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Attack aboard McCain Admin/FBI affiliate Airline Spawns Abduction and murder

Attempts To Silence Voice of Protest;
(IMPORTANT : Please see attached at bottom threatening email received by our
family from FBI agent
Steven Davis CC’d to McCain, FBI agent Steven Davis’ ties to Charles Lindbergh
family and Reagan scan in, and PACER sourced evidence of felony charges against
Davis for threats on COP buildings (video link) )
My name is Aaron James.
My mother and I were profiled and attacked aboard a Northwest
Airlines aircraft and have spoken out.
For our efforts there have been numerous attempts upon our lives by government
agencies to silence our voices, involving attempts at abduction and murder, having forced
me into remote retreat beyond the city for the period of 7 months, with attempts now
recurrent and ongoing.

Involved are factions within the McCain administration FBI CIA and
Northwest Airlines corporation, acting surreptitiously in state
initiated cross border collusion "psy ops/blackops" operations upon
our family in collusion with local Winnipeg Police, within Canada.
They are acting without warrant or charges, and in violation of international law and the Canadian

It is the ties between Northwest Airlines the McCain administrative body and all said factions that
have precipitated this egregious response to our lobbying against
McCain's top executive legal council has Northwest Airlines and the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as their top two clientele.
Northwest Airlines gave FBI millions of passenger name records in
violation of the privacy act, in the spirit of racial profiling based
data base mechanisms known as CAPS (Computer Assisted Profiling
System) which was introduced by Israeli based Ron Rafi- former head of
Tel Aviv Airport security.
Concordantly, we have received threats and harassment from FBI and CIA the most noted of which in the
form of email based threats received carbon copied to Senator John McCain AS SEEN BELOW:
To Contact: 204 477 7497 Aaron James
Linda James: 204 889 9134; 204 632 5598 (w)
Michelle Gross Communities United Against Police Brutality: e: mgresist
ph/fax contact details for her also on main page.
Roch Tasse International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group Head : 613
241 5298
Lesley Hughes Journalist Canadian Dimension Magazine (has documented
our ordeal and is witness to much of it as well including original
abduction attempt!) e: lesleyhughescanada(at); ph: 204 275

Israel's afflictions and hate based genocide of the Palestinian people

is now a well established fact.
Canada's complicity therein, is exemplified in the current banning of
British "respect" MP George Galloway, from Canada, having egregiously
labeled him a 'security risk' in light of his protest of the
afflictions of the U.S. government upon the middle east in Lebanon,
Gaza and Palestine, in collaboration with Israel, now largely seen as
a proxy state for U.S. afflictions upon these countries.

That Canada has banned this man within the same week of admitting George W. Bush, a
proven international war crimes criminal as per legal authorities such as Vincent Bugliosi
, Rep. Dennis Kucinich who paved the process for public involvement in Impeachment
into the congressional record, and many others, exemplifies Canada’s complicity with
hate based operations of the U.S. and underscores precedent for their complicity with and
sub ordinance to said U.S. initiated afflictions upon our persons herein.

The airport at which we were attacked had just finished conducting 6 months of intensive
racial profiling 'training' prior to our arrival and there have been several hate based
attacks since one of particular note involving the profiling of the 6 Imams.

Northwest Air has been sued properly by the ACLU for egregious systemic
race hate based profiling mechanisms consistent with the above.

Canada’s notoriety for involvement with the U.S. in ill-conceived cross border collusion
operations unto abduction and torture, is well established.

The Canadian government has been involved in collusion with the U.S. ,also in the
abduction to torture of A.I.M. member John Graham from Canada to the U.S. , the abduction of
Canadian Muslim Maher Arar ( ; )from JFK airport to Syria, the
abduction from Canada to the U.S. of 60's black activist Gary Freeman , the torture abduction of U.S. officer Scott
abducted to Canada from the U.S. and fraught with horrific flagellation via 4 years of
torture, for his exposure of 100's of Canadian police crimes ” and the abduction of
BENAMAR BENATTA, another victim of kidnapping by Canadian “Peace” officers, like
Maher Arar who spent nearly five years in detention centers in Buffalo and Brooklyn,
even though he was cleared of any links to terrorism in conditions that could be described
as torture as found by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

FBI Co-Intel Pro's eugenics based operations and ties to the

afflictions on the black nationalist movement and covert operations
therein in capacity the murder of the Black Panther Party, the Chicago
Cook County beatings and the cross border abduction to torture and
false imprisonment of other minorities including John Graham, 60's
black activist Gary Freeman, and Muslim Canadian Maher Arar are

Winnipeg Police within Canada are being used to facilitate our

abduction and murder, motivated further in that current Winnipeg
Police Chief Keith McCaskill is president of the North West Chapter of
Associates FBI and has affiliation with Minneapolis law enforcement, a
poignant correlation in that is was within Minneapolis that we were

Our attorney, Adam Masiowski of Pinx Law, has forwarded notice to Winnipeg Police
and FBI asset Winnipeg Police chief Keith McCaskill, who have been acting illegally and
covertly on behalf of government factions within Canada on behalf of the U.S., that any
such attempt at my abduction would result in charges being laid against all officers

Officers Are Charged In Separate Crimes:

Some officers involved including Jess Zebron, step son of former Winnipeg Police Chief
Jack Ewatski, who resigned in disgrace over corruption issues in 2007, and Peter James
Sushnyk #2450, are criminally charged of their own accord on separate cases, almost
identical to our own in the sense that they are also cases involving illegal entry and
perjury by officers, although devoid of any of the subterfuge detailed herein.

We have been subject to enumerate psyops/ blackops ploys used in order to subdue
our efforts frame and suppress public knowledge of our ordeal, including but not
limited to :
Placed through a secret trial with members and or affiliates of FBI, NSA, military,
Minneapolis Police, prosecuting attorneys and –conveniently-Northwest Airlines
employees-on the ‘jury pool’ –the very airline on which we were attacked, with
criminally charged judge David S. Doty presiding as ‘judge’ and now with kidnapping
attempts being made upon us, we have received threatening phone calls, cyber stalking
(local police have all of my website documented in police notes subpoenaed by our
attorney, which contain threats upon both my mother and I, pertaining to U.S. Marshals
FBI and abduction, and FBI agent Steven Davis (seen with Reagan further below) had
threatened me by phone against his good friendship with John McCain while giving
detail that there are 75 FBI and U.S. Marshals monitoring my website, eagerly working
with the Canadian Government to see about my abduction!), sabotage of our registered
legal mail, wire tapping, threats left on answering machines of friends and associates, and
the deletion of external links to my websites and now my own private online content, in
order to attempt to marginalize trivialize and discredit while carrying forward with their

*Extremist “kill bushites” spoof websites placed online with our names and url
Were found 3 weeks prior to the initial abduction attempt upon my person Oct 27/07,
while I was doing online search under my former url (which
government hacked Oct 6/08 prior to effecting a subsequent attempt upon my abduction
Oct 10/08 wherein there have been 14 attempts all totalled) and forwarded
as disclaimer and forensics to International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group head
Roche Tasse in Ottawa and Michelle Gross Communities United Against Police Brutality
in Minneapolis Minnesota.

We had pdf forensic display and analysis of these websites online which government
have just hacked on my scribd account as of today, April 3/09.

KBOO Radio has documented the shutting down of our original site by government and
the abduction ploy that transpired shortly thereafter herein: KBOO REPORT "Aaron's
WEbsite Goes Down via Government" :

(FBI’s involvement in false flag/ frame up operations is renown.

Exposed in their complicity and attempted frame up Libya in capacity the Lockerbie
Bombing , their complicity in the
World Trade Centre 1993 bombing and complicit with
Mi-5 in the London bombings, it should be noted that Eddie/Wolfgang of with whom we have just spoken, vets his account of being targeted in
identical fashion: terrorist material had been placed online via a blogger who chose to
use his identity in malicious ploy towards government leverage in a swat team attack
upon his home just recently, wherein a grenade was thrown into his home and his home
raided while he was arrested. Details can be seen at and he is
now currently recovering in a veterans hospital in Minnesota. A striking parity between
our similar accounts of state based targeting, resounds within McCain’s RNC and FBI
Minneapolis Police joint task force afflictions upon American citizens kindred with pre-
emptive strikes and raids of citizens’ homes in violation of the 4th and first amendments.
It is these hate based factions with whom we are dealing within the context of our ordeal
and their case history and precedent for covert ploys and operations against the American
citizen is duly noted.
Winnipeg Police Notes Threats and Government Murder Ploy Frame Up Amidst
Abduction Attempts:see
corroborated by Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Magazine.

Incredibly, a false account of our ordeal was released by CBC Television reporter Gosia
Sawicka. A video depicting this journalist can be seen here:

I was contacted by our journalist Lesley Hughes of Canadian Dimension magazine, and
informed that CBC Television had actually placed someone on television in January 2008
who had claimed my identity, with a watered down version of events. The false usurper
of identity was not an ethnic minority and none of the subterfuge detailed herein was
mentioned whatsoever. Lesley Hughes of Canadian Dimension magazine can be reached
at 204 275 5757 in order to corroborate this point.

By CBC journalist Gosia Sawicka’s own admission, “The person must have been
mentally ill or unstable and clearly was not the person I thought he was-he wasn’t you”
however, conveniently, CBC has refused any offering of amend or correction to the
defamation slander and identity theft and media whitewash committed therein.

It is clear that FBI, Minneapolis police, Canadian government and U.S. factions
coadjutors in a bilateral smear campaign and kidnapping ploy, having originally colluded
with media, my name appearing on enumerate broadcasts on television newspaper
internet and radio, then having placed my name on MAJOR crimes despite no
such finding, have following through with a media white wash in order to ensure that
there remained no chance of follow through or exposure of our ordeal, which has now
been coupled with the sanitization of our material, the destruction of our original web
content and the suppression of information while covert attempt at abduction continue.

A pattern of attempts at my abduction following closely after our independent radio

or internet broadcast of our ordeal, our online updates or blog posts and prior to
media release and publication of same, should be noted.

Cloak and Dagger Shut Down For The Second Time on account of vetting our
ordeal, the first occasion Resultant of Directive From Bush and PM Paul Martin:

Cloak and Dagger was shut down July 3/08, by their account, on account of having upset
the “ruling elite” in giving discourse of our ordeal and the wrongful illegal afflictions set
upon us by FBI, on their broadcast.
_aaron_james_story.mp3 "The cloak and dagger is down folks-the cloak got
attacked....they didnt like us talking about the FBI's attempt to abduct an innocent man
from Winnipeg...we'll be having Aaron James come on later after the Berry Chamish
according to research and reputable resource, CloakandDagger was downed by
government agencies only once prior in its history- when Bush and then P.M. Paul Martin
met in the U.S. to discuss concerns that the high broadcasting capacity of their station
was reaching U.S. audiences by radio, who were calling into U.S. radio stations and
demanding to know why certain censored material concerning the actions of government
were not being broadcast. The descision to cut CloakandDagger from MOJO radio was
made and at a *loss of funds, Coast to Coast was put up in its place.

"[their program had to be shifted from the MOJO Radio Toronto show to the Internet due
to pressure from Bush associates; It was former Vice-President Al Gore's office that
advised The Cloak that President Bush personally told Prime Minister Paul Martin at
their meeting in Monterry, Mexico that "there would be no oil concessions until that
loudmouth in Toronto is off the air." told Martin to get The Cloak and Dagger show off
the air"]

Immediately following the attack upon the, I was attacked at home
On July 5/08, police congregating outside and having been found by family in the back
lane to the effect of 3 police cars and one ghost car (the abduction-prepped vehicle we
gather) in the back lane. Audio from the attempt is recorded here:

The original attempt Oct 27/07 was not only immediately after having met with
government but also only days prior to Lesley Hughes Canadian Dimension Magazine’s
release of her magazine article giving discourse of covert state initiated afflictions upon
us in a Nov.1/07 addition of the magazine.

We did interview with CKLN radio also, in the week prior to this attack,;
and interview with Alex Jones Sept 2/07 only 7 weeks prior.

CIA Harassment Followed BY Sabotage of Our Website and Sanitization of Online

Material Prior to Further Kidnapping Attempts:
CIA agent Barbara Hartwell called in to an RBN broadcast my mother and I did from
undisclosed location in early Jan/08, shortly after the abduction attempt, to harass.
CIA Agent Barbara Hartwell would appear once further over 10 months later- just days
before government attacked and deleted our website, Oct 6/08
prior to returning in order to effect an attempt on my abduction Oct 10/08.

Oct.2nd/08 CIA agent Barbara Hartwell called in once more during broadcast on RBN
radio to intimidate at 23min:30seconds into this mp3 WTPRN radio interview the
second day in a row-and only 10 minutes after I had mentioned her name in capacity the
presence of CIA stalking of our persons at 12min:30seconds;

Oct 6/08 Government shut Downs our website in response to the
interview above and *REMOVED their defamatory account of our ordeal from
to sanitize ALL online account of our ordeal –positive negative or otherwise-prior to
further and more aggressive abduction attempts to come only 4 days later Oct 10/08

Interview Oct.8/08 with KBOO host Chris Andre ( ) who gave
discourse of the above cyber based attack by government, and on Oct. 9/08 with Charles
Guiliani to discuss the same (hour 1: , hour 2: )while
also giving discourse of the involvement of the McCain administration as per his
corporate affiliation with Northwest Airlines , was followed closely by attempt at my
abduction Oct 10/08, while agencies acted to silence our online voice under a greater
stealth having successfully for the time being, removed our online material, and with it
our ability to effectively give discourse of their insipid actions.

Again, FBI also *removed defamatory false account they had placed online of our ordeal-
an unorthodox maneuver meant to give greater stealth to further “operations” against
us.That had placed my name under major crimes in fraudulent fictitious account
has been sanitized from their website as well, however remnant of it can be seen below in
the recovered url’s (until they remove this as well)

Keep in mind that all stated information within the following recovered FBI reports, is
falsified –sanitized from public record-and evidence of perjury by federal agents, and has
been in furtherance to felony level activity and illegal malicious covert operations unto
my abduction and murder and terrorization of family friends and associates aligned with
character assassination and occlusion of truth as should be readily apparent through the
scope of this paper. None of the accused acts stated within the scope of the following
documents have ever in fact transpired.

Through our analysis of Minneapolis airport police statements, we have exposed the lies
and self contradictions within their police statements, in particular within those of Sgt
Cooper #4215, as attest to their lies

Their attempts at my abduction and murder without warrant or charges and their
subterfuge, the epitome of which is representative of threats from FBI cc’d to McCain
( in keeping with agent Davis’ ties going back to
Lindbergh and hate group factions, as seen in scan ins below, is however, a matter of
public record with our legal council and as vetted through reputed journalist of Canadian
Dimension Magazine Lesley Hughes.

Their Podcast Report: )

Recovered Falsified and Defamatory Libel from FBI in Cover Up of Accounts and
Profiling Attack Aboard McCain affiliated Northwest Airlines:
htm Connecting the Dots Further: Duly note that it is Minnesota police working with
FBI involved in both Wolfgang of InyourFaceTv’s case and our own, as it is at
Minneapolis Airport at which we sustained the attack upon our persons aboard sued-by-
the-ACLU Northwest Airlines- corporate affiliate of *McCain. )

We have been placed through covert tribunal with members and affiliates of FBI CIA
NSA on the jury pool, and charged X-U.S. Marine Judge Doty presiding.
Judge Doty was appointed by Reagan in 1982 and a still shot of FBI agent Steven Davis
standing beside Reagan is attached and can also be seen at Steven Davis’ ties to the Lindbergh family are also
highlighted in the description beneath the photo, and so Charles Lindbergh’s Nazi ties are
duly noted herein.

Government Exposed Complicit

Government, exposed complicit as per threats via Steven Davis, and as per their track record case
history of hate based psyops abduction/ murder ploys and targeting of political dissenters, have
now focused their full attention onto the targeting of our persons, not for any act or deed in
violation of law, but surreptitiously without warrant or charges, in attempt to silence our voices
and exposure of their network labyrinth organized crime rings in that we have compared and
contrasted our case against many others as detailed herein, and have shown our plight to be a
microcosm of pervasive and epidemic institutionalized governmental tyranny.

Despite appeals to ACLU and Parliament by Roch Tasse of the International Civil Liberties
Monitoring Group in Ottawa ( ), and same said
appeals and voucher of our ordeal from Michelle Gross Communities United Against Police
) government have turned an opportunistically blind eye to covert afflictions set in upon us of
which they themselves are the root cause and effect.

As such government, including foreign affairs Canadian Human Rights, ACLU and the Center
For Constitutional Rights among others, have been entirely dismissive, to the point of
violation of their own federal policies, Estelle Arnud- Battahdier of the Minneapolis
based Canadian consulate, having stated, “let us know if they torture you or ask you to
commit indecent acts yet we will not get involved- this is a U.S. affair” despite online
content delineating obligatory legal advocacy for Canadian meet with difficulty abroad,
giving promise of visitation, well being checks and assessments.

We spoke with publicly Liberal Party Leader Stephan Dion (the equivalent of Democratic Leader
Barack Obama) publicly and face to face at the Liberal Party Convention Oct 21/07, and with his
MP Raymond Simard, Oct 26/07 just one day prior to the original abduction attempt upon my
person Oct 27/07.
Activists within our circle have exposed Stephan’s delinquency in failure to follow through on
promises and assurances he had provided our family, that we might remain free from arbitrary
police state afflictions, as exposed in the following pdf.

A crime ring conglomerate encapsulating McCain and administrative affiliates working in tandem
with affiliates and connective bodies in capacity FBI, Northwest Airlines, U.S. marshals and other
covert factions with roots and ties to neo-Nazi hate groups, has drawn itself very apparent and as
we have taken the time to underscore the systemic pervasive institutionalized nature of our
afflictions, factions at large have focused their attention squarely upon our assail and persecution.

In noting the ploys of Minneapolis police Minneapolis police and State Judiciary's innate hostility
is exemplary within the Council on Crime and Justice's report, labeling the
Hennepin County judiciary corrupt with "collusion between prosecution
and judges targeting victims of police brutality, minorities and the
poor", consistent with the Minneapolis police having properly
sustained law suit against them for KKK based racial threats and slurs
against Black and Muslim congressman Keith Ellison, and black officers within the Minneapolis
police force. There are twenty one blacks imprisoned for every one white within the state of
Minnesota, representing "the highest rate of over prosecution of blacks in all of the United States"
according to both the Council on Crime and Justice and Minneapolis based Communities United
Against Police Brutality head Michelle Gross.
Given our protest of such afflictions impacts on the political and
corporate interests of the factions listed herein, and given their
record of egregious hate based operations, it follows that their
response has made itself apparent within attempts upon our abduction
and murder.
Threatening Email Received From FBI CC’d To McCain Steven Davis Seen with Reagan
and aligned with Charles Lindbergh on his own website

FBI Agent Steven Davis Criminally Charged and jailed re ploys against COP
buildings as per online PACER documentation: SEE BELOW:
FBI Agent Steven Davis Criminally Charged and jailed re ploys against COP
buildings as per online PACER documentation: SEE BELOW:

*FBI Involvement In
Terrorist False Flag Operations:
Lockerbie Scandal

FBI Complicity *World Trade

Centre Bombing
**FBI Murderous Culture
Organized Crime Syndicate:
FBI Cover up of judicial

FBI Collusion with U.S. Justice

Dept for Tyranny Exposed:

To Contact: 204 477 7497 Aaron James

Linda James: 204 889 9134; 204 632 5598 (w)
Michelle Gross Communities United Against Police Brutality: e: mgresist
ph/fax contact details for her also on main page.
Roch Tasse International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group Head : 613
241 5298 rocht(at)iclmg(dot)ca
Lesley Hughes Journalist Canadian Dimension Magazine (has documented
our ordeal and is witness to much of it as well including original
abduction attempt!) e: lesleyhughescanada(at)yahoo(dot)com; ph: 204
275 5757

Our Legal Council Adam Masiowski

Pinx Law 204 949 1700 ext 3;

Trueman Tuck Republican Party

of Ontario

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