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Growth Plan

Reviewing the Danielson Domains, these are the areas I feel I will need to work on the most in the coming year. I have included my plans to address each of the following areas.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1c: Balance 1. More differentiated opportunities for higher performing students. 2. Create lessons with less teacher talk and more opportunities for student-tostudent interaction. 3. Create objectives that offer more than just factual knowledge- strive to find the "big idea" and present why objective is being taught and how it relates to the bigger picture. 1e: Learning Activities 1. Create more opportunities for student choice. 2. Shorten mini-lessons (use a timer) such that the majority of the time is spent on student work and practice.

Domain 2: Classroom Environment

2b: Expectations for Learning and Achievement 1. Remember to state the objective for every lesson and link that objective to the "big picture" i.e. how this will be helpful/useful to students in the future. 2. Use J-factor to encourage students to keep trying. Frequently remind students verbally that they are in fact capable of the work they are doing and write more specific feedback on assignments. 2d: Response to Student Misbehavior 1. More quickly address misbehavior before it escalates 2. Explicit directions for everything in the beginning of the year 3. Consistent use of BMC

4. Establish routines and procedures to minimize loss of instructional time

Domain 3: Instruction
3c: Structure and Pacing 1. Consistently set a timer for every activity to stay on track. Have students show on their hands how many more minutes they need to complete work if necessary. 2. Budget enough time for lesson closure and student reflection. 3e: Lesson Adjustment 1. Adjust full and small group instruction to address student misunderstandings/ difficulties in the moment. 2. Keep lessons on track so that all lessons are able to fit in the course of the day. 3. Identify when behavior problems are impeding work time enough that it needs to immediately be shut down (i.e. too noisy during center time = everyone loses the privilege until they can try again the next day.)

Domain 4: Professionalism
4b: Student Completion of Assignments 1. Give adequate time for students independent practice and to complete assignments 2. Use student exemplars to model and encourage high-quality student work. 3. Track the completeness of assignments (share this data with students) 4. Return assignments to students that are not completed with the expectation that it needs to be done. Request incomplete homework to come back the following day completed. 4c: Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program 1. Create assignments that require students to involve family (i.e. writing a letter to a family member/having them write back)

2. Send home more correspondence with what is going on in the classroom and how the family can best support their child's learning (i.e. Newsletter)

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