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Introduction to MATLAB

Question 1:
Finding Factorial Code:
clear;clc; p=input('Enter a number \n'); i=p; if(~isfloat(int8(p))&&p~=0) while(i~=1 && p~=0) p=p*(i-1); i=i-1; end disp('The factorial of the number is ');p end if(p==0) disp(' Factorial of zero is zero, enter a non zero integer '); end if(isfloat(p)) disp(' Enter a integer number ') break; end


Question 2:
Fibonocci Series: Code:
clear;clc; a(1,1)=0; a(1,2)=1; i=3;y=0; n=input('Enter a number \n'); if(n>=2) while(y<n) y=a(1,i-1)+a(1,i-2); if(y<n) a(1,i)=y; else break; end i=i+1; end disp('Fibonocci series of given number is');

a else a end


Question 3:
Simple Calculator Code:
clear;clc; a=input('\n Enter first number \n'); b=input('\n Enter second number \n'); disp('1) Addition'); disp('2) Subtraction'); disp('3) Division'); disp('4) Multiplication');

i= input('\n Enter your choice \n'); if(i==1) add(a,b); elseif(i==2) sub(a,b); elseif(i==3) div(a,b); elseif(i==4) mul(a,b); else disp('Option not defined'); break; end

function sum= add(a,b) disp('Your choice is addition'); disp('Sum of the numbers is'); sum= a+b return; end

function diff=sub(a,b) disp('Your choice is subtraction'); disp('Difference of the two numbers is'); diff=a-b return; end

function quotient=div(a,b) if(b==0) disp('Division by zero not defined, enter another number'); return; else disp('Your choice is division'); disp('Quotient after division'); quotient=a/b return; end end

function product=mul(a,b) disp('Your choice is multiplication'); disp('Product of the numbers'); product=a*b return; end


Question 4:
Palindrome Checker Code:
clear;clc; a=input('Enter string \n','s'); f=length(a); for i=1:f/2 if(a(i)==a(f-i+1)) count=1; else count=0; break; end end if(count) disp('Given string is a palindrome'); else disp('Given string is not a palindrome'); end


Question 5:
clear;clc; disp('Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication of matrices'); m=input('\n Enter number of rows of first matrix \n'); n=input('\n Enter number of coloumns of first matrix \n'); p=input('\n Enter number of rows of second matrix \n'); q=input('\n Enter number of coloumns of second matrix \n'); disp('Enter first matrix'); for g=1:m for h=1:n a(g,h)=input('Enter element of first matrix '); end end for g=1:p for h=1:n b(g,h)=input('Enter element of second matrix '); end end a b disp('1)Addition of matrices');disp('2)Subtraction of matrices');disp('3)Multiplication of matrices'); i=input('\n Enter your choice \n'); if(i==1) matrix_add(a,b,m,n,p,q); elseif(i==2) matrix_sub(a,b,m,n,p,q); elseif(i==3) matrix_mul(a,b,m,n,p,q); else disp('Incorrect choice');break; end

function c=matrix_add(a,b,m,n,p,q); if(m==p&&n==q) for g=1:m for h=1:n c(g,h)=a(g,h)+b(g,h); end end c else disp('Matrix dimentions does not match, Addition cannot be performed'); return; end end

function c=matrix_sub(a,b,m,n,p,q); if(m==p&&n==q)

for g=1:m for h=1:n c(g,h)=a(g,h)-b(g,h); end end c else disp('Matrix dimentions does not match, Subtraction cannot be performed'); return; end end

function c=matrix_mul(a,b,m,n,p,q); if(n==p) c=zeros(m,q); for g=1:m for h=1:q for x=1:p c(g,h)=c(g,h)+a(g,x)*b(x,h); end end end c else disp('Matrix dimentions does not match, Multiplication cannot be performed'); return; end end


Question 6:
Proper Divisors Code:
clear;clc; num=input('Enter a number \n'); for i=1:num/2; if(~mod(num,i)) disp('Proper divisor'); i else i=i+1; end end


Question 7:
Even numbers between 21 and 65 Code:
clear;clc; count=1; a=zeros(1,22); for i=21:65 if(~mod(i,2)) a(count)=i; count=count+1; else i=i+1; end end disp('Even numbers between 21 and 65'); a


Question 8:
Matrix operations Code:
clear;clc; a=[4 5 2 6]; disp('1) Add 16'); disp('2)Add 3 to ODD indexed numbers'); disp('3)Create another vector with elements as square root');disp('4)Create another vector with elements as square elements'); i=input('Enter choice \n'); if(i==1) for j=1:4 a(j)=a(j)+16; end elseif(i==2) for j=1:4 if(mod(j,2)) a(j)=a(j)+3; end end elseif(i==3) for j=1:4 a(j)=sqrt(a(j)); end

elseif(i==4) for j=1:4 a(j)=a(j)^2; end else disp('Enter valid choice'); break; end a


Question 9:
clear;clc; a=[2 7 9 7;3 1 5 6;8 1 2 5]; disp('1)Assign even number rows of A to another matrix'); disp('2)Assign odd number rows of A to another matrix'); disp('3)Assign transpose of A to another matrix'); disp('4)Multiply A to its transpose and store it in another matrix'); i=input('\n Enter your choice \n'); if(i==1) assign_even_rows(a); elseif(i==2) assign_odd_rows(a); elseif(i==3) find_transpose(a); elseif(i==4) multiply_to_transpose(a); else disp('You have given a choice out of scope'); break; end

function b=assign_even_rows(a) f=size(a); k=1; for m=1:f(1) if(~mod(m,2)) for n=1:f(2) b(k,n)=a(m,n); end k = k+1; end end b end

function c=assign_odd_rows(a) f=size(a); k=1; for m=1:f(1) if(mod(m,2)) for n=1:f(2) c(k,n)=a(m,n); end k = k+1; end end c end

function d=find_transpose(a) f=size(a); for m=1:f(1) for n=1:f(2) d(n,m)=a(m,n); end

end d return; end

function e=multiply_to_transpose(a) f=size(a); if(f(1)~=f(2)) disp('Input should be square matrix'); return; end tr=find_transpose(a); e=zeros(f(1),f(1)); for m=1:f(1) for n=1:f(1)

for x=1:f(1) e(m,n)=e(m,n)+tr(m,n)*a(n,m); end end end e end


Question 10:
clear;clc; for i=1:3 n=input('Enter value of n \n'); if(n>1) m=n+1 else m=n-1 end end


Question 11:
clear;clc; for i=1:4 x=input('Enter the value of X \n'); if((x>0)&&(x<10)) y=4*x elseif((x>10)&&(x<40)) y=10*x else y=500 end end


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