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' NO.DGP/23/54/F1R/283/2012

Mumbai, Dated 26/09/2012

PGP's Standing Order No: 20/2012

Ref: 1)DGP/2 3 /5 4 /c r im e /2001, d t 3 /1 0 /2 0 0 1 2 )D G P /2 3 /5 4 /F lR /9 5 4 /0 8 , d t 1 6 /0 8 /2 0 0 8 3 )D G P /2 3 /6 6 /w rit p e titio n /2010, d t 1 5 /1 0 /2 0 1 0 4)D G P/2 3 / 5 4 / F IR /2 8 3 /2 0 1 2 , d t 1 7 /0 2 /2 0 1 2 5)Hon High C ourt order dt 3 0 /0 1 /2 0 1 2 in Cr Writ Petition 1 1 2 /2 0 1 2

Sub: Prompt registration o f com plaint

D espite repeated in stm ctio n s, circulars an d C ourt directives, it is seen th a t the process of registration of FIRs is neither sm ooth nor prompt: nor free. Some in stan ces have come to notice w here u n it com m anders have instructed th a t registration of case would h appen only after prior consultation w ith senior officers. 2. Such in stru ctio n s an d non registration of cognizable crime are gross violation of th e law of the land as laid down vide Sec 154 of the Cr.P C. N um erous co u rt decisions have reiterated the legal position yet in stan ces of refusal to register cases keep com ing to light leading to increasing num ber of w rits being filed on su ch refusals. 3 .(a) At tim es non-registration is attrib u ted to the com plaint being of civil n atu re w hich w as being converted into th a t of a crim inal n atu re. In this regard atten tio n is invited to the directions of the Hon Suprem e C ourt (full bench judgm ent: S andeep Ram m ilan S hukla & others vs State of Mah, 2008,ALL MR (Cr)3486) w herein a period of 48 h rs is allowed for m aking prelim inary enquiries for arriving at a conclusion regarding th e n a tu re of the com plaint. (b) It is hereby directed th a t in case of bona fide reasons, the procedure as laid down above be followed, adhering strictly to the time-limit. (c) While m aking su ch enquiries, appropriate Station Diary entry m u st invariably be m ade. (d) Needless to say, a crim inal case be registered if the enquiry concludes th a t com plaint is crim inal in n atu re.

(e) W here the com plaint is of Civil n a tu re , the sam e be recorded both in the enquiry rep o rt an d in th e S tation Diary (f) The com p lain an t m u st be inform ed in writing or given a copy of the FIR depending on th e conclusion arrived at, 4. However, w here th e com plaint m akes a crim inal n a tu re patently clear, no prelim inary enquiry sh o u ld be resorted to; in stead a FIR be recorded ab initio. 5. N on-registration of cases on the p re te st of jurisdiction m u st be stopped, in stead action as laid down m u st be followed w ithout delay. 6. In stan ces of th e police m eddling in m atters w hich fall entirely in th e civil dom ain including property m atters an d even custody of child, are on the increase. This h a s been adversely noticed by the co u rts also. Such police intervention m u st stop a n d p ro m p t action tak en w hen noticed. 7. All U nit C om m anders are once again directed to e n su re prom pt legal action t A in th e registration of com plaints. They should also m onitor an d verify th e sta tu s on the ground regarding this. 8. These in stru ctio n s sh o u ld be dissem inated to all su b o rd in ate form ations and reiterated d u rin g Cr C onferences an d visits to the P S tns by all supervisory officers an d th e SHOs m u st read over to all staff a t daily p arad es an d also explain, so th a t they are clearly u n d ersto o d by all.

(Sanjeev Dayal) D irector G eneral of Police,MS

All Cornmrs. o f Police (Including Rly.) All Supdts. o f Police (Including Rly.) Copy to, Addl. Director General o f Police, C.I.D., M.S., Pune. Addl. Director General o f Police, R ly ., M.S,.Mumbai. All Range Spl. Inspector General o f Police. Copy to. Desk Officer. Desk No. 14._____ ___ Desk Officer, Desk No. 36. (For Record Section).

No.DGP/23/54/F.I.R ./283/2012



Ref: D.G.P. Standing Order No.20/2012 dt.26.9.2012 Sub: Prompt registration of complaint. CORRIGENDUM 1. It has been noticed that W.Ps have been filed alleging non-registration of F.I.R. even after expiry of sufficient period of time. Further, complainants are not being informed in case of non-registration of their complaint. Hence following corrigendum to Para 3(f) of the said Standing Order is being issued; rest of the instructions will remain as it is. Para 3 (f) of the Standing Order No.20/2012 reads as under; The complainant must be informed in writing or given a copy of the F.I.R. depending on the conclusion arrived at Para 3 (f) of the Standing Order No.20 is substituted and shall be read as under: (i) If the complaint discloses a cognizable offence, F.I.R. shall be registered forthwith and the complainant given a copy of F.I.R. (ii) If the complaint doesnt disclose a cognizable offence prime facie, the complainant must be informed forthwith, accordingly. (iii) In exceptional cases, the officer I/C may conduct the preliminary inquiry which shall conclude within 2 days; if the officer I/C after conducting of the enquiry comes to a conclusion: (a) that a cognizable offence is made out, he shall inform the complainant, forthwith along with copy of F.I.R. (b)that no cognizable offence is made out, he must inform the complainant in writing forthwith or in any event not later than 3 days thereafter. 2.. These instructions are being reiterated and clarified to ensure that even non registration must be informed to the complainant within the above time limit. 3. (i) These instructions be followed scrupulously & disseminated down to Police Station level. (ii) Failure to follow these instructions would be viewed seriously.

(Ahmad Jap/ed) Addl. Director General o f Police,(L & O) for Director General of Police, M.S., Mumbai To, All Commrs. O f Police (including Rlys) All Supdts. of Police, Copy to: All Addl.D.Gs.P. (including State C.l.D. M.S. Pune) All Range Inspector Generals o f Police.

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