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After that, no one was perfect.

Everybody disobeyed God and sinned, so God prom-

ised that one day He would send His perfect Son to earth so He could take away our sin and
give us a way to be with Him forever (Luke 2). Can you imagine leaving a perfect place
(Heaven) to be born in a barn? Or your bed to be a wooden box that animals eat out of?
Well, that is what Jesus did.
He was God, but He became a baby. He cried like all babies and slobbered and cooed.
I bet he had pretty disgusting diapers, too! He was just like every other baby. But then he
began to grow up! He liked to jump around and play just like you. But He never sinned like
the rest of us!
Jesus grew up to be a man. He was perfect and He still never sinned! Even when Je-
sus spent forty days in the desert, Satan tried ways to tempt Jesus, but Jesus did not sin. He
was perfect and He showed everyone that He was the Savior by doing lots of miracles: like
healing sick people, turning water into wine and even making dead people come to life
again! He also taught people how to get to know God and love Him by obeying Him. But
then that made all the religious people mad because He didn’t do it their way. So they came
up with a sneaky plan to kill Him.
Red: Stands for Jesus shed blood.
The religious people found a way to turn a lot of people against Jesus (Luke 23:1-5).
They accused him of trying to take over the King’s throne and calling Himself God. He was
God, but they thought He was lying (Luke 23: 32-46). So they nailed Him to a cross where he
bled and was in terrible pain until He finally died. After Jesus died, Satan was so happy be-
cause he thought he won, but he didn’t know what was about to happen!
White: Stands for our sins that are washed away.
Some of Jesus’ friends buried Him in a tomb and when they went to check on Him
three days later… He was gone (Luke 24:1-8)! He had risen from the dead and He was alive
again. Only God could do that! Jesus defeated Satan by dying and coming back to life. Jesus
took the sins of everyone, He took the sins for people who were alive then and people who
were not even born yet, like you and me!
Yellow: Stands for streets of gold in heaven.
(John 3:16) He loved us so much He gave His life to take away our sins so that we can
live with Him in Heaven FOREVER!!!
Green: Stands for growing in Jesus.
Jesus gave His life for us and He wants us to live our lives for Him. He wants us to read
our Bible and pray and find out who is He is and what He wants us to do. He wants us to
talk to Him and remember Him in everything we do and say. This is how we grow in our
spiritual walk.

For take home sheets and activities from previous weeks,


Hello again! This week, in our SCC Kidz Family Lent Experience, we will take some
time to talk with our kids about the story of Jesus through the use of Jelly Beans! As we look
at Jesus’ life we will be able to explain what was Jesus’ purpose in becoming a man . It is sad
to think that a perfect man was put on this earth solely for the purpose of dying. The good
news is- that’s not the whole story! One night this week spend time with your family and
open a bag of jelly beans. Begin by giving each of your children one black, red, white, yel-
low, and green jelly bean. Starting with the black talk to them about each color, one by one,
using the Story of Jesus and scripture. After each color… eat it! Finish up your time by talk-
ing about your Lent Experience and end in prayer.
Black: Stands for the darkness of our lives before Jesus when we were still in sin.
Did you know the story of Jesus starts in Genesis (3:1-15) when Adam and Eve were
in the garden? God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, but the ser-
pent (Satan) told them they should eat it because it looked so good and if they ate it, they
would know really important stuff. So they ate it and disobeyed God, which means they
sinned. After God saw what they had done He came to them and told them what was going
to happen since they had disobeyed. God said to the serpent, “I will put hatred between you
and the woman, and her descendant will crush your head and you will strike His heel.” So
what does that mean? This is the first time the curse against Satan is mentioned in the Bible
and God says that one day He would send a Savior, Jesus, to defeat him. (For younger chil-
dren you may want to leave the next paragraph out.) How? It says “Her descendant will
crush your head”, that means that Jesus will come from the woman and He is going to crush
Satan’s head Jesus will destroy him. “And you will strike His heel” means that Satan is go-
ing to hurt Jesus by putting Him on the cross. The pain that Jesus went through on the cross
was horrible but it was temporary. It only lasted for a little while, but Satan will be de-
stroyed forever. Satan is the one who loses, think about it… having a bruised heel is NOTH-
ING compared to having a crushed head!

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SCC Kidz is an
Elementary Ministry of Savannah Christian Church

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