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Resemblance refers to . .
derails: "The child . .. i
?r grandfather" (Lytton
f properroes or functions be Y). lt,b/
ot comparable: The co,;.pu;"'eeo thlot}
gy /{) the human brain. Affi:ft .. "
nshop or from the possession y os
or sympathies the ffi . of ha
. . a noty bet ' l "r
:rwiz') adu. 1. In the same w
ay; s;
og) " 1. A feeling of atrractio '?.
::._ n or lo"e
)() ta) n., pl. makuta (mii-k- r,
lteraroon of Port. macuta 00' tii).
ency consisting originally'
(" a old
g. n. pre. + Kimbundu and K Pec. f 1\1.
-lok, n. 1. Any of var. Ongo
flesp. S. vulgaris, having dusr'Ou.s htub,'
e owers. 2. Co/or. A ale ers of fra Oi ,
Fr. < Ar. lilak < or
.no/a-. dark blue.j _ fi'lac
lo-lang 'ge-ne) n., pl. em a /.
See table at currency [Ng . lange. lli
Oney.j uno : /i., Sing. (;,.
n. A female spirit in ancient Se . ll. 1':
tnt eserred places and arrack . fllitic ,_
\dam ll1 Jewish folklore bel" chddr<ll.
: Eve. ' oeved to ha " ll
lanf O>ic'>O-k>iii 'nc, le-lc'-
of the Hawaiian Is.

. uan ruler to govern the islands -93) "'ho II'
Y o[ N France NNE of p . "
ed c. Pop. 168,42/"s near the B.
also lolllputlan (Iii'> _,
>on or being. _ad;.
. v/YOO shoo) _
Y [Afrer the Lilliputians 'mjlf;_
Swift.] ' eop eon GzJt"
ong'wa). The cap. of Malawi
on rhe 1940's. Pop. 10
3 000
n the s,
:heerful or lively manner' of, eak.
' vooce varies pleasantly. 2 /rgh"'g, in wru,
oght or resiliem manner of.m '. t
ting, lilts. - tr. To say . ovmg or '"lllllt.
erful manner. o; play (so.n,
th lovelmess or rhythm 2 T To t;
ncy [< MEl/ . .. o move wirj,
, u lrlten, to sound
. les. 1. Any of various pla fan alarm.
colored often rru nrs o the 8'111.
tnous similar or flo...
lily. 3. The flower of any of rh laas the
at. /ilium.) ese P ors. [M
rge family of plants h L"l"
vith ' t e
aceae marked bt
sx penanth segments six sta, .
u;u. producing bulbs 'or and
e lov ord) adJ. Cowardly; timid .
., pl. of the Nile. See Illy
' pl. hiles of the valley A w"d
1 1
plant (Convallaria .maialisJ
: ragrant bell-shaped white flowers
._the floa rrng leaves of a water lily .
n. See Jal<!na.
lWJ! I , Witf) ad; 1 Wh" .
>lame less 3 I /i. . lie as. a loly. 2. Be-
people. n Orma/. Excludong or seel:ing
_The c:fe. of Peru, in the W-central part near
: f1un ed by Pozarro in 1535. Pop. 371,121.
) rv OH SSW of Toledo. Pop. 45,549.
'h of several varieties of a tropia!
astdlbl tmensis) having flat pods contain
eeU e e seeds. 2. The seed of this pbnr.
,.; rer bea". [After LIMA, Peru.]

mo-) adJ. 0, relating to, or resem
.at. ltmax, limtic-, slug, snail; akin r:o /ilfUtS.
ne of the larger branches of a tree. 2. One
-endages of an animal used for locomotion
or a projecting parr, as 2
ngc. 4. One regarded as an extenSion.
:eprc:senrative of a larger body or group.
:mpJSh. chold. - tr.u. limbed, limbing.
cr. - tdtom. (out) on a limb. Informal: In
ard, vulnerable position. [Airerauon
LIMB ) of ME lim < OE.J

on. fhe crrcumferenrial edge of rhe P""
estoal body. 2. Math. The edge of a grad-
1 uded
an instrument to measure angles
e np of a plant organ, such as a petal or
graduated edge of an astronomical insrru-
' < Lat. limbus, border.]
adJ. Bot. Having an edge or a margin of
calor fLLat. limbiitus, bordered < Lat. limbus,
:let<"' adj. 1. Bending or readily; pliable.
(Iii" f onoving, bcndong, or contortong eaSJiy; supple.
o.t>ering. -bers. - tr. To make limber: limbered
To make limber.[?] -llm'ber ly
: legs rness n.
n. A two-wheded horse-drawn vehicle used
,;. (lflllld gun or a caisson. [Alteration of ME limour,
.,e., a [te rt perh. < limon < OFr.]
<"of ' '', b,rz:) pl.11. Naut. Gutters or channels on each
(S (li
's keelson that drain bilge water into the pump
of Fr. lumiere, on_e of _the limbers
!l'tob opemng, loght < !..Lat. lumrnarra, pl. of lu-

< lat., lamp. See LUMINARY.]

::;;rt. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or characterized by a
Di' (IT!Tl of or relating to the limbic system. [Fr. limbique <
.,. buS z. < Ofr., graduated edge. See UMJ>2.]
n. A group of interconnected deep brain struc-
# Syste mon to all mammals and involved in olfaction,
behavior, and various autonomic
#l(,oO, .
"'' ron 1 b6) n ., pl. bos. 1. Often Lombo. Theo/. The
(/ jUSI or innocent souls excluded from the beatific
, not condemned ro further punishment. z_ A region
of obli vion or neglect: Her promotion was in
months. 3. A state or place of confinemenr. 4. An
.,bb {d'arc place or stare. [ME < Med.Lat. (in) limbo, (in)
blative of limbus, limbo < Lat., border.]
(ITmf b6) n. , pl. -bos. A West Indian dance in which
rttbO c:ers keep bending over backward and passing under a
rb< is lowered each time. [Pro b. ult. of African orig. )
(lim'burg' , -lx=<H' ). A former duchy of NW Eu-
in the 11th cent. and divided into the Dutch
of limburg in 1839. .
,.J bUrger (lim'bur'gor) n. A soft white cheese woth a very
iJI11' g Odor and flavor. [Fiem.,.one from limburg, after Lim-
.J!{){I province of NE Belgium.]
(trm'bos) n., pl. -bi (hi' ). Bioi. A distinctive border or
lim [Lat., border.]
n. 1. A spiny Asian evergreen shrub or !Tee (Citrus
havmg leathery leaves, fragrant while flowers,
J11d ioble fruit. 2. The fruit ofthis plant, having a green rind
:d acod used as [Prob. French < Sp. lima <
\r limah, /om, prob. < lomom, lemon. Sec J.F.MON. )
Olm) n. See linden. [Alteration of ME line < OE /i,.d.)
(lim) n. 1.a. See calcium oxlde. b. Any of various mineral
JJHl industrial forms of calcium oxide differing chiefly in wa-
rer content and percentage of constituents such as silica, alu
11\lna, and iron. z. Birdlime. - tr.v. limed, lim in g. limes.
f. To treat with lime. 2. To smear with birdlime. 3. To catch
or snare with or as if with birdlime. [ME lim < OE lim,
b"dlime. See lei- .] - lim'y adj.
lmeade (li-mid' ) n. A sweetened beverage of lime juice and
plam or carbonated water.
lime kiln (lim' kfl ', -kfl n ') n. A furnace used to reduce naru-
..Ur occurring for ms of calcium carbonate to lime.
lmelight (lim flit ') n. 1. A focus of public attention. 2.a. An
wly stage light in which lime was heated to incandescence.
b. The brilliant white light so produced.
5men (li ' mn) n., pl. llmens or limlna The
thr<Shold of a physiological or psychological response. (Lat.
.limen, threshold.] -llmfinal (lrm' > nol) adj.
limerick (IImlor-ik) n. A light humorous, nonsensical, or
bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usu. with the rhyme
scheme aabba. [After l..tMwa<. ]
Um erlck (lrm'orik, lim'rik). A borough of SW on
the ShalUlon R. esruary; an important Norse setdement in the
9th and lOth cent. Pop. 60,736.
(lim' ston') n. A common sedimentary rock con
IISttng mosdy of calcium carbonate, eaco,, used as a build-
mg stone and in the manufacture of lime, carbon dioxide, and
llme water (lim'wo'e>r, -wot'or) n. A dear colorless alka-
aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide, used in calamine
ft on and other skin preparations.
(li lmc) n., pl. -eys. Slang. 1. A British sailor. 2. An
Enghsh person. [Short for lime juicer (< the usc of lime juice
British warships in order to prevent scurvy).]
bmlcollne (1!-mik' o- lin' , -lin) adj. Of or relating to shore
Lfds, esp. the plovers, sandfipers, and phalaropes. [ < NLat.
. lltrcolae, group name < p . of LLat. limicola, living in mud
Lat. limu.s, sl ime; see lei + Lat. -cola, inhabitant; sec
' mieolous (li-mik' o-los) ad;. Living in mud. [< !.Lat. li-
ur:;":ola. See UMICOUNL]
' It (lim ' it) n. 1. The point, edge, or line beyond which
cannot or may not proceed. 2. limits. The boun
r ary a specific area; bounds: 3. A confining or
<strocrong object, agent, or influence. 4. The greatest or least
nrounr, number, or extent allowed or possible. S. Games.
e largest amount that may be bet at one time in games of
chance. 6. Math. A number or point k thar is closely approx-
imated by a function f(x) when a suitable condition is placed
on the independent variable x. 1. Informal. One that ap
proacl1es or exceeds certain limits. - tr.u. -ited, -lt ing, -Its.
1. To confine or restrict within a boundary or bounds. 2. To
fix definirely; to specify. [ME limite < OFr., border < Lat.
limes, limit-, border, limit.] -llm' ita ble adj.
llmitar y (lrm' l-ter'c) adj. Archaic. 1.a. Of or relating to a
limit or boundary. b. Limiting; resfrlctive. 2. Limired.
llmita tion (lim'i-t:ifshon) n. 1. The act of limiting or the
state of being limited. Z. A restriction. 3. A shortcoming or
defect. 4. Law. A specified period during which, by stature, an
action may be brought.
limited (lim'i-tid) adj. 1. Confined or restricted within cer
rain limits. 2.a. Not attaining the highest goals or level of
achievement. b. Having only mediocre talent or range of abil-
ity. 3. Having governmental or ruling powers restricted by
enforceable limitations, as a constitution. 4. Of, relating to, or
being a limited company. S. Of, relating to, or being trans-
portation facilities, such as trains or buses, that make few
stops and carry relatively few passengers. - n. A limited train
or bus. - lim'ited ly adu. -lim'ited ness n.
limited company n. A firm, usu. British, organized in such a
way as ro give its owners limited liability.
limited edition n. An edition, as of a book or print, resrricted
to a specified number of copies.
limited !lability n. The liability of a firm's owners for no more
capital than they have invested in the business.
limiter (lim' it-or) n. 1. One that limirs: a limiter of choices.
2. Electron. A circuit that prevents the amplitude of a wave
form fro m exceeding a specified value .
limitlng (lim' itlng) adj. 1. Acting as a limit. 2. Cram. Re
stricting the range of application of the noun modified.
limit point n. Math. See limit 6.
limn (lim) tr. v. limned. limnlng (lim' nlng), limns. 1. To de-
scribe. Z. To depict by painting or drawing. [ME limnen, to
illuminate (a manuscript), prob. alteration of luminen < OFr.
luminer < Lat. Mmintire, to illuminate, adorn < lUmen,
lumin-, light. See leuk-.] -limn'er (lrm' nor) n.
llmnet lc (llm-net'ikl adj. Of or occurring in the deeper open
waters of lakes or ponds. [ < Gk. limnetes, marsh-dwelling <
limne, lake.]
limnol ogy (lrm-nlil'o-jc) n. l bc scientific srudy of the life
and phenomena of fresh water, esp. lakes and ponds. [Gk.
limne,lake + -o.OGY.) -llm'no log' ical (no-loj' l-koi) adj.
Lim nos (lem ' nos). See Lemnos.
limo (llm' o) 11., pl. limos. En(ormal. A limousine .
Ll moges (lc-m6zh' ). A city of W-central France NE of Bor-
deaux; noted for its ceramic industry. Pop. 140,400.
limonene (lim' >nen') n. A liquid, C
, with a charac-
teristic lemonlike fragrance, used as a solvent, wetting agent,
and disperSing agent and in the manufacture of resins. [Fr.
limonene < limon, lemon (obsolete) < Ofr. See ID<ON.]
limonite (lif mo-nlt') n. Any of a group of widely occurring
iron oxide minerals, Fe
0, used as a minor ore of
iron. [Ger. L.imonit < Gk. Ieiman, meadow.]
Limousin (lc-moo-ziiN' ). A hiStorical region and former
province of central France W of the Auvergne Mrs.; included
in the dowry given by Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry n of
England in 1152 but reconquered by France (1370-74).
limou sl ne (lrm'>zen' , lim' rzen' ) n. Any of various large
passenger vehicles, esp. a luxurious automobile usu. driven by
a chauUeur. [Fr., perh. after L!MOOSJN.)
limp (limp) intr.u. iimped,limp ing, llmps. 1. To walk lamely,
esp. with irregularity, as if favoring one leg. 2. To move or
proceed haltingly or unsteadily: The pro;ect limped along.
- n. An irregular, jerky, or awkward gait. -ad;. llmper,
llmpest. 1. Lacking or having lost rigidity, as of structure or
substance. 2. Lacking strength or frrmness; weak or spiridess.
[!'rob. < obsolcre lymphault, lame < OE lemphealt : lemp-,
hanging loosely + -healt, lame, limping.] -limp' ly adv.
- limp' ness n.
llmpet (llm' plr) n. 1. Any of numerous m>rinc gastropod
mollusks, as of the families Acmaeidae and PareUidae, having
a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas. 2. One
that clings persistendy. 3. A type of explosive designed to
cling to the hull of a ship and detonate on contact or signal.
[Poss. ME lempet, European limper (sense uncertain).]
lim pid (lim t pid) adj. 1. Characterized by transparent dear-
nes<; pellucid. 2. Easily intelligible; clear. 3. Calm and un
troubled; serene. [Lar. limpidus.J -llmpid'lty, llm'pid
ness n. -lim'pidly adu.
limp kin (IImp' kin) n. A large brownish wading bird (Aramus
guarauna) of warm swampy regions of the New World, hav-
ing long legs and a drooping bill. [ < irs gait.)
limpopo (lim-po' po) also Crocodlle River (krlik' >dil').
A river of SE Africa rising in NE South Africa and flowing c.
1,770 km (1,100 mi ) to the Indian Ocean inS Mozambique.
limulus (llm' ya-los) n., pl. li (-li, -lc). See horseshoe crab.
[lat. linmlus, sidelong (< irs motion), dim. of limus.J
Lin (lin), Maya. b. 1959. Amer. sculptor and architect whose
works include the Vietnam Vererans Memorial ( 1982).
Top: Overhead view
Bottom: Profile
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Case 1:12-cv-10576-DJC Document 64-11 Filed 04/22/13 Page 4 of 4

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