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Ryan Kim World History 3/7/13

Annotated Bibliography Secondary Sources

"The Black Death Bubonic Plague During the Elizabethan Era." Bubonic Plague. William Shakespeare Site Map,< elizabethan-era.htm> 2005. Web. 04 Feb. 2013. The Black Death was named after the disease named bubonic plague. The bubonic plague did not have any treatment and people were scared due to doctors having no clue in what they are facing. The village where there are bubonic plague, they made people to not enter the village. This site explained the bubonic plague and the treatments. it helped me understand the doctors view of the plague. Also it has theory of whether the black death's cure. It told me the world wide impact due to black death. "The Peasants' Revolt 1381." The Peasants' Revolt 1381. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2013.<> The peasant revolt started when the peasants couldnt take the tax from the king that was more before the Black Death. So they started the riot to pull off the poll taxes and demanding some freedom to the peasants. From this source, I was able to understand the peasant war and background of it. This gave the specific timeline of the peasant war and many steps. It told the summary of the conclusion and the whole story of peasant war in simple way. "The Peasants Revolt." The Peasants Revolt. <> Web. 04 Feb. 2013. The king during that time, released a law, statute of Labourers, which was a law that restricted the peasants from roaming place to place to

find a better payment, this source explained me more about peasant war in detail. It told me the causes and what king did during the revolt and how it stopped. It showed the rule that made the peasant angry in the first place. Kim, Milone. "The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381." The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2013. After the bubonic plague faded, almost half the people in England died, which made the people to starve, by not having the resources due to farmers being afraid to go out. So the supply and demand took in. People wanted something they need but couldnt get it which was in low supply. This meant the price on the stuff went up. This website showed me the cause of the peasant revolt and the impact for the peasants. Also the relationship of the owner and the peasants. It showed the peasant revolt and the reason why it started and the law that made them mad. "History of the Modern World, 10th Edition (Palmer)." Primary Sources, Maps and Images. Mac Hill Company, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2013. This showed the pictures during the black death. There are cite of different historic events. Such as important part during the Black death. It has the cite of peasant revolt, which was the huge impact after the black death. This source was helpful to me due to having lots of different cite for different information. "Black Death." Black Death. University of Minnesota, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2013. This website gave me glimpse of the black death. it told me the survivors and the impact of the beginning. Also it showed the picture from the black death.

"HISTORY RESOURCES FOR LOCAL AND FAMILY HISTORIANS, STUDENTS, VISITORS TO THE UK AND THE CURIOUS." Black Death, 1348. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2013. He said his aspect of one who lives in Pistoia and explaining what is happening around him. He explained vividly about the background, the village was restricted from outside world. This primary source is a view of the king during the Black Death. It told me the result of the king and what he does to resolve the Black Death. He explained the detail that the king saw and the deserted villages.

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