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Nurse Licensure Examination December 2 and 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions; mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil number 2 only.

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only. 1. The nurse has determined that c lient must learn by performing the task. This type of learning is charaterisitic of which learning style: A. visual C. tactile B. auditory D. cognitive 2. When completing the nursing assessment, the nurse identifies which of the following as a barrier to learning: A. high literacy C. English as the primary language B. financial problems D. no visual or hearing impairment 3. Which of the following statements regarding stress and adaptation is true in relation to planning health promotion strategies: A. health represents a pathologic adaptation to stress C. sources of stress are always physiologic B. illness represents an unsuccessful outcome to stress D. the inflammatory response occurs concurrently with the adaptive 4. Nursing interventions appropriate for maintaining normal bowel function include: A. assessing dietary intake C. having the client turn cough, and do deep breathing exercises B. providing bedrest and limiting physical activity D. decreasing fluid intake 5. An appropriate care plan for hyperthermic client would include: A. antiemetic administration C. fluid restriction of 2000 ml/day B. axillary temperature measurement every 4 hours D. reduction of room temperature 6. Appropriate nursing interventions for reducing pain due to cellular injury include: A. administering anti-inflammatory agents as prescribed C. keeping the skin clean and dry B. elevating the injured area to decrease various return to the heart D. applying warm packs to reduce swelling 7. A client who has sustained burns over most of the trunk and arms dread physical therapy and resists activity. The client reports difficulty sleeping due to pain and fatigue after treatments. Based on this information, the priority nursing diagnosis would be: A. activity intolerance related to pain secondary to burns

B. altered nutrition less than body requirements related to pain secondary to burns C. sleep pattern disturbance D. pain related to burns 8. The client is being discharged to a rehabilitation unit after a below-the-knee amputation secondary to peripheral vascular disease. Which of the following data would best meet the expected outcome of absence of infection: A. the client demonstrates urinary output within normal limits B. the client reports pain relief from pain medication C. the client demonstrates respiratory rate within normal range D. the client maintains body temperature within normal range 9. Which of the following would be appropriate outcomes for interventions aimed at preventing or minimizing constipation: A. the client eats a high fiber diet C. the client drinks one to two glasses of water daily B. the client avoids physical exercise D. the client maintains a sedentary lifestyle 10. The physician ordered a cleansing enema for a client for upper GI series in the morning. Which of the following solutions is most commonly used: A. normal saline solution C. plain tap water B. soap solution D. fleet enema

11. What would be the most appropriate intervention for a client with aphasia who states, I want a and then stops : A. wait for the client to complete the sentence C. leave the room and come back later B. immediately begin showing the client various D. begin naming various objects that the client could be objects in the environment referring to . 12. To prevent systemic side effects from drug absorption during eyedrop instillation, the nurse should: A. press on the outer canthus of the eye C. have the client close his or her eyes tightly B. press on the inner canthus of the eye D. have the client lie supine a few minutes 13. Appropriate hygienic teaching for nose blowing includes having individual blow with: A. both nostrils open and mouth open C. alternate nostrils open and mouth closed B. both nostrils open and mouth closed D. alternate nostrils open and mouth open 14. For which of the following reasons would a client with jaundice develop the nursing diagnosis of risk for impaired skin integrity: A. jaundice is associated with decubitus C. jaundice impairs urea production which produces pruritus B. jaundice is produces pruritus due to impaired D. jaundice leads to decreased tissue perfussion bile acid excretion 15. In planning for home care of a client with hepatitis A, which of the following preventive measures should the nurse emphasize to protect the clients family; A. keep the client in complete isolation C. avoid contact with blood-soiled clothing or dressing B. use good sanitation with dishes and shared bathroom D. forbid sharing of needles 16. After the physician orders a culture and sensitivity test, why would the nurse instruct the client midstream urine specimen: A. the urinary tract normally harbors some microorganisms B. microorganisms on the clients external genitalia may contaminate the specimen C. the nurse does not want to catheterize the client D. a midstream specimen obtains the largest number of microorganisms in the lower urinary tract SITUATION : The nurse is responsible for teaching preparation for parenthood classes to a group of pregnant teenagers. The 2-hour classes meet once a week for 6 weeks.

17. One client asks the nurse, How is the babys sex determined? I want to have a boy. The nurse explains that the chromosome combination that must exist to produce a male infant is: A. XX B. XY C. XYY D.XXY 18. The nurse has instructed the group about the functions of the placenta. Following the instruction, the nurse knows that a client needs further instructions when she says that the hormones produced by the placenta include: A. aldosterone B.progesterone C. human lactogen D. human chorionic gonadotropin 19. The nurse plans to instruct the group about the placenta and that the fetus obtains oxygen through the umbilical cord. Which of the following should be included in the teaching plan: A. the fetal blood vessel with the highest oxygen content is the umbilical vein B. about 20% of umbilical cords have only two vessels C. a velamentous insertion exists when the cord inserts centrally at the placenta D. a nuchal cord has no protective covering of Whartons jelly SITUATION: A 24-year old primipara is seen in the prenatal clinic for her first visit. She is at approximately 8 weeks gestation 20. The nurse explains to the client that she will need to take vitamins with iron during pregnancy. The nurse suggests that the absorption of supplemental iron can be increased by taking it: A. at bedtime B. between meals C. at the same time everyday D.. with a good source of vitamin C 21. When instructing the client about drinking alcohol beverages during pregnancy, the nurse should include which of the following: A. limit drinking to beer and wine C. drink no more than 1 once of liquor per day B. abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages D. dilute liquor with water or soda before dinking it 22. When the client complains of leg cramps, the nurse midwive suggests which exercise to relieve the cramps: A. sit until the leg cramps disappear C. push upward on the toes and downward on the knees B. alternately flex and extend the legs D. lie flat in bed with the legs extended SITUATION: A primipara is seen in the nurse-midwifes office at 22 weeks gestation: 23. While the client is lying supine on the examination table, she tells the nurse-midwife that she is feeling dizzy. After observing that the client is pale and perspiring freely, the nurse-midwife should: A. turn the client onto her left side C. assess the client for vaginal bleeding B. obtain the clients blood pressure D. lower the clients head between her knees 24. The client tells the nurse-midwife, I hope I dont get varicose veins. What cause them? the nurse-midwife explains that varicose veins are usually due to: A. decrease in normal cardiac output C. interference with venous return from extremities B. increase in maternal blood volume D. constriction in the blood vessel walls in the extremities 25. A 2-month old infant is brought to the clinic for the first immunization against DPT. The nurse should administer the vaccine via what route: A. oral B. intramuscular C. subcutaneous D. intradermal 26. The nurse explains the infants risk of choking when sucking on a propped bottle of fofrmula or fruit juice. The nurse should also explain that this practice predisposes the infant to: A. obesity C. prolonged attachment to the bottle B. dental caries D. prolonged use of nighttime feedings 27. The nurse might use which of the following nursing diagnosis in teaching the mother of a toddler about safety issues: A. activity intolerance C. alteration in growth and development B. knowledge deficit D. impaired mobility 28. The nurse assesses the childs teeth during the physical examination and teaches the mother to : A. brush the childs teeth after meal and at bedtime B. brush the childs teeth with small, soft-bristle toothbrush

C. floss the childs teeth using unwaxed dental floss D. add fluoride supplement to the childs milk three times a say SITUATION: Several employees at a flower shop have preschool-age children. At lunch one day, they decide it would be helpful to meet a pediatric nurse. An employee arranges for a pediatric nurse specialist to meet with them to discuss their children. 29. A mother at the meeting says her 6-year-old seems prone to minor accidents like skinning his elbows and knees and falling off his scooter. The nurse would base further assessment of this child on the knowledge that childhood accidents and more likely to occur when the family A. consists of only one child B. has limited formal education C. is experiencing changes D. has a high economic status 30. The nurse knows that one of the most effective strategies that parents can use to teach 4-year-old about safety is to: A. show them potential dangers to avoid C. provide good examples of safe behavior B. tell them they are bad when they do something dangerous D. show them pictures of children who have been involved in accidents

31. The scholl nurse is planning a series of safely and accident prevention classes for a group of third graders. What preventive measure should the nurse stress during the first class, knowing the leading cause of accidental injury and death in this age group? The use of: A. flame-retardant clothing C. protective eyewear B. life preservers D. auto seat belts 32. As a part of the annual health screening, the nurse visits the 6 th grade physical education classes. The nurse asks each student to bend forward at the waist with the back parallel to the floor and the hands together at midline. The purpose of this is to observe for signs of: A. slipped epiphysis C.idiopathic scoliosis B. congenital hip dislocation D. physical dexterity 33. A mother says that a physician described her child as having 20/60 vision and asks the nurse what this means: The nurse should explain that the child: A. has lost approximately one-third of her visual acuity B. sees at 60 feet what she should see at 20 feet C. sees at 20 feet what she should see at 60 feet D. has approximately three times better visual acuity than average 34. A parent says that her child has hemophilia and she worries whenever the child has a bump or cut. The nurse should explain that after the area is cleansed, the wound should be cared for by applying A. gentle pressure C. a tourniquet above the injured area B. warm, moist compresses D. dressings moistened with watch hazel 35. The nurse should also tell this mother to avoid giving her hemophilic child which of the following over-the-counter medications: A. acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin) C. acetaminophen ( Tylenol) B. magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) D. ibuprofen ( motrin) 36. Some parents ask the school nurse how they can best prepare their children to start school. Which of the following courses of action would be best for the nurse to recommend to the parents: A. have an older sibling tell the child about school B. orient the child to the schools physical environment C. offer to stay with the child for the first few days of school D. discuss school with the child if he or she asks questions about it 37. Some parents ask about food requirements for school children. The nurse explains that compared to the food requirements of pre-school and adolescents, the food requirements of school-age children are not as great because they have a lower:

A. growth rate B. metabolic rate

C. level of activity D. hormonal secretion rate

38. A 5-year old boy is frequently found slapping his little sister. The behavior is probably caused by: A. sibling rivalry C. unresolved oedipal conflicts B. negativistic impulses D. overcompensation efforts of superego 39. The most common characteristic of emotionally disturbed children is that they: A. respond to any stimulus C. seen unresponsive to the environment B. respond to little external stimulus D. are totally involved with the environment 40. Autism can usually be diagnosed when the child is about: A. 2 years of age C. 6 moths of age B. 6 years of age D. 1 to 3 months of age 41. The nurse should observe the autistic child for signs of: A. not wanting to eat C. catatonic-like rigidity B. crying for attention D. enjoying being with people 42. The part of the nervous system that is primarily affected during a fight or flight reaction is the : A. central nervous system C. sympathetic nervous system B. peripheral nervous system D. parasympathetic nervous system

43. When planning activities for a child with autism, the nurse must remember that autistic children respond best to: A. large group activity C. individuals in small groups B. leud, cheerful music D. their own self-stimulating acts 44. When applying mental health principles to the care of any person with children, the nurse should be aware that: A. It is easier to adjust to the first child than to later ones B. It is pathologic to feel anger and resentment toward a child C. Every parent has inborn feelings of love and acceptance for children D. Many parents experience feelings of resentment toward their children 45. An emotional experience in childhood becomes traumatic when: A. the parents are harsh and restrictive B. the superego has not been internalized C. the child is unable to verbalize own feelings D. the ego is overwhelmed by anxiety it cannot handle 46. Strict toilet training before a child is ready will cause problems in personality development because at this age a child is learning to: A. satisfy own needs C. satisfy parents needs B. identify own needs D. live up to societys expectations 47. Many persons who are well-adjusted in ordinary daily living become dependent and demanding when physically ill and hospitalized. This is probably an example of the mechanism of : A. denial B. regression C. compensation D. reaction formation 48. When helping to resolve a crisis situation, it is most important for the nurse to : A. support ego strengths C. meet all dependency needs B. encourage socialization D. involve the person in a therapy group 49. A visiting nurse is following a new mother with a history of heart disease and her 6-week old baby at home. When the nurse arrives, the mother appears tired and the baby is crying. The most appropriate question by the nurse would be: A. Is everything all right? You look tired. B Tell me a little about your daily routine. C. When did the baby have the last bottle. D. :Oh, it looks like you two are having a bad day.

50. When bed rest is ordered for multiparous client experiencing premature labor, she begins to cry and states, I have two small children at home. The nurse should reply: A. : You will need someone to care for the children. B. You are worried about how you will be able to manage.? C. You ll be able to fix meals, and the children can go to nursery school. D. Perhaps a neighbor can help out, and your husband can do the housework in the evening. 51. The factor that would probably be most significant for the nurse working with the family of an infant born with a genetic disorder is their: A. ability to give physical care to their infant B. response to familys and friends reactions to their infant C. understanding of the factors causing the genetic disorder D. ability to talk about problems their infant may have in the future SITUATION: Your are in charge of the Ruyral Health Unit. For your immunization activities, you see to it that you have adequate supply of vaccines. This year, 300 infants are due for DPT and measles immunization. 52. To complete the DPT immunization of the 300 infants, you will need vaccine good fro: A. cannot be determined, no sufficient data B. 600 doses C. 300 doses D. 900 doses

53. The total number of measles doses that you will need for this year is A. cannot be determined, no sufficient data B. 600 doses C. 300 doses D. 900 doses 54. How many vials of measles vaccine are you going to request for this particular group of infants: A. 50 vials B. 60 vials C. 30 vials D. 26 vials 55. The following two vaccines are most sensitive to heat and they need proper storage: A. DPT and BCG C. tetanus toxoid and BCG B. BCG and Hepatitis B D. oral polio and freeze dried measles vaccine 56. The following vaccines need to be transported properly since this.they are damaged by freezing: A. DPT C. Tetanus toxoid B. Hepatitis B D. all these vaccines 57. Your should see to it that measles vaccine is administered as follows: A. 0.1 ml IM C. 0.5 ml SC B. 0.5 ml IM D. 1 ml SC 58. To ensure the potency of vaccines, the cold chain system must be observed. This means any of the following, EXCEPT: A. proper of use of vaccine carrier with the right number of ice packs B. maintaining the temperature of the freezer at 2 to 8 C C. putting DPT and Hepa B vaccine at the body of the refrigerator instead of placing them at the freezer D. discarding vaccines after the specific period of time that they can be left opened SITUATION: The goal of DOH is the eradication of Poliomyelitis in the Philippines. 59. What age group are targeted by the DOH health teams during the knock out polio days in April and May: A. 0-24 months age C. 0-12 moths age B. 0-59 months age D. 1-6 years old children

60 . In order for a child to be classified as fully immunized child ( FIC), he should have received the following immunization before he reaches the age of one: A. DPT, MV,TT, BCG C. BCG, CPV, MV, H-B B. BCG, DPT, OPV, MV, H-B D. OPV, BCG, MV, DPT 61. All vaccines in the expanded immunization program are administered parentally, EXCEPT: A. Tetanus toxoid vaccine for pregnant mothers B. DPT 6 weeks old children C. Hepatitis B to 1 months old infants D. Sabin vaccine given to 1 months old infants 62. Maintenance of the cold chain is very important factor in the transport of vaccines. Which statement is correct: A. vaccines when transported should use the PHN bag with ice cubes B. vaccines when transported should use the vaccines carrier with cold dogs C. vaccines when transported should use the OB bag with plastic D. vaccines when transported should use the OB bag with ice 63. Which of these is considered as the most effective and acceptable measure to prevent poliomyelitis in the country: A. regular check-up of the child in the rural health unit B. child should have OPV immunization for 3 doses at 4 weeks interval C. give oral polio vaccine as early as 9 months D. all of these are correct SITUATION: Miss Navarro is a Public Health Nurse ( PHN) . As such, she participates in the implementation of the Immunization program of the government. 64. During one of the immunization sessions in the health center one child vomited after he was given OPV. Miss Navarro: A. give one drop in addition B. give a booster dose after 4 weeks C. give the child another 2 drops D. refer the child to the doctor 65. PD 996 provides that children should be given the immunization essential for their age. This is otherwise known as the : A. Expanded Program on Immunization B. Universal child Immunization C. Compulsory Basic Immunization D. Polio Eradicational Program SITUATION: Aling Julia brought her 7 week old child to the health center. Miss Navarro should give this child the following immunization: 1. Measles 4. OPV 2. BCG 5. Tetanus Toxoid 3. DPT 66. Aling Julia received her second dose of tetanus toxoid in September 1999. Her first booster dose will be on: A. February 2000 B. March 2000 C. December of the same year D. October of the same year SITUATION: Katigbak family lives in the squatter area of Manila. Mang Jose is a 48-year old carpenter who has been suffering from tuberculosis for the past few months. Aling Rosa, 45 year old, washes clothes for their neighbors to help augment the family income. They have a 22-year-old son, Carlito, who is now married. Carlitos wife, Susan is now pregnant with their second child. 67. Mang Joses present health condition can be classified as : A. health threat C. foreseeable crisis B. health deficit D. stress point 68. In the care of this family, Miss Ferrer, the PHN, utilized the home visit as her method of family-nurse contact. The following are priority groups for home visit:

A. pregnant and under 6 children B. postpartum and morbid

C. morbid and the old D. infants and postpartum

69. If Miss Ferrer is going to visit the Katigbak family, the arrangement of cases will be: A. Susan, Aling Julia, Mang Jose B. Mang Jose, Aling Julia, Susan C. Mang Jose, Susan, Aling Julia D. Aling Julia, Mang Jose, Susan 70. Susan who is now 2 months pregnant, should be home visited: A. once a month C. once a month B. twice a month D. PRN 71. Susan plans to deliver at home. As such, should be home visited: A. because she is high risk B. to find out if home delivery is possible after assessing their living conditiuon C. to motivate her to deliver in the hospital D. to teach her what to prepare 72. In the case of the Katigbak family, the family health nursing approach is applied which : A. focuses on the family as the unit of care B. considers the health of the family as the goal C. utilize nursing as the medium of care D. all of the above 73. Susan is now 2 months pregnant but she does not have any pre-natal check-up. This constitutes a: A. health threat C. stress point B. health deficit D. nursing problem 74. One of the major roles of a nurse in family health nursing is: A. helping the families identify their own problems B. teaching families to be self-reliant C. helping the families cope with their problems D. teaching families where to ask for help to solve their problems 75. For 3 weeks now, Mang Jose has not been able to work because of his illness. Despite this, Aling Julia and the rest of the family tried to make up for Mang Joses inadequacy. They do what Jose is unable to perform in the house. The familys coping capacity in terms of physical independence could be described as: A. inadequate C. adequate B. marginal D. none of these 76. Which of the following steps of epidemiological investigation answers the question: What could have caused the disease: A. testing hypothesis C. definition of the problem B. appraisal of existing facts D. formulation of hypothesis SITUATION: Barangay Balung Bato has the following data: Total population 10,000.00 Live Births 150 Total deaths 50 Deaths from TB 5 Infants deaths 8 77. The Crude Birth Rate ( CBR) of this community is: A. 15 per 10,000.00 population B. 1.5 per 1,000 population C. 15 per 1,000 population D. 160 per 1,000 population 78. The infant Mortality Rate (IMR) on the other hand is: A. 53.3 per 1,000 live births B. 0.8 per 1,000 population

C. 53.3 per 1,000 population D. 15 per 1,000 population 79. The cause of Death Rate for TB is : A. 0.05% C. 0.5 per 1,000 population B. 100 per 1,000 population D. 0.5% 80. Compared with the latest national statistics, this Barangay is said to have: A. increased CBR, decreased CDR C. decreased CBR, decreased IMR B. increased IMR, increased CDR D. decreased CBR, decreased CDR SITUATION: As a newly assigned PHN of Barangay Arayat, you should be knowledgeable about the different concepts of Public Health as well as the various program of the DOH: 81. You have identified the following health problems in the area where you are assigned. Which of thew following would you attend first: A. lack of normal education C. ignorance of community resources B. family planning and poverty D. diarrheal disease and poor environmental sanitation 82. The most common cause of diarrhea among infants is : A. unsanitary source of water supply B. improper human waste disposal C. unhygienic feeding practices D. uncollected refuse SITUATION: Miss Macalintal is a Public Health Nurse who is taking care of the following families: 1. Mang Tomas, 45-year old with hypertension. He is regularly taking anti-hypertensive drugs prescribed by the physician in the health center. His two children are both studying. 2. Aling Poling , 32 year old , is a government employee. She is now a widow. Her two children are aged 2 and 4-year old. She is at present 8 months pregnant. 3. Aling Toyang, 28 year old, has given birth 5 weeks ago. Her husband is jobless. Their two other children aged 3 and 4 year old, both underweight and have no immunization. 83. Since Miss Macalintal cannot attend to all these families at one time, which of the given families should be given priority: A. 1 and 2 only C. 2 and 3 only B. 1 and 3 only D. 2 only 84. All of these families are priorities for home visit. What should be the proper arrangement of cases: A. 1, 2, 3 C. 3, 1, 2 B. 2, 3, 1 D. 3, 2, 1 85. Because Aling Poling is presently pregnant, she should be home visited: A. once a month C. once a week B. twice a month D. PRN SITUATION: Mrs. Lilibeth Domingo delivered a normal baby boy by cesarean section at Moonwalk General Hospital. Miss Prado was the scrubnurse and Miss Vitto was the circulating nurse. After the operation, Mrs. Domingo suffered severe infection of the abdominal cavity due to a forcep left inside the abdomen. 86. Before the nurse will let the patient sign the consent for cesarean section, she must explain the procedure to the patient and this is referred to as: A. formal consent C. informed consent B. individual consent D. honest consent 87. The nurse in the situation above may be guilty of negligence based on the doctrine of: A. Res ipsa loquitor C. Force majeure B. Respondent Superior D. Furza mayor

88. One of the following may also be held liable of negligence under the doctrine of respondent superior: A. surgeon C. scrub nurse B. hospital dministrator D. circulating nurse 89. The patient may file a complaint addressed to the Board of Nursing for the revocation of the license of the nurses and this is referred to as: A. criminal case C. administrative case B. civil case D. election case 90. The life of a license of nurse is : A. 5 years B. 5 months C. 3 years D. 4 years

91. The present Chairman of the Board of Nursing is : A. Aurora Yapchoingco C. Corazon dela Pena B. Remy Dequina D. Eufemia Octaviano The remaining questions refer to your basic nursing skills. 92. Which of the following measures is WRONG when checking the body temperature orally: A. places the oral thermometer under the tongue B. keeps the thermometer orally for 5 to 7 minutes C. wiping the thermometer from the bulb to the stem before placing sublingually D. reading the temperature by placing the thermometer at eye level 93. If the pulse of a client is regular and normal, the nurse: A. should check it for one full minute B. can count it for 15 seconds and the number can be multiplied by 4 C. can count it for 30 seconds and the number can be multiplied by 2 D. can count it for 10 seconds and then add 0 to the number 94. The womans blood pressure is 130/80, her pulse pressure is : A. 130 mmHg C. 210 mmHg B. 80 mm Hg D. 50 mmHg 95. Te nurse visits gravid woman in her home. Before care, she washes her hands with soap and water for how long: A. 1 2 minutes C. 3 6 minutes B. 10-20 seconds D. 10 minutes 96. The most common and effective way of preventing the spread of microorganisms is : A. use of gowns and gloves C. washing both hands thoroughly B. wetting hands with alcohol 70% D. use a pick-up forceps 97. To sterilize sharps pointed instrument at home, the nurse does which of these: A. boiling for 10-30 minutes C. immersion in antiseptic solution B. exposure to air for 1 hour D. exposure to light for 30 minutes 98. To do bedbath, the nurse does which of these when washing the clients upper extremity: A. she starts from the axillia to the fingers with light patting strokes B. she starts from the fingertips to the axillia with firm long strokes C. she starts from the axillia to the finger with circular strokes D. she starts from the shoulders to the axillia with firm long strokes 99. Atropine SO4 gr 1/150 is to be given IM 30 minutes before OR. Available is Atropine S04 gr 1/120/ml ampule. The nurse correctly aspirates and injects: A. 0.8 ml. C. 0.4 ml B. 0.8 minim D. 0.9 ml 100. The nurse injects Atropine SO4 to the left ventrogluteal site. The measure to reduce the pain of injection is to position client: A. prone with left foot inward C. left Sims B. prone with left foot flat D. right Sims

ANSWER KEYS simulated preboard set 4 INTEGRATED COMPREHENSIVE TEST II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. C D B D D C D A A B A B B B B B B A A D B C A C B 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. B B B C C D C C A A B A A C A A C C D D B B A B A 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. D D C B D D C B B B D B B C A B C B A A B D A C C 76. 77. 78. 79. 80 81. 82 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. D C A C B D C C D B C A A C C B B A D C C A B A C

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