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PAST SIMPLE positive: subject + main verb Past negative: subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb Did

question: auxiliary verb + subject + main verb did base base

+ ?

SUBJECT I, he/she/it You, we, they I, he/she/it You, we, they Was Were

MAIN VERB was were was were I, he/she/it you, we, they

not not

here. in London. there. happy. right? late?

SIMPLE PRESENT Yes, (I, you, we, you, they) do. No, ( (I, you, we, you, they) dont. Yes, (he,she,it does)- No, (he,she,it )doesnt QUESTION SIMPLE Do or Does Subject Verb (present form) + complement

AFIRMATIVE Yes, Subject + Verb (present form) + complement

NEGATIVE Subject + Don't or Doesn't + Verb (present form)

INFORMATIVE QUESTION Wh questions + Do or Does + Subject + Verb (present form) + complement STATEMENTS Subject + Verb (present form) + complement

1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person. go goes catch catches wash washes kiss kisses fix fixes buzz buzzes

2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES. marry marries study studies carry carries worry worries

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S. play plays enjoy enjoys say says

PRESENT PROGRESSIVE POSITIVE I He/She/It You We They am + verb + ing is + verb + ing are + verb + ing are + verb + ing are + verb + ing

NEGATIVE I He/She/It You We They am + not + verb + ing is + not + verb + ing are + not + verb + ing are + not + verb + ing are + not + verb + ing

QUESTION Am Is Are Are Are

I he/she/it you we they

verb + ing verb + ing verb + ing verb + ing verb + ing
Verbs ending with -ie Change the -ie to -y and add -ING

Spelling of Verb + ING For many verbs we make the ING form by simply adding ING to end of the verb.

eat - eating speak - speaking cook - cooking start - starting do - doing stay - staying fix - fixing try - trying

die - dying tie - tying lie - lying

Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant (with the exception of w, x, and y) For one syllable verbs double the consonant and add -ING

Verbs ending with -e (with the exception of verbs ending in -ee and -ie) Drop the -e and add ING

jog - jogging sit - sitting run - running stop - stopping

hope - hoping ride - riding make - making write - writing

For two syllable verbs If the 1st syllable is stressed, just add ING

Verbs ending with -ee Just add -ING

answer - answering offer - offering listen - listening visit - visiting

agree - agreeing flee - fleeing see - seeing

If the 2nd syllable is stressed , double the consonant and add ING

ADVERBS OF FRECUENCY 100% 90% 70% 50% 30% 10% 0% Always Usually Often Sometimes Seldom Rarely Never

admit - admitting prefer - preferring begin begining

Future Simple subject auxiliary verb + I will

main verb open

the door.

+ ? ?

You She We Will Will

will will will you they

not not

finish be leave arrive want

before me. at school tomorrow. yet. on time? dinner?

you will he will she will it will we will they will I will not you will not he will not she will not it will not we will not they will not

I'll you'll he'll she'll it'll we'll they'll I won't you won't he won't she won't it won't we won't they won't

FORM OF GOING TO FUTURE positive I I am going to speak. you / we / they You are going to speak. he / she / it He is going to speak.

negative I am not going to speak. You are not going to speak. He is not going to speak.

question Am I going to speak? Are you going to speak? Is he going to speak?

what when who where how why qu cuando que donde cmo por qu

INFINITIVO Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes)

TRADUCCIN Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar Soar Beber Conducir Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir

Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mistake Overcome Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep

Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar Vencer Pagar Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se) Coser Sacudir Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir

Slide Smell Sow Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spin Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write

Resbalar Oler Sembrar Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir

Prepositions (Las preposiciones) Las preposiciones son una de las partes del ingls que ms cuesta aprender a los hablantes de lengua espaola porque la traduccin directa a menudo es imposible. Las preposiciones pueden ser traducidas de manera distinta segn la situacin o el contexto de su uso. Por ello es recomendable memorizar las diferentes variaciones y usos dependiendo de si hablamos de preposiciones de lugar, movimiento o tiempo. Vermos que muchas de las preposiciones se repiten en los diferentes apartados. Nota: Las preposiciones siempre estn seguidas por un sustantivo, no un verbo (excepto en la forma de gerundio). In / At / On Son unas de las preposiciones ms comunes que se pueden usar para indicar lugar o tiempo: in, at and on. IN Significado: en, dentro, dentro de Uso (lugar): Se usa para indicar tanto espacios cerrados como espacios abiertos. Lo utilizamos para indicar que algo est dentro de una cosa, en un lugar cerrado, o en el interior de algo fsicamente. Sin embargo, como vemos en los ejemplos tambin se utiliza para indicar que se est en un lugar geogrfico. Ejemplos: I live in Brighton. (Vivo en Brighton.) The cat is in the box. (El gato est dentro la caja.) I found your address in the phone book. (He encontrado tu direccin en la gua telefnica.) My parents arrive in France on Monday. (Mis padres llegan a Francia el lunes.) Uso (tiempo): Lo utilizamos con meses, aos, pocas, partes del da, y perodos de tiempo (duracin). Ejemplos: We went to Mexico in May. (Fuimos a Mjico en mayo.) I always run in the mornings. (Siempre corro por las maanas.) I will see him in a week. (Le ver en una semana.) She was born in 1976. (Naci en 1976.) AT Significado: en, a, al, cerca de, tocando Uso (lugar): Se usa delante de edificios como casas, aeropuertos, universidades (para indicar que estamos dentro), antes de "top" (parte superior), "bottom" (parte inferior), "the end of" (al final de),

para indicar acontecimientos como reuniones, fiestas, conciertos, deportes, etc..., detrs de " arrive" (llegar) cuando nos referimos a lugares que no sean ciudades o pases. Ejemplos: He is at home. (l est en casa.) I always visit my sister at work. (Siempre visito a mi hermana en el trabajo.) We eat at the table. (Comemos en la mesa.) She will see him at the theatre. (Le ver en el teatro.) Her name is at the bottom of the page. (Su nombre est en la parte inferior de la pgina.) When did you arrive at the airport? (Cundo llegaste al aeropuerto?) Uso (tiempo): Lo utilizamos delante de la hora y de fiestas. Ejemplos: He runs every morning at 6. (l corre cada maana a las 6.) I will see them at Christmas. (Les ver en Navidad.) ON Significado: sobre, encima de algo, tocando Uso (lugar): Se coloca delante de nombres de lugares con base como mesas, suelos, etc, cuando nos referimos a lugares de una habitacin como techo o pared y para indicar que alguien est dentro de un transporte pblico o en una planta de un edificio. Ejemplos: The pen is on the table. (El bolgrafo est sobre la mesa.) They have a photograph of Paris on the wall. (Tienen una foto de Pars en la pared.) I am on the bus. (Estoy en el autobs.) Her apartment is on the second floor. (Su piso est en la segunda planta.) Uso (tiempo): Lo utilizamos con das de la semana, fechas y fiestas. Ejemplos: They went to Mexico on the first of May. (Fueron a Mjico a primeros de mayo.) He runs on Mondays and Fridays. (l corre los lunes y los viernes.) I will see Luis on his birthday. (Ver a Luis en su cumpleaos.)

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