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Modes of communication/types of communication 1.Communication analogy with postal system or an electrical circuit 2.

communicative conventions,cultural contexts or use and modes of participant understanding. 3. communication as an ideology to probe relationship between communication, consciousness and power. 4. most communication takes place in the setting of inequality 5.connotative and denotative meanings 6.some linguists went against this notion of literal and primary reference and notion of double-decker 7.code sign and rule colin cherry 8. George Gerbner model of communication 8. saville-Troike ethnographic approach. 9. Jean Aitchison study of important element of communication language differentiate between human and animal language. 10. Michael Argyle , gives a clear account of non-verbal behavior(gives no info why cross cultural differences take place, and believes communication to be innate. 11. Nichols use of medium of photographic representation to show features of the world of appearance. Adopts the principle of semiology a theory and method of sign analysis which is particularly concerned with the relationns with the signs. Aitchison talks of arbitrary character langaue symbolic signs, Nicholas engages with the iconic character. Indexical factor in photography.the distinctive power of photography stems from iconic-indexical mix. Like Saville-Troike , horizental axis of sign combination(syntagmatic codes) vertical axis(paradigmatic codes) Communication is social affair human language is vastly more than a complicated system of clucking Communicate means share, at the moment class you and I are one.a group of people ,a society, a culture, can be defined aspeople in communication Degree of share as measure of one-mindedness

Communication is not as much a union as a unity. No man is an island entire of itself Speech,writing,gestures,economic system,technical means, Communication means organization. Systems come to the mind to the specialists Ornithologists,entomologists,psychologists,anthropologists,sociologists, a whole is more than the sum of the parts (organism or organization) Stevens 1950 communication is the discriminatory response of an organism to a stimulus.

Some terms Symbol,sign, code According to morris three types of rules operating upon signs Syntactic rules(Relations between signs), semantic rule(relations between signs and things, actions,relationships,qualities-designata), pragmatic rules(relation between signs and their users)

his work and also the factor which affecting the reliability of communication.

b. Strengths
i. Schramm provided the additional notion of a field of experience, or the psychological frame o

Identification of communicative events Kinds of events in community,boundary markers, features which distinguish one from the other Formal ritual events and informl ritual events Compenents of communication Genre,topic,purpose,setting,participants,message form,message content,act sequence,rules of interaction, norms of interpretation,

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