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Top five most Horrendous things done by We The Peoples

I decides to make a little list for some discussion. First it's hard to really know until all the facts are buried and rewritten by the Powers That Be into propaganda, so think about it as people in the future thinking about US after we are gone. Or maybe better still think of it from the point of observer. Someone on this planet that wasn't directly affected by the action. I used the word horrendous because these are especially evil acts. I'll list them more in the time than ranking of evilness. A lot of the numbers may end up being guestimates as to how many people were effected. 1. To me its easy to find a place to start. George Washington's treaty with the Senaca. As long as the grass grows, and the river's flow. 2. The invasion of the Philippines, also known as the Spanish American war. See the war Prayer 3. The Atlantic charter 4. Hiroshima Nagasaki , , and added the fire bombing of Tokyo 5. Faluja While people in Japan still feel the effects of the bombs what we did in faluja is still relatively unseen. 1. I like starting with our founding fathers. Someone once asked me what I thought of them fighting for their and my freedom, my answer was , yes they were fighting for their country and freedom as they were stealing it from the people who were already there. Part of being an horrendous event is the numbers killed by the action , first by that act and then by the repercussions. Most of these events are still killing people so the total scale of horrendity is still taking shape. It's also hard to count the bodies when the killing reaches into the millions and includes destroying cultures and ways of life. I've read they can only estimate how many people died from smallpox courtesy of Columbus's visits to the new world. A safe guess is that 40 percent of the population in north America or the Great turtle died from just Columbus stepping on shore some where near the ? Virgin Islands. Course we can't count that as we weren't a nation yet. It relates though because if it wasn't for the plague the indigenous population pre=Columbian would of not been as easy to conquer when the Europeans started showing up to settle a hundred years -ish later. Maybe we can forgive them a little as they probably didn't know that the Natives seemed so primitive because they were just starting to recover from Columbus and his smallpox which had devastated their system of tribal nation government based on a barter system that had been in place for thousands of years. Part of our history is that we carved this great nation out of nothing, bravely going where no civilized human had ever been. The land of for free. It's fascinating to think that planting a flag was considered ownership of a continent. It's funny to me that France and Spain had a dispute over who owned Missouri. The only reasons it didn't lead to war was there was no gold here to steal, that and the commute was way too long. So Spain gave and sold their claim away ,while the French did what is called the Louisiana purchase selling their stake in the Continent to the invaders who would of took it anyway. So while I picked G. Washington and the treaty with the Seneca. My favorite way to get a primer on what the treaty was is start with Johnny Cash As Long as the Grass Shall Grow

While it is just one of the thousand treaties we the peops, courtesy of our Government and manifest destiny, divine right, that we made and broke according to our needs wants. When I was growing up it was always explained to me that God obviously wanted us here, or he wouldn't of allowed us to so easily subjugate the first people. None of which would of happened without the devastation of the population by Columbus almost 300 years earlier. Even with it a little hindsite as I always say we should of ate the Pilgrims, which would of at least been a good start. In general the treaty Washington signed gave sovereignty and Autonomy to the Seneca Tribe , granting them the land basically between the then thirteen colonies and the Mississippi River, for as long as the grass grows, and the rivers flow, the moon rises and the sun shines. By Adams the second President this treaty was broken and rewrote, giving them less land each time , until now their land consists of a few casino's. 2. Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth into battle be Thou near them! With them in spirit we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; That's part of the War Prayer by Mark Twain , written about our first foreign escapades in the War Business. While the Spanish American War is mostly remembered if at all by Theodore Roosevelt and his rough riders fictitious Ride up San Juan hill., it was used as the springboard to our annexation of the Philippines. The Philippines was our way to show the world powers that we were now players. A strange leap here from Cuba to there , Cuba was considered property of Spain as was half the world at one time or the other. When the Cubans decided they wanted to become autonomous We The Peoples of the land of the free were eager to help. Semi -eager, at the time the country was finally starting to get back to normal from the Civil War, and a lot of the country didn't want to get into another. In a move that the PTB used over and over , they needed a catalyst, the sinking of the Maine a ship at port in Cuba. If it sounds familiar the governments media / propaganda department immediately called it a terrorist action that required immediate retribution , before others think they can get away with attacking the USA. Blood had to be spilt. And as in the case of most of these cases it didn't really matter whose. While Cuba was a nice target close to home ,we were technically fighting Spain who by now had been kicked out of most of their territories anyway. Plus we could actually get there as in those days we had no real navy, we couldn't really move troops and supplies over the oceans yet. The trouble was Spain didn't want to have anything to do with a war over Cuba, they pretty much left as we came and the battle if it even qualifies as that was over in days. Whether this was planned or just happened we next decided if they wouldn't fight us over Cuba lets see if they think their other territories are worth fighting for. I can see why the Powers That Be would pick the Philippines in a business sense. First its on the other side of the planet. To get there we would have to build a navy to transport the army we had to create, along with everything from bullets to tanks , at the time we didn't have a standing army, nothing capable of conquering an island. So tons of money would change hands in the least, in fact this was the major opponent to going to war there , the money it would cost . The Proponents said that the Phillipines had to be liberated from an evil dictator, it was our duty to help the peoples. Once again as history shows the Spanish didn't show , and were gone this time while our army was barely half way there. I guess over half way went the saying, as in we came this far might as well go there now. In Retrospect I give the credit to Spain for knowing when to quit, this time. However here in the US

of A we had a major case of war blue balls. Sorry but twice we went to war with no luck. A lot had changed since Cuba, there it was mostly a volunteer army put together by private donations, plus they got there photo op and went home hero's. The Philippines were way to far away to get there by private funding, and we would need a real army to invade the jungle island, Which required the taxpayers to belly up. It even took amending the amendments on standing armies. Small deals that eventually lead to income tax through the centralization of the banks stemming from the need to form a federal banking system to lend us the money to build an army capable of invading an Island on the other side of the world to protect ourselves. So to get there required taking on a huge loan from the Bank. This is important as every war we have fought since has also required a huge loan from a bank with interest of course. This may be the first war crime we committed fighting a war on credit. Were probably still paying off the interest on it. It didn't help that we took the money we borrowed and paid companies to build the war machine at a reasonable profit. So this is where defense spending became a natural part of our economy. As in most crimes , follow the money, it's easy to see who would want us at war and why. The trick is getting the People in line to pay for it. This could also be the start of our media. It was during the age of enlightenment as the nineties was the decade of invention. Almost everything we use now was thought of then. As fast as We see the world changing now, we have nothing on the nineties particularly 1895 a very special year . This was the decade of both the radio and the motion picture. While before we had newspapers made and devoted to mostly news affecting us, mostly locally delivered. With the radio news was now world wide. What that meant to We the People is we had to start thinking worldwide. Or at least that is what the radio told us to think. As always they told us it was their patriotic duty to support the Army and the government, and especially to Trust Them . The news gave the reasons for war , that should sound very familiar. We were going there to free the people from an evil dictatorship, that oppressed and restricted the religious freedom of the indigent population. That was goal one , as always it takes different reasons for different folks. It was also a preventive attack we would attack them before they could attack us. Not just against Spain but all the other countries that might think we were soft. Then they had the speal that the war would pay for itself mostly from our new trade presence in the Asian world. With a capable navy we could charge for others to use our waters. I mean we needed the money to pay down the interest on the money we borrowed. Not that the PTB really cared what the people thought as in most of their money would come via funding by the Congress and house, We the People had 2 choices like it or not. So like some snowball rolling down a hill we ended up with a new army on an Island range in the Pacific, with once again no one to fight. At least not an army, we had prepared to assault the Islands and kick some Spanish Army guys butts. There we had 2 choices we could of went back home or we could invade anyway. Lucky for the bankers there was the rebel fighters who had been battling the Spanish before their premature pull out that could be used as the targets of our aggression.

3. The Atlantic charter. The Atlantic charter did for the world what Washington's treaty did for the indigenous Americans, basically a really nice idea, where any country that fights or supports the Allies of WW2 against the Axis powers would receive Autonomy after the war was ended, for as long as the grass shall grow. In this case the grass stopped growing about the Time Hitler was playing out his last days as Glorious leader. It's interesting to note that the treaty was actually a good idea, and it's hard to imagine the difference

in the world today if we the world would have stuck to it's principles. Each country/nation would be allowed to form it's own government free of undo outside influence, a big deal back then as it was a German tactic to invade or gain control of a country and install a government that worked for them. A good example from then would of been the Vichy government installed by the Germans to run France. I don't think they invented this but it was a change from the older Empire builders tactic of flag planting, which involved placing there government into the now acquired country usually appointing a governor from their country to go rule as a proxy for the invaders. The problem with this was that the invaded were usually unreceptive to being ruled by some foreigner. Plus in the enlightened world it was hard to justify yourself as the Big Free when you were out there ruling over other countries. This was England and Frances big image problem during the second world war. Here was England talking about the evil aggressors attempting to take over the world , while they happened to have already conquered. Especially in the Island nation's that still remembered the day their worlds ended , when the big boats came to their Islands. Considering there is only about 2 countries in the world that England hasn't sent troops , they needed a big PR boost if they were to be seen as now the good guys, more importantly getting them to join our side. Then we get back to the French, they also had territories all over the Pacific and Southern Atlantic oceans. These territories would have been the catalyst for the change in flag planting to the more covert controlled form of Vichy governing that we use today. Appointing a governor in France would have been relatively simple if not for all the countries that France had a piece of, Germany would have had to invest a lot of time money and troops to occupy all the lands the French had semi control over. It's important to note that most of these countries as any we the Peoples would, did not like being ruled by foreign powers, no matter which flag they flew. Suppressing revolutions was a way of life for soldiers of most of the Allied countries. America had just gotten it's first real taste of it in the Philippines , a plus for us We the People is that it didn't really work for us , specially with a brand slogan of Land of the free. It was our charter envisioned by the founders that we were not going to become this ever expanding empire , I think they even had rules , which of course were made to be broken, for the right reason or price. So we had all these Empires . Former empires, and up and coming empires verses the new empires on the block, wannabes The Germans and The Japanese, with the Italians for comic relief. It's very clear now that they were the bad guys, but if you look at the match up on paper, like a map, it comes off looking pretty lopsided, 2 size challenged nations, we could probably fit them both into Texas and not be able to find them. The PTB on our side needed an angle, not for we their peoples, this was as all wars controlled through media, they needed something for the other countries who suddenly had a choice as to who would oppress them. While it sounds like a noble idea, that our side would allow those who chose us to become free autonomous nations, the idea probably started on Madison Avenue, from the people who brought us the Easter bunny and cigarettes for women. It's hard to say if it was all propaganda as Roosevelt our leader who signed and pushed the article was dead before the war ended. However we talked the talk , we must have admired the way the Germans used the Vichy system, for before the war had ended we were planting our leaders in small countries all over the world. First and still relevant was Iran where we installed a warlord who became the Shah of Iran. Not that it mattered at the end of the war a new treaty was signed that divided the world up between the major winners. Also as part of the deal certain territories of the old empires were reacquired. This was important in that France was given Vietnam, a country they had been conquering before the Germans conquered them. While we detested the fascist , many business people in our country were heavily invested , mostly banks and the manufacturing companies. It's hard to say how much policy they incorporated into the

third Reich, regardless we revised their system to make it more people friendly. We weren't flag planting, we were democracizing the world. With this message , combined with the fear of communism, dictators, and religious persecutors, we could with the media arm of the government justify our overt leadership changes, as well as cover for the covert changes that came to the worlds attention. Many have written on the process of using the CIA to uninstall governments uncooperative to US business ventures in order to reinstall leaders we can count on. 4. I found while getting opinions about this article, that of the five this may be the best known. Dropping the Bomb. Mostly surprising because of how fast we the people forget. Or don't want to know, or just can't believe that. In my opinion the worse reason in the world for not believing something. First the spin, the biggest war on the planet was winding down, yet the Japanese wanted to fight until there last man went down. So to save American casualties we forced them to surrender , by dropping 2 Atomic bombs on their cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Plus it was the ultimate payback for Pearl harbor. I had the fortune to ask a veteran of that war, how he felt about the bomb, and he said he was on a transport ship heading to Japan so he was definitely glad they dropped the big ones, probably saved his life. While I am probably wrong to call it the truth, yet due to the freedom of information acts that allow us to know about things we can no longer change, we find that the Japanese were begging to surrender, our government purposely slowed down the process in order to get their message to the world out. Why were they begging? Well that would have mostly to do with the Firebombing of Tokyo as well as other cities. The Japanese media couldn't spin the firebombs, the people knew they had lost, which makes it hard to believe the lies they were being told. A good take on spin is that they only tell you what they want you to know. This applies to every country on the planet. I don't know how the greatest generation felt about the bombing of populated cities, I would guess they placed it into something that happens in war. Ariel bombardment was relatively new, in world war part 1 they basically tossed bombs out of the cockpit as they flew by, which lead to all kinds of developments into the massive bombers they would use in act 2. It also went from your basic bomb , dynamite or nitro in a metal sphere to specialty bombs such as bouncing Betty's to the incendiary bomb. Bombs designed for maximum effect. We the People have always been proud of our bomber fleets, yet it's important to understand the message, like that it is a law that in the movies our bomb's never miss. Starting in Germany where we were always dropping bombs on factories we then as today, one missed and then compensated by dropping more . I have seen the pictures of a city in Germany called Sweinfurt a city known for it's ball bearings, I asked if they called them selves the balls of Europe as this was the major producer of ball bearings which are used in about everything. So they were a legitimate military target. I spent my army time occupying this city, in the 70's. I got a kick out of how in the war movies and television like Hogans Hero's whenever they had extra bombs or couldn't hit the primary target they would drop their ordinance on Sweinfurt. So while people have heard of at least the bombing of Berlin day and night by the allies I seen some of what we, they, wern't saying in that our bombers did miss targets , we did and still do miss. There I was told that although they reduced almost the entire city to rubble they were not able to seriously disrupt the making of balls. On purpose or not this became the tactic of taking it to the people. We didn't invent it , we did use it. We firebombed German cities most known being Dresden. Of course they used them first, most on the Russian's , however in their hayday they dropped a few on England. Even though I think most of

England would of burn't up anyway old as it was. Teasing my Friends there. Still fire has been used since at least Sun Tzu and his art of war. All that changes is the technology. Constantly getting more adept at killing for cost. The relatively new use of chemicals and additives to make fire even more effective took off during the World wars. Really the biggest tech leap since Greek Fire. They found that mixing in certan chemicals, mostly phosperus stuff made the fire burn hotter and longer. I can see the point if your making a bomb to burn someone alive , you dont have to worry much about the poisonous after effects. In war as we now know it, the after pollution is even considered a bonus. Which we will get to. So for now we are back to Tokyo At this point in the war the last months, the allied plan was to go from Island to Island taking out the Japanese forces as went until we landed in Japan. The media spin of the day said the Japanese would never surrender, we had to kill them, to stop them. Worse to kill them would take the lives of our troops as well as a lot of money. Considering that all We The People knew about the Pacific part of the war was what we were told, Same as The Japanese They the Peoples. I can see the spin on both sides bombing Tokyo was definitely progress, Plus there was a hatred of the Japanese far beyond what they could ever work up over the Germans. Maybe it is just racism, because it's hard to think we still were mad about Pearl Harbor, even though I'm sure they used it for every bit of propaganda they could get. You would expect the Japanese media machine to mostly by now be all lies. I mean they had the whole world against them, and it was going to get worse, Russia wanted a piece of them too. They say that just like the Germans they would broadcast news of victories far away, along with telling the people just how nasty and viscous the Americans were. So our message to them was the fire bombing of their major cities. By then we had a huge bomber force, towards the end we were using jet bombers. Basically we built an Armada of bombers. Not just the leftovers from Europe we now had an economy geared to produce them at will. We also had a government totally committed to using them. Somewhere here and then we dropped a pretense of morality, as in not blowing up or burning to death women and children. In Germany we could believe that our bombs never missed, and if they did it was a process of war, or an act of god. The fire bombing of Tokyo dropped the pretense, we were burning the city to the ground, there was no doubt that we were killing civilians, it might have been the whole point. No matter what the news was telling them , they were seeing defeat with their own eyes. We the people knew they were finished. Their Government knew they were finished, their troops had known it long before this, all they had left was how to surrender, no longer when, it was even with the hardcore Japanese, trying to save a little honor for their history books. So as horrendous as the fire bombing of a populated city was and is, it was the final straw needed, we could have quit then. We had won, we didn't need to Island hop across the Pacific, all that was over, or at least the need for it, and we certainly had no real need to do what we did next. One good thing for We the People, fewer than a couple thousand of us even knew what was going on. This was a major top secret thing, that everybody knows about. Super secret. To get super secret status a lot of people had to know about it yet , not talk about it. Hundreds of scientists, thousands of Military officers, a few thousand worker bee's who had no clue what they were doing except not to talk about it. There was also a few key politicians and secret committees, it surely took millions of then money to build the three bombs, which meant congress appropriated in one way and another the funding, knowing of the planning. I've not read how much Roosevelt knew about the bomb , but I read where his replacement President Truman was informed of it's existence after it was almost built. A hard person to figure is Truman, history places the responsibility of dropping the bomb right on his desk. Even he said the buck stops here, The president is the Titular Commander in Chief of the Armed forces.

Like all these things it's too late now. In retrospect the bombs were really just a test , and a statement that a knew kind of war was right on the horizon, with a new goal M.A.D. The ability to blow up the world. Mutually assured destruction. Leading into my lifespan on the World gone madder, what we call the good old days, the cold wars. As we go the cold wars were made possible by us making and breaking the Atlantic Charter, which was just another treaty of the make to break variety starting with George Washington's Treaty with the Senaca. Which brings me to a point on how it might seem I'm like AntiUS and in especially these incidents I think yes we were wrong , and millions died and suffered because of each one of these things, some more like the treaty of Washington, some less like the Philippines that while it didn't have the population numbers , it was still a springboard for every other time we have since sent our troops upon the water, a cumulative effect. The same tactics for going over there , just new names of places to find on a map. To me Korea and especially Vietnam were just different Acts of the same play. Really Vietnam would be Remake of the Philippines, with of course a lot of improvements in Effects. Sadly the PTB even used the old You sunk my battleship routine. Worked for the Spanish American war (the Maine) as well as WW act one (The Lousitania), if it was good enough for them it was good enough for Vietnam (the Maddox and the Joy Turner) a bad pr name that was renamed the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Which in a huge leap of time gives me the setup to get to the last on the list. 5. The bombing of Faluja to me the penultimate act of aggression we did during our latest invasion ,to of course demacrasize Their we the Peoples. First let's do the spin of the day, Falujha was a city of a few million people where the last of the opposition to the Allied forces had gathered the troops, and of course wanted to fight until the last man died. Our solution was to siege the city. The plan let no one in or out. Start with the bombers, taking out targets of the infrastucture, power and water, turn the city off. Next take it to the people, napalm and cluster bombs for all. This was maybe The PTB's last chance to reduce inventories, plus a great chance to test the effectiveness of the new bombs against the old ones. Were they worth the investment, and with a lot of it , they had no real proof of side effects , this would be and is a place to study. So they gave them everything, for all kinds of reasons. A big one of course is to use up the old ones , so We can buy more. We air bombed them for about a week then hit them with Artillery , then bombed them again just to make sure. It would be hard to find a death count, the army officially had stopped counting bodies, I think the death toll was higher than from the big ones we loosed on Japan. So even just our bomb helling of this city or all the others in Iraq would place this on the list, we have to add to this the new horror of war depleted Uranium. Not only were there reports of White phosphorous and other chemicals used in the bombing, we already had the by then accepted use of D. U. So called depleted Uranium tipped bombs and bullets. We didn't just want to reduce the city to rubble, that's been done, we wanted to leave it a toxic wasteland that would still be deadly for hundreds of years. While its been step by step we now have a great power to do evil. I can classify DU as no other way than evil, not the ultimate evil, but a huge leap , maybe even bigger than the A bomb in that with it it was Oops There it is where the use of uranium tipped bombs and bullets had to be incorporated and marketed more slowly to gain accepted by the People for use. A good example tank buster and bunker busters., both really fan friendly names to sell using bombs coated with uranium P-38 a part of uranium that is removed during the process of making nuclear fuel rods. Its called depleted as if to sell it as used , or not as strong as our regular nukes. However it is radiation, with what they call a halflife of few thousand years. Time will tell , but at this point falujha is probably more toxic than Fukishimsa . The lasting horror of falujha is the mortality rate of children. First off 7 out of 10 are born dead. After the first

gulf war it was said that expecting parents no longer asked is it a boy or a girl, just whether it was normal. For a high percentage of them the answer was no. A new term was added to our list of war accomplishments D.U. Babies. Was that the plan? Not only kill as many of their population as you can , then kill the survivors , as well as the troops who fought for you, as radiation isn't picky. Since this is the most recent I shouldn't need to do a whole lot of setup on how we got to Faluja , just remember the 9/11 and 19 Saudi terrorist with 4 planes, 2 of which knocked down three buildings in New York live on Television. In ways it makes as much sense as how we got to the Philippines from a ship in a port in Cuba. It would be hard to measure which of the five was worse, I think that would depend on if you were affected, I could see the Native Americans point that what we did to them was maybe one of the worst things in all of history, though time and war has ground many nations and peoples into the dust. I'm sure the Phillipinos could say what did we ever do to you guys , as well as the fact that No Iraqi has ever attacked this country , or likely ever would. I imagine all the countries who found out the Allies had no intentions of giving them freedom would have a point as well. Even the Japanese do they think the A bombs on their cities was just payback for Pearl Harbor? After all from what I read they attacked military targets, not women and children. One thing I see is repetitive patterns barely separable from each other, just new names and bigger reactions. It does leave me with a problem, if I wanted to trust my government, how could I possibly think that this time they are telling the truth, even though they lied so many times before. Fortunately your not supposed to trust government, that was the real point of elections , the illusion of having the choice to throw the old bums out and give the new guys a chance. I also apologize for not posting a bunch of links and references to the five, I did that because my references would just be the spin I wanted to prove my points. It would be much better to look this stuff up yourself, and find out if I'm lying. I'm not,, all these things are stains on our names. The red of the red white and blue. The red of course is the blood we spilt. If your looking for the patterns on how they got We the People to follow along , its always the same. Self -protection patriotism and shockingly God , have always and will always lead the way into war. I'd also say that as one of we the People I apologize , and realize that none of these things we have done can never be undone. Sorry world. I don't like making judgments, but I have to wonder were we always the Monster? Is that our true manifest destiny? I even wonder if we the people are that mean and evil , or are we just mind manipulated into believing that, since we are such a great nation under God We can do no wrong. What would be nice is if we made a treaty with the world saying we wont allow false flag attacks, to fool us into attacking places that had nothing to do with it , ever again, for as long as the Moon rises and the rivers flow. I'd also like to say that we have learned the lessons , and we The Peoples , Wont get fooled again. Or maybe that before we label other countries evil empires , and oppressive regimes, bent on world domination we will look into the mirror of history right up to the moment and then mind our own business. I'd like to but of course all the things we done we are still doing on bigger and bigger scales. More,more,more. Thanks for reading, , peace and love B.

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