


Class Diagrams

4.3.3 Login

Sequence Diagrams

Registering new users

Creating new Assets

Assigning assets


State chart Diagrams

4.3.5 Login

Activity Diagrams

Registering new users

Creating new assets

Assigning Assets


Dependency Description

The dependency between the various entities is shown below with the help of the entity relationship diagram.


Interface Description

The interface used in the project is stand-alone interface i.e. the interface cannot change according to user wish and will. The interface used will be decided by the Parinati Solutions. The function and identification of the attribute and entities are described in the ER diagram


Detailed Design

7.1 Login
The member of the system should first log in in order to access the required features of the system.


Description and Priority

Login is must in order to gain the access to the system. Based on the login the features available to you are displayed. Login should be given higher priority as you cannot enter into the system without proper login.


Stimulus/Response Sequences The first page of the system will ask the user to log in. The system will ask the user to enter the username and password. The user will enter the username and password and will click login. If the login is successful the user will be directed to the main page. If the user enters incorrect username and password an error message stating invalid username or password will be displayed.

7.2 Registering New Users

The users should be first registered in order to have proper login and also to enjoy the benefits of the system.


Description and Priority

Registration is important as we can keep track of each user. During registration all the user details will be gathered and stored. The assets will only be assigned if the user is a registered one. Registration should also be given higher priority because without registering the user will not enjoy the benefits of the system.


Stimulus/Response Sequences The first page of the system will ask the user to log in. The system will ask the user to enter the username and password. The user will enter the default username and password. He will be directed to a page where he has to enter all his personal details and click on the save button.

On the other side the HR will be able to see all the ids of the personal details just filled.

On selecting any one of the id, all the personal details related to that id will be shown to the user and some extra fields like designation, role and location details will be left for the HR to be filled.

The HR will be assigning a role as well as a location where the employee will be working. Once the HR fills all the details and clicks on the save button an employee id will be generated for the user.

7.3 Creating New Assets

The asset manager has the privilege of creating new assets and adding it to the system.


Description and Priority

The asset manager will give a name to the asset and will also identify a category to which the asset belongs to. The details of the asset like its price, its life, the vendor detail from which the asset is purchased and it usage limit will be stored.


Stimulus/Response Sequences The first page of the system will ask the user to log in. The system will ask the user to enter the username and password.

The asset manager will enter his username and password and will click login.

Once the asset manager logs in successfully, he can click on the tab create new assets

He will enter the name of the asset and its corresponding category and type.

If the required type is not available he can add a new type by clicking on the add link

He will select the vendor from whom the asset is purchased. If the vendor name is not available the asset manager can click on the add link in order to enter the vendor details.

He will then make the asset available for the employees to use and will also assign the usage limit and its current usage.

Other details like the price of the asset, its warranty period, its purchase date and the life of the asset will be store on clicking the save button.

7.4 Assigning Assets to the User

Only the asset manager has the privilege to assign assets to the user. Asset assignment can be done based on the request from the users for particular assets. 7.4.1 Description and Priority

If the user wants asset to be assigned to him, he should make a request for that particular asset. Once the request gets approval from the approver the same will show to the asset manager. Depending on the requested asset name a similar will be searched in asset information table. If the match is found the required asset will be selected and assigned to the user.


Stimulus/Response Sequences

The first page of the system will ask the user to log in. The system will ask the user to enter the username and password. The asset manager will enter his username and password and will click login.

Once the asset manager logs in successfully, he can click on the tab monitor requests.

The dropdown box will list the request ids of the approved requests. On selecting any one request id, the information about the requestor will be shown along with the request for assets.

On clicking the assign link at the side of each request will direct the asset manager to a new page where he can assign assets.

The dropdown box in the asset assign page will list all the asset names similar to the requested asset name. The asset manager will select the appropriate asset name and will click on the save button.

On clicking the save button all other details like the asset id, employee id and the date when the asset is assigned will be stored in the asset assignment table.

7.5 View asset profile

Each user of the system has the privilege to view the assets assigned to him.
7.5.1 Description and Priority

The user will click on the tab, view my assets. On doing so the emp id of the user will be passed in the background and assets assigned to that emp id will be displayed.


Stimulus/Response Sequences The first page of the system will ask the user to log in.

The system will ask the user to enter the username and password. The user will enter his username and password and will click login. On successful login the main page of the user will be shown. He will click on the tab view my assets. The list of the assets assigned to the user will be shown.

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