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Title: Packaging-perfume and aftershave brand building Group: 2nd years Pupils: 24 Aims: - Gain greater undersatnding and contextual appreciation for packaging design. - Explore and strenghten their own communication skills, conceptually and skill based. - The successful construction of a strong, durable, sharp package which informs and convinces audience, displaying their own developing skills, confidence and aptitute in visual communication. Overall Learning Outcomes: - Become aware of the vastness, importance and excellent standards of packaging design in visual communications. - Complete a process of imagining concepts and designing and refining these for production. Informed through increasing ability in design, drawing, concieving and digital competence. - Attain deeper knowledge of the level of work required for good quality packaging which functions as it should both practically and conceptually-i.e. design and template are accurate and well crafted. No. of lessons: 15 - D and 2 S per week. Time: 155 mins - 775 mins per week.

Template example.

Investigating/making: A package for perfume/aftershave bottle or other beauty product. First begin mindmapping to select theme, use word and image associations to fix name as well as identity of brand. Image association with name (incl. catchphrases etc.) and brand research to design suitable lettering/logotype. Following this, reworking of original images and concepts for exterior design of package. This must be refined and simplified, changed and experimeted with, tested on peer (group) for affect and clarity of communication. Any appropriate tone can be adopted. Image and lettering must be designed on selected template to provide comprehensive colaboration which communicates and informs the audience about the brand. Then design can take place onto packaging and if suitable via digital platforms. All additional informative text must be added digitally. Package construction, folding, scoring, cutting, gleuing, slotting etc.

LOUD! ssh..quiet
Typographic expression: choice and indivual redesign of trpefaces/fonts to be suited to identity of brand/product.

Brand/packaging research/study: colour, logotype and visual design all based on simple floral concept with refined images of flowers.

History/CCS: Packaging as fprs of containers/vessles can be traced back centuries with the creation of clay pots but true material packaging in this sense is relatively contemporary practice which has changed greatly in style and functioning over the past few decades in response to a more visually aware and sophisticated culture, technological advances as well as environmental issues. Strong conceptual packaging is popular amoung designers and viscom bloggers. Fresh new studios specialise in a variety of packaging from food, drink, books, etc.

CCS examples: Concept packaging

Materials/Facilities: ipad, computers (pc), printer, skethbooks, paper, markers, paint, scissors, blades, spraymount, card, ruler. Literacy: typography, brand identity, logotype, template, expressive lettering. brand research, word/ image associations, digital language in ps, ai and folfify-3D visualisation, pen tool, layers, exporting and importing in correct file type. Numeracy: Template measurements and typographic grid layout. Use of digital media: Presentation of typeface communication and existing packaging and brands. Photoshop, Illustrator and new iPad App Foldify to be introduced to place in additional typography and design with if possible. Teaching/Learning Strategy: whole class working in art room setting, research, group discussions, group and individual work.

Differenciation: if students have good range of skill and are achieving brand design quicklythis work can be spread out and applied to other promotional areas for their prodect i.e. aftershave/perfume advertising via posters etc. Extesion projects and more digital learning also-photoshop/illustrator/folidfy employed to advance their knowledge of design. If students are struggling with concept of this, theme within packaging for perfume/ aftershave can be given e.g. Summertime Scent. This could be followed by image associations here of summer and then apllication of drawings directly onto package template. Range of templates can be shown to be selected and used.

Timeline: 1-3 lesson - project introduction with branding through lettering and design discussed. Begin to work out name, theme, lettering design as logotype. 4-6 lesson - continuation of brand building through image associations and selection/ refining of images and design. 7-9 lesson - Making lettering and images work together-package template design/selection/ research. 10-12 lesson - Working on exterior design and communication of package. Prototyping 13-15 lesson - Digital additions of informative type i.e ingredients (and images via foldify). Package construction and prep. ready for show/use.

Assessment rubric: (see overleaf)

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