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Stanley Meyer Allen Panacea-BOCAF On-Line de la Universidad trabajo de investigacin sobre la de Ravi Combustible de agua de la clula Voltrolysis replicacin

Stanley Meyer Allen Pgina 1

Panacea-BOCAF On-Line de la Universidad "Avance de la produccin de HHO" Yo no estoy aqu para discutir si las cosas funcionan de acuerdo con las leyes preestablecidas de la fsica o la termodinmica, pero que necesita para mantener una mente abierta para evolucionar y ver si hay algo que realmente funciona. Soy un ingeniero y se les ha enseado que las cosas no funcionan si usted infringe las leyes. Bueno, yo s que mis leyes gracias. He estado haciendo las clulas durante los ltimos 8 aos, pero ahora tengo algo que funcione. Si la gente quiere que se pueden replicar que estoy dando informacin sobre cmo hacerlo si no quieren multar por m! Me estoy poniendo nada ni perder nada por ello. Stan quera vender sus unidades! pues yo no lo soy! Esto es para las personas que ya lo estn probando y que quieren hacer algo sobre el desastre ambiental del mundo est en su aceleracin en el ao y no pasara mucho tiempo antes de que los poderes se dara cuenta de que la mayora de estos cambios son irreversibles. Vanishing glaciares, derretimiento de los casquetes polares, Europa ha sido testigo de los veranos ms calurosos en la memoria viva y ahora en Asia est pasando por las peores inundaciones en la memoria viva. Nos dirigimos hacia un desastre y ya han llegado a un punto de no retorno con la adiccin a los combustibles fsiles. Su tiempo nos hacemos contar de creacin de este togeter ahora! El Internet es realmente la aceleracin de este xito ms all de la capacidad de los anyones para detenerlo.

Informacin 316L inoxidable cavitacin

Stanley Meyer Allen Pgina 1

Modificacin superficial de acero inoxidable AISI 316 mediante diversas formas de NiTi para la mejora de la resistencia a la erosin por cavitacin. En este estudio, el NiTi polvo se precolocada sobre el substrato AISI 316L y se fundi con una alta potencia de Nd CW: YAG. Con los y.htm#rd

Larger Pic *****Beginning of pasted in code into template a [CopyRightAway: a Public Domain Document] Notice:Ravi concentric tubing spacinggap is .670 mm, aka 0.02637795 inches. At the speed of sound in water of 4911.4075 feet/sec, the resonant (Cavitation) frequency of this distance is 2,234,324 cycles per second (resonance for this distance!) So Set the Pulse train for this distance using the speed of sound in this medium! [unless 48.2khz postive pulse train works better]. Someone said that the RESONANCE frequency of water is 2.45 GHz. Also: this, "Conventional MRI systems in widespread use generate an anatomical image of a selected portion of the human body by utilizing a radio-frequency (RF) coil to irradiate the selected body portion with radiation at a frequency of 63.9 MHz, which causes nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen-1 constituents (protons) in the selected body portion at 1.5 Tesla." The educational series covering clean energy technology towards building our children future. Panacea-BOCAF is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to educational study and research .Copyrightaway this belongs to Humanity, sorry selfish one I acknowledged your futility. All material presented on this web site is either news reporting or information presented for non-profit study and research , or has previously been publicly disclosed or has implicitly or explicitly been put into the public domain. Rapid Fair Use applies and is highly encouraged . Contact us.

Transcribed from a stanley allen meyer youtube video: "I don't care if you use rain water, well water, city water, ocean water, go ahead and use snow, ....roughly use 22 gallons of water take the dune buggy from los angeles to new york", a patent examiner:"put out all your cigarettes, there is hydrogen in the building" we certainly convinced everyone in the patent office that we can do what we said we can do."

The total distance from Los Angeles to New York City is 2444 miles or 111.09 miles to the gallon which, by the way, may be reused!

Nice Video about WFC VIC

Stanley Meyer VIC resonant electrolysis mod Splitting distilled water with a 12 volt power supply. This came out of an attempt to maximize reactive power and minimize active power in the circuit... although I'm not sure that was accomplished in the video. Anyway...Circuit and parts are listed in the video. The setup is basically the Voltage Intensifier Circuit of Meyer with one major change: the second inductor (2nd wire in a bifilar-wound E core) instead of being in series with the circuit, has only one end attached to the circuit. How or why this works, I don't yet know, but it does allow more power into the distilled water than any other method I have tried so far. It is also frequency-dependent, unlike other methods where bubble action didn't depend on any magical frequencies. Here, though, the first major resonant point is around 20kHz for my cell. There is about 2 inches of overlap between inner and outer steel cell. Also I drew the bulb location wrong - in the video it's after the WFC, but in my diagram it was shown before... no difference since it behaved the same either way.The bulb was put after the WFC as an indicator of power flow, and potentially as the "amp consuming device" Meyer talked about. Yeah I know it's supposed to go before the WFC but goofed in my setup for the video, but it works the correct way just the same. I tried resistors to limit current but they got hot as hell and burned my finger... potentiometer sparked and smoked, so a little lightbulb (only 4 ohms though) was my next try and that, plus the free floating second inductor terminal, is what you see here.My guess is that the second bifilar wire is being driven both by capacitive current and magnetic field EMF from the first wire, and the electrons within the wire oscillate longitudinally in a standing wave, and that somehow does "something" to the bottom edge of the circuit by maybe injecting and taking away electrons when needed. So it acts as a forced electron reservoir perhaps, like a syringe sucking in and expelling electrons from a subdermal insertion point in the circuit.[Extracted from Video Stanley Allen Meyer Page for the Public's benefit

Stanley Meyers: quotes and some dialog from video sources" So in trying to develop the technology the first area was to address how to release the hydrogen from natural water and do it economically , Experiments by the present inventors have shown that in water, a resonant response wave can be obtained at a frequency of 529 kHz. As shown in FIG. 5, the use of continuous ultrasonic waves at high energy cause extensive excitation of cavitation and thus increase the temperature to a maximum value at the resonance frequency. The location of the peak of temperature rise as shown in FIG. 5 coincides with a resonant induction of cavitation. Simultaneous measurement of the wave resulting from implosion of the cavitation bubbles, using a hydrophone transducer, showed a significant increase in amplitude at the same frequency. Another Source says: Acoustic cavitation plays an important role in enhancing the reaction rate of chemical processes in sonochemical systems. However, quantification of cavitation intensity in sonochemical systems is generally limited to low frequency systems. In this study, an empirical determination of cavitation yield in high frequency ultrasound systems was performed by measuring the amount of iodine liberated from the oxidation of potassium iodide (KI) solution at 1.7 and 2.4 MHz. Experiments for determining cavitation were carried out at various solute (KI) concentrations under constant temperature, obtained by direct cooling of the solution and variable temperature conditions, in the absence of external cooling. Cavitation yield measurements, reported in this work, extend previously reported results and lend credence to the two step reaction pathway in high frequency systems. Additionally, the concentration of KI and temperature affect the cavitation yield of a system such that the iodine production is proportional to both conditions. It is proposed that direct cooling of sonicated KI solution may be advantageous for optimization of cavitation intensity in high frequency sonochemical reactors. Stanley Meyer said "On the covalent switch off we are deflecting the negatively charged electrons to the positive voltage field", toroidal, core, stan, meyer, hho Ramped rhythmic electrolysis conditioning of capacitor tubes changes the surface population of alloying elements in this highly chemically reactive environment of hydroxy gases operating in a strong electrostatic voltage field; all this chemistry is accelerated. Iron, possibly the most reactive ingredient in the general stainless alloy family, is the first to be etched away into solution. So, since conditioning seems to go to a completion of sorts, then the surface is essentially being plated, in effect, with chromium, molybdenum, and the other less reactive alloying elements. This aspect definitely needs further analysis and experimentation as we may be able to move much higher than the reported 1700% over unity power gains. "overunity permanent magnet generators" "over

unity permanent magnet generators" Once this process is completed, the water dielectric stays pure longer, and voltage activities both rise and stabilize, with fewer ions (of any type) forming to created a current reducing voltage situation. "explaining over unity generators" "how over unity generators work" good luck! Bottom line, efficiency rises. No results found for "catastrophic failure of the molecular bonds". Por qu no? One important phenomenon affecting efficiency that is way under developed is the surface roughing, currently using sandpaper, of the active capacitor faces.... inside surface of the outer tube and the outside surface of the inner tube. In future days, processes will be developed using lasers and or chemical etchants with masks (similar to cpu processes); MEMES. Here will be discovered the shaping of capacitor surfaces to find the best pattern for charge intensification through contour enhancing technologies; suface charge dynamics based upon shapes...aka lighning rods and Leyden Jar inferences. Catastrophic dielectric failure 2 H2O (l) H3O+ (aq) + OH (aq) natural dissociation rate At SATP, the concentrations of hydroxide and hydronium are both very low at 1.0 107 mol/L and the ions are rarely produced: a randomly selected water molecule will dissociate within approximately 10 hours. How is this ratio affected durining meyer electrostatic dissociation of the water molecule bonds. Stan Meyers demo
cell has 9 tube sets. The inner tubes are 0.5 inches in diameter and the outer tubes are 0.75 inches in diameter. The approximate spacing between his tubes is 3 mm. We do not believe Meyer used spacers in his demo cell and he in fact allowed his tubes to ring and this acoustic component that is being overlooked by most WFC researchers. We believe Stan cut slots on the outer tubes to match the frequency of the inner and outer pipes setting up a standing acoustic wave and we are working on a cell prototype that will incorporate these features. Oleg GRITSKEVITCH (patent)" An electrostatic field, coupled with action of Barium Titanate layer (ifwe apply electrical field to Barium Titanate, then, this layer creates the sound vibrations of about 25 KHz,; this vibration helps to destroy the molecules of water). and from the same url ....."This version of the dynamo created an output averaging 6,800 amperes at 220 volts DC. Its input power was only approximately 1% of the output power."

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h2o0il/Folders: html files to follow below


Internet Source="" Dielectric Constant Water molecule has a very large electric dipole moment and is forced to rotate to respond to an alternate external electric field. Hence water as a liquid has a very large dielectric constant 80. If water molecules group together to form larger structures such as the IE structure that is proposed, then the resulting structured water should have a larger dielectric constant. When an external AC field is applied, these IE structures will respond and cause a change of the dielectric constant. We use the Hewlett Packard Corp. 4192A LF Impedance Analyzer (5Hz ~ 13 MHz) to measure the pure and the imaginary parts of the dielectric constant of structured water and pure water. Esto se muestra en la fig. 1. The absolute value of dielectric constant and its phase of IE structured water is also presented separately in Fig. 1b. There is a minimum value of the phase at around 1 kHz. The distilled water has a dielectric value 80 at frequency ~ 106 Hz, and the IE structured water has a twenty percent smaller dielectric constant.

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