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Deleuze and the Ethics oI 0inema:
0hris Marker`s La Jete I12J and
Alain Resnais`s Hiroshima mon amour I15J
/.OO PM Tuesdoy 15 November 2O11
Topologicol Medio Lob, 0oncordio Universily
1515 Sl. 0olherine Wesl, F\7.725
Sponsored by lhe 0onodo Reseorch 0hoir,
crilicol sludies of medio orls ond sciences
ls il lurns lo Morker ond Resnois`s cinemos lo consider how lhe cinemo
con sholler common nolions of sub|eclivily, lime ond memory, lhis
poper conlemploles o lype of seeing lhol is, os Doniel Smilh suggesls,
dislincl from lhe oplicol. Such o mulli-sensory seeing wilnesses o
shifl from lhe profoundly personol lo impersonol, o movemenl
embodied mosl poignonlly by o mon morked by lhe imoge of o womon`s
foce ond his own deolh. This lolk will lhereby louch upon lhol which
defies common reoson, sense ond consciousness. lhose virluol
processes of love ond self-less individuolion lhol vibrole lhrough lhe
explorolions, movemenls ond encounlers belween bodies, surfoces ond
skins. From here we con begin lo queslion lhe fundomenlolly elhicol
dimension of lhe flms in relolion lo lheir produclions of offecl ond lhe
ocluol evenls lhey presenl vio on opocolyplic posl-World Wor Three
world ond lhe oflermolh of lhe Hiroshimo bombing. llongside lhese
ocluol evenls of wor ond deslruclion ore lhe flms` revelolions of cerloin
virluol processes ond domoins of memory lhol defy slroighlforword
represenlolion. This lwofold expression of lhe films lhol focuses on
bolh ocluol ond virluol evenls direclly corresponds, conlend, wilh
Deleuze`s key elhicol ond polilicol queslions wilh respecl lo lhe cinemo.
How con we negoliole hislory, memory ond deolh lhrough possibililies
for difference, lhoughl ond life? How con lhe cinemo funclion os o
meons of elhicol resislonce ond lhoughl?
0lher imoges oppeor, merge, in lhol museum, which is perhops lhol of
his memory. lLo JeleeI
Dr Nodine Bol|kovoc lPhD 0ombridge, 2O1OI is oulhor of Unlimely
lffecls. 0illes Deleuze ond The Flhics of 0inemo lPloleous. New
Direclions in Deleuze Sludies, Book Series Fdilors. Professors on
Buchonon ond 0loire 0olebrook, Fdinburgh Universily Press,
forlhcoming 2O12I ond co-edilor wilh Dr 0horlie Bloke of Deleuze
ond lffecl. Dr Bol|kovoc hos olso conlribuled lo Deleuze Sludies
lSchizoonolysis ond \isuol 0ullure, Fdinburgh Universily Press,
July 2O11I, 0pen Leller. l 0onodion Journol of Wriling ond Theory
lRemembering Borboro 0odord, Fourleenlh Series, Number ,
Summer 2O11I, lnomnesio. Privole ond Public Memory in Modern
French 0ullure lPeler Long, November 2OOI, ond 0illes Deleuze.
moge ond Texl l0onlinuum, 2OOI.
Prior lo o 2O1O Posldoclorol Fellowship ol lhe nslilule for ldvonced
Sludies in lhe Humonilies, Universily of Fdinburgh, Dr Bol|kovoc
leclured ol lhe Universily of lberdeen l2OO-2O1OI ond is currenlly
offlioled wilh lhe \isible 0ily Pro|ecl - lrchive under lhe direclion of
Dr Jonine Morchessoull, York Universily 0onodo. Her new book
pro|ecl, Beyond Self ond Screen. lffeclive Fncounlers lhrough Film
ond Philosophy, expressly inlerrogoles lhe concepl of self ond
sub|eclivily os consliluled in flmic proclice ond conlinenlol

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