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Religious Memes are Causing Fascism

original post with pics found here:

What if everything we thought about god was wrong? What if human history never had
anything to do with god but was actually human circles of karma, endless cycles of
cause and effect created as a reflection of our collective thoughts? What if
history is not about God judging us, but actually about man’s evolution in
consciousness? What if the last 5000 years of history, often violent, is actually
an evolutionary thrust into higher consciousness?

Present consciousness is creating a global fascist state. I would like to offer a

theory that mass consciousness is creating this as a reflection of itself, that
the force controlling our world leaders is our own thoughts. Some conspiracy
theorists imagine that secretive societies (i.e. Illuminati) are behind world
events. I will show that the hidden hand guiding us is our own thoughts and

Consider for a moment that the invisible source of energy that is forming an end
times New World Order fascist police state is our own convoluted thoughts. That
means there is no mythological devil secretly conspiring against us. We are
creative beings not yet aware that our thoughts are creating our experience. Our
myths keep us in collective denial of our creative power.

Think for a moment that no god, no devil, no aliens are manipulating us, that we
are only experiencing the product of our own prejudicial memes. We are manifesting
a perfect mirror of our thoughts and intentions. But because we can’t see or
accept this, we reject our responsibility for the mess we've made on planet earth.
We are like the fish not being able to comprehend water. The magic force thrusting
us forward is our own thoughts whether we realize it or not.

What we believe is what we create. What we create is what we experience. Thus if

we believe in a judgmental god that thought energy reflects back upon us as
judgment. Judgment is the cause of our wars. In my paper “Comprehensive Theory of
God” (see I detail how the collective
super consciousness is our actual god. Because we have yet to realize our creative
potential, we imagine gods outside of ourselves that control our destiny. It is
the religious belief in the external god that is creating dysfunctional behavior,
conflict, and war. If there is no god outside of ourselves then mankind’s biggest
tragedies are self inflicted wounds.

Religion can be a black magic thoughtform that puts the human mind into a trance
state. If we create a memeplex of an angry judgmental god that is out to get us,
we experience that exact reflection since our experience is a perfect mirror of
our consciousness. The meme of god hurling lighting bolts down upon man is a
metaphor of our higher consciousness disciplining us for our deeds. Many religions
still believe in an imaginary god punishing mortals. But how can we have free will
if god punishes us for our acts?

We deny of our creative potential so we won't have to own our destructive acts
that were produced by our destructive thoughts that came about from our own inept
philosophy, which emanated from our initial spiritual denial which is clearly that
we create just like the god we imagined.

I assert that Hitler was a puppet of German mass consciousness. The German war
making karma built up manifesting in virulent fascism cumulated in World War 2 and
the destruction of the homeland. Germans went along with the fear program and had
an experience. Hitler didn’t cause Nazi Germany, Germany created Hitler. The
German consciousness created an angry puppet that Germans eagerly followed. The
fact is Germans loved and worshipped Hitler. Blaming World War 2 on Hitler is
ridiculous, it was clearly a karmic cause and effect scenario that lead to Nazi

So the Nazi’s were created by a collective energy pattern, a massive thoughtform,

to resolve an evolutionary roadblock in mass consciousness. The holocaust was
caused by the cumulative energy of Jewish and Christian thought. Germany is
predominantly Christian, The Third Reich was dominated by practicing Christians.
How is it possible to separate the underlying religious philosophy from the
experience? Most people do because they have adopted a god meme to abdicate self
responsibility of their own creative power. The begging question of how could a
loving god allow the horrific suffering, such as the holocaust, can be answered
because an external god had nothing to do with it. The stark reality might be that
the holocaust was created by the holocaust victims because of their very own
beliefs in the angry judgmental god Jehovah, the god of Christians and Jews. This
thoughtform created a painful ending for the believers and many continued
believing in it right unto the bitter end. Some gave up on god in the prison camps
or on the battlefield but was too late to escape the ‘wrath of god’ that they
believed in so strongly. Many Germans and Jews today are atheists, because of that
terrifying experience.

Nietzsche: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we,
murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? That which was the holiest and
mightiest of all that the world has yet possessed has bled to death under our
knives. Who will wipe this blood off us? With what water could we purify
ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent?
Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we not ourselves become
gods simply to be worthy of it?" (

Before the holocaust the philosophical underpinnings of the god concept were at an
end. The holocaust and World War atrocities totally finished the job. God died in
Europe in World War 2 but God is still alive and well in the new world.

So which thoughts are creating the end times scenario that we are currently
experiencing? The religious memeplexes. Religion is the cause of the problem, not
our salvation. Christian teaching is filled with contradictions. God is love yet
judges and sends people to hell. Polar opposites equated. All are going to hell
just because they are born, all are guilty of original sin. So we're guilty for no
reason. God gives us free will but then destroys us in a flood because we didn't
obey, on and on it goes. (see: ,

Christianity is a derivative memeplex, the child of Judaism. An important Jewish

meme is the belief that they are God’s chosen race and all non jews are goy,
cattle to herded and killed. This superiority belief is the source of Zionist
manipulation. No one can deny that America is propping up Israel and the two are
conspiring in attacking Islam. In other words, the Christian memeplex allied
itself with the Judeo memeplex that is attacking the Islam memeplex. Memes are
competing in the psychic space and war is spilling out on the physical plane. Each
memeplex is trying to dominate and obliterate the other memes, all are fascist
because of their intolerance for outside thoughts.

Thus the source of fascism is religious fundamentalism, it is worldwide, growing

and it is the force driving the New World Order fascist police state. We see this
illustrated in christian art, the belief that Jesus controls the earth. The idea
that humans must be controlled by a higher power is fascist. We see this
illustrated in Christian art: Jesus has the whole world in his hands, in other
words Jesus controls the planet(see illustration: But his image directly contradicts that Jesus
returning as a warrior on a white horse and kicks ass. So which is it? If Jesus
already controls the planet then why does he have to return and straighten things
(see illustration:

Supporting my argument is current reality of religion involvement in American

politics. Christians support Bush and his Zionist controllers because of their
‘end times’ belief. Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians have unwavering support
for Israel even though it leads to worldwide destruction. The prominent TV
Evangelist Pat Robertson completely supports Israel and her policies because he
believes in the Bible and the second coming of Christ, even though it results in
Armageddon and the destruction of Israel. Where is the love in such thinking?
Robertson is a case example of a toxic memebot
( programming the masses to accept, thus
create, this depraved reality. This is pure and simple power mongering, a cold
blooded calculation that two competing memes of Judaism and Islam will destroy
each other leaving Christianity victorious. (see,

Modern day Germans wonder why their forefathers followed Hitler. If Hitler showed
up in Germany today, he would be arrested as a mad man and locked up because the
modern mind no longer tolerates such behavior. Likewise George W. Bush is the new
equivalent of Hitler, but it would better stated that Bush is the new puppet of
American Christian fascism. Just as Hitler, Bush is the delivery boy of those
thoughts, wishes, and intentions of Christian zealotry. This is the only reason
why America hasn’t reacted to Bush’s horrendous criminal misdeeds. Bush has
authorized torture and no one seems to care, why is everyone going along with the
new fascist lunacy? Let's not fool ourselves, Bush is the beloved new antichrist
of the Christian Right.

Would we allow a mass murderer the freedom to wage havoc in our community? Neither
should we allow political mass murderers to rule. If Saddam is condemned for mass
murder, why doesn’t the same standard hold true for Bush who’s war has killed over
a million Iraqis? Have you heard the saying that we shouldn’t allow people who
believe in ‘end times’ into politics? Of course we shouldn’t because it is
suicidal. In a sane society not only would we immediately arrest the Bush
political faction but we would also arrest the Preachers of the Apocalypse as
warmongering co-conspirators. Are they not helping create the Apocalypse by
programming the masses to accept death and destruction as the only reality because
god divined it?

We live in a world with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons. Nuking an opponent

is the ultimate way to decapitate a competing meme. In order for the world to
evolve, achieve a greater consciousness, then the old memeplexes must be
abandoned. Men must transcend the memes that are destroying our world, but they
will not do so voluntarily. So war is the answer to the problem. The Apocalypse
forces the shift. War is how the psychic space resolves the bottleneck, an
apocalyptic resolution of mass consciousness. In this illustration, Jesus returns
on a white horse to straighten things out(which directly contradicts belief that
Jesus is presently controlling the earth). The belief that an external god
returning to rectify the world's problems manifests as political fascism and
acceptance of a world wide police state.

It is my theory that human conflict is the way to heal a dysfunctional

thoughtform. War is conflict on the physical plane to resolve a crisis on a
psychic plane. It is becoming obvious what will happen to the centers of the
religious memeplexes during the Apocalypse. I think it is no accident that sacred
mosques in Iraq are being destroyed intentionally. When the power centers of the
world’s religions are eliminated, the Apocalypse will be near it’s end. We are
struck in a meme trance and we are about to be shocked out of our primitive
consciousness. The apocalypse is the termination of our violent history because it
is the beginning of our self awareness of our creative power. The time limit
depends on how fast we grasp our dire situation. In the end, myth will be
transcended because mass consciousness will evolve upwards.

If people could transcend religious programming then the end times scenario would
be immediately terminated. What are the chances? Close to zero in my estimation.
Humanity is so confused that what they are clinging to as salvation is actual
their collective death warrant. We are stuck in a death spiral unless we give up
our myth constructs of god, that all powerful outside force directing our play,
and start realizing man is the only one who can create his experience and thus we
must take complete responsibility for our actions. Our survival depends upon it.

14 April 2006

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