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with by Audio Steven




Colli n s

A DVA N C E D STUDENTS OF ENGLISH Yo u w i ll never find a better s e ri e s of books to help you i m p rove your voca bula ry


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A d v a n c e d C o py r i g h t 2 0 1 1

E n g l i s h C o l l i n s S t e ve n

E ve r y d ay

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior consent in any form of binding or cover, other than that it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on a subsequent purchaser. First edition 2011 Montserrat Publishing Illustrations Alex Stead Typesetting & Cover Design Naroa Lizar Redrado Editing and proofreading Gavin Best CD recording Soundmagic Studios CD voices Gavin Best Helen Clarkson Steve Collins Jullian Irvine Alison Jones

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To m y b o y - c h i k , D a n i e l ( D . C . R )

Steven Collins was born in London in 1960. He grew up in Harrow and qualified as a lawyer (solicitor) in 1987, having done a Masters in Law at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He then decided to make a complete change of career and went into T.E.F.L. (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Having lived and taught in Italy and Spain, he returned to London in 1993 to write this book and to open his own school in Central London, specialising in practical English for advanced students. However, in 2008 he retired from teaching to concentrate full time on writing and publishing.

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Book one By Steven Collins

Practical Everyday English with Audio CD

Available at all good bookshops and online stores including Amazon T h i s i s t h e b e s t b o ok on conversational Eng lish a n d p h ra s a l ve r b s I ve ever read. When Im i n t h e U K , I n e ve r go a nywhere without it. Hideki Noda (celebrated Japanese playwright)
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Steven Collins

ADVANCED EVERYDAY ENGLISH Thank you for buying Advanced Everyday English with audio CD, the second book in the Practical Everyday English series. It is an updated, improved and extended (with sixty new words, exercises and a CD) version of More Practical Everyday English, which is now out of print. It is designed in very much the same mode as the first one (Practical Everyday English with audio CD) in that all of the examples will contain vocabulary and expressions you have studied on earlier pages. You will also find many words from the first book, which will give you an opportunity to revise the material. In this second book there is more of what one might call serious vocabulary, but there are plenty of phrasal verbs and idioms as well. The book will be of particular benefit to those readers with an advanced level of English who wish to become (or who already are) interpreters, translators or teachers of English, or who simply want to be able to speak and understand English at a very high level. In addition, people who need to read English language journals or converse in English on a daily basis, either in business or for pleasure, will find it very useful. Once again I have included dialogue and exercises at the end of each chapter, so that you can see how the words are used in free conversation and writing, and test yourself on what you have studied in each chapter. Like the first book, there are three lessons in each chapter and nine chapters in total. My suggestion is to read one lesson a week and then do a revision after finishing each chapter. I hope you enjoy the illustrations too. Audio CD When you finish each chapter, you should listen to the CD of the dialogues, which will greatly improve your comprehension of the words and expressions you have studied in that particular chapter. Dont get depressed if you dont understand everything first time without the book in front of you. This is perfectly normal. Try again while following the dialogue in the book. It is my sincere wish that, together with the first book, you find Advanced Everyday English an invaluable tool in perfecting your English language skills. Good luck! Steven Collins Email For more information about the Practical Everyday English series, visit:

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