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BOARD OF EDUCATION CITYOF BUFFALO,NEW YORK RESOLUTION Authorizing NYS Education Law Amendment A3661/S1987 "Dignity for All

Students Act"

Sponsor: Ralph R. Hernandez, President West District Representatiye The bill A3661/S1987 enacted into law by the NYSLegislature adds article 2 to the Education Law entitled "Dignity for All Students." The new law prohibits discrimination and harassment against students in school, including harassment based on real or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity and expression, i.e. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) and sex. WHEREAS, as efforts to reauthorize New York State Education law, the Board should seize the opportunity to strengthen the district's anti-discrimination and harassment school climate by incorporating the Dignity for All Students Act. WHEREAS,A 2008 report by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network found that 65 percent of teens reported having been verbally or physically harassed due to their appearance, gender, ethnicity, disability or religion. Nearly 9 out of 10 lGBT students (86.2%) experience harassment at school because of their sexual orientation, and 60.8% feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation WHEREAS,the NYSEducation Law Amendment A3661/S1987 or Dignity for All Students Act requires schools to: Adopt policies to make schools harassment- and discrimination-free environments; Inform students and parents of anti-discrimination and harassment policies; Develop anti-discrimination guidelines to be used in school training programs for teachers, administrators, and other school employees; Incorporate discrimination and harassment awareness and sensitivity into civility, citizenship and character education curricula; Designate at least one staff member in each school to be trained in non-discriminatory instructional and counseling methods and handling human relations; Report on incidents of discrimination and bias harassment to NYSED. THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED:that the Board directs the Superintendent to review district policies and procedures related to non-discrimination, hazing, student associations, and District Code of Conduct for compliance with NYSEducation Laws and recommend revisions needed to ensure that policies and procedures include gender identity and expression, students, administrators and staff.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board directs the Superintendent to work with Student Support Services, District Parent Council, community-based organizations, and groups to establish a District Bias Response Team made up of administrators who are available to support and guide students seeking assistance in determining how to handle a bias incident. Further to assist in creating a cultural sensitivity training program for all counseling, and classified staff members that includes sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

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