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How to Generate Receiving Transaction Debug Statements in 11.5.10 and R12 [ID 299497.1]
Modified: 20-Feb-2013 Type: HOWTO Status: PUBLISHED Priority: 1

In this Document Goal Fix References

Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 11.5.1 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. FORM:RCVRCERC - Enter Receipts GUI FORM:RCVTXERT - Enter Receiving Transactions GUI FORM:RCVTXECO - Enter Corrections GUI FORM:RCVTXERE - Enter Returns GUI FORM:RCVSHESH - Maintain Shipments FORM:RCVRCMUR - Match Unordered Receipts EXECUTABLE:RVCTP - Receiving Transaction Processor EXECUTABLE:RCVTPO - Receiving Transaction Manager This note was last modified on 07-APR-2011

What setup is required to create debug statements for Receiving activities in 11.5.10 and R12, and where will the debug information be located? For 12.1.3 and 12.0 (if Patch 9184617 has been applied), please follow instructions in Note 1063222.1 Simple Debug Setup For Receiving Transaction Activity

For 11.5.6 - 11.5.9, please follow instructions in Note 431053.1 How to Generate Receiving Transaction Debug Statements in 11.5.6 - 11.5.9

A. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DEBUG PROFILES 1. Profile values should ONLY be set at User Level. Severe performance issues may occur if the Profiles are set at any other level. If RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate or On-line: set Profiles for the person who will perform the transaction If RCV: Processing Mode=Batch: set profiles for the person who will run Receiving Transaction Processor Concurrent Program

2. The Profiles that need to be set are based on data associated with the document for which the transaction is being processed. If there is any doubt, set all the Profiles. 3. To reduce the debug output, perform the transaction for one line if the error will occur when only one line is processed; if more than one line must be processed to reproduce the error, transact the minimum number of lines that will cause the error to occur. 4. Reset the Profiles after the transaction is processed so debug information is not logged unnecessarily. 5. If Profile RCV: Processing Mode=On-line,determine if the problem also occurs when Profile RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate (or Batch). It is easier to setup and retrieve debug and trace files when Profile RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate or Batch. For information about the different processing modes used for Receiving activities, please review Note 197860.1 (Explanation of RCV: Processing Modes, Pending Transactions and Destination Types). 6. For RCV: Processing Mode=On-line, run the following sql just before processing the transaction: select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages **this is not required, but this value may be used in the Section E sql script to reduce the sql output B. SET PROFILES Most Profile values can be changed by Users (Edit > Preferences > Profiles), but some Profile values must be changed using a System Administrator Responsibility (Profile > System). When using a System Administrator Responsibility to change Profile values, enter the UserID and select the Checkbox 'Profiles with No Values'. 1. All transactions: a. RCV: Debug Mode=Yes b. FND: Debug Log Enabled=Yes c. FND: Debug Log Level=Statement d. FND: Debug Log Module=po% The FND Profile names above will not include the word "Debug" if $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/US/aflogpro.ldt is version 115.11. The absence or presence of the word "Debug" does not affect the debugging process so it is not necessary to apply a patch or change the Profile names.

2. Line to be transacted references an Item: a. TP:INV Transaction processing mode=On-line



a. TP:INV Transaction processing mode=On-line b. INV: Debug Trace=Yes c. INV:Debug Level=11 d. INV: Debug file (Including the complete path)=<valid directory path plus file name> **example: /usr/tmp/invdebug.log **User must have write privilege to the specified directory, and it must be listed in results of this sql: select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'; 3. RMA, DropShip Purchase Order or Internal Sales Order/Requisition: a. OM: Debug Level = 5 b. OM: Debug Log Directory = <valid directory path> **example: /usr/tmp **User must have write privilege to the specified directory, and it must be listed in results of this sql: select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'; 4. When trace is requested: a. RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate or Batch: PO:Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor=Yes b. RCV: Processing Mode=On-line: Profile 'Initialization SQL Statement Custom' per Note 564817.1 (How To Create Forms And Database Level Trace For Receiving) 5. If WMS/Mobile Apps will be used to perform the transaction, bounce the Mobile server. 6. User whose Profiles were set must log out of application, then log back in. C. PROCESS TRANSACTION Perform the activity that will cause the error to occur.

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D. RESET PROFILES 1. Reset the Profiles to their original values. 2. User whose Profiles were reset must log out of application, then log back in. E. PROVIDE DEBUG INFORMATION FOR EACH MODULE 1. All transactions (a or b, not both): a. RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate or Batch: 1) Upload Receiving Transaction Processor Request Log (View > Requests) 2) Upload output from the following in Excel format, including Column Headings: select to_char (timestamp,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'), SUBSTR (message_text,1,300), SUBSTR (module,1,80), log_sequence from fnd_log_messages WHERE trunc(timestamp) = trunc(sysdate) AND process_id = (SELECT os_process_id FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = &p_request_id) AND module not like 'fnd%' ORDER BY log_sequence; **where p_request_id = the request id for the Receiving Transaction Processor Concurrent Request -ORb. RCV: Processing Mode=On-line: 1) max log_sequence was obtained prior to processing the transaction: Upload output from the following in Excel format, including Column Headings: select to_char (timestamp,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'), SUBSTR (message_text,1,300), SUBSTR (module,1,80), log_sequence from apps.fnd_log_messages WHERE log_sequence > &max_log_sequence and user_id = (select user_id from fnd_user where user_name=upper('&UserName')) and module not like 'fnd%' **use the sql below if the max log_sequence was not obtained prior to processing the transaction - OR2) max log_sequence was not obtained prior to processing the transaction: select to_char (timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), SUBSTR (message_text,1,300), SUBSTR (module,1,80), log_sequence from fnd_log_messages WHERE timestamp >= to_date('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND timestamp <= to_date('DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and module not like 'fnd%'; **substitute appropriate date and time values for DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:00 2. Inventory (if INV Profiles were set): Upload the file specified in Section B Step 2d. 3. Order Management (if OM Profiles were set): Upload the files created in the directory path specified in Section B Step 3b. F. PROVIDE TRACE 1. Identify the trace directory path: SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name ='user_dump_dest';



SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name ='user_dump_dest'; 2. RCV: Processing Mode=Immediate or Batch: a. Identify the Request ID from Receiving Transaction Processor Request Log: View > Requests > Query for Receiving Transaction Processor b. select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &request_id; c. Find the trace file using oracle_process_id

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3. RCV: Processing Mode=On-line: In the directory identified in Section F Step 1, search for a. files created during the time the transaction was processed and which contain references to 'rcv_transactions_interface' -ORb. if database trace was taken per Section B Step 4b, files that contain the word 'RCVTRACE' (or other value specified for Section B Step 4b). 4. Upload trace file(s) 5. Upload tkprof'd version of the trace file(s): tkprof <filename.tprc> <outputfilename.prf> sys=no explain=apps/<password>

Debug and Trace Profile Quicklist

Run SQL scripts below to confirm debug/trace profile values are set correctly.
s e l e c tu s e r _ i df r o mf n d _ u s e rw h e r eu s e r _ n a m e =u p p e r ( ' & U s e r N a m e ' ) ; U s e r N a m eo fp e r s o nf o rw h o mt h ed e b u gp r o f i l e sa r es e t( u s et h i sv a l u ei nt h en e x ts q l )

s e l e c td e c o d e ( a . p r o f i l e _ o p t i o n _ n a m e , ' A F L O G _ E N A B L E D ' , ' F N D :D e b u gL o gE n a b l e d ' , ' A F L O G _ L E V E L ' , ' F N D :D e b u gL o gL e v e l ' , ' A F L O G _ M O D U L E ' , ' F N D :D e b u gL o gM o d u l e ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ T R A C E ' , ' I N V :D e b u gT r a c e ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ F I L E ' , ' I N V :D e b u gf i l e ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ L E V E L ' , ' I N V : D e b u gL e v e l ' , ' O N T _ D E B U G _ L E V E L ' , ' O M :D e b u gL e v e l ' , ' O E _ D E B U G _ L O G _ D I R E C T O R Y ' , ' O M :D e b u gL o gD i r e c t o r y ' , | ' P O _ R V C T P _ E N A B L E _ T R A C E ' , ' P O : E n a b l eS q lT r a c ef o rR e c e i v i n gP r o c e s s o r ' , ' R C V _ D E B U G _ M O D E ' , ' R C V :D e b u gM o d e ' , ' R C V _ T P _ M O D E ' , ' R C V :P r o c e s s i n gM o d e ' , ' F N D _ I N I T _ S Q L ' , ' I n i t i a l i z a t i o nS Q LS t a t e m e n t-C u s t o m ' )" P r o f i l e " , c . P R O F I L E _ O P T I O N _ V A L U E" P r o f i l eV a l u e " f r o ma p p s . f n d _ p r o f i l e _ o p t i o n sa ,a p p s . F N D _ P R O F I L E _ O P T I O N _ V A L U E Sc w h e r ea . P R O F I L E _ o p t i o n _ N A M Ei n( ' A F L O G _ E N A B L E D ' , ' A F L O G _ L E V E L ' , ' A F L O G _ M O D U L E ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ T R A C E ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ F I L E ' , ' I N V _ D E B U G _ L E V E L ' , ' O N T _ D E B U G _ L E V E L ' , ' O E _ D E B U G _ L O G _ D I R E C T O R Y ' , ' P O _ R V C T P _ E N A B L E _ T R A C E ' , ' R C V _ D E B U G _ M O D E ' , ' R C V _ T P _ M O D E ' , ' F N D _ I N I T _ S Q L ' ) a n da . p r o f i l e _ o p t i o n _ i d=c . p r o f i l e _ o p t i o n _ i d( + ) a n da . a p p l i c a t i o n _ i d=c . a p p l i c a t i o n _ i d( + ) a n d& U s e r I D=c . l e v e l _ v a l u e( + ) a n d1 0 0 0 4=c . l e v e l _ i d( + ) o r d e rb ya . p r o f i l e _ o p t i o n _ n a m e ;

Sample output from SQL above: Profile Profile Value FND: Debug Log Enabled Y FND: Debug Log Level 1 FND: Debug Log Module po% INV: Debug file /usr/tmp/kjroi_08nov.log INV:Debug Level 11 INV: Debug Trace 1 OM: Debug Log Directory /usr/tmp OM: Debug Level 5 PO:Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor N RCV: Debug Mode Y RCV: Processing Mode IMMEDIATE

Note: FND: Debug Log Level=1 >>>>> 1=Statement INV: Debug Trace=1 >>>>> 1=Yes Initialization SQL Statement - Custom >>>>> not included in above sample output



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NOTE:197860.1 - Explanation of RCV: Processing Modes, Pending Transactions and Destination Types NOTE:372432.1 - How to Trace the Receiving Transactions NOTE:431053.1 - How to Generate Receiving Transaction Debug Statements in 11.5.6 - 11.5.9 NOTE:564723.1 - How To Diagnose An Issue in ROI Receiving Open Interface in 11.5.10 / R12 PO / IOT / Req / RMA NOTE:564817.1 - How To Create Forms And Database Level Trace NOTE:1063222.1 - Simple Debug Setup For Receiving Transaction Activity


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