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Scouting for Boys Well, folks ... another iconic American institution bites the dust.

Another episode of the few controlling the many. No matter which side of the argument one is on, heres an irrefutable fact: The Boy Scouts of America has lifted its ban on openly gay scouts (see link to article below), and that means the Boy Scouts of America is finished. Done. Kaput. Over and out. Most Troops benefit from the generosity of traditional Christian groups for financial support as well as places to meet to hold Scout activities. Those support groups are now alienated, and the BSA will lose so much support, so fast, it will be rendered a has-been organization in the very near future. And, of course, the BSA is saying that the ban on gay adult scout leaders still stands, but cmon ... who are we kidding here ... thats not going to hold for too long. Having pushed their way into destroying an American institution, homosexual-rights groups have already said the proposed policy change doesnt go far enough, because a gay scout must quit the organization when he turns 18. And, lets face it, you just know theyll be militant LGBT watch dog groups standing by ready to sue at the slightest verbal offense taken by a gay scout. Boys wont be able to be boys anymore. I'm sick and tired of the gay rights movement trying to force their values on the American people and organizations, and of the continued progressive march forward to tear down anything that smacks of traditional morals and demonize those who disagree with their lifestyle. Im sick and tired of how the LGBT community demands that they be accepted by millions of Americans who dont agree with them, and who in large numbers are repulsed by them. Theyre never, EVER going to change or regulate the acceptance of their lifestyle by those who vehemently oppose it and who have the right to raise THEIR children with THEIR morals and values and religious beliefs, and NOT have anyone elses fostered upon THEIR kids. Refusing to push homosexuality into our childrens lives isn't discrimination. Telling someone with whom I don't agree NOT to push an agenda on MY kids, is not discrimination. People need to get a dictionary and look up the definition of that word. The REAL people being discriminated against are Christians (and I am not Christian) who only want to remain true to their faith without celebrating something with which they do not agree. You do not need to CELEBRATE homosexuality in order to TOLERATE homosexuality. There is a clear and distinct line between the two ... and a private organization being badgered and pummeled by activists in order to force them to change their PRIVATE organization to meet the needs of a statistical anomaly is true discrimination! Refusing to welcome homosexuality into the conversations we have with our children is NOT intolerance. It's standing on principle. It IS, however, mighty intolerant of the LGBT and progressive communities not to accept the fact that the Boy Scouts did not allow or want homosexuals in the organization. Message to the LGBT community: We heterosexuals promise not to force our heterosexuality on you, and you had better NOT continue to force your homosexuality on us.

A man who has sex with a man is a homosexual. A man who has sex with a boywhich is called cherry pickingis a pedophile. Imagine how a cherry picking homosexual sees the boy scouts? A target rich environment? You betcha! The only thing a lot of gay men would be doing in the Boy Scouts would be scouting for boys. Cant you just see the NAMBLA vultures overhead slowly circling the camp sites waiting to see how this plays out? Hey, I have a great idea: Since theres no law that bans homosexuals from starting their OWN nationwide scouting organization, let them unite, fund and form one. Lord knows theres enough liberal elitist money in Hollywood and the arts to do so. Families would then have a choice as to which organization they want their child to be in, and THEN lets see how big it gets. And, hey ... they can call the organization the Gay Rainbow Scouts, coordinate with NAMBLA for man-boylove camp fire jamborees and pass out progressive sodomy badges.

___________________ by Lori Wallach Boxer March 23, 2013 Facebook - Twitter

Read: Boy Scout leaders remove ban on 'gays'

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