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Chef Tess' Sweet Potato Buttermilk StickyBuns-of-Glory Mix

Durin g th e mon th or two previous to th e Ch ristmas season , I spen d a lot of time makin g Gifts of Impeccable Taste Mixes an d Ch ef Tess 52 Meth od Jar Meals to g ive to frien ds an d family. Don 't you wish you lived closer to me? Today I'm sh arin g a n ew mix recipe for sticky bun s! I'm so excited! I don 't kn ow if th at's a blessin g or a curse, h avin g amazin g bun s in g redien ts on -h an d for wh en ever th e urg e to h ave sticky sweet potato buttermilk caramel pecan rolls overcomes your better judg emen t...but I'm th in kin g it is a blessin g . You kn ow, like ch ocolate is a blessin g ? Oh d ch eesecake is a blessin g . Oh ...coun t your blessin g s! On e sticky bun , two sticky bun , th ree...mrfllrh brrun n n s (stop coun tin g with your mouth full). If you wan t to make th e sticky bun s with out usin g a mix you can see my evil-g en ius post Pumpkin Spiced Peach Sticky-Bun s-o-Glory. It works mag n ificen tly well.

Sweet Potato Buttermilk Roll Dough Mix

Ingredients: 4 cup Hon eyville Californ ia's Best Bread Flour

1 1/2 cup Hon eyville freeze dried sweet potato, (pulverized* in to 1/2 cup powder) 1/3 cup sug ar or Hon eyville g ran ulated h on ey 1/4 cup Hon eyville powdered butter 3T Hon eyville Wh ole Eg g powder 3T Hon eyville buttermilk powder 1 tsp salt 1T active dry yeast T o Pr epar e Doug h You will Add: 1 3/4 cups water (cool to th e touch )

Spiced Sugar Smear Mix:

cuppowdered butter cup sug ar 1T Ch eftessbakeresse Wise Woman of th e East Spice blen d T o Pr epar e Smear you will add: 2T water to th is mix an d spread in side th e cin n amon rolls

Sticky Bun Cream Caramel Glaze mix:

3/4 cup sug ar 1/2 cup Hon eyville powdered butter 2T Hon eyville buttermilk powder 1 1/2 cup ch opped toasted pecan s, waln uts or sun flower seeds Directions: To pulverize th e sweet potatoes in to powder, I use my spice mill (aka a coffee g rin der). Th ey are very h an dy to h ave aroun d for th in g s like th is.

My practical side takes over because I usually use an empty can from on e of my man y Hon eyville adven tures as th e con tain men t un it (oh stars...I just soun ded like a scien ce g eek) for th e kit.

Decorate it h owever you like. Today I just tied a cute ruffly Ch ristmas apron aroun d th e can an d just added a n ote in side with bakin g direction s.

Baking Directions:

Combin e everyth in g in th e dough mix in on e g allon size bowl or mixer with 1 3/4 cup cool water. Kn ead 5 min utes by h an d or 3 min utes in a mixer on medium settin g . Th is is a less developed doug h as far as g luten is con cern ed. Form in to a ball an d place in a bowl covered with plastic or a lid for 1 h our, or un til doubled in size.

On a lig h tly floured coun ter top, roll in to a rectan g le, 2 feet lon g by on e foot wide. It will be about 1/2 in ch th ick. Make sure you lift th e doug h a couple times an d dust un dern eath with more flour so it doesn 't stick to th e table. Prepare th e smear mix by addin g 2T water to th e smear mixture. Spread th e smear over th e doug h in a lig h t coatin g . Leave about 1 in ch on th e en ds an d sides th at doesn 't h ave butter an d/or sug ar mixture. It will h elp th e rolls seal better. Now roll th em up tig h tly. Pin ch seam tig h tly. Slice th e roll in to 12 sliced pieces. Combin e th e caramel toppin g in g redien ts an d h eat in a saucepan with 3T h ot water, just un til th e sug ar is dissolved , do not boil longer than 2 minutes.

Pour n ut caramel mixture in to a 9 in ch by 13 in ch casserole pan or divide amon g in dividual jumbo muffin pan .

Place rolls in th e pan , 1 in ch es apart (or just in each muffin compartmen t). Now...lig h tly mist th e tops of th e rolls with oil an d cover with a loose fittin g piece of plastic wrap (or lid).You are g oin g to h ave to raise th e rolls completely, about 1 1/2 h ours.

Preh eat oven to 375 deg rees an d bake 20-25 min utes. Remove from oven an d in vert on to a servin g dish immediately, usin g caution to n ot let th e h ot caramel coatin g burn your skin .

Th ere you g o! Make some amazin g sticky bun s! I've in cluded th e g ift label PDF as well so it will be easy for you to prin t th e recipe an d g ive out th e kits! Have fun !

Always My Very Best, Your Friend Chef Tess

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