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Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
1.1. The purpose oI this document is to provide a standard reIerence contract
speciIication Ior building and minor civil engineering work. A Particular
SpeciIication will be issued with individual tenders Ior the speciIic work to
be executed.
1.2. This SpeciIication is to be read in conjunction with all the tender documents.
The requirements oI the drawings, particular speciIication and the Company`s
Inspection Department 'Paint and Coating and 'Materials Application
procedures (current at the time oI tendering) will take precedence over the
reIerences herein. However, where no other reIerence exists to establish a
standard oI workmanship (or material) then the provisions oI this document
shall be deemed to apply.
1.3. The provisions oI this SpeciIication, in so Iar as they apply to design
considerations, shall be accepted by the Contractor as an obligation to ensure
that all work executed will be brought to the attention oI the company
Representative prior to commencement oI work.
1.4. All reIerences to B.S. (British standard) or C.P. (Code oI Practice) numbers
shall be deemed to be that document published by the British Standards
Institution current at the time oI tendering (including any amendments,
supersessions or substitutions).
1.5. All reIerences to A.S.T.M. shall be deemed to be that document published by
the American Society Ior Testing Materials current at the time oI tendering.
1.6. Where Imperial or Metric dimensions are given in this SpeciIication one may
be substituted Ior the other provided the substitution is compatible in all
respects with the work and is accepted practice.
1.7. Various reIerences to Departments shall mean the Company Department so
1.8. The Tendered rates shall be deemed to include Ior protecting the work in all
trades including the work carried out by authorised sub-Contractors.
2.1. The Tenderer shall allow Ior demolition, breakout and removal oI all existing
bases, Iloors partitions, walls, ceilings, Iittings, manholes, service piping
where indicated on the drawings and in the Particular SpeciIication.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
2.2. All materials arising Irom demolition work which are surplus to or unsuitable
Ior use in the Work shall be disposed oI by the Contractor to an approved tip.
All materials arising shall remain the property oI the Company unless
indicated otherwise in the Particular SpeciIication.
2.3. Demolitions and alterations may be executed by any method which has the
prior approval oI the Company Representative. No demolition or alteration
work shall be extend beyond the limits shown on the drawings or deIined by
the Company Representative and the existing structure, together with any
Iinishings and Iittings, is to be adequately protected during demolitions and
alterations and any damage that may occur shall be made good at the
Contractor`s expense. All necessary screens are to be erected at the
Contractor`s expense to prevent the ingress oI dust.
2.4. Debris to be well sprinkled with water to prevent rising.
2.5. The Contractor must include Ior all needling, shoring or other temporary
works that may be required Irom time to time while Work is being executed
and Ior making good all work disturbed in all trades.
2.6. All making good is to be executed with materials and workmanship to match
in every respect the surrounding work and is to be properly bonded thereto.
2.7. All making good is to jambs and wall races to be in solid blockwork or
brickwork in gauged mortar properly cut, toothed, bonded and pinned up to
existing work.
2.8. Ends oI drains to be discontinued shall be sealed oII with concrete (2000 p.s.i.)
Ior a distance oI 12 along bore oI pipe.
2.9. Bricks or other hard materials arising Irom the demolitions may be broken up
and used as hardcore, iI approved by the Company Representative.
2.10. Over areas to be paved, concreted or seeded by the Contractor, the site shall be
cleared oI rubbish and any vegetation grubbed up, the debris cleared away and
the site leIt ready Ior excavation.
2.11. Trees (other than palm trees) shall be uprooted or cut down as near to ground
level as possible. All Ielled timber shall be removed Irom site.
2.12. All palm trees shall be uprooted careIully and laid aside Ior removal and
transplantation by others unless otherwise instructed by the Company
2.13. Stumps and tree roots shall be grubbed up and removed Irom site. Holes Iilled
with suitable materials and compacted as described in Iilling.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
3.1. Granular Eill
Granular Iill shall be good hard well graded material screened and crushed as
necessary to within the grading bands given below when tested in accordance
with BS 1377 Test 7 (A):
B.S. Sieve Size 3 1 / / No. 36
Percentage by 100 80-100 65-85 40-60 15-40 0-15
weight passing
The water soluble salt content shall not exceed 2.
Granular Iill shall be laid in layers not exceeding 6 thick, suIIiciently watered
only to achieve optimum moisture content and compacted to 90 maximum
dry density as determined in accordance with Test 14 oI BS 1377. In situ
density testing shall be carried out in accordance with Test 15 oI BS 1377.
3.2. Desert Eill
Desert Iill shall be selected, graded, non-plastic, hard granular Iill Iree Irom
clay and deleterious substances, with the Iollowing gradings:
100 shall be Iree oI stones larger than 100mm, up to 50 shall pass a 5 mm
mesh sieve and not greater than 20 passing a 75 micron sieve. It shall
contain less than 1 total sulphates as SO
in a 2:1 water soil extract. Total
soluble salts shall not exceed 2.0.
3.3. Sand
Sand Ior backIilling trenches around cables, conduits and pipes shall comply
in every respect with the requirements oI BS 882 and shall comprise sand well
graded to pass a 4.8mm sieve Iree Irom dirt, clay or other deleterious matter,
where washed sand is speciIied samples to be submitted to the Company`s
Inspection Department Ior conductivity test (salinity) and the responsibility Ior
ensuring material is approved, prior to commencing each individual item oI
work rests with the Contractor.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
3.4. Hardcore
Hardcore shall be good desert stone, concrete or hard tiles not exceeding
100mm gauge and not more than 5 passing a 20mm sieve or other approved
materials well consolidated in layers not exceeding 150mm thick in making up
the levels. Hardcore shall not be susceptible to break down under moist
conditions. It shall contain less than 1 total sulphates as SO
and less than
3.1.g/1 water soluble sulphates as SO
in a 2:1 water soil extract. Total soluble
salts shall not exceed 2.0.
3.5. Crusher Dust/Eines
Crusher dust shall be Iinely graded crushed stone to pass a 5mm mesh sieve
and shall be Iree Irom deleterious matter, clay, silt, earth and organic matter.
It shall contain less than 1 total sulphates and less than 3.1 g/1 oI water
soluble sulphates in a 2:1 water soil extract. Total soluble salts shall not
exceed 2.0.
3.6. Selected Excavated Material
Selected excavated material shall be that designated by the Company
Representative and shall be Iree Irom stones that can be retained in a 75mm
sieve, vegetable matter, oil contamination and other deleterious materials.
3.7. DeIinition and ClassiIication oI Earthworks Material Rock
The Iollowing deIinition oI earthworks material shall apply to this and other
clauses oI the contract Documents in which reIerence is made to the deIined
'Rock shall be deemed to mean hard material or boulder exceeding 0.3 cubic
yards in size which in the opinion oI the Company Representative necessitates
the use oI pneumatic tools to breakout.
3.8. Method oI Excavation
In general, the use oI mechanical excavators and rock breakers are not
permitted within operating areas and hand excavation shall be employed (this
is deemed to include the use oI hand held pneumatic hammers, where
3.9. Underground Services
Numerous underground services Ior oil products, steam, compressed air, water
and electricity are located throughout the Company`s Operating Areas and
may be directly aIIected by the Work. Every attempt shall be made to deIine
these locations prior to commencement oI any work but the Contractor shall
exercise extreme caution to avoid damage to any services which may exist,
and make due allowance Ior same at time oI tender.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
3.10. Excavations
Trenches Ior Ioundations and slabs shall be excavated to a suIIicient depth and
width to enable the concrete to be placed together with Iormwork, membrane,
building, supports etc. to be accommodated.
Trenches Ior pipes and cables shall be excavated to a suIIicient depth and
width to enable the pipes and cables together with bed, haunch and surround to
be accommodated.
The Tenderer shall allow Ior depositing excavated material at least 18 Irom
the edge oI excavations and where this is impractical, Ior multiple handling to
and Irom spoil heaps not exceeding 100 linear yards Irom the excavation site.
The Contractor shall ensure that excavations are completed to levels, with
even gradients and constructed true to line as shown on the drawings. No rock
or soil shall project within the speciIied excavation width or depth.
3.11. Trench Excavation
Erom the bottom oI the trench to a level 9 inches above the crown oI the pipe
trench widths shall not be less than the minimum nor greater than the
maximum Iigures shown in the table below. All re-measurement shall be
based upon the minimum widths stated herein.
The minimum width is that width between the Iaces oI the soil required to
ensure the correct placing and compaction oI bedding materials equally on
either side oI the pipe. All sheeting and supports are to be out with this width.
Nominal Internal
Minimum Trench
Maximum Trench
mm. Ins. Et. Ins. Et. Ins.
100 (4) 1` - 5 2` - 1
150 (6) 1` - 7 2` - 3
225 (9) 2` - 0 2` - 7
300 (12) 2` - 3 2` - 10
Battering oI the sides oI the trenches shall apply only by permitted where
approved by the Company Representative. The Contractor shall provide
whatever additional protection is necessary should the maximum width be
exceeded due to his method oI working.
The Contractor shall examine any unsound or weak material which may be
Iound below the indicated levels and report same to the Company
Representative beIore placing bedding, pipes or other work.
Unsuitable excavated material shall be run to spoil.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
3.12. Removal oI Agricultural Soil
The removal oI top agricultural soil shall be carried out in areas to be occupied
by buildings and paved areas only. This soil shall not be removed Irom areas
designated Ior gardens and around vegetation requiring preservation. Such
areas shall be accurately staked out and properly marked by the Contractor, to
the approval oI the Company Representative, prior to carrying out the removal
oI any vegetation, trees, or top agricultural soil.
The removal oI any top soil shall stop at a saIe distance Irom all vegetation
and trees designated Ior preservation and all necessary precautions such as
tying or propping shall be taken to keep trees Irom tilting.
The suitable top soil shall be removed as required by the Company
Representative and kept Ior use as agricultural soil. Utmost care shall be taken
to avoid contamination oI this material with unsuitable materials harmIul to
planting earth.
The removed suitable top soil shall be hauled and stock piled at the location
assigned by the Company Representative within the curtilage oI the site. Care
shall be taken to preserve such materials Ior later spreading and Iilling in areas
to be developed as gardens.
3.13. Dewatering Excavations
Where required the Contractor shall construct and install trenches, excavation,
planking and strutting and piping Ior the disposal oI water. All drained water
shall be disposed oI through a water-tight pipe conduit. The proposed location
oI any outIalls shall be subject to the approval oI the Company Representative.
The Contractor shall have the option to use any approved method oI
dewatering such as trenches and pumping Irom a sump, well-point system,
water-tight coIIerdams or any combination thereoI as proposed by himselI and
approved by the Company Representative.
All construction work such as Ioundations, pipe laying, water prooIing and
other related work shall be carried out in dry conditions until Iinally examined
or tested and approved by the Company Representative. In the event that
during excavation or construction, the dewatering drainage or pumping
systems are Iound inadequate or insuIIicient, the Contractor shall modiIy or
strengthen the scheme to keep the excavation dry.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
3.14. Eilling, BackIilling and Compaction
Materials to be used Ior compacted Iilling Ior low level areas, and backIilling
around excavation shall consist oI earth approved Ior Iilling Irom excavations
or other selected material. All Iill materials shall be approved by the
Company Representative and shall be well graded, Iree Irom dirt, organic
matter, or other deleterious material and shall conIorm to the provision
detailed in this section. Rates Ior desert Iill, hardcore and similar materials
shall include Ior all necessary retaining boards.
Compaction methods and plant shall be to the approval oI the Company
3.15. Excavated Material Ior BackIilling and Eilling
BackIilling consists oI replacement or excavation up to existing ground or
Iormation level. Selected excavated material Ior backIilling shall pass a
75mm sieve.
II suIIicient approved surplus excavated material is not available Ior Iilling
then the Contractor shall produce samples oI suitable additional material Ior
Company approval.
3.16. Sand Embedment around Pipes
Eilling and backIilling shall start immediately aIter testing and approval oI the
structure and the diIIerent embedded items. Eill shall not be deposited so as to
endanger the partly Iinished structure, or cause collapse oI excavations. All
Iilling, backIilling and compaction operations shall be carried out as a
speciIied hereunder.
3.17. BackIilling and Eilling Ior Structures and Substructures
Excavated areas under and around structures or substructures shall be
backIilled where required with approved material in horizontal successive
layers not exceeding 150mm thickness and compacted to the required levels.
Care shall be taken to avoid damage to structural concrete. Damage caused
shall be made good at the Contractor`s expense.
Each layer shall be moistened or dried to reach optimum moisture content,
then spread and compacted to at least 95 oI the maximum dry density, as
determined in accordance with the procedures given in BS 1377 Test 13 or
Test 14. Each layer shall be compacted by a suitable vibratory roller oI
capacity not less than 20 tons or other compaction equipment oI suitable
design and type to suit site and soil conditions and then tested by an approved
testing agency. Test results shall be approved by the Company Representative
prior to the laying oI the subsequent layer.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
The above operation shall be continued until the Iill layers reach the required
On completion oI compaction and results oI last layer oI Iilling are Iound
satisIactory, and it instructed by the Company Representative a suitable
number oI plate load tests shall be carried out by an approved testing agency
Ior determining short and long term settlement under the designed loads.
3.18. Eilling and BackIilling Trenches
Eilling sand around pipes Ior utility lines shall be used Ior padding. A
compacted sand bedding oI the depth and dimensions shown on drawings,
where called Ior under the pipes, shall be worked out to the grades and
elevations oI the pipe. AIter laying, testing and approval oI the piping system,
the sand embedment shall be continued around the pipe and compacted in
layers or not more than 150mm thickness and thoroughly watered and tamped
until the pipe has the speciIied cover.
The sand shall be well compacted by approved tampers to at least 95 oI it`s
maximum dry density as determined in accordance with the procedures given
in BS 1377 Test 13 and Test 14.
All due care shall be taken to ensure that no damage occurs to the pipework.
AIter compaction and approval oI the bedding, backIilling and Iilling shall be
carried out as speciIied Ior structures and substructures.
3.19. Over Excavation
Should any excavation be taken below the required levels the Contractor shall
at his own expense backIill to the required level with sulphate resisting
concrete mix oI suitable strength.
II through the operations oI the Contractor, any excavated surIace is cut up by
the traIIic, soItened or otherwise made unsuitable, the Contractor shall re-
excavate to provide a Iirm Ioundation and Iill up with hardcore or concrete as
directed beIore the Ioundations or pipes are laid or permanent work
The Contractor shall keep the excavations Iree Irom all water by means oI
pumping, bailing or other suitable means.
3.20. Planking and Strutting
The Contractor shall allow Ior upholding the sides oI excavations by means oI
planking and strutting or other suitable means and removing these on
completion and shall bear the Iull responsibility Ior the saIety oI his
workpeople and Ior damage to adjoining property due to neglect on his part to
take the correct precautions.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
II the Company Representative instructs or agrees that it is necessary Ior the
saIety oI the work to leave in certain timbering, sheet piling, supports or
shoring, the Contractor shall do so. Such supports shall be measured beIore
Iilling-in commences.
Any Ialls due to lack oI proper support shall be made good at the Contractor`s
3.21. Levels and Setting out
The Contractor shall be responsible Ior all setting out oI the works Irom a
reIerence point to be deIined and shall entirely at his own cost amend any
errors arising Irom his own inaccurate setting out.
3.22. Remove Rubbish and Cleaning
Clear up and cart away all rubbish as it accumulates during the progress oI the
work and on completion clear up and cart away all surplus materials and leave
the work and the site clean and in good order to the entire satisIaction oI the
Company Representative.
3.23. SaIety and Access
All open excavations shall be protected by continuous barriers on each side oI
the excavation and suitable walkways provided where access is required in
accordance with Bahrain Government and the Company`s SaIety Regulations
and as speciIied herein.
The minimum standard acceptable Ior barriers shall consist oI 44 gallon drums
at a maximum oI 15 Ioot centers with 1 manila rope threaded through sleeves
in the drums and drawn tight.
The drums shall be Iilled to 1/3
oI their height with suitable Iilling material,
have a 2 pipe sleeve to take rope and be painted in alternate bands oI red and
When excavations are carried out next to roads or Ior road crossings then each
drum must carry a Ilashing warning light and the barriers set out in accordance
with the Ministry oI Works, Power and Water booklet 'TraIIic Control at
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
4.1. Cement
Cement shall be sulphate resisting Portland cement or a brand approved by the
Company Representative and shall comply in every respect with BS 4027 or
ASTM C150 type V` except where speciIically indicated in writing by the
Company Representative. The total oI alkali content (NA
00.658 K
0) shall
not be in excess oI 0.6o percent when tested in accordance with B.S. 4550 or
ASTM C114.
The sulphate expansion in Iourteen days shall be less than 0.045 percent when
tested in accordance with B.S. 4550 or ASTM C452.
4.2. Eine Aggregate
Natural sand shall be washed screened sand oI marine origin. Quality oI Iine
aggregate shall comply with the requirements oI B.S. 882 and shall be clean
and Iree Irom deleterious materials, earth and organic matter.
Eine aggregate shall be within Zone 2 or Zone 3 as deIined in B.S.882.
Blending oI natural sand and crushed stone sand may be permitted at the
discretion oI the Company Representative.
In addition to the requirements oI B.S. 882, Iine aggregate shall comply with
the Iollowing limitations.
Natural sand shall not contain more than 0.10 by weight oI chloride, when
expressed as sodium chloride (NaC1).
Natural sand shall not contain more than 0.50 by weight total acid soluble
sulphates, when expressed as sulphur trioxide (SO
However, iI the above chemical limits are exceeded in Iine aggregate, the
material shall still be considered acceptable provided that the total chloride
concentration expressed as sodium chloride (NaC1) and the total sulphate
concentration expressed as sulphur trioxide (SO
) in the whole concrete mix
do not exceed 0.35 and 5.0 respectively by weight oI cement irrespective
oI the origin oI chlorides and sulphates.
The weight oI voided shells in Iine aggregate shall not exceed Iive percent by
weight oI dry Iine aggregates.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
4.3. Coarse Aggregate
Quality or coarse aggregate shall comply with the requirements oI BS 882 and
shall be crushed aggregate, at least 90 oI the particles having one or more
Iractured Iace (s).
Coarse aggregate shall be homogeneous, clean, Iree Irom deleterious
materials, earth, organic matter and alkalis and shall be washed with water as
Coarse aggregate shall contain less than 1 Iriable particles. The Ilakiness
index shall not exceed 30.
Coarse aggregate Ior use in all classes oI concrete shall be provided Ior
batching as single sized aggregate oI 20mm and 10mm nominal size
proportioned in such ratio as to give a uniIorm graduation complying with the
relevant section oI B.S.882.
The Iiner graduation oI coarse aggregate shall be used Ior thin structural
sections. In addition to B.S.882 coarse aggregate shall comply with the
Iollowing limitations:
Coarse aggregates shall not contain more than 0.50 by weight oI chlorides,
when expressed as sodium chloride (NaC1).
Coarse aggregates shall not contain more than 0.50 by weight oI total acid
soluble sulphates when expressed as sulphur trioxide (SO
). The calcium
carbonate content (expressed as CaCo
) shall not be less than 85 percent by
weight oI coarse aggregate.
However, iI the above chemical limits are exceeded in coarse aggregate, the
materials shall still be considered acceptable, provided that the total chloride
concentration expressed as sodium chloride (NaC1), and the total sulphate
concentration expressed as sulphur trioxide (SO
) in the whole concrete mix
does not exceed 0.35 and 5.0 respectively by weight oI cement
irrespective oI the origin oI chloride and sulphates.
4.4. Water
Water Ior use in concrete and mortar mixing and curing shall be obtained Irom
an approved source and shall be oI such a quality as to not aIIect the setting
time, strength and durability oI the concrete or mortar, the appearance oI
hardened concrete or mortar by discolouration or eIIlorescence and the
reinIorcement at any age oI the concrete or mortar.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Water shall be clean, demineralised, blended or unblended, with a pH between
6.5 and 8.0 and shall be tested in accordance with B.S.3148. The Iollowing
limits shall not be exceeded.
Total dissolved solids not greater than 2000 ppm
Suspended solids not greater than 2000 ppm
Chloride as NaC1 not greater than 800 ppm
Chloride as C1 not greater than 500 ppm
Sulphates as SO
not greater than 1000 ppm
Alkali HCO
not greater than 1000 ppm
Water shall be stored in approved, clean, covered containers which are
protected Irom sun, wind and dust and Irom contamination by any other
source. Pipework Ior water shall, wherever possible be protected Irom the
4.5. ReinIorcing Steel
ReinIorcement shall comply with the requirements oI B.S.4449, 'Hot rolled
steel bars Ior the reinIorcement oI concrete, B.S.4461 worked steel bars Ior
the reinIorcement oI concrete or B.S.4483 Steel mesh Iabric. High tensile
bars shall be round deIormed bars or equivalent. ReinIorcement shall be cut
and bent in accordance with B.S.4466.
All reinIorcement shall be clean and Iree Irom material that may cause
corrosion oI the reinIorcement or the disintegration oI the concrete and Irom
pitting, loose rust, mill scale, paint, oil, grease and other material that may
impair the bond between the concrete and the reinIorcement.
Sheets or mesh Iabric shall be Ilat unless speciIied as bent and any tendency to
curve or twist shall be corrected by the Contractor beIore Iixing. Mesh Iabric
shall not be supplied in rolls.
Binding wire shall be 16-18 gauge soIt iron wire.
The Contractor shall Iurnish the Company Representative with manuIacturer`s
certiIicates Ior the reinIorcing steel intended Ior use, including test results oI
the physical and chemical prosperities as required in relevant standard.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
ReinIorcement shall be stored on properly constructed racks at least 150mm
above ground level. The storage, cutting and bending oI steel reinIorcement
shall be carried out under cover on an approved, Iree draining concrete
platIorm. The method oI storing shall be such as to prevent contamination or
damage by weather or accident. Steel shall be protected Irom humidity when
4.6. Eormwork Grade 1 (Sawn Eormwork)
Eormwork Grade 1 where shown on the drawings shall be constructed oI sawn
boards, suitably treated plywood, sheet metal panels or other suitable
4.7. Eormwork Grade 2 (Lined Eormwork)
Eormwork Grade 2 is to produce a uniIorm smooth Iinish oI high quality, with
even, true and clean arrises Ior exposed concrete. The Iinished concrete
surIaces shall have minor blemishes only and there shall be no staining or
discolouration Irom release agents, Iormwork material or other sources. The
Iorms shall be designed to have as Iew joints as possible and shall be arranged
in a uniIorm pattern. Wherever possible joints between sheets shall be
arranged to coincide with architectural Ieatures such as openings or changes oI
The Iormwork shall have impermeable Iorm Iace. Immediately aIter striking
the Iormwork all surIace Iins and other superIluous projections shall be
removed and the purpose made holes Ior internal ties shall be made good with
specially prepared cement and Iine aggregate mortar. Colour matching Ior the
making good materials shall be accurate.
4.8. Damp ProoI Membrane
Damp prooI membrane shall be 1000 gauge polythene with double welted
joints, with a minimum lap oI 6.
4.9. Concrete Mix
Concrete shall be Ready Mix concrete complying with all requirements oI this
SpeciIication and the source oI supply must also be approved by the
Company. Details oI the mix design shall be submitted to the company prior
to the supply oI any concrete. Use oI site-mixed concrete will NOT be
permitted under any circumstances.
Attention is drawn to the normal conditions oI sale oI Ready Mix Companies
and the Contractor will not be reimbursed Ior any delays in delivery, or Ior
additional costs Ior delivery oI part Iull loads.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
The Iollowing requirements shall be met:
a. Ready-Mix concrete will not be accepted Ior use unless approved in
writing by the Company Representative.
b. The name and the address oI the works oI the supplier are to be
submitted to the Company Representative and acceptance oI the use oI
such supplier shall be obtained prior to placing the order.
Notwithstanding any such authorisation by the Company Representative
the Contractor shall take Iull responsibility that the ready mixed concrete
complies with the requirements oI the SpeciIication.
c. The concreting materials shall comply with the requirements oI the
SpeciIication and shall be tested in accordance with the Company
Representative instructions. The cost oI such testing will be the
responsibility oI the Contractor. Test cubes shall be taken on site by the
d. The Contractor is to ensure that a record is kept at the supplier`s works
oI the exact time when the concreting materials are mixed.
e. Ready-mixed concrete shall be plant batched and mixed, truck mixed
concrete will not be accepted. The concrete shall be carried in purpose
made agitators, operating continuously.
I. Delivery notes shall record the Iollowing inIormation.
i. Date and time oI arrival oI truck.
ii. Time and place oI mixing oI concreting materials.
iii. Registration number oI truck and name oI depot.
iv. Time when concrete is placed in position.
g. The Iollowing additional inIormation shall also be recorded by the
Contractor and shall be supplied, with the delivery note, to the Company
Representative within 24 hours.
i. Mix class and position in the structure where the concrete is placed.
ii. Whether test cubes were taken Irom this delivery.
iii. Slump and details oI additives.
h. Ready-mixed concrete shall comply in all respects with B.S.5328.
i. Admixtures used in ready mixed concrete shall comply in all respects
with B.S.5075.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
j. The Contractor shall obtain the Company Representative`s permission
beIore concreting in air shade temperatures which exceed 30
C and shall
take approved precautions to prevent early setting etc. (use admixtures,
cool ingredients, continuously spray Iormwork with water, erect
sunshades, etc.) ensure that concrete when placed does not exceed 32
k. No concreting shall be carried out in heavy rain.
4.10. Sampling, Testing and Compliance
Eor assessment oI strength a sample shall be taken Irom a randomly selected
batch oI concrete by taking a number oI samples in accordance with B.S.1881.
The samples, whenever practicable shall be taken at the point oI discharge
Irom the delivery vehicle. Eour test cubes Irom each sample shall be prepared
and cured in accordance with B.S.1881.
Compliance with the characteristic strength will be assessed in accordance
with the requirements oI C.P.110.
Testing shall be executed by an independent laboratory.
The cost oI taking and testing concrete samples and materials required to
ensure compliance with this speciIication shall be borne wholly by the
4.11. Transport and Placing oI Concrete
The Contractor shall notiIy the Company Representative in writing 48 hours
beIore placing concrete, stating the times oI placing, and shall not commence
placing operations without his written approval oI excavations, Iormwork,
reinIorcement, arrangements Ior plant and materials on site, installation oI
accessories, etc. Any concrete placed beIore obtaining such approval shall be
The Iormwork or area oI deposition shall be clean to the satisIaction oI the
Company Representative. Constructional plant and materials required, or
which may be required, during the concreting work and Ior curing shall be on
site and Iully prepared beIore concreting commences. All accessories shall be
installed and Iormwork Ior holes, cashes etc., shall be provided as speciIied.
Only aIter all these preparations and other relevant requirements have been
completed, shall the Company Representative`s written approval to place
concrete be given.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Concrete shall be transported, placed and spread by approved means and in
such as a way as to prevent segregation. Concrete not placed within 30
minutes oI adding water to the mix or beIore starting its initial set shall be
rejected, unless an approved retarding admixture is used.
Concrete shall be transported and compacted into a dense impermeable mass
without segregation or bleeding or cracking to ensure that when hard it is
durable, uncracked and uncrazed.
Except where otherwise agreed by the Company Representative concrete shall
be deposited in horizontal layers to compacted depth not exceeding 500mm
where internal vibrators are used or 300 mm in all other cases. Concrete shall
be deposited as near as possible to its Iinal position to avoid rehandling.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Company Representative concrete shall not be
placed against concrete which has hardened suIIiciently to cause seams, planes
oI weakness or cold joints.
II Ior unIoreseen reasons it is necessary to stop concreting beIore completion
oI the pour then construction joints as speciIied shall be Iormed and Iurther
concreting shall be suspended Ior at least twenty Iour hours unless otherwise
approved in writing by the Company Representative.
Cutting and chasing oI hardened concrete shall not be permitted without the
Company Representative`s approval. The Contractor shall provide openings,
mortices, chases, sleeves, etc. and Iix bolts, anchors, etc. in accordance as
work proceeds and support embedded items against displacement. Items cast
in shall be Iilled with readily removable material to prevent concrete ingress.
The Contractor shall Iorm approved expansion joints where required with
approved sleeve pieces when reinIorcement is continued over expansion
The Contractor shall clean and wet and then Iill tie holes solid with patching
mortar. When required by the Company Representative honeycombed and
other detective concrete shall be cut back to sound concrete, with
perpendicular or slightly under cut edges prepared in an approved manner.
The Company Representative will reject any concrete which he considers to
have been inadequately mixed or in which the ingredients have segregated or
which is no longer capable oI being eIIectively placed or compacted.
4.12. Compaction
Concrete must be careIully and thoroughly compacted during placing to
ensure that it completely surrounds the reinIorcement, Iills the Iormwork and
exclude voids.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
4.12. Curing
Ereshly deposited concrete shall be protected Irom premature drying and
excessively hot or cold temperatures and shall be maintained with minimal
moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature Ior the proper hydration oI
the cement and hardening oI the concrete.
The materials and methods oI curing shall be subject to approval. Concrete
surIaces not in contact with Iorms, shall be cured immediately aIter the
Iinishing operations by one oI the Iollowing materials or methods.
Ponding, continuous sprinkling, or absorptive mat or Iabric kept continuously
wet with water which complies with the requirements oI 'Water Ior Concrete
and Curing.
Polythene membrane shall be laid direct onto damp (not wet) concrete in
unbroken sheets with substantial close Iitted lap joints. Sheets shall be
weighted with timbers to prevent dry winds blowing under the membrane.
Spray applied membrane and compounds which shall be oI approved
manuIacturer and type and be oI the maximum retentivity type. Curing
compounds used shall have reIlective properties; they shall be applied in
accordance with the recommendations oI the manuIacturer and are to be used
with extreme caution on any surIaces against which additional concrete or
other Iinishing materials are to be bonded and shall not adversely aIIect the
Curing shall be continued Ior a period oI at least seven days when the Iirst to
methods are used. Rapid drying at the end oI the curing period shall be
The Company Representative may instruct, in hot, dry weather that a
combination oI the above methods shall be used.
Exposed horizontal surIaces oI slabs in hot windy weather may require
additional protection between the initial compaction and Iinal Iinishing stages
to ensure that the concrete is not exposed Ior more than twenty (20) minutes
aIter placing.
Eormwork exposed to direct sunlight during the curing period shall be shaded.
4.13. Steel Iorms heated by the sun and all wood Iorms in contact with the concrete
during the curing period shall be kept wet. II Iorms are to be removed during
the curing period, one oI the above curing materials or methods shall be
employed immediately. Such curing shall continue Ior the remainder oI the
curing period. Concrete surIaces cured by liquid membrane or waterprooI
paper where permitted shall be adequately prepared beIore application oI any
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
The use oI any oI these methods oI curing shall be subject to the requirements
oI the Company Representative Ior meeting a satisIactory curing result. Any
method not giving satisIactory results shall be discontinued and other, to the
approval oI the Company Representative be applied instead.
4.14. Steel ReinIorcement
ReinIorcing steel having loose mill scale or rust scale, or contaminated with
grease, salts, oil or paint shall not be used in the works.
ReinIorcement cages assembled beIore Iixing shall be protected against the
weather and shall be stored and transported careIully so that no distortion or
contamination may occur.
Concrete shall be placed within 3 days oI Iixing reinIorcement and the
reinIorcement shall be protected with plastic sheeting or tarpaulins in the
interim period or at night or whenever not being worked.
ReinIorcement in any member shall be inspected and approved in writing by
the Company Representative beIore placing oI concrete begins. Concrete
placed in violation oI this provision will be rejected and removed Iorthwith.
The Contractor shall prepare bar bending schedules Irom the inIormation
given on drawings and in the SpeciIications. These schedules shall be
submitted to the Company Representative Ior approval which shall in no way
relieve the Contractor oI his responsibility Ior the correctness oI such
All bending dimensions shall conIorm to the drawings and be in accordance
with B.S.4466 and be completed beIore positioning unless otherwise speciIied
or directed by the Company Representative.
Steel reinIorcement shall be cut Irom straight bars, Iree Irom kinks and bends
or other damage and bent cold by experienced workmen. Bars oI diameter
greater than 20mm shall be bent in a bending machine designed Ior the
purpose and approved by the Company Representative. Bending oI steel
reinIorcement embedded in hardened concrete shall not be allowed unless
approved by the Company Representative.
Splicing oI bars shall not be permitted except where shown and as indicated
on the drawings or approved by the Company Representative. Where such
splices are approved, no additional payment will be made Ior extra steel
required. No welding oI reinIorcement shall be carried without the written
approval oI the Company Representative.
Minimum overlap Ior reinIorcement to be Iorty-two times diameter Ior bars in
tension, thirty times diameter Ior bars in compression unless otherwise
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All reinIorcing steel shall be accurately placed and Iixed in the positions
shown on the drawings and Iirmly held during the placing and setting oI
concrete. Distance Irom the Iorms shall be maintained by means oI stays,
blocks, ties, hangers or other approved supports. Blocks Ior holding
reinIorcement Irom contact with the Iorms shall be precast concrete blocks oI
approved quality, shape and dimensions with approved wire ties cast into
them, or plastic proprietary spacers oI approved design. Metal chairs in
contact with the exterior surIace oI the concrete shall be galvanized or shall
have an approved plastic protective covering.
Bars in contact shall be Iirmly secured to each other with approved binding
wire or proprietary clips oI a type approved by the Company Representative.
Binding wire shall be 16 18 gauge soIt iron wire, Iree Irom rust or other
contaminants. The reinIorcement shall be Iixed accurately in position so that
the reinIorcement is in the correct position in relation to the Iormwork to give
the speciIied concrete cover. The reinIorcement shall be Iixed securely in
position so that it will not be displaced during the passage oI Contractor`s
traIIic, the placing and compaction oI the concrete or any related operations.
The top reinIorcement in slabs shall be rigidly supported by mild steel chairs
Irom the bottom reinIorcement. Plastic coated or galvanized steel chairs shall
be used where in contact with exposed concrete surIaces. Chairs spacing shall
be at 1.50m centers in both directions.
Starter bars to columns and walls must be securely Iixed to the reinIorcement
in the parent concrete and accurately located to maintain the speciIied cover.
All reinIorcing bars including links and stirrups shall have a minimum cover
oI 62.5mm unless otherwise stated. Where such minimum cover is not
possible or where it is speciIied otherwise, the concrete surIace shall be
immediately treated aIter removal oI Iormwork with a compound to reduce
The correct cover shall be maintained by the use oI plastic spacers or other
approved means. II approved Ior use concrete spacing blocks shall be
machine pressed or, iI manuIactured on site shall be made Irom a mix oI one
part cement and one part oI sand and one part oI Iine aggregate 10mm below
Site manuIactured blocks shall be well compacted and water cured Ior a
minimum oI 7 days aIter casting, and shall have a 10 minute absorption oI less
than 3.2. Concrete spacers shall be comparable in strength durability and
appearance to the surrounding concrete. Any wire cast into the spacer blocks
shall be positioned well away Irom the exposed surIace and shall be
galavnised. Spacers Iixed to parallel reinIorcement bars shall not be located in
a line across a section.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
4.15. Eormwork
The design oI Iormwork and its construction shall be the sole responsibility oI
the Contractor. It shall include all moulds Ior Iorming the concrete and all
temporary construction Ior the proper execution oI the work.
The Contractor, when so required by the Company Representative shall
submit Ior approval three copies oI drawings and calculations oI the Iormwork
intended Ior use.
The drawings shall show the materials, sizes oI members, spacings and
positions oI whalings, stringers, struts, bolts and wedges. Eormwork shall not
be constructed except aIter securing the Company Representative`s approval.
Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor oI his responsibilities Ior the
suIIiciency and saIety oI the Iormwork.
Eormwork shall be Iixed in perIect line, grade and dimension with no crevices
at joints. It shall be securely braced, supported and wedged so as to retain its
position without displacement or deIlection during the placing and compaction
oI concrete.
All joints shall bet either horizontal or vertical, unless otherwise required. On
exposed surIaces, the joints shall be placed with due regard to adjacent
Ieatures. ChamIers (25 x 25 mm) unless otherwise required shall be obtained
in the concrete sections, by interesting wrought timber Iillets in the Iorm
where shown on the drawings or required by the Company Representative.
In long spans, the anticipated deIlection shall be accurately computed and
taken into account in the design oI Iormwork such that the Iinished concrete
members shall have true surIaces conIorming to lines, planes and elevations
shown on drawings. II adequate Ioundations Ior shores is not secured trussed
supports shall be provided by the Contractor.
No loss oI grout through the Iormwork shall be allowed during placing and
compaction oI concrete.
Metal ties or anchors within the Iorm shall be so constructed as to permit their
removal to a depth oI at least 30mm Irom the Iace without injury to the
concrete. All Iittings Ior metal ties shall be oI such design that, upon their
removal the cavities which are leIt will be oI the smallest possible size.
Spreader cores on ties shall not exceed 25mm diameter. The cavities shall be
Iilled with cement mortar and the surIace leIt sound, smooth, even and
uniIorm in colour. Metal ties shall be spaced at 300mm centres or as directed
by the Company Representative.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
The maximum tolerances within which concrete work shall be constructed
(when measured using a 3m straightedge) are as Iollows:
All setting out dimensions

Sections oI concrete members

SurIace level oI Iloor slabs

Any rectiIication oI work not constructed within the tolerances set out above,
shall be entirely at the responsibility and expense oI the Contractor.
All Iorm in contact with concrete shall be coated with an approved non-
staining proprietary release agent beIore reinIorcement is placed. The release
agent shall be careIully applied in such a manner that there is no
contamination oI reinIorcement or previously placed concrete. The release
agent shall be eIIective aIter exposure to high temperatures, sun and wind.
Eormwork shall be kept in place Ior the minimum days stated below.
May-Oct Nov-Apr
Beam sides 2 days 3 days
Slabs and Beam soIIits up to 5 metre spans 10 days 14 days
Sides oI walls, Ioundations and columns 2 days 3 days
Beam props 16 days 16 days
When shores and other vertical supports are so arranged that the non-load
carrying Iorm Iacing material may be removed without loosening or disturbing
the shores and supports, the Iacing material may be removed at an earlier stage
as permitted. Eor slabs and beams having larger spans than Iive metres, the
Iormwork shall be kept in position Ior a larger period than stated above at the
discretion oI the Company Representative.
Loads shall not be placed on concrete beIore the Iollowing periods aIter
placing, or as otherwise agreed in writing by the Company Representative.
May-Oct Nov-Apr
Columns, beams, slabs etc. 21 days 28 days
Eoundations 14 days 21 days
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All Iormwork and reinIorcement to be checked and approved by the Company
Representative beIore concrete is placed. AIter completion oI all the
Iormwork, steel, electrical conduits, plumbing pipes etc., the Contractor
should give a written intimation to the Company Representative about his
programme oI concreting. This notice should be given at least 48 hours prior
to concreting but aIter completing all the jobs stated above speciIically.
Notice given beIore completing all the works stated above shall not be
accepted on any account and Company Representative may not give any reply
to such notice.
Wrought Iormwork is classiIied as plywood or steel lined Iormwork to
produce perIectly smooth Iaith Iaced concrete.
4.16. Construction Joints
Construction joints shall be positioned as shown on the drawings. The
Contractor shall submit to the Company Representative Ior discussion and
approval a marked up drawing oI the construction showing proposed positions
oI construction joints at least 7 days beIore work commences.
Construction joints shall be Iormed in either horizontal or vertical planes and
located in the work to suit working stresses. They shall be so located and the
quantity oI concrete placed at any one time shall be so limited in size and
shape as to minimize shrinkage and temperature eIIects. All reinIorcing steel
and welded wire Iabric shall be continued across construction joints except
where shown on the drawings. Keys and inclined dowels shall be provided as
directed by the Company Representative. Longitudinal keys, at least 40 mm
deep, shall be provided in all joints in the walls and between walls and slabs or
Iootings. The surIace oI the concrete at all joints shall be straight and shall be
thoroughly cleaned with water and air under pressure, to expose aggregate.
The cleaned surIaces shall be well wetted and a cement grout wash applied;
placing shall commence beIore the grout has set. Approved waterbars shall be
provided in joints subject to water pressure.
4.17. Waterbars
Where waterbars are indicated on the drawing the Contractor shall submit to
the Company Representative a layout drawing and a detail drawing showing
junction pieces etc. Ior the Company Representative`s approval.
4.18. Expansion Joints
Expansion joints shall be Iormed in the positions and in conIormity with the
details shown on the drawings. In no case shall the reinIorcement or other
embedded metal items be run continuously through an expansion joint unless
sleeves are provided as approved by the Company Representative.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Expansion joints shall be Iilled with joint Iiller strips (suitable Ior use in local
climate) cut back and pointed with joint sealer all as speciIied herein below
5.1. Cement
Cement used in mortar shall be Portland Cement complying with B.S.12 Ior
work above ground Iloor level. Mortar Ior work below ground Iloor level and
Ior the manuIacture oI bricks and blocks shall be Sulphate Resisting Cement
complying with B.S. 4027. All cements shall contain not more than 0.6
alkali equivalent (Alkali equivalent Na
0 0.658 K
5.2. Aggregates
Aggregates used Ior the manuIacture oI blocks and bricks shall comply with
the requirements Ior aggregates Ior concrete.
5.3. Sand Ior Mortar
Sand Ior mortar shall comply with the requirements oI B.S.1200.
The grading oI sands Ior general purpose mortars shall be within the limits oI
Table 1 B.S.1200. The grading oI sands Ior reinIorced brickwork or
blockwork mortars shall be within the limits oI Table 2 B.S.1200.
The clay/silt content, when determined in accordance with B.S.812, shall not
exceed that Ior concrete.
5.4. Water
Water used Ior the manuIacture oI bricks or blocks, curing mortar and wetting
down shall comply with the requirements oI water Ior mixing and curing or
5.5. Admixture
Mortar plasticizer shall comply with the requirements oI B.S. 4887.
Admixture used in the manuIacture oI bricks and blocks shall comply with
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
5.6. Lime
Lime Ior use in mortar shall be non-hydraulic or semi-hydraulic lime and shall
comply with B.S.890.
5.7. Pigments
Pigments to be used in mortar shall comply with B.S.1014. The pigment
content shall not exceed ten per cent by weight oI the cement and iI carbon
black is used proportion shall be not more than three per cent by weight oI the
5.8. Masonry Cement
Masonry cements shall comply with B.S.5224.
5.9. Pre Mixed Mortars
Shall comply with the general requirements Ior materials and mix proportions
shall be as given in this speciIication.
5.10. Ready Mixed Lime:Sand
Ready mixed lime: sand Ior mortar shall comply with B.S.4721. The
materials shall comply with the requirements given in this speciIication. The
mix proportions shall be as stated in this speciIication.
5.11. Damp-prooI Courses
Elexible damp-prooI course materials shall comply with B.S.743 where
applicable and shall be:
a. Bituminous type C Asbestos based (4.4 kg/m
b. Black low density polythene (0.48 kg/m
c. Pitch Polymer having a minimum thickness oI 1.27 mm and a
minimum weight oI 1.45 kg/m
5.12. Bonding Ties
Bonding Ties shall be expanded metal strips or woven mesh as speciIied on
the drawings.
5.13. Wall Ties
Wall ties shall comply with B.S.1243 and shall be hot-dip galvanized steel or
stainless steel as speciIied.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
5.14. Pre-Iormed Joint Eiller
Compressible pre-Iormed expansion joint Iiller shall be cork or bitumen
impregnated boarding oI the thickness speciIied within a tolerance oI 1.5
mm and oI such a width that it complies with the speciIied joint details. The
joint Iiller shall be Elex cell or Resinbonded Cork Eiller as manuIactured by
Expandite Ltd, or other equal and approved.
5.15. Joint Sealer
Joint sealer shall be a two parts polysulphide liquid sealant (suitable Ior use in
local climate) generally complying with B.S.4254 and applied in accordance
with the manuIacturer`s recommendations. The Company Representative`s
approval in writing shall be given beIore incorporation in the works.
5.16. Joint ReinIorcement
Joint reinIorcement shall comply with B.S.1369 Eigure 1. The width oI
reinIorcement shall match the width oI brick/block.
5.17. Joint Breaker
Joint Breaker shall be a thin selI adhesive polyethylene bond breaker strip or a
circular section Ioam backing strip as speciIied on the drawings.
5.18. Bricks
Bricks shall be clay bricks complying with B.S.3921, calcium silicate bricks
complying with B.S.187: Part 2 or concrete bricks complying with B.S.6073:
Part 1.
The class and colour oI the bricks shall be as stated in the Particular
5.19. Precast Blocks
Blocks shall be solid, hollow or cellular and shall comply with B.S.6073: Part
1 and 2.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
5.20. Cement Mortar
Cement and sand mortar shall comply with the requirements oI C.P.121 and
shall consist oI the Iollowing mixes:
Strength oI Cement, Sand Cement, Lime,
Brick/Block Plasticizer Sand

Up to 7N/mm
1 : 7 1 : 2 : 8
Over 7N/mm
1 : 6 1 : 1 : 6
Mortar generally shall be machine mixed, mixed dry and then with added
water until the correct consistency and uniIorm distribution oI materials is
obtained. BeIore mixing a Iresh series oI batches the mixer drum shall be
thoroughly cleaned.
Hand mixing shall be done on a clean watertight platIorm, Iirst dry and then
with added water until the correct consistency and uniIorm distribution oI
materials is obtained. Mortars shall be used within 35 minutes oI the addition
oI water, any mortar not then used shall be discarded.
5.21. Brickwork/Blockwork
All brickwork/blockwork shall be set out and built to the respective
dimensions, thickness and heights shown on the drawings.
Wetting beIore laying shall only be done where, and as, necessary to adjust
suction on the Iaces in contact with the mortar bearing in mind the ambient
conditions. The water used Ior this purpose shall be demineralised water as
described in concrete work.
In reinIorced concrete Irame structures the Irame Ior each Iloor shall be built,
cured and approved beIore the adequately tied into the reinIorced concrete
Brickwork/blockwork shall be carried up in a uniIorm manner, no one portion
being raised more than 1.00 m above another at one time unless special
circumstances render this impracticable. All perpends, quoins etc. shall be
kept strictly true and square and the whole properly bonded together. The
maximum height which is to be built in one day is 1.50 m.
Where speciIied on the drawing a broken joint shall be Iormed by the
inclusion oI a polythene 1000 gauge strip oI the same width as the
blockwork/brickwork bedded into the mortar oI the vertical joint.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Hollow brick or block walls shall have a cavity as detailed in the Particular
SpeciIication. Each leaI shall be united by staggered wall ties at the rate oI not
less than two per 0.8 m
and uniIormly spaced at approximate 1 m horizontal
and 0.4 m vertical centers. Additional ties shall be provided within 150 mm or
the edge oI openings and joints, one Ior each 200 mm oI height. Ties shall be
placed as the work proceeds and set dead level or with a slight slope towards
the outside leaI.
The cavity and ties shall be kept clean oI mortar as the work proceeds by the
use oI laths. Mortar droppings reaching the base oI the cavity shall be
removed daily through temporary openings. On completion the loose
bricks/blocks shall be properly bedded and jointed aIter Iinally cleaning the
cavity. No cavity shall be sealed oII until inspected and approved by the
Company Representative.
All joints between bricks/blocks shall be as speciIied and shall be solidly Iilled
to a general thickness oI 10 mm and at no point more than 15 mm. All cross
joints shall be Iilled by well buttering the end oI the brick/block and then
pushing into position against its neighbor.
Block walls and halI-brick thick brick walls shall be built in stretcher bond.
Brick walls one brick thick or over shall have one stretcher course to one
header course. Intersections oI brick/block walls shall be properly bonded in
alternate courses.
Generally, brickwork/blockwork where exposed shall be Ilush jointed as the
work proceeds. Joints and beds must be Iilled with mortar except those
Iacings which are to receive external or internal plastering which shall be
raked out not exceeding 5 mm deep using a key with shoulder to prevent
deeper raking.
All hollow blocks shall be Iilled at sides oI openings and intersections with
concrete mix having a compressive strength at 28 days oI not less than that oI
the block.
Provide a solid or preIilled course oI blockwork at sill level oI openings and
under bearing oI all in situ concrete.
Generally the design oI load bearing brickwork/blockwork shall be in
accordance with B.S.5628.
Pointing oI exposed brickwork/blockwork shall be one oI the Iollowing as
detailed in the Particular SpeciIication:
i. Elush Pointing
ii. Recessed Pointing
iii. Weatherd Pointing
Pointing shall be done as the work proceeds.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
5.22. Damp-prooI Courses
On walls the damp-prooI course shall be lapped at least 100 mm at joints and
angles and be bedded on and covered with a bed oI mortar.
Below concrete Iloors the damp-prooI membrane shall be continuous
throughout the whole Iloor area and shall be sealed to the damp-prooI course
in every adjoining wall or other part oI the structure.
5.23. Erames
All window and door openings shall have ties and lugs built in where required
and at completion, point Irame with gun grade mastic tested to B.S.3712 on
exposed sides. Where the Irames are built in they shall be bedded in the same
mortar as that used Ior the walling.
5.24. Labours
The Contractor shall perIorm all labours necessary Ior the proper completion
oI the walling, including making good to Iinishes Ior all work. Sleeves, chases
and holes shall as Iar as possible be provided during the erection oI the
brickwork/blockwork. Chasing oI completed walls or the Iormation oI holes
shall only be carried out with the approval oI the Company Representative and
then only with a proper tool designed to cleanly cut the bricks/blocks. The
Contractor must demonstrate in trials the machine`s ability to cut acceptable
chases. Walls shall be allowed to set thoroughly hard beIore cutting or
chasing in Iixings. No horizontal or diagonal chases will be permitted.
6.1. RooIing Eelt
RooIing Ielt shall comply with B.S.747 (suitable Ior use in local climate). The
Iirst layer shall be glass Iibre based bitumen Ielt type 3 B weighing 18 kg
and the second and Iinal layers shall be glass Iibre based bitumen Ielt
type 3E weighing 28 kg per 10m
6.2. Bitumen Compound
Bitumen compound shall be a 'cut back bitumen solution oI suitable
viscosity as indicated in C.P. 144.
6.3. Nails
Nails Ior Iixing Ielt to timber shall be galvanised steel wire extra head Ielt
nails complying with B.S. 1202.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
6.4. Imper RooIing
Imper rooIing system shall be as manuIactured by Impex (Italy) (Local Agents
G.P. Zachariades (Overseas) Ltd, P.O. Box 5632 Bahrain) or other equal and
6.5. Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheets
Asbestos cement corrugated sheets shall comply with B.S.690 Table 5 Type A
or B. The type shall be given in the Particular SpeciIication.
6.6. Hot Dipped Galvanised Corrugated Steel Sheeting
Hot dip galvanised corrugated steel sheets shall comply with B.S.3083 22
gauge Type 180 having a minimum weight oI zinc coating oI 550g/m
6.7. ProIiled Aluminum Sheeting
ProIiled aluminum sheets shall comply with B.S. 4868 Eigure 2 0.70mm thick
unless otherwise stated. The Iinish shall be given in the Particular
6.8. Insulated ProIiled Aluminum Sheeting
Insulated ProIiled aluminum sheeting shall comply with B.S. 4868 Eigure 2
and shall be 0.70 mm thick unless otherwise stated. The external Iinish shall
be given in the Particular SpeciIication. The insulation shall be bonded to the
cladding and shall have a suitable Iinished surIace with a Iair joint and a
vapour barrier in order to achieve a U` value oI 0.90W/m
Eire stops should be placed at 3 m centers.
6.9. Aluminium Ilashing shall be 0.90 mm thick aluminium strip complying to B.S.
1470. The width oI strip shall suit the particular location in which it is to be
6.10. Aluminium Angle Trim
Aluminum angle trim shall be satin anodized aluminium trim with a minimum
wall thickness oI 2.00 mm. All arrises shall be pencil rounded.
6.11. All workmanship shall be in accordance with C.P.143 or 144 as applicable.
No application oI rooIing work or Ilashings shall commence or proceed during
inclement weather.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All surIaces to receive rooIing shall be thoroughly dry and Iree oI moisture.
Prior to and during application, all dirt and dust shall be removed Irom
surIaces either by vacuuming, sweeping, blowing with compressed air, or
similar methods.
SurIaces not designated to receive rooIing shall be protected against accidental
damage, spillage or application oI the material to those areas.
When the porosity oI the concrete is such that entrapped air may cause blisters
or pinholes in the rooIing the concrete surIace shall be sealed with approved
sealing compound.
All metal Ilashings or sheets in contract with cement mortar shall be protected
with two coats oI approved bitumen paint prior to building in.
6.12. Submit samples as requested by the Company Representative oI all materials
speciIied herein and beIore ordering materials, obtain approval Irom the
Company Representative.
Materials used shall be obtained Irom the one single source and shall be used
with compatible primers, adhesives and Ilashing sheets throughout.
6.13. Delivery oI Materials
Materials shall be delivered in their original, tightly sealed containers or
unopened packages, all clearly labeled with the manuIacturer`s name, brand
name, and number and batch number oI the materials where appropriate.
Materials and equipment shall be stored as directed in a neat and saIe manner
so as not to exceed the allowable live load oI the storage area provided.
Storage areas shall be shaded, ventilated and shall be located away Irom all
source oI excess heat, sparks or open Ilame. Containers oI liquid materials
shall not be leIt open at any time in the storage area.
Materials not conIorming to this requirement will be rejected by the Company
Representative and shall be removed Irom the site and replaced with approved
materials, at no additional cost to the company.
6.14. Inspection oI surIaces
The contractor shall examine all surIaces on which rooIing is to be applied in
order to ascertain that they have been leIt without serious projections and
sharp edges. SurIaces shall be Iree oI projections, voids, depressions, scale,
eIIluorescence, loose material, laitence, oil, grease and other Ioreign materials.
BeIore starting work, inspect all surIaces to be water-prooIed and rectiIy any
surIaces that are not suitable Ior the correct application oI the water-prooIing.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
6.15. Bitumen Eelt RooIing
Bitumen Ielt rooIing shall be laid in accordance with C.P. 144 Part 3. On
concrete apply priming coat then the Iirst layer shall be bonded to the sub base
by the means oI hot bitumen compound spread evenly over the whole area.
On timber the Iirst layer shall be well nailed at 50 mm centers along laps and
at approximately 20 mm Irom exposed edges; additional nails midway
between laps or staggered at 150 mm centers shall be provided to secure the
Ielt to the timber. The Ielt shall be Iully bonded to the Iirst layer by the means
oI hot bitumen compound. The Iirst layer shall be laid starting at and parallel
to the lower edge or eaves i.e. at right angles to the direction oI Iall. The
second layer at right angles to the Iirst layer.
All junctions oI horizontal and vertical surIaces, protrusions, vents, kerbs,
pipes etc. shall have a Ilashing. The Ilashing shall be Iormed by dressing two
layers Ielt up the vertical surIace and nailed at 50 mm centres to timber
upstand or to hardwood in groove in concrete. The vertical Ielt Ilashing shall
be Iinished and protected with aluminum Ilashing nailed at the upper edge to
timber upstand or triangular hardwood Iillet and dressed over the rooIing Ielt
at the lower edge. All grooves in the concrete shall be sealed with mastic.
6.16. Imper RooIing
Imper rooIing system shall generally be Iixed in accordance with the
manuIacturer`s printed instructions.
On concrete apply priming coat then the Iirst layer shall be bonded to the sub
base by the means oI hot bitumen compound spread evenly over the whole
area. On timber the Iirst layer or Triplene 2102 shall be well nailed at 50 mm
centers along laps and at approximately 20 mm Irom exposed edges;
additional nails midway between laps or staggered at 150 mm centers shall be
provided to secure the Ielt to the timber. The Triplene 2102 shall be laid with
150 mm side and end laps. The second layer shall be Iully bonded to the Iirst
layer by the means oI hot bitumen compound. The Iirst layer shall be laid
starting at and parallel to the lower edge or eaves i.e. at right angles to the
direction oI Iall. The second layer shall be laid at right angles to the Iirst
All junctions oI horizontal and vertical surIaces, protrusions, vents, kerbs,
pipes etc. shall have a Ilashing. The Ilashing shall be Iormed by dressing two
layers Triplene 2102 up the vertical surIace and nailed at 50 mm centers to
timber upstand or to hardwood Iillet in groove in concrete. The vertical Ielt
Ilashing shall be Iinished and protected with aluminium Ilashing nailed at the
upper edge to timber upstand or to triangular hardwood Iillet and dressed over
the cement and sand screed at the lower edge. All grooves in the concrete
shall be sealed with mastic.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All imper rooIing shall be protected Irom the sun by the application oI; two
coats oI approved reIlective paint or Ielspar chippings on bituminous bed or
insulation board weighed down by chippings or paviors to the instruction oI
the Company Representative.
6.17. Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheets
Asbestos cement corrugated sheet erection shall comply with B.S. 5247 Part
14 M. End laps shall be 150 mm. Side laps shall be 1 corrugations Ior type
A sheets and corrugation Ior type B sheets and shall be Iixed at centers not
exceeding 300 mm by galvanised drive screws to timber or hook bolts to steel
with galvanised diamond shaped washers and lead or plastic sealing washers.
All holes Ior bolts or screws shall be drilled (NOT punched) Irom the
underside oI the sheets and shall be on the crown oI the corrugations. Bolts,
screws, washers, etc. shall generally comply with B.S. 1494.
Special Iittings including ridges, barge boards, cappings, gutters, eaves, Iiller
pieces, apron Ilashings etc. shall be compatible with the rooI coverings and
shall be used as recommended by the manuIacturer.
The asbestos cement sheeting shall be as manuIactured by an approved
supplier, Iixed to raIters strictly in accordance with the manuIacturer`s
instructions, using the requisite starter, Iinishing and apex sheets described
Each sheet shall be Iixed starting Irom eaves level. The Iinishing sheet shall
be Iixed to the last sheet and to the apex sheet. The sheets shall project 75 mm
beyond all Iascia and barge boards. On double pitched rooIs the laying oI the
sheets on both slopes shall commence Irom the opposite end to the prevailing
wind. All holes shall be drilled 1.5 mm larger in diameter than that oI the nail
or bolt and no holes may be punched. The nails shall not be driven in, nor the
bolts tightened more than is necessary to seat the washers Iirmly in position.
All cutting shall be accurately and careIully executed with a sharp saw. Neat
close Iitting joints shall be Iormed around vent pipes and the like.
6.18. Galvanised Corrugated Steel Sheeting
Hot dipped galvanised corrugated steel sheeting shall be erected in accordance
with C.P. 143 Part 10.
Sheets shall be Iixed with 1 corrugation side laps and 150 mm minimum end
laps. Sheets shall be at Iixed at centers not exceeding 300 mm by galvanised
drive screws to timber or hook bolts to steel with galvanised diamond shaped
washers and lead or plastic sealing washers. All holes Ior bolts, or screws
shall be drilled (NOT punched) Irom the underside oI the sheets and shall be
on the crown oI the corrugations. Bolts, screws, washers etc. shall generally
comply with B.S. 1494. All holes, cuttings, etc. exposed aIter galvanising
shall be treated with cold galvanising treatment.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Special Iittings including ridges, barge boards, cappings, gutters eaves Iiller
pieces, apron Ilashings etc. shall be compatible with the rooI coverings and
shall be used as recommended by the manuIacturer.
6.19. Aluminium Sheeting
The sheeting to be Iixed securely to supports by means oI aluminium hook
bolts or galvanised steel hook bolts with plastic washers and caps or selI-
tapping screws with plastic washers or by alternative means oI approved
patent design, as approved by the Company Representative and in accordance
with the recommendations oI the manuIacturer. All steel-work surIaces which
contact the sheeting or Ilashings to be separated by means oI a continuous
strip oI bitumen Ielt, P.V.C. tape etc., or alternatively painted with zinc
chromate or aluminium paint.
The sheeting to be Iixed securely to timber or similar rooIs by means oI
aluminium drive screws, or galvanised steel screws with plastic washers. All
timber surIaces which contact the sheeting or Ilashings shall be overlaid with
heavy grade rooIing Ielt. All exposed nail heads in timber to be hammered
and punched well below the surIace oI the timber.
All Iixings are to be in accordance with the recommendations laid down in
C.P. 143 Part 1. and manuIactured to standards laid down by B.S. 1494.
Sheets up to 10 corrugations or 6 troughs in width should be secured to every
purlin or side rail, allowing at least one Iastening in addition to those oI side
laps and edges. Wider sheets require at least two intermediate Iixings. Patent
plastic washers oI approved design may be used instead oI the metal and
bitumen Ielt washers recommended by C.P. 143. All holes Ior Iixings shall be
0.8 mm diameter larger than the thread oI the bolt, care being taken to avoid
burrs or dishing oI the sheet.
Sheets shall, where possible, be laid Irom the end oI the building away Irom
the prevailing wind, so that exposed edges Iace downwind.
Cuts are to be careIully marked out using a pencil, not a sharp tool, to ensure
that re-bending does not become necessary. Cuts across the corrugations shall
be made with tools with Iine teeth.
Side laps to pitched rooIs to be Iixed with a side lap oI not less than one and a
halI corrugations. Side laps to vertical cladding to be Iixed with a single
In addition to the Iixings to purlins, side laps should be secured by bolts or
rivets passing through the overlap oI the proIile and spaced as Iollows:
i. 380 mm to 460 mm centers Ior rooIs oI more than 15
ii. 300 mm to 380 mm centers Ior rooIs oI less than 15
iii. 460 mm centers Ior vertical sheeting.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Minimum end laps should be as Iollows:
i. 100 mm Ior vertical sheeting.
ii. 150 mm Ior rooIs down to 15
ii. 230 mm Ior rooIs or less than 15o pitch down to 12
(sealing with a
suitable non-hardening mastic sealing strip) Below 12
and down to 5o
single sheets with sealed side lap. Laps should never occur at the
crown oI the rooI.
Expansion and contraction in the length oI long sheets should be allowed Ior
by providing over size holes Ior Iixing and correspondingly large sealing
washers. The use oI Iasteners with some Ilexibility. e.g. hook bolts, are to be
used Ior very long sheets. II selI-tapping screws are used care must be taken
not to overdrive` them thus damaging the washers. It is most important Ior
the under sheet at a lap to be Iree to slide and not to be secured to the top
Lateral expansion oI sheeting is absorbed by the corrugation and thereIore can
generally be disregarded.
All metal Ilashing shall be pre-Iormed aluminium in NS31 alloy to B.S. 4300.
Drip Ilashings, cill Ilashings, eaves, gutters or gable Ilashings, ridge Ilashings,
corner Ilashings, cap Ilashings, abutment Ilashings and head Ilashings shall be
used as recommended in the manuIacturer`s standard details.
6.20. Insulated ProIiled Aluminium Cladding
The Iixing oI insulated proIiled aluminium cladding shall generally comply
with the above but particular reIerence should be made to the manuIacturer`s
printed instructions.
6.21. Aluminium Elashings
Aluminium Ilashings shall be dressed into chases where appropriate and shall
be dressed evenly down the surIace to which they are applied. All edges shall
be sealed with mastic. Joints in the running length over 50 degrees or on
vertical surIaces shall be lapped at least 150 mm. Where Ilashing is nailed to
timber Iillets, this shall be done with aluminium nails at 100 mm centers.
Elashing collars shall be at least 150 mm high and welded at the lower end to a
450 x 250 mm base. The upper edge shall be protected by means oI a cap
Iitted on top oI the pipe.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
6.22. Edge Trim
Aluminium edge trim shall be screwed with aluminium or stainless steel dome
headed countersunk screws at 450 mm centers plugged where necessary. The
holes and countersinkings shall be drilled and not punched. All lines shall be
true to line and level. Horizontal and vertical angles shall be mitred and open
ends capped. All edges shall be sealed with mastic.
6.23. Testing
All horizontal rooIing areas shall be water Ilood tested prior to the installation
oI a protection course.
No areas shall be water tested beIore 48 hours aIter application.
Water testing shall include Ilooding oI the entire area either by section or
entirely Ior a minimum period oI 24 hours.
Any area where leaks occur shall be drained and/or pumped, thoroughly dried,
repaired, and then retested.
Installation oI any mortar beds and Iinish slabs which are applied over the
waterprooIing shall not start until such time as the membrane is leak Iree and
has been accepted by the company Representative.
6.24. Protection
All rooIing work shall be protected Irom damage.
Until such time as the membrane has been covered with insulation, mortar bed
or Iinish slabs, or until practical completion, the area shall be kept Iree oI all
traIIic and other trades.
6.25. Cleaning
Upon completion oI the rooIing the Contractor shall remove all masking,
protection, equipment, material and debris Irom the work and storage area and
leave those areas in an undamaged and acceptable condition.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.1. Structural Timber
Timber grading Ior structural use shall comply with B.S.4978 and shall be
used in accordance with the recommendations contained in C.P.112. Samples
oI timber shall be approved by the Company Representative. Timber
preservative shall be to B.S. 5268.
7.2. Carpentry Timber
Non-structural carpentry timber shall be properly seasoned and shall be sawn
square, straight and true and shall be Iree Irom the Iollowing deIects.
i. Splits, ring shakes, soIt pith.
ii. Checks exceeding 300 mm long or 1.5 mm wide or one halI thickness
oI timber in depth.
iii. Knots exceeding 38 mm diameter or one halI the width oI the surIace.
iv. Decayed or dead knots unless cut out and plugged.
v. Loose knots or knot holes unless cut out and plugged.
vi. Pitch pockets.
vii. Decay and inset attack.
Moisture content shall comply with the requirements oI B.S.1186.
7.3. Joinery Timber
Joinery timber shall be sound, well conditioned, properly seasoned to suit the
particular use and Iree Irom the deIects listed under carpentry timber.
SoItwood and hardwood joinery timbers shall comply with B.S. 1186 Part 1.
Hardwood Ior general joinery use shall be locally obtained hardwood unless
speciIically named in the Particular SpeciIication. All samples oI joinery shall
be approved by the Company Representative.
Samples oI hardwoods are to be submitted to the Company Representative Ior
approval and the timbers used throughout the works are to be equal in all
respects to the approved samples having particular regard to consistency oI
grain and colour.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.4. ManuIactured Boards
Blockboard shall comply with B.S. 3444. Grade 2.
Chipboard shall be resin-bonded chipboard complying with B.S. 5669.
Building boards shall comply with B.S. 1142.
Plywood generally shall comply with B.S. 1455. Those Irom sources not
included in B.S. 1455 shall be subject to the Company Representative`s
approval and shall be oI equivalent grades oI veneer and types oI bonding.
External quality plywood shall have Grade 2 veneer with WBP bonding and
internal quality plywood shall have Grade 2 veneer with MR bonding.
7.5. Asbestos Cement
Asbestos cement sheets shall be Iully compressed sheets complying with
B.S.690 Part 2 Type 1. Sheets shall be sized to suit the location in which they
are to be used. The thickness shall be given in the Particular SpeciIication.
7.6. Decorative Plastic Laminate
Decorative Laminated Plastic sheeting shall be 1.5 mm thick complying to
B.S.3794 class 1. ManuIacturer, colour and type shall be to the approval oI
the Company Representative.
7.7. Insulation to Walls
Insulation to walls shall be glass Iibre insulation quilt 'Crown 75 as
manuIactured by Eibreglass Limited, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, or
similar approved.
7.8. Insulation to Ceilings
Insulation to ceilings shall be glass Iibre insulation quilt 'Crown 75 as
manuIactured by Iiberglass Limited, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, or
similar approved.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.9. Doors
Elush doors shall be semi solid or solid core Ilush doors generally in
accordance with B.S.459 Part 2, either 35 mm or 44 mm thick as speciIied.
Doors shall have lock blocks and shall be covered with 6 mm minimum
thickness plywood both sides, exterior quality Ior doors open to the external
air and interior quality Ior other doors. External doors shall be constructed
with WBP adhesive and internal doors with MR adhesive. Doors shall have
hardwood lipping to all edges rebated on both Iaces, Ior plywood coverings
leaving 6 mm exposed in Iaces. Openings Ior glass shall have glazing Iilters
in accordance with B.S.459, Part 2. Doors Iixed in pairs shall have rebated
meeting stiles worked solid on the lipping. Separate Iillets will not be
Eire resisting doors shall comply with B.S.476 Part 8. One hour Iire resistant
doors shall have intumescant strip sealant all round.
7.10. Suitable Timbers
Unless otherwise approved by the Company Representative the Iollowing
timbers shall be used:
i. SoItwood shall be Douglas Eir to comply with B.S. 1186. A sample oI
soItwood shall be submitted to the Company Representative Ior
ii. Hardwood, Ior general joinery use, shall be Meranti oI selected quality,
Iree Irom all imperIections that in the opinion oI the Company
Representative render it unsuitable Ior the location and intended use.
7.11. Pressure Impregnation
Preservative Ior timber shall be pressure or immersion impregnation
complying with B.S.1282 and B.S.5268 Part 5. The Contractor shall treat cut
ends and notches etc. made on site with a brush applied preservative
recommended by the manuIacturer.
7.12. Eixing
Nails shall comply with B.S.1202, screws with B.S.1210, bolts with B.S.4190
and timber connectors with B.S.1579.
7.13. Building Paper
Water prooI building paper shall comply with B.S.1521 Class A1`.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.14. Priming
Priming paint shall comply with B.S.5358.
7.15. Storage
Timber shall be stored under cover clear oI the ground and protected Irom
dampness. All joinery shall be protected Irom the weather during transit and
stored under cover clear oI the ground beIore Iixing. Where liable to damage
during the progress oI the works, joinery shall be covered and protected and
any damaged work reinstated and made good.
7.16. Ironmongery Generally
All ironmongery shall be Iixed with matching screws and shall be properly
Iitted and lubricated to ensure proper operation. All ironmongery is to be Iirst
class quality and shall be approved by the Company Representative beIore
7.17. Hinges
Hinges shall be SAA with stainless steel pins and nylon washers and be
housed Ilat or let into the doors or window and the Irames.
7.18. Cylinder Rim Night Latches
Cylinder Rim Night Latches shall comply with B.S.5872 and shall have brass
case bolt, brass thumb slide, brass knob, nickel plated steel pins, phosphor-
bronze springs and two nickel plated steel keys.
7.19. Rim Dead Locks
Rim dead locks shall be there lever lock and shall comply with B.S.5872.
They shall have black enamel steel case, brass bolt, brass bushes and two
nickel plated steel keys.
7.20. Rim Latches
Rim Latches shall comply with B.S.5872 and shall have black enamel steel
case, brass bolt and locking snib.
7.21. Mortice locks and latches and mortice dead locks
Mortice locks and mortice dead locks shall have three lever lock complying
with B.S.5872. They shall have silver enamel pressed steel case, brass striking
plate, brass spring, brass levers and two nickel plated steel keys.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Locks to pairs oI doors with rebated stiles shall have brass rebated Iorend sets.
The packing out oI ordinary locks will not be permitted.
7.22. Lock Eurniture
Lock Iurniture shall be either stainless steel, brass or aluminium. The material
and Iinish shall be all as detailed in the Particular SpeciIication.
7.23. Bolts
Bolts, oI various types, shall be oI brass with brass shoots and brass plates or
sockets. Bolts to Iloors shall have brass sockets slotted into the Iloor.
7.24. British Standards
Where applicable ironmongery shall conIorm to the Iollowing standards:
i. B.S.1227 Hinges
ii. B.S.5872 PerIormance tests Ior locks
iii. B.S.4112 PerIormance requirements Ior hardware Ior domestic
iv. B.S.4951 Builder`s hardware: lock and latch Iurniture.
7.25. Proprietary Ironmongery
Ironmongery shall be 'MODRIC as manuIactured by Messers Allgood or
equal approved oI good quality, robust, aesthetically pleasing and suitable Ior
the job in every respect.
Ironmongery shall be selected Irom one manuIacturer and shall be consistent
in type, quality, surIace Iinish and pattern.
The manuIacturer and range oI ironmongery shall be approved by the
Company Representative in writing beIore the material is ordered. Catalogues
and samples shall be given to the Company Representative Ior his approval.
7.26. Keys
A duplicate set oI keys shall be provided Ior each lock set. The keys shall be
marked with the identiIication oI the door Ior which the keys are intended. On
completion all sets oI keys shall be handed to the Company Representative on
a properly labeled keyboard.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.27. Master Key
All locks shall be capable oI being operated with a master key. The master
key shall be handed to the Company Representative on receipt Irom suppliers.
7.28. General
Workmanship in respect oI joinery shall comply with B.S.1186 Part 2.
The term plugging` shall mean the provision and Iixing oI hardwood or
approved proprietary plugs or, at the Contractor`s option and with the approval
oI the Company Representative, Iixing by means oI a cartridge operated rivet
gun or other approved mechanical means.
The term selected` shall be deemed to include keeping the material so
described clean Ior staining, varnishing or any similar Iinish.
Eramed work shall be properly morticed and tenoned, wedged, glued and
cramped together and dowelled where necessary. The use oI nails Ior Iixing
or Iraming any items oI joinery will not be permitted. Springs may be used Ior
glazing beads only.
All mouldings shall be worked true to details and all joinery shall be dressed
and sandpapered.
The surIace oI all joinery work shall be wrought and Iinished so that the plane
marks do not show.
All nailing to joinery shall be done with Iine wire nails and concealed as much
as possible. All Iramed joints to joinery in timber 32 mm thick and upwards to
double morticed and tenoned except where otherwise described.
The Contractor shall allow Ior:
i. Priming all joinery with a coat or priming paint either beIore leaving
the works or within three days oI delivery on to site. All cut ends,
mortices and tenons, etc. to both internal and external joinery to be
primed beIore Iixing.
ii. Pencil rounding all exposed arrises on joinery.
iii. Balancing veneers on all veneered or plastic covered plywoods,
blockboards, etc.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.29. Door and Window Erames
Erames in openings shall be built in with galvanised steel cramps size 3 x 25 x
225 mm girth, one end turned up 50 mm twice drilled and screwed to timber
Irames. Three cramps to each side or door Irames, two or more cramps to
each side oI window Irames, according to size. Door Irames shall be dowelled
to Iloors with 10 mm diameter galvanised steel dowels.
7.30. Skirtings
Skirtings shall be Iixed to timber grounds plugged to concrete or blockwork.
Nailing through plaster will not be permitted.
7.31. Doors
Doors are to be prepared as soon as practicable aIter the work is ordered, put
together loose and stored in similar conditions oI heat and humidity to that oI
the completed building.
7.32. Jointing
All necessary morticing, tenonings, grooving, matching, tongueing, housing,
rebating and all other work necessary Ior correct jointing shall be executed in
a Iirst class manner.
The joints shall be constructed exactly as shown on the drawing details.
Where joints are not speciIically indicated they shall be the recognized Iorms
oI joints Ior each position. The joints shall be made so as to comply with
7.33. Veneering
Veneering shall be carried out in an approved manner and to the satisIaction oI
the Company Representative.
7.34. Inspection
Eacilities shall be given to the Company Representative to inspect all work in
progress in the shops and on site.
7.35. Making Good all detects in work
Should any shrinkage or warping occur or any other deIects appear in the
joinery work beIore the end oI the deIects liability period all deIective work
shall be taken down and renewed to the entire satisIaction oI the Company
Representative and any work disturbed made good at the Contractor`s
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
7.36. Ironmongery
Hinges shall be housed or let in to the door or windows and the Irames.
All locks, catches etc., shall be properly cleaned, tested and oiled and all keys
shall be clearly labeled.
8.1. Steel (Weldable)
All structural steel shall comply with B.S.4360. Steel tubes Ior structural and
general engineering purposes shall comply with B.S. 1775.
Steel tubes and tubulars Ior balustrades shall comply with B.S.1387
designation or either light, medium or heavy and the steel pipe Iittings shall
comply with B.S.1740. Tubes and Iittings shall be galvanised beIore
Stainless steel sections shall be to B.S.970, quality EN.58 A.
(A.N.S.I. TYPE 302)
Steel to be chromium plated shall be treated aIter Iabrication in accordance
with B.S.1224. ClassiIication shall be as Iollows:
i. S.P. - 12R External use
ii. S.B. 8R - Internal use in damp areas.
The classiIication shall be stated in the Particular SpeciIication.
8.2. Galvanising
Steel to be galvanised shall be coated to a thickness oI 88 microns or
equivalent oI 610 grams per square metre aIter Iabrication as B.S.729, all
excess shall be careIully removed and the Iinished surIaces shall be clean and
8.3. Nuts, Bolts and Screws
Black bolts, screws, nuts and washers shall comply with B.S. 4190 and B.S.
1494 and shall have ISO metric thread complying with B.S. 3643 (or threads
to B.S.2708 or B.S.1580). All material shall be to B.S.4360.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Stainless steel bolts are to be set bolts and shall comply with B.S. 4190. The
stainless steel Ior bolts, nuts and washers shall comply with B.S. 970, quality
EN 58 A.M.
SelI-tapping screws shall comply with B.S. 4174.
8.4. Aluminium
Aluminium extruded sections shall comply with DIN 1748 Part 4 or B.S. 1474
and shall be manuIactured by Bahrain Aluminium Extrusion Company
(BALEXCO), P.O. Box No. 1053, Bahrain, or as speciIied.
Brush anodized Iinish to aluminium shall comply with B.S. 3987.
Acrylic Iinish to aluminium shall be stoved on with an even coat averaging 30
microns thick and treated with wax or similar approved protective coating
beIore dispatch to site.
Aluminium shall be supplied with the Iollowing Iinishes:
i. Mill Iinish
ii. Matt anodized
iii. Brush anodized
iv. Brush anodized with bronze, gold or black Iinish.
The Iinish shall be given in the Particular SpeciIication.
8.5. Aluminium Windows, Doors and Screens
Aluminium windows, doors and screens shall comply with the requirements oI
B.S. 4873. Stainless steel screws shall be used in the Iabrication. Opening
light windows shall be Iitted with a removable Ily screen complete with
aluminium Irame and aluminum mesh. All units shall be oI local manuIacture,
or as speciIied.
8.6. Steel Windows
Galvanised steel windows shall comply with the requirements oI B.S.990 Part
II except sizing. The windows shall generally open inwards and a removable
Ily screen shall be Iitted.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
8.7. Shop Drawing
Prepare and submit shop drawings where required and obtain the Company
Representative approval beIore proceeding with the Iabrication and work. The
Contractor shall check site dimensions and make Iabricated work correspond
to the 'Approved shop drawings.
Drawings shall show in detail the various portions oI the work, kind oI
materials, size oI members, and methods oI securing same together and to the
work oI other trades.
8.8. Generally
Co-ordinate with other trades in obtaining the exact site dimensions and the
Contractor will be held responsible Ior the accurate execution oI all parts oI
the work speciIied. All Iastenings shall be concealed where possible. The
approved shop drawings shall be Iollowed exactly.
All metal shall be well Iormed to shape and size, with sharp lines or angles.
Shearing and punching shall be leIt clean to true lines and surIaces.
Connections shall be welded or bolted as speciIied. Bolts shall be turned up
tight and threads nicked to prevent loosening. All bolts shall be provided with
Eorm exposed connections with hair line joints which are Ilush and smooth
using concealed Iasteners wherever possible. II exposed Iasteners are
unavoidable use countersunk Ilathead screws or bolts.
8.9. Steel
The use oI Structural Steel in buildings shall comply with B.S. 449 Part 2.
8.10. Welding
Welding oI all steel shall comply with B.S. 5135 (all electrodes to B.S. 639).
All welded joints which will be exposed shall be ground to a smooth Iinish.
All welding shall be executed by experienced Company certiIied welders.
Welding shall be continuous except where tack-welding is speciIically
permitted. Tack welding will not be permitted on exposed surIaces.
Where galvanised items are to be welded the weld and joint shall be ground
smooth and immediately coated an approved cold galvanising zinc solution.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
8.11. Casting
Castings shall be sound and Iree Irom wrap, holes and other deIects that
impair strength and appearance. Exposed surIaces shall have a smooth Iinish
with sharp well-deIined lines and arrises. Machined joints shall be milled to a
close Iit. All necessary lugs, brackets and similar items shall be provided so
that work can be assembled and installed in a neat, substantial manner.
Elanges shall be concealed where practicable. Thicknesses oI metal and
details oI assembly and support shall be such as to provide ample strength and
stiIIness. Holes and connections shall be provided as required to
accommodate the work oI other trades.
Joints and connections exposed to weather shall be Iormed to exclude water.
8.12. Aluminium Windows, Doors and Screens
All aluminium windows, doors and screens shall have a matt anodized Iinish
and samples, descriptive drawings or literature shall be submitted beIore
ordering Ior approval oI the Company Representative. Stainless steel selI
tapping screws shall be used.
All units shall be complete with all necessary glazing inserts, sealing strips,
gaskets, skids, weather strips, glazing beads and all necessary ironmongery.
Eor sliding windows, main Irames shall be a minimum 100mm wide x 50mm
high x 2mm thickness. Sliding or Iixed Irames shall be a minimum oI 40mm
wide and 1.5mm thickness.
Aluminium sliding windows shall be removable Ior cleaning and shall be
Iitted with a suitable locking device. All opening sashes shall have all
necessary stays and Iasteners etc.
Doors shall be Iitted with suitable heavy duty hinges, locks, latches, pull
handles, push plates and Iloor springs where speciIied.
All windows shall have removable Ily screens with suitable aluminium Irame
and aluminium mesh.
Aluminium units shall be designed to resist penetration oI external moisture to
the inside oI the building. Eixing oI Irames Ior all units to the building shall
be such as to ensure solid, void Iree, water prooI joints. The joints shall be
caulked with a building mastic which does not sag or run, non hardening, non-
staining and can be painted.
The aluminium Irame shall be secured to a hardwood Irame with stainless
steel or aluminium screws and shall be bedded in mastic all round.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
8.13. Steel Windows
Galvanised steel windows shall be Iitted with suitable hinges, stays and locks.
The galvanising, which shall be executed aIter all machinery and welding
operations shall comply with B.S.729 with a minimum average coating weight
oI 610 grams per square metre.
8.14. Shop Einishing
Provide a zinc coating Ior the items shown or speciIied to be galvanised using
the hot dip process aIter Iabrication.
Shop paint all Ierrous metalwork except galvanised work and those portions oI
items which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry and surIaces and
edges which are to be site welded.
Remove scale, rust and other deleterious materials beIore the shop coat oI
paint is applied.
Immediately aIter surIace preparation, brush or spray on metal primer paint
applied in accordance with the manuIacturer`s instructions, at a rate suIIicient
to provide a uniIorm dry Iilm thickness oI 0.05 mm Ior each coat. Use
painting methods which will result in Iull coverage oI joints, corners, edge and
all exposed surIaces.
8.15. Installation
Provide anchorage devices and Iasteners where necessary Ior securing to
Iinished work including threaded Iasteners Ior concrete and masonry inserts,
toggle bolts, through-bolts, wood screws and other connectors as necessary.
Cut, drill and Iit as necessary Ior installation. Set the work accurately in
location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level and true. Provide temporary
bracing or anchors in Iormwork Ior items which are to be cast or built into
concrete, masonry or similar construction. Eorm tight joints with exposed
connections accurately Iitted together. Do not cut or abrade members with
Iinishes which cannot be completely restored on site. Where cutting, welding
and grinding are required Ior Iitting and jointing oI the work, restore Iinishes
to eliminate any evidence oI such corrective work.
Carry out all welds and careIully make good on completion.
Immediately aIter erection clean all site welds, bolted connections and rough
areas oI the shop paint and coat all exposed areas with the same material as
used Ior shop painting and to a minimum dry Iilm thickness oI 0.05 mm.
Paint areas around welds oI galvanised metals with galvanising repair paint
and coat rough areas with the same paint.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
8.16. Storage and Handling
All items described under this Section shall be handled, delivered and stored
in a manner that will avoid damage, rust or deIormation. Items shall be stored
oII-ground and shall be entirely covered with weatherprooI coverings in
storage area.
Items which become rusted or damaged because oI non-compliance with these
conditions will be subject to rejection, and such items shall be replaced
without additional cost to the Company.
8.17. Protection
BeIore arriving on site, all surIaces oI hot-dipped galvanised metal which are
damaged, have rough spots or joints (which are required to be welded aIter
hot-dipped galvanising), shall be touched up, using an approved zinc primer
coat. Primer shall be compatible Ior Iinish paint. Hot dipped galvanised items
shall not receive a shop coat oI primer so that there may be a visual inspection
on site Ior such items by the Company Representative.
Thoroughly insulate all non-Ierrous items in contact with dis-similar metals,
concrete, masonry and mortar with approved zinc-chromate coating or plastic
membrane on contact surIaces beIore installation.
9.1. Cast Iron Soil, Waste and Ventilation Pipes
Spun cast iron soil, waste and ventilation pipes and Iittings shall be coated cast
iron complying with B.S.416 Type A. All pipes shall have a smooth bore.
Access doors shall be oval with asbestos washers and manganese bronze bolts.
Jointing shall be with gaskin and caulked lead or lead wool. Pipes and Iittings
shall be Iixed with one approved holderbat to each socket complying to
B.S.416 Table 21.
9.2. P.V.C. Rainwater, Soil and Ventilating Pipes
Unplasticized P.V.C. rainwater pipes and Iittings shall comply with B.S.4576
Part 1. All pipes shall be Iitted with an access. Pipe Iixing shall comply with
B.S.4576 Part 1 Appendix J.
Unplasticized P.V.C. soil and ventilating pipes, Iittings and accessories shall
comply with B.S.4514 Appendix J.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.3. Plastic Pipes
Polythene pipes Ior cold water services shall be black polythene pipe (Type
50) complying with B.S.3284 Class D`.
Unplasticised P.V.C. pipes Ior cold water services shall comply with B.S.3505
class E`. Joints shall be injection moulded unplasticised P.V.C. Iittings Ior
solvent welding complying with B.S.4346 Part 1.
9.4. Plastic Waste Pipes
Plastic waste pipe and Iittings shall comply to B.S.5255, modiIied U.P.V.C.
9.5. Steel Pipes
Steel pipes generally shall be medium weight tubing complying with B.S.
1387 (Blue Band marking). Joints in steel pipes shall be screwed with
couplings. Pipes shall have jointing threads complying with B.S.21.
9.6. Galvanised Steel Pipes
Galvanised steel pipes shall be coated internally and externally in accordance
with the requirements oI B.S.729.
9.7. Chromium Plated Copper and Steel Pipes
Chromium plated pipes shall have an external electroplated coating oI nickel
and chromium in accordance with B.S.1224, service grade 3.
9.8. Copper Pipes
Copper pipes generally shall be halI hard light gauge copper tubing complying
with B.S.2871 Part 1 table X.
Copper pipes to be buried underground shall be halI hard annealed copper
tubing complying with B.S. 2871 Part 1 table Y. Underground pipes shall be
wrapped with bitumastic tape or other wrapping approved by the Company
Compression type Iittings oI copper and copper alloy shall comply with B.S.
864 Part 2. Type A compression Iittings shall be used Ior copper pipes
complying to table X oI B.S.2871 and Type B compression Iittings shall be
used Ior copper pipes complying to table Y oI B.S.2871.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.9. Eixing oI Steel and Copper Pipes
Pipes shall be Iixed to walls and soIIits with clips or brackets complying with
B.S.1494 Schedule B.
9.10. Eixing oI Plastic Pipes
Pipes shall be Iixed clear oI walls and soIIits with approved clips or brackets.
9.11. Lagging
Lagging Ior pipes shall be oI mineral rock wool or glass Iibre or other
approved. Elexible sheet lagging shall be oI 18 mm nominal thickness and
rigid section lagging shall be 18 mm or 25 mm thick as described.
9.12. Wastes
Wastes Ior sanitary appliances and overIlows Ior baths shall comply with
B.S.3380. Sinks shall use a skeleton type waste as described in Part 2 oI B.S.
9.13. Storage Cisterns
Galvanised steel storage tanks shall comply with B.S.417 Grade A`. The
cisterns shall be prepared with all holes, Ior connections, shall be galvanised
aIter manuIacture and shall have loose galvanised cover.
Glass Iibre cold water storage tanks shall comply with the general
requirements oI B.S.4994 and be oI approved manuIacture. The tank shall be
prepared with all holes, Ior connections and shall be supplied with a loose
Cisterns shall be isolated Irom all supply and service pipes by stop cocks.
Cisterns shall rest on 75 x 100 mm hardwood bearers. Paint inside oI
galvanised steel cisterns with two coats non-toxic bituminous paint complying
with B.S.3416.
9.14. Electric Hot Water Heaters
These shall be pressure type with an expansion pipe to the open air to the
capacity shown on the drawings or detailed in the Particular SpeciIication.
Water heaters shall be oI approved manuIacture. All tanks and pipe work
shall be oI copper.
All other areas shall be well protected against rusting and corrosion. Water
heaters shall be isolated Irom all supply and service pipes by stop cocks.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.15. Taps and Valves
Screwdown taps shall be chromium plated easy clean brass taps complying to
B.S.1010 marked with the manuIacturer`s name or trade mark, the size and the
B.S. number.
Taps to be marked either 'HOT or 'COLD.
Stop valves shall be brass screwdown pattern to B.S.1010, marked with
manuIacturer`s name or trade mark, the size and the B.S. number.
Draining taps shall comply with B.S.2879.
Spray taps shall comply with B.S. 5388.
Ball valves shall be brass to B.S.1212 with a plastic ball, marked with the
manuIacturer`s name or trade mark, the size and the B.S. number.
9.16. Traps
Copper traps shall comply with B.S,1184. Plastic traps shall comply with
B.S.3943. All traps shall have a 75 mm seal and shall have cleaning eyes.
Traps shall be oI the Iollowing sizes.
i. Lavatory basins 32 mm diameter
ii. Sinks 38 mm diameter
iii. Showers and baths 38 mm diameter
9.17. Sanitary Eittings Generally
Sanitary Iittings shall be twyIords, Armitage Shanks or other equal to the
approval oI the Company Representative. Accessories and attachments shall
be the standard items particularly speciIied in the manuIacturer`s catalogue Ior
use with each Iitting. The colour shall be white unless otherwise stated.
9.18. Washhand Basins
Ceramic wash basins and pedestals shall comply with B.S.1188. The type
shall be given in the Particular SpeciIication. The wash basin shall come
complete with pedestal, brackets, taps, traps, chain, plug and waste.
9.19. Cast Iron Baths
Cast iron baths shall comply with B.S. 1189. The bath shall come complete
with adjustable Ieet, taps, traps, overIlow, chain, plug and waste.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.20. Acrylic Baths
Cast Acrylic sheet baths shall comply with B.S. 4305. The bath shall come
complete with adjustable Ieet, taps, traps, overIlow, chain, plug and waste.
9.21. Eireclay Sinks
Eireclay sinks shall comply with B.S. 1206. The type shall be given in the
Particular SpeciIication. The sink shall come complete with all Iixing
brackets, taps, traps, chain plug and waste.
9.22. Stainless Steel Sinks
Stainless steel sinks shall be to B.S.1244 with a satin Iinish. The size and type
shall be given in the Particular SpeciIication. The sink shall come complete
with all Iixing brackets, taps, traps, chain, plug and waste.
9.23. Stainless Steel Urinals
Stainless steel slab urinals shall comply with B.S.4880. The slab shall be
complete with automatic Ilushing cistern B.S.1876 delivering 4.5 litres oI
water to each unit, chromium plated copper Ilush pipe and spreader, divisions,
waste and trap.
9.24. Bowl Urinals
Vitreous china bowl urinals shall comply with B.S.5520. The urinals shall be
complete with waste and trap. A range oI urinals shall have divisions to match
the urinal between all units and at open ends. An automatic cistern to
B.S.1876 delivering 4.5 litres oI water to each unit and chromium plated
copper Ilush and spreader pipes shall be included.
9.25. W.C. Suites
W.C. suites shall comprise heavy duty washdown W.C. pan to B.S. 1213 in
vitreous china, plastic seat and cover to B.S.1254 Part 1, 9 litre vitreous china
Ilushing cistern to B.S.1125, ball valve to B.S. 1212 and plastic Iloat to
B.S.2456. The suite shall come complete including control valve, overIlow
pipe and Ilush pipe.
9.26. Bidets
Bidets shall comply with B.S.5505 Parts 1 3 (rim supply only). The bidest
shall come complete with all Iixings, taps, traps, waste and plug.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.27. Shower Trays
Shower trays shall be manuIactured in Iireclay similar to TwyIords` 37687 or
Armitage, Shanks Eorth` 330136 M.
9.28. Shower Eittings
Shower Iittings shall be chromium plated with 12 mm combined taps with
riser pipe, shower arm and rose. The arm shall be Iixed to the wall with
chromium plated wall brackets.
9.29. Squatting W.C.
The squatting W.C. shall be similar to TwyIords Squatting W.C.` or
Armitage Shanks Andria` each with 9 litres vitreous china high level cisterns,
to B.S. 1125 with chain, ball valve to B.S.1212, and plastic Iloat to B.S.2456.
The suite shall be complete with control valves, overIlow pipe and Ilush pipe.
9.30. Contract Drawings
The Contractor is to understand that while every attempt has been made to
ensure that the Contract Drawings Iully indicate the work required to be
carried out, they do not necessary Iully detail all work. The Contractor shall
nevertheless include Ior all detail work oI every description required Ior the
absolute completion and proper Iunctioning oI the works and shall arrange and
install the works accordingly.
9.31. Builder`s Work
The Contractor shall allow Ior all builder`s work in connection with this
installation. This should include Ior all minor structural and similar work
necessary Ior the proper execution oI this section oI the work. Where
drawings are required to be provided, this should include Ior items such as
minor pits, trenches, gullies, equipment bases, plinths, supports, special
structural steelwork, holes through walls, Iloors, or ceilings Ior the passage or
pipes etc., chases in walls, or Iloors, Ior the recessing oI pipes and Ior building
in to main structure oI brackets, supports, pipe sleeves, etc. Details and
inIormation are to be provided by the preparation oI drawings or by 'marking
oII or 'setting out on site.
In cases oI 'marking oII or 'setting out the work is to be carried out by
experienced and competent tradesmen in Iull possession oI all necessary
inIormation and details.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.32. Layout oI Work
The Contractor shall exercise care and consideration when installing the works
and shall plan all pipes runs to Iit into the surroundings as neatly and
unobtrusively as possible and shall position all units and equipment with due
consideration Ior appearance so that they shall not clash or interIere with other
units, equipment or services.
Any pipe Iittings, appliances or items oI equipment which the Company
Representative shall consider to be incorrectly installed shall be removed and
correctly reIixed at the expense oI the Contractor.
9.33. Interruption oI Services
The Contractor shall not without having received the written permission oI the
Company Representative interIere with, or interrupt in any way the operation
oI any existing services such as water, sewers, electricity cables,
telecommunications, etc. and in the case oI work involving Statutory
Authorities or Private Owners, without the permission oI such Authorities or
Owners in addition to the Company Representative.
9.34. Regulations
The installations are to be Iully in accordance with appropriate Regulation
Authority requirements.
The Contractor is to inIorm the Company Representative oI the various works
being undertaken and give all necessary notices to enable the company
Representative to test the installation at the appropriate times. The Contractor
is also to complete and deliver to the Company Representative any necessary
applications completed as may be required and to pay any associated Iees.
The Contractor is to provide all necessary attendance upon the company
Representative during tests and shall bear the cost oI any subsequent tests
rendered necessary by the Iailure oI the installation to satisIy the requirements.
9.35. Supervision
The Contractor shall properly superintend and supervise the work to the
satisIaction oI the Company Representative and must have a competent
Ioreman constantly on site during the progress oI the work. The Company
Representative shall be aIIorded every Iacility Ior checking, inspecting and
testing and the Contractor shall supply instruments as required.
9.36. Mounting Height oI Equipment
The Contractor shall ensure that pipework, equipment, etc. is mounted at the
correct height as shown on the drawings.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.37. Installation oI Pipework
The Contractor shall ensure that no obstruction is leIt in any piping or Iittings
and that the Iull bore is maintained throughout.
Any ends oI pipework or Iittings leIt upon during the course oI the work shall
be plugged with plastic or soItwood plugs. II dirt in any Iorm should become
lodged in the pipework due to inadequate plugging the system shall be Ilushed
out by the Contractor and all strainers shall then be cleaned out. The cost oI
this shall be borne by the Contractor.
The cut ends oI piping shall, beIore Iitting, be careIully reamed out to restore
the original bore oI the piping.
Piping shall be installed so that it Iollows the lines oI the building structure
and horizontal piping shall be graded wherever necessary to allow Ior venting
and draining oI the pipework.
The minimum clearance between the building structure and the surIace oI
insulation on covered pipes shall be 25mm. Where two adjacent pipes are to
be insulated they shall be Iitted to allow a minimum clearance oI 25 mm
between Iinished surIaces oI the insulation.
The clearance between the building structure and the surIace oI uninsulated
pipes shall be:
i. 50 mm Ior pipes oI 54 mm overall diameter and over.
ii. 32 mm Ior pipes oI 35 mm and 42 mm overall diameter.
iii. 25 mm Ior pipes oI 28 mm overall diameter ad below.
All pipe Iittings shall be oI the correct sizes. All reductions in size on
horizontal pipes shall be made with eccentric reducing tees oI eccentric
reducing sockets. Concentric Iittings may be used on vertical pipes. Bushing
down will not be permitted.
9.38. Pipe Sleeves
Where pipes are required to pass through walls, Iloors, etc. they are to be
enclosed in a sleeve having a diameter one size larger than the pipe concerned
and constructed oI the same material. The length oI the sleeves is to be 6mm
more than the thickness oI the wall, Iloor etc. and the ends are to be provided
with approved type Iloor and ceiling plates Iastened securely to the sleeve.
The Contractor shall be responsible Ior supervising the positioning and
building in oI the sleeves.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.39. Joints
No pipework oI any description shall be jointed in the thickness oI walls, solid
Iloors or any other position where access Ior maintenance is diIIicult.
9.40. Pipe Supports
Pipework concealed in ceiling or ducts shall be Iixed with mild steel pipe rings
with copper sleeves and extension rods to channels, backplates or angles
plugged to the concrete structure.
Distribution pipework exposed on ceilings or walls shall be Iixed with brass
split pipe rings with mild steel extension rods to the required length and
baseplates Iixed to the walls and ceilings.
Pipes shall be supported at the Iollowing centers:
i. 15mm and 22mm diameter; 1200mm horizontal 1800mm vertical.
ii. 28mm and 35mm diameter; 1800mm horizontal 2400mm vertical.
iii. 42mm and 54mm diameter; 1800mm horizontal 3000mm vertical.
iv. 65mm diameter; 2400mm horizontal 3000mm vertical.
v. 76mm diameter; 2400mm horizontal 3600mm vertical.
vi. 100mm and over diameter; 3000mm horizontal 3600mm vertical.
9.41. Standard oI Workmanship
It should be understood that neatness, exactness and a good Iinished
appearance oI all work carried out is an essential requirement. Under, no
circumstances will any inIerior work or workmanship be accepted by the
Company Representative and a high standard must be maintained throughout
the period oI the work.
9.42. Method oI Eixing
The size oI bolts or screws shall be the largest permitted by the diameter oI the
hole in the apparatus concerned, and shall be oI adequate length. When Iixing
any item oI equipment, all bolts or screw holes provided therein shall be used
and the Iixing in each hole is to be secure.
All lightweight Iixings oI equipment to brick, block or concrete shall be made
with sheradised greased round headed steel wood screws and Iibrous or plastic
plugs. Wood plugs shall not be used in damp or exposed situations but
greased, brass screws and soIt metal non-deteriorating plugs must be
employed. Holes oI the requisite size Ior the plug shall suit the screw used
and will be neatly drilled in the concrete, brickwork (not in joints between
bricks/blocks) to a depth, excluding plaster or soIt wall Iinish, equal to the
length oI the plug to be used. The plug length shall be such that when the
screw is in place all the threaded length is in the plug.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Eixings to timber shall be made with brass round headed wood screws. Eor
Iixings to hollow tiles, etc. screw anchor type Iixings shall be used as Iar as
possible. Eixing to soIt or hard Iibre boards etc. which are inaccessible to the
back, shall be made with sheradised selI tapping screws oI appropriate size or
with spring or gravity toggles.
All heavy weight Iixings or equipment to brick, block and concrete shall be by
means oI mild steel bolts oI appropriate size oI the grouted bolt type or by one
oI the various types oI expanding bolt Iixings. The use oI shot Iired Iixings
into concrete or steel is deprecated and permission must be sought Irom the
Company Representative Ior their use. Where permission is granted Ior the
use oI such Iixings only the 'low velocity piston type oI tool may be used.
The tool should incorporate a device to prevent it being Iired until pressure has
been applied to the Iixing center.
9.43. Metal Ior Brackets
Purpose made steel brackets required to Iix accessories or items oI equipment
to walls or structures shall be constructed in a neat and workmanlike manner
and shall be subject to the approval oI the Company Representative.
All steelwork shall be buIIed Iree oI burrs and rags and shall be thoroughly
cleaned beIore painting.
9.44. Jointing Pipes
All pipework shall be in the maximum lengths possible to avoid unnecessary
jointing. Pipes shall be Iixed to suIIicient Ialls to prevent air locks and to
enable the system to be drained through the draw-oIIs and drainage taps
Joints in all types oI pipework shall be perIectly smooth inside without
All bends (Ior small bore pipe) shall be swept bends, no elbows shall be used.
All tees shall be pitcher tees.
Joints in cast iron pipes shall be made with a tarred gaskin or lead strip
caulked home to a minimum depth oI 32mm and the remainder oI the socket
Iilled with lead Iibre solidly caulked skein by skein until the joint is Iilled.
The pipes shall be cleared out as the work proceeds and leIt Iree Irom
Cast iron pipes shall be Iixed to true lines with one holder-bat to each socket.
P.V.C. rainwater pipes shall be Iixed to true lines all in accordance with the
manuIacturer`s instructions.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Polythene pipes and Iittings shall be jointed as recommended by the
manuIacturer. Connections to Iittings shall have a provision Ior disconnection
using screwed joints. Straight lengths oI pipe exceeding 6 metres shall be
Iitted with an expansion joints.
Copper tubes and Iittings to be chromium plated shall be cut and bent as
required, assembled and Iixed and then dismantled and sent Ior plating.
Joints to pipework and Iittings shall be complete with all necessary thimbles,
Ierrules, adaptors and Iittings together with jointing materials. The
connections between pipes oI diIIering materials to be as Iollows:
i. Cast iron to copper:
Brass Ierrule or socketted thimble; lead wool and caulked lead joints to
iron; compression, capillary or bronze welded joint to copper.
ii. Cast iron to salt glazed ware:
Caulk joint with tarred gaskin soaked in cement grout and joint with
cement and sand (1:1).
iii. Copper to salt glazed ware:
Brass Ierrule; compression, capillary or bronze welded joint to copper;
caulk joint to salt glazed ware with tarred gaskin soaked in cement
grout and joint with cement and sand (1:1).
9.45. Sanitary Appliances
Installation oI sanitary appliances shall comply with C.P.305 and the
regulations and standard set by the Ministry oI Works, Power and Water.
All protective paper etc. shall be removed and sanitary Iittings shall be leIt in a
clean condition.
Sanitary appliances shall be Iree Irom all Ilaws and deIects, heavily and
evenly glazed, true to pattern, with proper Ialls to outlets and careIully Iixed
and secured. Any Iittings working loose during the maintenance period or
proving deIective are to be replaced at the Contractor`s expense at completion.
Point around sanitary Iittings with mastic.
All sanitary Iittings are to be careIully protected against misuse by workmen
engaged on the works, and any deIective, soiled or broken Iittings are to be
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Elexible sheet pipe lagging shall be wrapped round the pipe with an axial butt
joint and spirally bound with galvanised steel wire. Rigid section pipe lagging
shall be Iixed with metal clips. Insulation shall generally be Iitted in
accordance with B.S. 5422.
9.46. Laying oI Pipework Underground
Unless otherwise directed underground pipes shall be laid with a minimum
cover oI 750mm below Iinished ground level.
All underground pipework shall be laid in straight lines and to even gradients
Iollowing the general contours oI the ground with pipes and specials oI the
type and diameter shown. They shall Iall continuously towards the drain
valves and rise to air valves. Pipes oI malleable material shall be laid with a
slight snaking. Pipes shall not be laid in avoidable Ioul or injurious soil or
material. Where pipe laying in Ioul or injurious soil or material is
unavoidable, the pipes shall be protected by an approved material.
Unless otherwise directed by the Company Representative no water service or
distribution pipe shall be laid along a trench in which is laid any drain or
sewer. Pipes or malleable material shall be laid with a gooseneck` bend near
the point oI connection with the water main.
No pipes shall be laid on their collars or on bricks, block, tiles or other
temporary supports. II the bottom oI the trench has been taken too low it shall
be made up with well rammed Iill. Joint holes iI necessary shall be Iormed in
bottom oI the trench ahead oI the work in order that joints may be properly
made. The joint holes shall be as short as practicable.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the bed on which the pipes are laid and the
backIilling immediately adjacent to the pipes does not contain any sharp edged
Pipes oI any material shall be laid on the natural bed oI the trench except that
in rock bands, boulders, large stones or other irregular hard spots, pipes shall
be laid on a 75mm thick bed oI crushed stone or gravel, or coarse sand, or
sand gravel as it comes Irom the quarry providing that the maximum size does
not exceed 20mm.
Pipes shall be kept Iree Irom sand, mud, debris, superIluous jointing material
or obstructions during laying and until completion oI the work. Where pipes
pass through Ioundations, wall and Iloors, they shall pass through sleeves oI
inert material.
Where pipes are carried on pipes or are suspended inside buildings, they shall
be rigidly Iixed so that no movement oI the joint can occur when internal
pressure is applied to the pipe.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.47. Inspection, Testing and Commissioning
The Contractor shall Irom time to time as required to suit the progress oI the
building work, air-test the sanitary installation in sections, to the satisIaction
oI the Company Representative beIore any such work is covered. At the
completion oI the works all soil pipes and branches and waste pipes and other
parts oI the sanitary installation connected directly with any sewage drain or
sewage drain ventilating pipe or soil pipe, shall be subjected to a water test
and the Company Representative may also direct that a smoke or any other
test be applied to any other parts oI the drainage or ventilating system as he
thinks desirable, and everything necessary Ior these tests shall be supplied by
the Contractor.
Internal rainwater pipes shall be tested with air pressure in sections to the
satisIaction oI the Company Representative as required to suit the progress oI
the works.
At completion the internal rainwater pipes shall be subjected to a water test to
the satisIaction oI the Company Representative. Any deIects are to be made
good by the Contractor and the whole system leIt sound and perIect.
The complete installation shall be Iully tested at the completion oI the work by
the Contractor, to the complete satisIaction oI the Company Representative
who will be present at these tests.
The Contractor shall provide all labour, materials (including temporary
supports, thrust blocks, anchorages and any other requirements), apparatus and
properly calibrated and certiIied instruments Ior carrying out necessary tests oI
his own work at the direction oI the Company Representative.
Notwithstanding the above the Contractor shall remain responsible Ior the
installation until acceptance by the Company Representative.
The Company Representative shall have access at all times to such parts oI the
Contractor`s work and premises as necessary Ior the purpose oI inspecting,
examining and testing the materials, workmanship and perIormance oI plant.
The work shall not be accepted as complete until satisIactory acceptances tests
on the Iunctional system have been carried out. The Contractor shall give the
Company Representative reasonable notice oI his intention to carry out the
acceptance tests aIter he has satisIied himselI that the installation has
progressed suIIiciently to this stage.
Testing cold water installations shall include Ior cleaning out storage cisterns
including removing all swarI, Iilling and testing the whole oI the installations,
rectiIying all deIects, draining and leaving in a clean and serviceable
condition. Such testing to be carried out beIore the Iixing oI any thermal
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Testing hot water installation shall include Ior cleaning out cylinders including
removing all swarI, Iilling and testing the whole oI the installations, rectiIying
all deIects, draining and leaving in a clean and serviceable condition. Such
testing to be carried out beIore the Iixing oI any thermal insulation.
9.48. Ereedom Irom Rust
The Contractor shall include Ior cleaning oII and painting piping, Iittings and
brackets one coat oI red lead paint immediately the piping is installed.
9.49. Drain Points
Drain points shall be provided at all low points in the pipework as indicated on
the drawings.
Drain points shall consist oI 15 mm key operated cocks with hose union
9.50. Drawings
It required by the Company Representative the Contractor shall apply within 5
weeks aIter the Contract is placed to the Company Representative Ior approval
3 sets oI installation drawings giving details oI size, weights, Iixing,
mechanical and electrical connections, type oI construction and standard oI
Iinish oI every item oI plant and equipment.
It shall be the responsibility oI the Contractor to check the accuracy oI all
dimensions taken Irom the drawings in the preparation oI his working
Approval by the Company Representative oI the drawings submitted by the
Contractor shall not in any way relieve the Contractor Irom his responsibility
to provide equipment, suitable in dimension, construction and Iinish Ior the
location in which it is to be installed provided that any discrepancies, errors or
omissions are not due to inaccurate inIormation or particulars Iurnished in
writing to the Contractor by the Company Representative.
The Contractor shall keep on the site at least one set oI drawings to show the
progress oI the work installed. This set shall be kept up to date showing all
modiIications and sections oI work tested.
9.51. Instruction on Operation
At the completion oI the work the Contractor shall instruct the person in
charge oI the premises or an appointed representative in the use oI plumbing
installation, i.e. purpose oI plant items, valves, control, etc.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.52. Record Drawings
The Contractor shall iI required by the Company Representative on
completion oI the works, provide a complete record oI the actual installation
as Iitted showing all pipes runs, valves, items oI plant, etc.
Where any work is to be buried or hidden the Contractor shall be responsible
Ior making such records as will show such work beIore it is buried or hidden.
Within 3 months oI the completion oI the works the Contractor shall provide
Ior the approval oI the Company Representative one set or dyeline prints
showing the installation as Iitted and indicating clearly the sizes and positions
oI all pipes, valves, plant, etc. These drawings shall be to an approved scale.
AIter approval the Contractor shall submit one set oI negatives and two sets oI
prints oI these record drawings with all pipelines, etc. coloured to an approved
code. All valves shall be numbered in accordance with the valve labels and
valve charts shall be provided on which the use oI every valve shall be
indicated and shall incorporate schematic diagrams, to illustrate the position oI
the valves, to read in conjunction with the charts. The valve charts and circuit
diagrams shall be reproduced to a size not greater than A1 suitable Ior wall
9.53. Inspection oI Covered Work
Where the Company Representative has given notice to the Contractor that
any part oI the works must be inspected prior to its being covered or hidden
the Contractor shall give 7 days notice in writing to the Company
Representative beIore such work shall be covered or hidden. Should any such
work be covered or hidden without the written authority oI the Company
Representative the Contractor may be required to uncover the same at his own
9.54. Spares and Tools
On completion oI testing and commissioning, but prior to the hand-over` date
oI the installation, the Contractor shall provide the Iollowing spares and tools.
i. Duplicate sets oI keys to Iit each size oI lockshield valve, drain cock
and air cock installed.
ii. One set oI Iorged steel spanners to Iit all valve glands together with
any special tools required Ior the maintenance oI the plant.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
9.55. Handover to Client
The Contractor shall handover to the Company Representative at Practical
i. Test certiIicates oI plant items Irom the manuIacturers.
ii. Test certiIicates covering the works during installation, viz: hydraulic
and heat tests or any special tests.
10.1 Generally
Unless otherwise indicated in the particular speciIication the Company shall
provide the Iollowing materials:
i. All air conditioning equipment (including air handling units,
compressor/evaporator/condenser units, window type units, split
system etc.)
ii. Steel pipework and Iittings.
iii. Valves.
iv. Thermostats.
v. Insulation Ior steel pipes.
The Contractor will supply all other materials (as more precisely deIined in the
particular speciIication) which include but are not limited to the Iollowing:
i. Galvanised sheet steel ducting.
ii. Insulation Ior sheet steel ducting.
iii. DiIIusers, return air grilles, dampers, Iiredampers and the like.
iv. Elexible connections.
v. Ductwork supports.
vi. All other materials Ior the works.
The quality oI the materials will be as described herein.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
10.2. Steel Pipework and Iittings Ior Chilled Water
Pipework shall conIorm in all respects to Bapco EDG L1 Appendix A14B Ior
up to 3 inches diameter and Caltex GPS L1 Appendix B1 Ior piping over 3
inches diameter.
Screwed joints shall be used Ior jointing chilled water and condensate
drainage pipework up to 2 inches nominal bore. Screwed pipe Iittings shall be
Iorged steel. Screwed joints shall be made tight with an approved jointing
tape. Hemp shall not be accepted Ior pipe jointing.
Tees, bends, elbows etc. shall be oI the same size as the pipework connected
to them; bushings shall not be used. Square tees shall be used where short
sweep Iittings would cause air to be trapped in the system.
Elbows shall be used where practicable in preIerence to bends.
Purpose made sets or springs shall be used where it is necessary to deviate
Irom a straight run.
Sets or springs in pipes oI 2 inches diameter and above shall be Iire made but
in galvanised pipework they shall be Iormed Irom standard Iittings, the tubes
shall remain circular aIter setting.
Eccentric reducers shall be used (to Iacilitate air venting and drawing) where
changes oI diameter are made in runs oI nominally horizontal pipework.
Pipes shall be reamed aIter cutting and shall be cleaned beIore erection.
Open ends leIt during the progress oI work shall be blanked oII with purpose
made metal, wood or plastic plugs or blank Ilanges. Pipework shall Iollow the
lines oI walls and shall be graded to ensure venting and draining. The
clearance between pipe work (or the insulation) and walls and any other
Iixture(s) shall be not less than 1 inch.
Joints shall not be made in the thickness oI any wall, Iloor or ceiling and,
unless otherwise indicated or directed by the Company Representative
pipework shall not be embedded in the structure or Iloor. Where pipes pass
through walls, Iloors or ceilings, sleeves oI the same metal as the pipe shall be
provided. Pipes passing through Iloors shall be provided with approved type
Iloor and ceiling plates Iastened securely to the sleeve or an approved duct
sealing compound.
All entry and exit holes Ior utility services to and Irom a building shall be
sealed and plugged with mastic compound.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Pipework shall be supported so as to permit Iree movement due to expansion
and contraction. Pipework supports shall be arranged as near as possible to
joints and changes in direction, and each support shall take its due proportion
oI the load. The spacing oI the supports shall not exceed the centers given in
Table 1 and 2. Where there are two or more pipes the spacings shall be based
on the centers required by the smallest bore pipework.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Sizes oI tube
(or Imp. equivalent)
Intervals Ior horizontal runs
Bare Lagged
Intervals Ior vertical
bare or lagged
mm m m m
15 1.8 1.8 2.4
20 2.4 2.4 3.0
25 2.4 2.4 3.0
32 2.7 2.4 3.0
40 3.0 2.4 3.7
50 3.0 2.4 3.7
65 3.7 3.0 4.6
80 3.7 3.0 4.6
100 4.0 3.0 4.6
125 4.5 3.7 5.5
150 5.5 4.5 5.5
200 8.5 6.0 8.5
250 9.0 6.5 9.0
300 10.0 7.0 10.0
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Sizes oI tube
(or Imp. equivalent)
Intervals Ior horizontal runs
Bare Lagged
Intervals Ior vertical
bare or lagged
Mm m m m
15 1.2 1.2 1.8
22 1.2 1.2 1.8
28 1.8 1.5 2.4
35 2.4 1.8 3.0
42 2.4 1.8 3.0
54 2.7 1.8 3.0
65 3.0 2.4 3.7
76 3.0 2.4 3.7
108 3.0 2.4 3.7
133 3.7 3.0 3.7
159 4.5 3.7 3.7
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
10.3. Steel Pipework and Iittings
Vertical rising pipework shall be supported at the base or as indicated to
withstand the total weight oI the riser. Branches Irom risers shall not be used
as a means oI support Ior the riser.
Where pipework up to 2 inches bore is Iixed to solid walls, brackets may be oI
either the screw-on or the long shank built-in type. Eor Iixing to woodwork,
lightweight partitions or walls, brackets shall be oI the screw-on pattern and
may be oI the adjustable two-piece type. Brackets Ior mild steel tube shall be
oI mild steel or malleable iron. The upper halI oI a pipe clip shall be
detachable without disturbing the Iixing. Cast iron and steel spigot and socket
pipework shall be supported at each joint by angle or tee iron brackets
embedded not less than 115 mm into walls; pipework shall be secured to the
brackets by 'U bolts or by mild steel stirrups bolted on.
Brackets screwed to walls shall be secured by expanding plugs or other
purpose designed Iixing devices; soItwood plugs will not be accepted.
Hangers Ior horizontal pipework at high level shall be oI the adjustable mild
steel type and shall be supported Irom angle or channel irons supplied by the
Contractor and suitable Ior building-in or otherwise securing to the structure.
Pipe rings shall be malleable cast iron. Alternatively, malleable iron hinged
pipe rings may be used but caliper hooks will not be accepted.
Provision Ior movement due to expansion and contraction shall be made by
loops, special expansion joints or change in direction; supports at such points
shall be arranged to ensure that all movement is taken up by the loop, joint or
change in direction oI the pipework.
On mild steel pipework mild steel anchors capable oI resisting the maximum
stresses shall be provided and shall preIerably be welded to the pipework.
Where it is impracticable to weld the anchors to the pipework cast iron chairs
with at least two wrought iron stirrup bolts shall be used; the bolts shall have
enough thread to ensure an eIIective grip on the pipe. The Contractor shall
supply, and Iix in position ready Ior building in, all cleats, brackets and steel
work required Ior anchor points. Where anchor points are secured to the
bottom oI ducts or trenches they shall be sealed with hot poured bitumen.
10.4. Valves
Each control valve shall be Iitted with a tag oI 1.6mm thick brass or hard non-
corrodible plastics, size 75x50mm, stamped or engraved with a reIerence
number in accordance with the circuit control diagram as described hereaIter.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
10.5. Thermostats
Thermostats readily accessible in conditioned areas and/or located in ductwork
shall be suitably protected to prevent unauthorized interIerence.
10.6. Galvanised Sheet Steel Ducting
The Contractor shall check the building dimensions and dimensions and
positions oI plant on site beIore the Iabrication oI ductwork is started. All
seems, joints and connections to plant shall be so made as to reduce air
leakage to a minimum. Internal roughness and obstructions to air-Ilow (other
than dampers, vanes etc.) will not be accepted. Sharp edges or corners on the
outside oI ductwork, Ilanges supports etc. will not be accepted. Any part oI
galvanised ductwork, where galvanising is damaged during manuIacture or
erection shall be painted with two coats oI aluminium, zinc rich or other
corrosion resisting paint. In hospitals, kitchens and dining rooms the outer
most surIace oI exposed ductwok or insulation shall be not less than 80mm
away Irom walls and ceilings to permit access Ior cleaning.
Galvanised ductwrok shall be protected by one coat oI mordant solution or
calcium plumbate primer Iollowed by two coats oI bitumiuous paint.
Where ducts pass through rooIs (and external walls where applicable) they
shall be Iitted with an angle Ilange and a weather cravat to ensure a weather
prooI Iitting to the building structure.
Ductwork shall be oI cold reduced, continuously hot dipped galvanised,
commercially Ilat sheet steel complying with B.S. 2989, Group 2, Class 2A.
Alternatively where circular ductwork is required it may be provided as spiral
wound duct.
Connections to equipment shall be made with angle Ilanged joints. Ductwork
which may have to be moved to enable plant to be removed shall incorporate
angle Ilanged joints. In any case in plant room areas and Ior long runs angle
Ilanged joints shall be included at intervals to Iacilitate any subsequent
Bends and oIIsets shall have a minimum throat radius equal to the width oI the
duct. Where short radiused elbows are indicated or are agreed by the
Company Representative as necessary due to site limitations the dimensions
and internal van(s) shall be in accordance with the directions oI the Company
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
10.7. Ductwork Supports
Supports shall comply generally to the directions oI the Company
Representative. Where cantilever brackets or other special Iorms oI support
are indicated they shall be structurally strong enough to take the load and to
transIer the load to the building structure.
10.8. DiIIusers, Grilles and Dampers
SuIIicient dampers shall be provided to regular and balance the systems.
Dampers on grilles or diIIusers shall be used Ior line secondary control. All
dampers shall be suIIiciently rigid to prevent Iluttering. Unless otherwise
indicated the air leakage past dampers in the Iully closed position shall not
exceed 5 oI the maximum design air Ilow in the duct. All duct dampers
except Iire dampers and selI closing dampers shall be Iitted with locking
devices and position indicators. Dampers shall be generally in accordance
with the appropriate speciIications.
The position oI a damper as set aIter Iinal regulation and balancing shall be
indelibly marked on the damper quadrant.
ButterIly dampers shall each consist oI two plates, edge seamed, oI at least the
same thickness oI material as that Irom which the associated duct is made, and
rigidly Iixed to each side oI a mild steel operating spindle, the ends oI which
shall be turned as housed in non-Ierrous bearings.
BiIurcating dampers shall be oI 1.6mm thick sheet Ior sizes up to 1`-6 square;
Ior larger sizes the thickness shall be as indicated. Damper plates shall be
rigidly Iixed to square section mild steel spindles the ends oI which shall be
turned and housed in non-Ierrous bearings.
Each leaI oI a multileaI damper shall consist oI two plates oI material oI the
same thickness as the associated duct and rigidly Iixed to each side oI an
operating spindle, the ends oI which shall be housed in brass, nylon, oil
impregnated sintered metal, PTEE impregnated or ball bearings. The ends oI
the spindles shall be linked so that one movement oI the operating handle shall
move each leaI an equal amount. An inspection door shall be provided
adjacent to each multileaI damper.
On low velocity systems only, multileaI damper blades may be oI a single
plate, at least 1.6mm thick and suitably stiIIened, and the blade linkages may
be within the duct. These dampers shall have bearings and inspection doors as
speciIied previously.
Quadrants and operating handles shall be oI die-cast aluminium with the
words OPEN` and SHUT` cast on the quadrant. Quadrants shall be securely
Iixed and the damper spindles shall be close Iitting in the quadrant hubs to
prevent any damper movement when the damper levers are locked.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
SelI closing dampers shall be designed so as to present the minimum oI
resistance to airIlow under running conditions, to take up a Iirm, not
Iluctuating, position under running conditions and to give a tight shut oII when
closed. They shall incorporate rubber stops to prevent rattling.
Sliding dampers shall be provided only where indicated. They shall be oI
1.6mm thick sheet steel Ior sizes up to 1`-6 square; Ior larger sizes the
thickness shall be as indicated. They shall run in guides lined with Ielt.
Iris type dampers may be used in ducting up to 2`-0 diameter or 1`-6 square.
The control shall be on the outside oI the damper. The design shall be such
that the leaves oI the damper can be easily moved Ior adjustment.
Each Iire damper shall have at least the same standard oI Iire resistance as the
wall or Iloor through which the duct passes; unless otherwise indicated it shall
have a Iire resistance rating oI 2 hours (B.S. 476). When a Iire resistance
rating oI 4 hours is required either two dampers one on each side oI the wall
or Iloor or a single damper having a Iire resistance rating oI 4 hours certiIied
by the Eire Research Station shall be provided.
In a horizontal duct the Iire damper may be oI either the single bladed or the
multi-bladed pivoted type, in a vertical duct a multi-bladed damper shall not
be Iitted. Alternatively the Iolded continuous interlocked blade type oI
damper may be provided; iI this type oI damper is Iitted in a vertical duct the
closing Iorce shall be provided by a stainless steel spring. A multi-bladed
damper longer than 3`-0 shall be controlled by 2 linkage tie rods.
Each Iire damper shall be oI 1.6mm thick sheet steel or steel/asbestos/steel
sandwich oI equivalent Iire resistance. It shall be galvanised or otherwise
treated aIter Iabrication to prevent rust. It shall be set in a casing oI galvanised
sheet steel oI at least 1.6mm thick provided with stiIIeners as necessary to
support the bearing plates. The clearance between the edges oI the damper
and the casing shall be at least 00.1 inch Ior each 1 inch oI damper diameter or
width. Where the damper will be Iitted to a wall or Iloor the casing shall be
provided either with lugs Ior building in or with a Irame oI angle iron not less
than 1.5x1.5x0.25 at each end.
Each Iire damper blade shall be Iixed oII center to a substantial steel spindle
which shall rotate Ireely in bearings supported on the outside oI the casing.
The damper shall close against a 1x1x0.125 angle iron stop Iixed to all Iour
sides oI a rectangular casing or to the Iull circumIerence oI a circular casing.
Multi-leaI damper blades shall overlap by at least 20mm.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Each Iire damper shall be held in the open position by a releasing device
consisting oI a Iusible link and either a stranded wire or a steel strap.
Alternatively the damper blade may be released by a rusible phial in a catridge
housing. The Iusible element shall operate at 70
C. A door giving access to
the damper blade(s) and the Iusible element shall be provided in the damper
casing or in the adjoining ducting.
Unless otherwise indicated Iixed louvers on external walls at air intake and
outlet positions will be provided and Iixed by other Contractor. A galvanised
steel wire mesh screen oI 20mm diamond mesh oI at least 2mm diameter wire
and complete with a Irame oI galvanised steel rod with securing lugs or oI Ilat
iron shall be provided and Iixed by the Contractor on the inner side oI the
Each supply air grille shall have two sets oI separately adjustable blades, one
set horizontal and one set vertical, and shall be complete with an opposed
blade multi-leaI damper and rear parts Iinished matt black. The blades and the
damper or air controller shall be adjustable Irom the Iront oI the grille. Eor up
to ten grilles, one set oI any tools required Ior adjusting the blades and
dampers or air controllers shall be provided; Irom eleven to twenty Iour
grilles, two sets; above twenty Iive grilles, three sets.
Return air grilles may have either a single set oI Iixed horizontal blades or a
lattice, egg crate or expanded metal Iront, or shall be as indicated. Each return
air grille shall be complete with an opposed blade multi-leaI damper unless
otherwise speciIied, operable Irom the Iront.
DiIIusers shall be oI steel or aluminium as indicated. Steel diIIusers shall be
protected against rusting and shall be stove enamelled. DiIIusers, except on
exposed ductwork, shall incorporate an edge seal, diIIusers mounted on
ceilings shall have antismudge rings, and duct mounting bracket complete
with adjusting screw.
DiIIusers shall be provided with volume control dampers oI the opposed
blade, or Ilap type which shall be adjustable Irom the Iront oI the diIIuser and
rear parts Iinished matt black. Where the length oI a vertical duct to a diIIuser
is less than twice the diameter oI the diIIuser an equalizing deIlector shall be
Lineal diIIusers shall include a control damper at the rear oI the vanes giving
volume control down to complete shut oII and operated Irom the Iace oI the
diIIuser. Lineal diIIusers Ior supply air shall have adjustable blades to give
directional control oI air Ilow. Where lineal diIIusers are mounted in a
continuous line there shall be means oI ensuring alignment between
consecutive diIIusers and oI equalising pressure behind the vanes.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
10.9. Elexible Connections
Where Ilexible connections are indicated or required between rigid ductwork
and particular components or items oI equipment the internal diameter oI the
Ilexible duct shall be equal to the external diameter oI the rigid ductwork and
oI the spigot served. The use oI Ilexible duct between rigid sections oI sheet
metal ductwork to change direction or plane will not be permitted except
where indicated or expressly authorised by the Company Representative.
The Ilexible duct shall have a liner and a cover oI tough tear resistant Iabric
equal in durability and Ilexibility to glass Iibre Iabric and shall be impregnated
and coated with plastics. It shall be reinIorced with a bonded galvanised
spring steel wire helix between the liner and the cover and outer helix oI glass
Iibre cord or equal shall be bonded to cover to ensure regular convolutions.
Alternatively the Ilexible duct shall consist oI Ilexible corrugated metal tubing
or stainless steel, aluminium, tinplated steel or aluminium coated steel. The
metal may be lined on the inside or the outside or both with plastic material.
The joints to rigid spigots shall be sealed with a brush coat oI pipe jointing or
mastic compound. Ducts up to 6 diameter shall be secured with a worm
drive type hose clip complying with B.S. 3628. Ducts over 6 diameter shall
be secured with a band clip.
The Irictional resistance to air Ilow per unit length oI the Ilexible duct shall
not exceed 50 more than the Irictional resistance per unit length oI
galvanised steel ducts oI equivalent diameter. The radius ration R/D Ior bends
shall not be less than 2, where R is the center line radius and D is the diameter
oI the Ilexible duct.
There shall be no leakage Irom any section oI Ilexible duct at the static
operation pressure.
Elexible ducts shall be suitable Ior an operating temperature range oI 180
to 120
C and shall comply with B.S. 476.
10.10. Thermal Insulation Ior Sheet Steel Ducting
Thermal insulation work shall comply with B.S. 5970.
Thermal insulation and Iinishes shall be prooI against rotting, mould and
Iungus growth and attack by vermin.
Thermal insulation shall be applied to ductwork, Ians, heater and cooler
casings etc. carrying conditioned air in plant rooms and to ductwork (including
recirculation air ductwork) carrying warmed or chilled air.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Eresh air ducts and exhaust ducts carrying cold or hot air shall be insulated to
prevent condensation or excessive heat gain to the space.
Ductwork which is located in Ialse ceilings and is not readily accessible shall
be insulated with semi rigid or Ilexible material with vapour prooI Iacing as
indicated. Elexible and semi-rigid material shall have a density oI at least 24
. Ductwork which is exposed and/or is not readily accessible shall be
insulated with rigid material density 48 kg/m
having a Iacing oI aluminium
Ioil, non Ilammable plastics material or hard setting cement as indicated.
Ductwork in plant rooms and ductwork which is exposed to view and is
readily accessible shall be insulated with rigid material and protected against
mechanical damage either by aluminium sheet jacketing oI indicated
thickness, or by reinIorced hard setting cement at least 12mm thick as
indicated. The composition oI hard setting cement shall be one part lime and
one part cement and three parts sand.
Thermal insulation applied to the inside oI ductwork shall be entirely non-
combustible to comply with B.S. 476. Any deviation Irom this requirement
shall be declared at tendering stage.
Eor general applications the thermal insulation material should preIerably
comply with the requirements speciIied Ior non-combustibility but materials
which are not entirely non-combustible will be accepted iI they have selI-
extinguishing characteristics, the total mass oI combustible material is small
and combustion does not produce dense smoke or toxic Iumes.
Thermal insulation on ductwork etc. inside buildings generally shall be at least
25mm thick where its declared value oI thermal conductivity at the relevant
mean temperature is less than 0.04 W/m
C. In the open air rooI space, in plant
rooms and in large unconditioned open areas oI buildings the thermal
insulation shall be at least 50mm thick where the thermal conductivity is less
than 0.04, or at least 63mm thick where thermal conductivity is between 0.04
and 0.06 W/m
Eor ductwork carrying chilled air the insulation shall cover the Ilanges either
by means oI Ilange boxes or by increasing the general thickness oI insulation
to give at least 6mm cover at the Ilanges; where the insulation is 50mm thick
or more (except Ior insulation which is sprayed or moulded in-situ) the
insulation shall be Iixed in two layers with the joints staggered. Eor air heaters
using media at high temperature the thermal insulation material shall be
suitable Ior use at those temperatures.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Eor ductwork carrying chilled air oI a temperature lower than the maximum
design ambient dew point temperature the outer surIace oI the thermal
insulation shall be protected by a continuous water vapour barrier. The vapour
barrier and the insulation shall not be pierced or damaged by supports; load
distributing sleeves shall be provided where necessary. At discontinuities and
the ends oI sections the vapour barrier shall be returned to the ductwork to
prevent moisture Irom entering the insulation at the edges.
Where thermal insulation is Iixed to the inside oI ductwork the surIace oI the
insulation exposed to the air Ilow shall be prooI against shredding and erosion.
Thermal insulation shall be securely Iixed to the ductwork. Adhesives should
preIerably be non-Ilammable; iI Ilammable adhesives are used adequate
precautions shall be taken to prevent risk oI Iire. Adhesives shall be
compatible with the insulation; in no circumstances shall an adhesive or
solvent which attacks or dissolves the ductwork or the insulation be used.
Thermal insulation which is exposed to the weather shall be rigid and be
rendered completely waterprooI by an external covering oI reinIorced plastic,
aluminium or similar sheet jacketing oI indicated thickness. It shall be
careIully applied using an appropriate adhesive; ends and edges oI sheets shall
be lapped suIIiciently to exclude water. Alternatively, the insulation may be
protected by a cement compound oI high mechanical strength which shall be
completely weatherprooI and shall be covered aIter setting with PVC based
rubberised waterprooI paint. Where an insulated duct or pipe enters a building
adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the entry oI water. The Iinal
Iinish oI external ductwork shall be either light coloured or reIlective. Rigid
Iiberglass density shall not be less than 48 Kg/m
10.11. Insulation Ior Steel Pipes
Thermal insulation shall be applied to chilled water pipework. Pipework shall
be insulated where indicated to prevent condensation.
Thermal insulation shall be securely Iixed to the pipework, tanks etc.
Pipework which is concealed Irom view and is not readily accessible shall be
insulated with rigid preIormed sectional material with a Iacing insulation.
Material shall have a density oI at least 110 kg/m
. Pipework which is
exposed to view and is not readily accessible shall be insulated with rigid
material with a Iacing oI aluminium Ioil, non Ilammable plastics, hard setting
cement or a Iabric covering suitable Ior painting as indicated. Pipework which
is exposed to view and is readily accessible, pipework in plant rooms and
tanks and cylinders shall be insulated with rigid material and protected against
mechanical damage either by aluminium sheet jacketing thickness as indicated
in the Particular SpeciIication, or by reinIorced hard setting plaster at least
12mm thick (1 lime, 1 cement and 3 parts sand) as indicated.
The insulation shall be 50mm thick unless otherwise indicated.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
11.1. Generally
Unless otherwise directed by the Company, the installations when complete
shall comply in all respects with the requirements oI the National Electrical
Code (1981 Edition) published by the National Eire Protection Association oI
the U.S.A. and, where speciIied, with the requirements oI the 15
Edition oI
the Institution oI Electrical Engineers Regulations Ior Electrical Installations
(1981) known as the IEE Wiring Regulations.
11.2. Co-ordination with other work
The Contractor shall coordinate his work with other trades and with other
Contractors engaged upon the work. The Contractor shall careIully study the
drawings and speciIications so that the work oI the electrical installations may
be integrated with all other work.
11.3. Electrical Supply
The Iollowing nominal electrical suppliers are used in Company installations:
i. 460 Volt, 3 phase, 3 wire 60 HZ
ii. 208/120 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire 60 HZ
iii. 240/120 Volt, 1 phase, 2/3 wire 60 HZ
The voltage involved in a particular installation shall be as speciIied in the
tender documents.
11.4. Testing
The Contractor shall be responsible Ior testing all circuits and equipment. All
tests shall be recorded and witnessed by a Company Representative. A typed
up copy oI test report shall be submitted to the Company on completion and
acceptance oI work. The Company has the right to check all the Contractor
test equipment to ensure it is in good working order.
11.5. Generally
Unless otherwise indicated in the particular speciIication the Iollowing
materials will normally be provided by the Company:
i. Materials as speciIied in the particular speciIication.
ii. Switchgear and distribution equipment.
iii. Light Iittings.
iv. Switches and receptacles.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
v. Conduit utility boxes.
vi. Telephone system wiring and Iittings.
vii. Eire alarm system wiring and Iittings.
viii. Computer terminal wiring and Iittings.
ix. Word processor wiring.
The Contractor shall supply all other materials Ior the successIul completion
oI the work. These shall include but not limited to the Iollowing:
i. Galvanised steel conduit and Iittings.
ii. Cable trays.
iii. Galvanised steel trunking and Iittings.
iv. P.V.C. conduit and Iittings.
v. P.V.C. trunking and Iittings.
vi. Cable glands and terminations.
All materials supplied by the Contractor shall be subject to approval by the
Company and conIorm to the requirements herein.
11.6. Galvanised steel conduit and accessories
Conduit shall be manuIactured oI steel in accordance with B.S. 4568 part 1,
heavy gauge, screwed and welded Class B and shall be hot dipped galvanised
unless otherwise speciIied. The minimum diameter oI any conduit shall be 20
Boxes shall be oI the small raised back pattern to B.S. 4568 Part 2, (Class B1)
with internally tapped spouts manuIactured Irom good quality malleable cast
All accessories shall be to B.S. 4568 Part 2, and shall be galvanised unless
otherwise speciIied.
Where loop-in pattern boxes are required Ior lighting point outlets etc, they
shall be oI the small circular pattern to B.S. 4568 Part 2, (Class B3) with back
outlets oI the appropriate number.
11.7. P.V.C. Conduit
All P.V.C. conduit shall be rigid, circular, high temperature, high impact,
heavy gauge, manuIactured in accordance with B.S. 4607.
The minimum diameter oI any P.V.C. shall be 20mm having a minimum wall
thickness oI 1.7mm.
Accessories shall conIorm to B.S. 4607 and be manuIactured Irom high
temperature, high impact, PVC compound.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
11.8. P.V.C. Trunking
PVC trunking shall be high temperature, high impact, heavy gauge, with a
minimum wall thickness oI 1.6mm.
Covers, barriers and Iittings shall be oI the same material and thickness as
11.9. Steel Trunking
Steel trunking shall be Iabricated Irom hot dipped galvanised sheet steel.
Wall thickness Ior trunking oI cross-section up to 50mm x 50mm shall be a
minimum oI 1.2mm.
Eor cross-section greater than this up to 150 x 150mm wall thickness shall be a
minimum oI 1.6mm. Above 150mm x 150mm sections, wall thickness shall
be minimum oI 2.0mm.
All barrier, covers and Iittings shall have the same wall thickness as the
11.10. Cable Tray
Unless otherwise speciIied, cable trays shall be manuIactured Irom hot dipped
galvanised sheet steel in accordance with B.S. 729.
Eor building internals the cable tray shall be standard duty, perIorated pattern
with single Ilange.
Elange depth shall be 12.5mm up to 225mm wide tray and 20mm Ior larger
The tray shall be 1.5mm thick Ior widths up to 450mm and 2.0mm Ior larger
Eor building externals the cable tray shall be heavy duty with return Ilange oI
50mm depth. The tray shall be 1.5mm thick Ior widths up to 300mm and
2.0mm Ior larger sizes.
All tees, intersection units, sets and Iittings shall be purpose made by the
11.11. Cables
Cables Ior all sub-circuits and sub-mains shall be rated 600/1000 volt grade.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Single core conduit wire shall be PVC insulated, high conductivity, annealed
copper stranded conductor manuIactured in accordance with B.S. 6004.
Multi-core cable shall be PVC insulated, PVC sheated with high conductivity,
annealed copper stranded conductors manuIactured in accordance with B.S.
6004. The outer sheath shall be black.
Where armoured cable is speciIied in the documents, it shall be manuIactured
in accordance with B.S. 6346. It shall be designated by the abbreviation
P.V.C. S.W.A.P.V.C. and shall be PVC insulated multi-core cable having
stranded copper conductor PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, galvanised steel
wire armouring and PVC sheathed overall. The outer sheath shall be coloured
Armoured cables shall be terminated using mechanical type glands
manuIactured in accordance with B.S. 6121. The glands shall be raw brass
and shall incorporate an earth tag, seal and cone Ior gripping the armouring
and an outer PVC sheath.
Eor power cables, the conductor shall have a minimum cross-section oI 4mm
Eor lighting cables, the conductors shall have a minimum cross-section oI
MICC cable, when speciIied, shall be manuIactured in accordance with B.S.
6207. This type oI cable shall heavy duty, 1000 volt class; solid plain
annealed high conductivity copper conductor symmetrically embedded in a
powdered chemically stable insulant, enclosed in a solid drawn annealed
copper sheath with a PVC outer sheath coloured orange.
11.12. Galvanised Steel Conduits
The conduits shall be installed in such a way that the junction boxes and pull
boxes are always accessible Ior maintenance and repair.
AIter cutting, the conduits shall be reamed smooth to remove all the burrs and
have smooth ends without any blisters or other deIects.
All bends shall be oI the long radius type, machine made, without kinks,
Ilattening or crushing.
Exposed conduits shall be given two coats oI primer paint and a Iinishing coat
oI orange undercoat and gloss.
Concealed conduits shall be Iixed to the approval oI Company Representative.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
No running threads will be accepted. Only approved threaded couplings shall
be used where required.
A separation oI 200 mm shall be maintained between the electric conduits and
any hot water and plumbing pipes.
All conduits shall be securely joined together and connected to the electrical
boxes, Iittings, or enclosures so as to provide a continuous assembly.
No run oI conduits shall exceed 10m between adjacent draw-in points, nor
shall it contain more than two right angle bends, sets or other deviations Irom
the straight line. Inspection couplings shall be used where Iound necessary
with the Company Representative approval.
All runs oI conduits shall be truly vertical or horizontal unless otherwise
speciIied by the Company Representative. All surIace conduit runs shall be
planned by the Contractor beIore installation is commenced and shall be
marked out on site Ior approval by the Company Representative.
Conduits generally shall be saddled to the structure oI the building within
150mm oI each terminal box, angle box, bend, tee or other conduit Iitting, and
at an interval oI not more than 1500 mm.
Boxes, Iittings, bends, and other accessories, shall be protected in the same
manner as the conduit.
Where loop-in boxes are used, the conduit shall be terminated in the boxes
using screwed couplers and brass male bushes.
Where a number oI conduits converge, large malleable cast iron or approved
heavy gauge sheet steel adaptable boxes shall be employed to avoid crossings.
Conduits shall be connected thereto by means oI male brass bushes and
Where conduits and/or Iittings are attached to electrical enclosure the material
or case oI the box shall be tapped Ior a depth oI not less than 8mm or, iI this is
not possible, smooth bore male bushes and Ilanged couplings shall be used.
The appropriate metric/NPT adaptors shall be used where conduit is
terminated in utility boxes oI U.S.A. origin supplied by the Company.
11.13. P.V.C. Conduit
The routes oI all the points and draw-in positions shall be accurately marked
out on site Ior the approval oI the Company Representative.
The conduits shall be continuous and provide an eIIective means oI
mechanical protection Ior the wiring.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
A continuous earth wire shall be drawn into all conduits.
The Contractor shall take all measure necessary to saIe-guard all the conduits,
boxes, etc Irom damage or disturbance during the progress oI the works.
Special precautions shall be taken to prevent the ingress oI moisture, silt,
chippings etc. into conduits. The Contractor shall also ensure that the circular
boxes and tubes are Iastened to the shuttering or reinIorcing bars. The inside
oI conduits shall be Iree Irom burrs or other obstructions.
BeIore joining tube with vinyl cement, the tube ends must be cleaned and
Ireed Irom oil or grease and the cement applied to both tube and Iitting. On
inserting the tube it must be twisted to make sure that the cement covers the
whole circumstance oI the tube.
Standard couplings shall be used Ior joining tubing together. Eor terminating
the conduit at adaptable boxes, distribution boards, switchgear switch boxes,
socket outlet boxes etc., male or Iemale adaptors shall be used. The Iemale
type comprises a screwed and plain coupling and a PVC male bush. The
male type a plain Iemale socket Ior the tubing and a male threaded with a PVC
lock ring.
Where straight runs oI surIace conduit exceed 10m expansion couplings must
be used. The tube to the short end is welded and the tubing inserted without
cement into the long end Ior about 30 oI its length.
Circular boxes shall not be smaller in internal diameter than 60mm with 50
mm centers Ior 2BA tapped holes; the spouts must be integral with the boxes.
Loop in boxes can be used where speciIied. Connections to loop in boxes
shall be by two piece adaptors i.e. coupling and bush or adaptor and lock ring.
All circular boxes must have brass inserts oI a type that will not pull through
and where the boxes are used in conjunction with enclosed lighting Iittings an
external steel clip must also be used.
Adaptable boxes Ior either Ilush or surIace work shall be oI PVC. The holes
shall be drilled as required.
Where the boxes are recessed in the walls or ceilings and Ilush with the
surIace, the lids must be large enough to overlap the boxes on which they are
Iixed by no less than 6 mm on all sides. 2BA brass roundheaded screws shall
be used Ior Iixing lids to the boxes.
Conduit sizes 20 mm and 25 mm shall be bent with the correct size bending
spring. The bend shall be made without any application oI heat. Eor a right
angle; bend well past 90
and allow the bend to spring back to 90
do not
attempt to bend tubing back with spring inserted. Large sizes 32 mm, 38 mm
and 50 mm should be heated beIore bending and a rubber cord inserted to
prevent kinking when bending. The radius oI bends in the conduits shall not
be less than Iour times the diameter oI the conduit.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Inspection tees, or elbows shall not be used without the written permission oI
the Company Representative.
Conduits which are to be cast into the concrete shall be laid over the upper
surIace oI the shuttering beIore the Iloors are poured to ensure that the
conduits are generally in the middle oI the slab depth.
PVC conduit shall be Iixed by means oI PVC distance spacing saddles which
shall allow the conduits to be taken directly into accessories without sets or
Where a number oI conduits converge, large PVC, malleable cast iron or
approved heavy gauge sheet steel adaptable boxes shall be employed in order
to avoid crossing.
The jointing oI conduit shall be made using suitable proprietary type adhesive
such as Egaweld No. 1 Ior permanent joints and Egaweld No. 2 Ior expansion
SurIace conduit shall be saddled to the structure oI the building within 150mm
oI each box or Iitting and at intervals not greater than 1500mm.
The appropriate metric/NPT adaptor shall be used where conduits terminate in
utility boxes oI U.S.A. origin supplied by the Company.
11.14. Trunking
All trunking shall be attached to the building Iramework or Iabric at intervals
oI not more than that recommended by the manuIacturer. Joints shall not
overhang Iixing point by more than 200 mm.
All trunking Iittings (i.e. bends, tees etc.) shall have the main through clear oI
obstructions and the cover shall be completely accessible except through walls
and Iloors at which points suitable Iire resisting barriers shall be provided. All
Iittings shall be compatible with the main body oI the trunking.
Where trunking passes through ceilings, Iloors and walls, the cover shall be
Iirmly Iixed 150 mm either side oI the ceilings and Iloors and 30 mm either
side oI the walls.
Screws and bolts securing covers to the trunking or section oI the trunking
together shall be arranged so that damage to the cable cannot occur when
Iixing the covers or when the cables are installed in the trough.
Trunking shall not be installed with the cover on the underside unless
speciIied by the Company Representative in writing. Where covers are
speciIied on the underside, suitable retainers must be used to prevent the
cables Irom sagging both during and aIter the installation.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
When trunking is used to connect switchgear or Iuseboards such connections
shall be made by trunking Iittings manuIactured Ior this purpose and not by
multiple conduit couplings.
Where tees and bends or similar Iittings are used, these shall be oI the gusset
type and particular care shall be taken to avoid any damage to cables or
Where sections oI trunking which exceed 2m in length, are used vertically
staggered tie-oII points shall be provided at 2m intervals to support the weight
oI the cables.
Galvanised trunking systems shall be painted with a compatible Iinish where
any abrasion to the original has occurred.
All galvanised trunking shall be made electrically continuous by means oI 25
mm x 3 mm copper links across each joint in the system. Connection shall be
made by means oI electro tinned bolts (head inside through) and nuts 6 mm
minimum diameter with Ilat and spring washers, the galvanising oI the
trunking shall be removed within 6 mm oI jointing strap, and painted aIter
installation oI strap to prevent rusting.
The number oI cables installed in the trunking shall be such as to permit
drawing-in without damage to the cables but under no circumstances shall a
space Iactor oI 45 be exceeded in accordance with Appendix 12 oI the 15
edition oI the Institution oI Electrical Engineers Wiring Regulations.
Where conduits enter trunking, separating washers shall be used with a
coupler and male bush. Where partitioned trunking is used the partitioning
shall be maintained at intersections and angles.
11.15. Cable Trays
All cable trays supports shall be galvanised and Iixed at centers such as to
prevent any deIlection in the tray and where necessary galvanised mild steel
angle supports shall be installed along the length oI the tray adequately Iixed.
Cables shall be Iixed to trays with the manuIacturer`s recommended saddles
and screwed by means oI 1 BA minimum size brass screws, washers and bolts,
oI adequate but not excessive lengths.
Cable trays shall be made electronically continuous by bonding each length oI
tray to each other using 25 mm x 3mm copper strips. Each tray run shall be
bonded to the main earth system.
The tray shall be painted with a compatible Iinish where any abrasion to the
original has occurred.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
11.16. Switchgear and Distribution Equipment
All switchgear, Iusegear, circuit breakers, panels and distribution equipment
shall be complete with all the necessary cable termination cable spreader
boxes etc. that are required to complete and provide power.
Each enclosure is to be given a general description label (Main Distribution
Panel ..... MDB). All equipment to be identiIied with a 'DANGER
Notice. All incoming and outgoing components to be identiIied. All labels
shall be oI 3 layers 'TRAEEOLYTE Iixed by means oI pop riveting. Eor
general purpose the 'TRAEEOLYTE shall be white/black/white with 6 mm
high characters. All danger notices shall be oI white/red/white
'TRAEEOLYTE, also showing the particular voltage with 13 mm high
A circuit list shall be installed adjacent to each Iuse or M.C.B. Distribution
Board. These lists shall be prepared with non-soluble black ink, on white
cartridge paper and contained within a Iramed Perspex Ironted board. The
characters shall not be less than 3 mm high. Each circuit list shall show the
Iuse and/or M.C.B. number, rating, cable sizes and use.
All equipment shall be positioned to give adequate space Ior cable entry to the
Company Representative`s approval.
11.17. Cables installed in conduit and trunking
All PVC insulated unarmoured cables shall be run in conduit or trunking
unless installed inside an electrical enclosure.
The number oI cables drawn into any conduit or trunking shall not exceed the
limits as speciIied in Appendix 12 oI the 15
Edition oI the Institution oI
Electrical Engineers Wiring Regulations.
Circuit cables shall not be drawn in until the conduit or trunking oI that circuit
is completed and the building weatherprooI. Conduits shall not be dismantled
Ior wiring operations.
During installations, cables shall be combed to Iacilitate drawing in and
possible replacement.
Cable joints shall not be used unless speciIied or on written approval.
Cables oI three phase circuits installed in steel conduits or trunking shall
always be so bunched that the cables oI all phases and the neutral conductor, iI
any, are contained in the same conduit or trunking.
Cables Irom separate distribution boards shall be run in separate conduits.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Cables Ior essential services or emergency supplies circuits shall be run in
separate conduits or Irom general circuits.
Cables shall be run at least 150 mm clear oI all plumbing and mechanical
Cables installed in ceiling or wall spaces shall be run parallel to, or at right
angles to, supporting beams or joists.
Spacing oI cable clips, saddles and the like shall be in accordance with the
requirements oI Appendix 11 oI the 15
Edition oI the Institution oI Electrical
Engineers Writing Regulations.
Where cables pass through walls they shall be protected by suitable sleeves as
approved by the Company.
The minimum radii oI bends in cables Ior Iixed wiring shall conIorm to be
requirements oI table 52C oI the 15
edition oI the Institution oI Electrical
Engineers Wiring Regulations.
MICC cables shall be Iixed at no more than 380 mm centers using approved
PVC sheathed copper saddles.
All MICC cables shall be straightened by hand beIore clipping in position and
shall be run in a neat manner avoiding visible crossovers.
Ends oI MICC cable must be sealed immediately aIter cutting as the insulating
compound will absorb moisture. However it is not necessary to seal ends
when running cables so long as the Iitting oI permanent seals is not unduly
All multi-core cables shall be tagged in accordance with the relevant cable
schedule at each point oI termination. The tags shall be made Irom a propriety
cable marker system.
11.18. Boxes, Eittings, Bends and Accessories
Boxes and accessories comprising a circuit shall be erected beIore any wires in
that circuit are drawn in.
Saddles shall be Iixed by means oI screws and plugs on either side oI all
bends, draw-in boxes or sets.
Not more than two right angled bends will be permitted between draw in
Outlet boxes on Iixed ceilings where the ceiling void is inaccessible shall be
supported Irom the structure.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Where ceilings are oI the demountable tile type and capable oI supporting
module light Iittings, the outlet box oI the light Iitting shall be Iixed to the
structure with a cable connection Irom the outlet box to the light Iitting.
Where the light Iitting is not oI the module type the outlet box shall be thought
to the ceiling surIace in the same manner as that Ior a Iixed ceiling.
11.19. Eire Alarm System
Eor the Iire alarm distribution network PVC sheathed mineral insulated copper
cable (MICC) utilizing seals and screw-on pot assemblies shall be used, all
installed in accordance with the manuIacturer`s instructions. Alternatively
metal conduit system may be permissible iI a separate system is used.
11.20. Wang System
This installation shall be wired in 2.5mm
twin and earth cable all Iully
enclosed in a PVC conduit system. Wang equipment shall be supplied via a
voltage stabilizer and isolated ground receptacles.
11.21. Computer Readout Terminals (CRT)
All co-axial cabling to be run in separate conduit or trunking suitably
concealed with provision Ior exit oI cables to each outlet. The cables are to be
clearly identiIied. CRT outlets will consist oI a blank moulded cover plate
which will require to be drilled and Iitted with co-axial plugs (supplied by the
Company) and mounted Ilush to a standard PVC box. Separate cables and
plugs are required at each terminal Ior sending and receiving signals i.e. two
co-axial cables are required at each location.
The co-axial cables shall run back to the marshalling box in the computer
room, and will require soldered joints at each CRT outlet, and the marshalling
The marshalling box in the computer room will be a standard PVC adaptable
type box which will require to be drilled and Iitted with the corresponding
number oI co-axial plugs (one Ior each CRT) and suitably labeled with the
room reIerence and CRT number. All co-axial cables shall be drawn into the
marshalling box and soldered and clamped to the appropriate co-axial plug.
Where a signal grounding connection is required a yellow PVC insulated
grounding conductor should be installed between the equipment signal
grounding bar and the main signal grounding bar. The main signal grounding
br should be bonded to the main grounding bar. Earth bars shall be oI the
stand oII insulation type as manuIactured by Messrs Eurse.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
11.22. Telephones
Telephone wiring is to run in conduit or trunking suitably concealed and
provided with suitable outlets at each room to allow the exit oI individual
telephone cables.
11.23. Grounding
Where PVC conduit, PVC trunking or Ilexible conduit is used, the Contractor
shall run a separate ground wire Ior each circuit. This ground wire and any
steel trunking or steel conduit together with the metallic sheath oI any
armoured or MICC cables shall be electrically and mechanically bonded with
the earthed metal oI any electrical enclosure in the installation.
The Contractor shall ensure that ground continuity is achieved by metal to
metal joints on steel conduit and trunking system. II this cannot be achieved a
suitable ground continuity conductor shall be run within the conduit or
trunking system.
The ground pin oI all receptacles and the metallic parts oI all light Iittings and
light switches shall be eIIectively grounded.
All extraneous Iixed metal work including all metal pipework and building
steelwork shall be bonded to the electrical ground systems in accordance with
article 250 oI the National Electrical Code.
The type and size oI grounding conductor shall be speciIied in the tender
The resistance to ground oI any electrode back considered in isolation to all
other associated electrodes shall not exceed 1 ohm. This shall be tested by the
Contractor in accordance with paragraph 4 oI Appendix 15 oI the 15
oI the Institution oI Electrical Engineers Wiring Regulations.
The ground loop impedence shall be measured by the Contractor in
accordance with paragraph 5 oI Appendix 15 oI the Institution oI Electrical
Engineers Wiring Regulations. Where the circuit protective device is an earth
leakage circuit breaker, the test as detailed in paragraph 6 oI Appendix 15
shall apply.
As an alternative to these tests the tests speciIied in item 401, 404 and 406 oI
the British Standard Code oI Practice Ior Earthing C.P. 1013 shall be carried
The ground loop impedence when measured as above shall not exceed the
value obtained Irom the Iormula Zs Circuit Voltage
Circuit Breaker rating x 1.5
Where Zs ground loop impedence.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
11.24. Inspection and Testing
The contractor shall carry out inspection and testing oI the completed
installation generally in accordance with Part 6 oI the 15
Edition oI the
Institution oI Electrical Engineers Wiring Regulations. In particular the
Iollowing tests shall be carried out and results recorded:
i. Grounding continuity
ii. Grounding electrode resistance.
iii. Grounding loop impedence.
iv. Insulation Resistance.
v. Polarity check.
vi. Operation oI earth leakage circuit breakers. (residual current devices)
These tests shall be carried out in the presence oI the Company Representative
where required and to his satisIaction. All tools and equipment required Ior
tests shall be supplied by the contractor together with all the necessary
When measuring insulation resistance a voltage oI 500 volts d.c. shall be
applied to circuits rated 120/240 volt and a voltage oI a 1000 volt shall be
applied to circuit rated at 460 volts.
A resistance oI not less than 1 megohm phase to earth shall be obtained when
an entire installation is tested. The measurement shall be carried out with all
circuit breakers closed (including the main circuit breakers iI practicable), all
switches closed and all lamps and current carrying devices removed or
disconnected. Where the removal oI lamps and/or the disconnection or current
carrying equipment is impracticable the local switches controlling these lamps
and/or equipment shall be open.
When measured between all the conductors connected to any one phase or
pole oI the supply and, in turn, all conductors connected to each other phase or
pole, the insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 megohm.
The polarity check shall veriIy that all circuit breakers, Iuses and single pole
control devices such as light switches are connected in the phase conductor
only. It shall also be veriIied that the outer shell oI E.S. lampholders and the
center contact oI B.C. lampholders shall be connected to the grounded neutral
The contractor shall assist in carrying out any other tests as speciIied by the
Company. These additional tests shall include but not necessarily be limited
i. Switchgear trip tests.
ii. Protective devices primary and secondary injection tests.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
iii. Cable pressure tests.
iv. Operational checks oI control devices and sequences such as in air
conditioning plants.
12.1. Cement
Cement shall be as speciIied under 'Concrete Work
12.2. Sand and Aggregates
Sand Ior internal plastering with gypsum plasters and sand Ior external
renderings, internal plastering and Iloor screeds shall comply with B.S.1198
and B.S.1199.
12.3. Lime
Lime shall be hydrated lime to comply with B.S. 890 and shall be slaked and
run into putty Ior at least twenty-one days beIore use.
12.4. Water
Water shall be as speciIied under 'Concrete Work
12.5. Plasticisers
Plasticisers shall be oI approved make. Materials shall be delivered to site in
sealed containers bearing the name oI the manuIacturer and instructions Ior its
12.6. Lightweight, Pre-mixed Gypsum Plasters
Lightweight pre-mixed gypsum plasters shall comply with B.S.1191 Part 2.
The materials shall be delivered to site in sealed bags and shall be obtained
Irom an approved source.
12.7. Gypsum Plasterboard
Gypsum plasterboard shall comply with B.S.1230.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
12.8. Aggregate Ior Granolithic Topping
Aggregate Ior granolitic topping or Ior sprinkle Iinish shall comply with
12.9. Thermoplastic Tiles
Thermoplastic tiles shall comply with B.S.2592
12.10. Vinyl Asbestos Tiles
Vinyl asbestos tiles comply with B.S.3260.
12.11. Elexible PVC Tiles and Sheet
Elexible PVC tiles and sheet shall comply with B.S.3261.
12.12. Ceramic Tiles and Quarry Tiles
Ceramic Tiles and quarry tiles together with Iittings shall comply with
12.13. Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles
Glazed ceramic tiles and Iittings shall comply with B.S.1281 and shall be
provided with spacers.
12.14. Terrazzo Tiles
Precast terrazzo tiles and Iittings shall comply with B.S.4131 and shall be
selected and approved by the Company Representative.
12.15. In-Situ Terrazzo
In-situ terrazzo Iinish shall be oI colours and quality to be approved by the
Company Representative. The terrazzo Iinish to be 19 mm thick laid on a
16mm base or cement and sand (1:3). The terrazzo shall be a mix oI 1 part
coloured cement to 2 parts marble chippings. Chippings to be Grade 3 10
mm and Grade 4 12 mm and must be clean, granular and Iree Irom dust.
12.16. Expanded Metal Lath
Expanded metal lath shall comply with B.S.1369. SurIace Iinish shall be zinc
coating. The width oI metal lath to be 150mm on either side oI the joint.
12.17. Plaster Angle Beads and Plaster Stop Beads
Angle beads and stop beads shall be surIace coated with zinc.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
12.18. Bonding Agent
Polyvinyl Acetate (PVAC) emulsion bonding agents Ior use in plaster work
shall comply with B.S.5370.
12.19. Suspended Ceilings
Suspended ceilings shall be Irom the Armstrong` range or equal and approved
with concealed or lay-in grids and metal angle trims, the suspension system
being suitable to support light Iittings oI imperial dimensions and shall include
all cutting as necessary to receive light Iittings, A.C. diIIusors etc.
12.20. Preparation oI SurIaces
Ensure that all joints oI blockwork are well raked out and sprayed with cement
and sand (1:1 ) to provide key Ior plaster backings or screeds. Concrete
surIaces should be hacked and similarly sprayed. Brush down surIaces to
remove all loose particles, dust, eIIlorescence etc. SuIIiciently wet all surIaces
to reduce surIace suction and do not allow to dry out beIore applying plaster,
backings or screeds. Rendering coats, backings and screeds are to be
thoroughly roughened to provide key Ior Iinishing coats and tiles and are to be
wetted as above.
12.21. Mixing oI Materials
All materials shall be thoroughly mixed in the proportions described. Gauge
boxes shall be thoroughly cleaned aIter each mix. All mixing to be executed
on a proper bunker and this and the tools are to be kept in a perIectly clean
condition. No re-mixing will be allowed. All hardened or partially set
materials must be discarded.
12.22. Thicknesses
All thicknesses stated Ior in-situ Iinishings, screeds, etc., are nominal and the
Contractor is to include in his prices Ior extra labour and materials occasioned
in indentations and structural tolerances in the bases. Notwithstanding the
above the thickness oI two coat work, irrespective oI the type oI plaster on
solid backgrounds, should not exceed 13 mm.
12.23. Internal Wall Plastering
All internal plastering shall be two coat work and carried out in accordance
with B.S.5492.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
a. Cement Sand Mixes
The mix shall consist oI 1 part cement to 3 parts sand by volume and
Iinished with a wood Iloat Iinish. Lime putty may be added with the
approval oI the Company Representative to improve the working
qualities oI the mix in the proportion oI not more than one quarter part
oI the cement by volume. Each coat should be allowed to dry
thoroughly beIore the application oI another.
b. Lightweight Gypsum Plaster
The under coat shall be bonding plaster 11mm thick and the Iinishing
coat shall be Iinish plaster 2mm thick.
12.24. Dense Screeds
The mix proportions by weight consist oI 1 part cement and 2 parts oI Iine
aggregate and two parts oI 10 mm aggregate. Water is to be kept to a
minimum but suIIicient to allow adequate compaction. Screed shall be laid in
bays, as approved by the Company Representative beIore starting the work.
On hardened bases the bays shall not exceed 10 m
. In monolithic
construction the bays shall not exceed 20 m
. Joints in screeds shall coincide
as nearly as possible with joints in the base. The surIace is to be Iinished at
the required level and to suit the Iloor Iinish. Screeds are to be cured Ior 7
days and protected until the laying oI the Iloor Iinish. No moisture sensitive
Iloor Iinish shall be laid until a reliable moisture test shows that the screed is
suIIiciently dry to receive the covering.
All in accordance with C.P.202 and C.P.204.
12.25. Lightweight Screeds
Lightweight screeds shall be composed oI approved lightweight material and
shall be mixed in proportions as speciIied and recommended by the
manuIacturer with due approval Irom the company Representative.
12.26. External Rendering
External rendering shall be carried out in accordance with B.S.5262. The
rendering shall be in two coats to a Iinished thickness oI 13mm. The Iloating
and setting coats shall comprise one part cement and three parts sand by
volume and the surIace oI the setting coat shall be Iinished with a wood Iloat.
To avoid cracking, the rendering is not to be trowelled excessively and is to be
kept damped down Ior about ten days aIter application. The materials must
not be mixed with more water than is necessary to arrive at a suitable
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Rendering shall not be carried out in direct sunlight. Applied rendering shall
be protected Irom drying winds and shall be damped down to prevent
excessive drying.
12.27. Tyrolean Rendering
The areas requiring a 19mm Tyrolean Iinish are to be rendered in two coats oI
cement and sand (1:4) with a textured Iinishing coat. The undercoat will be
13mm thick as previously described. The textured Iinishing coat will be
produced by using ready mixed material and water in accordance with the
manuIacturer`s instructions and applied with an approved hand operated
Tyrolean or similar machine or with a cement gun operated by compressed air.
The coat is to be built up in two layers to a total thickness oI 6mm to produce
an approved honey combed texture. The rendering to be cured Ior at least
seven days.
12.28. Marble Terrazzo Tiles and Units
Terrazzo tiles and units shall be thoroughly soaked in water and drained oII so
that no Iree water remains on the structure and all tiles to be bedded, jointed
and pointed in cement and sand (1:3) with straight joints both ways. All stains
are to be careIully removed. Terrazzo tiles or units shall be ground with
machine and polished aIter laying. Marble tiles to be polished on completion.
Sand bedding shall not be used under marble or terrazzo tiles and units.
Where Iull tiles cannot be used, tiles shall be cut by power tools to the
required sizes and shape and edges rubbed smooth. On completion tiles shall
be washed with hot sweet water and soap and polished.
All in accordance with C.P.202.
12.29. In-Situ Terrazzo
The Contractor is to take great care in mixing the terrazzo in order to get
uniIormity. The chippings should Iirst be thoroughly mixed, then the coloured
cement added and the whole blended together whilst dry. Care is to be taken
to avoid separation oI the larger chippings by gravitation. The background
should be sound with a clean, rough surIace to Iorm a good key.
AIter application the terrazzo must be properly matured under damp
conditions to obtain the polish. The Iirst grinding with coarse carborundum
brick or disc should be carried out about three days aIter laying, and a good
supply oI water should be used in this grinding. AIter the grinding the whole
area must be scrubbed with water to remove the slurry caused by the whole
area must be scrubbed with water to remove the slurry caused by the grinding.
All pores and holes are then grouted with the Iine mixture (previously reserved
Irom the original mix). The second grinding, aIter a treatment to be repeated
until the required polish is obtained. The whole is then to be washed with hot
water and pure soIt soap and when dry treated with wax.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All in accordance with C.P.204.
12.30. Laying oI PVC Eloor Tiles
PVC tiles shall be laid over a screed oI a total thickness oI 50mm including
tile thickness. The screed shall consist oI a dense (1:3) mortar mix applied on
perIectly clean concrete surIaces, soaked with water and covered with a grout
to ensure a good bond. The screed shall be perIectly Ilat to prevent any
irregularities showing in the tiling Iace. Screed shall be cured Ior a minimum
oI seven days. Room temperature oI the area where tiles are to be laid shall be
maintained at 20
C prior to and aIter laying tiles Ior at least 48 hours.
PVC tiles shall be bedded in polyvinyl chloride binder on dry surIace oI
screed applied according to the instructions oI the manuIacturers oI tiles at the
recommended rate. Hot welding oI tile joints shall be carried out according to
recommendations oI the tile manuIacturers.
Dampness oI surIaces in contact must be prevented during tiling.
12.31. Laying oI Quarry Eloor Tiles
Quarry tiles shall be laid on top oI a screed described hereinabove, oI a
predetermined level such that total thickness oI screed, bonding layer and tiles
shall be 50mm. The quarry tiles shall be thoroughly soaked in water Ior a
minimum oI twenty Iour hours beIore laying.
Tiles are to be bedded in (1:3) cement sand mortar with addition oI approved
Tiles shall be laid with 2mm open joints using spacers to ensure uniIormity.
Joints shall be neatly raked beIore mortar has set to a depth oI 3mm and
pointed in cement on completion.
Eaces oI tiles shall be cleaned immediately aIter laying and beIore the mortar
sets (with sand or saw dust).
Walking on tiles shall not be allowed Ior Iive days aIter laying.
Tiles shall be laid either Ilat or to a slope as directed by the Company
All in accordance with C.P.202.
12.32. Laying oI Glazed Wall Tiles
Wall tiling shall be carried out in accordance with B.S. 5385.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Cement and sand (1:3 nominal mix) screed 10mm thick shall be laid as base
Ior wall tiling. The surIace oI screed shall be scratched in an approved
manner, when nearly set, to Iorm key. The surIace oI the screed shall be well
wetted beIore the tiling is applied. Screed shall be cured Ior Iive days beIore
starting application oI tiling.
All tiles shall be immersed in clean demineralised water Ior twenty Iour hours
and all surplus water drained oII beIore bedding. Tiles shall be bedded solid
in cement and sand mortar (1:3) not less than 6mm thick or approved
proprietary tile adhesive, used in accordance with the manuIacturer`s
instructions, to a true plane with continuous vertical and horizontal joints oI
1.5mm Iormed by use oI spacers, and pointed in neat white cement mortar or
other approved proprietary waterprooI tile grouting mix used in accordance
with manuIacturer`s instructions. Any mortar on the Iace oI the tiles shall be
wiped oII with a damp cloth beIore setting.
Where tiling abuts wood or metal Irames or other tiling at angles and around
pipes, it shall be careIully cut and Iitted to Iorm a close neat joint.
Open irregular joints Iilled with cement and sand or plaster shall not be
Special tiles shall be used at corners, junctions and ends, at no extra cost.
12.33. Suspended Ceilings
Suspended ceilings shall be executed in accordance with C.P. 290.
Suspended ceilings shall be constructed in accordance with the details
supplied by the manuIacturer and approved by the Company Representative.
The grid shall be constructed to a true level and to produce a perIect alignment
oI the joints truly parallel to the building lines, and completely Iree Irom
waviness. Only experienced artisans shall be allowed to perIorm any oI the
duties oI putting up the suspending ceiling works in all its phases.
Metallic grid hangers and Iixing accessories, shall be oI the shapes and sizes
recommended by the suspended ceiling manuIacturer and meeting the
approved method oI installation.
All Ierrous and steel parts shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance with
Design oI the grid system shall be Ior a concealed or a lay-in type grid. The
ceiling shall be oI such design as to permit an easy removal oI panels Ior
access to the engineering services Ior inspection and maintenance. Special
access hatches shall be provided Ior in the design.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Access hatches shall be provided to give unimpeded access Ior inspection at a
central location with each separate ceiling void.
Special access hatches as required shall be provided next to air conditioning
and ventilation units and wherever required by the Company Representative.
Mounting details shall be supplied Ior the surrounding edge oI lighting
Iixtures and air inlets and outlets and edge oI ceiling.
All works shall be delivered sound and clean satisIying all the requirements oI
easy access to the engineering services as required by the Company
12.34. Natural Stone Cladding
Natural stone cladding shall be executed in accordance with C.P. 298.
12.35. External Ceramic Wall Tiles and Mosaics
External ceramic wall tiling and mosaics shall be executed in accordance with
B.S. 5385.
13.1. Clear Eloat or Polished Plate Glass
Clear Iloat or polished plate glass shall comply with B.S. 952 Part 1 M Table
1. The thickness shall be 6mm or as speciIied.
13.2. Clear Sheet Glass
Clear sheet glass shall comply with B.S. 952 Part 1 M Table 2 Ordinary
Glazing Quality. The thickness shall be 4mm or as speciIied.
13.3. Cast Glass
Cast glass shall comply with B.S. 952 Part 1 M Table 3. The thickness shall
be 4mm or as speciIied.
13.4. Wired Glass
Wired glass shall comply with B.S. 952 Part 1 M Table 4. The thickness shall
be 6mm or as speciIied.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
13.5. Tinted Glass
Tinted glass Ior glazed openings shall be 6mm tinted saIety glass or as
13.6. Mirrors
The glass shall be 6mm thick silvering quality Iloat glass silvered one side,
copper backed, varnished and painted. Edges oI mirrors shall be bevelled.
13.7. Putty
Linseed oil putty Ior glazing to wood shall comply with B.S. 544 tropical
Putty Ior glazing to metal windows shall be an approved tropical grade mastic
putty used in accordance with the manuIacturer`s instructions and
recommended by the window manuIacturer.
13.8. Glazing Strips
Shall be neoprene oI the shape and size to suit the Irame.
13.9. General
All glass shall be Iree Irom all deIects and to uniIorm thickness, delivered to
site in proper containers with the maker`s name, guarantee, type oI glass,
thickness or weight oI glass attached to the containers.
13.10. Preparation
BeIore beginning any work, the Contractor shall measure and inspect Irames
to receive glazing to determine that other trades have completed preparatory
work and that sash and Irames are ready to receive his materials.
Erames and sashes shall be adjusted, plumbed, and squared. All rivets,
screws, bolts, nail heads, welds, and other projections shall be Iinished Ilush in
the glazing rebates. All corners and intersections shall be sealed and
Opening sashes shall be Iastened and kept closed until glazing compounds,
except non-setting type, have cured or set.
SurIaces to receive glazing materials shall be Iee oI dirt, dust, grease, oil and
other Ioreign materials, and shall be painted or sealed, beIore glazing work is
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Do not begin glazing work until all cleaning and repairing oI surIaces has been
Aluminium glazed Irames requiring dry glazing method shall be glazed in
accordance with the screen manuIacturer`s written speciIication.
Cut glass accurately to Iit openings. Sizes oI glass indicated on the drawings
are approximate only, and the actual sizes required shall be determined by
measuring on site the Irames to receive the glass. Size glass to permit required
clearances around Iull perimeter oI glass.
13.11. Glazing
The glass to be cut to sizes with proper clearance and to be well back puttied,
sprigged Ior timber rebates or pegged Ior metal rebates and neatly Iront
puttied. Putty must not appear above the sight lines. Glass to all windows and
doors (except bathrooms and W.C.) shall be clear sheet glass Ior panes up to
and including 0.50m
and Iloat glass Ior panes over 0.50m
. Glass to
bathrooms and W.C.`s shall be an approved obscured glass or as speciIied.
Glass shall be Iitted in accordance with C.P.152.
Glass panes over 0.10m
in metal windows Ior putty glazing shall be secured
by means oI spring glazing clips Iixed in the preIormed holes.
Georgian wired glass shall have the wiring aligned vertically and horizontally
one or both ways to adjacent glazed panels.
13.12. Mirrors
Mirrors shall be Iixed with rubber sleeves and chromium plated domeheaded
screws into prepared plugs let into walls.
13.13. Beads and Wash-leather
Glass to doors and screens and other places subject to vibration or as directed
by the Company Representative shall be bedded in wash leather and Iixed with
beads. Where so speciIied the beads shall be Iixed with brass cups and
screws. The Contractor shall allow Ior taking out and reIixing beads as
13.14. Protection
All glass shall be protected Irom damage until practical completion oI the
building and iI glass is broken or deIective it shall be removed and replaced
with the speciIied type.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Plaster, mortar, paint, excess sealant, putty etc. or any other material shall be
removed immediately aIter contact with the glass and shall not be permitted to
collect or remain on the glass surIace.
Remove all labels, excess glazing compounds, stains, and spots Irom glass on
completion oI glazing.
Remove all rubbish and debris Irom the site and the end oI each day`s work.
Clean compound smears and stains Irom adjacent surIaces as the work
At the completion oI the entire project, all glass surIaces shall be thoroughly
cleaned and washed to the satisIaction oI the Company Representative.
14.1. Generally
Wherever possible all primers, undecorating and Iinishing paints shall be
obtained Irom one manuIacturer approved by the Company Representative.
Primers shall be those appropriate Ior the various kinds oI building materials
to which they are applied and shall be as recommended by the manuIacturer.
Paints are to be used exactly as received in the sealed cans Irom the
manuIacturer in accordance with the manuIacturers` instructions. The
addition oI thinners, dryers or other materials will only be permitted when
specially required by the manuIacturer and approved by the Company
Representative. The type oI additive and the proportions Ior use shall be as
recommended by the manuIacturer.
Materials are to be thoroughly stirred in the original containers and must be
used as delivered, not adulterated in any way or mixed with diIIerent types or
brands and shall be applied in accordance with the manuIacturers` written
The Company Representative shall be at liberty to take samples Ior the
purpose oI test analysis.
The Tenderer shall allow in his prices Ior the extra cost where small quantities
only oI a particular type or colour oI materials are required.
Undercoatings shall be those recommended by the paint manuIacturer as
appropriate Ior the Iinishing coat used.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Upon acceptance oI his tender the Contractor shall submit in writing to the
Company Representative Ior his approval.
a. The name oI the approved paint manuIacturer whose products he
proposes to use.
b. The brand names or trade descriptions oI the proposed paints.
14.2. Knotting
Knotting shall comply with B.S. 1336.
14.3. Stopping
Stopping Ior plasterwork shall be an approved plaster or plastic based Iiller.
Stopping Ior asbestos cement and asbestos based insulating board shall be a
composition oI asbestos Iiller and cement.
Stopping Ior woodwork shall be a composition oI white lead, whiting and gold
size reduced iI necessary to kniIing consistency with white spirit or turpentine
or an approved proprietary Iiller.
Stopping Ior clear Iinished woodwork shall be as last but tinted to match the
surrounding timber.
14.4. Primers
Priming to woodwork shall be a low lead based priming paint complying to
B.S. 5358 or aluminium sealer to B.S. 4756.
Priming to steelwork shall be an approved brand oI red oxide.
Priming Ior galvanised, zinc or aluminium surIaces shall be calcium plumbate
priming paint complying to B.S. 3698.
Eor plaster, concrete, blockwork, ceiling boards etc. an alkali resisting priming
paint shall be used.
14.5. Undercoating
Shall be an approved system as manuIactured by Messrs International,
Hempel or Leigh.
14.6. Einishing Paints
Shall be an approved system as manuIactured by Messrs International,
Hempel or Leigh.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
14.7. Emulsion Paint
Emulsion Paint shall be 'Tropaline matt washable emulsion as manuIactured
by Hempel or equal approved.
14.8. Tyrolean Paint
Tyrolean paint shall be 'Tropaline exterior emulsion as manuIactured by
Hempel or equal approved.
14.9. Bituminous Paint
Black bituminous paint shall comply with B.S. 3416 Type 1 Ior general use.
14.10. Sundries
Turpentine shall comply with B.S. 244 and 290.
White spirit shall comply with B.S. 245.
Paper hanging paste shall comply with B.S. 3046.
Colours Ior paint shall comply with B.S. 4800.
14.1. Paint Generally
Paint shall show easy brushing, good Ilowing, spreading and leveling
properties. These properties will be demonstrated on test specimens at the
request oI the Company Representative. Coats that have any noticeable pull
under a large brush and that show poor or Iair spreading and Ilowing
properties will not be acceptable.
Paint shall dry to a uniIorm, smooth, gloss appearance under ordinary
conditions oI illumination and wearing. There shall be no laps, skips, high-
lighted spots or brush marks. Tinted paints shall dry to a uniIorm colour.
Recoating oI a previously painted surIace shall produce no lighting, soItening
or other Iilm irregularities.
All materials shall be kept in a clean, dry store so as to minimise exposure to
extremes oI temperature.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
14.12. Acceptable oI SurIaces
BeIore proceeding with the application oI Iinishes the Contractor shall inspect
all surIaces and determine that they are in proper condition to receive
The starting oI painting operations will be construed as acceptance oI such
surIaces as being satisIactory and any deIects in work resulting Irom such
accepted surIaces shall be corrected by the Contractor.
All spaces shall be swept clean and all surIaces dried beIore painting is started.
All dust, dirt, plaster, grease and other extraneous matter aIIecting the Iinish oI
work shall be removed. Eoreign matter on surIaces shall be removed.
14.13. Preparation oI SurIaces
No Iinish shall be applied where room temperature is below 15
Woodwork to be painted shall be cleaned down to remove dirt, grease etc.
rubbed down or scraped smooth and dusted oII. Knots and resinous areas
shall be coated with knotting and allowed to harden beIore priming. When the
primer is hard all cracks, nail holes, open joints and other imperIections shall
be made good with stopping. When this stopping is hard the surIaces shall be
rubbed down overall and all dust removed.
Woodwork to receive a clear Iinish shall be cleaned down to remove dirt,
grease, etc. rubbed down or scraped smooth and dusted oII. In the case oI teak
the surIaces shall be cleaned with white spirit to remove Iree oil. The Iirst
coat oI clear primer shall be applied in accordance with the manuIacturer`s
instructions and allowed to dry. Any necessary making good shall then be
carried out with a Iiller suitable Ior the type oI Iinish or with stopping suitably
tinted, rubbed down overall and all dust removed.
Priming paint on joinery shall be applied on site aIter the Company
Representative has approved the joinery and beIore it is Iixed. All items
Iabricated oII site shall be primed in the Iactory. All woodwork shall be
primed all around beIore Iixing. Items oI carpentry work, such as ends oI rooI
timbers, which are to be built into walls shall Iirst be treated with two coats
approved preservative.
Asbestos cement and asbestos based insulating board surIaces to be painted
shall have plaster or mortar splashes and the like careIully removed by
scraping; any oil or grease shall be removed with white spirit; all holes shall
be stopped and surIaces brushed down to remove dust and loose materials.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Plastered, rendered, concrete block and brick surIaces to be painted shall have
plaster or mortar splashes and the like careIully removed by scraping or by the
use oI dilute hydrochloric acid. Holes and cracks etc. shall be stopped and
allowed to dry out thoroughly and all surIaces cleaned down to remove dust
and loose materials. In addition all traces oI mould oil shall be removed Irom
concrete surIaces by scrubbing with sweet water and detergent and rinsing
with clean sweet water. Any eIIlorescence shall be removed by wiping Iirst
with a dry, coarse cloth and then with a damp cloth, the surIace then being leIt
Ior Iorty eight hours to see iI the salts reappear; painting should not be
attempted until eIIlorescence has ceased. Oil paint on plastered or rendered
surIace will not be allowed unless the coat or alkali resisting priming paint,
which shall be applied by brush and allowed a minimum period oI twenty Iour
hours in which to harden thoroughly and a period oI at least twenty Iour hours
in which to harden thoroughly and a period oI at least twenty Iour hours, or
longer iI necessary, shall be allowed between subsequent coats.
Galvanised and zinc surIaces shall be cleaned to remove grease and dirt beIore
priming. Where rusting has occurred through damage to the galvanising, such
rust shall be removed by wire brushing back to clean metal and the
galvanising made good with a rust inhibiting agent. The surIace shall then be
treated with one coat oI mordant solution and one coat oI calcium chromate
priming paint.
Primed metal surIaces shall be examined to ascertain that the priming paint is
hard, Iirmly adhering and in good condition. II not satisIactory the priming
paint shall be removed and the surIaces cleaned to remove rust, and reprimed.
II the condition oI the priming paint is satisIactory, the surIaces shall be
cleaned to remove grease and dirt, minor damage to the priming paint being
made good with red lead oxide priming paint aIter removal oI rust.
Unprimed and ungalvanised, surIaces shall be cleaned to remove grease and
dirt, and gritblastered to SA 2 to remove all rust and scale beIore applying a
red lead oxide priming paint.
Priming paint shall be brushed well into the surIace and shall be allowed to
dry and harden thoroughly beIore the application oI subsequent coats.
Items oI steelwork such as Irames to roller shutters, covers to expansion joints
etc., which are to be built into walls shall Iirst be primed.
Copper, lead, aluminium and brass pipework shall have the surIaces slightly
abraided with glasspaper and white spirit or similar solvent and wiped clean.
No priming paint will be necessary, the surIaces being Iinished in two coats oI
glass paint.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
All scratches, cuts, cracks and abrasions in cement plaster surIaces shall be cut
out as required, then Iilled with approved patching cement or plastic based
Iiller Ilush with adjoining surIaces and when dry shall be sanded and sealed
beIore application oI priming coat.
The Contractor shall touch-up Iinished coats oI Iactory Iinished items that
become damaged beIore completion oI the building. Sand damaged areas
smooth and apply speciIied primer beIore applying Iinishing coat. Where spot
touch up cannot be done neatly and blended smooth with other Iinish material,
repaint the entire surIace or panel as approved by the Company
14.14. Quality oI Work
All painting and Iinishing shall be careIully done and leIt perIect. No paint
spots shall be leIt on glass, hardware or other Iinished work. All materials
shall be applied by skilled tradesmen and all paint shall be evenly spread and
thoroughly brushed out. Einished surIaces shall be uniIorm in gloss, Iinish
and colour and shall be Iree Irom brush marks. The applicator shall properly
prepare all surIaces beIore painting by cutting, stopping, Iilling, etc., to ensure
smooth and uniIorm surIaces.
All cutting to line and all lines oI demarcation between paints or ability to
produce Iirst class work with same will be entertained aIter the contract is
BeIore application, material in containers shall be thoroughly stirred, unless
otherwise directed by the manuIacturer oI the paint used, to ensure uniIormity
oI colour and mass, and all paint skins or other materials which would cause
lumps or roughness shall be strained out. Materials shall be applied without
the addition oI any ingredients and without reducing or thinning except as
recommended by the manuIacturer, subject to the approval oI the Company
The Iinishing coat oI paint to walls and ceilings shall be applied aIter the
completion and testing oI the electrical installation. Any paint splashed on
electrical Iittings switches, sockets, outlets etc. shall be careIully cleaned oII.
Every possible precaution shall be taken to keep down dust beIore and during
painting processes. No paint shall be applied to surIaces structurally or
superIicially damp and all surIaces must be ascertained to be Iree Irom
condensation, eIIlorescence etc., beIore the application oI each coat.
Primed or undercoated woodwork and metalwork should not be leIt in an
exposed or unsuitable situation Ior any undue period beIore completing the
painting process. No exterior or exposed painting shall be carried out under
adverse weather conditions, such as rain, extreme humidity, dust storms etc.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Metal Iittings such as ironmongery etc., not required to be painted shall Iirst
be Iitted and then removed beIore the preparatory processes are commenced.
When all painting is completed the Iittings shall be cleaned and reIixed in
The Contractor will be required to repaint at his own expense any work on
which the paint is Iound to be incorrectly applied. The Contractor shall be
responsible Ior protecting Irom damage the paint work and all other work
during and aIter painting operations including the provision oI all necessary
dust sheets, covers etc.
Each succeeding coat oI priming and undercoating paint shall be suIIiciently
diIIerent in colour to be readily distinguishable.
Brushes, pails, paintpots, etc., used in carrying out the work shall be clean an
Iree Ioreign matter. They shall be thoroughly cleaned beIore being used Ior
diIIerent types or classes oI materials.
The use oI kerosene (paraIIin) in painting work is EORBIDDEN and its use by
workmen as thinners or Ior cleaning brushes etc. must be prevented by the
Contractor. All paintwork that is contaminated by kerosene will be rejected
and must be removed and repainted according to this speciIication.
Primers shall be applied by brush. Each coat oI paint shall be allowed to
harden beIore the next is applied. The work shall be well rubbed down
between each coat and cleaned oII. No priming coats shall be applied until the
surIaces have been inspected and the preparatory work approved by the
Company Representative. No undercoats or Iinishing coats shall be applied
until the previous coat has been similarly inspected and approved.
Remove blisters or other imperIections in previous coats caused by Ioreign
substances or paint skins Irom all painted surIaces beIore the subsequent coat
is applied. All wood and metal surIaces shall be rubbed down beIore Iinishing
and between coats with Iine sandpaper or steel wool, leaving a perIectly clean
surIace. Smooth Iinished surIaces shall be sanded beIore Iinishing and
between coats as required to smooth out rough areas and to assure smooth,
even Iinish. All surIaces to receive paint shall be smooth and Iree oI all
sandpaper scratches, millmarks, and other imperIections, and except Ior coats
applied in shop, shall be inspected and approved by the Company
Representative beIore application oI prime and Iinish coats.
All hidden stained and natural Iinished woodwork shall be back sealed with
one coat oI approved clear sealer Iinish. All hidden exterior painted
woodwork shall be back-painted with one coat oI approved house paint
primer. All hidden interior painted woodwork shall be back painted with one
coat oI approved interior trim primer. Paint or seal edges oI Iixtures, and other
materials where they present an unIinished appearance.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
14.15. Paint Treatment
All surIaces shall be prepared as described and painted as Iollows:
a. Galvanised surIaces:
One coat Mordant solution, one coat primer, two coats undercoating
and one coat gloss.
b. Primed metal surIaces:
Touch up metal primer, one coat primer, one coat undercoating and
one coat gloss.
c. Un-primed metal surIaces:
Two coats metal primer, one coat undercoating and one coat gloss.
d. Woodwork to be painted:
Two coats primer, one coat undercoating and one coat gloss.
e. Woodwork to be varnished:
One coat primer, two coats varnish or one coat primer, two coats
I. Non-Ierrous pipe:
Two coats gloss paint.
g. Concrete, plaster surIaces:
One coat primer, two coats emulsion paint.
14.16. Protection
Eurnish any lay suitable drop cloths in all areas where painting is being done
to protect Iloors and all other surIaces Irom damage during the work.
In no case attempt to paint around Iinish hardware or other items that are
already Iitted in place without removing or proper protection and masking as
may be applicable.
At completion oI work in each area, remove all paint spots, oil, and stain Irom
all surIaces, including ironmongery.
Adequate care shall be taken to protect surIaces while still wet by the use oI
screens and wet paint` signs in both English and Arabic where necessary.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
15.1. Generally
The description oI workmanship and materials given elsewhere are to apply to
this section as iI herein written.
15.2. Clay Pipes and Eittings
Clay pipes and Iittings shall comply with B.S. 65. They shall be oI the spigot
and socket type and shall have approved Ilexible joints to B.S. 65. British
Standard SurIace Water and British Standard SurIace Water Extra Strength
pipe shall NOT be used.
Salt-glazed ware pipe and Iittings with chemically resistant properties shall be
in accordance with B.S. 1634. Jointing shall be in accordance with Appendix
B in B.S. 1634.
15.3. VitriIied Clay Pipes
VitriIied clay pipes shall be 'Steinzeug as manuIactured by Steinzeug
GesellschaIt mbH, and shall be laid strictly in accordance with the
manuIacturers speciIication.
15.4. Unplasticized P.V.C. Pipes
PVC Pipes and Iittings shall comply with B.S. 4660 and shall be oI the spigot
and socket type. The rubber joint rings shall be to B.S.2494: Part 2.
15.5. G.R.P. Pipes
Glass reinIorced plastic (G.R.P.) pipes and Iittings shall comply with B.S.
5480 Part I and shall be jointed with a Ilexible 0` ring mechanical joint.
15.6. Concrete
Concrete used in drainage work shall be as described in 'Concrete Work with
the addition oI an approved water repellent additive.
15.7. Blocks
Blocks shall be as described in 'Blockwork. The use oI calcium silicate
bricks or blocks shall not be permitted. Block shall be either solid blocks or
shall be Iilled insitue with concrete care being taken to ensure that all cavities
are Iilled by continual ramming.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
15.8. Step Irons
Manhole step irons shall be malleable galvanised cast iron complying with
B.S. 1247 type a` general purpose pattern weighing not less than 2155 grams
with 232 mm long tail.
15.9. Manhole Covers
Manhole covers and Irames shall be coated cast iron complying with B.S. 497.
15.10. Granular Base
Granular Base and surround shall comply with B.S.882 in general and in
particular with Part II 14 mm single size.
Size mm Passing
20 100
14 85 - 100
10 0 - 50
5 0 - 10
15.11. Earth BackIilling
BackIilling shall be selected excavated material eliminating hard material
retained on a 38 mm sieve and not more than 15 retained on a 20 mm sieve.
15.12. Generally
The Contractor shall check the levels oI existing drains, sewers and manholes
beIore any drainage work is commenced and shall notiIy the Company
Representative immediately iI the declared levels prove to be inaccurate.
The bottom oI all excavations shall be trimmed and consolidated to the correct
levels. Unauthorized excavations below the required levels shall be Iilled with
concrete oI the same composition as Ior drain beds or approved sand at the
Company Representative`s discretion at the Contractor`s expense. Where the
bottom is insuIIiciently Iirm, the Contractor shall excavate until, in Company
Representative`s opinion, a Iirm bottom is obtained and the level shall be
made up with concrete oI the same composition as Ior drain beds. Care shall
be taken not to undermine the Ioundations oI buildings and, iI so directed by
the Company Representative, planking and strutting shall be leIt in or other
means adopted to protect the Company Representative beIore the work is
covered up, otherwise no claim in this respect will be entertained. Excavated
material shall not be deposited within 0.5m oI the edge oI the trench.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
15.13. Clay Drain Pipes
Clay drain pipes shall be laid with sockets uphill and shall be jointed with one
turn oI tarred gaskin, well caulked, and the remainder oI the socket Iilled with
cement and sand (1:2) Iinished at an angle oI 45 degrees with the body oI the
pipe. All surplus mortar shall be removed Irom the inside oI the pipe.
15.14. VitriIied Clay Pipes
VitriIied clay pipes shall be laid with sockets uphill and jointed with O`
elastomeric joint ring complying with B.S. 2494 Type 2.
15.15. U.P.V.C. & G.R.P. Pipes
U.P.V.C. and G.R.P. drain pipes shall be laid with sockets uphill and jointed
with O` elastomeric joint ring complying with B.S. 2494 Type 2.
15.16. Granular Base and Surround
Where a granular base is speciIied this shall have a minimum thickness oI 100
mm and shall cover the complete width oI the trench. It a granular surround is
speciIied this shall have a minimum cover oI 100 mm all round.
15.17. Concrete Beds and Surrounds
Concrete beds Ior drains shall be a minimum oI 150 mm thick below the pipes
and shall be 300 mm wider than the external diameter oI the pipe and Iinished
to the correct gradients. AIter testing, the drains shall be haunched up on both
sides in concrete to halI the diameter oI the pipe or shall be surrounded with
concrete 150mm thick. Vertical salt-glazed ware drains shall be surrounded
with concrete 150 mm thick. Gullies, shoes, etc. shall be set on and
surrounded with concrete 150 mm thick.
15.18. BackIilling oI Trench Excavation
AIter the pipelaying and granular and concrete work have been completed and
the Company Representative approval has been obtained back-Iilling shall
commence, as described and shall be careIully compacted in layers oI not
more than 225 mm thick above the crown oI the pipe or the top oI the concrete
whichever is applicable. This material shall be rammed manually to the
satisIaction oI the Company Representative and in such a way that the
pipework and any concrete protection is not damaged or displaced. The
remainder oI the trench shall be backIilled with suitable material in layers not
exceeding 225 mm thick and compacted with mechanical rammers all to the
satisIaction oI the Company Representative and to achieve a compaction oI at
least 90 Ior trenches under buildings and 95 Ior trenches under roads oI
the maximum dry density as determined by B.S. 1377 Test 13 or 14.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Each layer shall extend over the whole width and length oI the excavation
beIore the next layer is spread and compacted. The Contractor shall be
responsible Ior any subsidence, which may appear during the deIects liability
period. No work shall be subject to traIIic loads without the permission oI the
Company Representative.
15.19. Pip Supports
Brackets Ior supporting drains Irom walls or beams shall be oI 75 x 75 x 10
mm coated steel tees with one end rounded and turned up and oI suIIicient
length Ior the end to be built in Ior a depth oI 225 mm.
Hangers Ior suspending drain pipes Irom soIIits shall consist oI a pair oI
Iorged 50 x 10 mm coated steel halI pipe saddles bolted together around the
pipe and to an 18 mm diameter coated steel bar oI the required length with one
end Iorged into an eye to receive the bolt, and the other end either split and
Ianged Ior casting in or threaded, with nut and plate washer. Where Iixed
through Iloors the projecting end oI the bar shall be cut oII Ilush with the nut.
15.20. Manholes, Septic Tanks Etc.
Benching in bottoms oI manholes shall be average 225 mm thick laid to Ialls
oI not less than 10 degree to channels and Iinished with cement lime mortar
(1:1:3) with waterprooIer 25 mm thick and trowelled hard and smooth and all
angles rounded.
Manholes shall be constructed in concrete.
Erames to manholes shall be bedded in cement mortar (1:3) and the covers in
grease and sand unless otherwise described.
Provide two sets oI liIting keys Ior each type oI manhole cover and grating.
15.21. Cement Mortar Rendering
Cement and sand rendering shall be 13 mm thick cement, lime and sand
(1:1:6) with an approved water prooIing agent executed in one coat. The
surIace shall be Iinished with a wooden Iloat Iinish.
Eor at least 24 hours beIore rendering is applied the concrete or blockwork
Iace shall be thoroughly soaked with water, and the Iinished rendering shall be
watered at least Iour times a day and kept damp Ior a period oI at least
Iourteen days aIter completion. All arrises shall be sharp and lineable.
When rendering is to be applied to blockwork, the blockwork joints shall be
raked and cleaned out to a depth oI 13 mm prior to applying the rendering.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
15.22. ReinIorced Concrete Manholes
ReinIorced concrete manholes shall have 50 mm thick concrete blinding, 1000
gauge polythene sheeting, 225 mm thick reinIorced concrete bed, 225 mm
thick reinIorced concrete walls, 150 mm reinIorced concrete over slab,
concrete benching trowelled smooth with main and branch channels Iormed in
same. The weighting oI manhole cover shall be given in the Particular
SpeciIication. Step irons shall be laid at 225 mm vertical centers Ior manholes
over 1.20 m deep. All sizes shown on the drawings are internal sizes.
15.23. Generally
All drains and sewers shall be tested when required by the Company
Testing Ior water tightness shall be by means oI water test as described.
Testing shall be applied beIore and aIter backIilling and where possible Irom
manhole to manhole and short branches to a main drain between manholes
included in the test Ior the main drain. Manholes shall be tested separately.
Where there is a trap at the upper end oI a drain run a rubber tube shall be
inserted into the trap to draw oII any air present in the drain until the whole
drain is Iull oI water.
Pipes shall be subjected to a test pressure oI at least 1.20 m head oI water at
the highest point oI the section under test but no more than 2.40 m at the low
15.24. Method oI Water Test
The test shall be carried out by suitably plugging the low end oI the drain and
the ends oI the connections, iI any, and Iilling the system with water. A bend
shall be temporarily jointed in at the top end and a suIIicient length oI vertical
pipe jointed to it so as to provide the required test head. Subsidence oI the test
water may be due to one or more oI the Iollowing causes:
a. Absorption by walls, pipes and joints.
b. Sweating oI pipes or joints.
c. Leakage at joints or Irom deIective pipes.
d. Release oI trapped air.
Standard Specification of Building & Minor Civil Engineering Work
Allowance shall be made Ior (a) by adding water until absorption has ceased,
aIter which the test may be commenced. Any leakage shall be exposed and
the deIective part drained down, cut out, made good and the test repeated.
Slight sweating, iI uniIorm, may be over-looked but excessive sweating
indicates Iaulty pipes, joints or Iittings. AIter equilibrium has been achieved
the loss oI water measured over a period oI 30 minutes shall be within an
amount judged to be a reasonable by the Company Representative and his
decision shall be Iinal.
15.25. Testing Ior Straightness and Obstruction
Drains shall be tested by the two Iollowing methods:
a. Eor Ireedom Irom obstruction. A smooth ball oI a diameter 12mm less
than the diameter oI the pipe shall be inserted at the high end oI the
drain or sewer, and shall Ireely roll down the pipe and emerge at the
lower end.
b. Eor straightness oI run. Insert a lamp at one end oI the drain and a
mirror placed at 45
to the invert at the other end. II the pipe is straight
the Iull circle oI light can be observed. Any deviation or obstruction
can be readily seen.
15.26. Test Ior Manholes and the Like
Each manhole shall be tested Ior water-tightness by plugging and Iilling with
water and observing any subsidence in the level oI water. It is desirable to Iill
the previously tested downstream lengths oI drain with a plug on the next
manhole, to Iacilitate removal oI this drain plug on completion oI test. AIter
equilibrium has been achieved the loss oI water measured over a period oI 30
minutes shall be within an amount judged to be reasonable by the Company
Representative and his decision shall be Iinal.

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