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The linguistic perspective I think languange is a sound or symbol to communication and languange that are use by members, society and other. We have languange for get information. We need an information, there is no one can get information without languange. Talking about languange, languange is very important to communicate, to interact and to intruduce our self. We have languange for interact in the society in our country and it is also for interact in our campus as a student of university. If we have languange we will be easy to understand someone mean. If we dont have languange i think there isnt interact and of course we never understand with someone mean. And languange also is a means of communication between members of the public in the form of a symbol of the sound produced by the tool man said. Maybe there is an objection by saying that language is not the only means of communicating. They showed that two persons or parties who held communication with the use of certain methods which have been agreed. The paintings, the smoke, the sound of drums or barrels and so forth. But they must recognize also that when compared with the language, all communication devices contain many aspects that were weak.

Language provides the possibility of a much more extensive and complex than can be obtained by using the media earlier. Language should be a sound produced by the tool man said. Instead of just any sound. And the sound itself should be a symbol or a symbol. Concepts and new terms in the growth and development of science and technology (science) indirectly enrich the Indonesian language. Thus, all cultural products will also grow and develop in accordance with the growth and development of science and technology. According to me kind of languange the learner learnings are L1, L2, and foreign languange. And the purpose is make them understand about that. in the language of reality is always implie,. While the behavior of actors always refer to the communication. Communication can occur if the process of decoding and encoding work well. Both of these processes can work well

if both encoder and decoder have the same world of knowledge and knowledge of the same language. By wearing the understanding provided by about reality, knowledge of the world can be interpreted identically to the knowledge of reality. How humans acquire language may be explained by theories of language acquisition. While gaining knowledge of the world or the process of linking language and the reality on the same principle, namely human mental representation of reality gained through direct experience or through other people notice. I think languange is part of culture beacuse Languange and culture are relation.they are really important. And languange also for communication like an explaination above. Communication is a further result of self expression. Communication will not be perfect if we self expression and is not accepted or understood by others. With communication we also learn and inheret all that has ever achieved by our ancest .And it also learn about behavior because behavior always refer to the communication. And languange also to convey our meaning. If we dont have languange we couldnt convey our meaning. We need convey meaning is for make someone know and understand what we want. The function of languange is one of the most commonly used is the language, both spoken language and written language. We are so close to the language, espescially the Indonesian language, so it is not felt necessary to explore and learn more of Indonesian. Consequently, as a user of language, Indonesian people are not skilled at using language. And the purpose is to communicate and we have communicate to get information and languange to express meaning is use the language just to express our meaning, but also to communicate with the surrounding environment. Languange also link people with culture, like in statement above between languange and culture are relation. As a human we have culture so we have languange also. I think like that.

B. The psychological perspective I think the learner learn use method. Because if they use method they will easy to learn. If they use method they can choose one of the method. Method has many kinds. My approach to the learner is a approach of theory and practice. If i give them like that maybe they will easy to learn. I will teach them by giving some theory and i try to explain more about the theory and then i give them practice. The method is as the name suggests, more emphasis on the practical ability of the theory. Comparison can be a practical material unit 7 and 3 units of theoretical material.Learning a foreign language first and give priority to the practice, and accompanied by the theory (grammar). So here is overlooked is how the student or students may be able to speak a foreign language is a practical rather than theoretical. Therefore, teaching should be directed at the communicative or conversational skills, grammar can be taught while passing. In the early stages of practical teaching materials can be selected and applied to simple things, whether it is through everyday conversation that has to do with the world of school students or home environment and the wider community can also mention the details or the names object and the word monkey as a basis for the formation of spoken language. While at the advanced level on the subject matter is more extensive and complex developed through conversations theoretical and scientific reasoning. I think if we just give them a theory without practice maybe they still difficult to understood about the theory. If we give them practice, i think they will be easy about the theory that we give. I think the most appropriate method to assist the learner to acquire a second languange is about phonetic method (Listening and Spoken). Because this method of ear training and give priority to training that is the way it present speak a foreig languange lesson through listening exercise, followed by exercises to say the words and phrases in a second languange being

studied. This phonetic method can be said to a combination of two methods of natural and reading. Where the first lesson by this method begins with listening exercises and exercises followed by words or phrase in a second languange. Then followed the exercises read ing and conversation. Step by step implementation of this method to to. We just read passage the second languange to the learner in front of the class, or open turn on a radio show reading tapes or video, the learners are listening and watching carefully reading this event carefully, seriously (no kidding when reading it). Students should pay attention to correct style and intonation, and gestures of certain forms of expression in literature Series in the literature it should be structured in such a way that it becomes the perfect reading material or sustainable Teachers can stop a particular series if the series of lessons is considered finished and mastered by students, then can proceed to the session. or next series After the reading is completed, then the conversation exercises can be done. I think the method make the children going through the stages of language development are relatively the same even though each child may reach these stages at different ages. excellent physical condition and ability of the brain. Like in above i will take a method of phonetic method (Listening and Spoken). Because this method of ear training and give priority to training that is the way it present speak a foreig languange lesson through listening exercise. Because this method teaches the learner ability to read fluently and speaks conversational skills at the same time, a lot of dialogue exercise and writing (dictation). The learner listen to readings and conversations fault of teachers or classmates and then be changed and improved the location of the fault lies deficiencies phonetic method. Talking about L1, L2 and Fl, English as a foreign languange or commonly known as EFL. Monolingual approach will always stressed the importance of using the English only after achieving the purpose of effective learning English, this means the use of L1 in EFL learning should be banned

wherever possible. In the second languange acquisition and second languange learning support this approach by arguing that every person who learns a foreign languange will follow the same pattern as learn the first languange, so if we use the first languange we should be minimized in the foreign languange learning. And I will teach with process because if use process we will be easy understood. I think the students should learn by practicing because they will be communicative directed at the communicative or conversational skills, grammar can be taught while passing. In the early stages of practical teaching materials can be selected and applied to simple things, wether it is through everyday conversation that has to do with the world of school or home environment and the wider community can also mention the details or the name object. I think they will work in group because if they in group they will have discuss and they will help one of them if they have difficult think. They will together to disscuss the difficult material. If they have in group, they can ask to other in their group if they dont know about the material. And my approach is needs based on because it is important and i will focus on discrete skills and this is also important.

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