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YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 1

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 2

We're the people we've been waiting for.

We're the miracle we have been wishing for.
We're the prayer we have been praying.
We're the dream of which we want to live.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 3

© 2009 by Ian Paul Marshall

Please feel free to post this on your blog or email it for free to whomever
you believe would benefit from reading it. THANK YOU

Copyright holder is licensing this under the Creative Commons Licence,

Attribution 3.0.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 4

This book is about helping people transform.

These words are meant to inspire you to have the courage and strength to reveal to
yourselves a glorious and new you. My dream is that each and every person that reads this book
unleashes the amazing power and strength that is within us all. And at the end of our journey I
hope that you truly begin to feel and know your own magnificence.

Life is beautiful, perfect and exactly as it should be.

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The Shift



The End Of Suffering


Moving Beyond Fear

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GOD 2.0
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 7

The Mystery In The Mundane


An Attitude Of Gratitude


Sacred Sexuality

The New Human




The Path
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 8

Enlightened Rebellion

Your Journey Begins

About The Author
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 9


“It is never too late to become what you might have been.”
George Eliot

Great change is all around and within us now and it seems that nothing is on solid ground.
Be it huge market fluctuations to catastrophic natural disasters, everything within the
world is in a state of upheaval. Every time we turn on the news or open the newspaper we
find ourselves confronted with the brutal ugliness of our world leaders, corporate CEO's
and even the common human being.

But behind all this craziness is a glimmer of hope. A shining ray of light is beginning to
emerge. Slowly our feelings of hopelessness are starting to shift. We're stirring from our
deep and restless sleep and gradually opening our eyes to a new dawn.

We all can feel that something amazing is happening. Each and every one of us knows
somewhere deep within our hearts that it's time to change. All of us can sense that
humanity is approaching a threshold of consciousness. We're coming to one of those
pinnacle moments within our evolution when the old gives way to the new.

All of us Are Awakening to a Global Consciousness

The truth is that all of us are fast approaching our own great awakening.

People from all over the world are just beginning to realize and truly understand that
we're not separate from each other, the world, or from God. We have begun to know that
heaven is not some distant place within the clouds but a moment that we're living right
here and now. All of us are awakening to a global consciousness, a diving connectivity, a
cosmic thread that binds us all to each other and all of creation. And now, as a global
family we are seizing the moment, for fear that it may be the last, and we're embracing the
inherit power within ourselves to take charge of our lives and co-create a world that is
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 10

worthy of us all.

This book is about helping people transform. These words are meant to inspire you to
have the courage and strength to reveal to yourselves a new and glorious you. My dream is
that each and every person that reads this book unleashes the amazing power and
strength that is within us all. And at the end of it all I hope that you truly begin to feel and
know your own magnificence.

We Can Change Ourselves and In Turn Change the World

Through Inspiration, Knowledge, and Understanding we can unlock our own Love,
Wisdom, and Perspective. We can change ourselves and in turn change the world.

I believe Marianne Williamson said it best in her book entitled A Return To Love -
Reflections On The Principles Of A Course In Miracles:

“Your deepest fear is not that you are inadequate. Your deepest fear is that you are
powerful beyond measure. It is your Light, not your Darkness, that most frightens you.
You ask yourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are
you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There
is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you.
You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within you. It is not just in some
of us; it is in everyone. As you let your own Light shine, you unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same. As you are liberated from your own fear, your presence
automatically liberates others.”

Beautiful words that pierce directly into the heart of all humanity. Thoughts and concepts
that help to begin us on our journey of discovery, healing, and strength.

Ultimately the power is within us. An awesome and magnificent potential that is just
waiting for us to use it.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 11

The Time for Our Liberation and Freedom Is Here and Now

There sleeps inside each and every one of us a glorious life that desperately wants to be

The time for our liberation and freedom is here and now. It's time to live with a purpose.
For a soul with purpose found is the light by which the world is guided.

Who am I? Who cares. We'll get to that later. We have more important things to discuss.

Like what?

Like turning ourselves around and realizing that the time is ripe to bring about a new
world. That in this instance we can begin to create the life we want to live. And that with
this new found awareness that is slowly dawning within our collective consciousness, we
finally realize that this is the most exciting time in all of humanities history!

I hope that this book will help to fuel the passion of your life. May these truths help shift
your awareness and help you to embrace the life and world of which you've secretly
dreamed of. May you finally have the strength and courage to answer the call of your

This Process Is About You

But in order to do that we have a little work to do. Some changes need to be made and a
little more love needs to be shared. There's a world out there that needs to change and that
change has to start with us.

We're about to embark on a journey together and even though I created this book as a 31
Day Transformational Course, I want you to know that this process is about you.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 12

So if you feel compelled to skip ahead in the material because you're drawn by the subject
do it! Or if you want to stay with a topic or exercise for a couple of days, feel free to do that
as well. Remember this is your journey. This process is about you and no one else. So get
in touch with your needs and begin to listen to that still small voice within.

This book is about helping you to change. It's about becoming the person you TRULY
want to be. A being that is fully integrated, complete, and whole. This time that we have
together is about anchoring into your life a new understanding, a new way of thinking and
a different way of looking at the world. In the end my hope is that a totally new and reborn
you will have emerged.

This Is Our World

These are very exciting times we're living in. Humanity is standing upon the threshold of a
new golden age. A wondrous time that will be ushered in by people like you and me.
People who are willing to look deep inside of themselves to find the strength, love and
light that they can share with the world.

This is our world. One that we create thought by thought, word by word, and feeling by

So be at ease and know that life is beautiful, wondrous, and full of love. Begin to
understand that you do have the power to change the world and that you are ready to do it
starting today. Otherwise you would never have called this book into your life.

Whether you know it or not you've been thinking about what you can do to help change
the world. Somewhere deep inside your mind you've been wondering what you’re going to
do, to not only create a better world, but more importantly a better you. You've been
dreaming of another way of life.

I know I have and this book is part of my mission.

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And what's my mission?

I plan to change the world.

How do I know I can do this?

Because I know I can change myself.

Again, who am I? Who cares. More importantly, who are you?

I Love You.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 14

“Imagine all the people living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer but
I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us
and the world will be as one”
John Lennon ~ Imagine

I want you to take this moment to imagine. Imagine a universe that is in divine order.
Imagine that you're part of that order. Imagine that you chose everything in your life.
Imagine that you chose to incarnate at this exact moment in time on this beautiful little
planet. Imagine that you chose your parents, your friends, and all of your experiences.
Imagine that you chose your role upon this stage of life. Imagine that everything in your
life wasn't up to the random musings of chance but to the sacred planning of yourself.

Take a moment now to really think about this.

It's a big leap isn't it?

But in truth this is the quantum leap that we all have to finally take. It's a big one. It's even
a little scary, but once we start to accept the possibility of such an option existing for
ourselves it’s ultimately an empowering one. For we will start to realize that there is hope.

Hope for ourselves, each other and the world.

We'll begin to feel our own strength.

We will become aware that there is a tremendous power available to us. An unlimited
source of potential. A new wellspring of courage begins to fill us with confidence and
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 15

A whole new world of possibilities emerges right before our eyes.

Each Of Us Hopes For Peace

Now I want you to imagine a world of peace. A world of oneness. A world of love, caring,
and connection. I want you to imagine a world full of hope, happiness and healing. A
world where we all make conscious choices. A world where we live in harmony with the
earth and each other. A world full of abundance and prosperity.

Take a moment now to imagine these things.

Now I want you to feel that peace. Feel that oneness. Feel love, caring and connection.
Feel your body and your life full of hope, happiness and healing. Feel the harmony that we
share with each and the earth our home. Feel yourself living in a world that is abundant
and prosperous.

The fact that you can imagine and feel such a world is the first step toward bringing it into

You Have Already Begun To Answer That Call

Deep within the heart of every single human being on this planet is the faint hope that we
can live together in peace and harmony. The seeds of these longings are inherit within our
nature. We all feel the silent call for unity. There is a sacred flame of desire burning bright
within the fires of every one of our hearts that is fueling our passion to light the way for a
world filled with love.

You have already begun to answer that call.

The fact that you are reading these words is proof of this.
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People all over the world are beginning to say yes to their dreams. They have found the
courage within themselves to have the strength and determination to give birth to a new

A vision that has been a slumbering dream within the silence of their hearts is slowly
coming to life. And now we're starting to rejoice. For in this new found freedom we have
found the joy of life.

A life that they are beginning to live.

A magnificent life lived honestly and simply one day at a time.

Heaven Is Here On Earth

This is an amazing time to be alive. Everyday gives us the opportunity to celebrate. For our
liberation and freedom is here and now. We are starting to truly realize that heaven is here
on earth.

If you listen to the silence deep within your heart you will hear the truth. At the core of
your being you know what this truth is:

We are the people we've been waiting for.

We are the miracle we have been wishing for.
We are the prayer we have been praying.
We are the dream of which we want to live.

This realization is the truth that is changing the world. This is the awareness that will
change your life.

This is THE time of your life.

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It's that pinnacle moment where you start to live with purpose.

For we all have a purpose for being here.

Within the dark reaches of your mind you can feel that a global awakening is coming.
Beyond your everyday life you know that the next step in our evolution is almost here. You
may be already bringing yourself into alignment with this shift. Grounding this awareness
deep within your field of influence.

The World Is Awakening To The Universal Language Of Life

Which Is Love

Many of us are truly begininning to see and understand the true interconnectivity of us all.
Many of us have already begun to tap into the universal matrix of life. More and more
people everyday are beginning to accept our divinity.

Accepting the truth apparent that Spirit has been made into flesh. Seeing beyond the veil
into the magic of life. Looking at the world without time. Free of illusion. Beyond duality
and misconception. Looking at life through the eyes of a child, for we all are children from
one sacred source.

Just as you have begun to awaken to your true self the world too is awakening to the
universal language of life which is love.

A love for ourselves, each other and the planet.

A powerful healing current is flowing through all the world. Many of us have opened
ourselves to its power. We have chosen to become vessels for that compassion and
wisdom. We have begun to resonate divine love to all. Creating the world of which we
want to live in.
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Life is sacred.

Your life is sacred.

Your job is to affirm that sacredness in all that you do.

Bringing forth into the this reality a peace and love that we have seen and felt within our

I want you to imagine how a moment in time can change your life.

I want you to imagine what moments in time have changed your life.

I want you to imagine how this moment in time is going to change your life.

For your life will never be the same.

Day 1 Exercise


Shambhala is a Sanskrit term meaning "place of peace/tranquility/happiness". Shambhala
is believed to be a mythical society where all the inhabitants are enlightened.

Earlier I had you imagine and truly feel a world of peace, oneness, joy, healing and
abundance. For the duration of the course set aside at least 5 minutes a day to "Remember

Go deep inside and truly begin to create a vivid world of which you know humanity can
achieve. Go deep into the feeling of that peace, joy and harmony. Begin to see all humanity
working together in harmony.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 19

As you begin to anchor this energy in your life you'll begin to bear witness to the moments
of expression that reflect Shambhala in your current life. Change your perspective and
begin to notice the peace, the love, the joy and the abundance that is present everywhere.

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"To awaken the potential of a human being
is the most sacred blessing there is."

Humanity is giving birth to a new potential. This new awareness is about being. Being
comfortable where you are. Being comfortable with who you are and in every moment
giving yourself permission to be fully you. People respond to honesty and that honesty
begins by being honest with yourself. With your presence fully here in the present.
Grounded, alert and aware. Where love sees beyond the illusion of the moment to the true
and sacred center of us all.

We're all seeking to connect to one another and by sharing, our joys and our pains, we
become united in a bond that goes beyond boundaries. So that in the end your joy is my
own laughter and your pain is a blade that pierces my own heart. And in both moments I
am truly blessed.

Be Gentle & Love Yourself

Many people think it'll be hard to change the world and you have to laugh at that thought.
Because these people are full of burdens. Like a martyr. The world doesn’t need martyr’s.
The world doesn’t need your help. The world is full of harmony, peace, and love.

All there is to do is to accept yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. And once you
start to come home to your own essence you come into alignment with all of life. You
begin to be harmonious. You begin to sing and resonate the sound of life. Then you are
one with the world.

That's what’s needed.

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And what is it that we shall all awaken to?

We shall awaken to ourselves so that when we look back upon our former lives those
moments will seem strange to us, as if we were witnessing someone else's life. And we
shall have compassion for those who are still asleep.

But our joyous laughter shall free them from their own deep slumber. For we will
celebrate life once more and the happiness we find deep within our hearts will make us
dance like fire and purify all that we touch. Unlocking the sacredness of our world and
transforming us into a potential that we’ve only glimpsed within our dreams.

Deep Within Our Hearts Is A Dream

The core of humanity shall awaken to love, for love is a mighty force. A sacred flame that
transforms all those who enter into its covenant. Where all things are consecrated to the
spirit of innocence. For innocence is fully alive in the moment, pure in its trust, strong in
its vulnerability, and soft with its touch.

For the beauty of innocence conquers all, because in that moment of joyful honesty we’re
given a glimpse into the dazzling radiance of our being and we become speechless by its

Deep within our hearts is a dream. Flickering within our minds is a hope. Trembling
within our hands is a love. Softly within our words is a comfort. And steadily within our
world we’re walking toward a paradise. A heaven that is truly here on this earth.

To awaken is to be aware of your purpose, your passion, your love, your connection to all.

What Is Awakening Like?

Peace is the presence. Love is the light. Compassion is the expression. Joy is the sound.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 22

Awaken to this day and arise to your life. Wherever you are be there and be alive. Be a
blessing to the world and if words fail you be joyful, for joy is love's language.

So what is it that we’re waiting for? Why are we hesitating? Do you think there's
something more that you need to know before you can accept your divinity? Do you think
there's an ancient hidden teaching that is being withheld from you? Are you waiting for
that perfect moment?

The time of your perfection is now. Your sacred inheritance is waiting for you.

When You’re Provoked You Will Change

And truly what is there to teach you? What can I even teach you? Nothing. There’s nothing
that can be taught. So does that mean my efforts are useless? No. For as I become a
master of myself I can provoke you. I can provoke a longing in you. A desire. A feeling. A
wanting. I can show you a potential. And it will be my greatness that you will want for
yourself. And when you’re provoked, you will change. You will become awake with your
desire. A desire to change. A passion to become something else. To feel another way.
Because it is easy to feel, and we like easy, and we like to feel good. And we want to be
great. This is what I can do.

So we're awakening, becoming alive to the inspiration that is our own true self. For we are
beautiful beyond measure and if we but choose to see it, the world of the future can be
created right now in this present moment.

Day 2 Exercise
So from this point onward in the course start and end your day with the Declaration of
Awakening. As you make these declarations the universe will respond accordingly. In the
least please print off the Declaration and keep it in a place that you walk by. That way
every so often it will catch your attention and you'll be drawn back to yourself and the
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 23

magnificence of the moment.

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(c) Ian Paul Marshall

I am awakened!

I have now awakened to the magic of my life, this present moment and the
divine connection that I have to all of life.

I live, breathe, and have my being within a living field of unified consciousness.

My heart is aflame with love, joy, and compassion and my hands reach out to touch and care for all of life.

I affirm that all the people of the world are created equal and divinity is the true nature of our being.

I accept responsibility for my life and use the power of my thoughts wisely to consciously and lovingly
create creation.

I have a purpose in life, I believe in miracles and I strive to release the awesome power and potential that
is within me.

I accept abundance, joy, health, and peace as my natural and complete state of being.

I am a unique expression of the One True Source of All and I allow others to enjoy the unique experience
that they are creating for themselves.

I am certain that heaven is truly here on earth.

Life is beautiful, perfect and exactly as it should be.

I am awakened!

And so it is.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 25

“It is a great opportunity that is knocking on your doors. Humanity as a
whole has come to a certain point of growth
from which a quantum leap is possible.”
OSHO: Walking in Zen, sitting in Zen

Humanity has finally reached one of the most exciting times of it's evolution. We're poised
at a major threshold of consciousness. Those of us that have been working toward this
moment are in a state of ecstasy for this is a great and glorious time of celebration. For we
will take a major step forward, a great leap into a new possibility of ourselves. A dream
and vision that seemed, until just recently, like a pure and childlike fantasy.

And what is this new dream?

That the world and all the universe is in perfect order. That all of life conspires in our
favor, forever pushing us toward our own sacred potential. That we are the creators of
creation, eternally expanding ourselves and the world around us. That ultimately this
push is revealing to us our intrinsic and divine nature. That the best way to serve and save
the world is to unleash the great spirit within and live the dreams that currently sleep
within our hearts.

The world view that we are awakening to is a holistic one. It’s a new found vision and
clarity that we are actually part of the whole, and that our thoughts and actions do effect
all that surrounds us.

We're Moving Toward Our Future Bravely

This new found wisdom that's taking root within us has given birth to our responsibility
for all there is within the world. We're making an honored and joyous choice to care for
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 26

each other and the planet. We're moving toward our future bravely, for it takes a
tremendous amount of courage to be honest with each other and truthful with ourselves.
This honesty has lead us back to our innocence, and that simple carefree love is a force
that’s transforming all the world.

Our destiny is united as we are a single human family living as one great and global

A New Potential For The Humanity Is Being Visioned Into Existence

This moment in time is profound for the movement has truly been accomplished by the
people. Everyday citizens who have followed their hearts and shared their love with all of
humanity. In turn inspiration is setting the world alight with a completely new view of
how we live, do business, relate to each other. We are truly starting to become aware of
our own power and the responisbility that comes with it.

A new potential for the humanity is being visioned into existence and it is my joy to be a
part of this miracle.

People all over the globe are coming together, called by an inner voice that is beckoning
them to make a difference. Calling us all to a deep recognition and awareness of our

From these sacred moments we can plan our next steps and choose to move forward
awakened and conscious of who we are and what we want the future to look like. Not only
for ourselves but for each other and the countless generation that are to come.

Affirm A World That Is Connected And alive

One of the greatest things that all of us can do to help the flow of energy that is
transforming the world right now, is to invest our time and energy into transforming
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 27

ourselves. By awakening the power that dwells within we will change the world without.

Being grounded in the splendid radiance of your being and let your light shine. Affirm a
world that is connected and alive. Lead by example and inspire. For inspiration rides upon
the currents of love and lifts all those around you to a greater view of their lives.

Share your love, your passion and your life. Then all of life is renewed and returned to a
state of wonder and awe.

Day 3 Exercise
Todays exercise is about the shift. It's about shifting our perspective. It's about beginning
to become aware of the power and influence that we all have within our everyday world.

On the first day of every month, between the hours of 11am-12pm, The Alliance For An
Awakened Humanity holds a global event called The Hour Of Positive Power. I want you
to have your own hour of positive power tomorrow.


For one hour let's shift our consciousness and become the very presence that we wish the
world to be.

So if it's Peace that you want to see in the world be Peaceful for that hour.

If it's joy then be joyful.

If it's healing then spread healing energy.

If it's abundance then begin to see the world as abundant.

Whatever it is that you believe the world needs more of BE THAT!!!

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Be Peace
Be Love
Be Healing
Be Joy
Be Abundance
Be Supportive
Be United
Be Wise
Be Awakened

Think to yourself what a peaceful person would do. How would they speak? How would
they stand? How would they react to the world?

Once you can see how that person would be then become that. Be that person! BE THAT

Just for one hour. That's all. Just one hour out of twenty-four.

I know it may be hard because the mind's always chattering on about non-sense but just
be gentle with yourself for that hour and steer your thoughts back to that image of peace
that you created and BE THAT PEACE!

That's all. Nice and simple. For just one hour you'll become a positive source of power that
will help to shift and change all the people and the world around you.

This is a personal process. An individual unfoldment. A moment whereby you truly can
see the influence that you have, not only on your life but in the lives of others.

Have fun with it!

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This takes place in your own homes, where you work, and at the places that you frequent.

It's about shifting your own awareness where you are and then influencing the world
around you. YOUR world.Your own sphere of influence. Just for one little old hour.

It's about being that resonant frequency and sending out the signal for all to see, hear, and
feel. It's about participation, creation, and manifestation.

It's about Love, Peace, and Perspective. This event is about you and the incredible positive
power that sleeps inside of you.

Little by little, bit by bit, smile by smile.

It's time to awaken. Awaken to our own Positive Power.

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"Everyone thinks of changing the world,
but no one thinks of changing himself."
Leo Tolstoy

Realize and accept that change is the only constant in the physical universe. Change is the
process by which you may discover the creative power of life. Change is the motion of
movement under the direction of love. For change inevitably leads to growth and growth
leads to fruition, fruition leads to abundance, and abundance is an opportunity to share
the essence of yourself with all existence.

Change is the tool of life which enables you to become aware of your pure divine self.
Change pushes you forward to perfection. It releases you from the past and places you in
the present, renewed and refreshed.

Release yourself to the divine current of life that's flowing through you. It's time to let go
and let life lead you.

Change is good only if you see it as such.

The World That's To Come Will Only Arrive If You Set Yourself To The Task

Realize that the end of things gives opportunity to the start of something more. That
todays closure is tomorrows new adventure. And when you dream, dare to dream into
existence a world that is worth living for. Something that we all can be proud of. For the
dreams of tomorrow are created by the sweat of today.

The world that is to come will only arrive if you set yourself to the task.
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You never hear the tree grown with the coming of fall for it's rooted within the rhythm of
life. It knows that within its being is the infinite intelligence of life. Then with grace and
beauty it lets go and lets life run its course.

The friction of change helps you to see clearly the immediate crisis in front of your eyes.
For the crisis is your life silent voice speaking to you in that moment, telling to you push
on. Calling you to the deep power of potential that lays within. Reminding you to grow.

We fear change because it represents death, darkness and the unknown. And while were
moving through it’s cycle we forget that change leads us to birth, light and wisdom. We
just can’t see this because we're blinded by the formidable moment of redefining
ourselves. Of that grey point that lies between where we’ve been and where we think we’re

Our Mind Seeks Answers And Fears The Unknown

We seek stability within the world because we haven't found it within ourselves. And until
we can be fully present to the sacred presence of our radiant and limitless awareness in
each and every moment, we'll never be at peace with peace. For peace is the still point of
our essence and all the world revolves around us.

In the sacred chamber of our source is a well spring of power and potential. Change
pushes you into it. And if you fall freely, gently, with your arms wide open you’ll dive into
an infinite ocean of power and possibility.

But we've grown afraid of this wellspring of wonder that lies within our hearts because our
mind seeks answers and fears the unknown. When what we truly fear is coming into
contact with our own pure and magnificent selves.

Beyond the constant changing world is the permanent reality of the one true source of all.
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Your true essence. Limitless clear light.

All of life is a mere reflection of yourself. So set aflame the fire’s of transformation within
your life and in turn you will transform all the world.

DAY 4 Exercise
Tomorrow I want you to wake up early, I mean really early, at least a half hour before
dawn. Set two alarms if you have to so that you can get up. I want you to get up in silence
and just sit quetly facing east. Sit there in anticipation, waiting for the moment when the
sun begins to rise up over the horizon declaring that today is a new day and a brand new
life for you.

During the day be aware of the subtle changes that happen throughtout the day. Be aware
everytime you change from one environment to the next. From your house to the car, from
the car to the buidling where you work, from the lobby to the elevator, from the elevator to
your desk if you happen to work at a desk.

Be aware of the subtle shifts in you daily routine and bring that morning peace with you
all throughout the day. If you become stressed or agitated bring the memory of the
morning to your minds eye and breath deeply.

Set aside time in the evening, at least a half hour before sunset and sit quietly facing west.
Bear witness to the awesome colors of the sky while the sun sets. Put to rest your struggles
of the day and just be silent and aware during this beautiful moment.

A brief little opportunity to bear witness to change and to become aware of the sacred
within each and every moment of your life.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 33

"There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or
accept the responsibility for changing them."
Denis Waitley

From the moment we're born we begin to choose. Life presents us with options. The world
brings to our minds variety and contrast. A selection process occurs that helps to shape
our lives and the lives of those around us. Many individuals go through life letting other
people shape their destiny. Influenced by either family or society as a whole, they never
really get to know themselves and what may actually make them feel happy and alive.

Many others take a passive process toward their life, going with the flow and accepting
mediocrity as the norm. These same people will take the time and energy to complain
about the state of their lives, always dreaming about what could have been, but never
mustering up the courage to actually pursue their dreams.

While other people can feel their potential and dream of a new way of living but are afraid
to take the next step, letting unfounded fear shackle them forever in a vicious cycle of pain
and misery.

And finally there are the brave and courageous few who intuitively choose what's best for
them and seek out opportunities to make the tough choices in their lives. Choices that
transform them. Decisions that are in harmony with their chosen purpose and lead them
forward through their journey here on this planet.

Choice Is A Sacred Blessing Where We Can Get In Touch With Our Essence

Choice gives us an opportunity. A brief moment in time where we can tune into the inner
core of ourselves. Choice gives us the chance to be in touch with the still small voice inside
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 34

and listen to the longings of our universe. Choice is a sacred blessing where we can get in
touch with our essence and understand the magic of each moment.

The time has come to actively participate in the process of life. To become creators of
creation. To begin to use wisely the power and strength that is within us. To consciously
bring forth a reality that is in tune with the great symphony of life. To create a world that
is beautiful and filled with magic and wonder.

Choice is a brief moment in time where we can touch the essence of truth inside of
ourselves and bring forth the reality that longs for release. Dreams that crave creation and
desire to be born.

This starts with you. This starts in your life.

Simple, small and bit by bit we create the reality of which we call life. The world in which
we live in is a world of our own creation. Whether we like what we see is once again a
matter of choice. But in that matter is the moment where we can wield our might and
steer our strength toward creating the world of our dreams.

We have now come to a time in our evolution where we can see clearly the effects our
choices have made upon our lives, the lives of others, and the planet as a whole.

There's a tremendous courage that's needed now. A powerful determination to lead by

example and guide our lives to peace and create a living paradise for our planet.

Make A Secret And Sacred Promise To Yourself To Unfold Your Greatness

This starts with you. This starts in your life. In your home. Deep within your heart.

A conscious commitment is needed. Not to the world, or some great concept of life, but to
yourself. That is the duty required. To make a secret and sacred promise to yourself to
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 35

unfold your greatness. To awaken your humanity and to express your love. To seek out the
countless opportunities we have to lead by example and become a beacon of light for the
rest of the world to follow.

The Greatest Gift Of All Is The Glory We Have To Choose

We must develop an awareness of our lives. Seeing and sensing the magic of it. Feeling the
tremendous power that's within our grasp. Taking the time to to really think of the world
we want to live in. The world that we want our children to live in. To contemplate the
legacy that we want to leave for the generations to come.

We must begin to create the paradigm of Legacy Living.

The greatest gift of all is the glory we have to choose. For in this moment you bring forth
tomorrow’s new dawn. The sacred gift of life is given to you upon your waking. Cherish it’s
presence. Be focussed upon the fragility of it all. Worship the wonder of life. For heaven
can be a place on earth if we so choose it to be.

In this next moment and with your next choice you can begin to create a world of peace.
With each new step you take you can become determined to walk with love. With your
next breath you can sigh with relief for there is nothing to fear. For fear is just life once
again presenting you with a choice.

A New Vision Begins To Unfold For You

Choose to let your words be filled with love and when you reach out your hands realize
that in truth you're reaching out to the holy essence of life and a sacred reflection of
yourself. A presence that is found within all the people of the world. For we all have been
born from the one great source of life and unto that source so shall we return.

So choose now, to use wisely the short time that you have on this beautiful planet. Be
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 36

grounded in the sacred foundation of life, love, and joy. And may you give yourself
permission to be utterly and completely you.

Once you're able to find peace with yourself you can begin to be grounded in strength. For
you come to the core of your being. You would have traveled to a sacred place of harmony.
A new found perspective that realizes that you're not separate from the whole.

You'll begin to resonate with a new found clarity. A new vision begins to unfold for you.
One that sees beyond right and wrong and connects to the source of life. Once that link is
remembered every choice leads you closer to creating heaven on earth.

DAY 5 Exercise
For the day I want you to pay attention to all the choices that you make within the day. If
you're able to, keep a running total of the amount of choices that you make. All the little
decisions that help to create the reality in which you presently live, move and have you

At the end of the day I hope you begin to see how every choice you make creates the world
in which you live and that you have way more influence upon life than you ever dreamed

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 37


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience
of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition
inspired, and success achieved."
Helen Keller

Oh beautiful child listen and know that you are loved. You're not alone. Understand that
the suffering and pain that you have been through has been for the true purpose of
bringing you to this moment and to this time. If you hadn't faced the hardships of your life
you would certainly have never been given the opportunity to grow and to experience

It's in the fires of suffering, the pains of defeat, and within the chasms of despair, that we
seek out another way, another choice, and another chance. It's only in those times of inner
conflict, those moments of resistance, and those encounters with discomfort, that we
begin to understand who we are, what we want and where we're going.

It's from those demons and tormentors, who truly are angels in disguise, that we seek out
our true light and true life.

Understand that the opportunity you have before you now is twofold. One of greatness, or
one of misery.

What We Encounter Is A Reflection Of Our Own Inner Selves

Know now in this moment, in this instance, that you have a choice. Choice is always the
opportunity presented to you. You may fall victim and be held down and consumed by the
burdens of your heart or you may choose to walk the path of your own liberation and
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 38

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

The answers to your questions are given to you in all times and through all people, and it's
now and only now that you have truly chosen to listen.

Hear my words when I say that all beings are suffering and the cause of this suffering is
ourselves. We alone are the creators of the world of which we live. For what we are seeing
and what we encounter is nothing other than a reflection of our own inner selves.

Realize now that all the people of the world are hurting. Everyone is suffering. And since
we all have caused some form of suffering we also have the power to become the solution.

Start Now To Accept Your Strength

In these magical times humanity has become willing to find another way. A way out of the
perpetual loop and cycle of this pain we all have come across and that we all in our own
ignorance have created.

Hold strong my dear child for you have begun to tread along the path of truth and
awakening. You have started to take the first steps toward the great potential of yourself.
To the immense freedom and joy that your life wants to offer you.

Become Aware Of Awareness

So be strong in this moment and release yourself from your pain. Let go of your agony.
Start now to accept your strength. For once you come to know yourself you will then know
all the world. And in that knowing will come your wisdom. A knowledge that sees beyond
all illusion and makes clear your path before you. A sacred journey into the heart of your
own perfect paradise.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 39

A sanctuary that is present whenever you become present to yourself.

Begin to realize that all of humanity wants to be happy. Know that we all don't want to
suffer. See that the suffering we encounter is self created which means that it's ourselves
who need to change. Understand that we can change. And finally, become aware of
awareness, for that simple awakening will give rise to your power and provide you with
the strength to change and that transformation in turn will save the world.

DAY 6 Exercise
Before you go to sleep tonight set aside 5-10 minutes of quiet time to create a sacred
moment with yourself. After you have come to a place of stillness read the following
prayer. It's good to have read it a couple of time before bringing it into your sacred
chamber with you. As well I would like for you to read it out loud and try to infuse it with
emotion. Notice the difference.

I Am A Child Of Magnificence © Ian Paul Marshall

There is a Great and Creative force that has birthed all of Life. A Dynamic Impulse that
radiates goodness. An Infinite Spirit that fills, flows through and binds all. A Divine
Energy that fuels everything. A Magnificent Power that renews itself eternally.

This creative force flows through me. This divine impulse courses through my veins. This
light radiates from me. I live, move and have my being in this very essence. I am filled
with this goodness and I am renewed by it's energy in every moment of my day.

I realize now that I create my life. I accept responsibility for all that I see and experience. I
claim my power now and know that I have the courage and the strength to change. I am
aware that all the change I wish to see within my world begins within my mind. So I set
forth my will and steer my thoughts toward good for me and all of humanity. I strive for
ultimate good. I unleash my creative fire. I surrender to the power of Spirit that wishes
only the best for me now and forever. And I commit myself to greatness.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 40

For I am a child of magnificence.

I am eternally grateful for this moment. My awakening brings me joy and gratitude. And I
bow my head in deep reverence for this gift of life and spread my thanks and joy to all.

Knowing well that I am fully present with the light, power, and wisdom of spirit I release
these words knowing that they are truth. I know now the the universal law of life has
accepted these things and has made it so.

And so it is.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 41

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility
to give something back by becoming more."
Anthony Robbins

Responsibility is not a duty or a task that needs to be done. Responsibility is not a burden
to bear or a sacrifice that we need to make. Responsibility is not something that should be
feared or avoided. But millions of people around the world haven't found the courage to
stand strong and be responsible for their own lives.

When we embrace responsibility, accept it deep within our core, we begin to tap into an
eternal supply of power and inspiration. For the true essence of responsibility gives us a
glimpse into our own inherit strengths. Once we come to know and understand this
wellspring of power that's available to us we begin to take action for the sheer joy of it.

You Are Responsible For Your Life

Begin to understand completely that the universe itself, and all that is within it, is action
oriented. Your actions are the measure of where you are and where you are going. For
your actions are the final result of a full chain reaction of individualized choice and
expression of that choice.

The thoughts, words, emotions and deeds of your life have lead you to every moment that
you've experienced. You and you alone have steered the ship of your self to the shores
upon which you've landed and tread upon.

Some of those places have been full of wonderment and magic and others have been filled
with despair and suffering. In both places you've chosen to be there. You and you alone
have directed the course of your life's sails.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 42

You are responsible for your life.

You are responsible for every situation that you have found yourself in. You have directed
yourself to all encounters. All peoples. All places. All times. Be them good or bad. In the
eyes of awareness nothing is good or bad. All things are needed. All things are just. It's up
to you to choose how you respond to the situations you encounter along the journey of
your life.

Take Responsibility For Your Words, Thoughts And Deeds

In the awareness now given to you, a choice lies within the power of your might. The
power of your being.

Choose now.

Choose now and always to bring the power of your awareness and intentions to each and
every moment that you experience. Take responsibility for your words, thoughts, and

You are responsible.

You have the power to wield your thoughts and actions in accordance with a higher law. A
higher purpose. You and you alone have the ultimate choice of how you will respond to the
circumstances and people that you encounter along your journey to ultimate realization.
To ultimate truth. To ultimate power.

Seize your power now.

Take control of your life.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 43

Accept responsibility for yourself.

Accept the consequences of your life and all its parts in order to become a master of

Self respect comes from self control.

You've been given this life, watch over it and your actions. Cherish it, for it is a gift. Choose
now to respond to your life. For your life is calling. Answer that call. Seize hold of yourself,
of your greatness and your power.

Life is not accountable to you. You are accountable to life. You are answerable for yourself
in the end. So choose now, in this instance, to create a life that's worthy of you.

Show the strength and determination to walk upon the narrow road of your life. A master
of your own self. A champion of your heart. A courageous warrior of awakening.

Day 7 Exercise
Go over your day in your mind. Were there any instances that fell short of greatness?
Were there any moments that were not in alignment with the new resonance that you are
trying to anchor within your essence? Were there any words that didn't resonate peace
and love?

If there were imagine those same moments differently. Imagine those instances in a
differently light. Imagine them now with the illumined perspective of your heightened
awareness. And choose now, within your mind, to re-write those instances within the
great book of light. Choose now to respond to those moments in ways that are worthy of
you. For it is time to remember that you are a child of light. An ambassador of the new

In yesterdays meditation there were the following words:

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 44

"I realize now that I create my life. I accept responsibility for all that I see and
experience. I claim my power now and know that I have the courage and the strength to
change. I am aware that all the change I wish to see begins within my mind. So I set
forth my mind and steer my thoughts toward good for me and all of humanity. I strive
for ultimate good. I unleash my creative fire. I surrender to the power of Spirit that
wishes on the best for me now and forever. And I commit myself to greatness. For I am a
child of magnificence."

Go back to them now, and take them deep into your heart.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 45


"Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom."
Marilyn Ferguson

With any great change in life there's bound to be a moment of fear and hesitation. A brief
second in our lives where we hold our breath, truly alive with the feeling of fear, as we step
forward into an unknown phase and stage of our growth.

As humanity moves forward into this new era, taking the next quantum leap, the
transitionary point from where we are to where we're going will inevitably be colored with

We all must remember that fear has no special power over us.

Nothing does unless we give our power over to it. And the future that we're to create is one
where we begin to seize our power. A time where we accept our divinity. A heroic phase in
our evolution where we truly begin our roles as co-creators of creation and use our new
found vision and insight to create heaven on earth.

Fear Is Life Presenting You With Choice

But if we're going to get there we must push past our fears and find the freedom of our
own resolution. For it's easier to step forward bravely if their is a goal that we can work
toward. And sleeping within all our hearts is a secret world that we all want to awaken. So
cling fiercly to this vision for it will help to see you through.

Realize that fear is life presenting you with choice. Giving you a glimpse into yourself.
Clearing your vision and helping you to see beyond illusion. Fear is a brief moment within
your life where your faith and determination is being tested. Where your boundaries are
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 46

being expanded. Where a deeper part of yourself is beginning to unfold.

Realize that you can conquer any fear if you'll only make up your mind to do so. For fear is
just a concept that lies within the mind. Your mind. It can only grow if you nurture it,
water it, and tend to its garden.

Remember well that you're the master gardener of your mind and your life.

Walk On Past Fear And You'll Become Strong

Wield your power and face the fears of your own creation. Break down the barriers that
are keeping you from your happiness and your life.

Fear cripples and withdraws from your world the happiness that wishes to thrive there.
Within you is the ultimate desire to be happy. Don’t let the roadblock called fear stop you
from reaching your destination.

Use fear to your advantage. Use the awareness that it brings to your life through the
quickening of your pulse and the heightening of your senses to enable you to see clearly
life's plans for you. Use that clarity to bravely step forward into the life that both you and
all of humanity desires.

Be In Tune With The Intention Of A Higher Law

Walk on past fear and you'll become strong. That strength will bring you one step closer to
freedom. You will be one step further along a path that will lead you toward your dreams
and the joy that awaits you.

Hold true and strong in your heart and step forward now into the dawn of your rising
certainty. A certainty that is beginning to be unleashed with every step further away from
the illusion of fear within your mind.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 47

Fear is a lie.

Base the decisions and actions of your life on the firmness of your heart. Choices are easy
to make once you’re in tune with the intention of a higher law and your greater purpose.
Fear not the judgment and scrutiny of others if you're holding true to yourself and the
path upon which you've chosen to tread.

The path of which you're to follow is the one upon which you currently walk. The one of
which you know and have only known. For your path and all the questions, fears, and
anxieties have lead you to here. Your rightful place. A place determined by you.

Be Certain In The Wisdom That You'll Be Triumphant In The End

The path of your life and the choices that you face can only be faced with courageous
innocence. If you're not brave pretend to be and know that love has walked before you and
has marked the way.

Know well that there is a way and it is a divine will that lights your path. For upon the
lonely road of your life you truly don't walk alone.

And if you seem to be drifting far from home be calm and know that there are new plans
for you. Plans for you to prosper. Plans to make you strong. Plans to bring you closer to
the glory of your radiant and timeless awareness. Plans which while you were busy playing
you were unable to hear and see.

Be certain in the wisdom that as you begin to move and take the next step, as you meet the
next challenge, the next opponent, which is always yourself, you will be given the
knowledge, strength, and courage to be triumphant in the end.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 48

Day 8 Exercise
Set aside 5-10 minutes of quiet time before you go to sleep tonight. Sit quietly focusing on
your breath. In and out. In and out. When you feel the resonant peace and foundation of
your soul begin to become present say this prayer.

It is best to read it over a couple of times before you set yourself to this sacred time. That
way you can become acquanted to it's rhythm and flow.

Be sure to infuse it with your emotion. Truly feel it's meaning. Then and only then will you
unlock your own amazing power.

A PRAYER OF TRUST © Ian Paul Marshall

There is One Great Power that fills and creates the universe. This power is a power for
Good. It has been called God, Spirit, Truth. It is a Power of Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom.
It is the Creator and the Created. It is the Thought and the Form. It is a Life eternal. It is a
Divine Intelligence that holds all the worlds in perfect order and harmony.

In this moment I have awakened to Oneness. I know and feel my essence is like a drop of
water within the ocean of God. I release myself to the divine current of life with confidence
that all is well and perfect.

Resting at peace within the certainty that I am loved, I begin to work from a place of
infinite trust. I see clearly that Spirit wants only good things for me and because of this
certainty I am filled with confidence and courage. I know now that every moment has
been perfect and I accept all my choices as my own. I now consciously choose to embrace
the world and live a divine life. A life that is worthy of me and my sacred essence. I feel
supported and at ease that all of life conspires in my favor. I have cast my doubt and fear
to the wind and accept a life that is full of magic and wonder. A life that is splendid beyond
measure. A life that leads me to discover ever greater aspects of my own radiant presence.

A wave of peace and serenity washes over me and carries me away in its comfort. From
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 49

this tranquility I can now truly begin to live life fully and completely.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

All my words are but petty expressions of the deep gratitude that now fills my being. A
resonant frequency that effects all the world. I feel content and in harmony with all things
and all people and I'm eternally grateful for all the blessings that are in my life.

Knowing well that I am filled with Spirit I am certain that my words are truth. I release
them to the universal law of life with a confidence that as I have said it so is it done.

And so it is.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 50

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying.
Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say.
Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows."
Pope Paul VI

Everyday is a good day to die. Just as everyday is a good day to live. In choosing to
embrace death you have chosen to love life and have truly begun to live.

Death and life are one and the same. There's no difference or distinction between the two.
In all truth they're one aspect and expression of life itself. A truth by which sustains all
things born into this world of form and matter.

To have fear of death means that within your heart you have dreams that are unfulfilled.
You haven't fully lived. For if you have embraced life you have faced death daily. You have
crossed over the threshold countless times as you have given birth to yourself. And it is
through the dreams that sleep in your heart that you are able to finally reconcile yourself
with death. There is no thought of death because your consumed with life.

Accept And Embrace It Now And Be Done With Death So That You May Live

Awaken your dreams! Awaken them now! Awaken yourself to life! Embrace death as a
friend, teacher and guide. Death is inevitable. Everything that is born owes a death. Death
makes ready the world for something new.

Accept and embrace it now and be done with death so that you may live.

We fear fear death because we no longer love life. We have resigned death to the back
rooms of hospitals and funeral homes. We have locked the dying away in sanitized areas
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 51

as we try to sanctify our minds of deaths embrace. We try to preserve a moment within
time failing to realize that the only time we have is now.

Life and death are one and the same. They are two sides to the same coin. They are the sun
setting and moon rising. Both aspects make up the day. For death is the kind reminder of
the miracle of life.

We fear death because we fear living a life that realizes the potential that's within us. It's
because of this that we fear death because deep inside we know that we can be more than
we are.

More than we can ever imagine.

So die to this moment and be reborn in eternity.

Day 9 Exercise
We've all faced death in some form in our lives. If you feel that you didn't truly have
closure with a loved one then you you may find the technique below of some help.

A Magical Moment Technique

(c) Ian Paul Marshall

Find a quiet room away from others and lock the door.
Make sure to not be interrupted during this time.
Bring two chairs into the room and set them up so that they face each other.
Bring a box of tissue's and a pillow with you.
Sit in one of the chairs and imagine that your friend or loved one who has made their
transition is sitting in the next chair
Just sit there quietly for a moment looking at them, feeling the emotions that may be
swirling within you
Realize that it's ok to feel what you're feeling
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Start to tell them how you feel

If you want to scream at them - scream
If you want to cry then cry
If you want to hug them hug them (pillow)
If you want to punch them then punch them (pillow)
Be there with them and be there in that moment until you you feel comfortable and strong
enough to move on
Be there in that moment until you can feel love within yourself once more realizing that
you still may feel the sadness but it is a joyous sadness and content and peaceful feeling.
Tell them you'll love them
Tell them you'll miss them
Tell them thank you for all the Magical Moments they created in your life
Release them and yourself from the moment and give thanks for your life

End of Technique

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 53

DAY 10
"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself,
to become what he potentially is."
Erich Fromm

The world is about to be reborn. A new era is about to begin. There's a tremendous current
of energy sweeping across the planet, fundamentally shifting every living thing and
transforming the ethers that surround us.

But more important than all of that are the changes that are happening to you.

For you, your life, your world is being reborn. Right now, in this moment your
metamorphosis is underway. There are unseen forces doing their work to shake the
foundations of your life so that you can start anew.

Love Yourself And Nurture This New You

You've been given the chance to become reacquainted with yourself. To re-prioritize your
life and go deeper into what actually makes you happy. To understand what the true worth
of life is, and to feel and know who you truly are.

Be gentle with yourself during these changes. Love yourself and nurture this new you.
Watch the miracle of this moment come to life. For it is your life. A life given to you. A life
that you chose to have. A life that you chose to live. A life that can now be lived with
purpose. A life that can now be filled with love.

For as you go deep into yourself and bring to life the true essence of your being, there's a
moment where you touch the sacred presence of all of life. That unlimited potential that's
the source of us all. And in that moment you're changed forever. For your connection to
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 54

the magic of life is beyond words. Your experience goes beyond understanding. Logic is
lost in wonder. And all that you can do is to slowly reconnect to that power, which is the
true light of us all, and share that passion with the rest of humanity.

That inner core of our being is the foundation of pure possibility.

Once you immerse yourself within its radiant glow you will start to become addicted to the
awesome potential of yourself.

It's a tremendous experience.

A profound moment occurs when you truly begin to "Know Thyself".

In that innate personal knowledge is the wisdom of life itself.

You're Creating Life Your Life

During these times and as you transform, be with the changes. Be the change. Embrace
the spirit inside of you. You're creating life. Your life. A new life that you can call your
own. A life to be proud of. A life that's filled with magic and wonder. A life that you've
dared to dream of.

There may be some growing pains. There may be some discomfort. There may be fear. But
in an instant all of these will be gone and forgotten. You will gaze upon your new self like a
mother gazes upon her child. All the memories of her trials and tribulations gone in a
flood of emotions. A wave of love sweeping her high and filling her with joy, love, and

Be Reborn To The Divine Wisdom That Is Deep Within You

The true knowledge that leads to the miracle of rebirth is the wisdom of love. A love of
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 55

oneself. For once you can truly love yourself you then can love the world. For the deep
fountain of love that springs forth from your heart soothes all. It’s nourishing nectar
bonds life to life and love to love.

So be reborn to love. Be reborn to life. Be reborn to the divine wisdom that is deep within
you. For you are wise beyond your dreams, and your love is vast and eternal.

From the depths of your being will come forth the new image of yourself. Be brave and
give birth to it. Bring it to life.

The new world of which you want to live seeks to come alive. Begin to live it now. Start to
be it now in this instance and in this moment. The dawning of your new day is upon you.
Awaken to the sacredness of this moment and the holiness of your life. Little by little, day
by day, you shall be reborn into your true and sacred self.

Day 10 Exercise

Today I want you to create a list of habits, choices and thoughts that don't serve you any
longer. Things that are not worthy of the divine life of which you are choosing to live. The
first step to moving past them into the new you is awareness. Awareness of what those
things are and once you identify them they can never hide from your awareness again.

You don't have to change everything all at once and there will be no need to. All that will
be necessary will be the awareness of these habits, thoughts, actions because the next time
you say, do or think any one of them there would have been a seed planted within your
mind. A seed of fulfilment. A seed of your new found potential. And deep inside of you
there is a longing to give birth to the new you. And slowly this potential, this new
possibility will begin to blossom.

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Because you're now in the right condition. The soil is ready for the seed. And the seed's
that you'll be planting are all the thoughts and dreams and hopes that you have for your
new future.

So as you list these thoughts, words, actions that don;t serve you, start to write down
thoughts, words and actions that do serve you. Thoughts, words and actions that
demonstrate your greatness. Thoughts, words and actions that are worthy of the new and
divine you.

That's all you have to do because in that instance you are ready and you would have
planted the seeds of your own fulfillment.

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DAY 11
"Nothing happens unless first we dream."
Carl Sandburg

It all begins with a dream. A brief glimpse into the pure source of reality. A flash of light
that dazzles the eyes and captures the heart. A soft whisper that calls your forward on an
adventure down a road that you never knew existed before. An overwhelming feeling or
yearning that propels you forward and lifts you to new and vast expanses of beauty and

Trust in this moment and permit yourself the freedom to dream again. It’s your dreams
that can take you to wherever your heart may want. Your dreams will give fire to the
passion to pursue the journey. Your dreams are the only things that will bring you closest
to the creator.

For as you give birth to them you truly give birth to yourself.

Do you remember your dreams? The ones that you locked deep inside. The ones that you
were scared to share with your family and friends. Those wishes that you held close to
your heart because you were scared that if you let them go they would be gone forever.
Those secret longings of your sacred self. The silent sunsets of your heart.

Of course you do.

It's Time For You To Dream Your Highest Thought Into Existence

Dare to dream again. Don't be afraid to have dreams. Dreams that are your own. Dreams
that stretch your limits. Dreams that challenge your current way of life. Dreams that keep
you awake all night because you don’t want to lose that stream of inspiration.
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Dreams can frighten you because it’s through these visions of yourself that you realize
your potential is unlimited. That what you’re doing right now is not good enough. That the
life you dream about other people are living in this moment. People that aren't smarter, or
prettier or luckier than you. Just people that have had the courage to risk it all and dream.

It's time for you to dream your highest thought into existence.

It's time to create a new vision of yourself.

You have the chance to step beyond your current mold and your current life so that you
can go for your dreams.

Dream And Live Your Dreams One Day At A Time

Understand deep within your heart that you're never given a dream without being given
the strength and courage to see it through. All dreams take time. All dreams take
planning. All dreams take hard work and a strong heart.

Think of the morning when you wake, by passively starting your day without a thought or
glance the dreams of the night before slip from your memory. It's the same for the dreams
that are locked within you.

You need to give your dreams attention, focus and care. They need to be nurtured and
brought to life. Dream and live your dreams one day at a time. Step by step. It'll be those
same steps, made so long ago, that will lead you to your paradise.

Be patient. Be persistent. Be a dreamer.

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Ask For Your Dreams

The world needs dreamers. Life rewards the dreamers and believers. Don't be swayed by
the dream stealer's. Don't be influenced by the fears of others.

As you begin to dream you will have to fight. You will fight against yourself and a world
that's afraid of you realizing your dream. For many within the world are afraid to dream
and they will project their fears on you.

By pushing on, by going the distance, by living with the hardships and the rejections, life
will ultimately step aside and allow you through. Life will give you what you ask of it. So
why not ask for it all. Ask for your dreams.

Day 11 Exercise

Create A Dream Book

Today's task is to start a dream book. I want you to take 9 sheets of paper and set them
aside. There are 9 major areas of life according to Feng Shui and they are:

1) Knowledge & Wisdom

2) Family & Physical Health
3) Wealth & Prosperity
4) Fame and Reputation
5) Love & Intimate Relationships
6) Children & Creativity
7) Travel & Helpful Friends
8) Career & Life Path
9) Spiritual Health & Wellbeing

First I want you to really take some time to think about each of these areas of your life.
Really reflect on them. Is their current state something that makes you proud? Do you feel
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good when you think about a certain area and why? Really take the time to analyze your
life and truly begin to see if it's worthy of you.

Then secondly, on those nine sheets of paper I want you to begin to create goals for each
area. Make them outlandish as well. Don't be realistic here. This is about being honest
with yourself and truly dreaming and being brave enough to do so.

Thirdly, after you've created this list start to create a 1% plan. A 1% plan is where you
begin to take 1% more action then you did before to creating your dreams. Even if that
means really sitting down and doing so. Honestly creating the vision for your life.

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DAY 12
"A soul with purpose found is the light by which the world is guided."

The world has been wandering aimlessly toward its own annihilation. Countless
generations have forgotten the connection that we have to the divine, the world and to
each other. We have feared life and in turn have become afraid of one another. We have
set our sights on a happiness that is without never coming to know the bliss that awaits us

But this is all starting to change. Our perceptions of ourselves is beginning to shift. Our
focus is now being polarized to deeper truths that resonate with a silent calling that we
feel in the depths of our beings. We now can feel a greatness that is within. A power that
seeks expression. A dream that’s calling out to us. Begging for our attention. Yearning for
birth and desperate for a chance to live.

Use Your Time To Be And Understand Who You Are

Many people are now waking up to a deep question the drives them to search out new
answers. A question that until recently we were all afraid to ask. But it’s only in the asking
that we're able to solve the riddle of our own existence.

And what's the question?

What is my purpose?

I hear this question whispered from the depths of your being. I hear the words that so
seldom are spoken. These soft cries from within your heart.

Don't toil at the task of finding out what you want to be or do, but use your time to be and
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understand who you are.

Know That You Entered Into A Sacred Covenant With Life Long Ago

My beautiful child, plans for you have been written across the stars and it’s your duty
upon which to discover the secret song that is written within your heart. Unlock yourself
so that the forces of the universe may flow through you and manifest within the world the
treasures of which love wants to share with you. Riches once found that can be shared
with all the world.

For the world needs the splendor and miracles that only you can bring into existence.

Know that you entered into a sacred covenant with life long ago. A sacred agreement
between the two of you for your growth, development and ultimate purpose. A purpose to
be found within the situations that you find yourself in, the people that are drawn to you,
and the fire that burns within your heart.

These are the clues.

These are the markers.

These are the signs that will lead you to the great discovery of your true self.

Without Purpose You Wouldn't Exist.

All throughout the ages the great Masters have said, “Know Thyself”

You have a purpose. You have a reason to be alive. A reason and purpose that you have
chosen for yourself. Your responsibility is to uncover it. You must look for the clues that
are hidden all around and within you.
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They're there, waiting for you to unlock the secret mystery of your life.

Understand that nothing is meaningless. Nothing in this life is without reason. Nothing
without purpose. Without purpose you wouldn't exist.

The Life Force That Flows Through Everything Also Flows Through You

Your purpose has been given to you and is locked within the stillness of your heart. Listen
carefully to the whispers of your being. Don't be rushed. Don't worry about what others

Be firm within yourself and listen to your heart's song. For joy is your divine right and
happiness is your sacred inheritance.

Everything in the universe has a purpose. The life force that flows through everything also
flows through you. That flow seeks expression. The expression that is to be made manifest
through your hands, words, and your dreams.

Listen to the movements of your heart. Act upon the drives of your spirit. Seize the
mysterious events that are brought forth to you through "coincidence". Then begin to
realize that there's no such thing as coincidence. Those moments are the times when
you've recognized the magic and wonder of a responsive universe. Where you've been in
alignment with purpose. Where you've become a drop of water within the ocean of life.

When You're Seized With Purpose Nothing Is Impossible

Everything exists for a reason. Every person. Every piece is placed so, for you to see, to
understand and to unlock the potential of your life.

Be firm in the fact, that if you should knock, if you should ask, if you should stay firm and
weather the storms of doubt and indecision, the doors of your life will be blown open by
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love. The winds of purpose will sweep you to places your mind could never have

When you're seized with purpose, the purpose of your being, nothing is impossible.


And as you begin to blaze forth upon the path of love, of which your purpose will direct,
you will begin to discover an untapped reservoir of potential and possibilities that have
been hiding in wait for you to discover them.

You are a shining light.

Unleash your brilliance and realize that a soul with purpose found is the light by which the
world is guided.

Strive For Action And Combine That Action With An Awareness

'But what is it that one is supposed to do?' I hear your heart ask.

Anything. Something. Start now in this moment, in this instance, and hold firm within
your heart that you will find the treasure that is hidden within. Don't wait, for in the
waiting comes the hesitation and the doubt, both of which will hinder your growth and
your dreams.

Push on and push forward. Don't wait for all the answers. By then it may be too late. Don't
hold yourself back from the wonderment of your life just because you want to wait until
you're ready. Don't wait until you're sure. Don't wait until you're confident. For what life
rewards most is your attempts. Be them futile. Be them misplaced. Be them unguided. For
in those moments the magic of your life and the mystery of yourself shall be revealed.
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Strive for action and combine that action with an awareness of service for the betterment
of yourself, your neighbors and the world of which you live.

There are many decisions and choices that you are faced with along the path of your life.

Choose to decide what to do with this brief moment of time that you have been blessed
with. Seize this time and be alive in life.

Realize Now That There Is A Power Within Calling You

Thinking and wondering about what life is and what it should be is the vice upon which
your life will be grasped. Break free from it. Begin now to shake yourself free from the
inertia of your indecision. Jump into the wonderment of your life and the purpose of
which your life has been created to fulfill.

Look at life through the eyes of a child, for you're truly a child of life. When you watch
children you can see that they are curious and courageous. They venture out into the
unknown world with their hearts open and the twinkle of mystery and amazement in their
eyes. They still remember and trust in the security of life and the love of all.

Be as a child. Find the wonderment in life again. See its innocence. Experience the magic
of it. For it's magical if you so choose to see it that way.

Realize now that there is a power within calling you. Answer that call and your life will
never be the same.

Day 12 Exercise
The Life Purpose Exercise
This exercise was created by Arnold M. Patent, spiritual coach and author of You Can
Have It All. His most recent book is The Journey. You can visit his website @
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 66


1) List two of your unique qualities, such as enthusiasm and creativity.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

2) List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others,
such as to support and to inspire.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

3) Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? How is everyone
interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer as a statement,
in the present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect world as you see it and
feel it. Remember, a perfect world is a fun place to be.

EXAMPLE: Everyone is freely expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in
harmony. Everyone is expressing love.





4) Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.

EXAMPLE: My purpose is to use my creativity and enthusiasm to support and inspire

others to freely express their talents in a harmonious and loving way.
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Once you've determined and written down your life purpose, read it everyday, preferrably
in the morning. If you have to go back to your dream book and change your goals to be
focussed on your purpose in life. As well begin to make choices that reflect a life that s
worthy of you and your new found purpose. Below you'll find my life purpose.

My Purpose In Life...
My purpose in life is to use my joy and creativity to awaken and inspire people to heal, to
love, and to live a life that is full of magic and wonder.

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DAY 13
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer
to the problem of human existence."
Eric Fromm

Loving begins with loving yourself. If you can't love your self you can never truly love to
your greatest glory. You will never truly understand the amazing power that sleeps within
you. Please begin to open yourself up to the unimaginable power and drive upon which
this world has been created.


As you permit yourself to love and feel love, turn that sensation, that unstoppable power,
that current of the divine, outward and share it with the world.

Knowledge, wisdom & understanding stand aside to the power of love. For love is the
strongest of all. Love is the wisest. Love pierces and touches every heart.

It's in love that we seek to connect to each other. It's in love that all barriers dissolve. It's
in love that we truly begin to know ourselves. So above all else love and become wise to its
wisdom. For it's truly the only power that will transform the world.

Where There's Love, There's Life

Love has many faces, many colors, many experiences.

Love is awareness, understanding, patience, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and

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Love is all things good.

Love is the master key which opens the gates to your bliss.

Love reaches its hands outwards and seeks to make contact with all things, and with all

Where there is love, there is life. If you fear love you fear life. Be strong in love. Gain
strength from it. Find your life in it. Don't fear the power that will come through loving.
For you were not created for fear. Fear is for the weak. Love is the true strength. The true
power. The true sign of courage. For love leads us where we never know and forces us
bravely toward the best of ourselves.

So be brave. Be love.

Love Is A Power That Transforms

Love is a sacred flame that transforms all those that touch it.

And what of the people that carry this torch of love?

They are the true masters of life. For it is through their lives that the world comes alive.
And their voice is a song of hope that lifts us high to our dreams. And in our silence we
salute them. For we know that words could never repay our debts. All we can do is to live
our lives with purpose and maybe from our own paths of passion we will thank them for
all of eternity.

Love is a power that transforms. A treasure that must be shared. A river overflowing.

Such is the same with the sacred essence of your self. So allow yourself to finally see and
know the priceless value of your life. Realize the amazing jewel that you are. For you are
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sacred and precious. You are important. You are special. Your need for love and to share
that love is intrinsic within you. Acknowledge that love and help to affirm it in others.

Be present to the love that is your life and start to cherish the wonderful child of love that
is your self. For you are made to feel love and to be loved.

Love Just As A Concept Is Just A Thing, Just A Word

As you give yourself permission to feel the deep and rooted love that lives inside of you,
you will then begin to comprehend eternities love for you and all of creation. You will
become aware of the tremendous wave of love the flows through all eternity. Once that
love is revealed, you can't but help to begin to want to share it with others.

Love just as a concept is just a thing, just a word. But love as a whole encompassing feeling
and belief that issues forth from the depths of your heart is pure and magical. It’s the force
of life.

It’s life itself.

It's the only true power that will lead us on to our own greatness and change us into our
sacred and divine selves. For the fires of love seek to purify. Sanctifying you and making
you aware of the holy essence of your life.

Let The Fire Of Your Heart Burn Forth A Blazon Path Of Love

Love is creative energy and needs to be expressed. Its deepest desire is to be given life
through you. To be given freely from you. And to be shared by you with all the people that
you encounter.

It's the unlimited power of love that has brought about the most wonderful thing on this
planet.You. See your beauty. Accept it. Be proud of it. Believe in it. Please stop holding it
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back from yourself and the world. It's so desperately needed. Please let the fire of your
heart burn forth a blazon path of love that sears through the fear and hate that has
encased the lost souls that are here and around you at all times.

Let Your Love Bloom

Once you have come to know the immense power of eternities love, which is your love, all
that is asked of you is to share that love with the world. Then, from that immense power,
the shock-waves of that love can then flow through you, become you, and then be released
into a greater and more powerful force.

Begin to love. Start now, in this instance, in this moment. Love. Love unconditionally.
Love everything and everyone. Love for the sake of love itself. Surrender yourself to the
transmutable gift that love is trying to complete in you, for you, and through you.

As the flower can bring about the release of the love within a single heart, so to can the
garden of humanities love bring forth the release of all hearts. Let your love bloom, mesh,
and mingle within the garden of all.

For love is the highest law.

Day 13 Exercise

I Love You Meditation Technique

This meditation is great. I love doing it while walking down the street, traveling on the
subway during rush hour, or at work.

This technique can be done anytime and anywhere. For best results do it all day long and
especially during times where all the world seems stressed out and on the brink of chaos.

Whenever you see someone, walk by someone, sit beside someone, talk to someone, think
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of someone, hear someone speaking hold the thought within your mind, "I Love You."
That's not all...try to really FEEL that love for them.

That's the true secret to this method. You have to stop yourself and in that moment you
really need to generate the Love Presence. You embody that love and you share it. Don't be
cheap about it. Begin to feel deeply within your being the love that seeks to express itself
and connect with all the world.

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DAY 14
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
Mahatma Gandhi

Forgiveness is a double sided sword that pierces both hearts so that the sacred source of
life may become free once more. In that magical moment of when forgiveness happens the
essence of our hearts are mingled in a moment of honesty. We become bare to the
nakedness of each other and begin to see clearly into the truth of life.

And deep within, we have a certainty that we may try a little harder next time as we
venture out into the experience of ourselves.

I forgive you.

Please forgive me.

Who could imagine that three little words could have such tremendous power. That these
words, backed with a deep heartfelt sincerity, could bring the strongest of men to their
knees. That these simple words can set free a person that has long been a slave to their
own suffering.

We’re All Moving Toward A Deeper Awareness Of Ourselves

Forgiveness is awareness. Awareness that there's still tremendous room to grow. To learn.
To love. To experience life to its fullest. For we're all trying our best. So in those moments
where we forgive and when we are forgiven we are reminded that we're still living. That
we're all in this together. That there are moments where your reminded of the adventure
of life and the courage it takes to live it fully.
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Mistakes happen. Be free of the guilt. Be free of blame. Be free to make mistakes. We’re all
moving toward a deeper awareness of ourselves. We’re all unfolding our lives before us.
We’re all trying to step bravely forward into the greater parts of ourselves. And we may
forget that we’re not perfect. That our new found awareness is still being awakened. So be
gentle with each other. Care for one another. And step forward bravely into life.

Move Forward With Mindfulness

We're going to bump some shoulders along the way. Be aware. Don't beware. Awareness is
rooted in love. Awareness is mindful, alert, and alive. But to beware is to be fearful and

The new world doesn’t need fear. You don’t need to be afraid. Where is the joy in it?
Where is the spontaneity? There's no room for joy in fear.

So make mistakes and be kind with yourself. Learn from them.

Begin to understand yourself. For in that moment you were unaware. You were

Get up, ask for forgiveness, and move on. Move forward with mindfulness. Move toward
your future with love and awareness. Try. Try your best to not do it again. You must try

Forgiveness Is Love In Motion

Keep on growing. Grow with awareness. Grow into yourself. Begin to bloom into the
beauty of your lives.

Forgiveness is love in motion. A movement that brings us toward each other and sets us
straight upon the path of life once more. It gives us a brief glance into the humanity of our
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lives. The tenderness of our own hearts. The delicate nature of all the world.

So be strong and forgive. Be kind and let yourself be forgiven. For it's forgiveness that
rights all wrongs and unleashes the great magic of our lives once more.

Day 14 Exercise

The Forgiveness Exercise

Gather yourself a pen and some paper. Go to a quite room and close the door as to not be

One of the pages is going to be used to forgive yourself and the other page is going to be
used to forgive others.

Whichever you feel more drawn to start with begin with that. On the paper set aside
for forgiving others I want you to title it, I FORGIVE YOU, and on the one for yourself I
want you to title it, I FORGIVE MYSELF.

Begin to write out all the things that it is time to truly forgive others for. Be them large or
small. Family, friends, or society. Make a quick list of them. Once the list is done I want
you to write something out that's similiar to the following structure:

Dear (Put their first name here),

I've been meaning to tell you this for sometime now and I believe that the time has finally
come tp get this off my chest. I'm starting my new life and it's time for me to move on and
one of the ways I'm going to do this is by forgiving.

I'm not sure if you know this but (insert what they did that hurt you here - write out how it
hurt you and for how long - write out any deep held feelings that you may have had or still
may have - go deep into everything that this incident has affected in your life - be as
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detailed as neccesary).

But like I said earlier the time has come to move on. I want a fresh start. I want to change.
I HAVE changed. I can feel myself growing and awakening more and more each day.

I have now realized that the time has come to do this. To truly release myself from this
pain and any memory I have of it.


I forgive you. (As you write these words I need you to truly feel it. Even if you have to write
them out over and over again. You must generate a feeling of forgiveness in order to
facilitate a release.)

Sign your name.

Be sure at some point after this process is done that you destroy this paper in some
manner. I like bringing the paper with me to the middle of an open field at midnight on a
full moon. I'll dig a little hole in the ground because this is where I am going to set fire to
the paper to finalize the process. I take some time to sit still and be present to the beauty
and magic of the night. When I feel ready I'll say the letter out loud and then when I feel
that the full release has happened I'll set fire to the paper making sure that it is contained
in the hole that I have dug.

The Simple Forgiveness Technique

Generate the feeling..hold the person within your mind...and say the words "I Forgive

The Forgiveness Prayer © Ian Paul Marshall

There is One Power. One Presence. One Love. One Sacred Heart. One Burning Flame. A
Single Feeling of Love that fills and flows through all of existence. A power that transforms
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 77

and renews all of life. A mighty embrace that draws everyone near. A love that is always
given freely and fully.

That love is my love. That love flows through me now.That flame burns within my own
heart. That power transforms and renews me always. And I know for certain that I am
continually held within Loves embrace.

In this moment I forgive myself. I accept forgiveness in every aspect of my life. I release
myself from these chains that have shackled my heart. I embrace myself gently and I
choose now to be present in this moment. And I declare that I will step forward bravely
upon the path of my own life with awareness.

In this deep silence I forgive all those who have done me wrong. I realize now that we're
all trying our best. I know now that I am loved and I'm certain that my heart will heal. I
am filled with love and courage and I bless and embrace everyone in my life.

I am eternally grateful for this feeling. I'm thankful for this moment. I'm thankful for all
the wonderful people and experiences that I have had in my life. I am ready and willing to
my forward for the rest of my days with love and compassion.

My words are full of passion, power and truth. I release them to the sacred and universal
law of life. I know now that the truth that as I have said it so is it done.

And so it is.


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DAY 15
"Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the
inevitable result of a heart burning with love."
Mother Teresa

The times we're in are magical and joyous times. Once again we will reclaim our
innocence, a wide eyed wonderment that is amazed with life. A meditation that moves us
to dance. For within that moment we have found our fullness, a wellspring of joy that
seeks expression, a feeling that wants to burst free.

And once we have poured forth our joy and emptied ourselves completely, we shall be
filled once more so that we may renew life, and infuse the world with our laughter which is
the sweetest of prayers. For it is the power of our joy that transforms all the world and
frees the energies that are trapped within our lives.

Run, Soar, Laugh and Play

Be not afraid to act the fool and play the clown. The world needs to smile more. The world
needs to feel the release of their fears through the power of laughter.

People grow old and they grow up. They forget the playful freedom of rolling down hills
and making castles in the sand.

Let go of your stern faces and smile. Find the freedom once again in the sound of your
own happiness and in the silliness of your own joyous life. Be alive with joy and refuse to
box yourselves in by ideas of what others deem as appropriate behavior. Let them live
within the confines of their own prisons while you float freely with the wind.

Run and soar. Laugh and play.

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We are all children of the earth no matter what age we may be.

There is a giggling wakefulness deep within your being and once you make contact with its
radiant purity your consciousness shall shift. And you will find a new sense of freedom
within playfulness of your own hearts.

Your Joy Is Like A Flowing River Renewing All Of Life

From the ever-present foundation of the world springs forth the bubbling sound of joy.
Like a resonant chord that has been struck by a master musician. The harmony of which
unites all the world.

Come into harmony with that music now.

Infectious and contagious, let it fill your whole being so that others will see the effects of
your current state of mind, body and speech. Breathe in the fragrant joy of life.

Use children as the key to that joy and seek out their games and fantasy. Go forth and play
within the world of your joyous heart. The deep sandbox of your sacred self. Existence is
giggling there. For eternity knows that this life is merely a dream, a play, a fantasy, of
which we all play our small part.

See the dream world of which you live and the absurdity of seriousness. It's madness. You
need to laugh to release the pressure. Smile and release.

Remember to be full of joy and you will find that you are joyful. So full that you will be
overflowing with love. Like a flowing river renewing all of life.
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Exercise Day 15
Today's exercise is extremely easy. Take some time out tonight to laugh. Below you find a
list of some very funny movies. It is true what they say, "Laughter is the best medicine."

Little Miss Sunshine

Shaun Of The Dead
Hot Fuzz
Knocked Up
The Full Monty
As Good As It Gets
American Beauty
American Pie
Napoleon Dynamite
Clerks 2
Caddy Shack
National Lampoons European Vacation
National Lampoons Vacation
Dazed and Confused
Taledega Nights
Old School
Wedding Crashers
There's Something about Mary
American Pie
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American Pie 2
American Wedding
Liar Liar
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
The Mask
Van Wilder
Life of Brian
Holy Grail
Waynes World
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me
Austin Powers: Gold Member
Love Guru
Planes Trains and Automobiles
The Three Amigoes
Father of the bride
Harold and Kumer go to White Castle
Forest Gump
Toy Story
A Christmas Story
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Naked Gun
You Don't Mess With The Zohan

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DAY 16
"I think the great livers, the people who are fully self-actualizing and alive,
are the great givers."
Mark Victor Hansen

As we move forward into our new found power we'll start to realize that we are boundless
and infinite. That there is a plenitude within our person. That the abundance we seek
should not be sought for our own benefit alone. And that the truth of giving is in the
offering of ourselves.

Give of your time. Give of your words. Give your smile. Give your love. Give yourself. Do
not reserve your giving for those you deem to be fit for your offerings. Where would the
benefit be in that? Give to all people.

Begin to work from a place of abundance.

Understand that your hands will be made full. Full so that they made be made empty
again. Empty so that they may hold new riches.

Giving Is A Moment Of Power

Giving happens here. Giving happens now. Giving happens with you.

You are merely the caretaker of the abundance currently within your care. So be free in
your graciousness. When we give we must begin to understand that it is us who is blessed
with an opportunity to practice our charity.

If you truly want to change the world and effect others you need to make your life the
inspiration. Your own story is the gift you will give to others. For they will look to you and
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 83

maybe find the hidden potential of their own self.

Our Sacred Earth Is Always Giving Freely Of Herself

Giving is a moment of power and the sharing of that power. For in the instant that you
give you remind that person of the strength that’s inside of them. You show them that
they’re not forgotten. You spark a hope that has lain sleeping.

And in that moment all you can do is pray that you have awoken a sleeping giant. And
when that giant begins to roar, the sound of their new found voice, awakens many.

We are always taking from the world but are we giving in equal amounts. Look to nature
and the earth. Our sacred earth is always giving freely of herself. Showing us our own
potential. Silently inspiring us to our own greatness.

Be at ease with yourself and let the infinite flow of life begin to move through.

When we give we travel beyond ourselves and touch the true heart of humanity. For deep
within each of us is an awareness that as it is given so to is it offered back to us. So begin
to give and you will begin to grow.

Day 16 Exercise
This Exercise is all about giving. Choose an organization that is doing some good work
within the world that you believe in and choose to give to it's cause. A true stretch would
be committing to monthly contributions. That way you are in a constant state of grace, a
perpetual loop of gratitude, and permanent place of plenty.

If you don't know where to start you can help me achieve my goals and support the Spread
The Net campaign. As of this writing the team that I'm a part of has helped to save 106
children from contracting Malaria.
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For me this just seemed like a no brainer.


Simple, quick and easy.

Imagine being able to say that you actually saved a life this year. Think about that for a
second. You can actually save someone's life for only 10 Bucks. That's just crazy. For the
cost of lunch you can actually give a child a chance and provide them with an opportunity
to experience this beautiful thing called life.

Wow just amazing.


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DAY 17
"Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll
need no other light."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As we begin to awaken into our own new dawn a new light begins to flood our minds. A
new form of wisdom begins to take hold. We find a source of timeless wisdom begin to
pour forth through us. We start to come into harmony with the knowledge of life and the
earth itself begins to reveal her mysteries to us.

The secret patterns of existence lie down naked before our eyes and the infinite
connection of all things becomes apparent in every aspect of our lives.

We start to become a magnet to all those that seek and our radiance begins to shine before

It is then in those moments that we need to stay grounded and realize that we are mere
channels of this light. That the words flow through us. That the power which pours forth
into the world comes from a far greater source than we can ever imagine.

We need to never make the error of allowing ourselves to be the source of the way or the
way to the source.

The Truest Goal Is To Inspire Others

Realize that your gifts have been given to you for a greater purpose. That purpose is to
dispel the illusions of hatred and fear by being peace and love.

The magic of your life is the message of your maker. That the truest goal is to inspire
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others to dive deep into the life that lives inside them.

Help others feel the peace that is within their own hearts. Help them to know the
awesome power of love that dwells within them and surrounds them always. Be true and
strong unto yourself and make yourself firm within the embrace of the eternal source of

For those who seek may your words be of truth and understanding.
For those who are weak and weary provide them with comfort and rest.
For those who have stumbled and fallen, lift them up and make firm their feet.
For those who have erred in their judgment, judge not and help them to find knowledge so
they may not err again.
For those who have been sleeping within the slumber of the mundane world, awaken their
And for those who wish to soar, help them spread their wings, so they may leap into the
winds of their own greatness.

The Knowledge And Wisdom Of The Universe Is Open For You

Worry not in regards to your merit but let flow the love and wisdom of ages. Claim not the
power for yourself but give the glory unto a higher source that comes through you.

Understand that with any challenge that you face you are given all that you need to be
triumphant. Fear not the dark places in the hearts of men. See only sacredness within
them. Be love, be light and decide to shine within the darkness so that others may find
their way through the night.

Oh blessed and awakened child of light, the knowledge and wisdom of the universe is open
for you to know and understand. Educate your mind through the path of your heart. Trust
in the eternal wisdom that is stored within your heart.
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What you don't know now will be revealed to you upon the asking.

Use the flow of life to steer your choices and guide your spirit to the wisdom of ages. Fear
not the learned men of knowledge for they hide behind their armor of education. Hide not
behind the thoughts of others but begin to think and know for yourself.

Let go of what you think you know and know.

Ask and it shall be given to you.

The questions of the morn will give way to answers by the night. Look for guidance while
being the guide. Understand that by being quiet you will hear the still small voice within.

Ask and listen.

See clearly in every moment, for in that moment the answers to your questions reside. The
still small voice within you is always speaking. It always answers. It waits for your heart to
hear, for its wisdom is soft and soothing, for it speaks the language of love.

Think Not That Your Good Deeds And Soft Voice Go Unnoticed

You are a small part of the One Love. Your heart beats in time with the sacred rhythm of
life itself.

But some cannot hear the call. Some cannot feel the resonant hum of the universal note
played throughout time. It's for them that you have been called. Called to your task. Called
to your duty.

Use the tools you may find within your grasp to transform the energies that have
stagnated or become still. These energies become paralyzed and frozen by fear and hate.
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Through a smile and a kind word many a hardened heart can be saved. Think not that
your good deeds and soft voice go unnoticed. For eyes are always upon you. Especially
from those who have fallen.

Be Love, Be Light

Be kind. Spread joy and laughter. Release the tension of these times by finding the light
freedom of your giggling heart. In every moment, in every place, you are in the service of
the most high.

Be a light in all times and all places.

Fear not the places of where you may be sent. For you are always under the protection and
love of the universal law of life.
There's no good in placing a candle within the rays of the sun. But the smallest light within
the deepest night may be a beacon for all to find comfort within the chaos of a world of
separation and fear.

Be love. Be light.

Hold firm to those lost ones throughout the night and guide them to the light of the
radiant morn.

Day 17 Exercise
In every moment of this day embrace your wisdom. Begin to truly reveal the light that is
hidden within you. Bear witness to the truth of your spirit for you are wise beyond your

Be mindful of your thoughts and words. Seek out opportunities to decide upon what you
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If someone says "I have a question." I want you to reply "I have an answer".

Be confident that the wisdom is within and all shall be revealed to you only if you trust
that it will.

For those who seek may your words be of truth and understanding.
For those who are weak and weary provide them with comfort and rest.
For those who have stumbled and fallen, lift them up and make firm their feet.
For those who have erred in their judgment, judge not and help them to find knowledge so
they may not err again.
For those who have been sleeping within the slumber of the mundane world, awaken their
And for those who wish to soar, help them spread their wings, so they may leap into the
winds of their own greatness.

Use this day to be of service to all those that you meet.

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DAY 18
"The miracle cure is really a deep awareness and certainty that; You are
healed, you are whole and all the curative power within the universe dwells
within you and flows through you in every moment of your life."

To truly change your health you must change your mind. It's within your mind that the
root of illness should be sought. If you're sick in body you have a sickness within your
mind. Some form of wrong thought has made its home within the abode of your thoughts.

You must be determined as well because you'll never be healed until healing is all that you

Be aware. Every thought that you think affects you. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

The mind loves to chew on problems, fears, anger and a whole array of life taking
scenarios. Let them go and if your mind is to be focused, bring its attention to the eternal
newness of the now.

Or bring your awareness to focus on peace, love, and health.

When you wake in the morn have love and thanks on your lips. Say to the world; 'I am of
pure body, pure speech, and pure mind.'

I am pure.

I am healthy.

I am.
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The power of your mind is greater than any prognosis. The desire of your heart is greater
than any disease. The loving intention of your will is more powerful than any illness.

Understand this oh child of light, you always can enter into the radiant power of pure
presence. The temple of pure light is but a mere breath away.

Where is this sacred place? Where is this secret temple?

The secret place and sacred temple is within you. Go there now, to this inner shrine and
clear away the clutter of wrong thoughts. Alight the flame of pure being now.

Pure Body. Pure Speech. Pure Mind.

Purity is your true and holy essence.

Exercise Day 18
The root issue of all dis-ease and any type of issue within your life is because of a lack of
love. Self-Love.

That's right. All the disease and lack within our lives can be traced back to us not loving
ourselves. So let's start to love ourselves today.

Have your daily mantra and affirmation be "I Love Myself."

An extended version of this is "I Love Myself Exactly As I Am."

To really feel the full effect of this exercise try it while looking at yourself within a mirror.
Again to truly have the magic of the exercise work for you there must be the FEELING of
love present while you say the words "I Love You."

When we begin to love ourselves we set loose an infinite power that transforms all of life.
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An energy that seeks to express itself through us. Changing ourselves from within and
setting us upon a path of greatness. When we open ourselves up to the absolute power of
love we become receptive to the ultimate source of life which is pure joy, pure bliss, pure
love. A magnificence that dwells within the heart of all humanity.

So begin today to love yourself. Start now and repeat these words all throughout your day.

“I Love Myself.”

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GOD 2.0
DAY 19
"God is dead."
Friedrich Nietzsche

The concept of a distant god living in the skies watching our every move is now being put
to rest. And this is a good thing, for in the death of this idea is the birth of our freedom. In
that freedom is an adventure. A journey into ourselves.

For in the past we have been told about God, but now and in the future will be encouraged
to know for ourselves the true and deep experience of Godliness. We will be driven toward
having our own spiritual insight of the deep and golden singing silence of all creation.

We are being reminded that we're spiritual beings having an physical experience. You will
begin to hear God referred to in new and expanded ways. The new world demands it.
Craves it. The times to come require a new paradigm, not only for ourselves and how we
look at and relate to each other but in our relationship to the ultimate source of reality.

For In The Silence Is All There Is To Know

Maybe even the best way to convey the new form of God and our relation to it would be
not to speak at all. For in that silence is all there is to know. For as you come closer to the
mystery and presence of the one true source of life words will escape you.

The new human needs no creeds, priests, or dogma's. No holy books or commandments.

For each and every one of us will soon come to realize that we are a living testament of life.
That within each of us is a boundless realm of potential yearning for us to make contact
with it. Urging us to be grounded in its presence. To be aware of its wonder.
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We will finally hear the silent whisper that speaks to our heart calling us to turn inwards
and touch and feel its radiant power.

There will be no need for the proof of God. For how can you prove an experience? How
can you convey to a person what the holy water of life tastes like? You can't. All you can do
is experience it, drink it, and be it. And maybe then they will be inspired by the glowing
spark of life that burns in your eyes to go off on their own holy quest.

Your presence will be the affirmation of greatness. It will remind them of their own power.
It will unlock within them a deep and hidden desire to explore the pure potentiality of
their own self.

Non-Conceptual, Ever-Fresh, Self-Shining, Presence Awareness

The new concepts of God which will be used to help guide the world will be abstract.
Words, ideas and inspirations that will unlock a desire within you to search out for that
experience contained within every aspect of your life. Ideas that expand your

Ideas like the Absolute. Spirit. The One. The True Source of All. The Great "I AM".
Universal Conscious Mind. Non-conceptual, ever-fresh, self-shining, presence awareness.
Radiant Clear Light. Limitless Bliss.

We will come to know with certainty that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and

All knowing, everywhere present, and the only true source of all our power.

What we're looking for is some way to relate to the immensity of existence. So be at ease
with yourself. For you are the tree and God is the earth. You are the flower and God is the
fragrance. You are the wave and God is the ocean. You are the cloud and God is the sky.
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You are the star and God is the universe.

Don’t waste your time seeking for God but go in a search of yourself. For the pure essence
of your being is forever joined in a sacred union with the Supreme Source of Life. And that
is where ultimately your true journey shall begin.

We're Looking For Is Some Way To Relate To The Immensity Of Existence

If you want to know God then begin to know yourself. For within the great depths of your
being is the eternal vastness of Spirit. The Shining Light of Life. The Radiant and Divine
Wisdom of Ages. The Sacred Flame of Love.

Lovely child, say these words out loud and cast your fear to the wind.


Say them again.


"I" is the individual and creative expression of the one God made manifest within you and
through you.

"AM" is the stillness of eternity, the power of potentiality, the source of all existence, the
place where all things rest and which may be found within you. It is the place of pure and
unlimited possibilities.

"GOD" is the universal expression of all things. The everything. The me, the you, the trees,
the animals, the planets, and everything in between. The unseen intelligence. The oneness
that is shared by all. The oneness that may be found and described through you. For in
you can be found the mystery to it all.
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You are both the micro and macrocosm. You are the space and the space dust. You are
heaven and earth. Light and darkness. All things become oneness within you.

Once you begin to feel and experience this Oneness how can you harm another. For in
harming another you are harming yourself. How can you steal from another for you are
stealing from yourself. When you see another you see the "I", the individual expression of
both the stillness and the everything.

Once you can see clearly then truly you shall see God.

We Shall Become Godlike

When you become aware of it presence and practice its perfection through love, kindness,
and awareness, it’s mystery shall be revealed to you. The more you become conscious of it
presence deep within your life the more you become and have your essence filled with its

All the inspiration within the world is merely calling out to you, inspiring you to seek the
inspiration that awaits within. Begging you to dive deep into the ocean of your own self.
For in the future we shall not talk about God and its qualities. We shall become Godlike
and the quality of own sacred self shall be revealed to all those whom we are blessed to

In The Discovery Of Yourself Is The Discovery Of God

For it shall be revealed to them in the light of our eyes, in the joy of our love, within the
power of our words and in the gentle and firm touch of our own hands that seek to reach
out and touch all the world.

In the discovery of yourself is the discovery of God. The more you express the pure
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creative light that dwells within you the more that come to know your source. And in a
single moment you will know that the ultimate reality and source of all of life is unlimited
and infinite for there is a never ending wellspring of creative thought that seeks to be
birthed through you.

And with the unfolding of each new dream that is given to you, an opportunity presents
itself. A chance to know your greatness and a moment to become more and more like God.

So be at peace now. Be aware now. Be God now.

In this moment, in your silence, choose to be.

Day 19 Exercise

Follow this meditation by saying these words out loud until you reach a deep place of
fullness which is the true essence of yourself. Say each line 7 times.

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am
Be still and know that
Be still and know
Be still and
Be still

When you find yourself deep within the field of this amazing resonance sit there quiet and
still. Revel in it's presence. Be aware of it's magnitude. Realize that this wonder is with you
always. All that is necessary is for you to come back to this peaceful place that lives within

The more that we can seek out opportunities to connect with, and touch the true essence
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of life that makes up the very fibre of our being is the more we come in contact with our
true selves. From this new found awareness we then can come to know that all things are
possible. For it is not be our own power that these miracles are done. It is through the
power of the infinite potential that dwells within us that all of life come into existence. The
power of God. An amazing source of infinite supply.

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DAY 20
"Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes - The rest sit round it
and pluck blackberries."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Think not of today as a new day, but as a fresh start and a new life. Upon the morn life is
renewed, the world is refreshed, and you are reborn.

On this day see yourself walking through the temple of awakened awareness, and all that
you bear witness to is sacred beyond measure. Realize that all of life, including yourself, is
vibrating with joy and is held together with love.

How can you not feel awe and wonder while gazing out upon the supreme immensity of

A true first step that the world is taking toward its own amazing revelation is our
awakening to the reverence for all of life.

We're living in a moment where at any time we may find ourselves falling to our knees
because of the sheer beauty of life. Offering heartfelt thanks for the simplest of miracles,
like the wind dancing through the autumn leaves.

The Magic Is There Waiting For You

We're all finally discovering the true magic that surrounds us. If you would but direct your
awareness to the simplest of things, even the tiny blade of grass, if you would but give
yourself into it fully, the universe itself would shutter and lift back the veil of creation.
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In that moment of awakened awareness you would see into the source of all things and the
wisdom of ages would be yours.

This is a time for celebration.

You Spiritual Life Is Your Whole Life

Bathe yourself in the light of the midday sun. Lose yourself in the color of the blue sky.
Sway with the green trees on a spring day. Look upon the stars within the night and
understand that you are from the same dazzling source. The magic is there waiting for
you. The magic is all around you. The magic is you.

Many people within the world are wondering what they can do to help shift humanities
consciousness. They're asking how can they serve. They’re wondering how they can bring
themselves closer to holiness. They feel lost in their dry and routine 9-5 worlds.

Breathe easy for the place you are in is the place of which your work is to be done. Be there
until you're no longer needed to be. Be strong in your presence of peace and joy. Share
that presence with all those around you. Share a kind word and warm embrace.

You spiritual life is your whole life. There should be no difference.

All Work Is Divine Work

While at work, at play or in deep meditation, in every moment bring your mind to rest
upon the presence of pure and radiant awareness that is always available to you.

Turn your days of work and toil into magical experiences. Tune your mind toward love,
and as you do so, you will make every moment, and everything that you do sacred.

You are where you are for a reason. To awaken all those that you encounter to the
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presence of love and awareness. Bring that presence with you everywhere. Be fully present
and aware.

Pray With Your Being And In Turn You End Up Being The Prayer

When the tide of your life is ready to change you will know it, for the currents of love will
sweep you along to new places. You will have become perfect in your efforts and will be
ready to move on to the greater potential of your true self.

Flow freely into every moment. Be present to the sacred magic of this moment wherever
you are. Be peace. Be Joy. Be Love. Be a witness to the real and eternal presence that
dwells inside and is veiled in every aspect of your life.

Be alive and reveal that mystery to everyone you encounter.

All work is divine work.

Tune your thoughts toward a deeper source and be thankful for every waking moment of
your life. Pray with your being and in turn you end up being the prayer. A prayer that you
may share with everyone and bring with you everywhere that you go.

Your work is the work of awareness. Your life is to be alive in that work.

Day 20 Exercise
This days meditation is a waking and walking meditation. This day I would love you to
bear witness to the everyday miracles of your life. Be it from the air that fills your lungs to
the legs that move you down the street. Just become acutely aware of the magic and
miracle of yourself and your life.

I have a simple meditation that I do everyday. I think it's easy for me because I live in the
largest city within Canada so I see lots of people. But whenever I see someone less
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fortunate than myself I give thanks for the many blessings that are in my life.

Say I see someone that is angry or frustrated I give thanks for all the peace in my life. Say
someone walks past me and they're blind I give thanks for my vision. If I see someone
panhandling on the street I give thanks for the roof that's over mine and my families
heads and all of the abundance that is flowing into my life.

On and on this list can go but it's time for you to create your own list. Have fun today!

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DAY 21
"We are all angels with only one wing;
we can only fly while embracing each other."
Luciano De Crecenzo

We have now entered into a time where there is a connectivity to our concern. A
commonness to our caring. A commitment to our compassion.

We're given opportunities daily to reach out beyond ourselves to touch the heart of
another. To go beyond our own boundaries and plunge deep into worlds that stretch our
own capacity to give.

Connectivity is awakening within the world.

Our connection to each other, the planet and even to ourselves For in truth when we begin
to connect with any of these we are really touching and coming into contact with

We've Begun To Expand Our Awareness & Our Conceptions Of Ourselves

Our own personal boundaries are being stretched as we start to realize that the world out
there really began inside our own minds. That in truth we are merely bearing witness to a
reflection of our own hearts.

We have begun to expand our awareness and our own conceptions of ourselves. We have
begun to find a new found freedom in those moments where our simple, everyday
concerns dissolve into worlds far greater than our own.

The world itself is now within our reach, and in an instant we can know and help people
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who are suffering at the far reaches of the earth. Truly our global technological
connectivity is a metaphor for what is happening within our own consciousness.

The truth that what we are bearing witness to within the world has always been there,
hidden within the words of the mystics and prophets, and it's only now that we're able to
see it.

People Have Begun To See That The True World Has No Boundaries

We're beginning to tap into the global mind or grid of conscious awareness. A divine
matrix. A web of life where we're all connected in a giant field of light and resonance. Our
imagination is being stretched as we begin to explore an infinite field of consciousness
that goes beyond our physical selves.

It’s an exciting time as we begin to venture forth into a wonderland of sorts.

Many people are starting to experience this within their dreams. Meeting friends, family
and loved ones there. Sometimes foreseeing what's to come in their future. At times
working out karmic issues. Building new friendships and alliances. Developing new skills,
or laying the groundwork for their journey's ahead.

Some people can do this consciously. They have tapped into the universal grid of
awareness. This infinite field of connectivity that binds us all.

We're All Free And Bonded In Oneness

In either case people have begun to see that the true world has no boundaries. There is
only one race, the human race, and we have started to run into the open arms of each

For it's the trailblazers, or the way-showers that have abandoned all their inhibitions, and
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have given themselves over to their true self. Their sacred self. A self that goes beyond the
limiting constructs of the past and embraces a holistic future that is fully present in this
magical moment.

An amazing awareness that we're all free and bonded in oneness. Connected in a dance of
life. Living in harmony with each other, where our voices ring out loud and strong. A
sacred song that is starting to be sung from the depths of our sacred hearts.

The New World Is A Meeting Of The Heart

This awareness usually starts small. A feeling that someone is staring at you and when you
turn around someone is. You think of someone and they call. You have a dream and it
comes true.

Or maybe a heightened sense of intuition or knowing. A knowing that goes beyond words.

A reconnection with nature begins as well. We start to see the beauty of the world once
more, the magic in the simplest of moments, the fragile web of life that we are all a part of.

The new world is a meeting of the heart, for love is blind to all appearances and seeks to
come in contact with the true aspect of our source. A presence grounded in love.

A true wisdom that we're all connected to each other is becoming apparent. But the depth
of that awareness is just beginning to take root within us all. A knowledge that runs naked
and free. Unashamed of its beauty.

We've Found The Healing Hands Of The Angels & Realized

That They're Our Own

For we now realize that our hearts do beat as one. Our fears of each other are completely
unfounded. That the only way to survive is to work with each other in harmony. That we
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 106

CAN make a difference and our efforts DO effect all the world.

We have found the healing hands of the angels and realized that they are our own. And we
are beginning to know that when we reach out those hands we're really reaching out to

Our compassion is what binds us to all the world.

Day 21 Exercise

This exercise is two-fold:

1) Above I mentioned about a process that we all too carelessly overlook. A sacred calling
that beckons to us all the time.

"This awareness usually starts small. A feeling that someone is staring at you and when
you turn around someone is. You think of someone and they call. You have a dream and
it comes true.

Or maybe a heightened sense of intuition or knowing. A knowing that goes beyond


A reconnection with nature begins as well. We start to see the beauty of the world once
more, the magic in the simplest of moments, the fragile web of life that we are all a part

Once we become aware of a possibility we have taken the first step toward mastering it.

I want you to take these simple moments to the next level and here's how.
• You think of someone out of the blue --- Call them
• You feel drawn to speak to someone across the room --- Go over to them and
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introduce yourself
• You feel drawn to eat a certain type of food --- Eat it
• Your waiting for the bus --- Guess what time it'll come
• Your waiting for your friend --- Guess what they'll be wearing

This is a very simple process that if you stick to it for about six months you will be
completely amazed at the magical worlds that open up to you.

2) Build a connection within your own community. Seek out a meditation group that
meets at the very least monthly and begin to become a regular there. Do your research,
you'll be surprised what you'll find. A good site to check out is

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DAY 22

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that
would suffice."
Meister Eckhart

Gratitude is the mighty wind that sweeps us humbly into the arms of our creator. For it's
by our honest prayers of thanks that we come into harmony with the source of life. A
resonant power that can be found in an instant through the joy of our simple song of

For when we're thankful we infuse our presence with a harmonic frequency that draws
good tidings into every aspect of our lives.

We can then acknowledge our blessings and have a moment to bring our attention in
alignment with pure intention and then whole new worlds open up before us.

Gratitude is the art of an awakened heart.

When we live in a frequency that resonates with the power of gratitude all the good things
that we focus upon multiply.

This Powerful Energy Is Pregnant With Infinite Possibilities

So one of the only true ways to change the world is to give thanks for the amazing things
that are present in our lives right now. When we do that we send shockwaves of love out
from us which transform all the world.

And by focusing upon the gift of the present moment we then begin to create the future
because we have tapped into the awesome power of pure potentiality. This powerful
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energy is pregnant with infinite possibilities and is only accesible in the now.

Know In Your Heart That Heaven Is Here

Gratitude is the secret means that opens our lives to and brings us in contact with our
source. That source contains within it everything within our universe. Once we tap into
that power we then become radiant co-creators of creation.

It's from our good intentions that we can create the world of which we want to live in. And
the speediest way to the source of that power is through the art of and attitude of

Upon waking see the miracle of life before you in all its splendor and all its glory and begin
to give thanks. Know in your heart that heaven is here and through a slight of your hand
and a glance of your eye you have so revealed the illustrious beauty of its kingdom unto

With the playfulness of the wind have your thankful and gracious heart send forth a
message to the world. A message of love with the words of thanks.

Start small. Start now. Start here in this moment. Breathe in deeply and give thanks for
the blessing of life, your life and the magic that is within it.

Be Thankful For Your Life And The Countless Blessings That Are Within It

Giving thanks automatically shifts your energetic frequency into a positive. That positivity
charges the divine matrix that surrounds you and attunes you with the opportunity to
create more. To have more. To be more.

That expansive state not only lifts you up but it also raises the frequency of all the world.
That new burst of energy begins to release your creative genius and when you tap into that
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aspect of yourself anything is possible.

So be thankful for your life and the countless blessings that are within it. For once you can
find the splendor of each moment then truly you have found heaven on earth.

Day 22 Exercise

In order to create an attitude of gratitude we must come into it's resonant frequency. We
must truly feel it within our own being. A true emotion that effects the world around us.

I want you to create a list of things that your thankful for. For some people this may be
hard so start small. For me I love having my morning tea. It gives me such a simple
pleasure that then helps me start off my day feeling thankful and happy. So if I were
starting small I would include my morning tea.

So I want you to write out a list of things that you are thankful for. I want you to keep this
list so that if life seems to be not going your way or you just find yourself in a funk and it's
hard to feel thankful you can run through your list and hopefully by the end of reading the
list your energy will have shifted.

A good way to structure your statement of gratitude would be,

I am thankful for ____________________ (fill in the blank)

A good habit to end your day would be by keeping a gratitude journal. A little daily diary
whereby you find 3-5 things to be thankful for in your day. An extension of this practice is
to send a person from your gratitude journal and thank you postcard. Just be sure that it's
made from hemp or 100% recycled paper. ;)

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DAY 23
"God gave me my money. I believe the power to make money is a gift from
God , to be developed and used to the best of our ability for the good of
mankind. Having been endowed with the gift I possess, I believe it is my
duty to make money and still more money and to use the money I make for
the good of my fellow man according to the dictates of my conscience."
John D. Rockefeller

We're shifting our awareness and changing our attitudes in every area of our lives,
including our thoughts about money. For we're coming to realize that money is not the
root of all evil.

Ignorance and our lack of connected consciousness is.

When we're stuck in a poverty mind set we may say and do things that are harmful. We
lash out and hurt each other because we fail to feel loved and supported. Poverty
mentality is selfish for it affirms a life full of lack and despair. But a wealth mentality is
selfless for it sees abundance everywhere and works for the betterment of all the world.

Money is just a thought, a concept, an idea. Money is not the problem within the world.

Money can be controlled, focused and used as a tool for greatness. As a means to alleviate
suffering. Money can be used to bring your dreams into reality. Be mindful of this.

A Financially Independent And Wealthy You Is Part Of That Picture

Money is a vehicle of which the liberation of people can occur.

You were made to be abundant in all means. And the truth is that you must work toward
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 112

developing the best of yourself. Every aspect of yourself. To be integrated and fully alive
means that you have accepted the total package. The complete you.

A financially independent and wealthy you is part of that picture.

Let The Sacred Spirit Flow Through You Completely And Fully

Society is so geared that money is a necessary tool for its working. So be at ease with the
thought of being rich and financially independent. Living a life of plenty. Exploring the
greater potential of your whole essence.

You wish to be a channel of the divine? So in this moment allow yourself to be it's
instrument and let the sacred spirit flow through you completely and fully.

The desire for a fulfilled life is a hope that is inherit within you. A drive and yearning that
you were born with.

Be A Complete And Whole Expression Of The Divine Current Of Life

The difference between the past and the future is that the financially abundant person of
the new world will infuse their lives with awareness. A higher state of consciousness will
fill their lives, such that in every decision that they make they will see the benefit it has not
only for themselves but for all of humanity.

So choose now to be a complete and whole expression of the divine current of life that is
trying to work through you. Dive completely into the stream of existence. Flow with
abundance and be well in all that you are.

Be not competitive in your quest but be cooperative in your journey. Unleash your
creativity into the world and choose to become a part of the new expansion of the
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 113

Our nature is progressive and moves us toward ever greater aspects of ourselves. We are
on a journey, an adventure of joyous and conscious creation, a mission of our own

Embrace your power and responsibility.

Accept yourself completely and realize that money is a means to achieve your dreams.

Day 23 Exercise
This exercise is multifaceted.

Step One
When your walking through your world begin to notice the abundant nature of the
universe. Look at a lawn and see the infinite supply of grass blades that are there. Look to
a tree and see it's abundance of leaves.

Step Two
A simple affirmation to use throughout your day could be,

"I am abundant." or "Money rushes toward me in copious amounts." or "I make wise
choices with my finances." or a combination of all three.

Step Three
The Prayer of Abundance & Prosperity. Start your day with this prayer. By connecting to
and setting in motion the infinite power of the universe will jump start your day and
propel you to places you never dreamed of. You will set into play the universal law of life
and draw into your life amazing mini-miracles.

Take a moment before you say this prayer to read it over a couple of time to get the feel
and flow of it's rhtyhmn. Once you feel comfortable and confident with the energy of the
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prayer get comfortable and start to breath easily for a minute or two. Once you feel
centered then say this prayer out loud. Be sure that while you say these magical words you
also FEEL the power that is within them. Let this message into your life deeply. Allow this
prayers resonance to take root within your being.

Great Fountain Of Abundance & Prosperity © Ian Paul Marshall

There Is One Source. One Infinite Supply. One Great Fountain of Abundance and
Prosperity. One Magnificent Current Of Energy. One Awesome And Infinite Life Of Pure
Potential. Abundant without end. Giving in all it's ways. A divine life that is full and

That Life is my life. That Energy flows through me. That infinite supply is directed to me
and through me. That Pure Potential is the foundation of my being.

In this moment I now take ownership and responsibility for my finances. I enjoy paying
my bills and I bless them. I see opportunities for creating wealth everywhere and I am
filled with the energy I need to fulfill my dreams.

I now accept abundance in every part of my life and realize that God has meant me to be
prosperous. I respect money and realize now that it is a means to achieve my dreams. I am
aware that I live in a field of infinite abundance and all things are good.

The world gives freely of its gifts to me and as I am filled beyond measure I share this
wealth freely knowing well that there is more to come.

I give thanks for this new found awareness that fills my world and has revealed to me my
abundant nature. And I graciously accept all the abundance that seeks to come to me in
my life now.

I know these words of mine are filled with the awesome power of truth and that the sacred
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laws of the universe are at work now and make all the things that I have spoken real. And
with this certainty I release them now and know it is done.

And so it is.


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DAY 24
"Sex shall be our salvation!"

Does your sacred include sexuality? Have you given thought to this concept? Have you
given yourself permission to be completely creative. For creation is the ecstasy of eternity.

Existence includes everything.

Sex was the doorway which opened wide to give passage to the miracle of your soul.

Sex can never be separated from your spirituality.

You'll meet a teacher, Guru, or spiritual tradition that will teach to avoid sex. They will tell
you that sex is evil or that sex isn't part of your spiritual progression, or some other non-

These People Are Schizophrenic And Their Doctrines Create Madness

But if you pay close attention to these people you will notice something quite peculiar.

These same people are completely focused on sex. All of their energies are centered upon
it. That’s what all their sermons will be about. Avoid sex. Think not of sex. Sex is the root
of all evil and suffering.

Sex, sex, sex.

These people are schizophrenic and their doctrines create madness. They separate you
from yourself. Telling you to walk proud while using only one leg. And yes you can walk on
one leg but you will struggle greatly. You will be off balance. All you will think about is
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using the other leg all the time because deep down inside you will know what you’re doing
is ridiculous. That these thoughts and actions are against your nature.

It May Be That Sex Is The Greatest Teacher Of Transcendence

When you move against your source you create disease. A conflict arises within yourself
leading to a distance between you and you core. Your essence.

If you ever truly want to unleash the full potential of your self you must accept sex.
Embrace it. Be at peace with it. Awaken your passion for life once more.

Sexual energy is spiritual energy. Sexual energy is powerful and creative. Sexual energy is
the energy of transformation.

It may be that sex is the greatest teacher of transcendence. For it’s in sex that we have the
first glimpse and taste of the divine. For sex is meditative. Sex is pure immersion in the
moment. Of losing yourself into bliss.

You Are Pure Ecstasy

For once you go beyond the form you meet the formless. The movement leads to the
motionless. Duality is absorbed into oneness.

For the energy of orgasm lifts us high beyond duality and shoots us deep into the source of
all existence. In that moment of climax you’re no longer here nor there. Your no longer
two people separate and distinct.

All these concepts lose their strength in the moment of orgasm. For you are pure ecstasy,
pure energy, pure feeling, pure bliss.

All supreme states of awakening.

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Day 24 Exercise
There are two different exercises below. One may resonate more with you then the other
but the main purpose of these exercise is to become comfortable with your body and
embrace the fact that you are a sexual being.

Massage Exercise
Before you go to sleep tonight I want you to set aside at least fifteen minutes of me time.
You will need to purchase a nice almond oil or some other form of massage oil for this
exercise. I have a beautiful massage oil that has rose oil in it. If you do choose a scented oil
make sure that the smell resonates with you and that you're not allergic to the ingredients.

Turn down the lights and put on some nice music that preferably is instrumental.
Something subtle that you can play in the background. If you live with other people please
tell them to not disturb you for the next little while.

If you feel compelled, take off all your clothes and get comfortable on the bed. Be sure to
sit in such a way that you can see all your body. I like to prop myself up on some pillows.

Take a few minutes and gaze at yourself. Begin to appreciate your body and let your
thoughts move toward affirmations such as:

“I love myself completely.”

“I AM a sexual being.”

“I embrace my sexuality.”

Then take your massage oil and begin to massage each and every inch of your body. Do
this slowly and fully give yourself over to the movement and the moment. As you massage
yourself continue to say to yourself either outloud or in your mind:
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“I love myself completely.”

“I AM a sexual being.”

“I embrace my sexuality.”

Do the massage until every inch of your body has felt your loving touch. For as your truly
begin to love and appreciate yourself a world of amazing potential and power will begin to
flow through you.

The Mirror Exercise

This exercise is best done while in front of a full length mirror.

Strip down naked but be sure to do this slowly and be mindful of any thoughts or feelings
that may arise. These will give you a clear indicator of some of the issues that you may
have in regards to this issue.

After you've stripped down naked move in front of the mirror. Now stand there still. Don't
say a word just gaze at yourself again being mindful of any thoughts and feelings. See what
will be revealed to you.

After about 5 minutes look in the mirror deep into your own eyes and say to yourself out

"I love you exactly as you are."

Say this over and over until you begin to feel it.

Next I want you to place your hands on your sexual areas. Touch them and embrace them.
Caress them. Be mindful of any feelings and thoughts that you may have. If you become
sexually aroused that's fantastic, just go with the flow, be present to the moment.
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Close your eyes and say to yourself while you caress these areas:

“I love myself completely.”

“I AM a sexual being.”

“I embrace my sexuality.”

Lose yourself to the moment and the exploration of yourself. Notice any feelings that you
may have of shame, fear, and guilt. These will be the key lessons that you will have to
uncover and push past in order to heal.

Sexual healing may be one of the most difficult areas for you to awaken. Be patient with
yourself and have fun. These simple exercises will help you to become complete and whole
once more. A tremendous power and potential will begin to emerge from within you.
Enjoy it and embrace it.

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DAY 25
"God's greatest gift to you is your unlimited potential. Your greatest gift to
God is to use that potential to the fullest."
James Ray

Gone will be the times of churches and synagogues for the new human will be a sacred
temple of spirit. The holy presence of life with them always. They have accepted their
divinity and are doing their part to inspire the world to greatness.

For their eyes pierce deeply into the purity of each person. They know the sacredness of
their source and their essence touches all of life, embracing the beauty of each moment,
walking softly upon a path that leads to the flaming heart of all creation.

The new human accepts life, lives it fully and is totally immersed in it. For they have come
to realize that to reject life is to reject themselves. The difference between the old and the
new is that the old human was drunk with suffering, intoxicated with ignorance, while the
new human is high on humanity and is awake in their own magnificent awareness.

The New Human Is Certain Of Their Power, Wisdom and Love

The new human doesn't’t run from the world but is fully present in it. They have found a
greatness within, a power and strength that goes beyond words, and they have chosen
wisely to nurture that force, to understand the joy of their responsibility, and to create the
world in which they want to live.

The new human is certain of their power, wisdom and love and forever unfolds their
potential to the best of their abilities. They are active with their own life, lost in the
creation of themselves. Like an artist immersed in their life’s work. Their lives are their
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The new human lives in harmony with humanity, the planet, and all of existence.

Choose now to awaken the new you.

Seek not to find your answers within the world, but dive into the deep ocean of yourself
and take hold of the treasures of your heart. Carry these riches back to the shores of reality
and share your bounty freely with all.

If You Want To Know God Then Begin To Know Yourself

Believe not the prophets, believe not the saints, believe not the scriptures, for none of
these can reveal to you your own heart. So turn your energy inward and believe in

We need to be selfish in our salvation. Realizing that we cannot save the world or anyone
else in it. The only person we can save is ourselves. And in doing so we will save the world.

For our light will shine and guide all of humanity to their own glory.

The most sacred gift that you can give is yourself. So go deep into your being and bring
back the blessed essence of your heart. Share that elixir with all the world and awaken
them to the miracle of their own life.

Every Change You Seek To Find Within The World First Find Within Yourself

When we stop looking to heaven and start looking to each other then we will finally see the
face of God and realize that heaven is actually here on earth.

If you want to know God then begin to know yourself. For within the great depths of your
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being is the eternal vastness of awareness. The Shining Light of Life. The Radiant and
Divine Wisdom of the Ages. The Sacred Flame of Love. Any great concept that you have
ever dreamt of is asleep within you.

Focus Within And The Shift Will Happen

We must accept our divinity for in doing so we accept our own power and responsibility.
We take charge of our lives and can see clearly the road ahead of us. For to move forward
blindly, lurching through the dark will become a cycle of the past. For the future is created
with vision, clarity and purpose.

Every change you seek to find within the world you must first find within yourself. In your
own heart unleash the fragrance of love, peace and hope. Within your home the
transformation must begin. For how can you expect to have peace within the world when
there is a war within your home.

So focus within and the shift will happen.

Simplicity Sees Honestly And Touches Life Gently

Peace, love and harmony cannot be measured by outward appearances, for they truly are
inward events. Experiences that transcend words and defy proof. So you must find peace,
love and harmony within first.

You can always tell when someone is in love because they are filled with the presence of
love, and that energy then changes the world around them. Purifying all those who cross
their path.

Love is simple.

Simplicity sees honestly and touches life gently, holding it near, like a lover in the spring.
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Simple, honest love knows that life is sacred and seeks to share that magic with the world.

So be simple, be honest, and be love.

We are once more awakening to the child within, where all of life is magical and the world
is full of joy and laughter. Where our divine worship shall be a celebration of ourselves
overflowing with joy and thanks.

Our prayer will be a song of love and friendship. And when we see another we will only
bear witness to a reflection of ourselves. And in that moment of communion we will be
reminded of the one eternal truth; that we all are children of the cosmos.

Day 25 Exercise

Part 1
From this point forward as your making choices great and small within your life think to
yourself, "Is this action/thought/word worthy of me and my inherit greatness?"

Choose now to move from good to great. From good to God. The time of your life is now.

Part 2
Below you will find a prayer that will will help to unleash your greatness. Read it a couple
time to get used to the rhythm and flow of it and then when your ready infuse your
emotion into it and say it out loud.
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I Am A Child Of Magnificence © Ian Paul Marshall

There is a Great and Creative force that has birthed all of Life. A Dynamic Impulse that
radiates goodness. An Infinite Spirit that fills, flows through and binds all. A Divine
Energy that fuels everything. A Magnificent Power that renews itself eternally.

This creative force flows through me. This divine impulse courses through my veins. This
light radiates through me. I live, move and have my being in this very essence. I am filled
with this goodness and I am renewed by it's energy in every moment of my day.

I realize now that I create my life. I accept responsibility for all that I see and experience. I
claim my power now and know that I have the courage and the strength to change. I am
aware that all the change I wish to see begins within my mind. So I set forth my mind and
steer my thoughts toward good for me and all of humanity. I strive for ultimate good. I
unleash my creative fire. I surrender to the power of Spirit that wishes only the best for me
now and forever. I commit myself to greatness. For I am a child of magnificence.

I am eternally grateful for this moment. My awakening brings me joy and gratitude. And I
bow my head in deep reverence for this gift of life and spread my thanks and joy to all.

Knowing well that I am fully present with the light, power, and wisdom of spirit I release
these words knowing that they are truth. I know now the the universal law of life has
accepted these things and has made it so.

And so it is.


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DAY 26
"Who are we? We are children of God. Our potential is unlimited. Our
inheritance is sacred. May we always honor that heritage - in every
thought and deed."
Russel M. Nelson

Drink fully of life. Taste of it's bitter sweet nectar. Become drunk with joy. Sing out your
songs of suffering and loss. Seek to be in harmony with the world and in tune with
yourself. For every season has it beauty, and within the seeds of your struggles is the
source of your own greatness.

There is a sacred union in life. A melding of matter and spirit. A miracle that is hidden
within the mundane.

Many people within the world have found the magic of life once more and their words are
a shower of sweetness. Their presence shines with their wisdom. Their eyes are alight with
life and the mystery of their own lives. They have heard the soft voice within and answered
it's call. They have faced life with courage and are better for it.

For the world doesn't rest and there's no escape from the trials of life. Sheltering yourself
from the struggles and tribulations of this one great moment is the true illusion. And deep
within your heart you know that life is calling out to you. Begging you to join in its sacred
cycle. For there is a magic in life if you so choose to see it.

Within Each And Every One Of Us Is The Eternal Spark Of Life

Life is quickly flowing past us and it's our duty to pour ourselves completely into its sacred
stream. For you're here and the only moment you have is quickly passing you by.
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Jump into your life. Immerse yourself in it completely. For everything is sacred. All things
are holy. Within each and every one of us is the eternal spark of life.

Accept Your Role And Power

The new human has awakened to this potential and is alive with life and home to the
sacredness within. They know that they're spiritual beings having a physical experience.
They've begun to accept their role and their power. They have said yes to the call of their
hearts and have accepted the responsibilities of their lives. They have found the mystery in
each moment and are aware of the sacred presence of their source in every instance of
their lives.

So learn from these enlightened beings, these enlightened rebels, for they are one with
life. Living in harmony with the world. Free with their acceptance of themselves. Content
with the greatness that they are slowly bringing to life. Aware and alive within their

And they each know that heaven is truly a place called earth and they affirm that with
every breath they take and every action they make.

Day 26 Exercise
This days exercise is about acceptance, the acceptance of your divinity and the sacred
responsibility that comes with it.

A fantastic affirmation to use for this day would be, "I am divine. I am one with God."

Tonight like some of the other nights I want you meditate upon the following prayer. Read
the prayer through a couple of times so that you can get the feel and rhythm of it. Once
your confident with it's flow then read the prayer out loud infusing it with your emotions.
Then sit quietly in the fullness of the night.
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Accepting My Divinity © Ian Paul Marshall

There is One Power, One Purpose, One All Pervading Presence that fills, flows through
and is the foundation of all of life. A Supreme Consciousness. A Radiant and Shining
Light. A Resonance that sings it's celestial song for all eternity.

This is the the truth of my own existence. This power is the strength that I call my own. I
am at one with this consciousness and the infinite field of eternity. This radiant and
shining light has taken form as my own very being.

I accept my divinity and in this moment take charge of my life. I am clear with my
thoughts and every action that I take is worthy of me. I steer my thoughts toward peace,
prosperity, and joy and see that the world around me reflects these truths back to me. I
accept myself completely and fully and strive daily to allow my greatness to shine. I open
myself up to the divine impulse of life and rest at ease that everything is unfolding exactly
as it should be.

I Love my life and I'm so very thankful for it. I bless all the world and feel grateful to be
alive in this very moment.

Knowing the truth that I am filled with spirit I realize that my words are filled with power
and purpose. I release them to the universal law of life knowing that as I have said it so
shall it be.

And so it is.


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DAY 27
"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, something
you do, something you are, and something you give away."
Robert Fulghum

Peace is with you, in you, and all around you. Peace is a presence. Peace is a personality.
Peace is a way of life. Peace can't be found but it can be discovered. The future doesn't
hold the promise of peace for the world is already at peace.

Realizing peace can only be done through dropping the illusion that peace doesn't exist
within this very moment.

Peace is here. Peace is now. Peace is there within the world. What we're searching for is
peace within ourselves.

Look to the blue sky and tell me there is no peace. Look to a sunset or sunrise and tell me
you don't know peace. Look upon the face of a child and say to me that peace cannot be
found in this world and in this time.

So the world of the future is already filled with peace. How do I know this? For peace is
right here in the present moment. While you’re reading these words peace is there waiting
for you to notice is presence.

We Must Begin To Cherish Our Own Existence

The civilization that we must strive to create will be based in love, harmony and
cooperation. A world of community and communication. A place where we acknowledge
and celebrate our differences and build our foundations upon the universal principles of
love, perspective and patience.
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For peace is the by-product of a struggle with ourselves. A challenge we give to our souls.
A demand we must make of our lives and each other. If we ever want to find peace
between the people and nations of the world we must first be at peace with ourselves. And
the only true way to do that is to come face to face with our own ugliness and embrace it.

Love it. Hold it near. For if we can hold tight to those aspects of ourselves that we fear the
most we can enter into a new covenant with each other. United and fulfilled. Purged and

Peace Is Here In This Moment

How do we start?

We must begin to cherish our own existence. We must find the sacred aspect of each
moment and each other. We have to look beyond our past and see the present moment in
all its beauty and wonder.

Many of the people within the world believe that peace is some sort of far off dream. A
faraway place upon a distant shore. A fairy-tale land that only the truly blessed may arrive

Look to your heart and realize that the great paradise of that land is within you.

Peace is here in this moment. Its surrounds you now and is with you always. In but an
instant you may know the true and great silence of peace.

But the understanding of this peace has been far from us for too long. This is only true
because we have chosen to be far from our true self.

Stop the nonsense of affirming what isn't real. Affirm only one reality, the reality of peace.
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How can you teach a feeling? How can you teach others how to see again?

You must first realize that there is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

As you walk, you walk in peace. As you speak, you speak of peace. As you eat, you eat in

Peace is the means by which you arrive at your destination in the sacred land. The sacred
land of the awakened heart.

Peace is not something you wish for, it's something that you are. It's something that you
live and breathe into every moment.

Use perspective and understanding as your guides. They will lead you back to the true
essence of your soul. Understanding and perspective can bring about the first buds of
peace. The petals of patience and the fragrance of love.

To Find Peace You Must Make It A Priority

Peace needs to be found through perspective. A shift in your awareness. A conscious

awakening to the fact that you are a wellspring of peace, joy and love. Delve deep into the
silence of your self for within its depths is an ocean of bliss. A magical power that will not
only transform yourself but also the world around you.

To find peace you must make it a priority. A goal that begins with the heart, your heart,
which then affects your home and the people in it. This then ripples outward to embrace
and heal your neighbors. Your neighbors will then become unknown ambassadors of this
contentment, this peace. A blessing of which you have silently shared with them. From
their hearts and through their hands they will unknowingly begin to lay the foundation of
peace within their own lives. Even if that peace is just for a brief moment in time. Deep
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 132

within their minds they will know that they have been touched by peace and this will
change them, just as it has changed you.

As you become that place of peace, peace is then a place within and all around you.

The Time For Peace Is Now

Choose peace, understanding and perspective now in this moment.

Say this out loud:

"I Am Peace."

Understand that your true essence is peace, love and harmony. When you forget your true
essence, and work against the laws of life, you suffer. You are suffering and so is everyone

By making this choice now, in this moment, you can change yourself and the world. Your

Do it. Do it now.

Feel The Peace That Lies Beyond Words And Conceptions

Smile at your loved ones. Listen to their concerns. Hear their fears. Love their faults. Make
them strong with peace just as you've become strong with peace. Know deep within
yourself, that one little person giving their heart and mind to peace, in every step, in every
breath, and with every small action they take, can and will change the world.

The time for peace is now.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 133

In every step. In every breath. In every word. In every deed. Be peace. Open your eyes to
it's radiance and find peace everywhere for that is all there is. To see anything else is mere

Lift away the veil of war and hatred and see and feel the deep and penetrating peace that
lies beyond words and conceptions.

Peace is all around and within, breathe it out and breathe it in.

Day 27 Exercise

The Peace Presence © Ian Paul Marshall

Anywhere and anyone within the world can participate in creating the Peace Presence.

The Peace Presence is a divine gift to all humanity to help give birth to the next stage in
our evolution. It's a very simple technique that generates amazing results. Effects that can
be felt by all. Simply practicing this meditation for a minimum of 5 minutes a day will
completely change your life.

Step 1
Set aside some quiet time away from the television, the computer, or any other distraction
that will create discord within your environment. Preferably this technique is to be done
in the dark but it can be done by candlelight.

Begin by gently bringing your awareness to your breathing. Follow it's journey, in and out.
Be mindful of the breath as it smoothly enters into your lungs and exits them to mingle
again with all the world.

Step 2
Once you feel comfortable and quiet begin to say the word Peace over and over again. You
may chant it slowly or so it over and over again, quietly.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 134

Step 3
As you come into the beginning of the Peace Presence begin to feel that peace emanating
from you. Truly feel peaceful.

Step 4
Begin to visual peace all over the world. See humanity in peaceful harmony. Celebrating
our oneness. Anchoring this Peace Presence into every facet of our lives.

Step 5
Release the moment and give thanks for the peace that is present within your world.

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DAY 28
"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved.He
inspires the power and energy to get it done."
Ralph Lauren

A world is being crafted by the visionaries. A place of unlimited potential. A time with
infinite possibilities. A collective dream is being dreamt by millions of dreamers and the
bold and brave are giving life to those dreams. Singing out their heart-songs. Stepping
forward into the radiant dawn of their new lives.

The future will be peopled by visionaries. Individuals grounded in the present and aware
of the future. People strong enough to stay the course and live their lives with meaning
and wonder. People that have touched the magic of life and have chosen to never let go of
the world as a sacred playground filled with life and love.

The End Of Things Gives Opportunity To The Start Of Something More

Begin to see and know that the end does not justify the means. For to reach the end we
must find the meaning of this moment. For the seeds of our own salvation are found
within the simple choices that we make in our lives. We must mean what we say, do what
we love, and embrace one another.

Realize that the end of things gives opportunity to the start of something more. That
today's closure is tomorrows new adventure. And when you dream, dare to dream into
existence a world that is worth working for. For the dreams of tomorrow are created by
the sweat of today. The work that's to come will only arrive if you set yourself to the task.

Visionaries don't look at the world and see what is, they craft what is to come. They give
themselves over to the becoming. To the bringing forth. They let go of themselves so that
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 136

they can truly fall deeply into the ocean of self. Diving deep into the depths of their being
and being aware of the heights of their grandeur.

They are at peace in the moment. Content with themselves. But they seek to live. They
want to be alive. The want to know. And what they want to know is how much greater can
I become? How much more can I love? Is there something more of myself that I can give?

They pour forth all of themselves and realize that they are an infinite stream flowing into
the ocean of life.

Visionaries Don't Look At The World And See What Is

They Craft What's to Come

So turn your sights to the source of yourself, infinite and pure. Have the courage to create
the world anew. A world that is all that you have hoped for.

Dare to dream, for it's our dreams that renew the world.

Day 28 Exercise

Crafting The Vision

A fantastic question that I learned from Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith who was one of
the teachers in The Secret is, “What is God's Vision of my life?”

Check out his amazing organization Agape:

This question leads us to an awesome power, for the question itself bypasses our own ego
and taps directly into the source of all life.

So if you haven't begun to craft a vision or mission for your life begin to repeat this
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 137

question over and over to yourself.

“What is God's Vision Of My Life?”

Be sure to carry with you at all times a pen and a pad of paper for those moments when
you will be hit with the inspiration.

For those of you who already have their vision crafted use this question to dive deep into
the pure essence of that purpose. For example if you have a healing practice the question
would be, "What is God's Vision of my healing practice."

Or say you're starting a GREEN business, the question would be, "What is God's Vision of
this business?"

Be sure to go deeper and deeper into this exercise. Don't be fooled by the first thing that
comes along. Do yourself the favor and stay with this process for awhile. You may be
surprised by what you see and hear.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 138

DAY 29

"Follow your bliss."

Joseph Campbell

There is no path, there is no way, there is only awareness. A deep and profound wisdom of
thyself. A wakefulness that immerses you totally in this moment and the presence of your
own magnificence.

The beauty of your unfolding lies within the courage you have to accept your power and
embrace your responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions. Your journey will be
joyful only if you allow yourself to come into alignment with your silence. For silence is
the still point from which all things can be known.

But it's not your duty to know all things, all you have to know is one thing and that is
yourself. And once you come to know your own radiant awareness all things will be

The secret key to your life lies within the wisdom of your heart. For it is through your
emotional frequency that you know if your a moving closer to greatness or destruction.
The unfolding of your life is a creative process. For you're creating, giving life to, and
bringing into existence joy itself. So joy is the marker and as you make decisions that bring
you joy and move you closer to bliss you step ever further into the glory of yourself.

From Your Imagination Springs Forth All The Possibilities Of Your Potential

There are two great secrets in this life; Life is to live and Love is to give. These two secrets
are for you to explore in your own unique way. Use your imagination to journey forth into
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 139

From your imagination springs forth all the possibilities of your potential. An unlimited
potency whereby you may be, do, or have anything that you set your thoughts and mind
upon. Because once you let your mind come to rest within itself you will become aware
that you are all things.

Know Your Own Greatness

Form and formlessness is your truth. While in the process of creating form be determined
to see your dreams manifest into reality.


I won't lie to you and tell you that all of life is magic, splendor and ease for in doing so I
would be speaking to you from a place of lies.

I speak to you now of the truth.

The path is long. The struggle is hard. You will stumble and you will fall. You will be left to
face your fears alone. You will want to give up. You will lose friends and family. You will
doubt yourself. You will doubt the world. You will be angry with God. You will wonder if
God exists. You will question whether anything you do is actually making a difference. You
will feel alone. You won't feel at all. You will experience all these things and more. And it
will be through these moments that you will be free, and be given the amazing opportunity
to know your own greatness.

Positive Emotion Expands Your Field Of Influence

For this journey is really a path to your own playfullness. A process of which will continue
until the end of time. You will give birth to countless forms of yourself. Be joyful and have
fun. Be at ease with yourself and the world. Seek out further opportunities to express the
bountiful love that overflows from your heart.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 140

Life is about contrast. Like's and dislikes. Yes's and no's.

It’s in these moments that you are blessed, for each time you encounter these situations
you come face to face with a moment of truth. A magical moment whereby you're given
the blessed chance to create yourself and a new chapter of your life. Each choice leads you
further into the joyous journey of your own pure potential.

This Whole Process Is About You

Say Yes! to those moments that bring you joy. Steer yourself toward those people and
experiences that make you feel good. For that positive emotion expands your field of
influence and strengthens your will to give life.

Your ever increasing happiness, love and joy are the clear indicators of your own
magnificent expansion. Seek out those choices and experiences that bring you into
alignment and harmony with these emotions.

Variety and contrast gives rise to your preference. That preference, or liking, gives rise to
your desire and passion. Your passion gives your intentions and desires their fuel, their
power, their energy. Your emotions of thankfulness and gratitude brings the energy of
your goals or dreams into your quantum reality.

This whole process is about you. Your preferences. Your desires and passions. Your power
and energy. Your emotions of thankfulness and gratitude. Your great connection to the
process of life. This is what it means to be selfish. To be fully present to yourself. For
within you lies all the magic and wonder of the universe.

Enter now into the dark woods of your life, that sacred and blessed journey into yourself.
For within the darkness and mystery of your own hidden potential, is the greatest
adventure that you shall ever take. For it is a quest for your own immortality.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 141

Exercise Day 29
One of the most amazing movies in my opinion is an independent film called "What The
Bleep Do We Know." If you haven't seen it yet do yourself the favor and go rent it tonight.

There's a scene within the movie where one the experts that is interviewed talks about
creating his day. It is an amazing piece and the transcript of it is below but the process
that I want you to start integrating within your life is to become more and more
comfortable with your power to consciously create your own reality.

A little exercise that I do everyday as I leave my home is this:

"I gaze around at the trees, the grass, the blue skies. I listen to the birds chirping, to the
sounds of the cars on the street, and my footfalls on the pavement. I become aware of life
and my presence within it. Then when I feel at peace and in oneness with life I create my
day how I want it to happen.

So if I want people to be supportive of me I throw that out to the universe. If I want to

experience joy I'll throw that out to the universe. If I want an answer to a problem that I'm
tackling I'll throw that out to the universe.

The key is that everyday I choose to actively participate in the creation of it. I don't decide
the details I just decide the basic parameters and I let the universe fill in the rest."

And here's the Transcript from the movie:

I Create My Day
The most often referenced interview in the film What The Bleep Do We Know is Dr. Joe
Dispenza's comments on creating his day. In response to the numerous requests, the
following is the transcript of that part of the interview.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 142

"I wake up in the morning and I consciously create my day the way I want it to happen.
Now sometimes, because my mind is examining all the things that I need to get done, it
takes me a little bit to settle down and get to the point of where I'm actually intentionally
creating my day. But here's the thing: When I create my day and out of nowhere little
things happen that are so unexplainable, I know that they are the process or the result of
my creation. And the more I do that, the more I build a neural net in my brain that I
accept that that's possible. (This) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next

"So if we're consciously designing our destiny, and if we're consciously from a spiritual
standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality or affect our
life -- because reality equals life -- then I have this little pact that I have when I create my
day. I say, 'I'm taking this time to create my day and I'm infecting the quantum field. Now
if (it) is in fact the observer's watching me the whole time that I'm doing this and there is a
spiritual aspect to myself, then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of
these things that I created, and bring them in a way that I won't expect, so I'm as surprised
at my ability to be able to experience these things. And make it so that I have no doubt
that it's come from you,' and so I live my life, in a sense, all day long thinking about being
a genius or thinking about being the glory and the power of God or thinking about being
unconditional love.

"I'll use living as a genius, for example. And as I do that during parts of the day, I'll have
thoughts that are so amazing, that cause a chill in my physical body, that have come from
nowhere. But then I remember that that thought has an associated energy that's produced
an effect in my physical body. Now that's a subjective experience, but the truth is is that I
don't think that unless I was creating my day to have unlimited thought, that that thought
would come."
(Dr. Joe Dispenza in What the BLEEP Do We Know!?TM)

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 143

DAY 30
“The rebel is the very essence of religion. He brings into the world a change of
consciousness - and if the consciousness changes, then the structure of the
society is bound to follow it.”

Real change and lasting transformation can only happen if we have been truly moved.
Where the core of our being is touched somehow and we are called to action. This change
never happens through politics, laws or policies. None of these things actually touch your

It may look like you’ve changed but it’s only on the surface. It’s only cosmetic. You’ve
painted the roof but the foundation is still crumbling.

All of these influences happen outside of you and force the person into alignment with
someone else’s vision of your life. And it may be true that you follow the laws, the rules,
and the men that make them, but in the silence of your heart you will still be poor, angry,
and weak.

And maybe there will come a moment where you decide to change the politicians, the laws
and the policies. You have been pushed long enough and you have finally decided to push

This will be good for awhile for you will have discovered a slight glimpse of your power.

But in the end it will be a futile struggle for you will not have changed the men who are the
politicians, who make the laws and create the policies.

So what is there to do? What can you do? Have you lost the fight? Is there no hope?
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 144

Don’t lose faith for there is hope, and in truth it’s the only true salvation for our planet,
each other and our own self.

What is this new light?


Enlightened Rebellion.

Not a fight or struggle with some outward opponent, system, or structure because we've
seen that truly this won't change anything at all. For what good are these changes if the
people are still rotten to the core?

Rebels Frighten Us For They Are Full Of Power And Confidence

This is about becoming a rebel with a cause. This is about metamorphosis. It’s about the
caterpillar completely transforming into the butterfly. This rebellion is about going deep
into the darkness of yourself, being at peace there, being aware there, and then emerging
from those depths completely new and reborn.

This isn’t a fight with some outside force or a rally for some new and noble cause. It’s a
challenge to journey to your inner source. A courageous call to do the great work of
discovering who you are and knowing what you want.

Rebels frighten us for they are full of power and confidence. They've struggled against
themselves and shattered the shackles that society has tried to place upon them. They
challenge our beliefs and show to us our own ignorance.

They do these things not with their words but with their presence for their whole essence
is alive with truth.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 145

They Have Come To Know The Truth Of Their Existence

They are charismatic and charming and their wisdom has been honed from experience.
And when they teach they do so by leading. For it’s always easier to lead the way. To show
the path. To light the fire.

It’s far easier to create the world you want than it is to talk or dream about it.

Hard won truth is the reward for the rebels. A deep knowledge that can never be taken
away from them. For they have heard the call of their heart and they've followed the light
of their conscious. And though this path has not been easy for them, they have been
blessed all the same. For they have come to know the truth of their existence. They have
accepted their divinity and are now taking possession of their rightful inheritance.

The rebel is intuitive and listens for inspiration upon the wind. They know that every
mouth speaks for God. And their hands and body are strong so that they can live the
purpose that burns within their heart.

You May Touch This Power Now For Yourself

Their light is a reminder to humanity of the wild freedom that lies asleep within our own

Becoming a rebel is the only way for the world. For rebellion is a complete transformation.
A break point happens. The old world no longer exists and all that's left is the now. All that
remains is this pure and sacred moment. A true a holy minute where life honestly fills our
lungs for the very first time.

You may touch this power now for yourself.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 146

Breathe deep and feel the potential of your presence. Breath out and hear the silent roar of
your heart.

Rebel's are a leaders, they're risk takers, trail blazers. They're individuals moving within
the whole. For they have realized that all of existence lives within them.

They live and cycle through the Four Elements of Awakening which are; Meditation,
Revelation, Transformation and Inspiration.

Meditation fills them with presence.

Revelation gives them their purpose.
Transformation is the power of their joy and love.
And Inspiration is the effect of their actions.

The true rebellion has begun. Your sacred rebellion has begun. There's no turning back

Stand proud and sure for the rebels shall create the new world and invite others to join
them in their joyful celebration. For rebels are enlightened and they know that the world
is calling them to it’s dance so they dance with passion. The rhythm of their laughing
hearts leads them to be in holy harmony with all of life and they open their arms wide and
embrace us all.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 147

Day 30 Exercise

The Four Elements Of Awakening


The first two elements are internal and the last two are external. A perfect balance. A
seductive dance. Whole and complete.

Meditation fills the rebel with Presence

In the deep stillness of meditation a pure power is revealed to you. A strength and fullness
opens up to you. An amazing experience of your own true self.

Affirmation = I AM

Revelation gives him/her their Purpose

Each and every one of us has a purpose even if that purpose is to be an ambassador of
human potential through right living. Through leading by example. But somewhere in that
deep stillness is a dream waiting for you to fulfill.


Transformation is the power of their Joy and Love

The Enlightened Rebel is certain that love is the highest law and joy is the divine
expression of that law in action.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 148


Inspiration is the effect of their Actions

The Enlightened Rebel always creates inspired action. They're always co-creating with the
creator. The Enlightened Rebel is always seeking out opportunities to inspire others to



YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 149


DAY 31
“The greatest of all journeys is the journey within.”

Every magical sight you see, every inspirational word you read, every beautiful song you
hear have all been created to provoke you to greatness. To show you the splendor of your
own being.

They call out to you and say, "All these things and more so shall you do."

For if you dare to listen, if you have the courage to be silent for but a moment, you will
find that there are dreams that sleep within your heart longing to be awoken. They have
been entrusted to you and it should be your joy to give them life.

And when you decide to go for your dreams it is you who is given life. For the answer to
our own existence is to solve the mystery of ourselves. To be honest and authentic in all
our endeavors. To constantly strive for greater possibilities of joy. And to immerse
ourselves fully and completely in every moment of our lives.

The Universe Will Conspire In Your Favor

Every-time you encounter a choice you stand at a moment whereby you may create
yourself, your world and the life by which you want to live.

Choose your thoughts wisely for the truth is that thoughts do create things. For this is a
thought based universe and if we press our minds upon the formless we will give shape to
the form.

Our minds are the key to manifestation. For we attract to our lives the thoughts that we
think about most whether we are conscious of them or not.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 150

The universe will conspire in your favor. So choose now to be power positive and drive
your awareness to the joy of your being. For you can feel joy now. You can feel healthy
now. You can feel wealthy now. You can feel love now. You can feel peaceful now. There's
no need to wait until some future moment happens for the the time of your life is now.

I hope that my words have inspired you in some way and though our time together has
been brief this connection we have made will last for all eternity.

And as this stage of your life comes to a close, new possibilities open before you. Be still
and know that all is well, life is beautiful, and that you are loved. Be certain in the fact that
the universe shall conspire in your favor and it is your right and privilege to be, do and
have anything you want.

The future is something that we make not something that is given to us. We're the creators
of our own reality. Choose now to accept that power and responsibility. You are a glorious
child of God, child of light, child of love. Accept your divinity now.

Your amazing journey has just begun.

I Love You.


YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 151

My Blessing For All

© Ian Paul Marshall

May it be that in this moment you know that everything is One.

May your vision be clear.
May you awaken and live the dreams that sleep within you.
May your heart be set aflame with love and passion.
May your soul be a torch and beacon to all the lost children within the night.
May your mind shine with the wisdom of ages.
May you eyes sparkle with the joy of a child.
May your words bring comfort and hope.
May your hands be firm as they work for God.
May your feet be grounded as you press on with courage.
May your body be a temple filled with holy life.
May you be a pillar of strength that unites heaven and earth.
And may the only trace of your presence here on this earth
be found within the hearts of all.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 152

© Ian Paul Marshall

I am awakened!

I have now awakened to the magic of my life, this present moment

and divine connection I have to all of life.

I live, breathe, and have my being within a living field of unified consciousness.

My heart is aflame with love, joy, and compassion

and my hands reach out to touch and care for all of life.

I affirm that all the people of the world are created equal
and divinity is the true nature of our being.

I accept responsibility for my life and use the power of my thoughts wisely
to consciously and lovingly create creation.

I have a purpose in life, I believe in miracles and I strive to release

the awesome power and potential that is within me.

I accept abundance, joy, health, and peace as my natural and complete state of being.

I am a unique expression of the One True Source of All and I allow others to enjoy
the unique experience that they are creating for themselves

I am certain that heaven is truly here on earth.

Life is beautiful, perfect and exactly as it should be.

I am awakened!

And so it is.

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 153

Remember always that...

We're the people we've been waiting for.
We're the miracle we have been wishing for.
We're the prayer we have been praying.
We're the dream of which we want to live.
YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 154

Join The Group & Stay In The Loop

Please join the Official Group for people who have read Ian Paul Marshall's
book Your Great Awakening: Change Your Life Change The World.

The book is a living document. One that's been inspired by all of you. I'm not
claiming to be anything more than a man. A person who searched deep in his
heart, looking to write something special for the world.

Your Great Awakening was the result of that quest.

Please add to the pages and let's create the world's first World Book.

Thank you for inspiring me to new found heights.

Love Love Love

YOUR GREAT AWAKENING: Change Your Life Change The World Ian Paul Marshall 155


Ian Paul Marshall is a thought leader and active
agent for change. He is the founder of the Alliance For
An Awakened Humanity and creator of the World Peace
Prayer & Meditation.

Ian's words of hope are read daily by people from every

corner of this beautiful planet of ours.

He lives in Toronto with his amazing wife and two

wonderful children.

To book Ian to speak to your organization or at

your next event please contact him at:

Email: ianpaulmarshall at yahoo dot com

I’ve modified the details to foil unscrupulous people

who electronically harvest email addresses to add to
questionable lists. You’ll need to type in the email
address manually – I’m sure you can figure it out.

He is also available for one on one coaching or

counseling sessions:

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