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Character Protects Lifes

Abstract: International law is divided into different functional entities governed by different international institutions. The fields of the institutions may intersect and give rise to situations of norm conflict and/or diverging interpretation. This in turn may create legal uncertainty and conflicting State obligations on the international arena. The thesis examines the relationship between the World Trade Organisation (WTO) norms and human rights norms through the respective perspective of the WTO dispute settlement and human rights institutions. On the whole, general international law does not create any hierarchy between WTO norms and human rights norms, although exceptions may be found in for example jus cogens and possibly in some interpretative norms and maxims. However, the institutions governing respective norm complexes do not necessarily follow the same reasoning and may make diverging interpretations of general international law, of the exceptions to lack of hierarchy and of the place of specialised international law within international law. The WTO dispute settlement proclaims an inclusive approach to general international law evidenced by the inclusion of some basic general international customary law. Concurrently, the WTO exhibits isolationist characteristics in case law. Examples of this are&semic avoidance of use customary law through avoiding to determine it&semic a restrictive approach to article 31.3 (c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties calling for presence of other international norms in the interpretative context and&semic limitations to inclusion of human rights as specific terms by not using human rights terminology. The approach in practice isolates trade law and protects it from external influence and use beyond the scope of the WTO

Making a character true to life while simultaneously making her larger than life is one of the hardest tricks a writer has to pull off. Success requires balancing strengths and weaknesses, and introducing sympathy and lovable, memorable quirks. In the two earlier sections of our Character Worksheet series, I focused on building a novel-worthy character and making her quintessential. In this post, I'm going to describe how to use the worksheet to make the character unique and deeply essential to the action. That requires even deeper characterization and backstory.

The characters that stay with you, those who burrow into your heart and stay forever, not only have strengths and weaknesses, they also have passions, hobbies, and habits you will remember long after you finish reading. And the best characters, the ones that ring the truest, are usually those whose quirks, passions, strengths and weaknesses all work together in a way that drives the plot of the story.

Jane Austen deliciously carried character traits to just beyond extreme, and ensured that those traits directly led to problems. Beautiful Creatures, one of the richest YA novels I've read recently, has a whole cast of wonderfully quirky

characters. The superstitions of Amma, the crossword puzzling, pencil-wielding housekeeper, turn out to be pivotal to the MC's survival. Lena's obsessive graffiti habit and the memory necklace that lets her take her childhood with her from place to place make her unique, but the graffiti also serves as a clock that ticks up the tension as you read toward the climax. Uncle Macon does a wonderful Cary Grant gone vampire/incubus, but he's also brilliantly, dangerously self-sacrificing in a way that is pivotal to the story. Events shouldn't happen to your characters. Your characters must create events. And yes, that's true even in a plot-driven novel. To Create Essential Characteristics and Characters Quirks and hobbies make your...

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