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Wildlife conservation in India: Nature is missing its glory


Nature is the major part that gave plenty of chances to flourish mankind. When it comes about doing justice, its all what nature do, but not us. We learnt from childhood to save others, to think for others first, and rest all the things. In fact, we are living all because ofthe nature. And when our turn came to save the nature, we are simply sitting back, relaxing as if nothing has happened. Therefore, the government of India started giving advertisements to save the nature or in easy language Save Wildlife. Many wildlife organizations are there who try to save and flourish

the wildlife.

Many natural projects and programmes have

been undertaken by the Indian Government like Project Tiger, Nature Camps, and Jungle Lodges. These have been organized to promote thewildlife awareness among the people in every remote areas of India. All of these projects help preserving the natural heritage as well as encourages the eco-tourism. The wild beings are the gift of the nature that helps decorate the natural beauty by their exceptional ways ofexistence. Today, due to the rising deforestation and negligence, wildlife is receiving a threat that needs special attention from every human being. The green heritage of this world could only be saved by joining hands together. The population of tigers is day-by-day diminishing, and so to preserve and protect them government has taken some initiatives. It is today very important for every individual to know this major issue of wildlife. The education and awareness will at least help people to stop killing more animals or birds. The major example of efforts to save the endangered Rhinoceros is in the Kazirange Sanctuary in Assam. To protect wildlife like Elephants, Periyar in Kerala is also doing exceptionally

well, where as, the Dachigam National Park is also joining its hand to save the Hangul or Kashmiri Stag. Gir National Park that is located in Gujarat is the only surviving home for the almost wiped out Asiatic Lions in India.

Wildlife Conservation in India covers some 3.29 million square kilometers of area including the floral and faunal species, mammals, reptiles, insects, and birds. Today, the Wildlife Conservation in India has become the most renowned holiday destinations due to its diverseness. In India, you will get total 571 sanctuaries and reserve parks, sheltered by the Indian Government. Some of the significant Wildlife Sanctuaries that could be found in India are:

Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh Corbett National Park in Uttar Pradesh Kaziranga National Park in Assam Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal Manas Tiger Reserve in Assam Gir National Park & Sanctuary in Gujarat Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala Dachigam National Park in Jammu & Kashmir Besides this, there are many other NGOs are also working on the wildlife conservation like WildlifeSociety of Orissa, Rhino Foundation for Nature, Friends of Forests, North Eastern Society forPreservation of Nature and Wildlife, Natures Beckon, Nature Conservation Society Amravati, The Friends of the Doon and Bali Nature, and Wild Life Conservation Society. Wildlife aids in sustaining the balanced living systems of earth that as a result guarantees survival oflife. In fact, by studying about the wildlife further, Scientists achieved lots of precious

information about different life processes and discovered significant medical products. Tourists when throng to India to see the major attractions and make some memorable time, they make sure that the nation could offer them good sights of wildlife as well. So be the one to save our environment and wildlife and make Indiaa thriving place for these living beings.

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