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From the Lab at Tulang IlniversitY

E. Blask, Since 2005 ow research laboratory, under the direction of Dr. David As most Ph.D., M.D., has been actively involved inthe study of leiomyosarcoma qYS] of us are aware, LMS is primarily a disease of middle-aged people ti*h.&* unique radiation distinction of being difficult to treat with standard chemotherapy and the From resection of the tumor as a primary alternative' intervention, teaving's**f;i -*t ttrategies for tr-e?frnent andlor to us that imaginative beginning, it was in.our lab for prJventio:n of LMS were needed. Using-a special technique developed


discovered that metatoni& the primary primarily at night, dramatically neurohormone produced by the pineal giana in our brain inhibits the growth of LMS. Research kL 20a7 the National Leiomyosarcoma Foundatioq while a1 Bassett to study melatonin's LMS Institute in Cooperstown, NY, awarded us a $70,000 graat publication in 2009 in vivo growth inhibitory effects, This led to the first basic research potent ?"ti:qY effect* In describing the underlying mechanism behind melatonin's team headed by Dr' Blask' 2011 the National L"iooiyo.ur"oma Foundation awarded our and myself, Bob Dauchy' a twoand now including Dr. Lulu Mao, a molecular biologist, at Tulane University in year $100,000 grant to continue our basic research-efforts here attempting to determine the New Orleans, Louisiana. Over the past year, we have beer that can suppress LMS optimal effective dose of melatonin injestea by human subjects to-ot growth and metabolism and prevent metastasis' are In studies now underway, blood samples from healthy female volunteers of a commercially available collected folowing 1+. ,O*i"istration of diffgrent doses using our unique LMS tumor melatonin supplement:75 1tg,150 pg, 300 pg or 1 mg.blood samples to determine model, we then perfuse ttr-tu** LfrfS torlott wigifte We are very happy to what dose is qost effective in inhibiting the tumor growth' pg) doses of melatonin (below 300 announce, based oir this recent work, that"wen low in blocking the LM! cailcer' administerea tr tne iuU:gct, *" ,"**kubly effectivg Weareplease&toanoouncetoallourmembersoftheNationalLeiomyosarcoma our team has been presented in Foundation that, to date, the fUS researct conOuctea by - 5 tir,". last year alone - and in whole or in part in over 10 peer-revi"*J publications presentatio-ns lnlemationally' over 50 published peer-reviewed abstracts, lectures, and it is my goal to Member Board A*'yourNLMSF ffufs. promoting continue; awareress of level, along with and &e advance awareness of LMS on both a national aud intemational that your coatinued suppgrt and wonderful work of our NLMS Foundation. Please know passing day ourresearchteam here at eocol11agement is so gratly appreciated- With each on Uetrltf of all our Tulane University cintinues to work aitigently ana unfatterlngly of this dreaded NLMSF membership *a UtfS patieots "1"ty*t.t" in the eradication disease, - to SlaY the Dragoa.

growing human LMS tumors

in rats,-we

Bob Dauchy

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