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GS IP#1 Dr.

Sorenson Assignments: 700 word report on something from suggested reading list - 12 April Course paper: apply to region not covered...let him know what you're doing - 19 Apr (example civilian military relations in an uncovered country or region; democratization in xyz; --------Deemocracy - Concept more frequent and hopeful than most Are our assumptions relevant and valid? Definition (Tilly) is difficult: (P7) constitutional, substantive, procedural, and process-oriented lenses Look for plural... Constitutional: several spell out democratic rights (eg Syria)...until you go there. Freedom House standard: Ancient democracies reveal strengths and weaknesses of system (Tilly discounts them because of the lack of social equality p9) Tilly - Step away from good/bad judgment and just assess presence of democracy Robert Dahl (p9): effective participation, voting equality, enlightened understanding, control of agenda, inclusion of adults. Ideology (Tilly doesn't use this) - does democracy rely on the classic British definition of liberalism--rights of liberty granted to individuals over the state; - John Stewart Mill, Burke, Montague - rights, responsibilities, and power - (Mansfield Snyder p30) moral obligation and norms Decentralization of power and accountability to electorate (Mansfield Snyder) - how much do you respond to public opinion? -----------Democratization, capacity, and ability to mobilize resources High capacity, non-democratic: Iran, Venezuela, - Tangent discussion: Study in why countries win wars--most autocratic best to mobilize capacity (N Vietnam); argument is mobilize despite public reaction; - as they democratize, state capacity becomes a function of public will (eg France) - Russia...renteer states...people disconnected from leadership - to reestablish control, you buy off the elite - weak distribution system is more vulnerable in democratization

Charles Beard - American revolution was an elite revolution, not popular; result was Articles of Confederation...protected elite power; popular reactions then challenged this

Perception of initial cost of war and ease of mobilization in democracies...strength and vulnerability: war weariness...keeping costs down and war popular (eg not mobilizing Guard in Vietnam). - or disguise it or have a visible enemy Mature democracy: (per Dr. Sorenson) defined as several decades (5) in existence (institutionalized attitudes), pattern of behavior (avoiding war, balancing power, development of law). Power centers are always evolving...continuous attempts to gain advantage within the constraints of the rule-based order Relationship between state and people Breadth, Equality, Protection, Mutually binding consultation Democracy (p13 Tilly) - degree that political relations between state and its citizens feature broad, equal, protected and mutually binding consultation; net movement toward broader, more equal, more protected, more binding consultation. State capacity (p16 Tilly) - extent to which interventions of state agents in existing non-state resources, activities, and interpersonal connections alter existing distributions of those resource, activities, and interpersonal connections as well as relations among those distributions. Relationship of social equality to democratization process - (Tilly p110) 1. Continuous diffrences of categorical differences; 2. Direct translation of categorical diffrences into public politics; Relationship of capitalism to democratization - (Tilly p115) material basis of rule Where are democracies more likely to grow and develop? - Tilly: Scandinavian countries--homogeneity, culture of equality in history, commonality between elites and populace, resources, geography (out of the main path and stopping power of water) Democracy in US and England developed largely internally... South America: why so long? No impetus. US proximity. Concerns for unrest. Japan: US forced it, backed it up, and it worked...? Iraq: examples were Japan and Germany...contextual problem Kuhn - paradigm shift is complete when everyone excepts the new model and old model is removed/deligitimized --------------Mansfield Snyder Controversial book Democratic peace theory - More peaceful - mobilization issues, war is less advantageous, shared values

- Kant: people want peace over war Interests defined only through executive leadership, then perpensity is higher for war France What part of modern state is strengthened by war? -- reinforcement of elite -- distraction from weaknesses -Serbia - Yugoslavia was artificial (Peace ofVersailles); 9 republics..line between Ottomans and Hapsburgs...three religious groups...ancient enmity; Tito held together on coproduction... - long memory - impetus for war (ethnic animosity) - Milosevich democratically elected (highly immature power contraints) - what if he DID reflect public will??? We assume people vote for peace over war... Germany WWII - they measure as a democracy...seems problematic What about cases of more mature democracies that went to war? Pg270-271: gradual transition may require restricted democracy - Catch 22 undemocratic tactics to build democratic institutions; Other examples: South Africa South America - animosity exists but they don't go to war BL: look carefully at contradictory theories on democracy before applying or encouraging it in other places...lots of factors to consider

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