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merokok bagi perokok aktif berarti membunuh dirinya sendiri dengan pelan-pelan (smoking for current smokers means

killing himself slowly) komposisi rokok adalah zat-zat yang negatif bagi kesehatan tubuh (composition of cigarettes are substances that are negative for health) Nicotine, the content of which causes smokers feel relaxed. Tar, which consists of over 4000 chemicals of which 60 of these chemicals are carcinogenic Cyanide, chemical compound containing the cyano group. Benzene, also known as benzol, is an organic chemical compound is flammable and colorless. Cadmium, a highly toxic metal and radioactive. Methanol (wood alcohol), the simplest alcohol, also known as methyl alcohol. Acetylene, an unsaturated chemical compound which is also the simplest alkyne hydrocarbon. Ammonia, can be found everywhere, but it is highly toxic in combination with certain elements. Formaldehyde, a highly toxic liquid used to preserve dead bodies. Hydrogen cyanide, a poison used as a fumigant to kill ants. This substance is also used as a pesticide substances and plastics maker. Arsenic, the material in rat poison. Carbon monoxide, a toxic chemical found in car exhaust fumes. perokok merasakan nyaman dan bahagia karena efek nikotin yang sebenarnya digunakan untuk membius. (smokers feel comfortable and happy because of the effects of nicotine that is actually used to anesthetize.) apabila merokok dilakukan terus-menerus menyebabkan zat nikotin tersebut terakumulasi dan tertimbun sehingga menyebabkan kecanduan rokok (if smoking was continuing to cause nicotine is accumulated and buried so addictive cigarettes) merokok juga merupakan kebiasaan hidup yang tidak efektif, karena keuntungan yang didapatkan dari merokok hanya sedikit sedangkan kerugiannya besar. (Smoking is also an ineffective habits, because the gains from smoking just a little while large losses.) selain kesehatan terganggu, juga menghabiskan banyak uang untuk hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat (in addition to impaired health, also spent a lot of money for things that are not useful) sebagian besar perokok di dunia itu latar belakang pendidikannya rendah, bukan pekerja berdasi, dan ekonominya menengah ke bawah (most smokers in the world that a low educational background, not tie workers and lower middle economic) maka dari latar belakang itu, merokok perlu dilarang apabila negara ingin menaikkan tingat kesehatan yang lebih baik serta memperbaiki tingkat ekonomi rakyat (then from that background, smoking shall be prohibited if the state wants to raise their level of better health and improve the economic level of the people) bagi perokok pasif, merokok adalah bentuk melanggar hak asasi manusia untuk bebas mendapatkan udara bersih (for passive smokers, smoking is a form of violation of human rights to freely get clean air) orang lain yang tidak merokok pasti merasa terganggu dengan asap rokok (other people who do not smoke certainly get annoyed by cigarette smoke)

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