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Combining a River Basin Network Flow Model and Artificial Neural Networks for Salinity Control in an Irrigated Valley Enrique Triana1, John W. Labadie1 and Timothy K. Gates1 Department Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 805231372; PH (970) 491-7510; email: Abstract A comprehensive decision support system (DSS) is presented that combines the MODSIM river basin network flow model with geographic information systems (GIS) and an artificial neural network (ANN) for basin-wide water management and salinity control under appropriative water rights and other legal, institutional, and administrative structures. The MODSIM graphical user interface and/or GIS provide for display and editing of spatially distributed river basin network topology and other GIS layers, including basin DEMs, irrigated fields, NEXRAD precipitation data, basin hydrography, finite-difference groundwater grids, pumping wells, diversion and water use data, water rights database, water quality data, and hyperlinked display of GPS-located basin features. MODSIM embeds a VB.NET coded ANN for modeling of stream-aquifer interactions that is interpreted at runtime rather compiled with MODSIM. The ANN is trained using weekly modeled aquifer responses to historical events from a calibrated regional-scale finite difference groundwater model that would be computationally intractable if directly linked with MODSIM for management studies. A water quality module for characterizing salinity in the basin is also scripted in MODSIM using The DSS is applied to evaluating remediation strategies in the Lower Arkansas River Basin in Colorado, where increased salinization in agricultural areas and intensified competition with expanding urban areas for limited available water supplies have threatened the viability and sustainability of agriculture in the basin. Introduction Water quality degradation, inefficient water use, and increases in upstream and outof-basin municipal water demand in irrigated agricultural areas threaten the economy and sustainability of communities supported by agricultural activities, and make water less suitable for human consumption, crop production, and aquatic ecosystems. Design of comprehensive solutions to agro-ecological sustainability of irrigated river basins requires development of new tools that simultaneously address complex issues

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in water quantity management and water quality control under complex legal and administrative issues. The increasing stress on water systems has highlighted the inseparable relationship between surface water and groundwater resources (Winter et al. 1998). Therefore, adequate representation of stream-aquifer interaction is a major concern for developing accurate basin scale models, especially in basins where return flows and depletions make up a considerable portion of the surface water flow.
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A limitation in river basin modeling is always the degree of detail that is possible to achieve. Technologies such as satellite imagery, aerial photography, radar, and remote sensing make available refined spatial data facilitating regional-scale modeling. Digital format data is increasingly available and inexpensive, and geographic information systems (GIS) have evolved and become a powerful and accessible tool for processing, analyzing and visualizing spatial data. Combined together, these elements can provide a new dimension in river basin modeling. The decision support system (DSS) presented herein provides seamless integration between spatio-temporal river basin data, a comprehensive river basin network flow model, and an innovative and efficient methodology for modeling basin-scale streamaquifer interaction. The DSS is applied to the Lower Arkansas River Basin in Colorado for evaluating a wide variety of water management strategies for salinity control, including changes in irrigation practice, water use, reservoir operations, pumping patterns and infrastructure improvements such as canal lining and subsurface drainage. Spatio-Temporal Database The geo-database contains all data for building the basin-scale system model, including topography, political divisions, hydrography, hydraulic structures (e.g., canals, dams, siphons, diversion structures, etc.), irrigated fields, soil types, land use types, bed rock scatter points, aerial photos (DOQs), satellite images and spatially referenced field data. Diversion structures and reservoirs have associated water rights which are relationally referenced to the GIS features. Dynamic features include measurements or characteristics that changing time, with relational tables providing storage and access to spatially-referenced features such as gaging stations, climatic stations, diversion structures with measurement devices, pumping wells, monitoring wells, and NEXRAD precipitation data. The database also contains processed data such as watersheds, slopes, hydrologic networks, geometric networks, and georeferenced model results. Stream-Aquifer Interaction A common practice in the analysis and modeling of stream-aquifer interaction is an excessive simplification due to the lack of extensive field data. Analytical approaches primarily rely upon a number of conceptual simplifications, thereby increasing the uncertainty and inaccuracy of the results. Common assumptions include simplified aquifer geometry and significant constraints on aquifer physical characteristics such as homogeneity, isotropy, time invariance, and infinite (semi-

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infinite) aquifer extent. In contrast, finite difference and finite element numerical methods can accurately represent the time-variant, heterogeneous physical system, but are computationally intractable when applied over large areas. A popular method to model stream-aquifer interactions at basin-scale is the stream depletion factor (SDF) method (Jenkins 1968). The SDF is a spatially variable system descriptor with time dimension for predicting volumetric changes in streamflows due to recharge or withdrawal of water from the aquifer. The SDF method merges spatially-varied hydraulic properties, aquifer stress locations, and types of boundary conditions. Sophocleous (1995) compared the finite difference model MODFLOW (McDonald et al. 1988) and SDF (Jenkins 1968) and noted considerable discrepancies between the two approaches in representing a real stream-aquifer system. These results were corroborated by Fredericks et al. (1998), who found significant differences using groundwater response coefficients developed from SDF as compared to a finite difference groundwater model. There is a need for a methodology that allows accurate basin scale stream-aquifer interaction modeling based on field data and detailed groundwater modeling, but is computationally feasible for integration with regional water management models. Triana et al. (2003) showed the potential of training an artificial neural network (ANN) to represent complex stream-aquifer interactions at the regional scale. The methodology trains an ANN from detailed, well-calibrated regional quantity-quality groundwater models to learn relationships between basin-wide quantifiable system state variables and the regional response of the aquifer (i.e., river return flows, river depletions, and conservative constituent loading). The relationships learned by the ANN are used to describe stream-aquifer interactions in areas where detailed groundwater modeling is not available. GIS is used to build the ANN training and to test data sets by area-buffer-grouping of explanatory variables and querying of georeferenced MODFLOW modeled variables (Triana et al. 2004). Regional scale modeled scenarios enhance the ANN exposure to stream-aquifer interactions when changes in the explanatory variables occur. Accurate surface-groundwater modeling detail is only feasible at field or regional scales. Triana et al. (2003) showed the potential of training an artificial neural network (ANN) to represent complex stream-aquifer interactions at a regional scale. An innovative methodology was developed to extend stream-aquifer interaction modeling to the basin scale. The methodology is based on detailed, well-calibrated regional water quantity-quality groundwater models, which during the modeled period, reveal the relationships between basin-wide quantifiable system state variables and historical regional responses of the aquifer (i.e., river return flows, river depletions and water quality constituent loading). An ANN was trained to learn regional relationships for representing basin-wide stream-aquifer interactions, especially in areas where detailed groundwater modeling is not available. A custom GIS interface and the spatio-temporal database are used to build the ANN training/testing data sets and querying of geo-referenced MODFLOW modeled

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variables (Triana et al. 2004). Figure 1 shows a MODFLOW grid in GIS where model cells can be associated with geo-referenced system features.

Groundwater Model grid

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Figure 1. GMS Modeled River Cells for ANN Output Variables Geo-referenced River Basin Network Model (MODSIM) MODSIM is a generalized river basin network flow model (Labadie et al. 2002) employing a network flow structure for representing physical system features and processes, as well as artificial and conceptual elements for modeling complex hydraulic, administrative, legal, and institutional/contractual mechanisms. MODSIM is integrated as an extension in ArcGISTM (ESRI, Inc.) to construct the river basin model using a geo-referenced MODSIM network. The topology and infrastructure of the system is represented using a geometric network. A geometric network contains the geometry and locations of network edges and nodes, in addition to connectivity information between edges and junctions. It also defines rules of behavior such as which classes of edges can connect to a particular class of junction or to which class of junction two classes of edges must connect. ArcMapTM (ESRI, Inc.) facilitates the construction of the hydro-network and its tools facilitate the setting of flow directions and checking for connectivity errors and integrity of the hydro-network. The MODSIM network topology is based on the ArcGIS logical network, with MODSIM GUI dialogs and output displays brought into ArcMap for entering and editing the model data and visualizing the model results.

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Integration of MODSIM and GIS provides greater detail and realism in representing the river system than is possible to achieve with the MODSIM GUI alone. It allows a close relationship between spatial water distribution and the nodes and links that represent the system, which is especially important for representing return flows and identifying system gains and losses. The MODSIM geo-referenced network is ready for coupling with ArcHydroTM (ESRI, Inc.) tools to establish watershed associated with the network nodes, thereby facilitating the addition of hydrologic runoff modeling. In addition, the geo-referenced model representation allows having information such as aereal photos, satellite images, spatial varied information and the MODSIM network available in the same environment. ArcMap visualization tools allow easy exploration of small areas or areas with closely proximate nodes and displaying node and link properties. Figure 1 shows a MODFLOW grid in GIS where model cells can be associated with geo-referenced system features. MODSIM and Artificial Neural Network Integration As depicted in Figure 2, an ANN module was developed to incorporate trained ANN predictions in the MODSIM solution. The ANN module utilizes MODSIM flow solutions within the iterative process to update the input data set and predict variables for which it was trained. The ANN can be used to predict water quantity and water quality for aquifer stream interactions, system gains and losses, runoff predictions and user diversion patterns as function of observable/measured system variables. The module is attached to MODSIM using its customized option that allows MODSIM to be integrated with any .NET technology program. MODSIM and Water Quality Module Integration

MODSIM Initialize

A surface water quality module was developed to carry out conservative GIS Trained constituent concentrations along with HydroANN network the MODSIM solution. The quality module traces the constituent ANN Inputs movement in the network, DB performing mass conservation calculations from the most upstream ANN Input variables nodes in the network to the network sinks: Predicted ANN C (Q ) = S Flows as MODSIM Q +C (1) x x inflows where C is concentration, Q is the flow rate, x is the distance in the MODSIM direction of the flow, and S are SOLVER external sources or sinks. The module takes into account the Figure 2. ANN Prediction in MODSIM concentration of the water entering Solver Schema

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the network from both surface water and groundwater and the flow estimated in the MODSIM solution to route the solutes. The module is attached to the MODSIM solver using a customized programming code in.NET technology. Case Study: Lower Arkansas River Valley
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The Arkansas River is the primary municipal water supply for most of the 170.000 people living in the five counties that comprise the lower Arkansas River Valley in Colorado. Irrigation water supply is primarily based on Arkansas River streamflow diversions and groundwater pumpage due to the limited natural precipitation. Water in the system is reused several times along the river whereby irrigation water in the system seeps through the soil, recharging the alluvial aquifer which returns water to the surface water system. Returned water augments the system streamflow for users downstream, especially in the late irrigation season. Although the users benefit from reusing water, the quality of the water degrades significantly while moving downstream. There are many issues that need to be addressed in this river basin such as waterlogging in several areas with the associated problems of salinization (Gates et al. 2002; Burkhalter et al. 2005a). Selenium contamination induced by agricultural irrigation practices threaten the health and safety of humans, animals and aquatic life (Donelly 2005), and the increase in population in cities along the Colorado Front Range has generated a desperate search for new sources of municipal water. If no actions or provisions are taken promptly, these factors together threat to permanently harm the already debilitated Lower Arkansas Valley. A decision support system (DSS) is being developed to aid in basin-wide management and salinity control in the Lower Arkansas River basin. It is designed to encompass the necessary system elements, as well as legal, administrative and institutional rules to accurately reproduce the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater in the river basin. The Lower Arkansas Valley has been grouped into areas for stream-aquifer interaction modeling. The areas have been defined as the adjacent alluvial valley for river segments of 15 km length (Figure 3). The explanatory variables extracted for each region are the representative river flow for the region, average elevation of the river section calculated from a Digital Elevation Model, length of the river section,
Adjacent Area for River Section 7 River Sections

Current Ground Water Modeled Area

Future Ground Water Modeled Area

Figure 2. Grouping-areas for ANN predictions and groundwater modeling

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and scenarios magnitude indicators. Explanatory variables processed for each areabuffer in the regions include total land area, area of irrigated land, average land elevation, total length of the canals, average elevation of the canals, total area of water bodies, average elevation of water bodies, average pumpage, number of pumping wells, fraction of average diversion to the irrigated fields, canal seepage indicator, and aquifer recharge indicator, as a function of the total diversion and irrigated land area. Artificial Neural Network Training and Testing Gates et al. (2002) applied the GMS software package (Brigham Young University 1999) to model steady state groundwater flow and salt transport in a portion of the Lower Arkansas River Basin in Colorado (area at the center of Figure 2). The model was developed to analyze and predict water table elevations and salinity and to simulate the interaction between the shallow aquifer, the river, and the irrigationdrainage system. The model was calibrated based on an extensive and detailed data collection effort. The initially-developed steady-state model has been further calibrated as a transient model over a 133 week period (encompassing three consecutive irrigations seasons of data gathering from 1999 to 2001). The transient model provides an invaluable resource for understanding stream-aquifer interaction and evaluating salinity control strategies (Burkhalter et al. 2005a, 2005b). Using the calibrated scenarios of the weekly transient model, a radial basis ANN was trained to represent the quantity and quality of the stream-aquifer interaction learning relationships between the explanatory variables and the amount and concentration of river water return/depletion. The explanatory variables used in the training include for each grouping-area: stream length, average stream elevation, and representative river flow. They also include for each buffer in each grouping area: average pumping, the number of active pumps, total length of lined canals and their average elevation, the area covered by water bodies and their average elevation, the buffer area, average elevation and the irrigated land-area, the average diversion for the canal companies that irrigate the buffer, the average percentage of land irrigated in the buffer out of the total land irrigated by each canal company, a drainage intensity indicator, average seepage indicator and estimate of recharge as the average diversion times the area irrigated. The methodology described in Triana et al. 2004 is used to group the explanatory variables. Fifteen-km river segments serve to divide the valley in prediction grouping-areas. These segments extend north and south to the river approximately to the outlying boundaries of the alluvial aquifer. In addition, inside each grouping area, 1500m-area-buffers are created to consolidate the explanatory variables. Figure 2 shows the modeled Lower Arkansas Valley, the ANN prediction grouping areas and the groundwater modeled areas. The ANN is trained using 400 randomly selected datasets from the more than 20,000 available datasets. The ANN is trained to predict net return flow from the groundwater and its salinity load. Figure 3 shows the ANN performance during the training and testing stages, with the latter using inputs not employed during the training process.

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Performance of the ANN when applied to the vicinity of the area used for training is evaluated using scenarios in which datasets from a grouping-area are not used for training. The ANN is trained using the remaining grouping-areas. The resulting coefficients of determination generally exceed 0.80 for explanatory variables in the center of the training dataset. Cases when most of the explanatory variables are close to the boundaries of the training dataset produce predictions that are visibly biased with coefficients of determination as low as 0.40. Figure 55 shows an example of ANN testing outside of the training area.
Training and Validation Datasets : 400 MSE = 0.01 r2 = 0.95 Testing Datasets : 26816 MSE = 0.01 r2 = 0.95

Figure 3. ANN training and testing performance comparison between predicted and modeled net water return to the Arkansas River.
Testing Data Outside training


Figure 4. ANN performance testing comparison inside the training areas and outside the training areas

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MODSIM Network in ArcMap The MODSIM network is constructed from a geometric network that is built in ArcGIS using stream and canal features to represent the network edges and four feature classes to represent the different types of nodes (i.e., reservoirs, demands, sinks and gaging stations). Special constructs for the reservoirs are built in where edges are created from the point where the reservoir intersect the stream or canal to the node that represent the reservoir that is located in the interior of the reservoir. All the edges are assigned with flow direction and sink nodes created at the required locations. The creation of the geometric network allows a richer detail in water paths and connections between the features. The basic topology of the system is complemented with aerial photography and geo-referenced field observations achieving excellent water path details. This detail is useful to predict and estimate system gains and losses. Figure 5 shows a portion of the Arkansas River basin geometric network.

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Figure 5. ArcGIS geometric network/MODSIM network representing a portion of the Lower Arkansas River Basin. Model Calibration Sites where water flow is measured are represented by MODSIM flow-through demand nodes. A VB.NET Interface is developed to calculate and import flow measurements for each time step into the demand nodes. It also queries and imports decreed water rights into MODSIM. The trained ANN is loaded and coupled with the MODSIM solver using the ANN module. The objective during the calibration stage is determining unmeasured gains and losses in the system. A special construct is used to facilitate the quantification of total gains and losses after the water return/depletion ANN prediction is placed in

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each river reach in between nodes where water is measured. The construct consist of a link connecting a fictitious reservoir to the downstream node of the reach that allows estimates water gains needed to match measured flows, as well as a link connecting the same node to a sink node for removing estimated losses from the reach. Figure 6 show an example of gains and losses estimated for a gaging station on the Arkansas River.
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Figure 6. Gains and Losses Analysis at La Junta, CO gaging station. Return flow salinity is routed and diluted while moving downstream. Estimates of salinity concentrations based on field observation and general solute behavior are required in many places in the network to approximate the concentration at the measured locations in the valley. Conclusions The DSS presented herein provides a high level of detail for representing complex river basin systems through integration of MODSIM and ArcGIS. The georeferenced network and its interaction with spatial distributed data such as NEXRAD precipitation data and irrigated fields provide advantages in quantifying groundwater return flows, runoff estimates, and contamination concentrations. The ANN module introducing ANN predictions into the MODSIM solver greatly enhances the ability to incorporating complex stream-aquifer interactions, gain and loss estimates, and diversion patterns. The trained ANN satisfactorily represents stream-aquifer interactions in the modeled area. The calibration indicates that the ANN predictions are within a reasonable range from a basin-wide perspective. However, tests to evaluate performance of the ANN predictions outside of the training area reaffirm the need to extend the detailed

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groundwater modeling to other areas in the river basin to increase confidence in the predictions basin-wide. The fully implemented DSS will be an invaluable tool for river basin salinity management and control. In addition, it will support decision making in selecting management strategies for contamination issues, agricultural to municipal water use changes, and legal disputes.

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References Brigham Young University. (1999). The department of defense groundwater modeling system: GMS v3.0 reference manual, Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory, Provo, Utah. Burkhalter, J., and Gates, T. (2005a). "Agroecological Impacts from Salinization and Waterlogging in an Irrigated River Valley." journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 131(2), (in press). Burkhalter, J., and Gates, T. (2005b). "Evaluating Regional Solutions to Salinization and Waterlogging in an Irrigated River Valley." journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 131(in press). Donelly, J. P. (2005). "Assessing Irrigation Induced Selenium and Iron in the Lower Arkansas River Valley in Colorado," Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Fredericks, J. W., Labadie, J. W., and Altenhofen, J. M. (1998). "Decision Support System for Conjunctive Stream Aquifer Management." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 124(2), 69--78. Gates, T., Burkhalter, J., Labadie, J., Valliant, J., and Broner, I. (2002). "Monitoring and Modeling Flow and Salt Transport in a Salinity-threatened Irrigated Valley." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 128(2), 87-89. Jenkins, C. T. (1968). "Techniques for computing rate and volume of stream depletion by wells." Ground Water, 6(2), 37-46. Labadie, J., Baldo, M. and Larson, R., (2002). "MODSIM: Decision Support System for River Basin Management, Documentation and User Manual," Colo. State Univ. and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Ft. Collins, CO, 2002. McDonald, M. G., and Harbaugh, A. W. (1988). Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of teh U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Sophocleous, M., Koussis, A.,Martin, J. L., and Perkins S.P. (1995). "Evaluation of simplified stream-aquifer depletion models for water rights administration." Ground Water, 33(4), 579-588. Triana, E., Labadie, J. W., and Gates, T. K. "Stream-Aquifer Interaction Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks." World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Philadelphia.

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Triana, E., Labadie, J. W., and Gates, T. K. "Basin-Scale Stream-Aquifer Modeling of the Lower Arkansas River, Colorado." Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Winter, T. C., Harvey, J. W., Franke, O. L., and Alley, W. M. (1998). "Ground water and surface water-- A single resource." USGS.
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