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Years ago you were warned. You were told that if you permitted the registration of one class of people, that the concept of registration would be extended to others. Those who argued for that registration denigrated those who argued against it. They claimed that their sole purpose in pushing for registration of certain classes of persons was to protect the children and to protect society. After all, people have a right to know. The counter argument that no such right is set forth in any constitution, federal or state, had absolutely no effect on the rhetoric of these sleazy, bottom feeding politicians. What they didn't tell you was that these classes of people had completed their sentences. What they didn't tell you was that these people were and are faced with constant harassment through increasingly stringent requirements. What is required is never enough. More is always needed, because more gets the politicians elected. What they did to you was set a precedent for the registration of citizens. Now, you are faced with states such as the Peoples' Republic of New York under Kim Il Cuomo classifying law abiding citizens as criminals for possessing something that is lawfully possessed. You have Der Furher Obama establishing a requirement that those who wish to exercise their rights under the Constitution are punished for the criminal acts of others so that politicians may reap the benefits. You are told that your God given rights are subject to the control of the government. You are told that your God given rights are subject to arbitrary and capricious limitation, modification, or eradication by the government. You are now a slave of the state. These restrictions will not be relaxed or repealed by any so-called Republican candidate who may attain to the office of the presidency. Repubelicans and Demoncrats are two sides of the same coin. It is not auspicious for their futures to repeal the actions of previous administrations which march us closer and closer toward total enslavement. They will not back track. They will not uphold the Constitution. They will not be honest in their dealings. Neither will the Congress. They have no honor, so they will not uphold their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. They have no courage, so they will not stand against a fraud who has no authority to dictate. They are cowards. They are liars. They are manipulators. They do it all for themselves. You and your rights mean nothing. Judges are no different than politicians. They have no interest in preserving or defending the Constitution. They exercise power and authority as if it is their personal fiefdom. They legislate from the bench when they have no authority to do so. They demand and command nullification of the decisions of the citizens properly determined through the voting process. They manufacture justification for their fraudulent and unconstitutional decisions. Where it is necessary to support their decisions, they will even rewrite the law or redefine terms to justify their stupidity, ignorance, and greed for power. So long as they can keep their positions, the prestige, the power, the authority, and the wealth, they will continue to sacrifice our liberties for their own selfish purposes. This can and will be stopped. Those who have betrayed the heritage and future of the United States will reap their reward. When citizens decide that they have had enough they will act. They will gather together and march on the places of evil wherein these treasonous scum gather. They will arrest them under citizens' arrests. Should anyone attempt to interfere, those citizens will

stand up and do what is necessary to carry out their duty as citizens to change their government. They will convene courts of appointed judges who know the Constitution and who will comply with its powers and protections. They will present the evidence against these criminals and when they are convicted, they will execute those sentences. They will then re-elect citizens who are serious about preserving our rights under the Constitution. Citizens who will not tolerate unconstitutional usurpations of power by the various branches of government. They will not tolerate those who will not do their duty and will hold those shirkers accountable. Those who suffer the fate of all traitors will wonder how it came about that they lost power so quickly and to such a rabble of the simple folk. They will wonder because they have yet to account for the spirit of freedom that still pervades this Republic. And that will be their downfall. You can be one of those who stands by the wayside and permits your family and your posterity to be enslaved by the likes of the new Fuhrer and his jackbooted minions. You can turn your back to the illegal arrests. You can refuse to accept the criminal acts of those in authority who have forfeited any right to respect or obedience. Or, you can stand up and be counted among those who have taken back this country from those who would seek to destroy it. You can be a patriot.

The Swamp Fox


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