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Rohingya Association Canada

316 The Country Way, Kitchener, ON N2E 2T3 | Phone: 519-954-2389 Emails: | |

Kitchener, Ontario (April 19, 2012) Hon. John Baird The Foreign Minister of Canada House of Commons, Ottawa Dear Hon. John Baird, Recent news of Burmese MPs visiting of Canadas Parliament in the week of April 22nd [the Embassy, April 2nd] indicates that the Canadian government is full-fledgedly ready to accept and embrace the current Burmese government and have a diplomatic tie. This is the first of its kind in Canadian history. The news of mass atrocities and ethnic cleansing of my people, the Rohingya, and Muslims in Burma have been addressed to you by many individuals as well as rights groups since last year. Once again I am writing to you about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya and the Muslims at the hands of the Rakhine in western Burma, and at the hands of extremist Buddhists in central Burma. The continued brutality, unaccounted loss of innocent lives, destruction of properties and religious structures of the people of Islamic faith all over Burma has been taking place unchallenged. Satellite imageries of these massive destructions that were taken by Human Rights Watch have unveiled the regimes lies to the world. Although much of the recent violence has been instigated by rogue elements among the Buddhist Sangha, evidences indicate that the government is behind it: the killing is structured, mobs are well trained and security forces were both complicit and openly took part in the killing. Mass arrest and rape as weapon of war are wide spread in Arakan. Recent eyewitness news of Rohingya women being kept as sex slaves at the military camps, regiment #270, in Sittwe ( Apr 12) also proves the regimes involvement in atrocities. Embracing Burma based on their word and not holding them responsible for mass atrocities will send wrong message to this oppressive regime that is known for its brutalities. Generals in power are not going to respect the calls from around the world easily. It is our fervent request that your engagement be strictly conditional: The Burmese government of military leadership must be told in no uncertain terms that, regardless of their religious affiliation, the protection of their citizens, upholding of human rights and minority rights must be the first priority.


Anwar S. Arkani Chairman Rohingya Association of Canada Copy to: Hon. Stephen Woodworth Hon. Peter Braid

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