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Analysis of the Meta-language of Music Magazine Journalism

Music magazines use language that is specific to that particular genre in order to allow the audience to relate to the text. Meta language also offers enjoyment for the reader as the technical language indicates knowledge that the reader has of the subject. There are a range of components which make up the meta-language of a music magazine and in this essay I will be exploring these components to show their use and effectiveness. Word Length In music magazines, word length can come as an advantage or disadvantage depending on the target audience. Particularly in hip-hop music magazines you may find that the length of a word is typically short and this is done for a few reasons: word length may be shorter in order to reduce syllables in a catchphrase, slogan, hook, masthead etc. and this is important as it can make text easier to remember. Another reason shorter word length is important in a hip-hop music magazine is the fact that hip-hop as a style, form of dance and type of music has connotations of aggression, being urban, and being young. The target audience for this particular genre of music magazine would relate to simpler, more direct language due to these connotations; requiring shorter word length. Lexis There is a range of vocabulary used specifically for hip-hop music magazines. Looking through Hip Hop Weekly there is a Gossip section. Here I found an article about singer Justin Bieber sleeping with another girl after his breakup with singer Selena Gomez. The girl is described as a sista which refers to girls belonging to the black race. The use of this term indicates the confidence the magazine has that their audience knows what this term means. Also, as I was looking through Vibe Magazine I came across the term lab which in the context of a hip -hop music magazine refers to a music studio. If this term had been used in another context it would have had a different meaning. For example, lab used in the context of a science magazine would refer to a laboratory used for scientific experiments. The effect this lexis has on the magazine is that it gives it an identity. Specific or new meaning to words creates something for the target audience to connect with and without lexis it would be difficult to distinguish the brand identity of a magazine. Complexity of Language The complexity of language is a factor that can deter or attract and audience based on how easy it is to understand. In a hip-hop music magazine, language used must be easy for the audience to understand. In Vibe Magazine, an article with the title, Murder and Mad Drama, displays a range of simple language. The utterance uses alliteration and this results in an article title that is easy to read and therefore easy to remember. This is the reason that this particular technique works in a music magazine as simple language is the main attraction. It contributes to

the sleek look maintained on the front cover and also informs the reader of some of the content in the magazine in a brief way.

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