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This devotional guide will give you a step-by-step instructional on how to conduct your prayer time with your

Dgroup. Focus: Walk in the spirit: obedience is necessary in Prayer Why do you call me, P P raise (10 minutes) Praise God through singing. Sing as a group. Suggested songs: Trust and Obey (John H. Sammis) I ll Say Yes (Don Moen) Lord I Give You My Heart ( Hillsong) You Lead (Jamie Grace) I ll Obey (Derrick Monk) PonDer (15 minutes) This is a time for individual reflection. 1. Reflect on the following verses in the Bible: a. 1 Peter 3:12; Proverbs 15:29 ( The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears th e prayer of the righteous. ) b. Proverbs 28:9; Psalm 50:14-17 (God is not pleased when we ignore His instruct ions.) c. Luke 6:46; John 15:7,10 (Jesus being the Lord of our lives means we do as He says.) 2. Why do you think obedience is necessary in prayer? 3. How can disobedience hinder your prayers? 4. Is there any obstacle in your prayer life now? Pray (20-30 minutes) Divide your Dgroup into groups of 2-3. You may follow these steps: 1. Confession: If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listen ed; Psalm 66:18 (NIV) Unconfessed sin blocks our prayer. Ask God to reveal any hi dden and deliberate sins. Confess those sins individually to God and to your acc ountability partner/s. Confession involves turning away from our sins. If we conf ess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unri ghteousness. 1 John 1:9 (NIV).Pray for one another. Do not counsel. This is a tim e for listening and praying. 2. Thanksgiving: a. Give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit who enables us to obey Him. b. Thank God that He is always ready to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighte ousness. 3. Intercession: a. Pray for CCF Pray for a smooth transfer to the CCF Worship and Training Center. Pray that the CCF Worship and Training Center glorifies God as it becomes the ve nue to train leaders and equip small group members. Pray for the GDC and Nick Vujicic Conference for smooth coordination and for the participants and volunteers to blessed by these events. b. Pray for the Philippines Pray for righteous governance and salvation of our government officials. Pray for those who will vote on May elections that God grants them wisdom and di Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say? - Luke 6:46 (NIV)

scernment in choosing the candidates. Pray that God uses the Philippines mightily to proclaim Christ to other nations. c. Pray for the Nations Pray for the multiplication of thousands of house churches, satellite churches, and small groups in different nations through CCF International Church Planting. Pray for the health, safety, spiritual growth and multiplied fruitfulness of our missionaries. d. Pray for a heart that seeks to obey God in all you do. e. Pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of family and friends.

The Lord s Supper shall be done once a month in the Dgroup along with the monthly prayer meeting. It shall be held at the end of the prayer time. Instructions to the Dgroup Leader: 1. Assign a member to prepare the elements: a. Any one whole piece of cracker or bread (preferably without yeast). b. Grape juice -- one big cup or bottle and many small cups (one for each member ). 2. Announce the celebration of the Lord s Supper. 3. Lead the short devotion below.* 4. Thank God the Father for sending His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Break t he cracker or bread and say, This reminds us of Jesus body which was broken for us. Distribute the pieces and eat. 5. Pour the grape juice into the cups and say, This reminds us of Jesus blood whic h was shed for us. Distribute the cups and drink. 6. Close in prayer. Please encourage all your members to individually pray and fast once a week (fas ting one meal per week will do). You can share your answered prayers on the following month s prayer meeting. *Short Devotion 1. Read the verses below. Ask your members to follow along with their Bibles and reflect on the passages. a. Matthew 26:27 Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and offered it to them, sayin g, Drink from it, all of you. (read also the parallel passage Luke 22:17) b. 1 Corinthians 11:24 And when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, Take, e at; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me. (KJV) c. 1 Corinthians 10:16a Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ?... d. Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacr ifice of praise 2. Explain to them the following points: a. Giving thanks and praises to God is always a part of the celebration of the L ord s Supper. Our thankfulness must be shown as we observe the Lord s Supper. b. Eucharist means giving thanks to God. This term came from the Greek word euchari stia which means thanksgiving. c. The passages also encourage us to continually offer praise and thanksgiving t o God not only during the observance of the Lord s Supper but also in our daily wa lk with the Lord. We are encouraged to let our lives be an expression of our gra titude to God. d. Our gratitude is seen in our service to God. The more thankful we are, the mo re willing and passionate we are to serve God and others. 3. Ask your members to personally reflect on these points. (2-3 minutes) a. As you partake of the Lord s Supper, what are the things (material, physical, s piritual, etc.) you would like to thank God for? b. Are you thankful for the life Jesus has given us, as well as the blessings an d even the trials that comes with it? Why? c. How can we show our gratitude to God for what Jesus has done on the cross for us? In the coming days, what practical things you will do in order to show your gratitude to God? The Hands Together Program is the new church-wide prayer lifestyle of CCF. This program aims to bring the attitude of

prayer into our small groups. All Dgroups are encouraged to devote their first m eeting of the month to a time of prayer and commemoration of the Lord s Supper. You may download this at Email your comments and suggestions to

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