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To: CC: From: Date: Re:

Dr. Kermit Gilliard, Principal Leadership Team Beth Womble, Media Specialist & Katie Capshaw, Media Specialist Student 4/23/2013 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation

Overall Evaluation
Overall we found that the library media program is exemplary in 10 categories, proficient in 5 and Basic in 4. We feel this means that our program is an exemplary program overall with need for improvement in only a few categories where the media specialist can actually have control to improve it. The following is the specific breakdown of each category:

Category 1: Student Achievement and Instruction

We do an exemplary job of providing resources for all students for both content area support and recreational reading. We also have resources that appeal to a variety of interests, learning abilities, styles, and needs available at all times to students. We use data collected by teachers to select the materials we purchase to support instruction. We do a proficient job collaborating with teachers for lessons on information literacy and their content. We are able to help them prepare lessons when they ask, but we do not teach many lessons to students. In this area, we are still at the basic level. Though there is a lot of instruction going on in the library little if any is actually done by the Media Specialist. This is an area she will strive to improve upon in the future.

Category 2: Staffing
Our Media center has a full time media specialist and a full time papaprofessional (clerk) on staff. The media specialist is always available throughout the instructional day to teachers and staff and the support staff is not shared. This puts us in the exemplary category for the size of our school.

Category 3: Facilities, Access, and Resources

For the most part we are exemplary in this category. We have a large library equipped with a computer lab and projection system both in the lab and library. Video streaming and wifi is available. We have an excellent OPAC (Destiny) that is used integrated throughout the whole county. Students and teachers have access to it as well to locate books and put on hold. Galileo is readily used by the students and teachers at the school, but the media specialist is only proficient in instruction and promotion of its use. She will continue to work on promoting its use more.

Category 4: Administrative Support

The principal is support of the media center staff and insures that they are not pulled to other duties, however they do not meet regularly. There is exemplary communication amoung the media specialists in the county, and they do meet often. They used to meet monthly, but other schools have stopped allowing day time meetings so they must meet less often after school as funds allow. The

April 23, 2013 media advisory committee puts together and approves yearly changes of the manual and policies, and the staff does attend regular development though not as much as previous years due to budget cuts. There is a problem however in the area of #18 in that the Media Specialist does not believe that the local system spends 100 percent of the funds designated for the library on the library. They only receive $8 per student which she believes is less than the state allocates. She does however write grants often and received $1000 from Walmart this year, as well as conducts several book fairs to raise money for her budget. In addition, late fines and money donated from clubs, PTA, and friends of the library also help fund the media centers budget.

Action Steps
The media specialist will seek out teachers who are willing to collaborate on units and allow her to teach information literacy lessons and technology lessons in the future. She will actively pursue these teachers and find them on their planning time and meet them when it is convenient for them if possible. She will make the effort to put herself out there to them instead of waiting for them to come to her. She will also ask for a regular meeting with the principal once and month and offer a memo of the monthly activities.


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