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Questions, questions, questions.

Effective questioning; How questions develop thinking; Levels of Thinking; Blooms Taxonomy ~ what is it? Blooms Taxonomy ~ how do you apply it? Using questions effectively.

What are effective questions?

Purposeful (asked to achieve a specific purpose) Phrased clearly (pupils understand what they mean) Brief (stated in as few words as possible) Thought provoking (they stimulate thought and response) Probing (involve follow-on or leading questions and digging deeper) Limited in scope (multiple part questions are confusing) Adapted to the level of the class (appropriate and differentiated)

Planned Logical and sequential Addressed to the whole class/group Posed to allow pupils to have Think time Balanced between fact and thought Not repeated Asked in a conversational tone Designed to elicit sustained responses

What are powerful questions?

If we expect pupils to engage in more creative and stimulating thought processes, we, as teachers must encourage them by asking higher level questions.
Karron G Lewis ~ Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Texas

Research shows overwhelmingly that: Teachers use memory questions in over 70% of their teaching time; Teachers overemphasise fact questions in tests and exams; Questions in textbooks are predominantly memory or fact questions.
Karron G Lewis ~ Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Texas

Effective use of questioning is a critical asset in every good teachers toolbox. But just as a good mechanic selects the right tool for the job and uses it correctly, a good teacher uses questions at the right level and follows good questioning techniques.

William G Camp Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

What are the words you use when you ask questions? List as many as you can.


Q Matrix
Is What Where /When Which Who Why How Did Can Would Will Might

Organise the cards into a hierarchy. Be prepared to share your thinking to explain your hierarchy.

Oliver Wendell - Holmes

There are one storey intellects, two storey intellects, and three storey intellects with skylights

All fact collectors who have no aims beyond their facts are one storey men

Two storey men compare, reason, generalise, using the labour of fact collectors as their own.

Three storey men idealise, imagine, predict their best illumination comes from above the skylight

Three Storey Intellect




Three Storey Intellect evaluate, generalise, imagine, judge, predict, speculate, if . then, apply principle, hypothesise, forecast, idealise, compare / contrast, explain why, reason, classify, interpret, analyse, infer, sequence, synthesise, make analogies, reason
complete, count, define, describe, identify, list, match, name, observe, select, recite, scan




Benjamin Bloom developed his taxonomy in the 1950s It is a hierarchy of six developmental stages of thinking which become increasingly complex and demanding. The levels of thinking can be applied to developing questioning across all levels of schooling and in all areas of learning. During the 1990s Lorin Andersen made some significant improvements to the original taxonomy.


Evaluation Synthesis



Blooming Thinking



Application Comprehension Knowledge Bloom

Applying Understanding Remembering Anderson

Complexity of Thinking

Thinking Language
I can recall information

Action Words
Recognise, repeat, list. describe, identify, name Interpret, explain, give an example. summarise, infer, show understanding, translate Implement, show, carry out, illustrate, use Compare, contrast, classify, organise Check, judge, test, decide, hypothesise Design, invent, plan, construct, produce



I can recall and explain ideas and concepts I can use the knowledge in a familiar or new situation I can tease out the important ideas I can make some judgements and decisions I can think of new ideas and new ways to use the information

Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating


Level of Thinking and Questioning

Combining information to create something new Making judgements and assessments and coming to conclusions Break into parts to examine more closely and understand relationships Applying knowledge to a new situation or experience Rephrasing and interpreting to show understanding Factual answers, recall and recognition

Thinking Language
Invent Design Improve Rank Evaluate Decide Compare Classify Examine Show Apply Illustrate Produce Compose Conclude Assess

Question Starters
How could we design? Could we add ? What would happen if ? Why do you think about? Why do you prefer this? What is the best ? How are they similar/different? How does it work ...? What is the evidence ? What other examples are there of this?

Complex Questions


Contrast Order Analyse Use Construct


Simple Questions

Restate Explain Interpret Translate Summarise Repeat Recall List Name State

What does this mean? What is the point? Can you explain ? Who? What ? Where? When? Which?


Applying Bloom
Using the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, devise a question for each level of Blooms Taxonomy. Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating


Using the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Applying Bloom

chair best? house?

~ What were the items used by Goldilocks

while she was in the bears house?

Understanding ~ Why did Goldilocks like Baby Bears Applying ~ What would Goldilocks use if she came to your Analysing ~ ~ What was the turning point in the story? Evaluating ~ ~ What do you think about what Goldilocks

Creating ~ What alterations might you make to put the

story of Goldilocks in a modern context?



Useful Verbs
tell list describe relate locate write find state name

Sample Question Stems

What happened after...? How many...? Who was it that...? Can you name the...? Describe what happened at...? Who spoke to...? Can you tell why...? Find the meaning of...? What is...? Which is true or false...?

Potential activities and products

Make a list of the main events.. Make a timeline of events. Make a facts chart. Write a list of any pieces of information you can remember. List all the .... in the story. Make a chart showing... Make an acrostic. Recite a poem.

Useful Verbs
explain interpret outline discuss distinguish predict restate translate compare describe

Sample Question Stems

Can you write in your own words...? Can you write a brief outline...? What do you think could of happened next...? Who do you think...? What was the main idea...? Who was the key character...? Can you distinguish between...? What differences exist between...? Can you provide an example of what you mean...? Can you provide a definition for...?

Potential activities and products

Cut out or draw pictures to show a particular event. Illustrate what you think the main idea was. Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events. Write and perform a play based on the story. Retell the story in your words. Paint a picture of some aspect you like. Write a summary report of an event. Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events. Make a colouring book.


Useful Verbs
solve show use illustrate construct complete examine classify

Sample Question Stems

Do you know another instance where...? Could this have happened in...? Can you group by characteristics such as...? What factors would you change if...? Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own...? What questions would you ask of...? From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about...? Would this information be useful if you had a ...?

Potential activities and products

Construct a model to demonstrate how it will work. Make a diorama to illustrate an important event. Make a scrapbook about the areas of study. Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a particular point. Make a clay model of an item in the material. Design a market strategy for your product using a known strategy as a model. Dress a doll in national costume. Paint a mural using the same materials. Write a textbook about... for others.

Useful Verbs
analyse distinguish examine compare contrast investigate categorise identify explain separate advertise

Sample Question Stems

Which events could have happened...? If ... happened, what might the ending have been? How was this similar to...? What do you see as other possible outcomes? Why did ... changes occur? Can you compare your ... with that presented in...? Can you explain what must have happened when...? How is ... similar to ...? What are some of the problems of...? Can you distinguish between...? What were some of the motives behind...? What was the turning point in the game? What was the problem with...?

Potential activities and products

Design a questionnaire to gather information. Write a commercial to sell a new product. Make a flow chart to show the critical stages. Construct a graph to illustrate selected information. Make a jigsaw puzzle. Make a family tree showing relationships. Write a biography of the study person. Prepare a report about the area of study. Arrange a party. Make all the arrangements and record the steps needed. Review a work of art in terms of form, colour and texture.


Useful Verbs
judge select choose decide justify debate verify argue recommend assess discuss rate prioritise determine

Sample Question Stems

Is there a better solution to... Judge the value of... Can you defend your position about...? Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing? How would you have handled...? What changes to ... would you recommend? Do you believe? Are you a ... person? How would you feel if...? How effective are...? What do you think about...?

Potential activities and products

Prepare a list of criteria to judge a ... show. Conduct a debate about an issue of special interest. Make a booklet about 5 rules you see as important. Convince others. Form a panel to discuss views, e.g. "Learning at School." Write a letter to ... advising on changes needed at... Prepare a case to present your view about...

Useful Verbs
create invent compose predict plan construct design imagine propose devise formulate

Sample Question Stems

Can you design a ... to ...? Why not compose a song about...? Can you see a possible solution to...? If you had access to all resources how would you deal with...? Why don't you devise your own way to deal with...? What would happen if...? How many ways can you...? Can you create new and unusual uses for...? Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish? can you develop a proposal which would...

Potential activities and products

Invent a machine to do a specific task. Design a building to house your study. Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a marketing campaign. Write about your feelings in relation to... Write a TV show, play, puppet show, role play, song or pantomime about...? Design a record, book, or magazine cover for...? Sell an idea. Devise a way to... Compose a rhythm or put new words to a known melody.


Stop asking so many questions yourself! Expect pupils to pose more questions both spoken and written Encourage pupils to question other pupils during discussion Welcome questions when they come Give time to follow up pupils questions Collect, discuss, categorise and develop pupils questions


To assess prior knowledge To arouse interest To develop insights To develop ideals, attitudes and appreciation To strengthen learning To stimulate critical thinking To assess learning and pupil progress


Can you explain that a bit more? What do you mean by ? Can you give me an example of ? Can you put it another way? Can you show me ?


Why do you think that ? How do we know that ? What are your reasons ? What evidence do we have for ? Why do you say that?


Can you put it another way ? Is there another point of view ? What if someone were to suggest that ? What would we need to know if ?


What follows from what you say? Does it agree with what was said earlier? What would be the consequences if ? Is there a general rule for ? How could you test to see if was true?

Analyse the question ~ What do you mean by? Rephrase the question ~ Are you saying ? Turn the question back to the pupil ~ What do you think? Ask a supporting question ~ I wonder whether ? Suggest a line of enquiry ~ Perhaps we could


Fat Questions are open questions and have more than five words in the answer. Skinny Questions are closed questions and have less than five words in the answer.

Once you have asked a pupil a question, give them some time to think about their answer. How long?


Wait time is essential to the development of higher order thought processes when pupils are asked to answer a questions. It is the amount of time that elapses between a teacher asking a question and asking pupils to answer. The average teachers wait time is 1 second!


Effective questioning; How questions develop thinking; Levels of Thinking; Blooms Taxonomy ~ what is it? Blooms Taxonomy ~ how do you apply it? Using questions effectively.


A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea.
John Anthony Ciardi (1916~1986)


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