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1. Type of course: compulsory. 2. Credits: 2 3. Level: independent user (B2), capable to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization, apt to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party and possessing the capacity to produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. 4. Duration: 1 term. 5. Components: lectures; seminars. 6. Motivation: linguistic: English tends to become the first global lingua franca (Italian for Frankish language). neurological and psychological modifications: students studying foreign languages were shown to have improved their IQ; a new identity, a new soul says Charlemagne. intellectual and cultural development: the capacity to use foreign languages allows a direct access to information and stimulates communication, thus molding the minds of the language users; social reasons: by attending the course your educational and career options will be enlarged; prepare for tests: during studies; at the end of studies; masters and PhD degrees; Europass. satisfy travel interests. political: meeting the E.U. requirements following admission. economic: improvement of the quality of the professionals; knowledge of foreign languages increases the number of contracts that would otherwise be lost. military: English as NATO language. 7. Major Objectives: the development of the capacity to learn English, think and communicate using English, so that you could adapt to the intellectual and social requirements you have to meet during your career; the development of transferable intellectual strategies that could be applied to other domains of activity. learn how to learn: prepare for life long learning; become a Good Language Learner (GLL) able to use the following strategies: 1) Making reasoned guesses when not sure. 2) Making an effort to communicate and to learn through communication. 3) Finding strategies for overcoming inhibitions in target language interaction.

4) Practicing the language whenever possible. 5) Monitoring their speech and that of others. 6) Attending to form (i.e., grammar) 7) Paying attention to meaning 8. Modality: principles: language awareness and self awareness; information formation fun; learn for your future not for the next examination; the communicative method: student centered, teacher as facilitator, the creation of learning opportunities; activities: classroom (individual, group and team activities); private study. 9. Materials: A brief description of the textbooks and other materials and aids to be employed during the current academic year includes the following: lecture and seminar materials; textbooks audiocassettes and VP materials. various tests, the minilibrary of the discipline: books, periodicals, textbooks, copied materials, papers presented by students. maps: Great Britain; the USA. 10. Topics: Curs Capitolul Coninut 1.Prezentare generala a C1 cursului de limba engleza 1.1 Elemente de Engleza Generala (E.G.) si cele de Engleza pentu Bioinginerie Medicala (E.B.M.). 1.2 Pregatirea pentru studiul individual: formarea unei biblioteci personale. 2.Caracteristici ale limbii C2 engleze 2.1 Caracteristici de ordin gramatical si lexical ale limbii engleze. 2.2 Sistemul fonologic al Limbii Engleze; dictionare si simboluri fonetice . 3.Introducere in teoria si C3 practica comunicarii 3.1 Definitia comunicarii si clasificarea situatiilor comunicationale. 3.2 Rolul jucat de dimensiunea comunicationala in sistemul de ingrijiri de sanatate. 4.Comunicarea C4 interpersonala 4.1 Comunicarea interpersonala: Definitie, componente, principii si etape. 5.Accesul la piata C5 locurilor de munca 5.1 Documentarea privind oferta de locuri de munca. 5.2 Curriculum vitae, scrisoarea de intentie si recomandarea. 5.3 Interviul de selectie. 6.Cercetarea stiintifica C6 6.1 Participarea la conferinte.

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6.2 Redactarea textelor stiintifice. Total ore Aplicaii (seminar) Capitolul Coninut 1.Prezentare generala a C1 cursului de limba engleza 1.1 Completarea chestionarului de autoevaluare lingvistica. 1.2 Efectuarea testului de plasament. 2.Caracteristici ale limbii C2 engleze 2.1 Analiza chestionarului de autoevaluare lingvistica si a testului de plasament. 2.2 Sunetele limbii engleze si utilizarea alfabetului fonetic international. 2.3 Limba engleza si conditia sa de lingua franca globala. 3.Introducere in teoria si C3 practica comunicarii 3.1 Subiecte controversate in domeniul comunicarii. 4.Comunicarea C4 interpersonala 4.1 Adevar si minciuna in comunicare. 4.2 Sindromul Munchausen. 5.Accesul la piata C5 locurilor de munca 5.1 Curriculum vitae, scrisoarea de intentie si recomandarea: greseli frecvente de redactare. 5.2 Pregatirea interviului de selectie. 6.Cercetarea stiintifica C6 6.1 Pregatirea unei comunicari stiintifice. 6.2 Articolul original si articolul de sinteza. Total ore 11. Assessment: periodical during class activities; final exam. 12. Grading: between 1-10, based on : class work; note book/file; independent work; attendance; final exam. 13. Recommendation: each student ought to work on creating his or her own reference library containing dictionaries ( Romanian English, English Romanian, English English), medical and technical dictionaries (Romanian Romanian, Romanian English, English Romanian, English English), an English grammar book and learning materials for private study (in printed, audio, video and CD-ROM format); also, a PC fitted with a modem would allow Internet access to a multitude of sites dedicated to the study of English. use the facilities in the British Library and spend at least 15 minutes per day using English; 14 Nr. ore 2

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devise and apply a personal activity plan aiming at the improvement of his/her linguistic competence.

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