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Frank Shallenberger’s

Vol. 7, No. 8 August 2008

The Complete Cancer

Prevention Plan
No disease is more vicious than cancer. killing cancer tumors. And conventional
It kills hundreds of thousands of Americans treatments like chemotherapy are good at
every year. And the deaths are often long, killing cancer tumors, but they also kill
drawn-out, and painful. healthy cells. In the process, they wipe out
When it comes to treating cancer, both one of your greatest allies in the cancer bat-
conventional and alternative approaches tle — your immune system.
have low rates of success. Natural remedies The bottom line is that if you want to
have proven to be woefully inadequate at stand a chance of beating cancer, you can’t
just rely on one approach or the other. You
have to do a comprehensive approach that
In this Issue takes the best of both worlds, and then some.
To illustrate, let me tell you about two
Q This surprising way to fight
patients of mine with almost identical cases.
diabetes is better than diet and
exercise — and it’s free! ............ p. 3 Same Cancer, Different
Q You don’t need drugs to treat Outcomes
most cases of bipolar disorder.
You only need these two Paul K. came to my office after he’d
overlooked treatments................ p. 4 been diagnosed with a squamous cell carcino-
ma in his throat. Since Paul was a veteran,
Q Five nutrients to cure your he had gone to the local VA hospital first to
insomnia for good ...................... p. 7 get checked out.
Q The natural cure for 80% of At the VA, they told him he had two
irritable bowel syndrome cases. choices: He could get radiation treatment,
Try this before you do which probably wouldn’t get rid of the can-
anything else .............................. p. 8
cer. Or he could have surgery, where they
would cut out part of his tongue and carve
Coming Next Month away much of his face.
• The four-step cancer treatment plan that Paul was despondent. He didn’t know
works when everything else has failed. what to do. I advised him to opt for the radi-
• Completely cure basal cell skin cancer ation ... but to do it in conjunction with sev-
for only $24. It's easy and it works eral alternative therapies. I also told Paul
every time. that I’d put him on a program of antioxi-
dants and supplements to build up his
immune system. And we would also change thing that worked far better than Paul or
his diet and lifestyle. his oncologist ever dreamed was possible.
Paul told me he was eager to get start- You would think the oncologist would want
ed. He seemed hopeful when he left my to know more about it. But sadly, that was
office. But when he went back to the VA, the not the case. It just shows how close-minded
oncologist dropped a bomb on him. He told some doctors can be.
Paul he didn’t want him taking vitamins or Five years later, Paul is still doing
doing any other treatments because they great. Not only is his cancer gone, but he
would “interfere” with the radiation. has no lingering effects from the radiation.
Once again, Paul didn’t know what to For example, getting that much radiation
do. So I showed Paul numerous studies will usually destroy your teeth and stop
showing that my complementary approach your saliva production. But Paul’s teeth are
actually makes chemo and radiation more perfect and his saliva production went down
effective. In the end, Paul decided to try my initially, but now it’s up to about 50%. (It’s
recommendations and not tell his oncologist rare for saliva production to ever come back
about it. fully after radiation.)
Paul went to the VA three times a week Now, compare that with another
for radiation therapy. And each time before patient of mine, Jim M. Jim came to see me
the radiation, I gave him an IV infusion of with the exact same symptoms as Paul. He
DMSO and hydrogen peroxide, plus some had the exact same diagnosis as Paul, with a
other treatments that I’ll tell you about later. tumor about the same size. He even went to
the same VA hospital for treatment and was
Paul did so well that a year later his given the same choices.
cancer was gone. His VA oncologist came to
him afterward and said “We want you to But, unlike Paul, Jim decided against
talk to our cancer support group, so you can the DMSO and hydrogen peroxide IVs. He
give them some hope.” skipped the nutraceuticals and supplements,
too. He opted for radiation alone.
Paul decided it was time to tell his
oncologist the truth. He said “I didn’t follow A year after he finished the radiation
your orders. I went and had some IVs before treatment, his cancer returned, worse than
each treatment. And I took a ton of vitamins before. Now the doctors are radiating him
and nutraceuticals. So if you want me to again. And the prognosis is not good.
talk to your group, I’m going to have to tell Of course, I realize that these two
them what I did.” The oncologist was silent patient stories are not conclusive proof that
for a moment. Then he said, “In that case, I my approach works. But these are not iso-
don’t want you talking to them.” lated cases. Time and time again, I have
Can you believe that? Here was some- patients coming to me saying, “My oncolo-
gist is amazed at how well I’m doing.”
I’m confident that their success is due
Real Cures (ISSN 1062-4163) is published monthly by to my comprehensive approach. After all,
Soundview Publishing, LLC. Publisher: Wallis W. Wood;
Editor: Frank Shallenberger, MD. Subscriptions $49 per my approach attacks the cancer from every
year; foreign addresses add $13 U.S. per year. Send new angle, while building up and strengthening
subscriptions or changes of address to our Business Office:
P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051, 800-728-2288 or the body. So let me tell you about my four-
770-399-5617. Real Cures is a newsletter containing gen- pronged approach to treating cancer.
eral comments on health, nutrition, and medicine. Readers
are advised to consult with their own physician before (1) Kill the cancer or surgically
implementing any health idea they read about, whether
here or in any other publication. Copyright © 2008 by
remove it. If you want to kill cancer, you
Soundview Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. have to bring out the heavy artillery. And
Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its con- like it or not, that usually means surgery
tents by xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal.
and/or chemotherapy. Study after study

shows that chemotherapy does in fact kill Unfortunately, by the time someone
cancer. has cancer, their overall health is seriously
Unfortunately, chemotherapy also kills compromised. That’s why we build it up
you. That’s why you can’t give straight with good nutrition, detoxification, and oxy-
chemo, the way conventional doctors do. gen therapies.
You also have to ... (4) Address the root cause of the
(2) Protect your body from cancer. This is the part most people miss.
chemotherapy. Few cancer doctors know It’s not enough to kill the cancer and
this, but there are proven ways to protect strengthen your immune system. You also
your body from chemo and get rid of almost have to address what caused cancer in the
100% of the side effects. These approaches first place! Otherwise, it’s like bailing water
have been proven in clinical trials ... and in out of a leaky boat without fixing the leak.
hundreds of patient case studies. When you take all four of these steps,
(3) Build your overall health and you have a much greater chance of beating
immune system. I tell my patients that if cancer for good. Next month, I’ll give you all
they want to beat cancer, they have to the details you need to make these four
become “the healthiest person on their block.” steps work for you. Q

The Overlooked Cause of Diabetes —

And One Surprising Way to Reverse It
If you’re concerned about diabetes, called mitochondria. Well, when these mito-
you’ve probably heard all of the standard chondria become less efficient at producing
advice. You’ve heard you should exercise. energy, they need more insulin. In order to
You’ve heard you should avoid sugar and provide the additional insulin that’s needed,
refined carbs. And maybe you’ve even heard your pancreas has to work harder and hard-
that you can benefit from supplements like er. And over time, it gets worn out and stops
chromium, vanadium, or gymnema functioning.
sylvestre. The good news is that when you
But there’s one thing you probably reverse the problem, you can not only con-
haven’t heard. And it’s also the single trol type-2 diabetes, but eliminate it alto-
biggest reason why people get diabetes. gether! That’s because you’re not just “bal-
You see, most people view diabetes as a ancing your blood sugar” or “supporting
disease where the pancreas is worn out. your pancreas” — you’re getting down to
While this is true, it ignores the hidden the root cause.
cause that causes the pancreas to wear out So here’s how we do it.
in the first place.
How to Tell if Your Body Is
What is this hidden cause? It’s low
energy. Producing Enough Energy
Yes, low energy. Now please under- So how do you tell if your body is pro-
stand that when I say “low energy” I’m not ducing energy? I recently told you about a
just talking about feeling tired. I’m talking test I developed called Bio-Energy Testing®.
about poor energy production by the various It’s easy to perform. It’s completely safe and
cells of your body. non-invasive. And I believe it’s the ultimate
As you may know, each and every one tool to determine the actual status of your
of your cells contains little “power plants” health.

Why You Don’t Need Drugs to shut down. Bipolar disorder is simply an
Treat Bipolar Disorders extreme and chronic case of this phenomenon.
That’s right! The most common cause of
If your mood tends to spike and drop regu- bipolar disorder is a diet too high in carbohy-
larly, your doctor may have told you it’s a bipo- drates. Such a diet often results in uneven blood
lar disorder. That’s just a label psychiatrists give sugar levels. The brain is extremely sensitive to
to people who are excessively moody. It’s not changes in blood sugar. But people with bipolar
really a diagnosis. It’s an explanation of the disorder have brains that are much more sensi-
symptoms. tive to fluctuations in blood sugar than most.
If you have this disorder, you might feel I once saw a patient with this diagnosis who
overly enthusiastic and positive one day. And had taken the drugs his psychiatrist prescribed
the next day, sad and hopeless. In between these for eight years. As usual, the drugs helped, but
extreme moods, you might have normal periods. the patient still had significant problems. When
The symptoms typically begin in adoles- I asked him about his diet, I learned that he had
cence or early adulthood and continue through- been drinking half a case of sugar-laden soft
out life. Part of the reason is that most people drinks every day for all of his adult life.
don’t recognize it as an illness. They think that
When I had the patient stop eating sugar
it’s just the way they are.
and other carbohydrates, his symptoms cleared
Of course the usual therapy for these prob- up and he was able to go off the medication.
lems is to drug the patient up with medications
that help control the symptoms. The medical Was this an unusual case? Not really.
industry knows it can make a lot more money Excessive sugar and carbohydrate intake — and
treating symptoms than it can correcting prob- the resulting blood sugar fluctuations — is the
lems. Unfortunately, these medications often most common cause of bipolar symptoms.
have very serious side effects from fatigue, loss However, it’s not the only cause.
of sex drive, flat personality, and even suicide. There are as many causes for this disorder
While doctors don’t know the cause, it as there are genetic differences in brain chem-
doesn’t mean there isn’t one. And it’s not too istry. One of those differences happens to be
difficult to figure out. After all, many of us expe- fatty acid metabolism.
rience a miniature form of bipolar every after- You might not know it, but your brain is
noon. Shortly after eating lunch, especially a almost completely made up of fat. But not just
lunch high in carbohydrates, our body begins to any old kind of fat. The brain is made up of spe-

To refresh your memory, let me briefly mouthpiece, we measure how well your body
explain how Bio-Energy Testing works. makes this conversion at rest and while
Then I’ll show you one easy way to restore exercising.
your energy. Then we feed the information into a
You probably learned in school that computer program that calculates your
people breathe in oxygen and breathe out energy production efficiency. With diabetics,
carbon dioxide. When you breathe in oxy- this score is usually very low. Here’s why.
gen, it floods your cells with oxygen. The Cells that produce energy efficiently do one
oxygen then enters the mitochondria, ener- very critical thing — they burn fat well. Just
gy is produced, and the resulting waste remember that your cells are able to burn
product is carbon dioxide. both fat and glucose (sugar) to produce
Bio-Energy Testing simply measures energy. God designed our cells to produce
how efficiently your mitochondria are able 80% of our resting energy from fat, but only
to convert oxygen to energy, and how much 20% from glucose. That’s why our bodies
carbon dioxide is created as a result. Using a can store a lot of fat, but very little glucose.

l Pearls
cial fats called phospholipids. And these phos- centrated form of the fish oil EPA (eicosapen-
pholipids have a lot to do with how well your taenoic acid). They gave the other group place-
brain functions. bo capsules.
One of the most important groups of phos- After 12 weeks, the researchers noted that
pholipids in the brain is the omega-3 fats. You’ll the patients taking placebo capsules did not
find omega-3 fats in vegetables, seeds, and nuts, improve. But those taking the fish oils were
as well as in grass-fed animals. But by far and much better. They described taking EPA cap-
away the best way to get them in your diet is to sules as “an effective and well-tolerated inter-
eat fish. Fish oil is extremely high in omega-3 vention in bipolar depression.”
fats. So researchers wanted to know if eating
Omega-3 fats work by balancing brain
fish had anything to do with the development of
bipolar symptoms. chemistry. EPA, in particular, helps the brain
use the feel-good chemical serotonin. You may
The researchers investigated seafood con- already know that decreased serotonin activity
sumption in 12 different countries. The highest
in the brain is an important cause of depres-
intake they found was in Iceland, which had
sion, particularly in women.
low rates of bipolar disorders. On the other
hand, a lower fish intake in Germany, The drug industry has made a killing on
Switzerland, Italy, Israel, and other countries drugs that improve serotonin function. But now
resulted in higher rates of bipolar disorder. you know a better way. Treat the cause instead
One of the authors, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln of of just the symptoms. If you have bipolar disor-
the National Institutes of Health noted that der immediately eliminate sugar and other high-
depression is 60 times higher in New Zealand, glycemic carbohydrates from your diet. You also
where the average consumption of seafood is 40 should take a high-quality fish oil supplement
pounds a year, than in Japan. In Japan, the that contains at least one gram per day of EPA.
average person consumes nearly 150 pounds of References:
seafood a year. Frangou, S., et al. “Efficacy of ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid in
So how about fish oil supplements? Will bipolar depression. Randomized double-blind placebo controlled
they help? Well, they won’t make the drug com- study.” Br J Psychiatry. 2006 January 188:46-50.
panies richer. But they might help, says another Noaghiul, S. and J.R. Hibbeln. “Cross-national comparisons of
study. In this study, researchers gave one group seafood consumption and rates of bipolar disorders.” Am J
of bipolar disorder patients capsules containing Psychiatry. 2003 December;160(12):2222-7.
either 1 g per day or 2 g per day of a highly con-

The problem with diabetics (and people who Doctors call this condition “insulin resist-
are on the road to diabetes) is they begin to ance.” Other terms are metabolic syndrome,
lose their fat-burning capability. This results syndrome X, and pre-diabetes. They all refer
in two problems. First, they start to gain to the same inability for insulin to work.
weight. And second and more importantly, Now you can start to see the viscous cycle
their energy production efficiency drops that starts to develop.
dramatically. First, cells fail to produce energy well
This is where the hormone insulin gets from fat. And then, they don’t produce ener-
involved. Insulin stimulates the cells to pro- gy well from glucose. This means that they
duce more of their energy from glucose and aren’t producing energy well from anything!
less from fat. But in order for insulin to Let this go on for a few years and you have
work, the cells have to produce energy effi- the following scenario: Not only does the
ciently. So as the cellular energy production patient get fatter and have less energy, but
drops in diabetics, as a result of decreased he also has progressively higher blood sugar
fat burning, insulin can’t work as well. levels. Eventually, this condition becomes

diabetes. But just remember this — it all ful night’s sleep is the single most important
started with decreased energy production. factor in predicting longevity. In fact, getting
If your body isn’t producing energy adequate sleep is more important and bene-
efficiently, the good news is there are ways ficial than eating the right diet and exercis-
to fix it. And one way that most people don’t ing daily.
think about is better than just about every Your body basically runs on two 12-
other treatment out there. hour phases. The time between 6:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. is the “catabolic” phase.
Sleep — It’s Even More During these times, your body is willing to
Important Than Diet and do pretty much anything to keep you up and
Exercise running. But it essentially robs Peter to pay
Paul to do it. So if your heart needs some-
This may sound simplistic, but sleep is thing more than your adrenal glands, your
a lot more important than you think. Most body makes sure that your heart gets it
people think of sleep as a period of unpro- instead of your adrenal glands.
ductive, wasted time. Yet nothing could be
further from the truth. Getting a good, rest- But your body is incredibly smart. This
is where phase two kicks in – the “anabolic”
phase. This is the time when your body
Upcoming Lectures and begins to repair all the damage caused by the
“borrowing” effect of the catabolic phase.
These repair hours are between 6:00 p.m.
If you are a medical practitioner and and 6:00 a.m. The “anabolism” phase takes
you want to learn how to literally regener- place while you’re sleeping — or should be
ate worn out, osteoarthritic joints as well as sleeping. A number of crucial things happen
eliminate most sources of back and neck while you’re sleeping that have to do with
pain in a matter of a few treatments, be energy production. Here’s how we know:
sure to attend Dr. Shallenberger's next sem- One study found that when young healthy
inar on ozone therapy and ProlozoneR ther-
apy. You will also learn how to use the power
college students become deprived of sleep
of ozone to help patients recover from for only five days, they begin to show labo-
chronic disease. The course is held in Reno, ratory evidence of diabetes!
Nevada at the Grand Sierra Casino and Sleep deprivation results in the two
Resort on October 24, 25, and 26. The course major problems: decreased fat metabolism
is limited to 30 doctors. You can find the and decreased total energy production.
complete schedule, registration information,
and testimonials at Exactly how a lack of sleep causes
On Saturday, September 5, Dr. these two things to occur is not known. But
Shallenberger will be speaking at the the evidence is clear. In one study published
IAOMT Annual Conference in Charlotte, in Diabetes Care, researchers followed
NC at the Renaissance Charlotte Suite 70,000 nurses over a 10-year period.
Hotel. His lecture is entitled “Mitochondrial Results: The researchers found a 57% inci-
resuscitation with ozone therapy.” dence of diabetes in those nurses who got
Dr. Shallenberger will be a featured just five hours sleep a night. When the
speaker on ProlozoneR Therapy For researchers removed other factors associat-
Chronic Back Pain at the Nevada State ed with diabetes, such as obesity and lack of
Homeopathic Convention on September exercise, they found that a full one-third of
20-21, in Reno, Nevada. the cases of diabetes were attributed solely
Dr. Shallenberger will be speaking on to a lack of sleep!
the use of Sea Cucumber Extract For
Cancer at the annual Insulin Potentiation Are you getting enough quality of
Conference in San Diego, September 26-28. sleep? Many people are not. Fortunately,
there’s a simple way to tell if you may be

suffering from sleep deprivation. It’s called how easily you are awakened compared to
multiple sleep latency test, or MSLT. To per- children. As you’ve probably noticed, kids
form the MSLT test on yourself, the only are often very difficult to waken. Even loud
thing you need to know is how long it takes noises fail to waken them. And that’s
you to fall asleep at night. because children spend most of their sleep
If it takes you between 15 and 20 min- time in the very deepest levels of sleep.
utes to fall asleep, you’re getting the opti- Are you easily woken? Do even slight
mal amount of sleep your body needs. If sounds around your home wake you up at
you’re suffering from sleep deprivation it night? If so, the chances are good that
will take you less than 10 minutes to fall you’re not getting enough of the deep levels
asleep. And if you fall asleep within five of sleep you need.
minutes, there’s every chance you’re suffer- In future issues of Real Cures, I’ll
ing from severe sleep deficiency. give you more ways to reverse diabetes,
Another simple test, this one measures including the supplements you really
for deep-stage sleep, is as simple as seeing must take.

The Ultimate Secret to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

If you’re over 50 and can’t get enough Almost everybody over the age of 50 needs a
sleep, all you have to do is increase the levels little melatonin.
of serotonin and GABA in your brain. And To increase GABA levels, first avoid cof-
here’s how to do it. (This treatment protocol fee, chocolate, and more than two ounces of
works in nine out of every ten people who try alcohol a day. Then start taking the following
it.) supplements 15-20 minutes before bedtime:
To increase serotonin levels you must  St. John’s wort (standardized to
first stop eating high carbohydrate foods, contain 0.2-0.3% Hypericin and 2-3%
such as sugar and sweets, fruit and fruit Hyperforin) — 300-1,000 mg. St. John’s
juices, and cereals and flour products (bread, Wort is especially interesting. It inhibits the
crackers, etc.). These foods work to decrease reuptake of GABA, which increases GABA
serotonin levels, and until the levels are levels and GABA activity. This action occurs
restored (in 2-3 months) they should be avoid- from the hyperforin content of St. John’s
ed. While you are restricting these carbohy- wort, so it’s important to get the right form of
drates, take the following supplements every the herb.
night, 15-20 minutes before bedtime:  Theanine — 100 mg. Like St. John's
 5-HTP (5-hydroxy tryptophan) — wort, theanine increases GABA levels, but
200 mg. In the brain, your body converts 5- does so by a different mechanism. So you can
HTP to serotonin. For reasons that are take both without any problem.
unclear to me, some people do much better  Niacinamide (not niacin) — 1,500
taking the amino acid tryptophan than taking mg. Niacinamide enhances the function of the
5-HTP. Your body converts tryptophan into 5- increased GABA levels.
HTP in your brain. So if you don’t feel you
When you start this protocol, here's
are responding to 5-HTP, try taking trypto-
something to consider: This approach is not
phan instead. The dose of tryptophan is 1,000
the same as taking a sleeping pill. It doesn't
work immediately. Yes, the melatonin may
 Melatonin — 1-3 mg. In the brain, help you sleep better, but you've probably
your body converts serotonin to melatonin. already seen that. This program works over
Unless there is enough melatonin present in time. It takes time to correct brain-chemistry
your brain, much of the 5HTP (or trypto- imbalances. So give it a good six-month trial
phan) that you take will convert to melatonin, before you decide it isn't working.
which will diminish its sleep-inducing effect.

Q. What do you recommend for an Q. I recently had a CT that used an
irritable bowel? — Audrey P., via e-mail iodine dye. The dye seems to have
caused problems for my thyroid, as I
Dear Audrey, now have hyperthyroidism. My TSH is
The problem with a diagnosis of irrita- .02. Do you have any alternatives you
ble bowel syndrome is that it’s a “diagnosis could suggest that would fix this prob-
of exclusion.” That means that it’s simply lem? — Tom K., via e-mail
what doctors call intestinal symptoms after
they have excluded a diagnosis of colitis or Tom,
Crohn’s disease. The dye used in CT scans is iodide, this
In other words, when a doctor tells you is different from iodine. That’s why it can
that you have an irritable bowel, what he is cause an adverse reaction and stimulate a
saying is that he has no idea what your hyperthyroid condition. But it does this only
problem is. So in order for me to answer when the roots of the problem are already
your question I would have to know much there. Fortunately, most of these reactions
more about your condition. The diagnosis of are temporary. You’ll see your symptoms
irritable bowel tells me only that you don’t decrease after a few months if you don’t
have colitis or Crohn’s disease. It doesn’t treat it at all.
tell me anything else. However, there are some things you
Now, having said that, I will tell you can do to speed up your recovery. Be sure to
that 80% of the time a patient has symp- have your anti-thyroid antibodies checked.
toms called irritable bowel, the problem is In all likelihood, the cause is an iodine defi-
intestinal yeast. So start with a two-week ciency. You’ll also want to get an iodine load-
treatment for yeast and see what happens. ing test done. My clinic can send you the kit.
If your symptoms become much better, then Just call 775-884-3990 and request a kit.
my guess was right. If they don’t, then we Once you have the results, you’ll know
are back to the drawing board. Here’s what if you should take extra iodine. The best
you do. way to take it is the product Iodoral. You
First, limit your diet to olive oil, lemon can find it easily on the Internet. Depending
juice, meats, spices, and vegetables that on the test results you may need to take
grow above ground – nothing else. from 12.5 to 100 mg daily.
Specifically, no fruit, grains or cereals, pota- I also recommend frequently lithium
toes, sweets, coffee or tea, dairy, beans, nuts, ortate or carbonate along with the iodine.
or eggs. The dose has to be determined by your
Next, have your doctor prescribe nys- physician. It can help counteract the hyper-
tatin (500,000 unit tablets) and take one thyroidism.
tablet four times a day.
Also, get some very strong mixed
probiotics. This would include a mixture of Got a Question?
several strains of acidophilus and bifidus, Do you have a question for Dr.
and a special strain called saccharomyces Shallenberger? If so, please send it (typed
bullardi. You can get this from your health only) to him c/o Soundview Publications,
food store. Take four of these capsules P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051 or
twice a day. While he
If your irritable bowel symptoms are won’t be able to respond personally, he’ll try
caused by yeast, they will be gone, or nearly to answer as many questions as he can in
gone after two weeks of this treatment. these pages.


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