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Standard Project Report 2011

Assistance to CAR Refugees and Host Population in Chad Single Country PRRO Chad 2011
Project Number Project Category Reporting Period Total Beneficiaries in 2011 200059

Single Country PRRO 1 January - 31 December 2011 106,661


Project Approval Date Planned Start Date Actual Start Date Project End Date Financial Closure Date

01 Jul 2010 01 Apr 2010 01 Apr 2010 31 Dec 2011 n.a.

Approved budget as 31 December 2011 in USD Food Value Indirect Support Costs Other Direct Costs Total Approved Budget 10,752,042 1,894,472 16,311,839 28,958,353

Approved Commodities 72% Cereals And Grains 1% Miscellaneous 5% Mixed And Blended 5% Oils And Fats 17% Pulses And Vegetables 100% Total Approved Commodities

Metric Tonnes 16,376 334 1,117 1,041 3,989 22,858

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Operational SPR

Beneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution 'Story Worth Telling' Enhanced Commitments to Women Outputs Outcomes Sustainability, Capacity Development and Handover

Resource Inputs from Donors, Government and Partners Food Purchases Food Transport, Delivery and Handling Post-Delivery Losses

Partnerships Lessons Learned


Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors Annex: Commodity Transactions

Contribution & Expenditure as a Proportion of Budget Project Overview Project Detail by Contribution Status of Contributions Receivable

Standard Project Report 2011


Country Overview

Country Overview


2011 Chad

The boundaries and names shown on the maps in this document do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations


Chad is a low-income food-deficit country, listed 183 of 187 countries on the 2011 UNDP Human Development Index. With a population of 11.2 million, 87 per cent of which, in rural areas, lives below the poverty line, Chad is vulnerable to recurrent shocks and exposed to high risks of food crisis and natural disasters. According to the 2010 Chad Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and the Nutrition and Retrospective Mortality Survey 2011, the malnutrition situation is critical in 11 of 22 regions with a global acute malnutrition (GAM) above 15 percent, and remains serious in 9 other regions (GAM over 10 percent). Chronic malnutrition affects 39 percent of children of 6-23 months at the national level, surpassing the 40 percent "critical" level in almost all regions. The severe drought of 2009/2010 led to low agricultural yields, exacerbating an already vulnerable food and nutrition security situation. Although the 2010/2011 harvest was relatively good, vulnerable households have not recovered as revealed by the 2011 Emergency food security assessment: 30 percent and 22 percent of households in the sahelian belt are severely and moderately food insecure, respectively. The 2012 production forecasts are pessimistic, with mitigated outlooks in the traditionally productive areas. The main factors limiting access to basic education are the lack of adequate infrastructure/teachers and food insecurity. These limitations lead to a net enrolment rate of only 36.5 percent (with the lowest rates in the Sahelian belt) and adult literacy rates of 21 and 43 percent, respectively, for women and men. Furthermore, Chad is subject to the spill-over effects from crises in the neighboring countries of the Libya, Sudan and the Central African Republic. The country currently hosts nearly 350,000 refugees from Sudan and the Central African Republic. Some 130,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to violence among ethnic groups and rebel incursions in the east are expected to return in 2012, in addition to the recently returned 85,000 Chadians from Libya.

Standard Project Report 2011


Country Overview


Given the food insecurity and nutrition situation in a politically and socially fragile environment, WFP assistance in Chad focuses on the most vulnerable and food-insecure people in 15 regions. To address multifaceted food security and nutrition challenges WFP is implementing two EMOPs, a PRRO and a Country Programme. Through the EMOPs, WFP provides relief assistance to Sudanese refugees, IDPs and to food-insecure people among local populations in Eastern Chad and the Western Sahelian belt. Nutritional assistance is also provided to vulnerable groups. Through the PRRO, relief assistance to Central African Republic refugees and to food-insecure people among local populations in the south is made available. Under the Country Programme, WFP is promoting primary education and adult literacy through a school feeding programme, HIV and AIDS and food-for-training components. In support of the humanitarian community in a context marked by poor road and transport infrastructure, WFP is managing the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) providing a vital air link for more than a hundred UN agencies and NGOs as well as donor representatives and journalists. It also provides evacuation services and transport of light cargo to remote areas. All WFP operations in Chad fall within the objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and are in line with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Chad. The EMOPs and the PRRO directly contribute to achieving MDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The Country Programme contributes to achieving MDG2, as well as MDG3. WFP activities are also in line with the initiatives in the framework of the New Partnership for Africa's Development and contribute to the achievement of four of the principal objectives of the Poverty Reduction Strategy phase II in Chad.

Beneficiaries Number of children below 5 years of age Number of children 5 to 18 years of age Number of adults Total number of beneficiaries in 2011 Total number of beneficiaries in 2010 Total number of beneficiaries in 2009

Male 299,967 526,592 483,398 1,309,957 946,430 385,604

Female 286,397 552,138 638,440 1,476,975 1,155,870 499,102

Total 586,364 1,078,730 1,121,838 2,786,932 2,102,300 884,706

Distribution (mt) Project Type Single Country PRRO Single Country EMOP Country Programme Total food distributed in 2011 Total food distributed in 2010 Total food distributed in 2009 Cereals 6,981 65,453 5,595 78,029 85,728 69,252 Oil 364 5,382 460 Pulses 1,762 7,399 19 Mix 406 19,854 1,139 Other 140 3,808 374 Total 9,653 101,896 7,588

5,459 3,868

8,562 6,374

14,577 8,291

3,878 2,762

118,204 90,547

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Operational SPR

Under PRRO 105100 which ended in April 2010, WFP had responded to the food needs of Central African Republic (CAR) refugees in Chad. In order to ensure the refugees' protection and enhance the effectiveness of assistance, a new phase of the operation PRRO 200059 started in May 2010 for a twenty-month period with the aim of promoting self-sufficiency among refugees. Covering the regions in southern Chad, the overall objective of this operation, PRRO 200059, is to save lives of CAR refugees and targeted host population with the provision of relief assistance through general food distribution (GFD), supplementary feeding for moderately malnourished children and pregnant or lactating women, in line with Strategic Objective 1. In addition, the project seeks to re-establish and strengthen the livelihoods of refugees and food insecure host communities through the creation of social and productive assets required to attain food self-sufficiency, in line with Strategic Objective 3.

RESULTS Beneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution

Beneficiaries included refugees from CAR, children with moderate acute malnutrition, malnourished pregnant and lactating women and food-insecure households among host communities. In April 2011, refugees in Daha camps were moved to the Haraze camps for security reasons. Following a criminal incident in the refugee camp, the Government of Chad decided to close the camp immediately and UNHCR transferred the refugees in a new camp in Haraz area. Due to this transfer, refugees were unable to cultivate in time during the 2010/2011 agricultural season. Beneficiaries were targeted based on various assessments carried out in 2010 and 2011. Ration for GFD varied from 1,200kcal to 2100kcal per day depending on needs of each category of refugees. Refugees who arrived in Chad before 2008 received rations of 1,200kcal, while those arrived in 2008 and beyond received a full ration of 2,100kcal. Food-For-Assets (FFA) activities were carried out under the leadership of community-based organisations, and only very poor and food-insecure persons willing to perform physical labour participated in such activities. The average household size was of five persons. FFA activities were not undertaken by refugees due to the difficulties in finding suitable cooperating partners. Only activities involving host communities were implemented. Enough food was available thanks to the carry over stock from the previous operation. Furthermore, no food-for training activities were carried out due to the lack of cooperating partners in the area. The underachievement for malnourished children under the supplementary feeding programme was due to the limited availability of cooperating partners. Discussions are underway with prospective partners to address this issue. However, more pregnant and lactating women were reached than planned due to the non-application of admission and exit criteria by cooperating partners. Under this programme, the food basket consisted of fortified oil, supercereal and sugar.

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Beneficiary Category Male

Planned Female 14,969 20,094 23,787 58,850 104,700 Total 29,067 39,102 45,031 113,200 201,300 Male 7,937 15,184 24,589 47,710 33,600

Actual Female 9,377 18,646 30,928 58,951 38,616 Total 17,314 33,830 55,517 106,661 72,216 Male

% Actual v. Planned Female 62.6% 92.8% 130.0% 100.2% 36.9% Total 59.6% 86.5% 123.3% 94.2% 35.9%

200059 Number of children below 5 years of age

Number of children 5 to 18 years of age Number of adults Total number of beneficiaries in 2011 Total number of beneficiaries in 2010

14,098 19,008 21,244 54,350 96,600

56.3% 79.9% 115.7% 87.8% 34.8%

The total number of beneficiaries includes all targeted persons who were provided with WFP food during the reporting period - either as a recipient/participant in one or more of the following groups, or from a household food ration distributed to one of these recipients/participants Refugees Beneficiaries of General food distribution (GFD) Children 6 to 23 months given food under supplementary feeding (treatment for moderate malnutrition) Children 24 to 59 months given food under supplementary feeding (treatment for moderate malnutrition) Pregnant and lactating women given food under MCH/supplementary feeding Participants in Food For Work 7,238 32,064 32,064 34,736 34,736 66,800 66,800 30,832 37,526 32,350 39,356 63,182 76,882 96.2% 117.0% 93.1% 113.3% 94.6% 115.1%











797 5,660 7,842

1,525 5,660 15,080


503 6,339

925 6,339 5,299


63.1% 112.0%

60.7% 112.0% 35.1%





Commodity Distribution
Commodity Planned Distribution (mt) Actual Distribution (mt) % Actual v. Planned

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Iodised Salt Maize Maize Meal Peas Rice Sorghum/millet Split Peas Sugar Vegetable Oil Wheat Flour
Total for 2011 Total reported in 2010 SPR

609 94 3,990 900 12 2,453 20 606 61 426 0

9,171 8,313

406 82 4,236 857 12 1,870 18 1,750 58 364 1

9,652 4,014

66.6% 86.8% 106.2% 95.2% 99.9% 76.2% 88.3% 288.8% 95.8% 85.4% 105.2% 48.3%

'Story Worth Telling'

Mahamat Sale is a 30 years old Chadian living with his wife and four children in the small village of Moula hosting more than 5,000 CAR refugees since 2008. He works on land rehabilitation in the rice fields of Bekana, under the food-for-asset activity supported by WFP. He told us that "Thanks to this project, there is now three times more land ready for cultivation. All this represents more food and more income for our community. WFP support has allowed our village to better support the consequences of hosting a population of refugees that is four times more than the number of local populations in Moula. This project has also enhanced the supply of rice to the local market and solidarity fostered between my community and refugees. We are very grateful to WFP".

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Enhanced Commitments to Women

The proportion of women involved in food management committees in CAR camps and of food entitlements issued in women's name in GFD remained the same as in 2010. However, the number of women collecting household food rations at distribution points was above the target but had decreased compared to 2010. Reasons for this trend will be investigated during on-site food distribution monitoring. WFP and UNHCR will ensure that appropriate measures are taken by cooperating partners as per the field level agreements, to ensure that women's participation in activities is enhanced.
Enhanced Committments to Women Indicators Proportion of household food entitlements (on ration cards or distribution list) issued in women's name in GFD Proportion of women receiving household food rations at distribution point in GFD Proportion of women in leadership positions in food management committees Planned
50% 50% 50%

56% 62% 48%

The food distribution plans were mostly met by WFP, UNHCR and their partners. Only the two camps of Haraze and Moula experienced delays. GFD was delayed for refugees in Haraze camp in April due to the delocalization process of refugees of Daha to Haraze. In Moula camp, several delays were experienced due the non acceptance of the reduced food ration by refugees as recommended by the 2010 UNHCR socioeconomic study. Under FFA activities, agricultural land rehabilitation and classroom construction were completed by host communities, however other planned FFA activities were not implemented due to the lack of resources, including non-food items, and capable cooperating partners in the targeted areas. Refugees also were unwilling to commit themselves to such activities. Discussions and sensitization of refugee leaders are underway. The number of WFP-supported nutrition centres has increased from five in 2010 to seven in 2011. However, the target was not reached due to lack of technical staff in health centers managed by the Ministry of Health in host communities. All functioning supplementary feeding centres were in refugee camps.
% Actual vs. Planned





Energy content of food distributed (kcal/person/day) Energy content of food distributed (kcal/person/day) Number of days rations were provided Number of timely food distributions as per planned distribution schedule kcal/person/day kcal/person/day number number 2,100 1,200 365 12 2,100 1,200 365 8 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 66.7%

SO 1: Nutrition: Treatment of Acute Malnutrition

Number of health centres/sites assisted centre/sit 12 7 58.3%

Hectares (ha) of agricultural land benefiting from rehabilitated irrigation schemes (including irrigation canal repair, specific protection measures, embankments, etc) Kilometres (km) of feeder roads rehabilitated (FFA) and maintained (self-help) Number of assisted communities with improved physical infrastructures to mitigate the impact of shocks, in place as a result of project assistance Number of classrooms rehabilitated Number of shallow wells constructed Number of tree seedlings produced Ha kilometres community number number tree seedl 100 196 17 45 151 20,000 108 0 17 20 0 17,000 108.0% 0.0% 100.0% 44.4% 0.0% 85.0%

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

The global acute malnutrition (GAM) rates of CAR refugees in southern Chad have slightly increased compared to last year. This increase is significant in two refugee camps where GAM rates increased from 5 percent in 2010 to 8.4 percent in Haraze camps, and from 5.7 percent in 2010 to 12.4 percent in Dosseye camp. The deterioration of the nutritional status in Haraze camps may be attributed to the delocalization of refugees from Daha to Haraze, at the time of the harvest. In Dosseye, the cause may be linked to the particularity of the livelihood (pastoralists) of this camp. UNHCR is planning a causal analysis of malnutrition in the CAR camps in 2012, and corrective measures will be taken accordingly in order to reverse the negative trend. The defaulter, death and non-response rates of the supplementary feeding improved most likely due to WFP's food assistance and the complementary inputs of partners. However, the recovery rate and the average length of enrolment in supplementary feeding deteriorated at the same time bu yet still remained still within target. Potential causes of this negative trend were the poor capacity of some of the nutrition programme's partners. Corrective measures will be taken for 2012, including close supervision and strong out-reach component. The transfer rate in Dosseye camp is very high (18 percent). Again, this may be linked to the particularity of the livelihood in this camp. Data on food consumption patterns from the post-distribution monitoring conducted jointly by WFP and the UNHCR in December 2011 indicated a relative improvement of the food security situation of refugees compared to last year with about 10 percent increase of households with acceptable food consumption score. While no asset creation outcome survey was carried out during the reporting period, in part due to the lack of appropriate tools and technical skills, the small scale irrigation schemes projects initiated have the potential of contributing to improvements in the dietary diversity of the beneficiaries in the participating communities.
Base Value Previous Follow-up
(penultimate follow-up)


Latest Follow-up
(latest value measured)

(at start of project or benchmark)

Sp Strategic Objective 1: Save lives and protect livelihoods in emergencies 200059 1 Average length of enrolment in supplementary feeding (days)
Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 (weight-for-height as %) Supplementary feeding death rate (%) Supplementary feeding default rate (%) Supplementary feeding non-response rate (%) Supplementary feeding recovery rate (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6

45 6.5 0.7 13.9 1.5 78.8

45 4.8 1.56 5.86 0.24 86.84

53 5.6 0.66 3.95 1.22 76.2 68.2

Sp Strategic Objective 3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post-disaster or transition situations 3 FCS: percentage of households with acceptable Food Consumption Score 58.9 7
See endnotes for information about data sources

Sustainability, Capacity Development and Handover

WFP continued to advocate for FFA activities for refugees. Because of the difficulties in finding suitable partners, these activities had however unfortunately not started. These activities would have complemented related efforts of UNHCR-led self-reliance strategy within the refugee communities. Discussions with prospective partners are at a late stage and FFA activities are planned to start during the first Quarter of 2012.

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

INPUTS Resource Inputs from Donors, Government and Partners

No new funds were received from donors in 2011. Project activities were sustained with stock resourced and carried over from 2010 to 2011. The Government of Chad provided lands for the installation of additional rub halls in four sites. WFP also continued to use the warehouse provided by the Chadian Government in Moundou.
Resourced in 2011 (mt) Donor European Commission Ireland Japan USA Total:
See Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors for breakdown by commodity and contribution reference number

Shipped/Purchased in 2011 (mt)


Cash 588 86 115 3,047 86 115 720 789 3,968

Food Purchases
All WFP food commodities for the project were obtained through international purchases, mainly through triangular purchases.
Commodity Corn-Soya Blend Iodised Salt Maize Split Peas Sugar Vegetable Oil Total: Local Purchases (mt) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Triangular Purchases (mt) 216 95 2,086 0 0 127 2,524 Other International Purchases (mt) 0 0 0 686 287 480 1,454

Food Transport, Delivery and Handling

Food commodities were received through Douala corridor and forwarded by railway to the transhipment point in Ngaoundere before transfer to Chad. Direct dispatches from Ngaoundere to extended delivery points (EDPs) in Chad represented 83 percent, the balance received in Ndjamena before transfer to EDPs. Commercial transporter contracted by WFP Chad moved 49 percent of commodities, 48 percent was transported by WFP cooperating partners and the remaining 3 percent by the WFP fleet. The prepositioning of food needed in Haraze for the rainy season from June to October 2011 was successfully achieved by May 2011 before the road between Am Timan and Haraze closed.

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Metric Tonnes Commodity Opening Stock

8 9 10 11 12 13

% Closing Stock (In-Country)* 0 72 115 630 315 128 2,951 81 0 1,222 0 5,516 Closing Stock (Total)* 0 72 316 630 314 128 2,982 81 0 1,212 0 5,737 Post Delivery Losses 0 42 1 3 7 1 19 11 0 14 0 97 Loss vs Handled 1.6% 2.1% 0.4% 0.3% 0.9% 0.3% 0.3% 1.1% 1.6% 0.5% 3.8% 0.6%

Commodities Received 12 0 25 86 638 224 112 7,104 948 0 2,180 0 11,315

Commodity Transactions 0 -14 0 0 170 0 0 0 0 5 0 161

Total Handled 12 1,998 175 1,076 794 239 7,206 949 18 2,986 1 15,454

Food Distributed 12 1,870 58 364 406 82 4,236 857 18 1,750 1 9,652

200059 Peas 200059 Rice 200059 Sugar 200059 Vegetable Oil 200059 Corn-soya Blend (csb) 200059 Iodised Salt 200059 Maize 200059 Maize Meal 200059 Sorghum/millet 200059 Split Peas 200059 Wheat Flour Project Total:

1,973 89 360 335 98 102 1 18 801 1 3,790

* The projects closing stock is presented in two formats: describes COMPAS closing stock (WFP in recipient country + cooperating partner/s), while describes the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) compliant closing stocks, which are total stocks (inside and outside the recipient country and on high seas) as reflected in the Annual Financial Statement. Further information on these two values are available on the SPR Guidance webpage. Where applicable, see Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and Handling, Annex: Commodity Transactions, and Endnotes for information on opening and closing stocks

Post-Delivery Losses
Post-delivery loss remained minimal at 0.6 percent of total food commodities handled. The main reason for the loss was poor handling at distribution sites. To minimize losses, meetings with partners were regularly organized to ensure that trained manpower is used during distributions. Advocacy to UNHCR to include more distribution staff within their agreements with partners was successful.

MANAGEMENT Partnerships
To complement WFP-supported activities, sister United Nations agencies and NGOs provided technical assistance and non-food inputs such as logistical support, technical inputs during joint field visit missions and surveys, other took care and maintained activities and support to refugees and host populations. Human and institutional capacities of local institutions and community-based organizations were also straightened by some NGOs through training sessions and provision of materials and seeds for agricultural projects. Additionally, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the Office National de Dveloppement Rural, assisted with the design and implementation of FFA activities.
NGO Data Collection

Total number of International NGO Partners in the project Total number of Local NGO Partners in the project

6 8

Lessons Learned
A lack of commitment from camp leadership to shift from full GFD rations to reduced GFD rations and targeted FFA activities can affect the success of a phase-down/phase-out strategy. This has been the case in Moula refugee camp, where the decision based on assessments of reducing food ration has still not been implemented. Advocacy efforts are underway for a stronger involvement of UNHCR partners in charge of self-reliance activities in FFA activities with WFP financial support.

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059


Base value: Dec-2009, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Data from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, 200059 1 Average length of enrolment in supplementary feeding (days) Secondary data.
2 3

Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children Nov-2011, under 5 WFP/UNHCR (weight-for-height as %)in CAR refugee camps, WFP survey. in CAR refugee camps, WFP survey. Latest Follow-up: SMART Survey

Base value: Aug-2008, WFP/ACF Nutrition Survey in CAR refugee camps, WFP survey. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, WFP/UNHCR Nutrition Survey

Base value: Dec-2009, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all Supplementary feeding death rate (%) camps, Secondary data. Base value: Dec-2009, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all Supplementary feeding default rate (%) camps, Secondary data.

Base value: Dec-2009, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all Supplementary feeding non-response rate (%) camps, Secondary data.

Base value: Dec-2009, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Previous Follow-up: Dec-2010, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all camps, Secondary data. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, Reports from WFP-supported nutritional centres in all Supplementary feeding recovery rate (%) camps, Secondary data.
6 7

3 FCS: in percentage of households with acceptable Food Consumption Score all CAR refugee camps, WFP survey.

Base value: Nov-2010, WFP Emergency food security Assessment in all camps, WFP survey. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2011, PDM WFP/ACTED/UNHCR

8 200059 PEAS Replacement of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE. 9 200059 RICE Replacement of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE 10 200059 SUGAR Replacement of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE. 11 200059 VEGETABLE Replacement OIL of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE. 12 200059 CORN-SOYA Replacement BLEND of (CSB) estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE. 13 200059 IODISED Replacement SALT of estimates of 2010 by actual distribution figures for the partner CENTRE DE SUPPORT DE SANTE INTERNATIONALE.

Standard Project Report 2011


Single Country PRRO - 200059


Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors

European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission Ireland Japan USA USA

Resourced in 2011 (mt) In-Kind Cash

65 437 86 86 115

Cont. Ref. No
EEC-C-00249-01 EEC-C-00249-01 EEC-C-00249-01 EEC-C-00249-01 EEC-C-00249-01 EEC-C-00249-01 IRE-C-00082-02 JPN-C-00128-01 USA-C-00591-01 USA-C-00591-01

Corn-Soya Blend Iodised Salt Maize Split Peas Sugar Vegetable Oil Sugar Sugar Split Peas Vegetable Oil

Shipped/ Purchased in 2011 (mt)

216 95 2,086 437 86 127 86 115 240 480




Annex: Commodity Transactions

Commodity Commodity Transaction To project Going out mt From project 104780 (Improve Health & Nutrition) 200060 200112 105100 104780 (Support to Basic Education) 14 200112 104780 (Improve Health & Nutrition) 14 0 5 175 Coming in mt 11 12 114 33

200059 Corn-soya Blend (csb)

Corn-soya Blend (csb) Corn-soya Blend (csb) Corn-soya Blend (csb) Rice Rice Split Peas Project Total:

Repayment Repayment Repayment Transfer Repayment Repayment Repayment

Financial Section

Financial information is taken from WFP's financial records which have been submitted to WFP's auditors.

Standard Project Report 2011 Figures Based on Project Overview of Financial Section


Single Country PRRO - 200059

Direct Project Costs 2011

26.08 % Commodity 4.95 % Transport 49.61 % LTSH 2.12 % ODOC 17.24 % DSC

Cumulative Direct Project Costs until 31 December 2011

Commodity 37.45 % Transport 5.59 % LTSH 40.55 % ODOC 1.64 % DSC 14.77 %

World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT PROJECT OVERVIEW Project: 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account for the Period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars)

Approved Budget Direct Project Costs Commodity Transport LTSH ODOC DSC Stock Transfer Unprogrammed Project Costs Total Direct Project Costs Indirect Support Costs Total 10,752,042 2,423,840 8,027,509 1,073,003 4,787,487

Confirmed Contributions

Expenditures Previously Reported During the Period Cumulative Total

Balance of Contributions

5,885,571 1,253,491 7,422,901 982,121 3,514,531 4,101,759 300,031 23,460,405 1,146,368 24,606,772

3,196,629 369,294 1,268,809 38,716 546,367 3,194,978

2,675,965 507,489 5,090,550 217,967 1,769,375 906,781

5,872,593 876,783 6,359,359 256,683 2,315,742 4,101,759

12,978 376,708 1,063,542 725,438 1,198,789 0 300,031

27,063,881 1,894,472 28,958,353

8,614,793 1,154,488 9,769,281


19,782,919 1,146,368 20,929,287

3,677,486 0 3,677,486


The project has been operationally and financially closed. This financial report is final.

Anthony Tyrrell Chief Contribution and Project Accounts Branch

End of Selection: 31/12/2011 09/03/2012 14:55:13

Page 1

World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) PROJECT DETAIL BY CONTRIBUTION Incoming and Outgoing Total Transfers

Total Multilateral

Subtotal Directed Multilateral

ALG MOFA 10011903 ALG-C-00008-01 200059

Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Expenditures Project Costs Commodity Transport LTSH ODOC DSC Stock Transfer Total Direct Project Costs Indirect Support Costs Total Expenditures Balance of Contributions 5,872,593 876,783 6,359,359 256,683 2,315,742 4,101,759 19,782,919 1,146,368 20,929,287 3,677,486 6,850,587 0 0 0 1,823,241 251,138 674,448 4,101,759 6,850,587 0 135,555 135,555 1,098,211 13,018,974 1,010,812 14,029,786 2,492,633 0 0 0 0 0 5,872,593 876,783 4,536,118 92,185 1,641,294 2,336,275 18,168,738 4,101,759 24,606,772 0 2,748,828 4,101,759 6,850,587 1,233,766 16,522,419 0 1,233,766 2,336,275 14,186,144

1,030,825 0 1,030,825

862,075 168,750 0 0 0

1,030,825 0 1,030,825 0

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

End of Selection: 31/12/2011 09/03/2012 15:03:41 Page 2

World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) PROJECT DETAIL BY CONTRIBUTION

ALG MOFA 10012116 ALG-C-00010-01

EEC ECHO 10011699 EEC-C-00249-01

IRE AID 10011778 IRE-C-00082-02

JPN MOFA 10012628 JPN-C-00128-01

UN CERF 10011938 001-C-00417-01

Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Expenditures Project Costs Commodity Transport LTSH ODOC DSC Stock Transfer Total Direct Project Costs Indirect Support Costs Total Expenditures Balance of Contributions 0 0 0 41,243 3,117,053 218,293 3,335,346 1,414 764,503 79,458 843,961 370,614 2,592,634 239,466 2,832,100 828,308 1,199,493 83,965 1,283,458 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,182,577 159,834 1,080,985 50,861 642,797 492,586 3,543 268,374 0 0 1,019,866 306,983 1,265,785 0 0 602,852 26,102 315,285 41,324 213,930 41,243 3,336,759 1,214,575 3,660,409 1,283,458 0 41,243 0 3,336,759 0 1,214,575 0 3,660,409 0 1,283,458

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

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World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) PROJECT DETAIL BY CONTRIBUTION

USA STATE/PRM 10012387 USA-C-00467-01

USA USAID/FFP 10013780 USA-C-00591-01


Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Expenditures Project Costs Commodity Transport LTSH ODOC DSC Stock Transfer Total Direct Project Costs Indirect Support Costs Total Expenditures Balance of Contributions 1,090,706 98,131 1,188,837 311,163 3,223,758 291,500 3,515,258 939,892 (86,641) 0 (86,641) 86,641 420,164 86,700 498,875 0 84,967 1,292,472 124,872 1,106,814 0 699,600 0 0 0 (86,641) 0 1,500,000 4,455,150 0 0 1,500,000 1,305,450 3,149,700 0 0

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

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World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) STATUS OF CONTRIBUTION RECEIVABLE Incoming and Outgoing Total Transfers

Total Multilateral Subtotal Directed Multilateral

ALG MOFA 10011903 ALG-C-00008-01 200059

Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Contribution Received In Kind Cash Total Contributions Received Outstanding Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Outstanding Contribution Receivable 12,978 2,094,258 2,107,236 2,323,297 12,091,885 14,415,183 2,336,275 18,168,738 4,101,759 24,606,772 0 2,748,828 4,101,759 6,850,587 1,233,766 16,522,419 0 1,233,766 2,336,275 14,186,144

1,030,825 0 1,030,825 1,030,825 0 1,030,825 0 0 0

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

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World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) STATUS OF CONTRIBUTION RECEIVABLE

ALG MOFA 10012116 ALG-C-00010-01

EEC ECHO 10011699 EEC-C-00249-01

IRE AID 10011778 IRE-C-00082-02

JPN MOFA 10012628 JPN-C-00128-01

UN CERF 10011938 001-C-00417-01

Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Contribution Received In Kind Cash Total Contributions Received Outstanding Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 0 242,778 242,778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41,243 41,243 0 3,093,982 3,093,982 0 1,214,575 1,214,575 0 3,660,409 3,660,409 0 1,283,458 1,283,458 41,243 3,336,759 1,214,575 3,660,409 1,283,458 0 41,243 0 3,336,759 0 1,214,575 0 3,660,409 0 1,283,458

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

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World Food Programme STANDARD PROJECT REPORT Project : 200059 PRRO-TDCO-Assist. to CAR Refu.& Host pop Statement of Account as at 31 December 2011 (Amounts in US dollars) STATUS OF CONTRIBUTION RECEIVABLE

USA STATE/PRM 10012387 USA-C-00467-01

USA USAID/FFP 10013780 USA-C-00591-01

Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Stock Transfer Total Confirmed Contributions Contribution Received In Kind Cash Total Contributions Received Outstanding Confirmed Contributions In Kind Cash Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 12,978 1,851,481 1,864,458 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,292,472 1,298,219 2,590,692 1,500,000 4,455,150 0 1,500,000 1,305,450 3,149,700

Note: SPR amounts are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be rounded off to ''0''.

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