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The Environment

The Environment
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The Plan
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How long to 300 KwH?

We live in a place where leaving the lights on isnt such a big deal. People around us are clueless of what actually happens because of their choice in actions. Every one of us leaves a footprint on the world and for most of us its not a good one. What we should be trying to do is leave less of a mark. Electricity is nonrenewable, so its a bigger problem than other things because we cant reuse it. Most electricity is created by burning fossil fuels, by doing so we are creating pollution and releasing greenhouse gases. By polluting the air it dirties the air and makes it difficult for us to get the right amount of oxygen. The release of greenhouse gases affects the temperature of the earth, this is also known as global warming. Carbon dioxide is also a greenhouse gas and a lot of it is released during the process of burning fossil fuels. We dont breathe in CO2 but trees do, and because of deforestation the carbon dioxide has nowhere to go but into the atmosphere. Page 4

Is this what you want our future to look like?

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The Plan
Every student was given the choice for our yearlong environmental project to reduce our electricity usage or water usage. I chose to try and reduce my electricity usage. I live in a fairly big house, four story, and with a family of 5 plus a live in maid, altogether our electricity usage is quite high. When we started we saw how much we were using now, and my family was using about 3000 KwH per month. There mustve been an explanation to it so I went around the house checking what used electricity and whether we needed to use it or not. The big problem was that most of the things we did need to use, like our freezer and fridge. Then there were also some things that sucked up energy because of our carelessness, like forgetting to turning off the lights. I had to try and remind my family to turn off things when not in use and make sure that air conditioners were all at a reasonable temperature. I also put a time limit to certain electricity using appliances like televisions and computers. I put this plan into action until the next bill arrived. The next month did show an improvement, we used about 200 KwH less, not much but better. After that first bill I became forgetful and so did my family and the next month went up by about 700 KwH. I then reminded everyone of this and we started to be more aware and we were improving, our usage was slowly going down. Everything was going great but then my parents decided to buy a cooler and a food heater for my mums cooking. Wed just gotten it and barely understood how much electricity it sucked in so our usage went up again. For our last bill we finally got the hang of working everything and down went our amount of KwH use by about 700 KwH. I believe that if we keep going with this plan and trying to reduce our electricity, it could really make a difference to the amount we pay as well as the impact it has on the environment. Were a small piece in a bigger puzzle and if people are willing to change maybe the puzzle will be built to create a better environment for living in.

Here are some of the things around my house that use electricity.

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Here Ive recorded the amount of KwH I use per month into a table and a scatter plot. On the table you see the specific numbers. Its obvious that my numbers are inconsistent and I use more or less depending on whats happening during the month. On my scatter plot theres a fitted line that shows the trend in my KwH usage. Overall its going down meaning that Im mostly decreasing my usage.

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Donec How long to 300 KwH? interdum

Seeing as my KwH use is already high, trying to reach down to a use of 300 KwH will probably take some time. To figure this out I have to find out the slope of the fitted on line my Amount of KwH Used per Month graph. First Ill take two points that the line is touching (4, 2799) and (8, 2462). Then Ill subtract the rises from each other as well as the runs. For x and y well replace them with a point on the graph, (4, 2799). y= 2799 (the rise) x= 4 (the run) number of months.

Now we just undo the equation and solve it backwards.

Itll takePellentesque me about 34aliquet months to reach 300 KwH iflacus. I keep the vulputate Nunc trend in my electricity usage. vitae felis at sem euismod

Once we know the answer for b we substitute it into the equation and put in x and y again. b=3136

This then gives us a simple division problem that will give us our slope.

pretium. Nam purus nisl, dignissim eu, facilisis eu, mattis consectetuer, arcu. Pellentesque habitant To check that Im right we morbi tristique senectus substitute the number of months et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

The final step to finding out how ma ny mo nth s it will take is to substitute once again. I substitute y for the

To be able to find out how long it will take to reach 300 KwH use Ill also have to find out the vertical intercept using substitution. First Ill use the equation y=mx+b and substitute numbers for the variables. m= -84.25 (the slope)


preferred KwH use, which is 300 and solve the equation backwards to find out x, the

34 Months
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