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Popular Culture Galore Part 12

I started this series back in 2009. I wrote some articles about this issue for years before 2009 though. Years will past by, but the incorruptible truth remains permanently. Popular culture in 2013 is definitely coming out in a bang. From Taylor Swift's performance in awards shows to Kanye West's rants about the industry, you will never find or witness a dull moment in the mainstream pop culture industry. The dance craze of the Harlem Shake (which is not the real Harlem Shake per se) is coming on strong. Such dances have been around for years, but in these times of economic uncertainly; folks want to let off steam by dancing to uniquely displayed music. There is a generational gap in terms of social culture. The older generation readily feels alienated culturally, because of the rapid, sometimes controversial cultural essence of some in the younger generation. The younger generation seeks freedom and authentic self-expression. Yet, they need to be reminded that vulgarity and the demeaning of males and females in society have nothing to do with trailblazing social awareness. It has to do with bigotry, oppression, and the same nihilism that is found in the corrupt leaders of mainstream popular culture. Some in the younger generation must respect the past heroes and understand that getting checks, having cars, fashion, and other things are not more important than serving the people with love & altruistic justifications. Also, the older generation must not embrace arrogance and

believe that they are superior to the younger generation (via a superiority complex) or believe in the fiction that the younger generation has nothing of value to contribute to the struggle for human liberation. The reality is that we can make the future better than the

past via intrepid action, notorious & awe inspiring determination, and keen insight. The younger generation has the right to thrive to even to do even better than the previous generation. The younger generation should have a chance to express their unique talents or flavor. The older and younger generations have much of value and they should work together as a
team in order to defeat the enemy and all of its devices. Now, either all power is reserved for the people alone or power rests immorally in the hands of the few in the oligarchy. It is as simple as that. Either we will exist in the world with true independence or we will not. It is important to remember another lesson too. Just because you are different, doesnt mean that you are inferior or you merit

ridicule or demonization. Being different is a blessing and differences enhance society. Therefore, you have the right to be out and be yourself fully and without shame. All human beings are created equal. The rights of labor, the rights of all humanity ought to be respected. We always need to execute the momentous good will and tolerance as a means to live up to the real high moral ideals that our ancestors believed and this generation continues to believe in. Liberty and justice should be for all.
Regardless of what generation that we are in presently, the fundamental goals of justice, equality, liberty, and real power for the people are universal goals that we all adhere to. This work will deal with the diversity of popular culture and the modern events of the year of 2013. 2013 is the end of an era and a beginning of a new era of my life. It is end of my 20s and it is the beginning of my 30s. By the end of the year, I will be thirty years old. So many journeys have occurred in my life and I am more mature than when I was in my youth. Young human beings need inspiration not permanent condemnation. We have to learn research, mobilization, and organization in order for us to solve our own problems. When you

become older, you reflect more in your life. You discover ways to develop selfimprovement, your interests may change, and it is noteworthy to mention that you appreciate the diversity of humanity as you get older as well. On the other hand, we have to tell it like it is. Sometimes, the truth can be pleasant full of sunshine and colorful flowers. Other times, the truth cannot be timid or politically correct. Therefore, it is important for us to keep it real in a firm, compassionate fashion. It is also important to advance technology, real economics, real history, science, math, spiritual matters, political strength, engineering, and all legitimate forms of human expression for the human race. Any human has the right to be given fair opportunity in order for that person to experience the pursuit of happiness. We have to learn about how the government really functions with Congressional committees, covert operations, evil acts from intelligence agencies, and other things, so we can fully oppose the evils in government & the corporate military industrial complex. If it rains, you better have an umbrella. When it rains, it pours, so we can use our God-given strength to overcome the rain & storms. Real strength comes from knowing who you are and what you are about (including expressing your true existence without compromise). Change can only come if we make it happen. We have to make real, revolutionary changes occur in our world. I dont have to bow before a piece of cloth as a means to advance jingoistic patriotism and a false version of democracy. I just need to respect truth and bow down to the Lord alone.
Music is creative, diverse, and highly intelligent or sophisticated (since you must know rhythm, cords, keys, and history in order to appreciate real music). You can also appreciate real music without over analyzing it as well. So, I want to make that clear. I have listened to music for decades and music is very potent form of human expression. I am getting older (in June of 2013, I am 29 years old

currently), so musical interests can change. Recently, I have been listening to African musicians, classical music, and old school music. I like the music from the late Sister Miriam Makeba. Miriam Makeba fought for freedom for our Brothers and Sisters living in South Africa. She lived long enough to witness the end the evil of the apartheid system. R.I.P. Sister Miriam Makeba. I enjoy some music from Billy Ocean. I love the musical soundtracks from Mikos Rozsa from Ben Hur, King of Kings, El Cid, etc. This man was a

genius with the classical music iconography. Also, Donna Summers early music has been underrated. Her songs of Lady of the Night, Black Power, Friends, and others are classics. My mother likes classical music too and she like Handels Messiah. She has a CD of classical music. Classical music can calm my nerves and allows me to think more critical about issues or certain parameters of life. Also, this is June is Black Music History Month and I do greatly appreciate the excellent music from brothers and sisters from Mahalia Jackson to the younger generation like Kelissa McDonalds song called Afrika. Esperanza Spaldings song called Black Gold is a great song with a powerful, inspirational message as well (about learning about our heritage and identity as the first humans on Earth). I love Janelle Monaes creativity and unique style. I am definitely feeling a lot of Corrine Bailey Raes music. I respect the brothers making great music as well like Stevie Wonder. That is why we should always remember that music came from the Motherland as a gift to the world and that human music can inspire our souls to act in a more positive fashion within our lives. Without the griots and other musicians from Mother Africa thousands of years, we would not have modern music that we witness today. The drum is one great component of our ancestors. So, I will always love Mama Africa. I will always respect the Creator of the Universe and my ancestors. They give me strength, hope, and inspiration to move forward. Also, you (or the viewers) give me inspiration also.
All of the individuals who participate in music enhance their creativity skills, language skills, and power in forming their own thoughts. That is why art and music ought to be included in any school building regardless if it is in a public or private location. Many great researchers have found occult symbolism, secret histories, and other important facts that relate to Hollywood & pop culture in general. It has been years since I wrote on these issues. It has been a great journey in showing the world the truth. In our generation, new deceptions come about. In 2013, unHolyweird has sent out new movies that either have historical revisionism or glamorize the wickedness of the war on terrorism. Even Speilberg's "Lincoln" omitted the huge contributions that African Americans had in their leadership role in abolishing slavery in the USA. Zero Dark Thirty acted as a campaign to advance torture and Argo was a pro-CIA, anti-Iranian Revolution film (when the US government supported the terrorist police state SAVAK before the Iranian Revolution transpired in 1979). Operation Mockingbird was a real CIA program that tried to allow CIA agents to infiltrate the mainstream media. Today, the current White House wants to support the new CIA head as Brennan when he was a drone and torture architect in the establishment. Django Unchained was a spaghetti film about slavery, which tries to make sadomasochism glamorous (which is sick to say the least) as a means to justify its agenda. All 3 of these films are rewarded by the establishment for the establishment. Secret Societies are controversial. I don't agree with Richard Cassaro on all issues. Yet, he made an excellent point that we should battle against economic inequality and the corporate domination of our governments in a foul fashion. He is right that elite families and select bloodlines control most of the major banks and giant multinational corporations (via nefarious means in hegemony) in the globe. These handful of the richest families gain more hegemony over time and this cabal tries to restrict true spiritual and political information from the rest of the human race. The truth on many occasions is restricted from the masses. The elite want to make a globalized system where human individual liberties are suppressed and true spiritual understanding of reality is highly restricted among the majority of the human family. Now, many movements for change came about in opposition to the tyranny of the Inquisition and theocracy or monarchy. Back centuries; you can be killed in Europe for just expressing a dissenting opinion peacefully about the Roman Church. Now, this has nothing to do with real Christianity. It has to do with some distorting the real teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity as a means to advance a more reactionary, faux religious agenda (which heavily came into being from the Council of Nicea on 325 A.D.). Regardless of if you agree with the wisdom traditions or not, the Catholic Church or any religious body has no right centuries ago to kill folks if they peacefully expressed an alternative political or religious point of view that was in contrast to Romanism. Now, not every secret society is holy or good. For example,

the Skulls and Bones were involved in working for the agenda of internationalists and globalists. The Knights of the Golden Circle were pro-Confederates as well. In our world, elite big corporations exploit the symbolism of the past from pentagrams, eyes, or otherwise as a means to stamp their influence in modern day society. The elite populations
need a fearful, brainwashed populace in order for them to buy their products from cars to genetically engineered food. We know about the 2 party system of the Republicans and the Democrats being ruled by the oligarchy. Even in 1922, John Hylan or the then Mayor of New York City (from 1918 to 1925) admitted an invisible government has infiltrated the nation even in the local or city level of political infrastructure. Even David Rockefeller wrote his Memoirs that he wants an one world system and he is not ashamed of that goal at all. We know how many international banks have been involved in corruption. We understand how some in Big Pharma make it a business to advance not only drugs, but dangerous chemicals in the air, food, and water supplies of the world. One time, Merck and Company had to pull its arthritis drug Vioxx from the market since concerns over its risk of heart attacks and stroke. We know about the interconnected network of large media conglomerates that spew propaganda and deception all of the time, especially during the run up to the Iraq War. Now, as for Freemasonry, the Freemasons are still wrong to have death oaths, to have deception in their degrees, to claim that man can create godhood among some of its adherents, and to believe in other errors. In essence, numerous secret societies believe that the ancient wisdom traditions were a means wherefore humans can achieve enlightenment or basically be like God. The Secret societies believe that life is about us activating the inner divine or eternal self or your inner soul (as found in the third eye according to them). So, Freemasonry is the

revival of the Ancient Mysteries: "The signs, symbols and inscriptions date from...the Sumerian civilizations...Chaldea [Babylon], Assyria, Greece, Rome and even in Mexico and Yucatan...some rites of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of our Mother Jurisdiction have been in existence from time immemorial. For we teach the same grand truths, the same sublime philosophies... as those adepts of the ancient mysteries taught in their esoteric rites." [Henry C. Clausen, 33 , Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council 33 , A&ARFM, Mother Jurisdiction of the World, pp. 5-7, Messages for a Mission, 1971]. The late 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Clausen also admitted that he wanted a New Age in society: "Today we are at the threshold of a new era. All signs point to this fact... We look toward a transformation into a New Age using, however, the insight and wisdom of the ancient mystic. This new world view is emerging because there has been a recent correlation between modern physics and the mysticism of Eastern religions." [Henry C. Clausen, Emergence of the Mystical; The Supreme Council 33rd Degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. ; Copyright 1981 by The Supreme Council , Mother Council of the World]. It is also true that man is valuable. Man is not God, but the Kingdom of God is within you.
The music industry now is still showing the same patterns in fashion. A lot of photo-shoot shows these artists in dual black and white stripes that look similar to the Masonic checkerboard floor. This type of image is shown even by Rihanna in Elle Magazine via the checkered board pattern. It is interesting to note that she has the Egyptian falcon tattoo on her ankle. It is similar to the solar god Horus or one central figure of the occult mysteries. The All Seeing Eye comes from the Eye of Horus. The eye represents the third eye of humans finding their inner soul in order to achieve enlightenment. Big time corporations expose these symbols for their own purposes. In the same photo shoot, Rihanna wears the masquerade ball mask. Such a mask has been glamorized in films like Eyes Wide Shut and it is known practice in ancient occult elite rituals (and parties by the rich elite today in the 21st century). Rihanna also appears as cat woman. Folks like Courtney Stodden in this new generation show images that embodies alter personas and same personalities. She is just 18 years and she is married to a man over fifty years old. You know that they have issues because they went on a reality TV shows trying to fix their relationship. She in one video acts as a cat. Enough said. Stodden's husband appears as her

handler. He has an Eye of Horus tattoo along with alchemical symbols of fire and water (in the upright and reversed triangles). The union of opposites is a key part of the esoteric tradition. The modern world just mimics the ancient world in more ways than one. Now, we live in the latter days. We should not follow some heresies like moral relativism or the view that you can do what you want to do. We should reject legends and false, endless genealogies that cannot save a soul. Only God can save souls. We see the growth of the EU nations and the massive Anglo-American Empire too. Back in 1909, the Round Table Society was formed as a means to try to make the British Empire to rule the world. Even Rhodes Scholars was created by Cecil Rhodes as a means to expand the British Empire as a means to promote the lie of the cultural superiority of the Anglo-Saxon peoples. Rhodes's detailed instructions for his scholarship scheme provided for 60 students from the Empire, 32 from the United States and a smaller number from Germany to be taught and accommodated at Oxford for one year, and so the "Rhodes Scholarships" were born and still exist to this very day. Prominent Rhodes Scholarship alumni include the former US President Bill Clinton, as well as at least 9 senior officials in the Clinton Administration and 11 in the Kennedy Administration, and a few Rhodes Scholars are found in the current Bush Administration. The Round Table influenced the creation of the RIIA and the CFR. So, Rhodes Scholarship came from an imperialist like Cecil Rhodes. These political groups use the Left/Right paradigm too as a way to distract human minds. Dr. Quigley described the manipulation of such tactics over our American political

process visa-via the false left vs. right paradigm: The chief problem of American political life for along time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international(therefore) argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkersInstead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy (Tragedy and Hope from pgs. 1247-1248).

I am doing to do this and refute Bill OReilly again on this issue. Bill OReilly once again want to scapegoat single black mothers for some of the conditions in the black community omitting that most blacks are not murderers, rapists, or imperialists. The critics of Bill OReilly are right. He tries to slander black people (both males and females now) as an excuse to deny the criminal nature of white supremacy. I will never ally with a man that says to blacks go back to Africa if they want reparations. I will never ally with a man that committed perversion in violation to his marriage commitments to his wife. This adulterer has no moral right to judge the black community at any circumstance. He is 6 ft. 3 and I am slightly shorter than him. So, he is no threat to anyone here. I wish that I was on his show, because I will say some words to him to his face like a man. He is a puppet of the FOX News network and the banking elite. Single mothers have nothing to do with the death of Trayvon Martin at all. Single mothers have nothing to do with the War on Drugs or mass incarceration of sometimes even innocent black human beings. Single mothers have nothing to do with racial discrimination and economic exploitation in the USA at all. This liar Bill O'Reilly has omitted that we in the black community has talked about and debated issues of family, the entertainment industry, and other likeminded issues for decades. Trayvon Martin's death has to do with a vigilante and woman beater killing an unarmed, innocent black male. I cannot mention all that I want to write here, because of censors. In private, let's just say that I have colorful words for Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a piece of the work that ignores the need for economic and social justice (not just moral including ethical development) as a means to liberate black human beings. Sociologist Dr. Stephen Steinberg made an excellent article about these issues refuting Bill O'Reilly's lies called, "'Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn't Explain Poverty." In other words, regardless if you are a single mother or not, if you lack educational, economic, and political resources including fair institutions, some (not all) will still suffer in certain circumstances. Humanity is dynamic not monolithic. The Leave it to Beaver stuff doesn't work all of the time. I do believe that any child should have male and female influences though since we are in the human family. We need comprehensive solutions not Eurocentric, theocratic, and reactionary propaganda. Our African culture has been communal. We had grandfathers, cousins, and the whole

community caring for our children beyond just the nuclear family (which I have no issue with if that family loves each other and is real). Ironically, his ancestors were oppressed heavily centuries ago by the same corporate elites that dominate his network today. He follows the agenda of our oppressors. He is a bully. He disrespected Jeremy Glick (who was a grieving son), so that outlines his character. I talk with a masculine voice especially if I want to make an explicit point. If I was on his show, it will be an interesting exchange. Yet, with folks like that, we can thank God that we can never be brainwashed. We can thank God that we love truth and wisdom not dissension or ignorance. He loves torture and he tries to lecture us on morality. On economic issues, he is the like Tea Party activists. We have them beat ideologically as others have mentioned since their intemperate anger outlines insecurity and hatred of any progressive insight.

Since there has been an attack on the black community by O'Reilly and others, it is time to show the truth again. The agenda of the reactionaries is to make the traditional nuclear family God basically (in creating a theocratic culture) instead of it being one great type of family out of many families that can help society. A nuclear family is not the only type of family that can help a child. Blended families are legitimate. Now, we know that there is no such thing as a self-replicating culture of poverty. More than 40 years of the white backlash and recent reactionary words from even some black Americans have caused many to ignore the real system of oppression in the world. The common mantra of blaming the victim is common from Daniel Patrick Moynihan to Bill O'Reilly. Moynihan made the lie that it is black culture not socioeconomic oppression that is causing the ills of the ghetto. The reactionaries hate us since we want racial and economic inequalities addressed as a means to solve this problem. The attacks on affirmative action, voting rights, and the poor have been efforts done by local racists and by the Supreme Court packed with Republican appointees. America has done slavery, Jim Crow, the War on Drugs, discrimination, and uses a judicial system that is racist against human beings. To ignore that is folly. Moynihan made many distortions in his 1965 report called "The Negro Family." He blamed black culture (including the scapegoating of black single mothers, which is an indirect shot at all black women in general) not racial oppression or economic oppression for many issues in the black community. This report has been used as a means to try to derail the pursuit of equality. Racial barriers ought to be attacked. From that time on, any non-nuclear family has been bashed as illegitimate, inferior, and weak (in the realm of an extreme patriarchal culture). We know that many single mothers use a big, legitimate network of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, neighbors, and friends to help raise children. Many suburban nuclear families are not all perfect either. Culture matters and we need to have a strong culture. Yet, culture is never an independent self-sustaining factor in the production and reproduction of poverty. We need to have a real economy where the poor can have jobs that pay a living wage. Many scholars have challenged the notion of culture as an independent, causal factor in generating poverty, and none more effectively than Elliot Liebow in his 1967 study, Tallys Corner. Occupational apartheid is a real danger in our world today. We must end poverty itself not blaming the victims of it for everything under the sun. The lie that the enemy advances is that the poor are victims of their own vices, thus shifting attention away from powerful political and economic institutions that could make a difference in their lives. If those institutions were absolved of responsibility, the poor would be left on their own. Many times, poverty can cause pathological behavior not that this behavior being the essence of an ethnic group or race. Some of the youth are encircled by structural barriers and consequently resort to these cultural defenses, as Douglas Glasgow argued in his neglected 1981 book, The Black Underclass. Liebow had it right when he

stripped away surface appearances and put culture in its proper social and existential context. That is why white suburban youth can have saggy pants, listen to hip hop, and are far more prone to drug use than those living in the ghetto. The reactionaries try to place all single mothers into a single box. While they are at it, they want to eliminate measures that can actually improve family lives like child care funding, paid maternity leave. We need gender equality. That means that we should continue to fight for equal pay for equal work. There has never been a monolithic nuclear family all of the time in human history. Only 9 percent of people in America today live in a nuclear family of 2 married parents with a wage earning father and a full time mother. Families are diverse. All loving, enriching, and real families ought to be respected in the world. In modern capitalism, it claims to endorse the family, but its high work hours, destruction of leisure time, and lax wages harms families in fact. It is the bankruptcy of the system that contributes too many problems in the family. So, we should eliminate poverty and joblessness as a means to solve the problems of our communities. We must have structural changes like real affirmative action, real jobs, real education, and real health. The ghetto is a location and not a state of mind. In other words, the vast majority of those who live in the ghetto are not murderers, rapists, extreme degenerates, or drug abusers at all. We must fight institutionalized racism. We must restore the social safety net. We should end mandatory sentencing, enforce anti-discrimination laws, and have radical political changes in our communities. We must eliminate racial and economic inequalities in our world.

Propaganda and Symbolism

In popular culture, you see some folks talking about it even celebrities. Nicole Scherzinger spoke in an interview with the Independent. She said that the music industry is something else. She talked about what is truly needed to make it. According to her, female pop stars who receive "industry love" must obey orders, forget about their values and accept to be slutty. In short, they must be willing participants of the elite's Agenda. In Scherzinger's words: "To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil". This phrase is often used by celebrities who discuss the industry. Her words are similar to other insiders that talk about the evil, nefarious side of the entertainment industry. It is not a secret that some in the

industry forsake their morals and values they have learned as a child. Some ally with the evil forces the run the music industry. Some turn true spirituality or true concept upside down as a means to adjust to the music industry. Scherzinger has been known for influences from pop and even hip hop. Yet, she started her career as part of the acoustic goth band called Days of the New. Now, she is the opposite of a goth type of person. She said that she had no choice to join her famous all girls band. Nicole said the following: "My first response when I was invited to join was, No way! I come from a strong religious background, and I had a very conservative upbringing. So I was nervous, and confused. Here I was wanting to be Whitney Houston, so why did I have to dress in lingerie to do that? I didn't get it." Nicole Scherzinger said that if she acted more provocatively, she could of achieved more popularity in the music industry. Regardless of how you feel about her, she is accurate to say that the music industry in the mainstream level is filled with divisive agendas and cut throat individuals. There is no doubt about that. In the final analysis, we know about corruption, but individually we have to take accountability for our own actions individually. Collectively, though, the world has many evils and injustices that ought to be opposed at every turn. Individuals with that fame are followed everywhere. You can't go into some placed without paparazzi taking pictures of you. We know that Hollywood and the popular culture have used strange symbols all of the time like the lightning bolts. It is shown by musicians like Lady Gaga and it is found in other realms of Hollywood all of the time. According to Dr. Cathy Burns' Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated book, the lightning bolt is known in witchcraft as the Satanic S. She wrote that the symbol was used by the Nazi SS decades ago. Like with all symbols, there are multiple levels of meaning to them. To other members of the occult, the lightning bolt represent power and life force descending from Satan into matter according to some theistic Satanists. The lightning bolt has been used in the logo for RKO Pictures. The lightning bolt to some outlines the opening of the third eye - or advanced psychical powers (when the chakras are activated). In more ancient times, Zeus is shown using the lightning bolt and thunder as a method in executing his power. It is easy to witness the fact that the evils found in Hollywood is so overt that even

human beings from across the political spectrum has discussed about this issue. For the past years, more human beings are waking up. Not only is religious bigotry, self-hatred, the stereotyping of human beings of color especially, the disrespect of females, adultery, murder, revenge, hatred, and revelry glamorized in Hollywood and the mainstream entertainment industry. They love to show butchery of human beings and really grotesque acts that
advance dehumanization and vulgarity. Many movies show the depths of perverted thinking found in the minds of the elite. Even the movie called the Rapture want to make the stereotype of Christians being murderers and sick individuals. That movie stars Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny. Clint Eastwood directed the Hereafter that blasphemes Christianity. Clint believes in the lie of Austrian Economics and said that he is a libertarian. Yet, he voted for Mitt Romney (a Mormon) who is not a true libertarian at all. Eastwood is known for his disrespectful, mocking act in the 2012 National Republican Convention. Eastwood likes Buddhism, but anyone of any faith would not love the state advancing austerity. Some of the most sadistic, demented folks in the States love unHolyweird since unHolyweird gives them an outlet to express their sick fantasies and thinking in public. Back in the 1980's, Robocop II came about allowing 8 year old kids to curse a character out. Now, this is wrong for kids to do this in schools and it is found for little children to act like this in a movie morally. Today, there is the growth of violent reality shows and other shows that advance no intellectual curiosity. There is much cultural decay in America. We should not be a theocracy, but we have to advance truth in society. Hollywood has been allied with the CIA and the rest of the military industrial complex for decades. That is why the CIA helped to aid the creation of the Dark Zero Thirty film. Even the high level courts are a reflection of the evil system of white supremacy in society. Even a preacher can't use certain words and phrases today that he was able to use 50-years ago. In December of 2010, the Parents Television Council publicized a study condemning television executives who exploit underaged teenaged girls for profit. When you have evil folks and globalists in charge of society, you have families broken up, record economic inequality, jobs being lost, the sanctity of human life being mocked or ridiculed, celebrities being nearly worshipped, token economic gains, record Wall Street profits, and imperialism worldwide. It was the same criminal

international banking cartel that funded the Maafa, Nazism including the Shoah, the Stalinist form of Communism, laissez faire capitalism, and the wicked war on terrorism in

our age. Speaking of the Iraq War, it was a war crime. It violated national and international law. The
Bush administration BROKE THE LAW again and again and again. Jessica Lynch wouldn't have been in Iraq if it were not for the blatant, treasonous, war crimes of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, John Ashcroft and too many others to name. Many Iraqis and Americans were needlessly murdered in not only Iraq, but throughout the Earth. Imperialism grows under drones and other evil crimes. Many Americans have a lot of innocent blood on their hands. The government, which is dominated by corporate interests, does what it wants in our name and without our money. The mainstream media show straight out propaganda all of the time and we have the subsequent right to speak out against these evils. You can't swear allegiance to either the Republicans or the

Democrats when the leadership of both parties is ruled by the same human beings. The CIA, the White House, the Supreme Court, the FBI, Homeland Security, and other agencies have done corruption for decades. Therefore, we should be careful on what we do. There is good and evil in the Universe. There is cause and effect. In other words, if you do
evil, then you will be punished for it. If you do the right thing and help out humanity sincerely, then the Creator God will bless in numerous ways. That is guarantee. Sometimes, you have to take on corrupt power in order for us as the people to have real Power for the people. We have to advocate justice for the poor, for real folks in labor, for the immigrants, and all of our neighbors. The truth is never reasonable to the status quo. It breaks the power of the status quo. Some of my views are not popular, but the truth is not relegated to inherit popularity, but on reasoned information. More occult symbolism is found in the music and entertainment industry even in our time in 2013. Tilda Swinton made a recent photo-shoot with W Magazine. She is pictured in a white and black checkered board dress. The checkered board pattern relates to duality. Masonic ceremonial floors are found in the image of Tilda as well. It has religious symbols of the cross, a group of stairs, and a sacred geometry related image. Tilda is also pictured with one large one eyed image. The Vogue Italia photo-shoot deals with Monarch programming symbolism. It has multiple personas. One woman has a butterfly covering her mouth. Even Elle magazine shows Rita Ora is shown as Mickey Mouse with ears. It is found in other musicians as well as a popular motiff. Popular Culture has changed into many avenues. For the record, I am going to show sources and evidence here without question. That is how I role. Recently, Talib Kweli made interesting comments on this issue of popular culture & the Illuminati. He has a right to his views and this discussion is very important in order for the facts to be known. You know my take on it since I have sources from across the political spectrum to back up my viewpoints. First, it is fair to show what he is right about. He is correct to point out that we should never become paranoid about this issue of the Illuminati. Some folks have a lot of fear and loathing in their lives. We certainly don't need more of that. We need love, but not only

love. We need more courage, inspiration, and hope as a means to fight against any form of injustice in the globe. In the final analysis, we can win and make things better. It is just
that we have to go out and do our part via activism, protesting, educating fellow human beings, working in charities, and working in real, constructive independent organizations that are dedicated to results. He is right to see that many international bankers want neoliberal globalization as a means to make profit and have control over the masses of the world society. We know about the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund being caught up in scandals and controversies in terms of economically exploiting the wealth of Third World nations. We also know that many individuals (who are rich economically and politically) have advocated a new world order system or one world government from David Rockefeller to Bush Sr. That is a fact based on their own words. Here is one quote about it from David Rockefeller: "For

more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud

of it." (David Rockefeller, from his own book, Memoirs). He is right that some who present
information in opposition to the Illuminati are more reactionary. Some of the conservative establishment outlines information about the Illuminati as a means to demonize minorities, progressives, or any form of alternative thinking. I do not agree with that. I believe in exposing neoliberal globalization. I believe in exposing the new world order agenda as a means to awake humanity and not to hate humanity of a certain background. Then, I will show his errors of his comments. Liberalism is not God neither is conservatism. Revolutionary, independent thinking is the way to go. Therefore, there have always been those from across the political spectrum that have talked about this issue and globalization for a very long time. Also, the John Birch Society never explicitly criticized Freemasons. The JBS was influenced by Freemasons and many of their members have been Freemasons or allied with the Vatican. The JBS is still wrong with its slander of real progressive heroes and on other issues. In the beginning of America, many of these Freemason Founding Fathers agreed with white supremacy and the harm of people of color in early America. Human beings here are not demonizing Freemasons. Folks are disagreeing with Freemasonic doctrines, which folks have the right to do in a free and open society. Albert Pike was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma book outline deception shown in lower Level Blue Lodge Freemasons and a lot of spiritual deception. That source is from a Mason directly from his writings without bias:

"A Spirit that loves wisdom and contemplates the Truth close at hand, is forced to disguise it, to induce the multitudes to accept it ... Fictions are necessary to the people ... the truth must be kept secret and the masses need a teaching proportional to the imperfect reason." [Morals and Dogma, p. 103].
Also, Pike mentions more on this view: Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries,

Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it ... So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray." [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5; Emphasis added]
The oath of the First Degree of Freemasonry, The Entered Apprentice Degree, is as follows: From the Masonic source, Duncans Ritual of Freemasonry, by Malcolm C. Duncan: All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same It is truly disgraceful and sad for some to try to justify perverted oaths that talk about murder and abhorrent actions. I will never swear death oaths at all. We will not be intimidated by skeptics or any deceiver. I will not bow before a hypocritical nation at all. There is nothing wrong with a religious human beings wanting morality or peacefully disagreeing with certain secret societies at all. America was the instrument utilized by the white supremacists as a means to take over the resources of North America since its founding. Even Dr. King admits to that. Also, Secret Societies are real and secret agencies are real. There has nothing to do with advancing a boogieman as Kweli says. It has to do with documented historical facts. It is a fact that the Skulls and Bones secret society use strange rituals and has been instrumental in historical events. It is a fact that many Freemasons drink wine out of a human skulls and Freemasons swear death related oaths. It is a fact that the White House continues to advance imperialism and austerity measures then lectures us on no excuses. It is a fact that the mainstream entertainment industry is controlled by corporate power and real citizens have the right to disagree with

the wickedness found in Hollywood. No one sane is saying that Kanye West and Jay Z are members of the Illuminati. What real folks are saying is that many artists in that world are allied with establishment figures like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who love GMO foods, the privatization of education, the hoarding of seeds in the Arctic, a radical population control agenda, and the agenda of the White House who loves militarism, the TSA molesting folks, including Empire). Some musicians are doing the

right thing with a real deal of social consciousness. Others are not. I will not back down. I will not compromise as a means to be politically correct. The system of the elite is wrong and we have the right to oppose it with legitimate action period. Just because someone may
investigate the Illuminati and secret societies dont mean that they are distracting themselves from the real issues (or someone is some Tea Party, JBS radical conservative). We know the real issues about economic, social issues, etc. Yet, Secret societies and any topic have the right to be investigated period as part of the freedom of inquiry and free thought. Globalists and elite political figures have used laws that violated human civil liberties as well. The skeptics will always be refuted by people like me. So, Talib Kweli is right on many things, but I have sources from across the political spectrum to back up my views. Also, many of those in that unHolyweird world demonize conservatives and religious folks not as a means to appear to be true to the cause, but to try to advance moral looseness and a hatred of any condemnation of wickedness found in that mainstream entertainment system (In other words, they do not want to be made accountable for the hypocrisy, evil, and materialism found in that mainstream entertainment industry). How are calling women outside of their names, cursing all of the time, and degrading your own people morally right (as found in numerous genres of music)? It is not at all. See, they or the establishment dont care if some artists glamorize killings, poisons, disrespect of females, and stuff like that. They do care if you understand yourself and advance real change in your communities though. We know that Sarah Palin is wrong on many issues including John McCain.

Paula Dean is wrong for her bigoted words and actions then and recently. Also, the sick comedian Mike Epps is wrong for bashing some members of his own family and Miguel is wrong for his self hating comments too. I have looked at books,
documentaries, speeches, and other avenues from credible sources from across ideological backgrounds to see the truth. At the end of the day, the Brother Talib Kweli should be commended for bringing his views in public. We can have a discourse without hating on each other and without advancing unnecessary fear. Truth will cast out all forms of fear completely.

On a Side Note on Syria: The controversy over Syria is heating up. The Western elite and other nations accuse Syria of using chemical weapons against civilians in Syria. The nation of Syria of course denies these charges. John Hudson is a writer for the Foreign Policy magazine. They or John including others are even trying to criticizing Dennis Kucinich for questioning the chemical weapon situation. The United States, Israel, and other nations want to see Assad off his throne. Some want to escalate tensions in Syria as a means to confront Assad's military under the guise of the weapons of mass destruction. The Obama administration wants to continue its investigation of the chemical weapons claims before making a decision on this issue. We know that Senator John McCain of Arizona wants international troops to prepare for a Syrian invasion under the pretext of securing chemical weapon stockpiles. Last Sunday, Senator Lindsay Graham said: theres a growing consensus in the U.S. Senate that the United States should get involved in a Syrian intervention. Congress now accepts the Syrian government chemical weapons pretext without question, a fact demonstrated by Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., who said on Face the Nation that its clear the order to use chemical weapons came from the al-Assad regime. This is similar to the claim of Iraq having

massive weapons of mass destruction, which was proven to be false. Much of the mainstream media back then mostly did not question the claim. The evidence in Syria is very underwhelming. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov (or Russian President Vladimir Putin's Middle East envoy) said from Beirut last week that the U.S. ought not to use the unverified use of chemical weapons as a pretext for an invasion of the country. The West supports of the rebels. Many of them are linked to Al-Qaeda. They are aided by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the CIA. Terrorists launched a missile containing chemical products into the region of Khan al-Assal in the province of Aleppo, killing 15 people, mainly civilians, Syrias Sana news agency reported. There has been alleged audio recording of a phone conversation. It was between 2 members of the Free Syrian Army. It talks about a plan to carry out a chemical weapons attack capable of impacting an area the size of one kilometer. The video has footage of Western backed FSA rebels wanting to carry out chemical weapons attacks while surrounded with bottles of nitric and other substances. Many of these rebels are Salafist terrorists. The United Nations claimed to research this information. Yet, the White House and American officials deny that the rebels used chemical weapons against government troops. The Salafists make up much of the rebels. Foreign Policy is of the establishment since it lists the PNAC neocon Robert Kagan as a top globalist thinker. PNAC used a blueprint to advocate the invasion of Iraq under the lie that Saddam Hussein had massive quantities of weapons of mass destruction including chemical weapons. The invasion caused the death of over 1 million Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers. No massive weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq.

The History Channels Bible Miniseries

The Bible Miniseries was the highest rated series in the history of the History Channel. That is

amazing. It is a 10 hour miniseries that covers the Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation. It has been a commercial success. Many folks believe that Hollywood got it correct this time. Yet, a serpent may shed its skin, but it is still a serpent. The issue with this
series is that much of the series deals with unbiblical heresies and changes much of the Bible's details. Whether you agree with the Bible or not, there is the mention of salvation and forgiveness of sin as said by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. That is one core item of the teachings of Jesus Christ in general. In our general era, the establishment readily exploits the Bible for controlling the masses, especially monotheists. The advisors to the miniseries are filled with prosperity Gospel activists and other establishment religious figures. One of them are the co-creators Roma Downey and Mark Burnett. "We weren't qualified to teach the Bible, but we knew plenty of people who were," as said by The Bible miniseries co-creator Mark Burnett, speaking of the panel of spiritual advisors who helped make the miniseries. The Board of Advisors in the series are filled with folks like Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Donald William Wurel, T.D. Jakes, Dr. Cynthia Hale, Richard Mouw, Dr. Miroslav Volf, Anthony Basil Taylor. This is the Dream Team of establishment figures, many of whom love the heresy of decrepit prosperity gospel. Richard Mouw was Professor of Christian philosophy at Calvin College for seventeen years. He has also served as a visiting professor to the Free University of Amsterdam. He is also the President of Fuller Seminary.

The prosperity gospel is wrong, because material wealth means nothing without spiritual & moral growth with God. Mammon is not God. God is God. The poor has the same value as the rich in the Universe. Just because someone is poor, doesnt mean that person is spiritually dead. Some of the wickedest humans in human history have been super rich, which is a historical fact. Even Yeshua ben Yoseph was never rich, never owned a corporation, never own gold money reserves, and he always defended the interests of the poor. Money can never save a soul only by the grace of God via faith (in the blood of the Lamb. The blood of Lamb saves the souls of human beings). Jesus Christ is right to

focus on this principle of spirituality: ...The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light (Matthew 6:22). Dr. Richard Mouw is also an
apologist of Mormonism. Mormonism is a false religious organization that was formed by the Freemason & deceiver Joseph Smith. Mormonism teaches that Lucifer is not the devil or Satan, but Venus. Mormonism copied Masonry so such that high level 33rd degree Freemason Blanchard said that both institutions are very similar to each other. They believe that Jesus is the older brother of Lucifer. Mormonism teaches the long myth of human godhood. Joel Osteen refuses to judge the war on terror as evil or call out heresies including other false doctrines in the world. T.D. Jakes is in love with the prosperity gospel. Warren is a CFR member. So, the fruit of this series is known. The series is wrong to place Noah's son as small children in the ark. The Bible shows them as grown, married men and they had their wives to come in the ark. Abram is shown as a nomad scraping to survive when Genesis 13:2 mentioned that Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. The miniseries portrays Abraham as a religious extremist who was hell bent on killing Isaac when he had faith and God allow him not to sacrifice his own son. The Jesus character looks like the old Renaissance era or Catholic depictions of Jesus Christ. It shows a social justice message, which I have no issue with. Yet, social justice alone will not save a soul without help from God. Downey is one human being in the series ad she loves Eckhart Tolle, etc. Toller is a New Age guru. His book called "A New Earth" mentions things that are contrary to Biblical Christianity. Tolle views Heaven not as a location, but an inner realm of consciousness. Tolle wrote that nothing is wrong in viewing humans as I am. This is silly since many things are wrong in the wrong and ordinary human beings are not I am Downey worked with the psychic medium John Edward in trying to contact the dead. It doesn't take a genius to see that the OT and NT forbids human beings from dabbling in the occult especially in trying to contact the dead. Not only has Downey used and endorsed John Edward's occult practices, she has assisted him with a book on praying based on heretical Catholic practices. In the book Edwards encourages readers to "pray the rosary" a practice of holding a Catholic Crucifix necklace and uttering repetitive chants in prayers to Mary, the mother of Jesus in the Bible. This is wrong since speaking with the dead is necromancy. The only medium between God and man is Christ Jesus. Jesus is our advocate with God the Father or the High priest for our prayers. Some are using the Bible Miniseries as a means to preach. Religious deception is big business indeed.

Music Video Analysis

Ke$has unreleased song called Dancing with the Devil outlines the full essence of the music industry. Her latest album called Warrior is not what she wanted it to be. Dr. Luke signed on as the executive producer of the album. Later, he reportedly scrapped all of the songs Ke$ha and her mother Pebe Sebert originally wrote for the album. Dr. Luke is a famous figure in the music industry. He produced tracks for Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Jesse J, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and other pop stars. His influenced

singles include Britneys Hold it Against Me, Jesse Js Price Tag, and Katy Perrys Part of me. She tells many of the industry musicians and puppets on what to sing and how to sing it. Much of these video have an Agenda that is pro-Elite. Dr. Luke even co-wrote and produced Ke$has comeback single Die Young. Die Young against deals with the agenda of the Elite filled with occult/Illuminati symbolism. After Sandy Hook came about, Ke$ha wrote on Twitter that she was forced to sing that song. Frustrated with her situation, Ke$ha wrote Dancing With the Devil a song that aptly describes what happens to pawns of the music industry. Some describe this song as a diss track aimed at Dr. Luke. Although, the song deals with more topics than about Luke. It deals with the cost of selling ones osul for fame and fortune. The song is very overt. The lyrics has her talking about admitted that she sold her soul to the Devil and the consequences that come with it. She sings that she was young and how young including nave artists are recruited including taken advantage by the industry. She said that she is powerless in the midst of things by the following lyrics: .So while Im yours until the end / A holy war, Ill never win. Many controls are sent to some mainstream artists. The stories about Satanic Ritual Abuse and Monarch programming did not come out of a vacuum. They came out of certain stories and events throughout human history. Since that song was controversial, the producers scrapped it from the final album because of obvious reasons. The reality is that is never too late to wake up, repent, and live a more glorious life outside of the mainstream music industry. In the mainstream popular culture world, news updates come up all of the time. Ke$has blasphemous video for the song "Die Young" has more information that I did not know of. The video shows hundreds of upside down crosses, a church being destroyed, and a lot of occult including satanic symbols. Even if she wanted to do this for shock value, the director and producer of this video ought to be made known. Now, the video was directed by Darren Craig. It shows the Eye of Providence or the All Seeing Eye (which has numerous meanings like the Third eye, etc.). The video is about Kesha being a fictitious cult leader. Her disciples raid a rural Mexico hamlet to engage in sexual debauchery. A lot of images in the video represent the music industry's obsession with Illuminati rumors and their interest in the occult world. With the release of her song Dancing With The Devil Ke$ha further confirms the goal of many leaders of the entertainment world as having a hatred or rebellion against real moral values. The Dancing with the Devil song has her singing that she made a deal and then she is dancing with the Devil. The lyrics to the song are blatant. This is a play on real life since numerous musicians, artists, and entertainers including politicians have sold out literally to multinational corporate power as a means to go along with the status quo (instead of being truly free and independent. You are not free with corporate handlers controlling a lot of your moves). Ke$ha love rebellion in the wrong fashion and her lyrics talks about sexual promiscuity, drunkenness, violence, etc. Ke$ha also stated in an interview that she was hypnotized for past life regression therapy an attempt to use a hypnotist to return to former lives one has lived before (this is another deeply occultic practice based on the false notion of reincarnation). What more proof do the skeptics need?

Kanye West names his new album named "Yeezus." It is play on the word Jesus and many Christians feel that the title mocks Jesus Christ. Kanye West in New God Flow talks about strippers making it rain as similar to the story of Noah and the flood. So, this is the reality that we live in. It is about mocking Christian prayer and Christian spirituality. Kanye West talks about New Slaves. In society, the elite have treated human beings as slaves (even now via contracts and obscene control mechanisms. This is the point that I believe he is trying to make). His friend is Jay Z (the believer in karma and refuses to accept the existence of Hell. Jay-Z who calls himself Jay-Hova as a mockery of the name of God the Father. That is why many New Agers believe that they can be like gods or achieve godhood). Godhood is embraced by numerous Freemasons not just in the New Age Movement (as found in the book called the Secret teaching in pg. 164 of saying that humans are Gods in a physical body). This is fantasy since can man cause the formation of DNA to develop by a thought? Can man cause planets to form or cause a black hole to exist in space? Can man cause the growth of the Moon? The answer is No. Man is not God. For more than one hundred years, we have seen the fruit of Hollywood and modern society. We have seen the increase of terrorism. We have seen the increase of materialism and the continuation of the violation of human civil liberties. We have seen the growth of unemployment of minorities in America. We have seen the evil system of white supremacy continuing. Now, this means that we fight that much harder for revolutionary change and spiritual growth excluding the love of money. So, we should hope that the industry puppets should wake up of course. We should also continue to reject propaganda and continue to live a holy life.

As years go by, we see more truth about the mainstream popular culture industry. You know me. I always respond back to them (or the establishment including the skeptics. That is my job). That is my style and my steelo. We have made some impact, because many of these corporate executives and even some artists have made records talking about people like us. If what we were saying were just complete nonsense, why do they talk about us constantly in their records? Why are they so sensitive about us? Their sensitivity to our concerns outlines their guilt about the actions that they have done and the agenda that they subscribe to. My response to them is that the secret is out. Pandora Box's is open.

The truth is that materialism, mocking the poor, disrespecting women, glamorizing recreational drug usage in a fowl way, and glamorizing corporate exploitation are wicked avenues to pursue in records or in real life actions. We know the truth and we will continue to
show the truth (since we can't stop, because we won't stop). We are of the light. We are the light showers amidst deception. Now, we have a lot of information about this industry including about the Rocafellla duo of Jay Z and Kanye West. They are popular in the world. Jay Z said only God can judge him, but we have the free speech right to critique in society. Arrogance, excessive profanity, and trying to justify the N word with an a on it (for the sake of reclaiming power) are the themes of some folks. I don't get down like that. Judging righteous judgment is part of the First Amendment. This is not an authoritarian state where divergent views on issues are omitted from the equation. Kanye's album called Yeezus, which is again a play on Jesus. The album outlines the view that humanity can achieve godhood or be a god. Manly P. Hall believes that wisdom can cause man to experience the realm of godhood. This is one of the strongest tenets of the Mystery School or the Wisdom tradition. By naming one of his songs I am a god, Kanye couldnt make this concept clearer for his fans. Others try to justify this concept by citing Psalm

82:6. Yet, when you look at the whole chapter of 82, God is saying that these folks are judges trying to act as gods, but they are not at all. Folks use a single verse as an excuse to claim that humans can be gods, but humans are not supernatural in an intergalactic sense. Humans are humans with great intrinsic value no doubt. Monotheistic religions and the Mysteries are in conflict because of the God issue for the reason of the Mysteries believing that humans can be gods. The album cover of Yeezus is a distorted, melted, and deformed face of a Jesus piece. Many entertainment figures wear the Eurocentric Jesus piece chain since that is what is fashionable now. When I started to research New Slaves, it seems to be rant mixing some truth with errors. The rant (which signifies his anger and hurt in his life) mocks those that research the new world order agenda as harboring confusion. Yet, the truth is that many world leaders have talked about wanting to create the new world order for decades. If this was nonsense, why do world leaders publicly advocate it and neoliberal globalization? The truth is that we should not paranoid about such things, but we have every right to expose the new world order, the CIA, the NSA, and any relevant issues of the human race (in a progressive, accurate fashion). Elite organizations are clearly pushing for a more globalized, integrated society in economics, politics, etc. Kanye is right that folks should expose the privately owned prisons that destroy the lives of families and humans. That agenda is related to the evil War on Drugs indeed. Yet, these corporations running these prisons actively work with Homeland Security (like Geo Group) and they are in league with Western international elites (that desire globalization). If we want change, we must expose the whole, huge system of white supremacy doing it not just the evils found in the prison industrial complex. When you rant about consumerism, but you benefit from consumerism economically, then it is confusing to say the least.

Much of the public are treated as slaves by corporations indeed unfortunately though via sweat shops, etc. Magna Carta, Holy Grail from Jay Z tries to use legitimate skepticism about mainstream religion as an excuse to mock anyone talking about the Illuminati (without separating those who call any musician as Illuminati members, which is silly with those who show legitimate history including research about the Illuminati. Jay Z makes this error in his song called Heaven). Propaganda is found in many genres of music too. Bigots try to obsess with one genre of music like hip hop (when the evils of poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustices in the globe existed long before hip hop was created. This doesnt mean that some of these artists ought not to be critiqued, but the truth should be placed into perspective) as a means to downplay the genius of black human beings. Just because a brother or a

sister is rich or have made great contributions in society, doesn't that person is a member of the Illuminati or is found in the occult Secret Societies (that have influenced world history then and now). Humans are dynamic and can make great contributions irrespective of the color of one's skin. If a black person is doing the right thing (regardless if he or she is rich, middle class, homeless, or poor), helping out their

community, and fighting for real change, then that human being ought to be respected.

Our legacy is a great legacy. African civilization and culture is the origin of Western civilization. Africa is beautiful and Black is Beautiful. Blackness is of God. Mark Dice is truly
disgraceful by calling some African Americans using "typical tribalism" for using their constitutional right of voting (and using other race baiting rhetoric when African Americans are very intelligent, sophisticated human beings). There are many factors on why citizens vote and Romney has expressed hatred against 47 percent of all Americans. He omits that most of the folks who voted for Romney are of a certain, specific demographic. Can you guess? LOL. The truth is that both of the two major corporate political parties of the States [of the Democrats & the Republicans] has been dominated by corporate, establishment interests advancing things from the Patriot Act, the wicked war on terror, the trillions of dollars sent to the big banks, and to the Simpson/Bowles agenda. The unprecedented attacks on the bedrock social programs have occurred by both major parties. So, the White House has made some incorrect policies (from President Barack Obamas embrace of neoliberalism, to his support of anti-civil liberty measures, and to his drone actions), but this doesnt mean that we follow Mark Dices agenda of privatization, immaturity (by mocking those who follow the establishments agenda or dont know certain concepts about liberty. Instead of mocking them, what about inspiring them to see the truth via in a more positive fashion), and reactionary policies. The Republican have a disgraceful legacy also in their domestic and foreign policy positions. This means that I believe in universal healthcare, I believe in equality and justice for all human beings, I believe in ending the war on terror, I believe in social justice, I believe in fighting against economic inequality including poverty, and I believe in the general welfare of society. Dice lost his credibility by his racist language (like calling folks who listen to an artist a crack smoking audience. He is such racist, fraudulent piece of work. Since children are

watching these words, I cant mention the other language to accurately describe him here. You know the real language). He uses other profane words too to describe other artists, which no
true follower of God would do at all. Folks like me will continue to use accurate analysis and real information instead. Now, this doesn't mean that evil should be omitted from being exposed

though. Evil should be exposed, artists who degrade their own people ought to be called out, and the truth ought to be expressed thoroughly in the world with courage & strength. We have the right to fight for liberty in our time and future generations.

There has been a lot of research into the music industry over the course of years in human history. One of the new artists in the industry is named Azealia Banks. She is filled with controversy for many reasons. She is getting a lot of media attention. She is unique in displaying her lyrical dexterity. One of her new videos is entitled, "Yung Rapunxel." Many researchers believe that she is being creative and talking about the music industry using occult and Illuminati symbolism. I do not believe she is an Illuminati member or anything like that, yet this video has interesting symbolism that must be researched. This video outlines the Elite agenda and occult symbolism indeed. She signed with Interscope Records. The music producer

Munchi in 2012 accused her of being in the Illuminati or being thirsty for fame and success by portraying occult references in her music. She is a musician that many other artists are influenced by the celebrity world. They receive a check from the big wigs that are ruled by the real powers that be. The huge amount of occult symbols in Yung Rapunxel leaves home 2 possibilities. Either she is showing this for shock value or she is really down with the Elite's agenda. Rapunzel (it seems this is a character or alter ego that Azealia Banks utilized as a means to be creative) is about a fairy tale princess who was trapped in a tower. She uses her long hair to allow her Prince Charming to climb up to her. The video has nothing to do with this fictional story though. It has disturbing images and occult symbolism. The artists are seen as a person with little control over her own mind in the video. She is surrounded with the elite's distortion of symbolism. She in the beginning of the video has an owl (which is found in the original Bavarian Illuminati and other occult orders. The owl represents wisdom or the Goddess archetype to the esoteric crowd). The owl has an eye of different colors. She has one single eye on her forehead (representing enlightenment or the opening up of the spiritual chakra according to the occult). The owl Goddess image is found in the Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian Grove is where elitists have the Cremation of

Care ceremony and other rituals to deny the cares of the world (and to have their version of "enjoyment"). The Minerva owl is a logo of the first level of the Bavarian Illuminati called Minerval.
The video has duality in the images of yin yang and the hamsa image. The Black and white imagery outlines the opposites found in Nature concept. There is an All Seeing Eye in the video. All Seeing Eye is meant to be the third eye of illumination. It is used according to followers of the Mysteries as a means for humans to activate the eternal Self and the divine self. In other words, the All Seeing Eye is like the Third Eye. The All Seeing Eye is found in cultures globally.

Another image looks similar to the Triple Goddess pendant. In Wiccan mythology, the opposite of the Triple Goddess is the horned god, which represents masculine energy. She rides a bull in the video with a moon on top. This is the union of opposites or the moon crescent being feminine (the bull outlining the masculine principle. When they merge, they form generation via sex magick or the process of generation). These images are known by secret societies like the OTO, Freemasonry, etc. That is Freemasonry is similar to the Ancient Mysteries as this source says: Freemasonry is the survivor of

the ancient mysteriesnay, we may go further and call it the guardian of the Mysteries. (J.S.M. Ward [Freemason and noted Masonic author] Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods). The video
shows images relating to the police state controversy of Western society. She breaks a glass bottle on the police's protective gear. This rebellion harms not the police at all. Azaelia falls back in front of the police in saying that she given up fighting the police state. The bigger picture is that Interscope Records seems to show the Mystery School traditions in public like they did with Lady Gaga before. The agenda is beyond an artist. See, if the establishment (which controls the music industry) were really doing this just to troll conspiracy researchers, why have they have been doing this back in the day with Metropolis (which was created as a movie decades ago). The truth is that the corporate music industry is utilized by the real powers that be to try to indoctrinate especially young people to accept the establishment's agenda (that deals with imperialism, unjust conformity, materialism, glamorization of anti-intellectualism, and the distortion of the true meaning of real moral values in society). If you think that the police state agenda is fake, then look at NYC with stop and frisk or how 9,000 cops locked down Boston and

Watertown (just to search for one man). The director of the video Jam Sutton has symbolism and imagery all over his photography website. A lot folks love to be on the bandwagon as a means to achieve as much fame as possible. Also, I am not like that reactionary Mark Dice calling the Sister Azealia Banks every name under the sun like a pseudo-Christian that Dice is (it takes a real coward to call a woman outside of her name. A real man does not act like that at all. You can disagree with someone without insulting someone unfairly. You will notice that even the New Testament says let no filthy communication come out of your mouth and Love your neighbor as yourself), but I will

outline dissent in a peaceful fashion. We do not have to agree with each other on everything, but we should wish Azealia Banks and anyone for that matter to be better and to have a successful life (even we dont agree with everything found in the mainstream entertainment industry. That is why we have to stand up to those who claim to be a follower of God and then use invective and ignorant degradation against a Black Woman or any woman of any color point blank period. It is always a part of a white supremacy tactic to degrade a woman). Any Brother, Any Sister, and any real human being should be treated with dignity and respect.

*When you look at the truth, the truth is apparent. It is a fact that Elite families control most of the world banks and giant multinational corporations. They have a large number of financial, economic, and social global hegemonies. This current socioeconomic hierarchy perpetrates economic inequality, imperialism, and the system of white supremacy. The global elite use governments and even symbolism as a means to advance propaganda, fear, and control. That is why major, corporations from Macy, Texaco, and to Heineken exploit symbols all of the time. The elite families stolen and exploited the knowledge and wisdom from ancient human beings, manipulated it, and show it in our modern age (as a means to cause confusion, fear, and hatred of anything that the original humans ever did). That is why ancient humans (especially those who are Black Africans, who are the first human beings on Earth) sometimes were more spiritually attuned to the truth on many levels than modern humans. Now, that is real talk for real. The essence of true spirituality is to develop your soul and spirit, is to help out your fellow neighbor, is to respect the Creator of the Universe, is to respect Nature, and to fight for justice. We need more economic, political, cultural, and social Power.

Ukipata shukuru

Lauryn Hill and the Industry

A lot of folks know about Lauryn Hill being sent to prison for three months due to tax charges. She is known to make conscious lyrics and she is filled with insight about the music industry in general. She was born on May 26, 1975. Lauryn Hill was born in South Orange, New Jersey.. She was the second of 2 children of the high school English teacher Valerie Hill and computer programmer Mal Hill. She listened to her parents Motown 1960s soul records. Music was always a credible portion of the Hill household. Mal Hill sang at weddings, Valerie played the piano, and Lauryn's older brother Malaney played the saxophone, guitar, drums, harmonica, and piano. In 1988, Lauryn Hill was an Amateur Night contestant on the show Its Showtime at the Apollo. She sang her own version of Smokey Robinsons song Whos Lovin You? She ended the song with audience applause. She graduated from Maplewood, New Jerseys Columbia High School in 1993. She is multitalented being a singer, songwriter, rapper, record producer, and actress. Lauryn Hill has been making music for decades. She was in the Fugees. Her solo breakout album was named, "The Miseducation of Luaryn Hill." That album sold over eight million copies and earned 5 Grammy Awards for Lauryn Hill including Album of the Year and Best New Artist. She was sentenced for 3 months in jail. She must also attend counseling because of her "conspiracy theories." This is highly illogical, immoral, and wrong for tons of reasons. The truth is also that real conspiracy facts have been exposed by credible sources and real fighters for truth for thousands of years. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Operation Paperclip, Operation Ajax, and other events are real conspiracy facts not theories. Lauryn Hill told the court before he was sentenced to prison that, I am a child of former slaves who had a system imposed on them. I had an economic system imposed on me. Furthermore, Hill also believes that artists are being oppressed by (what the article calls) a plot involving the military and media." For these and her other accurate statements, Lauryn Hill is forced to undergo counseling. This is about the thought police immorally trying to intimidate free thought and intellectual curiosity. Frankly, one of the greatest parts of man is the right of man to think to evaluate controversies or things of that nature. Back in 2012, Lauryn Hill published an intellectual, thought provoking letter. The letter described the corruption, the oppression, and the control of the music industry, and her desire to escape it. Lauryn wrote that: "...It was this schism and the hypocrisy, violence and social cannibalism it enabled, that I wanted and needed to be freed from, not from art or music, but the suppression/repression and reduction

of that art and music to a bottom line alone, without regard for anything else. Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual. I Love making art, I Love making music, these are as natural and necessary for me almost as breathing or talking..." It is not music in general that is real that we are against. It is the corruption and nefarious composition of the mainstream industry that we are adamantly opposed to indeed. Lauryn Hill is just speaking and writing the truth. She is not using incoherent statements. She is a highly intellectual, strong, beautiful and creative Black Sister that wants the best for the entire human race. American society should never devolve into a place where alternative thinking is shunned and forcing folks into counseling for their views is a must. We must not live in the world where the novel 1984 is truism at all. We can only continue the fight for real music in society and hope that Lauryn Hill will move on from this experience.

World War Z
For months, individuals have discussed about the World War Z movie. The movie's plot and other compositions are transparent and easily realizable. The movie describes a post-apocalyptic world. It is based on the book of the same title. Brad Pitt is the leading actor of the movie. His girlfriend in real life is Angeline Jolie. Jolie is a CFR member, loves the United Nations, and believes in even the imperialist NATO war in Libya. The whole movie deals with zombies and dehumanization. Human life is readily

demonized in the mainstream entertainment world. The film shows an economic disaster and events that deal with depopulation. In real life, the globalists advance depopulation and the usage of biological weapons. The book even talks about the zombies fighting folks and a global government to rule the world (and humans being divided into zones). Brad Pitt, in the film, goes out to machine guns folks to keep folks from the wall. The reality is the new world order agenda is real and it is evil. Pitt plays Gerry Lane or workers in the United Nations. He tried to search the globe for information that can stop the zombie outbreak that is bringing down nations. He tries to stop the pandemic, which is defeating armies and collapsing governments. Mireille Enos plays Karin or Lane's wife (and the mother of their two children). Lucy Aharish plays a young Palestinian woman. World War Z is a science fiction type of movie. Themes in the book and the movie deal with the issues of survivalism, economic disaster, fear and uncertainty, and fights for resources and power. The events of the book are similar to the government's bad response on every level to crises from Hurricane Katrina to other events. The writer of the book is named Max Books. He or Max wants to criticize American isolationism as one major motivating factor in creating his World War Z book. Critics of the movie view it as predictive programming and a glamorization of population control. Even Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be "reincarnated as a deadly virus'' to help solve the "population problem.'' The Prince Philip is a high level Freemason and a Windsor (whose history is filled with controversy from Nazi alliances to their sometimes harsh relationship to the late Princess Diana). Jesse Benjamin made an article describing the Middle Eastern, Israeli link to the World War Z film. He feels that the film reinforces an ideology that glamorizes the oppression of Palestinians and others (seen as plagues subliminally in the film) while deifying Israel and Brad Pitts character or Gary Lane as saviors of the world. The Wall in the film in Israel tries to keep the zombies out, yet in real life Security Walls in the Middle East represent something different. It represents the many anti-liberty policies and discrimination common against the Palestinians. Not only are the Palestinians discriminated against. There are Black Ethiopians, Black Sudanese, Israeli Arabic citizens, and even Sephardic Israeli citizens discriminated against in Israel for years including recently. That is why protests in Israel and throughout Palestine in favor of justice, ending occupation, and for basic equality are common. The Times of Israel called the World War Z film, the greatest piece of cinematic propaganda for Israel since Otto

Premingers Exodus. The reason is that the fanatical, tyrannical Israeli Wall Building is justified in the film, but it gives a rose colored picture of Israels supposed multicultural inclusiveness. It is important to note that not all Israelis are monolithic. There are many Israelis of many backgrounds that sincerely want peace and equality in the region, but the Israeli government is heavily infiltrated by reactionary forces. There are many Palestinians that desire real justice in the land as well and sincerely want Palestinian nationhood. The character of Gary Lane in the film comes to Israel as a means to allow IDF soldiers to fight back against the zombies. Gerry is soon talking to the Mossad chief, Jurgen Warmbrunn. The movie is about survival and the outline of the modern world of terrorism, disease, and controversial circumstances.
There has been recent films that either describe terrorism, harm to the White House, or terrorism related issues like Oblivion, Olympus Has Fallen, White House Down, The Host, etc. That is why the government including the Intelligence community is heavily allied with Hollywood. Hollywood consults the military industrial complex via the CIA, etc. for funding, advice, and consent as a means to develop numerous motion pictures. Many films push agendas via celebrities. Even Jim Carrey tried to make an immature mockery of gun rights and Charlton Heston. I do not agree with Heston on every issue, but he was right to advance civil rights, environmental protection, gun rights, health freedom, and individual liberty. That mockery didn't work, because human beings understand fully the great value of individual rights and individual liberty. In the final analysis, not even the government can be a savior for us as humans. The government is a tool, which can be used for good or evil. Only the Creator is the Savior of the Universe. We humans have a brain for the reason of improving the Universe without the violation of human civil

liberties or the destruction of Nature. The movie strangely shows a helicopter shooting piles of human beings down.

Iron Man The Iron Man is an alchemical exercise is what New Age philosophy and thinking is all about. This thinking is advanced and supported by Hollywood culture. Iron Man came about in 2008. Now, there is Iron Man 3 recently came out in early May of 2013. The first Iron Man should be known before understanding what Iron Man 2 and 3 are all about. The Luciferian nature of Iron Man 1 deals with the philosophy of using gnosis or energy to transform a mere man into a superman (in the case of the movie, a super hero). The movie has similarities with the idea of transhumanism or the view of surpassing the limits of humanity via technology. The movie talks about the hybrid like nature of man and machine. It is a metaphor of modern society where there is the interplay of human flesh and robotic technology. There is the modern life extension technology and the microchip agenda advanced all of the time in the 21st century. The major character in the film is named Tony Stark or the son of the legendary weapons developer Howard Stark. Tony Stark is played by Robert Downey Jr. Tony is honored with an award at Caesar's Palace. There are many religious references. His father was the passing of a titan. Tony Stark is the son who takes over the company. He becomes the new CEO and it represents a new era in the world. The award Tony is to receive is called the "Apogee Award." The award is interesting for many reasons. Apogee is the furthest point in orbit from the Earth, so it relates Tony to the heavenly realm. Apogee is also used to outline the pinnacle of success or status. So, Tony Stark reaches a new milestone in his life. Apogee can outline the final stage of a process in that Tony Stark becomes a new hero. Tony is not interested in the award, because he is gambling in the Caesar's Palace. He gives the award to a man in costume saying, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." These, of course, are Jesus' words: "And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that

are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him." (Mark 12:17). This outlines a religious message and Tony Stark is pictured as some hero, Christos archetype in the movie. He must do more works as a means to gain his enlightenment. A female reporter from Vanity Fair asks Tony about his nickname called the Merchant of Death. Tony responds that the military funded breakthroughs in medical technology and intelicrops prevented human beings from starving to death. So, he is a son of a titan, he thinks that he is good, and the public sees him as a destroyer. The female reporter later goes to bed with Tony Stark's character. Stark's Malibu home is like his ivory tower to escape pressures from society. Tony flies to Afghanistan for a weapons demonstration. Behind him is a family crest with a two-headed eagle, a symbol of royalty. The double headed eagle is found in the banner of the Holy Roman Empire. It has many meanings from royalty to equilibrium. It associates Tony with his view that what he is doing is right and is part of God's will. Stark Industries advances the Jericho weapons. Jericho was a city that was destroyed, which is an allusion to the Demiurge as the destroyer. Tony is taken hostage via an ambush. He takes shrapnel to the chest. The projectile is his wake up call or his gnosis that allows to see reality. He understands the real nature of his father's business, which is filled with war mongering and militarism in general. He is awaked from a cave and finds a mechanical device attached to his chest. Another prisoner has rigged it there. It is really an electromagnet that stops him from dying with the shrapnel. Dr. Yinsen said that the wound usually kills a person within a week. So, Tony Stark was mortally wounded nearly in a cave and he is reborn as Iron Man. He represents the Christos archetype. The cave outlines a tomb or womb. Tony starve transforms the electromagnet into an arc reactor. It is a Biblical allusion to Noah's that spared his family from God's destruction as found in Genesis. He wants to use technology to protect himself from the father's technology or shrapnel inside him. Tony spent 3 months in the cave and Jesus spent 3 days in the tomb. He leaves the tomb as Iron Man. He is transformed physically and mentally. Iron Man destroys the weapons cache or Stark Industries. He is repudiating his old self and his father's militaristic agenda. Tony Stark is rescued and wants a cheeseburger. Tony Stark tells folks in a press conference that he shutting all down the weapons manufacturing. He tells them that he had his eyes opened. He is now enlightened. Obadiah Stane is his enemy. Tony shows his new miniaturized arc reactor. Obadiah means servant of the Lord. He is God's representative on Earth or an archon in Gnosticism. Staine is a negative reference to a stain or an unwarranted remnant of something else (from the God the Father as Gnostics hate God the Father). A possible homage to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey is shown in the First Iron Man as well. Tony's assistant Pepper Potts, has his first arc reactor encased in a glass cube. A cube represents man perfected. So, Iran is the techgnostic superman. He is not an alien. He is a human perfected by himself. Stane sits near his chessboard acting as a symbol of the conflict between good and evil. The terrorists work with Stane to try to get the arc reactor from Tony. The terrorists say that Stane want to dream of Stark's throne. This is Luciferianism since it views as man ascended into Godhood status. There is a final battle between Obadiah and Tony. Tony is shown as the underdog and the Christos characters wins. Lightning shown is outlined to the Heavens. Tony Stark said that I am Iron Man alluding to John 14:6 where Jesus Christ said the he is the way, the truth, and the life (and no man comes unto the Father but by him). The atomic number of iron is 26. In gematria of YHVH is 26 or the number of God to Kabbalists and followers of gematria. Therefore, the first Iron Man movie outlines the evolution of a man into a hero via Gnostic iconography.

Resident Evil
"Resident Evil: Retribution" is a famous film of the year of 2012. It is a science fiction action film that was written including directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. This is the fifth film of the Resident Evil film series. It is based on the video game series called ironically enough Resident Evil. The film describes Alice (played by Milla Jovovich) was captured by the Umbrella Corporation. They forced her to make her escape from an underwater base in the Arctic Circle used for testing the T-virus. The film was released in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D to a box office success. It grossed over $200 million globally. In the film, there are many symbols and messages that are relevant in our day. Alice is prepared to fight a fleet of airships led by Alice's former ally Jill Valentine (played by Sienna Guillory). Jill has been brainwashed by Umbrella via a red scarab device attached to her chest. Alice makes the airship to crash into the ship. The explosion knocks her out and throws her into the water. The story then switches to Alice living as suburban housewife with her husband Todd and their deaf daughter Becky. Zombies attack then and Alice including Becky escape to be rescued by a student Rain Ocampo (or played by Michelle Rodriquez). As the three escape, they are hit by a truck, knocking Rain unconscious while Alice and Becky escape. Alice runs and is attacked by a zombified Todd. The movie is an adventure, science fiction story. Alice is the former head of security for the Umbrella Corporation. This Corporation acts as the omnipotent, omnipresent shady conglomerate that focuses on genetic engineering, biotech, bio warfare, cloning, and virology in their many underground cities including facilities. Alice finds out that she is in a crucial Umbrella experiment given a false past and false memories (and have genetically engineered abilities that resulted from the famed T-Virus). The T-Virus originally caused the zombie apocalypse. Alice is being cloned and tested on all of the time. Alice wants answers and revenge for the whole experience. Alice goes on to stop Umbrella and save what is left of the human race after the global zombie apocalypse. There is the Cold War referenced in the film like with the undead Soviet zombies being used in the underground simulation cities. The Read Queen is also the queen in Alice in Wonderland. It is a fact that the Cold War was contrived by the elites as a means to suppress real nationalist and revolutionary movements in the world. Alice thinks that she is in Tokyo, Berlin, Moscow, etc. Yet, the cities are really recreated simulations in a controlled and surveilled the Umbrella underground base. Underground cities and bases are very real and

have been mentioned as early as from James Bamford's classic "The Puzzle Palace" in 1982. Even decades ago, the intelligence community has super power computers. A.I. Supercomputers like the "Red Queen" also exist, as Bamford has written of, as well. Bamford wrote in that work:"the NSA's enormous basement, which stretches for city blocks beneath the Headquarters-Operations Building, undoubtedly holds the largest and most advanced computer operation in the world." If they had this technology for the past over 3 decades, imagine the modern, secret technology that the NSA has today in 2013? Alice acts a stranger in a new world, which is similar to the story of Alice in Wonderland. Even William Binney, who designed the program that the NSA is using, now admitted in the New York Times that the NSA has a supercomputer spying grid. According to Wired magazine and Bamford, the new supercomputer is located in Utah. In the video game, the Illuminati in Resident Evil 4 is called the Umbrella. In real life, globalists have designs of using eugenics and radical population control. The reality of the transhumanist movement in trying to reengineer the human populace is real too. Social engineers regularly expose possible futures and other scenarios in movies and so forth. In fact, the Umbrella Corporation's logo does resemble the Templar Cross which is associated with the Masonic Orders of the world including the Knights of Malta. The movie allows Alice to try to defeat the bad guys in the film. In real life, certain elites, so-called political leaders, and other globalists do indeed advanced eugenics ideas, radical population control, the war on terror, laws that violate human civil liberties, etc. as a means to control the human population indeed.

Old School Hollywood

Old School Hollywood has much controversy and even wickedness just like the Hollywood of today. Don't get things twisted because those back in the day did a lot of dirt. It is only in our time that real researchers have exposed Old School Hollywood's evil for the world to see. Tim Adler's book on Hollywood wrote about how Hollywood factions have been allied with the Mafia (among those in the Mafia from many backgrounds like Sicilians and Jewish human beings). He wrote that the Mafia funded Hollywood studios as well and invested in some of the movies. The director of the first great mobster film, Scarface, invited a Mafioso to advise on making the action more realistic; he invited Al Capone to view the rushes. We know that Frank Sinatra was once a Mob insider. George Raft worked with the Mafia too. Joseph Kennedy was involved in the bootlegging business with factions of Al Capone. He borrowed Mafia money to set up in the movie business. Yet, when you research the secrets of Hollywood, those behind the scenes have done more evil or wickedness than the old school actors and actresses in Hollywood indeed. Hollywood deals with propaganda, and even hypnosis. Hypnosis is manipulation via certain stimuli as a means to achieve a result among the masses. Hollywood by its very definition utilize stimuli, movies, fame, celebrities, etc. as a means to culturally control as much of the masses as possible (beyond profit, which is the essence of mainstream capitalistic system today). Now, for millennia, hypnosis has been common by ancient shamans, ancient Egyptian Sleep Temples, and the rest of the occult world. Masonic Lodges love hypnotism. One of the easiest examples to get folks to wake up about the nefarious nature of Hollywood is to talk about Walt Disney. Just look at the little children who participate in Disney then and now. Look at the history of Walt Disney in real life. Walt Disney forced his workers to adhere to a strict dress code, but his life is filled with controversy. His supporters claimed that he was not anti-Semitic, but he allied with an anti-Semitic organization temporarily. He is known for funding films with stereotypical images of African Americans in cartoons and films throughout the 20th century. Walt Disney was an ally of Ronald Reagan. Both men were either Freemasons or in Masonic groups. Reagan was a FBI informant and Disney has been accused of being a FBI informant too. Walt Disney and Ronald Reagan worked together as a means to make Reagan Governor of California. Walt Disney worked in the McCarthyism scare as a means to accuse many progressives as Communists. In the final analysis, Hollywood has been ruled by the white supremacist agenda since its inception. It allowed the marginalization of human beings of color beyond just the Birth of a Nation film. Some in Hollywood have mistreated women heavily from Dorothy Dandridge, Jayne Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe. You know full well that a wicked root can never produce a good tree. A bad tree can never produce good fruit. Its roots, tree, and fruits of Hollywood has been corrupted since its inception.

One of the worse times in Hollywood was during the McCarthyism era. This during the time from the late 1940's into as late as the early 1960's in some cases. It was when there were witch hunts against those who held ideological views against the views of the establishment. The hearings from the House of Un-American Activities Committee executed harm against free expression and free thought. It gripped American society. Many movie actors and actresses were accused of being Communists. Some of their lives were ruined. Some actors were silent in the face of such tyrannical attitudes. Others were brave enough to fight against the repressive atmosphere in the time period. Witch hunts were deplorable during that time period, because whether someone was a Communist or not, human beings have the right to believe in divergent views on political, social, or economic matters. Even criticism of the current order is not immoral. The ruling class wanted to spread militarism and capitalist power in the world. McCarthyism was a huge engine whereby the ruling class could carry out their Cold War agenda. Even the AFLCIO leadership in that era folded somewhat under the grip of McCarthyism. Major figures untouched by the blacklist, such as John Ford, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, Anthony Mann, Vincente Minnelli, Otto Preminger, Raoul Walsh, George Stevens, George Cukor and Douglas Sirk continued to direct and, in some cases, did their most important work in the 1950s. Much of Hollywood lost their next generation of film directors in the 1950's. There were many artistically great films during the 1950's indeed, but culturally America experienced Jim Crow oppression and too much of conformist outlook on life in general. McCarthyism came even back in the days of Harry Truman. It was Truman that allowed the nuclear explosions of Nagasaki and Hiroshima inside of Japan. McCarthy was a latecomer to

the agenda of the Cold War since it came long before the 1950's even. Even folks from across the political spectrum admitted that excesses transpired during the McCarthyism era. Rep. Martin was a Democrat from Texas. He was the first HUAC chairman that wanted to purge socalled "reds" out of Hollywood. Dies admired the Nazi Propaganda Ministry. He supported the Ku Klux Klan and spoke at several of its rallies. This is the enemy that helped to institute the agenda of HUAC. Hamilton Fish, an ardent pro-Nazi, was a disciple of Dies. He did not want equality for blacks. Republican Rep. J. Parnell Thomas, chairman of HUAC at the time of the 1947 hearings, who helped suppress the democratic rights of the Hollywood Ten, and a pathological anti-communist. He compared the New Deal with communism. He was later jailed for fraud. Democratic Congressman and HUAC member John Rankin of Mississippi was an outand-out fascist. He spews hate against Jewish human beings and others. J. Edgar Hoover wanted to expose Communism in Hollywood. The Hollywood Ten suffered persecution and the establishment liberals of the Americans for Democratic Action supported such witch hunts.

One human being was in my mind for years to write about. Sometimes, I have an intuition. I knew now would be the time to write about this very special human being that passed away decades ago. We know the person. She displayed a great deal of class, dignity, and elegance in her life. She was a very beautiful, down to Earth woman. This human being suffered unjust discrimination and oppression, but she stood strong in expressing her multifaceted gifts to the world. That human being was Dorothy Dandridge. I do believe that Halle Berry did an excellent job of depicting her in the HBO biopic entitled, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge. My family received a VHS tape of the biopic years ago. I saw the whole movie many times in fact. It outlined the pain, struggle, and hardships that human beings of color, especially black human beings, had to deal with in Hollywood. The system of white supremacy is truly an abomination and Black Love is great. Dorothy Jean Dandridge lived a short lifespan from November 9, 1922 to September 8, 1965. She was not only an actress, but she was a great singer and dancer as well. She was the first African American to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress. She lost to Grace Kelly, but we know who deserved that award without question. She sang music in the Cotton Club and the Apollo Theater. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio to the minister Cyril Dandridge and Rudy Dandridge (who was an aspiring entertainer). Even as a

child, she worked with her sister and Etta Jones as the Wonder Children. Her sister was Vivian. Vivian Dandridge passed away in October 26, 1991. This was the time when I was in elementary school in the third grade. It was during the Great Depression that she worked in the Chitlin circuit. This was about African performance doing acts, comedy, music, dancing, plays, etc. nationwide as a means to express their gifts amidst an oppressive society. Her family moved into Hollywood, California. Ruby or her mother worked in radio and film in small parts as a domestic servant, because back in the day, discrimination was so harsh, acting roles were limited for black Americans. Dorothy and her sister including one other woman worked as The Dandridge Sisters in 1937. They worked in the Cotton Club and the Apollo Theater inside of Harlem, New York City. Dorothy Dandridge worked in comedies and movies soon. Dorothy Dandridge worked in a performance called A Zoot Suit with the performer Paul White (Ted Fio Riot and his Orchestra provided the music for the song). The Zoot Suit was like name branded clothing in our time in 2013. In 1937, Dorothy Dandridge was in the film called, It Cant Last Forever. The Dandridge Sisters danced and sang with the Jackson Brothers in the movie. She was in the Bright Road movie that dealt with education and a troubled student. It had a nearly all black cast with Harry Belafonte. Dorothy Dandridge came into a higher level of fame with the movie of Carmen Jones. Carmen Jones was a movie with an all-black production. It was released in 1954. The director and writer of the film was Otto Preminger. I saw the movie before. It was family in my fathers and grandfathers generation. It is still very popular today. Harry Belafonte, Pearl Bailey, Brock Peters, Diahann Carroll, Madame Sul-Te-Wan, Olga James, and Joe Adams were actors and actresses in the movie. Dorothy Dandridge received great reviews for her role in the film. She was the third African American to receive a nomination in any Academy Award category (after Hattie McDaniel and Ethel Waters). She continued to do films and action. Her later films were controversial and interesting like Island in the Sun. She worked in television in the early 1960s just before she passed away. She once married the dancer and entertainer Harold Nicholas on September 6, 1942. Her only daughter was conceived in that marriage. Her name was Haroyln Suzanne Nicholas. They divorced in October of 1951. Many of her other relationships after Nicholas were men abusing her or exploiting her money and other favors. Otto Preminger was an abuser of Dorothy Dandridge. Otto never wanted to marry Dorothy, but he wanted money. She married Jack Denison on June 22, 1959. Jack was accused of domestic violence against Dorothy Dandridge. On another note, Dorothy Dandridge was friends with a lot of famous human beings like Harry Belafonte, the Nicholas Brothers, Nat King Cole, James Dean, Maureen Ohara, Ava Gardner, Sammy Davis, Jr. (He was friends with Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, John F. Kennedy, and Dean Martin), Marilyn Monroe, Sarah Vaughan, Shelly Winters, Marlon Brando, yes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., etc. Vigilant Citizen wrote an excellent report Marilyn Monroe. Great job. It is important to note that Dorothy Dandridge and Marilyn Monroe were close friends and were strong proponents of the civil rights movement.

On September 8, 1965, Dandridge spoke by telephone with friend and former sister-in-law Geraldine "Geri" Branton. Dandridge was scheduled to fly to New York the next day to prepare for her nightclub engagement at Basin Street East. Hours later, Dorothy Dandridge was found dead by her manager Earl Mills. The authorities in the Los Angeles County Coroner Office said the following about her passing: Miss Dandridge died of a rare embolismblockage of the blood passages at the lungs and brain by tiny pieces of fat flaking off from bone marrow in a fractured right foot she sustained in a Hollywood film five days before she died... It is believed that she died as a product of an accidental overdose according to the Los Angeles pathology institute. On September 12, 1965, a private funeral service was held for Dandridge at the Little Chapel of the Flowers. She was cremated and her ashes are interred in the Freedom Mausoleum at Forest Law Cemetery. Dorothy Dandridge had a great legacy in her multifaceted career. Many actresses and musicians like Cicely Tyson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Halle Berry, Janet Jackson, Kimberly Elise, Loretta Devine, Tasha Smith, Angela Bassett, Whitney Houston, and other Sisters acknowledged the potent legacy of Dorothy Dandridge. Sweet dreams in the afterlife Sister Dorothy Dandridge. Your memory still inspires all of us of every background. RIP Sister Dorothy Dandridge.

Her famous quotations include the following:

Nothing that I had -beauty, money, recognition as an artist- was sufficient to break through the powerful psychological bind of racist thinking. ~Dorothy Jean Dandridge America never liked Josephine Baker. Above all, they resented that she left America. What, she was supposed to stay here and become a maid? Dorothy Dandridge on Josephine Baker It (prejudice) is such a waste. It makes you logy and half-alive. It gives you nothing. It takes away. Dorothy Dandridge If I were white, I would capture the world. Dorothy Dandridge vs. The World

One of the most interesting portions of Hollywood was their history in the civil rights movement's golden era period. That period was from the early 20th century to the end of the 1970's. In that time period, times were radically changing. Human beings wanted liberty. Hollywood was slow to mention these changing times on film in the early days. There are areas of gray in this history. Many Hollywood pictures and individuals were stone cold bigots that never wanted true equality. Their movies and shows denigrate not only black Americans, but numerous other human beings of color. It was not just Birth of a Nation either. Likewise, there were numerous Hollywood actors and actresses individuals that worked to advance social activism in favor of civil rights. Some actors and actresses though were courageous enough to support the cause of civil rights. Paul Robeson was an actor who advanced liberty. He was blacklisted even by the U.S. government for his views, which he had a free speech or First Amendment right to believe in. Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte not only played dignified roles in Hollywood. They also advanced liberty and the cause of civil rights as well. Many actors and actresses from Ruby Dee to Ossie Davis were legitimate activists and they wanted a real, accurate portrayal of human beings from their own communities. We give Hattie McDaniel her credit, because back in her day, African Americans lacked so many acting opportunities, that Hattie McDaniel performed her roles to put food in her family's table. There is no excuse for this now of course. Robeson was one of the first major African American actors that broke away from stereotypical roles of black human beings during the early 20th century. Poitier extended that breakage. Much of America saw a more accurate image of African Americans with the efforts of Robeson and others. Sidney Poitier was from the Bahamas and there, there were black doctors, lawyers, and musicians. When he came into Miami, he faced huge discrimination and bigotry. Sidney Poitier's first wife was named Juanita. The Sister Juanita made their Pleasantville estate a meeting place for Civil rights leaders. She was a hostess to Ruby Dee, Clarence Jones, Ossie Davis, John Oliver Killings, and Malcolm X. Belafonte inspired Sidney and Sammy Davis Jr. to protest more in the Deep South. Also, during this time period, stronger movements grew from the Black Panthers, SNCC, RAM, to the NOI. Hollywood back then was in the realm of the establishment did not cross that line of advancing very radical political views in other levels until years after the 1960's. Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, and others decades ago fought for civil rights legislation. In our time, we are still fighting for voting rights protection, an end to police brutality, an end to stop and frisk (including any form of racial profiling), environmental justice, and pure equality for all human life.

Politics and Hollywood

The politics of Hollywood is real. One of the most powerful members of Hollywoods elite is Summer Redstone. He is the CEO of Viacom. Viacom owns a huge list of media companies like CBS, Nickelodeon, MTV, and VH1. The military industrial complex, Wall Street, and the rest of the elite run Hollywood not by the whims of the public audience. In 2000, The Hollywood Reporter released a top 100 list of the most powerful figures in the industry over the past 70 years. Rupert Murdoch, chief of News Corporation, which owns Twentieth Century Fox, was the most powerful living figure. Murdoch agrees with the same neoliberal globalization that is harming the world including the nation of Bangladesh. With the exception of director Steven Spielberg (no. 3), no artists appeared in the top 10. That is why each of the major Hollywood studies is a subsidiary of a much larger corporation. They act as a source of revenue in the wider financial empire. The major companies of Viacom, News Corp., Disney, Time Warner, Vivendi, and others rule most of the mainstream media and Hollywood. That is precisely why Hollywood shows movie in favor of armaments, terrorism, and militarism. Rupert Murdoch heavily funded positive reviews of the blockbuster of Australia, which was an epic from Baz Luhrmann. This should come as no surprise Twentieth Century Foxs parent company (Rupert Murdochs News Corp) worked hand-inhand with the Australian government throughout the films production for mutual interests. The government benefited from Luhrmanns huge tourist campaign, which included not just the feature film itself but also a series of extravagant tie-in advertisements (all in apparent support of its ham-fisted Aborigine reconciliation programme). Disney has properties of course in Florida. They have ties to the Saudi Royal Family. One powerful member of the family named Al-Walid bin Talal owns a major stake in Eurodisney and was instrumental in bailing out the financially troubled amusement park. The Pentagon backed movies like Army Now, Crimson Tide, Bad Company (which was vetted by the CIA), the Recruit, etc. Even Disney has close to ties with the U.S. defense department for decades. Walt Disney in real life was a virulent anti-communist and there are rumors that Disney was a secret FBI informant. We know about the other rumors about Walt Disney as well. In the 1950s, corporate and government sponsors helped Disney make films promoting President Eisenhowers Atoms for Peace policy as well as the infamous Duck and Cover documentary that suggested to schoolchildren that they could survive an atomic attack by hiding under their desks. We now realize that the Cold War was a contrived events utilized to exploit the lives of billions as a means to crush truly nationalist movements (and to centralize

wealth into fewer hands). Even now, a longtime Directors Board member of Disney is John E. Bryson who is also a director of The Boeing Company, one of the worlds largest aerospace and defense contractors. Boeing received $16.6bn in Pentagon contracts in the aftermath of the US invasion of Afghanistan. That is why Disney wanted to avoid to commission films critical of Bush's foreign policy such as Fahrenheit 9/11. Universal Studios funded Children of Men, Jarhead, the Good Shepherd, and other militarist film. So, to assume that Hollywood is some pacifist, peacenik industry is truly inaccurate to assume. We know that Universal's parent company is General Electric. GE's lucrative interests relate to weapons manufacturing and producing crucial components for high-tech war planes, advanced surveillance technology, and essential hardware for the global oil and gas industries, notably in post Saddam Iraq. GEs board of directors has strong ties to large so-called liberal organizations such as the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation is not truly liberal per se. These foundations are used to contain or stir real revolutionary change and to make concessions in mainstream society. Hollywood is in league with the mainstream capitalist system. They want the bottom line, which to them is money. Corporate dollars dominate Hollywood productions. That is just common sense when you research the truth comprehensively. We either have to get down with the truth or lay down with nepotism. War mongering is nothing new. Now, the U.S. is fighting 74 different wars and many more covert wars. These actions are going on without Congressional oversight and without public knowledge. Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator wrote about these issues. We know that the U.S. military operations are spreading in five continents. There are military facilitates in nations globally. There is a U.S. military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Qatar, Djibouti, Turkey, Bahrain, and even in Kyrgyzstan. American bases are found in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and the UK. Some bases like the Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar can hold up to 10,000 troops and 120 aircraft. That is the headquarters of the United States Central Command. The purpose of the US Central Command or CENTCOM is to be in 20 countries. They are ramping up military training, logistical support, counterterrorism programs, etc. in various mostly Middle Eastern nations. There is still some U.S. military involved in Egypt all the way to Turkmenistan. AFRICOM or U.S. Africa Command supports military to military relationships with 54 African nations. Gosztola points out that the U.S. military is also conducting operations of one kind or another in Syrian, Jordan, South Sudan, Kosovo, Libya, Yemen, the Congo, Uganda, Mali, Niger and other countries. So, there are about 74 nations where America is fighting or helping some force in a proxy struggle. U.S. elites claim that these actions are beneficial to American interests when we have a record economic struggling situation now. There are covert operations that most Americans don't know about. It can be related to Special Operation forces and drones. Some Joint Special Operations Commands work with supporting U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operations in Colombia and Mexico. Some JSOC have been deployed under the current administration in Iran, Georgia, Ukraine, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Yemen, Pakistan (in the Baluchistan region especially), and the Philippines. These teams can be found in Turkey, Belgium, France, and Spain. Global assassination has been the common policy of America for decades. The wild thing is that the JSOC is not accountable to Congress or the public. So, theoretically, the JSOC can go around killing human beings without due process at all. Even the CIA has its limitations and the JSOC acts almost like the White House's private army. Some issues are used as wedge issues as a means to divide Americans while the oligarchy gets richer and richer. Wedge issues were exploited by numerous Republicans from Lee Atwater to Karl Rove as a means to deceive a majority of American in accepting reactionary policies. One example is how the Southern Strategy allowed human beings to vote against their economic interests. In the meantime, the GOP sought to maintain great reactionary powers in the old Confederacy. Much of this political agitation has been funded by Wall Street bankers, the Koch brothers, and some left gatekeepers have been funded by George Soros. We ought to address taxes, labor unions, federal regulations, and other likeminded issues. The interests of voters and all of humanity is needed not the plutocratic privilege of a select amount of human beings. It is also hypocritical for anyone to say that he or she disagrees with mass shootings, but agree with killer drones that have killed men, women, and children. Some want to use certain issues as a means to plan for more cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, child nutrition, food stamps, and Social Security -- which will inflict whole orders of magnitude more in the way of needless deaths and human suffering on all age groups than the gun crimes themselves, bad as these are. Likewise, it is wrong for those who claim to advance gun rights when they want to strip the American people of their economic rights. The reactionaries are wrong to demand an economy with low wages, no unions, no

unemployment insurance, and virtually no social safety net. Overall U.S. standard of living including real wages has declined by about two thirds since the end of the Johnson administration. The deregulation and laissez faire globalization has influenced the rising consumer debt, the need for multiple jobs, the need to keep a home, etc. What we don't need are the extremes of neither tyrannical government nor neo-feudalism (which is made of a dismantling of real government). We need efficient government that can help the masses of the people. Many libertarians like Ron Paul are right on much civil liberty issues, but are wrong to deny the American people the fundamental right to health care. Paul condemned parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He opposes the right of collective bargaining as natural rights. So, he is wrong on those issues. Despite FDR's flaws, he was right to fight for economic rights. He wanted an Economic Bill of Rights as said in his State of the Union address from January 11, 1945. FDR's proposed economic rights included a productive job; an adequate income for food, clothing, and recreation; a decent home for every family; adequate medical care; a good education; insurance for old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; protection for small businessmen against monopoly cartels; and parity prices for farmers. Radical libertarians will mostly not fight for these economic rights at all. That is why we need to have employment, wages, education, infrastructure, science, technology, and grow other parts of our land to have real economic development. A National Marshall plan for urban and rural communities suffering harsh realities is something that I will be for completely. The massive violence in the world is evil. One thing out of many to decrease this violence is a campaign that can eradicate poverty, grow unemployment, end poverty, decrease the amount of underemployment in the world, and handle other social related problems. A job creation program and a means to treat the causes of poverty not just the symptoms of it will grow our world. Therefore, whether we are male or female, we must continue to be strong, firm, compassionate, and courageous.

The Great Gatsby

The new film of the Great Gatsby relates to F. Scott Fitzgerald's book of the same name. The new movie was directed by Baz Luhrman. It was co-written by Luhrmann and Craig Pearce. The movie used much creative designs and imagery. The movie comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby from 1925. I read the book while I was in high school. The story is set in the summer of 1922. This time was during the Roaring Twenties where there was massive growth of wealth among the super wealthy. A carefree attitude was embrace by some Americans. The story is about a young man from the Midwest named Nick Carraway (played by Tobey Maguire in the film) including other characters. Nick sells bonds on Wall Street and lives on a suburban Long Island small house next to a mansion. The mansion is owned by the enigmatic, young millionaire named Jay Gatsby (he is played by Leonardo DiCaprio). Nick has a cousin named Daisy (Carey Mulligan), who is attracted to Gatsby. Daisy has a brutish, philandering husband Tom Buchanan (played by Joel Edgerton). Daisy and Tom live directly across the pay where older money holds sway. The Great Gasby is known for hosting elaborate, lavish parties in New York. Some celebrities and hangers on come. Most of these folks haven't been invited to them. Rumors come about the source of his wealth. Nick becomes a friend of Gatsby. Nick learns that Gatsby wants to go out with Daisy. Gatsby met her when he was a poor young man, a soldier of WWI (5 years earlier in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky). The Gatsby wants Daisy to leave Tom and tell him that she loved him after all of those years. Gatsby made his million via stock fraud and bootlegging with the gangster Meyer Wolfsheim (played by Amitabh Bachchan). Daisy and Gatsby have an affair. Gatsby use money to buy a Long Island mansion. Buchanan has his own mistress named Myrtle Wilson. Tragedies come about in the whole movie. The Buchanans escape unscathed. The novel the Great Gatsby outlines a cautionary tale of the

imperfections and greed found in the so-called American dream. Luhrmann doesn't touch much in the excesses of capitalism or the intellectual and social questions of poverty. Artistically, the movie shows images of Long Island and New York decades ago. The graphics of the movie is advanced and sophisticated. Ironically, the Long Island party scenes are set to contemporary popular music. Wolfsheim is based on the famed gangster Arnold Rothstein.

The film describes the romance between Gatsby and Daisy. The novel shows Gatsby in love with the way of life of luxury. The novel itself talks about the attack on the decadence and materialism of the rich. The book mentions that: They were careless people, Tom and Daisythey smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made. It is easy to see that the same oligarchs and criminals running America back 90 years ago still run America today. Covertly, the novel criticizes capitalism harming human life. Even F. Scott Fitzgerald called himself a Marxist or socialist. The novel outlines the truth that many who are high in the so called American Dream are filled with emptiness, because luxury and wealth alone never equates into true love. Money and corruption can get in the way of true happiness. Allying with human beings that love you for you and experiencing joy including a true, tranquil happiness are priceless. In our time, Wall Street is having record profits. The stock market is

enjoying record highs. Still, we have a stagnant economic reality for the rest of us. There is still a high level of foreclosures in America. We live in a society of some still embracing a materialistic, selfish mentality. What goes around comes around. If you treat folks harshly, then you will sow evil. If you treat human beings justly, then blessings will come about in your life. It is a Universal truth.

There are other secrets about the Great Gatsby movie. The movie and the book is a metaphor on how the elite rich live in real life. Many of the super wealthy live in an odd, depraved lifestyle to put it lightly. The poor are suffering since they lack opportunities not because they are lazy or inferior to non-poor human beings. Throughout human history, the poor has worked diligently and with great strength. The rich live off the system all of the time via tax subsidies, bailouts, trade agreements, and contracts from the government (with taxpayer money). Yet, reactionaries say nothing about that. Now, the super-rich dynasties and financial titans of the world live in huge mansions globally. The Vanderbilt Dynasty created the Biltmore estate. Even Texe Marrs's Where the Rich and Famous Dwell documentary accurately document how many of the super-rich elite have esoteric or occult influences in the mansions that they reside in spanning a long time. For example, the Rockefellers' Kykuit estate has a statue of a nude goddess, sculptures of Greek deities, zodiac signs in mosaic, and an Egyptian obelisk. The gravesite of the oil magnate John D. Rockefeller has the towering Egyptian obelisk. This is the phallic image and the Rockefeller dynasty has been involved in the infiltration of Western mainstream political, economic, religious, and educational circles for more than a century. They have trusts all over the world. They give money where the seminaries in America can operate. They provide money to major universities. The Rockefeller Foundation has funded the ACLU, Catholic educational organization, the CFR, the NAACP, and a whole list of social and political organizations. Rene Wormser, Counsel for the Reece Committee reported, A very powerful complex of foundations and allied organizations has developed over the years to exercise a high degree of control over education. Part of this complex, and ultimately responsible for it, are the Rockefeller and Carnegie groups of foundations. The Rockefellers are allies of Maurice Strong, who advanced Mother Gaia worship. David Rockefeller is part of Lucis Trusts management. The Lucis Trust is a New Age organization that wants the spiritual Hierarchy to govern the affairs of the planet. The Lucis Trust is a key part of the New Age establishment movement as shown by real Patriots and real Christians. It was once called Lucifer Trust since many New Agers love to praise or worship Lucifer, which is disturbing to say the least. It was formed in New York City back in 1922. Alice Bailey's husband & Freemason Foster Bailey created the symbol of Lucis Trust. The Lucis Trust website outlines a detailed breakdown of the symbol of their organization (with a white symmetrically correct cross inside a blue star, which is superimposed on a yellow triangle. This triangle/star combination is surrounded by gold and bordered by a blue field. Four bars dissect this border). Yes, it was the same Rockefeller affiliated corporations that gave financial and manufacturing aid to the Third Reich. This has been documented by Anthony Sutton's research including others. The Rothschilds' Waddesdon Manor in England has a striking fountain in gardens with a large serpent terrorizing hapless victims. So, many of the areas where the world elite lives have esoteric building structures like riddles in stone. The elite exploit and manipulate the ancient wisdom from ancient humans as a means to project their influence or control in much of the modern world. It is as simple as that. With technological advancements today, we can see that it is still imperative for us to stridently oppose the extremist agenda of Big Brother.

Superman: Man of Steel

Superman: Man of Steel is a very popular movie. It describes Superman defeating an enemy named Zod as a means to save the whole world. The movie, which came out in 2013, was directed by Zack Snyder and it was produced by Christopher Nolan. It was scripted by David S. Goyer. The film is a reboot of the Superman film series, which is based on DC Comics. The Superman cartoon is very famous and it is one of the most well-known cartoons in history. Henry Cavill stars as Superman, Amy Adams plays Lois Lane, Michael Shannon plays General Zod, Daine Lane portrays Martha Kent, Kevin Costner acts as Jonathan Kent, Laurence Fishburne acts as Perry White, and Russell Crowe acts as Jor-El. The movie shows the early life of Superman including the final time of the planet Krypton (with advanced technology and advanced humanoid life). The planet Krypton has relative stability until Zod comes about as a means to try to have a coup in the planet. Soon, Zod kills Jor-El and Jor-El's son (named Kal-El or Superman) is sent to Earth via a spacecraft. Superman's cells are infused with a genetic codex as a means to preserve the Kryptonian race. Before Zod attacks the Earth, the story of Kal-El continues. Superman understands on how to justly utilize his superhuman abilities. Zod attacks Earth after he is released from the Phantom Zone (he is placed there by the military and followers of Jor-El after Zod kills Jor-El). Zod attacks Earth and Superman have no choice but to kill him. Superman soon resumes a secret identity of Clark Kent as a means to live a more normal life.

The original Superman comic was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. It was created by in 1933 when they were in a Cleveland high school. Superman was seen as fighting for social justice. Each man was influenced by characters like Samson and Hercules. Some believe that Superman was a mythical symbol of fighting against Nazism. That is why Jerry Siegel acknowledges in an unpublished memoir that he was influenced by the anti-Semitism that he saw and felt in his life. So, he utilized Samson as a role model for Superman. He wanted to see Jewish human beings as superheroes since back then; Jewish human beings suffered a lot of bigotry and discrimination. You will notice that Jor-El and Kal-El are all Hebrew words. Kal-El is Hebrew for the voice of God. You can

compare Superman to Old Testament stories instead of Yeshua ben Yoseph (when he was born in planet Earth, had disciples and he died included rose from the dead). There are more similarities between Moses (as he was sent to another land to escape destruction and he led the Exodus out of Egypt) and Superman than Yeshua. Superman is 75 years old now. Yet, even Moses has a lot of differences with the Superman character. The Superman archetype has been talked about in the four corners of the Earth in numerous cultures. The movie has much symbolism. Superman begins his career at age 33 in the movie, which tries to mimics the Christ image. At one point in the film, Superman assumes the posture of a crucified savior. This is mockery. The shape of the invading E.T. vessel is that of an inverted trident. The trident is the occult spear, with a long history. The same mark is of course given in many places. A quoted line from the film: The word of the day is trident... This is given as a MILITARY PASSWORD. Some proponents of transhumanism want man to be like Superman with superhuman powers and abilities. So, the Man of Steel film is doing very strong numbers. The movie has earned over 152 million dollars inside of North America alone. Much of the public loves the film. There are mixed feelings about the movie from critics and other movie expert while a lot of the public seems to love the film. Superman: The Man of Steel touches on a whole list of issues from genetic issues to issues of civil liberties and threats of an authoritarian police state.

There are numerous mysteries with the Superman story indeed. Superman tries to assimilate into Earth like many immigrants in real life try to assimilate to American society while maintaining their immigrant identity. Ironically, the creators of the Superman comics were second generation Jewish kids back in the day. Howard Jacobson of the London Times has called Superman "the boy with the Kabbalistic name, the boy from the shtetl. Superman might be Jewish, but it's only so long as no one knows he's Jewish that he is capable of performing wonders. And you can't get more Jewish than that." Superman wants to perform wonders and repair order and balance in the world. He believes in duty and justice. He wants to serve the human race in the dira b'tachtonim or the physical world. In we life, we have recognize that we have a body and a soul and developing our spirituality is key to respecting our true nature in the Universe. Also, Jor-el means God will uplift in the Hebrew language. The El is a suffix in Jewish tradition that signifies power and great importance. The three legs of the Superman myth truth, justice and the American way are straight out of the Mishnah. The world, it reads, endures on three things: justice, truth and peace. The explosion of Krypton according to scholars is similar to the Kabbalah tradition of the divine vessel being shattered and Jewish human beings have the responsibility to enact tikkun haolam as a means to repair the vessel including the world. Many Jewish new immigrants back in the early 20th century were torn between the Old and New World identities psychologically (as portrayed in the fundamental personality of Superman). Larry Tye is an author that wrote on the mysteries of Superman indeed.

The Bulter
Sister Trojan Pam and Brother Kushite Prince created excellent words about the Butler film. The following is not for the faint of heart neither these words are politically correct. From the vulgarity in the film (that deals with related to the Presidents and other characters), to the films classification of self-defense or militant action against oppression as a sin (which is a lie) including the character of Oprah (being the butlers wife) calling a woman outside of her name, that film is something else. The butler and his son fighting against apartheid can be mentioned as touching (and the butlers family reconciling by the end of the film), but overall the film is slick propaganda, which is even more deceptive than Django Unchained. The screenplay author of the film is Danny Strong. Harvey Weinsten and others own Distribution rights to the movie. These individuals and most of the producers of the movie are white. So, this movie is not a true BLACK movie. The film was created as a means to advance the continued submission of servitude of black human beings to the system of white supremacy (with talented black actors and black actresses in it as a means to psychologically brainwash folks to believe that white society can evolve to benefit black Americans if we just submit into their establishment system). Also, racists use black human beings as scapegoats for the current system of oppression harming the human race. That is important to know. Also, we realize that the FBI and the CIA has done terrorism for a long time, but the film will not mention the terrorist crimes of these agencies including the various Presidencies of American history. Evil terrorism and racial oppression should be obliterated in the world. Never forget that the female Black Panther character in the film was sexually hit on in an inappropriate way by the butlers oldest sons brother. That was an evil action against a woman. The Black Panther Sista did nothing wrong in the dinner, but burped and the movie implied that she was sexually promiscuous and without discipline, which is an attack on black womanhood (and the butler archetype is an attack on black manhood). I saw the entire movie for research purposes, so the deceivers can never tell me anything. I had to move my eyes from the disgusting, vulgar scene of LBJ (the movie admitted LBJs hypocrisy of claiming to be for civil rights, but says the N word all of the time). Never forget that this sellout and Uncle Tom Lee Daniels said that he profiled black women as welfare recipient one time in his life. He or Lee Daniels is wrong to

want to allow white folks to use the N word since if a white person uses that term to describe a black person, that white person views that black person less than equal. That word has always been used to try to dehumanize, demean, and slander black human beings. So, that word is about hurting people and stereotypically analyzing black human beings into a box (not viewing black humans as diverse, complex, and critically thinking human beings). It is as simple as that. Lee Daniels has a history of trying to appease mainstream white society. You cannot appease a society that views you as less than a man. You can fight in that society to abolish oppression. We need victory not appeasement. Cuba Gooding Jr.s character made
crude sexual jokes on sex and the female human body, so this was perversion on screen. I cant believe some of our people support this stuff. To top it off, it glamorizes the current White House when it made

the error of advancing Empire (under the system of white supremacy) not the audacity of real Hope and real Change. I need to not mention anything more than what they have excellently and eloquently mentioned. Now, this movie seems to have a generational situation. Many older members

of our black community love it since they feel it represents real history. Many younger black human beings like me have huge reservations about the film. The story revolves
around a famous butler serving many numerous Presidents in the White House. The butler suffered indignities (like his mother being raped and his father being murdered in front of his face. Mariah Carey played the butlers mother who was raped by a white racist brute), hardships, and other forms of unjustified oppression by racists basically. The movie ended during the age of Obama when he was elected as the first African American President in history in 2008. 2008 is 5 years ago, which I remember like it was yesterday. This movie is similar to Django Unchained where the actors and actresses are sincere (with a huge following in the African American community), while the message in the film is slick and tries to justify the oppression of white supremacy. The Butler outlines white society's

depiction or interpretation of black life not the total authentic view of society in the lens of black eyes (or the total truth of the history of black consciousness in general). Hollywood loves to do this completely. The movie issues the deception that there
is joy in us as blacks showing passivity toward oppression. The movie talks advances the lie that we should suffer in a submissive way as a means for us to be integrated in mainstream white society (which is a society that hates our very being as black human beings). The truth is that suffering unjustly is never morally redemptive. There is redemption in God inspiring us to use militant action and confronting the evil system of white supremacy without accommodating to it (or accepting token concessions that never benefits our people in the long term anyway as Malcolm X said. Even Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had to admit that the wickedness of white society is abhorrent and this is Dr. King). The movie portrays the Black Panthers as some almost nihilistic faction of militants when the Black Panthers had Brothers and Sisters literally doing many things constructively (as a means to enrich the lives of society. They were not collectively running around and killing cops randomly. They were using self-defense and working in the black community. The Black Panthers were well read and utilized great, intellectual argument in explaining their views to the world. In fact, the FBI murdered many innocent Black Panthers for no reason and that will never be placed in the film). The FBI, the CIA, and other likeminded organizations have a notorious history of terrorism against the black community and other members of the human family worldwide (which has been going on for decades). Films like the Butler present the archetype of the "good white folks" helping the "grateful black folks" that should thank the white Saviors for granting them their own liberty. The truth is that black human beings have a leadership role in their own liberation. As Trojan Pam eloquently wrote, it is still taboo for Hollywood to show movies about strong, conscious, and Excellent Black Men and strong, conscious and Excellent Black Women working together and loving each other as a means to solve their problems in a mass level (especially in the 2nd decade of the 21st century). The Butler outlines the noble domestic servants for white people motif. This archetype has been common in Hollywood for decades. I have more sympathy for Brothers and Sisters back then than today in dealing with servant roles (black folks were starving in the streets looking and fighting for dignified roles back then). The reason is that back then Brothers and Sisters were lynched and murdered overtly by white racists in epidemically higher levels than now. We still suffer these things now, but back then it was overtly worse. Today, there is no excuse for this servant stereotype stuff now definitely. The domestic servant stereotype is about the lie that the natural position of

black humanity must be about serving white people instead of building up the black community independent of white social expectations. The white supremacy system always
wants us (who are black) to be passive to their wicked system instead of fighting it. In our time, we still experience racism and overt violence against our people. So, the goal of white supremacy plainly is to advance white domination and black submission. Hollywood is not progressive as its supporters claim since its film then and now show the most debased stereotypes against black human beings in general (from the sick show Scandal [that degrades a beautiful, smart black woman as a mistress and a sex object to a corrupt white President] to Django Unchained). As black human beings, we can never serve, sex, and sacrifice our lives for our enemies.

Also, Lee Daniels has a known history of directing controversial films that degrade his own people from Monster's Ball to Precious. Recently, he even wanted white people to have the right to say the N word, which is highly disturbing. So, we as blacks should express empathy towards each other and make sure that our minds psychologically are in favor of BLACKNESS and enriching BLACK HUMAN LIFE. The Butler is more sophisticated Hollywood propaganda than Django Unchained since it tries to distort history (in dealing with the story of Cecil Gaines) as a means to gain interest among an audience while Django is a film filled with fantasy. I will write much more later on about this film. We should continue to be leaders not servants of the establishment. We are leaders.


Everyone is talking about the film Oblivion and everyone wants to see the real meaning of the movie. Oblivion is a 2013 American science fiction film. It was co-written, produced, and directed by Joseph Kosinki. It was based on his unpublished graphic novel of the same name, which was also edited by Radical Comics. The film stars many human beings like the Scientologist Tom Cruise,

Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea Riseborough, Melissa Leo, Zoe Bell, and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The movie recently came out in the United States in April 19, 2013. It is Tom
Cruises twentieth film that grossed in excess of $200 million worldwide. The movie deals with the future in the year 2077. Tech 49 Jack Harper (played by Tom Cruise) is one of the last drone repairmen stationed on Earth. Earth was nearly destroyed 60 years earlier via the destruction of the Earths moon and an invasion by aliens called Scavs. Tower 49 is a base standing above the remains of New York City. Jack comes from Tower 49 with his romantic partner Victoria (played by Andrea Riseborough) and work as a team to protect the Hydroigs and to secure including send Earths remaining resources to a massive tetrahedral space station. This space station is called Tet. Tet was humanitys escape vessel. Their mission control commander is Sally, who guides them from the Tet through Jacks recon and repair trips. The two expect to leave Earth and join the other survivors at a colony on Titan in two weeks. Although Jack and Victoria had their memories wiped five years prior for security purposes, Jack has recurring dreams about a mysterious woman on the observation deck of the Empire State Building a time before the war. The Scavs are found to be humans living in an underground stronghold. The leader is Malcolm Beech, who is played by Morgan Freeman. He claims that the alien invasion was a lie and wants the Jack reprogram a captured drone to destroy the Tet. When Jack refuses, Malcolm releases the captives but urges them to seek the truth in the high radiation zone that Jack is forbidden from entering. Tet is an alien artificial intelligence that seized Earth for the planets resources. Jack is a clone of the original Jack

Harper, who is an astronaut from 2017. The Tet initially used Harper's clones as an invading army, then later switched to drones programmed to kill humans on sight, thus forcing the survivors to disguise themselves as the Scavs. The Tet now uses Harper's clones to maintain the drones and thereby maintain its dominance. Hearing this, Jack agrees to reprogram the stolen drone to deliver a nuclear bomb into the Tet. Jack leaves the underground stronghold with the reprogrammed drone, he and others are attacked by three other drones. The Tet is destroyed, but Jack and Beech are sacrificed in the process. Three years later, Julia lives a peaceful life with her young daughter in the forest retreat on the recovering Earth. From the woods, members of the former resistance appear. Julia welcomes them. Tech 52 appears from the crowd to rejoin his family.

Researchers have some many meanings to the film that deal with esoteric issues (similar to Gnosticism and Platonism). Gnosticism views the Creator as the Demiurge who trapped spiritual beings in the physical world. They believe that the Demiurge made man flawed and imposed death. They want man to escape this existence via gnosis or knowledge. Plato believed that the body is a prison. Oblivion deals with a post-apocalyptic world caused by war and chaos. Tet looks like HAL, but with a triadic structure. Jack has his memory gone. This reality is similar to Platonic doctrine in that Plato believed that humans forgotten their origins (from the fall from the real of the Ideas or Forms. He wanted humans to return to our origin from the prison of the body). The triadic structure of Tet is very similar to the All Seeing Eye and the Pyramid on the One Dollar Bill, which was supported by high level Freemason Henry Wallace. The film is similar to the Matrix where Morgan Freemans tries to convince Tom Cruises character to fight his battle against Freemans characters enemies (like Morpheus convincing Neo to fight Mr. Smith). In real life, just like in Oblivion, the global Elite want to have a global technocratic control grid society where there are drones, depopulation, wars, cloning, genetic engineering, and other things. The elite act like Tet and there are those who desire life extension technology. In Hebrew, Tet is the initial letter of tov or the good. Tet in the film look like inverted tetrahedrons. They, thus symbolize evil, the inversion of tov. But in regard to esoteric symbolism, the Tet looks like an inverted pyramid without a cap, and with an all-seeing red eye, reminiscent of HAL 9000 from 2001. So, we have the good guys and the bad buys in real life. In real life, the bad guys use eugenics, more GM crops, more neoliberalism, radical population control, and the exploitation of the genius of technology as a means to try to institute a more authoritarian, conformist society. The agenda of the elite is spelled out by many sources.

There are goals of the international elite. According to Quigley (Tragedy and Hope, pg. 324), here is what they want:

nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and he economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basil, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world Two pages later, Quigley admitted that: I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years during the 1960s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have for much of my life been close to it and to many of its instruments. In general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown.

Deception is a Mess and a Half, but the Truth is Eternal and the Truth is God. The truth and the beat goes on.
The signs are all in the heavens and some accept reality or accept fantasy. It is time that we eat the gumbo pot of truth not the stale, bootleg pottage of compromise. That is why we should advance freedom. We have the right to believe in liberty and justice. So, stand strong, be real, and hold on to hope including faith. I believe in building up humanity. The truth is amazing. I still believe in the Lord after all of these years.

By Timothy




Mpaji ni Mungu Peace

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