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Civil Rights Test Fill in the Blank/Matching: Use the following terms to answer questions 1-10 a. b c. d. e.

Affirmative Action The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Civil Rights Act of 1965 Brown Vs Board Loving vs. Virginia


ab. The Bakke Case ac. The March On Selma ad. The March on Washington ae. Freedom Summer bc. Watts Riots

1. ______B______was passed addressing equal voting rights and the negating concepts like literacy tests of the Jim Crow era to prevent registration. 2. _______A______ happened in 1963, resulting in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech and the peaceful protest of thousands of civil rights supporters. 3. With ________AC________, the United States saw a large attempt to level the playing field of employed minorities as well as University acceptances and this idea still exists today 4. __________AE_______, was an African American movement to raise awareness for voter registration and equal education opportunities. 5. ________D__________ negated Plessy vs Fergusons separate but equal ruling by allowing integration of African Americans into white schooling 6. Bloody Sunday was televised during ________BC______ , showcasing the violent use of fire hoses, dogs, and baton beatings by officers towards non-violent victims 7. ________E_________ ruled that it was unfair to deny people marriage rights based on race. 8._______C___________ was a huge step for Civil Rights Activists, making segregation illegal in the United States 9. After an African-American man was mistreated by a police officer a final straw of inequality pushed African-Americans into an uproar resulting in extensive amount of damage in what was called the _________AB____________. 10. A white male was denied admittance into the University of California and argued that he was being discriminated against in what would be known as _________AB__________


Civil Rights Test


11. What does the Acronym C.O.R.E. stand for? p. 624

a. b. c. d.

congress of racial equality coalition of real equality coalition of racial equality congress of racism ending

12. Four students were the catalyst for the success of this well known non-violent protest in a diner where service was traditionally refused to African-Americans? a. Montgomery Sit-ins b. Alabama Diner Boycott c. Greensboro Sit-ins d. SNCC Sit-in Movement 13. The separation of people based on race, gender, religion etc. is commonly known as? a. Separacism b. Segregation c. Desegregation d. Civil Disobedience 14. This man gained popularity after the Montgomery Bus Boycott and cemented himself in history at the March on Washington as a prominent figure of the Civil Rights Movement? a. Malcolm X b. Thurgood Marshall c. Eldridge Cleaver d. Stokely Carmichael e. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 15. Black Power, a call to African-Americans to unite and establish a sense of a proud community against oppressors, was coined by this Civil Rights Activist? a. Stokely Carmichael b. Eldridge Cleaver c. Malcolm X d. Huey Newton. e. none of the above

Civil Rights Test


16. What does the acronym SNCC stand for? a. Seniors Nonviolent Congressional Committee b. Student Nonviolent Civil Coordinators c. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee d. Student Nonaggressive Civil Coordinators 17. They favored Black Power and supported violence as a method of retaliation in order to stand up against oppression and claim Black independence in the United States? a. CORE b. SCLC c. The Black Party d. The Black Panthers 18. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white man, it sparked this nonviolent movement, lead by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. that would end segregation on public transportation. a. Montgomery Bus Boycott b. March on Birmingham c... Watts Riots d. Freedom Rides 19. This group, at one point led by Whitney Young, focused its Civil Rights Activism on the community advocating for rights such as safe and attainable public schooling? a. National Urban League b. Congress of Racial Equality c. Freedom Summer d. SCLC 20. This was a violent act of racial tensions that resulted in the death of children, but would ultimately provide fuel for Civil Rights Activists around the country. a. 16th Street Baptist Church b. Emmett Till c. Watts Riots d. March on Selma e. Both a and b True or False Section(Answer a for TRUE and b for FALSE for Questions 21-30)

Civil Rights Test


21. Malcolm X was assassinated by an angry white supremacist TRUE 22. The trailblazers of the Central High School Integration would formally be nicknamed the Little Rock Five TRUE 23. The Civil Rights Movement was about the African-American struggle for equality in the United States of America. TRUE 24. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King were two important leaders of the Civil Rights Movement with similar approaches but different goals in the end. TRUE 25. Affirmative Action lead to the Bakke Case in which a white male felt discriminated against when denied acceptance into the University of California. FALSE 26. The Watts Riots were ultimately supported by the SNCC and Stokely Carmichael as a statement of Racial inequality. TRUE 27. White Americans were mainly white supremacists who supported the KKK and other groups that opposed racial equality. FALSE 28. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated outside of a hotel room, slowing down the support for the Civil Rights Movement. FALSE 29. Even though De Jure Segregation became illegal, De facto Segregation reigned supreme, which extended the Civil Rights Movement into further decades as America took time to adjust. FALSE 30. After the Civil Rights Movement, America finally overcame its oppressive/racist past and achieved true equality where EVERYONE is created equal today. FALSE

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