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TRABAJO DE VIBRACIONES MODELACIN DE SISTEMAS DE n GRADOS DE LIBERTAD TEMTICA. 1. Introduccin: a. Que es un sistema de n grados de libertad? b.

Explicacin general de las caractersticas del mtodo de balance de fuerzas(Mtodo del diagrama de cuerpo libre) c. Explicacin general de las caractersticas del procedimiento de aplicacin de las ecuaciones de Lagrange 2. Mtodo de anlisis de sistemas de n grados de libertad mediante el Mtodo del diagrama de cuerpo libre a. Descripcin del procedimiento b. Empleo del mtodo para los siguientes sistemas:
x1 k m 2k m x2 k m x3 k

sistema 1.

L 3

L 3

k q

Slender rod of mass m

sistema 2.
m x1 2k

2m x2

3. Mtodo de anlisis de sistemas de n grados de libertad mediante el Mtodo de las ecuaciones de Lagrange a. Descripcin del procedimiento b. Empleo del mtodo para los mismos ejercicios del mtodo anterior

Material referencial


The number of degrees of freedom used to analyze a system is the number of kinematically independent coordinates necessary to describe the motion of every particle in the system. The system of Figure 7.1(a) has only one degree of freedom. If is chosen as the generalized coordinate, using the small angle approximation, x a where x is displacement of a particle located a distance a from the pin support. If the pin support is removed as in Figure 7.1(b), using the small displacement approximation, the analysis of the system requires two coordinates. These could be chosen as x, as the displacement of the mass center and and as the clockwise angular rotation of the bar, all of which are measured from the systems equilibrium position. If a mass-spring system is hung from the mass center of the bar, as illustrated in Figure 7.1(c), the system has three degrees of freedom. A suitable choice of generalized coordinates is x1 (the displacement of the left end of the bar), x2 (the displacement of the right end of the bar), and x3 (the displacement of the mass). All are measured from equilibrium. Recall that for linear systems with static spring forces, the static spring forces cancel with the source of the spring forces when the differential equation is derived. Neither is included on a FBD when the objective is to derive the differential equation of motion. The potential energy of springs with static forces is calculated from energy that is calculated from the systems equilibrium position. The total potential energy is expressed as V V0 where V0 is the potential energy in the spring when the system is in equilibrium. Since V0


(a) The system is a SDOF system with as the chosen generalized coordinate. (b) The system has two degrees of freedom with x and chosen as generalized coordinates. (c) A three degree-of-freedom system with x1, x2, and x3 as generalized coordinates.


x1 x x3 (b) (c)


is a constant, it is not considered when calculating the equivalent stiffness. The same is true for multiple degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems. The static forces in the springs cancel with the source of these spring forces and are not included on FBDs or in potential energy terms. The analysis of an n degree-of-freedom (nDOF) system requires n independent differential equations. The differential equations for systems with two degrees of freedom, discussed in Chapter 6, were derived using the free-body diagram method. The method is used again in this chapter for systems with more than two degrees of freedom, but the energy method is the favored method. Lagranges equations, which are a result of an energy method, are specified and used to derive the differential equations governing the vibrations of MDOF systems. The advantage of using Lagranges equations is that, when the differential equations are linear and to to be expressed in matrix form, the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix are symmetric. This imposes appropriate orthogonality conditions on the mode shapes (Chapter 8) and leads to the derivation of the modal analysis method (Chapter 9) for determining the forced response. When viscous damping is present, application of Lagranges equations also leads to a symmetric damping matrix which is crucial to developing the forced response to systems with viscous damping. Application of Lagranges equations requires that the kinetic energy is calculated in terms of the generalized coordinates and their time derivatives at an arbitrary instant. The potential energy is calculated in terms of the generalized coordinates at an arbitrary instant. Lagranges equations may be used to derive the differential equations for linear systems and nonlinear systems. When viscous damping is present, Rayleighs dissipation function is used to determine the energy dissipated by the damping forces. Linear equations can be expresses in a matrix form similar to those in Equation (6.1), as $ # Mx + Cx + Kx = F (7.1) When the equations are linear, the kinetic energy, potential energy, and Rayleighs dissipation function all can be written in their quadratic form. The quadratic form of kinetic energy is used to directly determine the elements of the mass matrix. The quadratic form of Rayleighs dissipation function is used to directly determine the elements of the damping matrix. The quadratic form of potential energy is used to directly determine the elements of the stiffness matrix. The force vector is determined by using the method of virtual work.

Since the potential energy of a system depends only upon the forces and the position of the system (not the time history of motion), it can be calculated by any method which leads to the instantaneous position. This is the basis of the stiffness influence coefficients. A unit deflection for a generalized coordinate is assumed, and the deflection of all other generalized coordinates is assumed to be zero. The forces needed to maintain this as an equilibrium position, which are the stiffness influence coefficients, are calculated. It is shown that these are the coefficients in the quadratic form of the potential energy and the elements of the stiffness matrix. A similar method with inertia influence coefficients and the elements of the mass matrix is developed. The inverse of the stiffness matrix, when it exists, is the flexibility matrix A. Premultiplying Equation (6.1) by A leads to $ # AMx + ACx + x = AF (7.2)

Thus, A can be used to formulate the differential equations. A column of flexibility influence coefficients are the deflections of the generalized coordinates when a unit force is placed at the location described by one generalized coordinate. Flexibility influence coefficients are the elements of A. Continuous systems are often modeled as discrete systems. Recall that a SDOF model of a machine at the end of a cantilever beam neglects the mass of the beam and models the stiffness of the beam as 3EI/L3. But this only leads to an approximation of the lowest natural frequency of the continuous system, which has an infinite number of natural frequencies. A MDOF model of the beam leads to approximations of higher natural frequencies. The finite-element method, discussed in Chapter 11, provides a discrete system model of a continuous system. The introduction of discrete modeling of continuous systems discussed in this chapter is developed using flexibility influence coefficients. This chapter is concerned with the derivation of differential equations for discrete systems. Chapter 8 is concerned with the free response of discrete systems, and Chapter 9 is concerned with the forced response.


Governing differential equations for SDOF systems derived using the free-body diagram method require drawing a free-body diagram of the system at an arbitrary instant of time and applying the basic conservation laws to the free-body diagrams. Newtons second law ( g F ma), is applied to a particle, while rigid bodies undergoing planar motion also require g M0 Io where 0 is an axis of fixed rotation. If the rigid body does not have an axis of fixed rotation, it is best to draw two free-body diagrams of the system at an arbitrary instant: one showing the external forces and one showing the effective forces. Recall that applied at the mass center and a couple the effective forces are defined as a force equal to m a equal to I . Then the conservation laws are written as ( g F )ext ( g F )eff and ( g MQ )ext ( g MQ )eff where Q is any axis. The first example illustrates the former procedure, while the second and third examples illustrate the latter.


The three blocks slide on a frictionless surface, as shown in Figure 7.2(a). Derive the differential equations governing the vibrations of the system using x1, x2, and x3 as generalized coordinates. SOLUTION Free-body diagrams illustrating the forces acting on the blocks at an arbitrary instant are shown in Figure 7.2(b). Consider the force in the spring connecting the blocks whose displacements are x1 and x2. The spring force is the stiffness 2k times the change in length of the spring, which is x2 x1, drawn in a direction such that when x2 x1, the force is tensile. Therefore, the spring force is acting away from the blocks. The spring is assumed to be massless. Thus, the force in the spring is the same at both ends, and the force acting on the block from the spring whose displacement is x2 is equal to and opposite the force acting on the block whose displacement is x1. The determination of the other spring forces is made in the same manner. Applying g F ma in the horizontal direction to the FBDs of each of the blocks leads to $ - kx1 + 2k (x2 - x1) = mx 1 (a) $ - 2 k (x2 - x1) + k (x3 - x2) = 2 mx 2 $ - k (x3 - x2) - 3kx3 + F (t) = mx 3 (b) (c)

Taking everything involving the generalized coordinates to one side of the equations and everything not involving the generalized coordinates to the other side and rewriting the equations in a matrix form leads to m C0 0 0 2m 0 $ 3k 0 x1 $ 0 S C x 2 S + C - 2k $ x3 0 m
x1 k m 2k 2m

- 2k 3k -k

0 x1 0 - k S C x2 S = C 0 S 4k x3 F (t)
x2 k m 3k x3


f (t )

(a) f (t ) kx1 2k(x2 x1) k(x3 x2) 3kx3 (b)


(a) System of Example 7.1. (b) FBDs of the blocks at an arbitrary instant.

A three degree-of-freedom model of an automobile suspension system and passenger is illustrated in Figure 7.3(a). The bar of mass m has its mass center at G, which is a distance a from the front springs. The attached mass-spring models a seat with a passenger strapped inside. The wheels provide a displacements of y1(t) and y2(t), as illustrated. Using x1, , and x2 as generalized coordinates, derive the equations of motion for the system. Assume small . SOLUTION Free-body diagrams of the body of the vehicle and the seat drawn at an arbitrary instant are shown in Figure 7.3(b). The geometry used in writing the force applied to the rear wheel is illustrated in Figure 7.3(c). The spring force is the stiffness times the change in length of the spring. One end of the spring is displaced at y2(t); the other end is displaced
m2 x2 c G b x1 a m1, I


y2(t) (a)


k3(x1 + c x2)

G k2[y2 (x1 b )] k1[y1 (x1 a )] (b) .. m1x1

.. m2x2 .. I

Equilibrium position xr b x1 xr = x1 b


Three degree-of-freedom model of suspension system of Example 7.2. (b) FBDs of system drawn at an arbitrary instant. (c) Geometry used in calculation of spring force applied to rear wheel.

Application of the moment equation ( g MG )ext ( g MG )eff to the FBD of the vehicle gives $ k13 y1(t ) - (x1 + a u )4(a ) - k2 3 y2(t ) - (x1 - b u)4(b) - k33x1 + c u - x24 (c ) = I u (b) Application of ( g F )ext ( g F )eff to the FBD of the seat yields $ k33x1 + c u - x24 = m2 x2 (c)

at x1 b . Thus, the change in length of the spring is y2(t) (x1 b ). Applying ( g F )ext ( g F )eff to the FBD of the vehicle yields $ k13y1(t) - (x1 + a u)4 + k23y2(t ) - (x1 - b u)4 - k33x1 + c u - x24 = m1x1 (a)

Rearranging the equations such that everything involving the generalized coordinates is on one side and everything else is on the other, and writing the equations in a matrix form leads to $ x1 k1 + k2 + k3 k1a - k2b + k3c - k3 x1 m1 0 0 $ I 0 S C u S + C k1a - k2b + k3c k1a2 + k2b2 + k3c2 - k3c S C u S C 0 $ 0 0 m2 - k3 - k3c k3 x2 x2 k 1 y1(t ) + k 2 y2(t ) = C k 1 ay1(t ) - k 2 by2(t ) S 0 (d)


The cart of Figure 7.4(a) rolls on a frictionless surface. A double pendulum consisting of two slender bars which can move freely is pinned to the cart. Using x, 1, and 2 as generalized coordinates, derive the equations of motion. Assume small 1 and 2. SOLUTION First consider the kinematics and the acceleration of the mass center of the bar AB. aAB = aA + A x rG>A + V x( V x rG>A) # # $ L L L L $ = x i + u1 k x a sin u1 i - cos u1 jb + u1 k x c u1 k x a sin u1i - cos u1 jbd 2 2 2 2 L #2 L$ L #2 $ L$ = a x + u1cos u1 - u1 sinu1 b i + a u1 sin u1 + u1 cos u1) b j 2 2 2 2 In a similar fashion, it is determined that $ # $ # $ 2 aB = ( x + L u1cos u1 - L u 2 1 sin u1) i + (L u1sin u1 + L u1 cos u1) j



The relative acceleration equation is applied between B and the mass center of bar BC: aBC = aB + A x rG>B + V x( V x rG>B ) # $ $ 2 sin u ) i = ( x + L u1 cos u1 - L u1 1 $ $ #2 L L + (L u1sin u1 + L u1 cos u1) j + u 2 k x a sinu2 i - cos u2 jb 2 2

x A 1 L B 2 L

C (a)


Fx1 Fy1

.. mx1

Fy1 F1x1 mg

.. . .2 m( L 1 sin1 + L 1 cos2 ) 2 2 .2 .. .. m(x + L 1 cos1 L 1 sin1) 2 2 .. 1 mL2 12


Fy2 Fy 2 Fx2

.2 .. m(L1 sin1 + L1 cos1) .. . + L 2 sin2 + L 2 cos2) 2 2 .. .2 .. m(x + L1 cos1 L1 sin1) .. .2 + L 2 cos2 L 2 sin2) 2 .. 2 1 mL2 2 12 Effective forces (b)


External forces


System of Example 7.3. (a) The cart rolls on a frictionless surface and the double pendulum is free to rotate about the center of the cart. (b) FBDs at an arbitrary instant.

# # L L + u2 k x cu2 k x a sin u2 i - cos u2 jbd 2 2 # $ L$ L #2 $ 2 sin u + u2 cos u2 - u2 sin u2b i = ax + L u1 cos u1 - L u1 1 2 2 # $ L$ L #2 2 cos u + + aL u1sin u1 + L u1 u2 sin u2 + u2 cos u2b j 1 2 2 (c)

FBDs of the cart and the two bars, drawn at an arbitrary instant, are illustrated in Figure 7.4(b). Application of ( g Fx )ext = ( g Fx )eff to the free-body diagram of the cart leads to $ (d) - kx + Fx 1 = mx 1 Summing moments ( g MB )ext = ( g MB )eff using the FBDs of bar AB leads to Fx (L cos u1) + Fy (L sin u1) + mg
1 1

L sin u1 2

L #2 L $ L $ = m ax + u1 cos u1 - u1 sin u1b a- cos u1b 2 2 2 $ L$ L #2 L 1 + m a u1 sin u1 + u1 cos u1b a- sin u1b + mL2 u1 2 2 2 12 Summing moments ( g M B )ext = ( g M B )eff using the FBDs of bar BC leads to # $ L L $ L #2 L $ 2 sin u + - mg sin u2 = m ax + L u1 cos u1 - L u1 u2 cos u2 - u2 sin u2b a cos u2b 1 2 2 2 2 $ # $ L$ L #2 L 1 2 cos u + u2 sin u2 + u2 mL2 u2 + m aL u1 sin u1 + L u1 cos u2b a sin u2b + 1 2 2 2 12 Summation of forces ( g Fx )ext = ( g Fx )eff on the FBDs of the bars gives L #2 $ L$ - Fx1 + Fx 2 = m ax + u1cos u1 - u1 sinu1b 2 2 and # $ L$ L # $ 2 sin u + - Fx2 = m ax + L u1cos u1 - L u1 u2 cosu2 - u2 sinu2b 1 2 2 2 Summation of forces ( g Fy )ext = ( g Fy )eff applied to the FBDs of the bars gives L$ L #2 - Fy 1 + Fy 2 - mg = m a u1sin u1 + u1 cos u1b 2 2 and $ #2 L $ L #2 - Fy 2 - mg = m aL u1 sin u1 + L u1 cos u1 + u2 sin u2 + u2 cos u2b 2 2 Use of Equations (g) through (j) in Equations (d) through (g) leads to $ 3m # 2 L $ L #2 $ 3 3m x + mL u1 cos u1 sin u2 + kx = 0 (k) L u1 sin u1 + m u2 cos u2 - m u2 2 2 2 2 $ L2 $ 3 $ 13 u (cos u1 cos u2 + sin u1 sin u2) mL cos u1 x + mL2 u1 + m 2 12 4 2 5 L2 # (cos u1 sin u2 + sin u1 cos u2 ) + mg L sin u1 = 0 + m u2 2 2 2 (j) (i) (h) (g) (f) (e)


L2 # L2 $ $ (cos u1 sin u2 - sin u1 cos u2 ) m x + m u1 (cos u1cos u2 + sin u1 sin u2 ) + m u2 2 4 1 L2 $ L + m u2 + mg sin u2 = 0 3 2


Assuming small 1 and 2 (which implies sin 1 L 1, cos 1 L 1, sin 2 L 2, and cos 2 L 1, along with products of generalized coordinates are small), Equations (k) through (m) are written (respectively) as $ L $ $ 3 3mx + mL u1 + m u2 + kx = 0 2 2 3 L2 $ 5 $ 13 2 $ mL x + mL u1 + m u + mgL u1 = 0 2 12 4 2 2 L2 $ L L2 $ $ u2 + mg u2 = 0 mx + m u1 + m 2 3 2 (n) (o) (p)


Energy methods are more useful than the free-body diagram method for deriving differential equations governing MDOF systems. Lagranges equations are derived using energy methods. The equivalent systems method, discussed in Chapter 2, is actually Lagranges equations written for a linear SDOF system. Lagranges equations can be applied to linear and nonlinear MDOF systems to derive the governing differential equations. When applied to linear systems, application of Lagranges equations leads to symmetric mass and stiffness matrices. However, the derivation of Lagranges equations requires calculus of variations, and a formal derivation is beyond the scope of this book. The basis for the derivation of Lagranges equations is the principle of work and energy. Instead of taking the dot product of Newtons law with a differential displacement vector, the dot product is taken with a variation of the displacement vector. Whereas a differential, dx, is a change in the dependent variable due to a change in the independent variable, (a variation written as x is due to a change in the dependent variable, as show in Figure 7.5). The independent variable is time t and the dependent variable is y. Imagine following a particle as it travels throughout space along a path y(t). The actual path that the particle follows between time t1 and time t2 is y(t). The varied path is y(t) y as shown in Figure 7.5(a). The variation is an arbitrary function that the varied path could follow. The variation must be the same as the actual path at t1 and t2. That is, y(t1) 0 and y(t2) 0. Figure 7.5(b) illustrates the difference between a variation and a differential by examining both the function y(t) and the variation y(t) y during the time dt. The geometry of this illustration shows that (dy) d(y). The actual path that the particle follows is not known. It is the job of calculus of variations to specify the actual path (or to derive an equation that specifies the actual path) by considering all possible variations. This is the purpose of Lagranges equations. Application of Lagranges equations specifies the equations for the actual path.

y y + dy t2 y t1 dt t (a) y(t + dt) + d y(t + dt) d( y + d y) d ( y + dy)


(a) Illustration of y (t) and y y. (b) Enlargement of section of curve in part (a) showing detail of variation.

y(t) + d y(t)

y(t + dt) dy y(t) dt dy


The discussion thus far has been for a particle with a one-dimensional motion. The particle has a position vector r(t) and the variation of the position vector is r(t). The expression g F # d r is referred to as the virtual work W. Consider a system with nDOF with generalized coordinates of x1, x2, . . . , xn. The virtual work W is the work done by external forces as the systems position changes from (x1, x2, . . . , xn) to (x1 x1, x2 x2, . . . , xn xn). The virtual work is dW = a F # d r where dr = 0r 0r 0r dx 1 + dx 2 + dx 0x 1 0x 2 0x n n (7.4) (7.3)

The virtual work is broken down into the work done by conservative forces Wc and the work done by non-conservative forces Wnc. The work done by conservative forces is written as dWc = - dV (7.5)

where V is the variation of the potential energy. The term ma . r is manipulated into the variation of kinetic energy T. Just like the principle of work and energy, the result is integrated between two times t1 and t2 with the

requirement that the variation of the position vector is zero at these times. The result is Hamiltons principle, which is stated as

L t1

(T - V + dWnc ) dt = 0


The Lagrangian is defined as L = T - V and if all forces are conservative, Hamiltons principle becomes


L t1

Ldt = 0


For a nDOF system with generalized coordinates x1, x2 , . . . , xn, the Lagrangian L is a function of 2n variables. The potential energy is written at an arbitrary instant and is a function of n variables, which are the generalized coordinates. The kinetic energy is written at an arbitrary instant and is a function of 2n variables: the generalized coordinates and their time derivatives. In general, # # # L = L (x 1, x 2,. . . , x n, x 1, x 2, . . . , x n ) (7.9) The integral 1t 2Ldt is a functional or a function of variables whose result is a scalar. It takes 1 on a variety of values for arbitrary choices of the generalized coordinates and their time derivatives, but only for the exact choice is its variation zero. Using a theorem of calculus of varit2 ations, d 1 t1 Ldt = 0 if 0L d 0L a # b = 0 dx 0 x i 0x i i = 1,2, . . . , n (7.10)

Equations (7.10) are called Lagranges equations and can be used to derive the differential for conservative nDOF systems.

Use Lagranges equations to derive the differential equations governing the motion of the system of Example 7.1 using x1, x2, and x3 as generalized coordinates. SOLUTION The kinetic energy of the system at an arbitrary instant is 1 #2 1 1 #2 # mx 1 + 2mx 2 mx 3 2 + 2 2 2 The potential energy of the system at an arbitrary instant is T = V = (a)

1 2 1 1 1 kx + 2k (x 2 - x 1)2 + k (x 3 - x 2)2 + 3kx 2 (b) 3 2 1 2 2 2 The Lagrangian is 1 # #2 #2 2 2 2 2 L + 3mx 2 (c) 1 + 2 mx 2 + mx 3 - kx 1 - 2k (x 2 - x 1) - k (x 3 - x 2) - 3kx 34 2

Application of Lagranges equations leads to d 0L 0L = 0 a # b dx 0 x1 0 x1 d # (mx1) - 3 - kx1 - 2k (x2 - x1)( - 1)4 = 0 dt $ m x 1 + 3kx1 - 2kx2 = 0 d 0L 0L a # b = 0 dt 0 x 2 0 x2 d # (2mx 2) - 3 - 2k (x 2 - x 1) - k (x 3 - x 2)( - 1)4 = 0 dt $ 2mx2 - 2kx1 + 3kx2 - kx3 = 0 0L d 0L = 0 a # b dt 0 x 3 0x 3 d # (mx 3) - 3 - k (x 3 - x 2) - 3kx 34 = 0 dt $ mx3 - kx2 + 4kx3 = 0 (d)

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

(k) (l)

The differential equations derived from Lagranges equations are identical to those obtained in Example 7.1 by the free-body diagram method.


Use Lagranges equations to derive the differential equations governing the motion of the system of Figure 7.3(a) and Example 7.2. SOLUTION The kinetic energy of the system of Figure 7.3 is the sum of the kinetic energies of the body of the vehicle and the seat. The kinetic energy of the system is 1 1 T = mv 2 + Iv2 + Tseat 2 2 1 #2 1 # 1 # (a) = m 1x 1 + I u 2 + m 2x 2 2 2 2 2 The potential energy is the sum of the potential energies in the three springs. The change in lengths of the springs are measured from the systems equilibrium position and are determined in the solution of Example 7.2, resulting in 1 1 1 V = k 13y1(t ) - (x 1 + a u)42 + k 23y2(t) - (x 1 - b u)42 + k 33x 1 + c u - x 242 (b) 2 2 2

The Lagrangian is L= 1 1 #2 1 1 1 # m 1x 2 I u + m 2x# 2 k 3y (t ) - (x 1 + a u)42 - k 2 3y2(t ) - (x 1 - b u)42 1 + 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 k 3x + c u - x 242 2 3 1 (c)

Application of Lagranges equation for x1 leads to 0L d 0L a # b = 0 dt 0 x 1 0x 1 1 1 d 1 # c m 1(2x 1)d - e k 1(2)3 y1(t ) - (x 1 + a u)4 (- 1) - k 2(2)3 y2(t ) - (x 1 - b u)4 ( -1) dt 2 2 2 1 k (2)3x 1 + c u - x 24(1)f = 0 2 3 (d)

Application of Lagranges equations for leads to 0L d 0L a #b = 0 dt 0 u 0u # 1 1 d 1 c I (2u)d - e- k 1(2)3y1(t ) - (x 1 + a u)4 (- a) - k 2(2)3 y2(t ) - (x 1 - b u)4 (b) dt 2 2 2 1 k (2)3x 1 + c u - x 24(c) = 0 2 3 (e)

Application of Lagranges equations for x2 leads to 0L d 0L a # b = 0 dt 0 x 2 0x 2 d 1 1 # c m 2(2x 2) d - e - k 3 (2)[x 1 + c u - x 2](1) f = 0 dt 2 2 Equations (d) through (f ) are rearranged and written in a matrix form leading to m1 C 0 0 0 I 0 $ 0 x1 k1 + k2 + k3 $ 0 S C u S + C k1a - k2b + k3b $ m2 x2 - k3 k1a - k2b + k3c k1a2 + k2b2 + k3c2 - k3c - k3 x1 - k3c S C u S k3 x2 (f)

k 1 y 1(t ) + k 2 y 2(t ) = C k1ay1(t ) - k2by2(t ) S 0



Derive the nonlinear equations governing the motion of Example 7.3 and Figure 7.4. SOLUTION The velocity of the mass center of bar AB is given by vAB = vA + v x rG>A # L L # = x i + u1 k x a sin u1 i - cos u1 jb 2 2 L # L # # = ax + u1 cos u1b i + u1 sin u1 j 2 2 Using a similar analysis, the velocity of particle B is # # # vB = (x + L u1cos u1) i + L u1 sin u1 j The velocity of the mass center of bar BC is vBC = vB + v x rG/B # # # L L # = (x + L u1 cos u1)i + L u1 sin u1 j + u2 k x a sin u2 i - cos u2 jb 2 2 # # L # L # # = (x + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2) i + aL u1 sin u1 + u2 sin u2b j 2 2 The kinetic energy of the system at an arbitrary position is T =
2 2 # L # 1 L # 1 1 #2 # 2 mx + m c a x + u1cos u1b + a u1 sin u1b d + mL2u1 2 2 2 2 12 2 2 # # 1 L # L # # m c ax + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2b + aL u1 sin u1 + u2 sin u2b d 2 2 2 # 1 2 + mL 2 u2 12





The potential energy of the system at an arbitrary instant, using the plane of the cart as the datum, is V = 1 2 L L kx + mg cos u1 + mg aL cos u1 + cos u2b 2 2 2 (e)

The Lagrangian for the system is L =

2 2 #2 1 #2 1 L # 1 L # # mx + m c ax + u1 cos u1b + a u1 sin u1 b d + mL2 u1 2 2 2 2 12 2 2 # # #2 L # L # 1 1 # m ca x + L u1cos u1 + u2 cos u2 b + aL u1sin u1 + u2 sin u2 b d + mL2 u2 2 2 2 12

1 3L L - c kx 2 + mg cos u1 + mg cos u2 d 2 2 2


Application of Lagranges equations for x leads to 0L d 0L a #b = 0 dt 0 x 0x # 1 L # 1 d 1 # L # # c m (2)x# + m (2) ax + u1cos u1b + m (2) ax + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2bd dt 2 2 2 2 2 - c1 k (2)x d = 0 2 (g) (h)

3L $ 3L # 2 L$ L #2 $ 3m x + m u1 cos u1 - m u1 sin u1 + m u2 cos u2 - m u2 sin u2 + kx = 0 2 2 2 2 Application of Lagranges equations for 1 yields 0L d 0L a # b = 0 dt 0 u1 0 u1 L L # L d 1 # L # e m c(2) ax + u1 cos u1b a cos u1 b + (2) a u1 sin u1 b a sin u1bd dt 2 2 2 2 2 + # # 1 L # 1 # mL2 (2) u1 + m c(2) ax + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2b (L cos u1) 12 2 2

# L # 3L + (2) a L u1 sin u1 + u2 sin u2b (L sin u1)d f - c- mg sin u1d = 0 2 2 and $ 3 L$ 4 $ # # 2m x + mL2 u1 - mL x u1 sin u1 + m u2 cos (u1 - u2) 3 2 2 # # # L 3L - m u2(u1 - u2) sin(u1 - u2) + mg sin u1 = 0 2 2 Application of Lagranges equations for 2 yields 0L d 0L = 0 a # b dt 0 u2 0 u2 # L # L d 1 # e m c(2) ax + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2b a cos u2b dt 2 2 2



# # L # L 1 L + (2) a L u1 sin u1 + u2 sin u2b a sin u2bd + mL2(2) u2f - c- mg sin u2d = 0 (k) 2 2 12 2 and # $ L$ L # L $ amx + mL u1cos u1 - mL u2 sin u2b a cos u2b u2 cos u2 - m u2 1 sin u1 + m 2 2 2 2 -m # # L # L # ax + L u1 cos u1 + u2 cos u2b u2 sin u2 2 2

# $ L$ L #2 L cos u2b a sin u2b u2 sin u2 + m u2 + m aL u1 sin u1 + L u2 1 cos u1 + 2 2 2 +m $ # L # L # 1 L a L u1 sin u1 + u2 sin u2b u2 cos u2 + mL 2 u2 + mg sin u2 = 0 2 2 12 2 (l)

Equations (g), (h), and (i) are the nonlinear differential equations that govern the motion of the system. Using the small angle assumption (sin 1 L 1, cos 1 L 1, sin 2 L 2 and cos 2 L 1, and assuming terms involving higher powers or products of 1 and 2 are small), Equation (k) reduces to Equation (n) of Example 7.3 while Equations (l) and (m) are multiples of Equations (o) and (p) of Example 7.3.

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