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REFRIGERATION SERVICE ENGINEERS SOCIETY m@ Lesson 18 Electrical Troubleshooting NT % GURERORORORORORE PEeoes After completing this Lesson, you will be able to: Explain the importance of using the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when working on electric circuits Discuss the criteria that are important in choosing electrical test instruments. Describe the procadure for checking the resistance of a meters test leads. List common problems encountered in troubleshooting single-phase and three-phase electric motors. Describe possible corrective actions that can be taken to repair common ‘motor problems. Discuss the important principles that apply when you use a wiring schematic as a troubleshooting tool Explain the troubleshooting technique known as “hopsootching.” Explain the meaning of voltage and current measurements taken during the troubleshooting process. ‘© Coprigit 2004 by te Reigaraton Senco Enginoors Sockty Lesson 18 Electrical ans Sane = en) or any other air conditioning system—requires the application of a practiced routine. You must follow the same process each time you work on a system to guarantee that you do not overlook safety measures and to ensure that you find all faults as quickly as possible, Any work near live electric circuits poses risk, and the process of taking electrical measurements is no exception. In commercial settings, technicians commonly work with high-energy circuits of up to 480 V (up to 660 V in Canada). Although they are officially classified as “low-voltage,” these powerful circuits can deliver a deadly punch. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, safety glasses, and flame-resistant clothing is absolutely critical for anyone working with electricity. se ‘THE ELECTRIC CIRCUITS IN A HEAT PUMP SYSTEM— ‘When you think about the vital protective equipment that helps ensure your safety, don’t forget to include your first line of defense: your test instruments and test leads. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) considers test instruments and associated equipment to be an integral part of the PPE that electrical system professionals must use on the job. According to the NFPA, your test instruments, equipment, and accessories should be designed for the circuits and equipment to which they will be connected and the environment in which they will be used. This is practical advice, and there are solid reasons behind it. Troubleshooting re0.2016

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