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N o Co " o o 5

2012 PGCET
(CO) Technology & Information Computer Engineering


Date: 7h July,2012 Instructions: of I mark each. l. Thereare100questions questions. 2. Attemptall

Time: 12.00pm to 1.30Pm

6L 9' t l

i' l '1",
ba 9 L tb'

decoder? Q: 1 How many3-line-to-8-linedecoders are requiredfor a 1--of-32



I{ c



6iidr 00010010 of the BCD equivalent Q:2Whatisbinary '(c)

(A) 1111110 (B) 1111101




eightinputs? for selecting are required lines dataselect Q:3Howmany (c) ( B ) 2 (A) L

&,, v:


the two best methodsof logiccircuit represents e:4 Whichof the followingstatementsaccurately simplification? mapping -4(; aooleanalgebraand Karnaugh analysis waveform circuit and mapping (B) Karnaugh and waveformanalysis (C) Actualcircuittrial and error evaluation (D) Boolean algebraand actualcircuittrial and error evaluation into K-mapgroups? Q:5 Whichof the followingcombinationscannotbe combined (A) Corners in the same row (B) Corners in the samecolumn Oiagonalcorners {9) combinations (D) Overlapping Q:6 Whichof the followingstatementsis false? (A) Arrays are denselistsand staticdata structure spacein memory (B) Dataelementsin linked list need not be storedin adjacent store the next data elementof a list ..{) Pointers listsare collectionof the nodesthat containinformationpart and next pointer (D) Linked algorithmcannot be appliedto search Q: 7 Binary (B) Sortedbinarytrees (C)Sortedlineararray p) Pointerarray (A)Sortedlinkedlist Q: 8 TheWorstcaseoccursin linear searchalgorithmwhen, (A) ltem is somewherein the middle of the array J^Bfttet is not in the arraYat all {C}ltem is the last element in the array (D)ltem is the last element in the arrayor is not there at all of a linearsearchalgorithmis, Q: 9 Thecomplexity

-N otnl

(B) o(logn)

(c) o(n2) (c)loe(n)

( D ) o ( nl o gn )

Q: 10 Thedepthof a completebinarytree is givenby, (B) nlog(n)+1 -,14fnlog(n)

( D )l o g ( n ) + 1


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2012 PGCET

(CO) Technology & lnformation Engineering Computer whatwill bethe pre ordertraversal? tree is DEBFCA, of a binary e: 11 tf the postordertraversal (D)ABDCEF (B)ADBFEC (A)ABFCDE -ffissEgF


algorithm? is a divide& Conquer of thefollowing I { h e: 12Which sort y, (B) DepthFirstsearch (c) Bubble (A)Binary ,Jp,Quicksort search I \ graph? of bi-partite q, BWhichof thefollowing is an example 16lld \x/^ 9 none of the above B (C) & A both (A)triangte (B)square /&f Yt,,e: of alphabets language {a,b}? is not a regular 14whichof thefollowing 'a' and'b' of number .W Y equal (A)Language that contains 'a' andendswith 'b' / -'>, 'r with I. . starts (B) that Language Ls"ssebL te, .t t) pl with 'b' andendswith'a' starts (C)Languagethat 6b of the above '{-o)none Vgr\( l\ isTRUE? tr\ Q: 15whichof thefollowing by arealsoaccepted finiteautomata by nondeterministic accepted (A)Allthe languages {a) -Y finiteautomata. deterministic r are alsoaccepted push downautomata by nondeterministic accepted (B)Allthe languages it-V, t pushdownautomata' bydeterministic o ^u ( c ) b o t h A & B aretrue ol{t (D)bothA&Barefalse. v h (n
i \ l '( / ) n Yr'

which of the followingcan be modeled usingFinite q,1G tn contextof C language syntaxcllecking, Automata? propertermination of an instruction' (A) Detecting of parentheses' balance ',ffietecting of a variable' (C) Detecting initialization (D)Noneofthe above. is usedfor protocol (ARP) resolution Q: 17 Theaddress from the DNS (A) Finding the lP address of the default gateway lP address (B) Finding the to a MAC address that corresponds (c) Finding the lP address to an lP address the MACaddressthat corresponds .1BJfinOing database: to a students the followingrelation schemapertaining e: 1g Consider Student(Ig!!no, name, address) Enroll (rollno,courseno,coursename) The number of tuples in the Studentand wherethe primarykeysare shown underlined. What are the maximum and minimum number of tuples Enrolltablesare 120and 8 respectively.

* Enroll), naturaljoin? where'*'denotes in (student that canbepresent ( c )960,8 Lzo,8 ( A )8 , 8



generates 32 a directmappedcacheof size32 KBwith blocksize32 bytes.The CPU e: 19 Consider and the number of tag bits are The numberof bits neededfor cacheindexing bit addresses. respectively, (D) 5, 17 (B)to,22 l.z\ts,tt (A)10,17 Q: 20 Thegoalof structuredprogrammingis to Page2 of 10


PGCET 2OL2 ComputerEngineering & InformationTechnology (CO) (A) havewell indentedprograms (B) be ableto inferthe flow of control from the compiledcode (C)be ableto inferthe flow of control from the programtext (D) avoidthe useof GOTO statements

Q: 21 The tightestlower boundon the number of comparisons, in the worst case, for comparisonbasedsortingis of the orderof (A)n (B)n' (C)n log n nt6l n log2n

graph with 20 vertices Q: 22 LetG be a simple and L00edges. Thesize of the minimum vertexcover of G is 8. Then, the size of the maximum independent set of G is (A) 12 (B)8 (C)Less than 8 -{D)Morethan 12 Q: 23 A andB aretheonlytwo stations on an Ethernet. queue Each hasa steady of frames to send. BothA and B attempt to transmit a frame,collide, andA wins thefirstbackoff race. At the endof this successful transmission byA, bothA and B attemptto transmit andcollide. Theprobabilitythat A winsthe second backoff raceis, (B )0 .62s (c)0.7s (D)1.0 JElo.s
of 8 distinctintegerssorted in ascending Q: 24 Let A be a sequence order.How many distinct pairs of sequences, B and C are there suchthat (i) each is sorted in ascending order,(ii) B has 5 and C has 3 elements,and (iii)the resultof ryergidgB and C givesA?

(A) 2

zo ,-t6l



connectedby bridges,packets Q: 25 ln a networkof LANs are sentfrom one LANto another through intermediate bridges. Since more than one path may exist between packetsmay haveto two LANs, be routed throughmultiplebridges. Why is the spanningtree algorithm usedfor bridge-routing? gXffor shortestpath routing between LANs (B) Foravoiding loopsin the routingpaths (C)Forfault tolerance (D) For minimizing collisions is implemented Q: 26 A Priority-Queue as a Max-Heap. Initially, it has5 elements. The level-order l't ' traversalof the heapis givenbelow: IO,8,5,3,2Two new elements 1 and 7 are insertedin the heap - ' v in that order. The level-order traversal of the heap after the insertion of the elementsis, / \ (A\ LO,8,7,5,3,2,1 (Bl 10,8,7,2,3,L,5 ,t!4 70,9,7,1,,2,3,5 (D) 10,9,7,3,2,L,5 l \ 1 t 1 / '* ? Q: 27 An organizatton hasa classB network and wishes to form subnetsfor 64 departments. The subnetmaskwouldbe

(A) 2ss.2ss.0.0

(B )2 ss .2ss.64.0 (c) 2ss.2ss.12s.o gYlss zss.2?z.o:


the roundtrip propagation Q: 28 Suppose delayfor a 10 Mbps Ethernet having 48-bitjamming signal

framesizeis: ; jf-t, ' i ,is 46.4ms.Theminimum \:-.'\ ( A ) ( B )4 1 6 e 4 \- ':


lel +a+

( D)s12

3-SAT Q: 29 The problems and 2-SAT are (A) both in P J9 both NP-complete


t ' ;S, '" . r

2012 PGCET (CO) Computer Engineering & lnformationTechnology (C) NP-complete and in P respectively (D) undecidable and NP-complete respectively R = (A, B, C, D, E, H) on which the followingfunctional a relationscheme Q: 30 Consider -> -> keysof R? hold : (A B, BC D, E -> C, D -> A). What are the candidate dependencies




(D)AEH , E HD B , EH

9 by 1001. by0000,1 by0001,..., outputs a digitin theformof 4 bits.0 is represented Q: 31 A circuit 1 if the digit3 isto bedesigned whichtakesthese4 bitsasinputandoutputs A combinational circuit gatesmaybe used, whatisthe minimum numberof lf onlyAND, ORandNOT 5, andOotherwise. gatesrequired? (D)s (c)4 (A)2


alonga single are routed from source to destination network,packets Q: 32 In a packetswitching path havingtwo intermediate sizeis 24 bytesand eachpacketcontainsa nodes.lf the message headerof 3 bytes,then the optimumpacketsizeis





The level-order is implemented as a Max-Heap.Initially,it has5 elements. Q: 33 A Priority-Queue traversalof the heapis givenbelow:IO,8,5,3,2Two new elements! andT are insertedin the heap of the elementsis traversal of the heap after the insertion in that order. The level-order (C) LO,8,7,1,2,3,5 (D) 10,8,7,3 ( Bl LA,8,7 ( Al to,g,7,5,3,2,1, ,2,L,5 ,2,3,7,5 a single sequential user an operating system.apanteof loadingand executing Q: 34 Consider (FCFS). processat a time. The diskheadscheduling lf FCFS algorithm usedis FirstComeFirstServed Time First(SSTF), claimed by the vendorto give50%better benchmark is replacedby Shortest Seek in the l/O performance of userprograms? improvement results,what is the expected



,Kl zq


trees can be createdout of 4 distinctkeys? Q: 35 How many distinctbinarysearch

as Arraypassed as an argumentto a function is interpreted Q: 36 In C language, (A) Address of the array (BlValuesof the first elements of the array (C)Address of thefirstelement,ofthe array Number of elementof the array JP) can be determinedby Q: 37 The sizeof a structure vatriable name sizeof &xf (B) sizeof (struqt tag) {IBoth A a1d B (D) Noneof theseoptions Q:38objectorientedTechno|ogy.suseof-faci|itatesthereuseofthecodeand as a smallchangein feature providessystemswith stability, architectureand its in the system: changes requirementsdoes not requiremassive (A) Encapsulation; inheritance (B) lnheritance; polymorphism Page 4of10 CO

PGCET 201.2 (CO) Computer Engineering Technology & lnformation (C)Inheritance; encapsulation abstraction {D} Polymorphism; 39 A relation is in this form if it is in BCNF dependencies andhasno multivalued Q: (A)second normalform normalform JBltfrirO (C)fourth normalform (D)domain/key,normal form in oneor moreattributes beingusedasa foreign keymustexist in another Q: 40 Whenthe values setof one or moreattributes in another table, we havecreated a(n): (B) nsitive Tra dependency Insertion anomaly -JiA) (C)Referential (D)NormalForm Integrity constraint the following complexity functions in increasing orderof growth rate? Q: 41 Arrange i. 2" ii. nt iii. n.log(n) _ iv.n .lXl iv, iii, ii, i
(B)iii,iv, i, ii (C)iii,iv, ii, i

(Dliii,i, ii, iv

left column)andthe hardware systemabstraction(in Q:42 Listedbelow are someoperating components(in rightcolumn). Matchthem. ------\. (1) Interrupt 3 (A)Thread : ,, 'L (B) Virtual address space Memory ;-...'-I2) (c) )13)cPU File system ,=_.a'_ -tl (D)Signal (a) Disk \ (A) ,J9 (A)-2,(B)-4,(C)-3,(D)-L (A)-3,(q)-2,(C)-4,(D)-1 (B) (A)-L,( B)-2,(C)-3,(D)-4 (D) (A)-4,(B)-L,(C)-2,(D)-3

(. \\ '.n )r\ II

algorithm willselectthe pagethat, Q:43 The optimal pagereplacement has not been usedfor the longesttime in the past llnK'1 (B) will not be usedfor the longest time in the future (C) hasbeenusedleastnumberof times (D) has been usedmost numberof times Q: 44 Which of the followingis a tautology? { A )a v b ) b n c ( B ) a n b ) b v c



requires the most memory accesses? Q: 45 Which of the followingoperations (A)register (B) to register adds branch (C)condition (D)shiftregisterleft code test Q: 46 At which OSIlayer routersoperate? (A)Datalink (ClApplication (D) Presentation "lSiletwork the lP addressof a system? Q: 47 Which protocol is usedto resolve (A)ARP (B)rcMP (C)IGMP .jDf ltone of a, b, c

between a dense index indexisthat, anda sparse Q: 48 Thedifference index keys andpointers for a subset whereas a sparse index contains of the records 4A) a dense keys contains andpointers for every record
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PGCET 2012 ComputerEngineering (CO) & lnformationTechnology (B) a dense index can only be a primaryindexwhereasa sparseindexcanonly be a secondary index (C) a dense index containskeysand pointersfor each record whereasa sparse indexcontains keysand pointersfor a subset ofthe records (D) No difference objects can be usedonly between processes Q: 49 Which of the following IPC that havea parent process in common? (A) pipe (B) FIFO (C)message queue (Dlnone of a,b,c Q: 50 This is dividingthe amountof work that a computer has to do betweentwo or more computersso that more work getsdone in the sameamount of time and end users get served faster. (A)clustering (B)routing (D) peering Jgl loadbalancing Q: 51 UDPis acronymof: (A) Unified DeliveryProtocol -tEl User DatagramProtocal (B) UniversalDatagramprotocol (D) Urgent DatagramProtocol

by one passassembler? Q: 52 Which of the followingis not supported (A) Conditional (B)Jumping Instructions to Label (C) Forward referencing of sub routing olDYtTivocation techniquesavoidsinternalfragmentation? Q: 53 Which of the followingmemoryattocation partition jD'Fixed (B) memory allocation Variablepartition memoryallocation , "(C) Simplepagedallocation (D) Demandpaging Q: 54 SinglelnstructionMultiple Data(SIMD)Architecture has -{4) MultipleALU,OneCU (B)MultipleALU,MultipleCU (C)One ALU,MultipleCU (D)OneALU,One CU process of the instructionis performedby ALU? Q.55which of the followingexecution (A) FetchPhase (B) DecodePhase (C )Execute Phase M AlloftheAbove mode is usedin followinginstruction Q.56which addressing MOVE[7010H], R1 (A)DirectAddressing egister Addressing ".jGfi (B) Indirect Addressing (D) Noneofthe above

in ...... Q: 57 A program under executionremains (B) Hard disk -(Al RAM (C)Floppydisk (D) Noneof the above in followinginstruction? Q: 58 From which addressdata is accessed M O V E[ B X ] [ R i ]R 1 ; , , Value of BX ii 3000 and valueof Ri is 2044;

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PGCET 2012 (eO) Computer Engineering Technology & lnformation (A)3000 (c)s0A4



Q: 59 Which phaseof the compilerwill detecterror in the following program?

int x, y z; x=2O; Y= ' b ' ; z=x+yj (A)Syntax Analysis (c) Both(a)and(b)


Analysis Semantic None ofthe above

bufferRegister.... Q.60Memory (A)Holds whichisto be executed the address of instruction fetched from memory $Uodsthe dataor instruction (C)Holds picked the instruction upfrommemory (D)is a special purpose register used byCPU for temporary storage. processing of the following doesnot increase speed? Q:61Which (A)Bus (B) Primary memory size speed (C)Clock memorysize Speed -{Df Secondary
Q: 62 Statusof logicaloperationsare storedin

(C)Memory Buffer MMX is basedon Q:63 Pentium (A) SISD architecture (C) MISDarchitecture

(B)Accumulator (D)All of the above

(B)SIMD architecture ffiVnAO architecture

the program in mainmemory. canbe relocated Q:64ln (B) Addressing lndirect -{AfDirect Addressing (C)Base-lndexed (D)All of the above Addressing
with main program? Q: 65 Which systemsoftware relatessubroutines (B)Parser (C)Loader ,ffi Assembler during Q: 66 Datatype mismatchrelatederrorsare identified


;|Xl LexicalAnalysis ;!ffiyntaxanalysis

DMA operation Q:67 During

.,(<JsemanticAnalysis (D)Codegeneration

canaccess mainmemory ,1XyeV

( C )B o t h( a ) a n d( b )

(B)CPU canaccess its cache memory

(D)Noneofthe above.

Q: 68 Which of the following is networklayerdevice? (A) Hub (B) repeater JGI'Router to destinationconnection information is maintainedat Q: 69 Source Layer Physical Layer -{A}Network JB)

(D) Bridge

Layer lC) Presentation

Layer fD) Session

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PGCET 2012 ComputerEngineering & InformationTechnology (CO) Q: 70 Which OSIlayer performsencryption and decryptionof message? (B)TransportLayer -{A}-PresentationLayer (C)NetworkLayer (D)ApplicationLayer Q: 71 Which of the following is an example of connection lessservice? (A)Telephone -EfPostal Service (C) Mobile services (D) Both (a) and (c) Q: 72 SMTPStandsfor

tvt"it t* nrf"firot*ot -hxf-frmpl"

(B) SimpleMailtransport Protocol (C) SimpleMessage Transfer Protocol (D) SimpleMessage transportProtocol Q:73 What is VPN? (B) A public network built within LAN JNA private network built within LAN (C)A privite network built over Internet (D) A public network built over lnternet Q:74 Which protocol is usedto manage address book on an email server?

(A) Class A

--{&fClass B

address. (C)Class C

(D)sMrP ( D) Class D
(D)824 Q:75 lP address

Q: 76 What can be the maximumnumberof host in one classC network?


(B ) s12

(c) 128

Q: 77 What is the subnet mask,if a class B networkis divided into 4 subnetworks?


(C) 2ss.2ss.4.0


can be usedto shareinternetconnection Q: 78 Which-devicg among different hostsof a network? (B) server Firewall (D) Noneof the above 1*Ybrory @Routgr Q: 79 Which of the following is not part of a staticweb site? (A) HTMLpages (B)lmages



' 8 1 . I nu s u a l n o t a t i o n As - . . . . - . . - -

Q: 80 Which of the following allowschange in behavior of member function of a class without changing its declaration (A) Method overloading (D)none .gYfrethodoverriding C) Createnew class


(a) ( a )1 - E (b)E-1 (c)L-E-1 Which of the following method is indirectmethod ?

( d )E 4 - L

's method (d) (a)Gauss (b)GaussElimination JordanmethoyJt)"crout GaussJacobi method

8 3 . T h e r e a l r o o t o f t h e e q u a t i o n3 x = c o s x+ 1 l i e s i n t h e i n t e r v a l


(b)[1.s, 2]

, ol JEYI+

(d) t3, sl


'(*) '(*Jl' I is the intervat containing the ,V x0e I where lf (*r) f l. lf

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PGCET 2012 Computer Engineering & Information (CO) Technology approximate root xo is the convergence criterion of ..........

- Raphsonmethod T4fNewton (c) Secant method

(b) fteration method (d) Falseposition method

85. ByGausselimination method thesolutionof x+ y=2and2x+ 3y -- 5 is...... (a) (2,0) (b) (0,2) J g - - ( 1 , 1) ( d ) ( 3 , - 1)


one orthe eigen vatues 1 - 3-l,, "r f )_J LU

(a) 5 (b)2 (c) 1 ( d ) n o n eo f t h e s e

Theranko tf hematrix B:ll

[r 3 4 5l
2 6 7 [is..................

87. (a)2 (b)3

lr5oloj r1t glo


88. Thesystemo efq u a t i o n s 2y+32=L ,2x+Jy+22=2, 3x+ 3y+42=! .x+

(a)unique solution ffirrn

r.,y many (c)nosolution solutions (d)none of these


The characteristic equation ot a = [


"fis................ -


( a lA ' - 4 A + 1 = 0 ( b ) A z+ 4 A + t = \ J e f A , - 4 A . - 1 = 0 t d ) A 2+ 4 A - 1 = 0 +
90. A squarematrix A is calledorthogonalif ............. (al42=A 9L. lblA:'=A-t (clAA-t=I (dlA=A-l

Theorderof e" dx + evdy = 0 is ............... (a) 0 (b) 1 gz (d) does not exist


The differential equatio ^ *'

diZ, dx'

+ a x! *2y =e' isknown as............equation dx


(a) Legendre's (b) Bernoulli's Homogeneous (c) wrosk on'r/

9 3 ' / , ' 0) e q u a ts
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PGCET 2012 (CO) ComputerEngineering & lnformation Technology

L{sin2tsin3t} =



(d) noneofthese

(') l2s md

(b) G+lrcd

(')TF;m' (d) +2sJ Gr;lIF;s]

'("): point .............. 0 is called

Let w = f(z)be a conformal transformation. A pointat whichf of the transformation. (alfixed

(b) Invariant



rfc isthecircle | , l: 2 then [ ,+

I Q+D"

8qti 3




8ri 3




(al x' ' l f z = sl n

' ,FYYx''


(rl y x'*t

(d) 0

. -,x'+" 0z 0z v' th e nx- + v" A y is ..........-. x+y 0x


(a)sinz 99.


(d) tan z

]f A is suchthat curl A = O then A is called




(d) Scalarfield

100.The median of the numbersLt , L3, I , 1 4 ,L 2 i s. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(b) e

(c) e.s


t \ *t>

,ro *tl'

P4e-x&of 10


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