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Contact. If you see any errors in this solution set, or if you have any questions, feel free to email the GSI at Note about problem set 1. Because this is the rst problem set and because its the introduction to formal logic, many questions on this set are of the form write down an x equivalent to y . Theres no intermediate work in such a problemone simply writes the answer down and moves on. This is generally not the case for this course; most problems will ask you to present an argument. On such problems a bare, unsupported assertion of an answer wont suce. Problem 1.1.8. Let p, q , and r be the propositions p : You have the u. q : You miss the nal examination. r : You pass the course. Write these propositions using p and q and logical connectives. (a) p q (b) q r (c) q r (d) p q r (e) (p r) (q r) (f ) (p q ) (q r) Solution. Because this is part of the chapter 1.1, we dont have logical equivalences yet. Thats a shamemany of these solutions could be made to sound more natural by rst altering the form of the logic a bit. (a) If you have the u, you miss the nal examination. (b) You pass the course if and only if you take the nal exam. (c) If you miss the nal examination, you will not pass the course. (d) You either have the u, miss the nal examination, or pass the course (or any combination). (e) If you have the u, you will fail the course, or if you miss the nal exam, you will fail the course. (Note that if we had chapter 1.2 at this point, we could simplify the statement rst: (p r) (q r) (p r) (q r) (p q ) r (p q ) r (p q ) r
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write the more natural sentence you will fail the course if you have a u and miss the nal examination. (f) Either you have the u and miss the nal exam, or you dont miss the nal exam and pass the course. Problem 1.1.10. Let p, q , and r be the propositions p : You get an A on the nal exam. q : You do every exercise in the book. r : You get an A in this course. Write these propositions using p, q , and r and logical connectives. (a) You get an A in this class, but you do not do every exercise in this book. (b) You get an A on the nal, you do every exercise in this book, and you get an A in this class. (c) To get an A in this class, it is necessary for you to get an A on the nal. (d) You get an A on the nal, but you dont do every exercise in this book; nevertheless, you get an A in this class. (e) Getting an A on the nal and doing every exercise in the book is sucient for getting an A in this class. (f ) You will get an A in this class if and only if you either do every exercise in this book or you get an A on the nal. Solution. (a) r q (b) p q r (c) r p (d) p q r (e) (p q ) r (f) r (p q ) Problem 1.1.22. State the converse, contrapositive, and inverse of each of these implications. (a) If it snows tonight, then I will stay at home. (b) I go to the beach whenever it is a sunny summer day. (c) When I stay up late, it is necessary that I sleep until noon. Solution. (a) Converse: If I stay at home, it will have snowed tonight. Contrapositve: If I dont stay home tonight, it didnt snow. Inverse: If it doesnt snow tonight, then I wont stay home. (b) Converse: It is a sunny summer day whenever I go to the beach. Contrapositive: It isnt a sunny summer day whenever I dont go to the beach. Inverse: I dont go to the beach whenever it isnt a sunny summer day. (c) Converse: When I sleep until noon, it is necessary that I stay up late. Contrapositive: When I dont sleep until noon, it is necessary that I not stay up late. Inverse: When I dont stay up late, it is necessary that I not sleep until noon.


Problem 1.1.26. Construct a truth table for each of these compound propositions: (a) p p (b) p p (c) p q (d) p q (e) (p q ) (p q ) (f ) (p q ) (p q ) Solution. (a) p F T (b) p p F T T F (c) p F F T T (d) p F F T T q p F T T T F F T F q T F T F p q F T T F q q F T T F F T T F p q T F F T p p T T pp F F

(e) Reusing our work from (c) above, p F F T T (f) p F F T T q pq F F T T F T T F p q T F F T (p q ) (p q ) F F F F q pq F F T T F T T F p q T F F T (p q ) (p q ) T T T T


Problem 1.1.42. An explorer is captured by a group of cannibals. There are two types of cannibalsthose who always tell the truth and those who always lie. The cannibals will barbecue the explorer unless he can determine whether a particular cannibal always lies or always tells the truth. He is allowed to ask the cannibal exactly one question. (a) Explain why the question Are you a liar? does not work. (b) Find a question that the explorer can use to determine whether the cannibal always lies or tells the truth. Solution. (a) The problem is that every native will respond no to this questiontruth tellers will respond no honestly; liars will lie and say no. (b) Am I an explorer? would do the trick, as would any question about objective reality. (Is that the sun? Is the grass green?, and so forth.) Problem 1.2.4. Use truth tables to verify the associative laws (a) (p q ) r = p (q r) (b) (p q ) r = p (q r) Solution. p F F F F T T T T p F F F F T T T T q r pq F F F F T F T F T T T T F F T F T T T F T T T T q r pq F F F F T F T F F T T F F F F F T F T F T T T T qr F T T T F T T T qr F F F T F F F T (p q ) r F T T T T T T T (p q ) r F F F F F F F T p (q r) F T T T T T T T p (q r) F F F F F F F T

So yes, both associative laws work. Problem 1.2.12. Determine whether (p (p q )) q is a tautology. Three Solutions for the Price of One.. The Boring Solution p F F T T q p F T T T F F T F pq T T F T p (p q ) q T T T F F T F F (q (p q )) q T F T T

so the statement is not a tautology


Another Boring Solution (p (p q )) q (p (p q )) q (p (p q )) q (p (p q )) q p q This isnt a tautologyits false if p is false and q is true. A Slightly More Interesting Solution Suppose p were false and q true. Then p q is certainly true, as is p, so the left side of the main implication would be true, yet q would be false. This would make the overall implication false, so it cannot be a tautology. 1.2.34. Find a compound proposition involving propositions p, q , and r that is true when p and q and r is false, but false otherwise. Solution. If we want p and q and not r, we can just literally write that! p q (r) Since is associative, theres no need for extra parenthesis to establish precedence. 1.3.10. Let C (x) be the statement x has a cat, D(x) be the statement x has a dog, and F (x) be the statement x has a ferret. Express each of these statements in terms of C (x), D(x), and F (x) quantiers, and logical connectives. Let the universe of discourse consist of all the students in your course. (a) A student in your class has a cat, a dog, and a ferret. (b) All students in your class have a cat, a dog, or a ferret. (c) Some student in your class has a cat and a ferret, but not a dog. (d) No student in your class has a cat, a dog, and a ferret. (e) For each of the three animals, cats, dogs, and ferrets, there is a student in your class who as one of these animals as a pet. Solution. (a) x(C (x) D(x) F (x)) (b) x(C (x) D(x) F (x)) (c) x((C (x) F (x)) D(x)) (d) x(C (x) D(x) F (x)) (e) (x(C (x))) (x(D(x))) (x(F (x))) 1.3.12. Let Q(x) be the statement x+1 > 2x. If the universe of discourse consists of all integers, what are these truth values. (a) Q(0) (b) Q(1) (c) Q(1) (d) xQ(x) (e) xQ(x) (f ) xQ(x) (g) xQ(x) Solution. First, note that Q(x) is equivalent to x < 1. (a) claims that 0 < 1. This is clearly true. (b) claims that 1 < 1, which is also true. (c) claims 1 < 1, which is false.


(d) claims that there exists an integer less than 1, which is true. (e), by contrast, claims that all integers are less than 1, which is false. (f ) claims that there exists an integer not less than one, which is clearly true. (g ) claims that all integers arent less than one, which is nonsense. Proclaim 1.3.24. Translate each of these statements into logical expressions in three dierent ways by varying the universe of discourse and by using predicates with one or two variables. (a) Someone in your school has visited Uzbekistan (b) Everyone in your class has studied calculus and C++. (c) No one in your school owns both a bicycle and a motorcycle. (d) There is a person in your school who is not happy. (e) Everyone in your school was born in the twentieth century. Solution. (a) if we take the universe of discourse to be students at Berkeley, and let U (x) be x has visited Uzbekistan, then we could express this as x(U (x)). If we instead take the universe of discourse to be all people, and B (x) to be x is a Berkeley student, then wed have x(U (x) B (x)). Finally, if we let x vary over all people and y vary over all nations, and dene V (x, y ) as x has visited y , then we have x(V (x, Uzbekistan)). (b) Suppose we let the universe of discourse be students in your class. If we let C (x) be x has studied Calculus and CP P (x) be x has studied C++, then the statement is x(C (x) CP P (x)). If we let x vary over all students at Berkeley and dene Y C (x) to be x is a student in your class, then we have x(Y C (x) (C (x) (CP P (x)))). Finally, if we let x vary over all students at Berkeley and y range over all subjects of study, we could dene S (x, y ) to mean x has studied y . We would then have x(Y C (x) (S (x, Calculus) S (x, C + +))). (c) First, let x vary over all people at Berkeley. Let B (x) mean x owns a bicycle, and M (x) mean that x owns a motorcycle. Then the claim is x(B (x) M (x)). We could instead let x we let x vary over all people, and let U CB (x) mean x is a student at UC Berkeley. We would then have x(U CB (x) B (x) M (x)). Finally, if we let x vary over students at Berkeley, and let y vary over all vehicles. Dene V (x, y ) to be x has vehicle y . We then have x(V (x, bicycle) V (x, motorcycle) (d) Let x range over students at Berkeley, and let H (x) be x is happy. We then have x(H (x)). If we let y range over all emotions and let F (x, y ) mean x is feeling y , then we have x(F (x, happy). If we let x range over all people, and import U CB from the previous problem, then we have x(U CB (x) F (x, happy). (e) Let x vary over UC Berkeley students, and let T mean was born in the 20th century. We then have xT (x). We could let y be an integer and let B (x, y ) mean that x was born in century y , upon which we have xB (x, 20). By extending x to range over all people and again importing U CB , we could have x(U CB (x) B (x, 20)). Proclaim 1.3.40. Express each of these system specications using predicates, quantiers, and logical connectives. (a) Every user has access to an electronic mailbox. (b) The system mailbox can be accessed by everyone in the group if the le system is locked.


(c) The rewall is in a diagnostic state only if the proxy server is in a diagnostic state. (d) At least one router is functioning normally if the throughput is between 100kbps and 500kbps and the proxy server is not in a diagnostic state. Solution. (a) Let u run over all users, and let M (u) mean u has an electronic mailbox. This spec says uM (u). (b) Let G(u) mean u is in the group, let SM (u) mean u can access the system mailbox, and let l be the propostion the le system is locked. We now have u((l G(u)) SM (u)) (c) Let s run over all servers, and let DS (s) mean s is in a diagnostic state. We now have DS (rewall) DS (proxy server). (d) Let r run over all routers, and let x run over all possible throughputs. Let T (x) mean throughput is faster than x. Let N (r) mean r is functioning normally. We now have (DS (proxy server) T (100kbps) (T (500kbps))) rN (r).

Problem 1.3.58. Let P (x), Q(x), R(x), and S (x) be the statements x is a duck, x is one of my poultry, x is an ocer, and x is willing to waltz, respectively. Express each of these statements using quantiers; logical connectives, and P (x), Q(x), R(x), and S (x). (a) No ducks are willing to waltz. (b) No ocers ever decline to waltz. (c) All my poultry are ducks. (d) My poultry are not ocers. (e) Does (d) follow from (a), (b), and (c)? If not, is there a correct conclusion? Solutions. (a) could be rephrased as for all x, if x is a duck then x is unwilling to waltz, or x(P (x) S (x). (b) could be rephrased as for all x, if x is an ocer then x is willing to waltz, or x(R(x) S (x)). (c) could be rephrased as for all x, if x is my poultry then x is a duck, or x(Q(x) P (x)) (d) could be rephrased as for all x, if x is my poultry then x is not an ocer, or x(Q(x) R(x). (e) (d) does follow at once from (a) (c): For all x, we have Q(x) P (x) from (c), P (x) S (x) from (a), and S (x) R(x) from the contrapositive of (b). Following the chain of implications, we arrive at (d).


Problem 1.4.6. Let C (x, y ) mean that student x is enrolled in class y , where the universe of discourse for x consists of all students in your school and the universe of discourse for y is the set of all classes being given at your school. Express each of these statements by a simple English sentence. (a) C (Randy Goldberg, CS252) (b) xC (x,Math 695) (c) yC (Carol Sitea, y ) (d) x(C (x, Math 222) C (x, CS 252)) (e) xy z ((x = y ) (C (x, z ) C (y, z ))) (f ) xy z ((x = y ) (C (x, z ) C (y, z )) Solution. (a) Randy Goldberg is enrolled in CS252. (b) At least one student is enrolled in Math 695. (c) Carol Sitea is enrolled in at least one course. (d) At least one student is enrolled in both Math 222 and CS 252. (e) There exists a pair of distinct students x and y such that y is enrolled in every class x is enrolled in. (f) There exists a pair of distinct students enrolled in precisely the same courses. Problem 1.4.12. Let I (x) be the statement x has an Internet connection and C (x, y ) be the statement x and y have chatted over the Internet, where the universe of discourse for the variables x and y consists of all the students in your class. Use quantiers to express each of these statements. (a) Jerry does not have an Internet connection. (b) Rachel has not chatted over the Internet with Chelsea. (c) Jan and Sharon have never chatted over the Internet. (d) No one in the class has chatted with Bob. (e) Sanjay has chatted with everyone except Joseph. (f ) Someone in your class does not have an Internet connection. (g) Not everyone in your class has an Internet connection. (h) Exactly one student in your class has an Internet connection. (i) Everyone except one student in your class has an Internet connection. (j) Everyone in your class with an Internet connection has chatted over the Internet with at least one other student in your class. (k) Someone in your class has an Internet connection but has not chatted with anyone else in your class. (l) There are two students in your class who have not chatted with each other over the Internet. (m) There is a student in your class who has chatted with everyone in your class over the Internet. (n) There are at least two students in your class who have not chatted with the same person in your class. (o) There are two students in your class who between them have chatted with everyone else in the class. Solution. (a) I (Jerry) (b) C (Rachel, Chelsea)


(c) Here we run into a problem with the vagaries of the English language. If we mean Jan has never chatted with Sharon, this is just C (Jan, Sharon). If we mean that Jan and Sharon have never chatted over the Internet at all, then we cant render the statement, as it requires referring to people outside our universe of discourse (all the other people they havent chatted with not in the class). The closest that we can come is to claim that Jan and Sharon havent chatted with anyone else in the class: f orallx(C (Jan, x) C (Sharon, x)) (d) x(C (Bob, x)) (e) x(C (Sanjay, x) (x = Joseph) (x = Sanjay)) (f) x(I (x)) (g) x(I (x)). (Yes, this is the same as (f ), by DeMorgans laws). (i) xy ((I (x) I (y )) (x = y )) (j) xy ((y = x) (I (x) C (x, y )) (k) xy ((x = y ) (I (x) C (x, y ))). (l) xy ((x = y ) C (x, y )) (m) xyC (x, y ). (Including himself or herself, apparently!) (n) xy z (C (x, z ) C (y, z )). (o) xy z ((x = y ) (C (x, z ) C (y, z ))). Problem 1.4.26. Let Q(x, y ) be the statement x + y = x y. If the universe of discourse for both variables consists of all integers, what are the truth values? (a) Q(1, 1) (b) Q(2, 0) (c) yQ(1, y ) (d) xQ(x, 2) (e) xyQ(x, y ) (f ) xyQ(x, y ) (g) y xQ(x, y ) (h) y xQ(x, y ) (i) xyQ(x, y ) Solution. Q can be simplied by solving and noting that x + y = x y is equivalent to y = 0. Thus (a) is false and (b) is true. (c) isnt true(a) is a counterexample. (d) also isnt truex is irrelevant to the truth value of Q(x, y ). (e) is true at once, given (b). (f ) is trueQ(x, 0) is always true. (g ) is therefore true as well. (h) is not truetheres no x such that Q(x, 1) is true, for example.(i) certainly isnt trueagain, (a) is a counterexample. Problem 1.5.6. What rules of inference are used in this argument? No man is an island. Manhattan is an island. Therefore, Manhattan is not a man. Solution. Lets work it through symbolically. Let M (x) be the proposition that x is a man, and I (x) be the proposition that x is an island. We have x(M (x) I (x)) and I (Manhattan). We start with universal instatiation: M (Manhattan) I (Manhattan). We then use a standard modus tollens argument to argue M (Manhattan) , which is the conclusion.



Problem 1.5.12. For each of these arguments, determine whether the argument is correct or incorrect and explain why. (a) Everyone enrolled in the university has lived in a dormitory. Mia has never lived in a dormitory. Therefore Mia is not enrolled in a university. (b) A convertible car is fun to drive. Issacs car is not a convertible. Therefore, Issacs car is not fun to drive. (c) Quincy likes all action movies. Quincy likes the movie Eight Men Out. Therefore, Eight Men Out is an action movie. (d) All lobstermen set at least a dozen traps. Hamilton is a lobsterman. Therefore, Hamilton sets at least a dozen traps. Solution. (a) is a correct argumentits the same universal instantiaton/modus tollens argument that we saw in 1.5.6. (b) is incorrectit uses the fallacy of denying the hypothesis. (c) is incorrectit uses the fallacy of arming the conclusion. (d) is correctits just universal instantiation followed by modus ponens. . Problem 1.5.20. Prove that the square of an even number is an even number using (a) a direct proof (b) an indirect proof (c) a proof by contradiction Proof. (a) Let m be an even number. Since 2 divides m, 2 also divides m2 . Thus m2 is even. Thus the square of every even number is even. (Universal generalization) (b) Let n be an integer. Suppose n2 is odd. Then 2 does not divide n2 . Since 2 is prime, 2 does not divide n either. (c) Let n be even. Suppose n2 were odd. So, 2 divides n. But then 2 divides n2 (a divisor of n divides any multiple of n). Thus n2 is even. Contradicton! Thus our assumption must be wrong, and n2 must be even. Problem 1.5.70. the Logic Problem, taken from WFFN PROOF, The Game of Logic, has these two assumptions. 1. Logic is dicult or not many students like logic. 2. If mathematics is easy, then logic is not dicult By translating these assumptions into statements involving propositional variables and logical connectives, determine whether each of the following are valid conclusions of these assumptions. (a) That mathematics is not easy, if many students like logic. (b) That not many students like logic, if mathematics is not easy. (c) That mathematics is not easy or logic is dicult. (d) That logic is not dicult or mathematics is not easy. (e) That if not many students like logic, then either mathematics is not easy or logic is not dicult. Solution. Let l be logic and m be mathematics. Let D(x) mean x is dicult, and S (x) mean many students like x. Our assumptions are D(l) S (l) and (D(m)) (D(l)). The former could be rewritten S (l) D(l), while the latter (taking the contrapositive) is D(l) D(m).



By hypothetical syllogism, we have S (l) D(m), which is (a). (a) thus follows from the conditions. (b) doesnt follow from the assumptionsD(m) doesnt lead anywhere, and the contrapositive, S (l) D(m), directly contradicts (a). (c) is equivalent to D(m) D(l), and as in (b) D(m) doesnt lead anywhere. D(l) leads to S (l), but that doesnt get us anywhere either. (d) is equivalent to D(l) D(m), which is precisely the second assumption. (e) Our second assumption is (D(m)) (D(l)). We can rewrite that as D(m) D(I ), which is the consequence of the implication of (e). Since a true proposition is implied by any proposition, (e) follows from the assumptions.

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