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/* * Encog(tm) Core v0.1 - Javascript Version * * * Copyright 2008-2012 Heaton Research, Inc.

* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * For more information on Heaton Research copyrights, licenses * and trademarks visit: * */ /** * The main Encog namespace. This is the only global property created by Encog. * @type {*} */ var ENCOG = ENCOG || { /** * The version of Encog that this is. * @property property * @type String * @final */ VERSION : '1.0', /** * The Encog platform being used. * @property property * @type String * @final */ PLATFORM : 'javascript', /** * The precision that Encog uses. * @property precision * @type String * @final */ precision : 1e-10, /** * A newline character. * @property property * @type String * @final */ NEWLINE : '\n',

/** * The Encog type for activation functions. * @property ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION * @type String * @final */ ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION : 'ActivationFunction', /** * The Encog type for RBF functions. * @property ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION * @type String * @final */ ENCOG_TYPE_RBF : 'RBF' }; /** * The namespace function, used to define new namespaces. * @param namespaceString The namespace that is to be defined. * @method namespace * @return {Object} The newly created namespace, or existing one. */ ENCOG.namespace = function (namespaceString) { 'use strict'; var parts = namespaceString.split('.'), parent = window, currentPart = '', i, length; for (i = 0, length = parts.length; i < length; i += 1) { currentPart = parts[i]; parent[currentPart] = parent[currentPart] || {}; parent = parent[currentPart]; } return parent; }; ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ActivationTANH'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ActivationLinear'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ActivationElliott'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.RadialGaussian'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.RadialMexicanHat'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.Util'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.MathUtil'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ArrayUtil'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.BasicLayer'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.BasicNetwork'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.PropagationTrainer'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.Swarm'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.Anneal'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.Genetic');

ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.SOM'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.TrainSOM'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.ReadCSV'); ENCOG.namespace('ENCOG.EGFILE'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// MathUtil: The following code provides math utilities for Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * The math utilities for Encog. * @class MathUtil * @constructor */ ENCOG.MathUtil = function () { 'use strict'; }; /** * Calculate the hyperbolic tangent. * Unfortunately, Javascript does not have this built in. * @method tanh * @param x The value to calculate for. * @return {Number} The result from the calculation. */ ENCOG.MathUtil.tanh = function (x) { 'use strict'; var pos, neg; pos = Math.exp(x); neg = Math.exp(-x); return (pos - neg) / (pos + neg); }; /** * Calculate the sign of a number, return 0 for zero, * 1 for positive, -1 for negative. * @method sign * @param x The value to calculate for. * @return {Number} The result. */ ENCOG.MathUtil.sign = function (x) { 'use strict'; if (Math.abs(x) < ENCOG.precision) { return 0; } else if (x > 0) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }; /** * Calculate the euclidean distance between a1 and a2. Use the specified starti ng index and length.

* @param a1 The first array to consider. * @param a2 The second array to consider. * @param startIndex The starting index. * @param len The length. * @method euclideanDistance * @return {Number} */ ENCOG.MathUtil.euclideanDistance = function (a1, a2, startIndex, len) { 'use strict'; var result = 0, i, diff; for (i = startIndex; i < (startIndex + len); i += 1) { diff = a1[i] - a2[i]; result += diff * diff; } return Math.sqrt(result); }; /** * Determine which multi-dimensional array element, from lst, is the nearest to a1. * @param a1 A single-dimension array that is searched for in lst. * @param lst A 2d array that contains arrays with the same length of a1. * @param k The number of neighbors to find. * @param maxDist The maximum distance to consider. * @param startIndex The starting index. * @param len The length. * @return {Array} The k elements from lst that were the closest to a1. */ ENCOG.MathUtil.kNearest = function (a1, lst, k, maxDist, startIndex, len) { 'use strict'; var result = [], tempDist = [], idx = 0, worstIdx = -1, dist, agent; while (idx < lst.length) { agent = lst[idx]; if (a1 !== agent) { dist = ENCOG.MathUtil.euclideanDistance(a1, agent, startIndex, len); if (dist < maxDist) { if (result.length < k) { result.push(agent); tempDist.push(dist); worstIdx = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMaxIndex(tempDist); } else { if (dist < tempDist[worstIdx]) { tempDist[worstIdx] = dist; result[worstIdx] = agent; worstIdx = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMaxIndex(tempDist); } } } } idx += 1; } return result; }; /**

* Generate a random floating point number. * @param low The first array to consider. * @param high The second array to consider. * @method randomFloat * @return {Number} */ ENCOG.MathUtil.randomFloat = function (low, high) { 'use strict'; return (Math.random * (high - low)) + low; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// ArrayUtil: The following code provides array utilities for Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * The Encog array utilities. * @class ArrayUtil * @constructor */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil = function () { 'use strict'; }; /** * Fill an array with a specific value. * @method fillArray * @param arr The array to fill. * @param start The starting index. * @param stop The stopping index. * @param v The value to fill. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray = function (arr, start, stop, v) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < stop; i += 1) { arr[i] = v; } }; /** * Create a new floating point array. * @param sz The size of the array to create. * @method newFloatArray * @return {Array} */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray = function (sz) { 'use strict'; var result; result = []; while (sz > 0) { result.push(0.0); sz-=1; } return result; };

/** * Create a new int array. * @param sz The size of the array to create. * @method newIntArray * @return {Array} */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newIntArray = function (sz) { 'use strict'; var result; result = []; while ((sz -= 1) > 0) { result.push(0); } return result; }; /** * Fill a 2D array. * @param arr The size of the array to create. * @param v The value to fill the array with. * @method fillArray2D */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray2D = function (arr, v) { 'use strict'; var i, j, row; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { row = arr[i]; for (j = 0; j < row.length; j += 1) { row[j] = v; } } }; /** * Randomize an array. * @param arr The array to randomize. * @param start The starting index in the array. * @param stop The stopping index in the array. * @param low The low-end of the random range. * @param high The high-end of the random range. * @method randomizeArray */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.randomizeArray = function (arr, start, stop, low, high) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < stop; i += 1) { arr[i] = ENCOG.MathUtil.randomFloat(low, high); } }; /** * Randomize a 2D array. * @param arr The array to randomize. * @param low The low-end of the random range. * @param high The high-end of the random range. * @method randomizeArray2D

*/ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.randomizeArray2D = function (arr, low, high) { 'use strict'; var i, j, row; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { row = arr[i]; for (j = 0; j < row.length; j += 1) { row[j] = ENCOG.MathUtil.randomFloat(low, high); } } }; /** * Allocate an array of zeros of the specified size. * @method allocate1D * @param x The size of the array. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D = function (x) { 'use strict'; var i, result; result = []; for (i = 0; i < x; i += 1) { result[i] = 0; } return result; }; /** * Allocate a 2D array of booleans. * @param rows The number of rows. * @param cols The number of columns. * @return {Array} The allocated array. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocateBoolean2D = function (rows, cols) { 'use strict'; var result, row, col, temp; result = [ [] ]; for (row = 0; row temp = []; for (col = 0; temp[col] } result[row] = } return result; }; /** * Copy an array. * @method arrayCopy * @param source The source array. * @param sourceStart The index to start at in the source. < rows; row += 1) { col < cols; col += 1) { = false; temp;

* @param target The target array. * @param targetStart The target starting index. * @param count The count of values to copy. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayCopy = function (source, sourceStart, target, targetStart, count) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { target[i + targetStart] = source[i + sourceStart]; } }; /** * Generate benchmark data. This is a random training set. * @method generateBenchmarkData * @param rowCount The number of rows to generate. * @param colCount The number of columns to generate. * @return {Array} The resulting array. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.generateBenchmarkData = function (rowCount, colCount) { 'use strict'; var result, item, row, col; result = [ [] ]; for (row = 0; row item = []; for (col = 0; item[col] } result[row] = } return result; }; /** * Calculate the mean of one dimension in the 2D array a1. * @method arrayMean * @param a1 A 2D array. * @param idx The second dimension in a1 to calculate the mean of. * @return {Number} The mean of each idx element of a1. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean = function (a1, idx) { 'use strict'; var result, i; result = 0; for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i += 1) { result += a1[i][idx]; } result /= a1.length; return result; }; /** < rowCount; row += 1) { col < colCount; col += 1) { = (Math.random() * 2) - 1; item;

* Determine the index of the minimum value in an array. * @method arrayMinIndex * @param a1 A 1D array. * @return {Number} Index of the minimum value in the array. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMinIndex = function (a1) { 'use strict'; var result, resultIndex, i; result = Number.MAX_VALUE; resultIndex = -1; for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i += 1) { if (a1[i] < result) { result = a1[i]; resultIndex = i; } } return resultIndex; }; /** * Determine the index of the maximum value in an array. * @method arrayMinIndex * @param a1 A 1D array. * @return {Number} Index of the maximum value in the array. */ ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMaxIndex = function (a1) { 'use strict'; var result, resultIndex, i; result = Number.MIN_VALUE; resultIndex = -1; for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i += 1) { if (a1[i] > result) { result = a1[i]; resultIndex = i; } } return resultIndex; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Util: The following code provides general utilities for Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Strip leading, and ending, quotes from a string. If the quotes are there. * @method stripQuotes * @param s The string to process. * @return {String} The string, with stripped quotes. */ ENCOG.Util.stripQuotes = function (s) { 'use strict'; var l = s.length; if (s[0] === '\"' || s[0] === '\'') {

s = s.substr(1); l -= 1; } if (s[l - 1] === '\"' || s[l - 1] === '\'') { s = s.substr(0, l - 1); } return s; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Activation Functions: The following code implements activation functions use d by Encog. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * The sigmoid activation function takes on a sigmoidal shape. Only positive * numbers are generated. Do not use this activation function if negative number * output is desired. * @constructor * @class ActivationSigmoid */ ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "ActivationSigmoid", /** * The Encog Type of this object. * @property encogType * @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method activationFunction * @param x An array to calculate the values for. * @param start The starting point in the array to calculate. * @param size The size to calculate. */ activationFunction : function (x, start, size) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < start + size; i += 1) { x[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-1 * x[i])); } },

/** * Calculate the derivative. For efficiency both the before and after * activation values are passed in. Many activation derivatives can * be more efficiently calculated using the value after the regular * activation is calculated. * @param b The value before the regular activation was calculated. * @param a The value after the regular activation was calculated. * @return {Number} The result. */ derivativeFunction : function (b, a) { 'use strict'; return a * (1.0 - a); } }; /** * Create a Sigmoid activation function. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid} The newly created activation function. */ ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid.create = function () { 'use strict'; return new ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid(); }; /** * The hyperbolic tangent activation function takes the curved shape of the * hyperbolic tangent. This activation function produces both positive and * negative output. Use this activation function if both negative and positive * output is desired. * @constructor * @class ActivationTANH */ ENCOG.ActivationTANH = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ActivationTANH.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "ActivationTANH", encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method activationFunction * @param x An array to calculate the values for. * @param start The starting point in the array to calculate. * @param size The size to calculate. */ activationFunction : function (x, start, size) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < start + size; i += 1) {

x[i] = ENCOG.MathUtil.tanh(x[i]); } }, /** * Calculate the derivative. For efficiency both the before and after * activation values are passed in. Many activation derivatives can * be more efficiently calculated using the value after the regular * activation is calculated. * @param b The value before the regular activation was calculated. * @param a The value after the regular activation was calculated. * @return {Number} The result. */ derivativeFunction : function (b, a) { 'use strict'; return (1.0 - a * a); } }; /** * Create a TANH activation function. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationTANH} The newly created activation function. */ ENCOG.ActivationTANH.create = function () { 'use strict'; return new ENCOG.ActivationTANH(); }; /** * The Linear layer is really not an activation function at all. The input is * simply passed on, unmodified, to the output. This activation function is * primarily theoretical and of little actual use. Usually an activation * function that scales between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1 should be used. * @constructor * @class ActivationLinear */ ENCOG.ActivationLinear = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ActivationLinear.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "ActivationLinear", /** * The encog type of this object. * @property encogType * @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value.

* @method activationFunction */ activationFunction : function () { 'use strict'; }, /** * Calculate the derivative. For efficiency both the before and after * activation values are passed in. Many activation derivatives can * be more efficiently calculated using the value after the regular * activation is calculated. * @return {Number} The result. */ derivativeFunction : function () { 'use strict'; return 1.0; } }; /** * Create a Linear activation function. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationTANH} The newly created activation function. */ ENCOG.ActivationLinear.create = function () { 'use strict'; return new ENCOG.ActivationLinear(); }; /** * Computationally efficient alternative to ActivationSigmoid. * Its output is in the range [0, 1], and it is derivable. * * It will approach the 0 and 1 more slowly than Sigmoid so it * might be more suitable to classification tasks than predictions tasks. * * Elliott, D.L. "A better activation function for artificial neural networks", 1993 * e=pdf * @constructor * @class ActivationElliott */ ENCOG.ActivationElliott = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ActivationElliott.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "ActivationElliott", /** * The encog type of this object. * @property encogType

* @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION, slope : 1, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method activationFunction * @param x An array to calculate the values for. * @param start The starting point in the array to calculate. * @param size The size to calculate. */ activationFunction : function (x, start, size) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < start + size; i += 1) { x[i] = ((x[i] * this.slope) / 2) / (1 + Math.abs(x[i] * this.slope)) + 0.5; } }, /** * Calculate the derivative. For efficiency both the before and after * activation values are passed in. Many activation derivatives can * be more efficiently calculated using the value after the regular * activation is calculated. * @param b The value before the regular activation was calculated. * @param a The value after the regular activation was calculated. * @return {Number} The result. */ derivativeFunction : function (b, a) { 'use strict'; return this.slope / (2.0 * (1.0 + Math.abs(b * this.slope)) * (1 + Math. abs(b * this.slope))); } }; /** * Create a Elliott activation function. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliott} The newly created activation function. */ ENCOG.ActivationElliott.create = function (s) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.ActivationElliott(); result.slope = s || 1; return result; }; // /** * Computationally efficient alternative to ActivationTANH. * Its output is in the range [-1, 1], and it is derivable. * * It will approach the -1 and 1 more slowly than Tanh so it * might be more suitable to classification tasks than predictions tasks. *

* Elliott, D.L. "A better activation function for artificial neural networks", 1993 * e=pdf * @constructor * @class ActivationElliottSymmetric */ ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "ActivationElliottSymmetric", /** * The encog type of this object. * @property encogType * @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION, slope : 1, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method activationFunction * @param x An array to calculate the values for. * @param start The starting point in the array to calculate. * @param size The size to calculate. */ activationFunction : function (x, start, size) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = start; i < start + size; i += 1) { x[i] = (x[i] * this.slope) / (1 + Math.abs(x[i] * this.slope)); } }, /** * Calculate the derivative. For efficiency both the before and after * activation values are passed in. Many activation derivatives can * be more efficiently calculated using the value after the regular * activation is calculated. * @param b The value before the regular activation was calculated. * @param a The value after the regular activation was calculated. * @return {Number} The result. */ derivativeFunction : function (b, a) { 'use strict'; var d = (1.0 + Math.abs(b * this.slope)); return this.slope / (d * d); } };

/** * Create Elliott Symmetric activation function. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric} The newly created activation funct ion. */ ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric.create = function (s) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric(); result.slope = s || 1; return result; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Radial Basis Functions: The following code implements Radial Basis Functions used by Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// ENCOG.RadialGaussian = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.RadialGaussian.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "RadialGaussian", /** * The encog type of this object. * @property encogType * @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_RBF, center : [], width : 1, peak : 1, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method calculate * @param x An array to calculate the values for. */ calculate : function (x) { 'use strict'; var value = 0, i; for (i = 0; i <; i += 1) { value += Math.pow(x[i] -[i], 2) / (2.0 * this.width * th is.width);

} return this.peak * Math.exp(-value); } }; /** * Create a gaussian RBF. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric} The newly created activation funct ion. */ ENCOG.RadialGaussian.create = function (thePeak, theCenters, theWidth) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.RadialGaussian(); result.peak = thePeak || 1; result.centers = theCenters; result.width = theWidth || 1; return result; }; ENCOG.RadialMexicanHat = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.RadialMexicanHat.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "RadialMexicanHat", /** * The encog type of this object. * @property encogType * @type String * @final */ encogType : ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_RBF, center : [], width : [], peak : 1, /** * Calculate the activation function for the specified value. * @method calculate * @param x An array to calculate the values for. */ calculate : function (x) { 'use strict'; // calculate the "norm", but don't take square root // don't square because we are just going to square it var norm = 0, i; for (i = 0; i <; i += 1) { norm += Math.pow(x[i] -[i], 2); }

// calculate the value return this.peak * (1 - norm) * Math.exp(-norm / 2); } }; /** * Create a Mexican Hat RBF. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric} The newly created activation funct ion. */ ENCOG.RadialMexicanHat.create = function (thePeak, theCenters, theWidth) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.RadialMexicanHat(); result.peak = thePeak || 1; result.centers = theCenters; result.width = theWidth || 1; return result; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Error Functions: The following implements Error Functions ued by Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * The Linear Error function is used to calculate the value that propagation * training seeks to minimize. The linear function simply subtracts * desired from actual values. * @class LinearErrorFunction * @constructor */ ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction.prototype = { /** * Calculate the error value for the ideal and actual results. * @method calculateError * @param ideal The ideal output. * @param actual The actual output. * @param error The resulting error. */ calculateError : function (ideal, actual, error) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = 0; i < actual.length; i += 1) { error[i] = ideal[i] - actual[i]; } } }; /** * Create the linear error function. * @return {ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction}

*/ ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction.create = function () { 'use strict'; return new ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Feedforward Neural Network: The following code implements Feedforward neural networks for Encog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * The BasicLayer class is used to specify neural networks. Once * the neural network is created, this class is no longer used. * @class BasicLayer * @constructor */ ENCOG.BasicLayer = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.BasicLayer.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : 'BasicLayer', /** * The activation function to use for this layer. * @property activation * @type {Object} */ activation : null, /** * The neuron count for this layer. * @property count The neuron count. * @type {number} */ count : null, /** * The activation level for the bias neuron. Typically 1 * if there are bias neurons, or zero if none. * @property biasActivation * @type {number} */ biasActivation : null, /** * If this layer has context fed by other layers, this * property points to those other layers. * @property contextFedBy * @type {number}

*/ contextFedBy : null, /** * Calculate the total count, including bias, of neurons. * @method calcTotalCount * @return {*} */ calcTotalCount : function () { 'use strict'; if (this.contextFedBy === null) { return this.count + (this.hasBias() ? 1 : 0); } else { return this.count + (this.hasBias() ? 1 : 0) + this.contextFedBy.count; } }, /** * Determine if this layer has bias. * @return {Boolean} True, if this layer has bias. */ hasBias : function () { 'use strict'; return Math.abs(this.biasActivation) > ENCOG.precision; }, /** * Calculate the count of context neurons. * @return {*} The count of context neurons. */ calcContextCount : function () { 'use strict'; if (this.contextFedBy === null) { return 0; } else { return this.contextFedBy.count; } } }; /** * Create a BasicLayer. * @param activation The activation function used by this layer. * @param count The neuron count for this layer. * @param biasActivation The bias activation for this layer, specify * 1 (or desired activation) to have a bias neuron, or 0 for none. * @return {ENCOG.BasicLayer} The newly created layer. */ ENCOG.BasicLayer.create = function (activation, count, biasActivation) { 'use strict'; var result; if (activation.encogType !== ENCOG.ENCOG_TYPE_ACTIVATION) { throw new Error("Invalid activation function."); } result = new ENCOG.BasicLayer(); result.activation = activation; result.count = count; result.biasActivation = biasActivation;

result.contextFedBy = null; return result; }; /** * Basic Network, provides neural network functionality. * * @class BasicNetwork * @constructor **/ ENCOG.BasicNetwork = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.BasicNetwork.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : 'BasicNetwork', /** * The input neuron count. * @property inputCount * @type number */ inputCount : null, /** * The output neuron count. * @property outputCount * @type number */ outputCount : null, /** * The individual layer neuron counts. * @property layerCounts * @type Array */ layerCounts : null, /** * The individual layer neuron context counts. * @property layerContextCount * @type Array */ layerContextCount : null, /** * The weight indexes. * @property weightIndex * @type Array */ weightIndex : null, /** * The individual layer indexes. * @property layerIndex

* @type Array */ layerIndex : null, /** * The activation functions. * @property activationFunctions * @type Array */ activationFunctions : null, /** * The layer feed counts. These are neurons that are actually fed from * the previous layer (i.e. not bias or context). * @property layerFeedCounts * @type Array */ layerFeedCounts : null, /** * The context target feed counts. * @property contextTargetSize * @type Array */ contextTargetOffset : null, /** * The context target sizes. * @property contextTargetSize * @type Array */ contextTargetSize : null, /** * The activation level for bias neurons on this layer. * @property biasActivation * @type Array */ biasActivation : null, /** * The layer to begin training at. * @property beginTraining * @type Number */ beginTraining : null, /** * The layer to end training at. * @property endTraining * @type Number */ endTraining : null, /** * The weights of the neural network. * @property weights * @type Array */ weights : null,

/** * The layer outputs. * @property layerOutput * @type Array */ layerOutput : null, /** * The layer sums. * @property layerOutput * @type Array */ layerSums : null, /** * The connection limit. * @property layerOutput * @type Number */ connectionLimit : ENCOG.precision, clearContext : function () { 'use strict'; var index, i, hasBias; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.layerIndex.length; i += 1) { hasBias = (this.layerContextCount[i] + this.layerFeedCounts[i]) !== this.layerCounts[i]; // fill in regular neurons ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(this.layerOutput, index, index + this.laye rFeedCounts[i], 0); index += this.layerFeedCounts[i]; // fill in the bias if (hasBias) { this.layerOutput[index] = this.biasActivation[i]; index += 1; } // fill in context ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(this.layerOutput, index, index + this.laye rContextCount[i], 0); index += this.layerContextCount[i]; } }, randomize : function () { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.weights.length; i += 1) { this.weights[i] = (Math.random() * 2.0) - 1.0; } }, computeLayer : function (currentLayer) { 'use strict';

var inputIndex, outputIndex, inputSize, outputSize, index, limitX, limit Y, x, sum, offset, y; inputIndex = this.layerIndex[currentLayer]; outputIndex = this.layerIndex[currentLayer - 1]; inputSize = this.layerCounts[currentLayer]; outputSize = this.layerFeedCounts[currentLayer - 1]; index = this.weightIndex[currentLayer - 1]; limitX = outputIndex + outputSize; limitY = inputIndex + inputSize; // weight values for (x = outputIndex; x < limitX; x += 1) { sum = 0; for (y = inputIndex; y < limitY; y += 1) { sum += this.weights[index] * this.layerOutput[y]; index += 1; } this.layerSums[x] = sum; this.layerOutput[x] = sum; } this.activationFunctions[currentLayer - 1].activationFunction( this.layerOutput, outputIndex, outputSize ); // update context values offset = this.contextTargetOffset[currentLayer]; ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayCopy(this.layerOutput, outputIndex, this.layerOutput, offset, this.contextTargetSize[currentLayer]); }, compute : function (input, output) { 'use strict'; var sourceIndex, i, offset; sourceIndex = this.layerOutput.length - this.layerCounts[this.layerCounts.length - 1]; ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayCopy(input, 0, this.layerOutput, sourceIndex, this.inputCount); for (i = this.layerIndex.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) { this.computeLayer(i); } // update context values offset = this.contextTargetOffset[0]; ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayCopy(this.layerOutput, 0, this.layerOutput, offset, this.contextTargetSize[0]); ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayCopy(this.layerOutput, 0, output, 0, this.outputCou nt);

}, evaluate : function (inputData, idealData) { 'use strict'; var i, j, input, ideal, output, diff, globalError, setSize; output = []; globalError = 0; setSize = 0; for (i = 0; i < inputData.length; i += 1) { input = inputData[i]; ideal = idealData[i]; this.compute(input, output); for (j = 0; j < ideal.length; j += 1) { diff = ideal[j] - output[j]; globalError += diff * diff; setSize += 1; } } return globalError / setSize; } }; ENCOG.BasicNetwork.create = function (layers) { 'use strict'; var layerCount, result, index, neuronCount, weightCount, i, j, layer, nextLa yer, neuronIndex; result = new ENCOG.BasicNetwork(); if( layers!=null ) { layerCount = layers.length; result.inputCount = layers[0].count; result.outputCount = layers[layerCount - 1].count; result.layerCounts = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.layerContextCount = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.weightIndex = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.layerIndex = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.activationFunctions = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.layerFeedCounts = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.contextTargetOffset = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.contextTargetSize = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); result.biasActivation = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(layerCount); index = 0; neuronCount = 0; weightCount = 0; for (i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { layer = layers[i]; nextLayer = null; if (i > 0) { nextLayer = layers[i - 1];

} result.biasActivation[index] = layer.biasActivation; result.layerCounts[index] = layer.calcTotalCount(); result.layerFeedCounts[index] = layer.count; result.layerContextCount[index] = layer.calcContextCount(); result.activationFunctions[index] = layer.activation; neuronCount += layer.calcTotalCount(); if (nextLayer !== null) { weightCount += layer.count * nextLayer.calcTotalCount(); } if (index === 0) { result.weightIndex[index] = 0; result.layerIndex[index] = 0; } else { result.weightIndex[index] = result.weightIndex[index - 1] + (result.layerCounts[index] * result.layerFeedCounts[index - 1]); result.layerIndex[index] = result.layerIndex[index - 1] + result.layerCounts[index - 1]; } neuronIndex = 0; for (j = layers.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { if (layers[j].contextFedBy === layer) { result.hasContext = true; result.contextTargetSize[index] = layers[j].calcContextCount (); result.contextTargetOffset[index] = neuronIndex + (layers[j].calcTotalCount() - layers[j] .calcContextCount()); } neuronIndex += layers[j].calcTotalCount(); } index += 1; } result.beginTraining = 0; result.endTraining = result.layerCounts.length - 1; result.weights = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(weightCount); result.layerOutput = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(neuronCount); result.layerSums = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocate1D(neuronCount); result.clearContext(); } return result; }; /** * Propagation training, includes RPROP and Back Propagation. * * @class PropagationTrainer * @constructor **/ ENCOG.PropagationTrainer = function () {

'use strict'; }; ENCOG.PropagationTrainer.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : 'PropagationTrainer', /** * The POSITIVE ETA value. This is specified by the resilient propagation * algorithm. This is the percentage by which the deltas are increased by if * the partial derivative is greater than zero. */ POSITIVE_ETA : 1.2, /** * The NEGATIVE ETA value. This is specified by the resilient propagation * algorithm. This is the percentage by which the deltas are increased by if * the partial derivative is less than zero. */ NEGATIVE_ETA : 0.5, /** * The minimum delta value for a weight matrix value. */ DELTA_MIN : 1e-6, /** * The maximum amount a delta can reach. */ MAX_STEP : 50, /** * The network that is being trained. * * @property network * @type Object * @default null **/ network : null, /** * The input training data. * * @property trainingInput * @type Array * @default null **/ trainingInput : null, /** * The ideal results from training. * * @property trainingIdeal * @type Array * @default null **/

trainingIdeal : null, /** * The type of training: * * "BPROP" - Backpropagation. * "RPROP" - Resilient propagation. * * @property type * @type String * @default null **/ type : null, /** * The learning rate. * * @property learningRate * @type number * @default null **/ learningRate : null, /** * The momentum. * * @property momentum * @type number * @default null **/ momentum : null, /** * The layer detla's, these are used to calculate the gradients. * * @property layerDelta * @type Array * @default null **/ layerDelta : null, /** * The gradients. * * @property gradients * @type Array * @default null **/ gradients : null, /** * The last gradients. * * @property lastGradient * @type Array * @default null **/ lastGradient : null, /**

* The last weight deltas. * * @property lastDelta * @type Array * @default null **/ lastDelta : null, /** * The actual output from the neural network. * * @property actual * @type number * @default null **/ actual : null, /** * The flat spot adjustment. * * @property flatSpot * @type number * @default null **/ flatSpot : null, /** * The error function. * * @property errorFunction * @type Function * @default LinearErrorFunction **/ errorFunction : ENCOG.LinearErrorFunction.create(), /** * The weight update values. * * @property updateValues * @type number * @default null **/ updateValues : null, processLevel : function (currentLevel) { 'use strict'; var toLayerIndex, fromLayerIndex, index, fromLayerSize, toLayerSize, act ivation, currentFlatSpot, yi, output, sum, xi, wi, y, x; fromLayerIndex =[currentLevel + 1]; toLayerIndex =[currentLevel]; fromLayerSize =[currentLevel + 1]; toLayerSize =[currentLevel]; index =[currentLevel]; activation =[currentLevel + 1]; currentFlatSpot = this.flatSpot[currentLevel + 1]; // handle weights

yi = fromLayerIndex; for (y = 0; y < fromLayerSize; y += 1) { output =[yi]; sum = 0; xi = toLayerIndex; wi = index + y; for (x = 0; x < toLayerSize; x += 1) { this.gradients[wi] += output * this.layerDelta[xi]; sum +=[wi] * this.layerDelta[xi]; wi += fromLayerSize; xi += 1; } this.layerDelta[yi] = sum * (activation.derivativeFunction([yi], thi[yi]) + currentFlatSpot); yi += 1; } }, learnBPROP : function () { 'use strict'; var i, delta; for (i = 0; i <; i += 1) { delta = (this.gradients[i] * this.learningRate) + (this.lastDelta[i] * this.momentum); this.lastDelta[i] = delta;[i] += delta; } }, learnRPROP : function () { 'use strict'; var delta, change, weightChange, i; for (i = 0; i <; i += 1) { // multiply the current and previous gradient, and take the // sign. We want to see if the gradient has changed its sign. change = ENCOG.MathUtil.sign(this.gradients[i] * this.lastGradient[i ]); weightChange = 0; // if the gradient has retained its sign, then we increase the // delta so that it will converge faster if (change > 0) { delta = this.updateValues[i] * this.POSITIVE_ETA; delta = Math.min(delta, this.MAX_STEP); weightChange = ENCOG.MathUtil.sign(this.gradients[i]) * delta; this.updateValues[i] = delta; this.lastGradient[i] = this.gradients[i]; } else if (change < 0) { // if change<0, then the sign has changed, and the last // delta was too big delta = this.updateValues[i] * this.NEGATIVE_ETA; delta = Math.max(delta, this.DELTA_MIN); this.updateValues[i] = delta; weightChange = -this.lastDelta[i];

// set the previous gradient to zero so that there will be no // adjustment the next iteration this.lastGradient[i] = 0; } else if (change === 0) { // if change==0 then there is no change to the delta delta = this.updateValues[i]; weightChange = ENCOG.MathUtil.sign(this.gradients[i]) * delta; this.lastGradient[i] = this.gradients[i]; }[i] += weightChange; } }, process : function (input, ideal, s) { 'use strict'; var i, j, delta;, this.actual); for (j = 0; j < ideal.length; j += 1) { delta = this.actual[j] - ideal[j]; this.globalError = this.globalError + (delta * delta); this.setSize += 1; } this.errorFunction.calculateError(ideal, this.actual, this.layerDelta); for (i = 0; i < this.actual.length; i += 1) { this.layerDelta[i] = (([0] .derivativeFunction([i], rOutput[i]) + this.flatSpot[0])) * (this.layerDelta[i] * s); } for (i =; i <; i += 1) { this.processLevel(i); } }, iteration : function () { 'use strict'; var i; this.globalError = 0; this.setSize = 0; this.actual = []; ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(this.gradients, 0, this.gradients.length, 0); ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(this.lastDelta, 0, this.lastDelta.length, 0); for (i = 0; i < this.trainingInput.length; i += 1) { this.process(this.trainingInput[i], this.trainingIdeal[i], 1.0); } if (this.type === "BPROP") { this.learnBPROP(); } else if (this.type === "RPROP") { this.learnRPROP();

} this.error = this.globalError / this.setSize; } }; ENCOG.PropagationTrainer.create = function (network, input, ideal, type, learnin gRate, momentum) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.PropagationTrainer(); = network; result.trainingInput = input; result.trainingIdeal = ideal; result.type = type; result.learningRate = learningRate; result.momentum = momentum; result.layerDelta = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.layerOutput.length ); result.gradients = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.weights.length); result.lastGradient = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.weights.length); result.lastDelta = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.weights.length); result.actual = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.outputCount); result.flatSpot = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.layerOutput.length); result.updateValues = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.newFloatArray(network.weights.length); ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(result.lastGradient, 0, result.lastGradient.length , 0); ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(result.updateValues, 0, result.updateValues.length , 0.1); ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(result.flatSpot, 0, network.weights.length, 0); return result; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Swarm: The following code implements Encog swarm // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Swarm algorithm. * * @class Swarm * @constructor **/ ENCOG.Swarm = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.Swarm.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String

* @final */ NAME : 'Swarm', /** * An array of agents. * @property agents * @type Array */ agents : null, /** * A call back that is called with the neighbors of each agent. * Format: callbackNeighbors(currentIndex,neighbors). * @property NAME * @type function * @final */ callbackNeighbors : null, /** * The degree to which cohesion is applied to steering the agent. * Cohesion is the desire to move towards groups of other agents. * @property constCohesion * @type number */ constCohesion : 0.01, /** * The degree to which alignment is applied to steering the agent. * Alignment is the desire to keep all particles moving in the same directio n. * @property constAlignment * @type number */ constAlignment : 0.5, /** * The degree to which separation is applied to steering the agent. * Separation is the desire to not be too close to another particle. * @property constSeparation * @type number */ constSeparation : 0.25, iteration : function () { 'use strict'; var i, neighbors, meanX, meanY, dx, dy, targetAngle, nearest, separation , alignment, cohesion, turnAmount; // loop over all particles. for (i = 0; i < this.agents.length; i += 1) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin implementation of three very basic laws of flocking. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// targetAngle = 0; neighbors = ENCOG.MathUtil.kNearest(this.agents[i], this.agents, 5, Number.MAX_VALUE, 0, 2); nearest = ENCOG.MathUtil.kNearest(this.agents[i], this.agents, 5, 10

, 0, 2); // 1. Separation - avoid crowding neighbors (short range repulsion) separation = 0; if (nearest.length > 0) { meanX = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean(nearest, 0); meanY = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean(nearest, 1); dx = meanX - this.agents[i][0]; dy = meanY - this.agents[i][1]; separation = (Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180 / Math.PI) - this.agents[ i][2]; separation += 180; } // 2. Alignment - steer towards average heading of neighbors alignment = 0; if (neighbors.length > 0) { alignment = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean(neighbors, 2) - this.agent s[i][2]; } if (this.callbackNeighbors !== null) { this.callbackNeighbors(i, neighbors); } // 3. Cohesion - steer towards average position of neighbors (long r ange attraction) cohesion = 0; if (neighbors.length > 0) { meanX = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean(this.agents, 0); meanY = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.arrayMean(this.agents, 1); dx = meanX - this.agents[i][0]; dy = meanY - this.agents[i][1]; cohesion = (Math.atan2(dx, dy) * 180 / Math.PI) - this.agents[i] [2]; } // perform the turn // The degree to which each of the three laws is applied is configur able. // The three default ratios that I provide work well. turnAmount = (cohesion * this.constCohesion) + (alignment * this.con stAlignment) + (separation * this.constSeparation); this.agents[i][2] += turnAmount; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End implementation of three very basic laws of flocking. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } }; ENCOG.Swarm.create = function (agents) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.Swarm(); result.agents = agents; return result;

}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Anneal: The following code implements Simulated Annealing // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Simulated Annealing algorithm. * * @class Anneal * @constructor **/ ENCOG.Anneal = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.Anneal.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : 'Anneal', /** * The current solution. * @property solution * @type Array */ solution : null, /** * A function that is used to score the potential solutions. The score funct ion * must accept an array of doubles and return a score. * * @property scoreSolution * @type Function * @default null **/ scoreSolution : null, /** * Randomize a solution according to the specified temperature. The higher the * temperature the more randomness. * * @property scoreSolution * @type Function * @default null **/ randomize : null, /** * The starting temperature for each iteration.

* * @property constStartTemp * @type number * @default 10.0 **/ constStartTemp : 10.0, /** * The stopping temperature for each iteration. * * @property constStopTemp * @type number * @default 2.0 **/ constStopTemp : 2.0, /** * The number of cycles to go from the starting temperature to the stopping. * * @property constCycles * @type number * @default 10.0 **/ constCycles : 10, iteration : function () { 'use strict'; var bestArray, temperature, bestScore, curScore, i; bestArray = this.solution.slice(); temperature = this.constStartTemp; bestScore = this.scoreSolution(this.solution); for (i = 0; i < this.constCycles; i += 1) { this.randomize(this.solution, temperature); curScore = this.scoreSolution(this.solution); if (curScore < bestScore) { bestArray = this.solution.slice(); bestScore = curScore; } this.solution = bestArray.slice(); temperature *= Math.exp(Math.log(this.constStopTemp / this.constStartTemp) / (this.constCycles - 1)); } } }; ENCOG.Anneal.create = function (solution) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.Anneal(); result.solution = solution; return result; };

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Genetic Algorithm: The following code implements a Genetic Algorithm // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Genetic learning algorithm. * * @class Genetic * @constructor **/ ENCOG.Genetic = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.Genetic.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : 'Genetic', /** * The current population. * @property solution * @type Array */ population : null, /** * A function that is used to score the potential solutions. The score funct ion * must accept an array of doubles and return a score. * * @property scoreSolution * @type Function * @default null **/ scoreSolution : null, /** * A function that will mutate the specified solution. The mutation method must * access an array of doubles that will be mutated. * * @property mutate * @type Function * @default null **/ mutate : null, /** * Perform a crossover and return two offspring. crossover should be called as follows:

* * crossover(mother,father,child1,child2); * * @property crossover * @type Function * @default null **/ crossover : null, /** * The percent of offspring that will be mutated. * @property constMutationPercent * @type number * @default 0.1 **/ constMutationPercent : 0.1, /** * The percent of the population that will mate. * @property constMatePercent * @type number * @default 0.24 **/ constMatePercent : 0.24, /** * The percent of the population that can be chosen for mating. * @property constMatingPopulationPercent * @type number * @default 0.5 **/ constMatingPopulationPercent : 0.5, iteration : function () { 'use strict'; var countToMate, offspringCount, offspringIndex, matingPopulationSize, m otherID, fatherID; countToMate = Math.floor(this.population.length * this.constMatePercent) ; offspringCount = countToMate * 2; offspringIndex = this.population.length - offspringCount; matingPopulationSize = Math.floor(this.population.length * this.constMat ingPopulationPercent); // mate and form the next generation for (motherID = 0; motherID < countToMate; motherID++) { fatherID = Math.floor(Math.random() * matingPopulationSize); this.crossover( this.population[motherID].data, this.population[fatherID].data, this.population[offspringIndex].data, this.population[offspringIndex + 1].data); // mutate, if needed if (Math.random() > this.constMutationPercent) { this.mutate(this.population[offspringIndex].data); }

if (Math.random() > this.constMutationPercent) { this.mutate(this.population[offspringIndex].data); } // score the two new offspring this.population[offspringIndex].score = this.scoreSolution(this.popu lation[offspringIndex].data); this.population[offspringIndex + 1].score = this.scoreSolution(this. population[offspringIndex + 1].data); // move to the next one offspringIndex += 2; } this.sortPopulation(); }, createPopulation : function (size, generate) { 'use strict'; var i, d, l; this.population = []; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { d = generate(); l = this.scoreSolution(d); this.population[i] = { 'data' : d, 'score' : l }; } this.sortPopulation(); }, getSolution : function () { return this.population[0].data; }, sortPopulation : function () { this.population.sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score }); } }; ENCOG.Genetic.create = function () { return new ENCOG.Genetic(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// SOM: The following code implements a Self Organizing Map // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * A self organizing map (SOM). * * @class SOM

* @constructor **/ ENCOG.SOM = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.SOM.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "SOM", /** * Holds the weights for the SOM. * * @property weights * @type Array * @default null **/ weights : null, /** * The input neuron count for the SOM * * @property inputCount * @type int * @default 0 **/ inputCount : 0, /** * The output neuron count for the SOM * * @property outputCount * @type int * @default 0 **/ outputCount : 0, /** * Determine which output neuron the input matches with best. * @method classify * @param inputData The input data. */ classify : function (inputData) { 'use strict'; var minDist, result, i, dist; if (inputData.length > this.inputCount) { throw new Error( "Can't classify SOM with input size of " + this.inputCount + " with input data of count " + inputData.length); } minDist = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

result = -1; for (i = 0; i < this.outputCount; i += 1) { dist = ENCOG.MathUtil.euclideanDistance(inputData, this.weights[i], 0, this.inputCount); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; result = i; } } return result; } }; /** * Create a SOM network. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric} The newly created activation funct ion. */ ENCOG.SOM.create = function (theInputCount, theOutputCount) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.SOM(); result.inputCount = theInputCount; result.outputCount = theOutputCount; result.weights = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocateBoolean2D(theOutputCount, theInputC ount); return result; }; // train SOM ENCOG.TrainSOM = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.TrainSOM.prototype = { /** * The name of this object. * @property NAME * @type String * @final */ NAME : "SOM", weights : null, som : null, learningRate : 0.5, correctionMatrix : null, trainingInput : null, worstDistance : 0, /** * Perform a training iteration. * @method iteration */ iteration : function () {

'use strict'; var i, input, bmu; // Reset the correction matrix for this synapse and iteration. ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray2D(this.correctionMatrix, 0); // Determine the BMU for each training element. for (i = 0; i < this.trainingInput.length; i++) { input = this.trainingInput[i]; bmu = this.calculateBMU(input); this.train(bmu, input); this.applyCorrection(); } // update the error //setError(this.bmuUtil.getWorstDistance() / 100.0); }, reset : function () { ENCOG.MathUtil.randomizeArray2D(this.weights, -1, 1); }, calculateBMU : function (input) { var result, lowestDistance, i, distance; result = 0; if (input.length > this.som.inputCount) { throw new Error( "Can't train SOM with input size of " + this.inputCount + " with input data of count " + input.length); } // Track the lowest distance so far. lowestDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (i = 0; i < this.som.outputCount; i++) { distance = ENCOG.MathUtil.euclideanDistance(this.som.weights[i], inp ut, 0, this.som.weights[i].length); // Track the lowest distance, this is the BMU. if (distance < lowestDistance) { lowestDistance = distance; result = i; } } // Track the worst distance, this is the error for the entire network. if (lowestDistance > this.worstDistance) { this.worstDistance = lowestDistance; } return result; }, train : function (bmu, input) { },

applyCorrection : function () { } }; /** * Create trainer for a SOM. * @method create * @return {ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric} The newly created activation funct ion. */ ENCOG.TrainSOM.create = function (theSom, theLearningRate) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.TrainSOM(); result.som = theSom; result.learningRate = theLearningRate; result.correctionMatrix = ENCOG.ArrayUtil.allocateBoolean2D(this.som.outputC ount, this.som.inputCount); return result; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// Read CSV: The following is used to read CSV files // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Read data that is in CSV format. * * @class ReadCSV * @constructor **/ ENCOG.ReadCSV = function () { 'use strict'; }; ENCOG.ReadCSV.prototype = { /** * Holds the regular expression for parsing. * * @property regStr * @type String * @default null **/ regStr : null, /** * The input data parsed from the CSV. * * @property inputData * @type Array * @default null **/ inputData : null, /** * Holds the ideal data parsed from the CSV. *

* @property idealData * @type Array * @default null **/ idealData : null, /** * Holds the number of columns that make up the input data. * * @property inputCount * @type int * @default null **/ inputCount : 0, /** * Holds the number of columns that make up the ideal data. * * @property idealCount * @type int * @default null **/ idealCount : 0, /** * Holds the regular expression for parsing * @property delimiter * @type String * @default ',' **/ delimiter : ',', readCSV : function (csv, theInputCount, theIdealCount) { var currentIndex, regex, matches, value, d; this.inputCount = theInputCount; this.idealCount = theIdealCount; regex = new RegExp(this.regStr, "gi"); // allocate input and ideal arrays this.inputData = [ [] ]; this.idealData = [ [] ]; currentIndex = 0; while (matches = regex.exec(csv)) { // obtain delimiter d = matches[ 1 ]; // new row if (d.length && (d != this.delimiter)) { this.inputData.push([]); this.idealData.push([]); currentIndex = 0; }

// do we need to remove quotes from value? if (matches[ 2 ]) { value = matches[ 2 ].replace( new RegExp("\"\"", "g"), "\"" ); } else { value = matches[ 3 ]; } // add value to either input or ideal if (currentIndex < this.inputCount) { this.inputData[ this.inputData.length - 1 ].push(value); } else { this.idealData[ this.idealData.length - 1 ].push(value); } currentIndex += 1; } } }; ENCOG.ReadCSV.create = function (theDelimiter) { 'use strict'; var result = new ENCOG.ReadCSV(); result.delimiter = (theDelimiter || ","); result.regStr = // Delimiters "(\\" + result.delimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" + // Quoted fields "(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" + // Standard fields "([^\"\\" + result.delimiter + "\\r\\n]*))"; return result; }; ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt = function (str) { 'use strict'; var result, parts, i; result = []; parts = str.split(','); for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i+=1) { result.push(parseInt(parts[i],10)); } return result; }; ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListFloat = function (str) { 'use strict'; var result, parts, i; result = []; parts = str.split(',');

for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i+=1) { result.push(parseFloat(parts[i])); } return result; }; ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList = function (arr) { 'use strict'; var result, i; result = ''; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i+=1) { if (i > 0) { result += ','; } result += arr[i]; } return result; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// /// EGFILE: The following code is used for the processing of EG files // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// /** * Read data stored in the Encog EG format. * * @class EGFILE * @constructor **/ ENCOG.EGFILE = function () { 'use strict'; }; = function (obj) { 'use strict'; var result = "", now, i, af; now = (new Date()).getTime(); result += 'encog,BasicNetwork,' + ENCOG.PLATFORM + ',3.1.0,1,' + now + ENCOG .NEWLINE; result += '[BASIC]' + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += '[BASIC:PARAMS]' + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += '[BASIC:NETWORK]' + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'beginTraining=' + obj.beginTraining + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'connectionLimit=' + obj.connectionLimit + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'contextTargetOffset=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.contextTarg etOffset) + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'contextTargetSize=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.contextTarget Size) + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'endTraining=' + obj.endTraining + ENCOG.NEWLINE;

result += 'hasContext=' + (obj.hasContext ? 't' : 'f') + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'inputCount=' + obj.inputCount + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'layerCounts=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.layerCounts) + ENCO G.NEWLINE; result += 'layerFeedCounts=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.layerFeedCounts ) + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'layerContextCount=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.layerContextC ount) + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'layerIndex=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.layerIndex) + ENCOG. NEWLINE; result += 'output=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.layerOutput) + ENCOG.NEW LINE; result += 'outputCount=' + obj.outputCount + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += 'weightIndex=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.weightIndex) + ENCO G.NEWLINE; result += 'weights=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.weights) + ENCOG.NEWLIN E; result += 'biasActivation=' + ENCOG.ReadCSV.toCommaList(obj.biasActivation) + ENCOG.NEWLINE; result += '[BASIC:ACTIVATION]' + ENCOG.NEWLINE; for (i = 0; i < obj.activationFunctions.length; i+=1) { af = obj.activationFunctions[i]; result += '\"'; result += af.NAME; result += '\"' + ENCOG.NEWLINE; } return result; }; ENCOG.EGFILE.load = function (str) { 'use strict'; var lines, currentLine, parts; currentLine = 0; lines = str.match(/^.*([\n\r]+|$)/gm); while (lines[currentLine].trim().length === 0) { currentLine+=1; } parts = lines[currentLine].trim().split(','); if (parts[0] !== 'encog') { throw new Error("Not a valid Encog EG file."); } if (parts[1] === 'BasicNetwork') { return ENCOG.EGFILE.loadBasicNetwork(str); } else { throw new Error("Encog Javascript does not support: " + parts[1]); } }; ENCOG.EGFILE._loadNetwork = function (lines, currentLine, result) { var idx, line, name, value; while (currentLine < lines.length) { line = lines[currentLine].trim();

if (line[0] == '[') { break; } currentLine++; idx = line.indexOf('='); if (idx == -1) { throw new Error("Invalid line in BasicNetwork file: " + line); } name = line.substr(0, idx).trim().toLowerCase(); value = line.substr(idx + 1).trim(); if (name == 'begintraining') { result.beginTraining = parseInt(value); } else if (name == 'connectionlimit') { result.connectionLimit = parseFloat(value); } else if (name == 'contexttargetoffset') { result.contextTargetOffset = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'contexttargetsize') { result.contextTargetSize = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'endtraining') { result.endTraining = parseInt(value); } else if (name == 'hascontext') { result.hasContext = (value.toLowerCase() == 'f'); } else if (name == 'inputcount') { result.inputCount = parseInt(value); } else if (name == 'layercounts') { result.layerCounts = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'layerfeedcounts') { result.layerFeedCounts = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'layercontextcount') { result.layerContextCount = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'layerindex') { result.layerIndex = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'output') { result.layerOutput = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListFloat(value); } else if (name == 'outputcount') { result.outputCount = parseInt(value); } else if (name == 'weightindex') { result.weightIndex = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListInt(value); } else if (name == 'weights') { result.weights = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListFloat(value); } else if (name == 'biasactivation') {

result.biasActivation = ENCOG.ReadCSV.fromCommaListFloat(value); } } result.layerSums = []; ENCOG.ArrayUtil.fillArray(result.layerSums, 0, result.layerSums, 0); return currentLine; }; ENCOG.EGFILE._loadActivation = function (lines, currentLine, result) { var i, line; result.activationFunctions = []; i = 0; while (currentLine < lines.length) { line = lines[currentLine++].trim(); if (line[0] == '[') { break; } line = ENCOG.Util.stripQuotes(line); if (line == 'ActivationLinear') { result.activationFunctions[i] = ENCOG.ActivationLinear.create(); } else if (line == 'ActivationSigmoid') { result.activationFunctions[i] = ENCOG.ActivationSigmoid.create(); } else if (line == 'ActivationTANH') { result.activationFunctions[i] = ENCOG.ActivationTANH.create(); } else if (line == 'ActivationElliott') { result.activationFunctions[i] = ENCOG.ActivationElliott.create(); } else if (line == 'ActivationElliottSymmetric') { result.activationFunctions[i] = ENCOG.ActivationElliottSymmetric.cre ate(); } i += 1; } return currentLine; }; ENCOG.EGFILE.loadBasicNetwork = function (str) { var lines, currentLine, line, parts, result; currentLine = 0; lines = str.match(/^.*([\n\r]+|$)/gm); while (lines[currentLine].trim().length == 0) { currentLine++; } parts = lines[currentLine++].trim().split(','); if (parts[0] != 'encog') { throw new Error("Not a valid Encog EG file.");

} if (parts[1] != 'BasicNetwork') { throw new Error("Not a BasicNetwork EG file."); } result = new ENCOG.BasicNetwork(); while (currentLine < lines.length) { line = lines[currentLine++].trim(); if (line == '[BASIC:NETWORK]') { currentLine = this._loadNetwork(lines, currentLine, result); } else if (line == '[BASIC:ACTIVATION]') { currentLine = this._loadActivation(lines, currentLine, result); } } return result; };

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