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me11CJ .

_wlleu lle go; la 1

Ge.llery ia full ot illustrations 1
o bis """'iliitlietio , full of worka of a master (we do
not deny it), but of a ll.la8Uir wbo hu been
atblmpting begitwiuga, and who haa not por- '
Huaded us tbat hia commenoeweut8 are to
finisheci wo:ko. Oue might u well .ear t.hat the
jotteci, blurred., bloited liuea whiah S.helle;r
scrswled m the pine folellt of RavelUla were
iin.iahed poem11lte the,. Wi&cb of.Atlaa," aa use
the " tlnished
in appli010tion &o Mr.
W , brilliant notes aud scri.bbles. Thev
IU'6 emineuUy clevbl' and afrootive jottinga,' put
they are tbe kit.!d of thillga wbicl& arti8&8 do
not U.!lllally 6%hibit. and whicb the
publio willlook oa aa .. Jas
paintings or dnwiDga. Howevu, !!'! ";;!:t!ft
to be aud expreaaea f
thua in a. plea.sant moreol of prose. whioh be
write"s aa wellns a" literary ma.n " -
'l'he l!lUtolpiece ehollld appea.r o.; \he fiower to th1l
painto:-perteet. in ita bu.d a.s lD 1ta bloom, wilh uorea-
sou to !!Jtl'l&io ita ID3&Oil to flUil- joy
to the arnet, a delusiou to the pbtlauthropiet,
t.he bot..uiat, tD &eeiolut of Ud '
to lile lit.ll.vy maD.
Thele ia perhape_no uon to explam the
of " uotee " in Bond-:
Btreet, ucept that flf are tes.t for the
atti.stlJ' briof aerwoD 011 est.betica. O lber-
wiae they 111.-.e so fu lll&8torpieeee t.hat they
have emphatiaally no misaio11 to faltil. We
shall uow pl'<Xleed to beatow our eentiment aud
al.litenAtiona on a few' typical blOSIIOms, :ilowera
of what some peopl.a will think Goethe would
have called " th$ typi<:al pl\nL." (o)" Grey and
Silver il a beautii ttla watar-c:oJour
drawing (Mr. .
kindly and not
superfl.u.ous\y na.mcs tha medium in wbich he
works) 11bedy pale
clouds, iD a skf. (9) Pio-
cadilly. ?lh. calll tbia a
m FllY gol!L" 0ne faintly
makea out tbe 011 tbe top of a.n
omli.ibllS, and very yellow light eLr&amiD(l from
windows. The honaa are " iw.donrtood. ' \\V
Chelse yellow and grey'' ia one of
rapid, BUggestive Btudiea of
ow-browed hoU!Iel. shope. and the pie-
turesqua of yellowa, dirly brioks,
and dropping " .PatU DjeOnijr"
mdicatee a lady who hu brealdasted in . bed,
and ia rcading a novel. A tine irow&ioeBII ia
delicately CODVeyed to of thespeutator.
" l 'ha Little Gro<:ery" { 8} appeare . tb bint iD
the foreground a small bl.Ok fi without

At gallery in Xe Boad-street M-n.
Dowdeswell aml Dowlieswcll havo now an eshibi
t iou which <'llll hnl'\lly rnil tu provo genemlly attt*l:-
tivo, suitom as it is t m:m,v talll 'l'ho
and tb., injuJicious will IJ l cou:oual onter-
Hcru ,. malt"r foc :tll fcclin:;"-much
t o luv" :.nli a.lmirc. anl mt :r. little tu and
l:m:;h at. i3 t ' &u sol .. exhihitur. Bis,
:u._l only. aru thu wurks un l 'cw - h uuctuma.."
notes. " brrn' IU'D', ' l'ariations, '' J:w
mvnic.," :.ntl tbu oi it. Thct'U uo allo
ncl of lho UlUKt ....,
amuug 1 '.a->m na '" lnt
yenr s show, n. mr.nacnant. wh051l (nc.., and
: clothca nre in esact. :oc..:.,ru with tho whitCP, the
aml lh., 11 ah-tinls um tbu wnlla and
iuruiture. Wo lill uu ) l r. tho juatice to
:Wmit o( all bi" exhibit;- t hi.s yuun:; "' "" is t he
true tu aaturc. \\ bether tho cclobrntcd
critic who on .;u accu.octl a artiat, who ah:Ul
be oamel""" thou;h 11;,. uame be, o( .. shyia'-'
a pot of pa 'aat ' at hiA camas, will Ji..:ocr ju.oti h
cation for a similar churo i11 tho prcs.,nt c>llcctiol\
rem ... ius t o bo accn. Uur conccru 8 ,. itl1 lllr .
'1 Whi:it'.er, who. still "'' evcr, huvorl! bo
twwu tho Anblimo allll tho rioliculuua, wu h
on tbe a r:other l(rnvit:t
.,, n tu tho btter t tbe former . Ccrt.1in ,,
11 .h works ar.. ery bt-autiful ; Cl'rl:lin a ru loO
1 laugh.ahly the TC\'01'3e tha' it is :ocarccly posaihlo lll
rn:utaiu onu'a;l'l\vity in tho ooutewpbtion of thcm.
&>me of tho "hunnunica aro autliciently bar
1 monioua ; othcrs louk aa thou:h thcy ha(\ becn
1 cumpo$eu .. whon lllusic, he:\\euly mail, ,....,..
1 young,'' :mu ere yet sbo h:11l tintu t mnstor hcrarL
. What 1'\IVUkl'l wou.Ier is that a raintcr ol
.i\fr. mus unucniable au.I ln!lh :.mbi
tion shoulu licom it conducivo to hia fama t.u <lisplay
iu Jlnblic thins, which,. ao far from bcJ&I( 'picturcs"
properly 110 called, are m mauy caaes no bctter th" n
' pictorial memornnda-mere sugr;eson1 from which
to thiuk out aud work ou' futuro ricturcs. .\ml
thi!J, thougl1 in hia curious littlo prcf:wu
' whicb he calls " L'Envoie" he ecen1.' to U .'!Nt.
t l1at t hat whicb ,. "incompletr." ia afso, "uutit fvr
view," which it ccrt:&inly is. El se whero woui.I htt
1 the use of cmnploling anything iu :ut 1 Says J\f r.
1 " tho m;ut.,r-piece ahuuhl uppenr aa tite
llower to tbo pniutcr, in its bu,\ aa n l3
bloom, with IU) to explain its un
mi'<Sinn to fultil. " jny to th.o :arti.t, a liclusion tu
t !to philanthropit, :a puzzle to the botaniat, All
dent of aentimcnt aud a!Jiter:&tion tu th.e htcrary
1 m:m. Frnu& thit, whkh t.u tho uuiniliated is justa.
lihle bazy iu oxprussion, may loast be hnz.uded
tho inference tbut tbe \\'Tter ia a prunlcr of tloa
" totus t erca attnu rot undus" type, goes in

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